Chapter 3 - The Physical World (Part 4)
Chapter 3 - The Physical World (Part 4)
Chapter 3 - The Physical World (Part 4)
When the air mass gets to the other side of the It cannot be overstated how significant the
mountains and begins to descend, it begins to hydrologic cycle is. Water is essential to the
warm up again, which causes an increase in the functioning of natural ecosystems because it
amount of moisture that it is able to contain. helps creatures meet their metabolic
Because of this, the side of the mountains that requirements, it keeps temperatures down, and
is under the rain shadow receives much less it acts as a universal solvent that enables water-
precipitation. soluble nutrients to be taken by organisms. In
addition, humans need water for agricultural
purposes, industrial purposes, and recreational
Because of this, coastal Vancouver receives far purposes. Regrettably, in many areas both the
more precipitation (approximately 110 water and its biological resources (such as fish)
centimeters per year) than Penticton, which is have been used to an unhealthy degree, and as
located in the interior of the Okanagan Valley a result, the water's quality has deteriorated as
(28 centimeters per year). However, local a result of pollution. This book addresses, in a
orographic effects are also significant in the variety of different chapters, the many ways in
Greater Vancouver area. While annual which water and its supplies might be harmed,
precipitation averages only about 50 as well as the various methods in which these
centimeters in the southern suburbs of Delta, it impacts can be mitigated.
can reach as high as 250 centimeters in North
Vancouver and other locations that are located
closer to the mountains.