- Food webs depict the feeding interactions between all individual food chains in an ecosystem. Energy and matter transfer between trophic levels in a pyramid-like structure, with production highest at lower trophic levels and declining at each subsequent level.
- Around 90% of energy is lost at each trophic transfer due to the inefficiency of energy conversion and the second law of thermodynamics. As a result, the biomass supported at higher trophic levels is only around 10% of the lower level.
- While biomass pyramids typically follow this trophic structure, some ecosystems may have inverted biomass pyramids where herbivore biomass exceeds plant biomass, such as grasslands dominated by large herb
- Food webs depict the feeding interactions between all individual food chains in an ecosystem. Energy and matter transfer between trophic levels in a pyramid-like structure, with production highest at lower trophic levels and declining at each subsequent level.
- Around 90% of energy is lost at each trophic transfer due to the inefficiency of energy conversion and the second law of thermodynamics. As a result, the biomass supported at higher trophic levels is only around 10% of the lower level.
- While biomass pyramids typically follow this trophic structure, some ecosystems may have inverted biomass pyramids where herbivore biomass exceeds plant biomass, such as grasslands dominated by large herb
- Food webs depict the feeding interactions between all individual food chains in an ecosystem. Energy and matter transfer between trophic levels in a pyramid-like structure, with production highest at lower trophic levels and declining at each subsequent level.
- Around 90% of energy is lost at each trophic transfer due to the inefficiency of energy conversion and the second law of thermodynamics. As a result, the biomass supported at higher trophic levels is only around 10% of the lower level.
- While biomass pyramids typically follow this trophic structure, some ecosystems may have inverted biomass pyramids where herbivore biomass exceeds plant biomass, such as grasslands dominated by large herb
- Food webs depict the feeding interactions between all individual food chains in an ecosystem. Energy and matter transfer between trophic levels in a pyramid-like structure, with production highest at lower trophic levels and declining at each subsequent level.
- Around 90% of energy is lost at each trophic transfer due to the inefficiency of energy conversion and the second law of thermodynamics. As a result, the biomass supported at higher trophic levels is only around 10% of the lower level.
- While biomass pyramids typically follow this trophic structure, some ecosystems may have inverted biomass pyramids where herbivore biomass exceeds plant biomass, such as grasslands dominated by large herb
CHAPTER 4 – THE ENERGY AND ECOSYSTEMS any level of the food web may sink to the
(PART 4) bottom, where it will join a detrital food web,
be consumed by smaller animals, and eventually be destroyed by bacteria and fungus. Ecological food chain
A linear representation of the ways in which
Major Components of the Food Web in Lake different species get their food is called an Erie. Food webs are intricate systems that ecological food chain. In the north of Canada, consist of many different species and a myriad lichens and sedges serve as an example of a of food chains. straightforward food chain. They are consumed by caribou, which are then consumed by wolves. A food web is a more sophisticated Due part of the potential energy must be model of feeding interactions than an individual transformed into heat, the movement of energy food chain since it depicts the links between all across food webs is always inefficient, as of the individual food chains that are present in required by the second law of thermodynamics. an ecosystem. Wolves, for example, are an This is because of the need to convert some of example of opportunistic predators because in the fixed energy into heat. When a herbivore addition to their typical food of deer, moose, eats plant biomass, for instance, only a portion and caribou, they have been known to consume of the plant's total energy content may be snowshoe hare, voles, lemming, beaver, birds, digested and converted into the herbivore's and other types of prey. As a result, wolves play own biomass. The remainder is either expelled an important role in a number of different food in the form of feces or used for breathing chains within their habitat. Wolves, on the (Figure 4.4). As a consequence of this, the other hand, do not have any natural predators quantity of production by autotrophs is always that eat on them; as a result, they are far higher than that of herbivores, which is considered to be top carnivores or top always significantly higher than that of their predators. predators. This pattern holds true throughout all ecosystems. It is safe to say that the amount of energy that is lost throughout each step of Lake Erie is one of the Great Lakes, and Figure the transfer process averages out to be about 4.3 presents an illustration of the food web that 90 percent. To put it another way, the exists inside this lake. Aquatic vegetation are productivity of herbivores is only around 10% of able to thrive in the shallower water conditions that of the plant food they consume, while the of this huge lake, whereas phytoplankton may production of the first level of carnivores is only be found throughout the lake's upper water about 10% of that of the herbivores that they column. The phytoplankton are devoured by consume as food. small crustaceans known as zooplankton and bottom-dwelling filter-feeders such as clams. Ducks, muskrats, and other herbivores also eat How energy is transferred the shallow-water plants. Small fish like smelt, which consume zooplankton, are then devoured The model of how energy is transferred within by bigger fish, which are ultimately consumed an ecosystem. The production at the lower by either cormorants, bald eagles, or humans. levels of a food web is almost usually higher There is a possibility that dead biomass from than that at the upper levels. Because of this, For instance, phytoplankton are the primary the trophic structure may be described as being producers in the open ocean; nonetheless, they nearly pyramidal. The second rule of often maintain a biomass that is comparable to thermodynamics states that part of the energy that of the minuscule zooplankton that feed contained in food webs is transformed into heat upon them. The lifespan of phytoplankton cells or exhaled as carbon dioxide and water vapor is not very long, and their biomass undergoes (R). At each step of the transfer process, there is rapid turnover as a result of the high rates of a about 90% loss of energy. both productivity and death experienced by these cells. The individual zooplankton creatures, on the other hand, have a These productivity connections may be considerably longer lifespan but are far less represented visually as a so-called ecological productive than the phytoplankton. In light of pyramid, which is used to illustrate the trophic this, the productivity of the phytoplankton is far structure of an ecosystem. [Citation needed] higher than that of the zooplankton, despite the [Citation needed] Plant production is always fact that at any one moment, these two trophic found at the base of ecological pyramids, levels may have a biomass that is comparable to followed by that of herbivores, and then finally one another. that of carnivores, who are always found on top of herbivores. If the ecology can support top carnivores, then such animals will be found at Some ecosystems may even have a biomass the very top of the food pyramid. The sizes of pyramid that is inverted, meaning that the the trophic boxes in Figure 4.4 indicate that the biomass of herbivores is greater than that of structure of ecosystem production is in the plants in that particular environment. This is form of a pyramid. something that may happen in grasslands, which are characterized by a predominance of herbaceous plant species that are often rather In the context of ecological production, which is tiny yet have the potential to produce a lot of a function that is directly connected to energy biomass despite their size. In contrast, some of flow, the second law of thermodynamics is the herbivores that graze on the plants are applicable. The accumulated biomass of an enormous, long-lived animals. Because of this, ecosystem is not, however, directly explained their overall biomass may be maintained at a by the second rule of thermodynamics. As a higher level than the biomass of the vegetation. consequence of this, the only trophic structure An inverted biomass pyramid may be seen in that is always structured like a pyramid is the certain temperate and tropical grasslands, one that governs production. Other factors, like particularly during the dry season when there as the quantities of biomass (standing crop) may be huge populations (and biomass) of long- present at particular periods or the numbers or lived herbivores such as antelope, bison, deer, densities of populations, may have a trophic elephant, gazelle, hippopotamus, or rhino. The structure that is formed like a pyramid in some yearly (or long-term) production of the plants in ecosystems. However, the distribution of these these grasslands is, however, always individual variables does not follow a pyramid in substantially higher than that of the herbivores. every environment. This is because the second law of thermodynamics states that this is the case. Furthermore, contrary to popular belief, the capable of supporting a single natural species of population densities of animals are not always apex predator: the wolf. Even though it covers a lower than those of the plants that they large area, the tundra has a low rate of consume. As an example, insects are the most biological productivity in comparison to other significant herbivores in many woods, and they biomes. often keep big populations alive. In comparison, the number of trees is much lower due to the fact that each individual plant is substantial and Top predators takes up a considerable amount of area. The number of herbivores found in forests is often Some human groups that existed before the far higher than the number of trees and other industrial revolution served as top predators. plant species, creating an inverted pyramid of This includes a number of the indigenous numbers. However, much as in every other kind peoples that originally inhabited Canada, such of ecosystem, the base of the production as the Inuit people who live in the Arctic and pyramid of a forest is far broader than its apex. the many First Nations cultures that are found in the boreal forest. These civilizations were unable to sustain enormous populations as a direct result of their higher-order feeding There are energetic limitations to the number technique within their food web, which had an of apex carnivores (such as eagles, killer whales, adverse effect on the environment. In most sharks, and wolves) that may be maintained by contemporary economies, however, people an ecosystem. These limits are due to the engage with ecosystems in an omnivorous inefficiency of the energy transfer that occurs fashion. This means that we gather a very broad across trophic levels. It is necessary for there to variety of meals and other biomass products be an appropriately huge output of prey that derived from bacteria, fungus, algae, plants, and top predators are able to exploit if there is to be animals that are both invertebrate and a sustainable population of top predators. This vertebrate. It is possible to maintain a huge prey, in turn, requires a suitably high plant human population with this method of feeding, productivity in order to be maintained. Because which is one of the repercussions of using this of these limitations imposed by the method. environment, apex predators can only exist in ecosystems that are either exceedingly productive or very vast. The savannahs and grasslands of Africa are home to a greater Vegetarianism and the Conservation of Energy variety of higher-order carnivore species than The majority of individuals have an omnivorous any other terrestrial environment on the planet. diet, which means they consume a broad range The cheetah, the hyena, the leopard, the lion, of foods that originate from both plants and and the wild dog are the most well-known animals. Vegetarians, on the other hand, do not examples of these apex predators. This very consume any items that include meat or are high diversity of top predators can be manufactured in any way that involves the maintained because the ecosystems that exist death of birds, fish, mammals, or other in Africa are so vast and produce so much creatures. There is a subset of vegetarians vegetation, with the exception of the years known as vegans who do not consume any when there is a drought. On the other hand, the foods that come from animals at all. This frozen tundra of northern Canada is only includes dairy products, eggs, honey, and even honey from bees. People may decide to adopt a available. This makes it less relevant to livestock vegetarian lifestyle for a variety of reasons, that spend all or part of their life grazing on wild including those that center on the ethics of the rangeland. rearing and slaughter of animals and those that focus on the health benefits of a balanced diet that does not include animal products. Both of In a similar manner, many chickens, pigs, and these categories of reasons may play a role in other types of livestock are fed food wastes (for why some individuals make the decision to instance, from restaurants) and processing by- adopt a vegetarian lifestyle. Additionally, there products (such as vegetable and fruit culls and are significant positive effects that peelings, and grain mash from breweries) that vegetarianism has on the natural world. They are not fit for human consumption. These are a result of decreasing the conversion of include foods such as vegetable and fruit culls natural habitat into agroecosystems that are and peelings. It is estimated that over 25% of utilized for the raising of animals and avoiding the world's farmland is utilized to cultivate grain specific toxins that are found in the air, water, and other feeds for livestock, and that and soil. In addition, it takes a lot less effort and agricultural animals consume approximately resources to provide food for a population of 37% of the world's total cereal output. On the vegetarian people than it does for a population other hand, over 70% of the world's grain of omnivorous humans. supply is used for animal feed in North America. Also, there are an enormous number of domesticated animals: there are more than 3 Animals that are kept in captivity need a billion cows, goats, and sheep in the world, and significant amount of food. Animals are often at least 20 billion chickens. Cows alone fed a diet consisting mostly of plant items, such consume enough food to satisfy the calorie as grains that have been farmed, under the requirements of between 8 and 9 billion conditions of the industrial agriculture that is humans. prevalent in industrialized nations like Canada. The overall quantity of grains and agricultural area required to maintain the human Animal's assimilation efficiency population would be much lower if humans were given that grain directly instead of feeding The proportion of an animal's ingested food's it to animals, according to the arguments of total energy content that is absorbed by the some vegetarians. This argument is based on digestive tract and made available to meet the the inefficiency of energy transmission across requirements of the animal's metabolism is trophic levels, which is something that we referred to as an animal's assimilation looked at in this chapter in the context of an efficiency. This efficiency varies amongst ecological discussion. This argument for energy different groups of animals and is also efficiency is particularly strong when applied to contingent on the kind of food that is being animals that are fed grain and other consumed. Assimilation efficiency for concentrated meals. In this ecological context, herbivorous mammals normally ranges from ruminant animals such as cows and sheep are 20–50%, with the lower rate being for tough, eating plant biomass that humans could not fibrous, low-quality meals like grass and straw, directly consume, and as a result, they are and the higher one being for better-quality producing food that would not otherwise be foods like grain. As a result of the high proportion of protein and fat in the carnivores' diet, these animals have an absorption convert carbon dioxide and water into more efficiency of around 80 percent. In a feedlot, the straightforward organic compounds with the production of one kilogram of beef requires assistance of sunlight. Ecological food webs are around sixteen kilograms of feed. Pork is sold at kept alive by the fixed energy that plant a ratio of 6:1, chicken at a ratio of 3:1, and biomass provides. Herbivorous animals are able farmed fish at a ratio of 2:1 to 3:1. These are to gather the nutrients and energy they need to the ratios for other animals. If humans directly maintain their own development by feeding on ate the grain that their cattle ingested, then plants. Carnivores are able to consume these inefficiencies in the assimilation process herbivores if they get hungry enough. A feeding might be eliminated. network for decomposers is supported by dead biomass. The hydrologic and climate control systems are two examples of key planetary The efficiency of a vegetarian diet in terms of processes that are driven by the sun's rays. The energy use is determined by a number of strength of the greenhouse effect on the world factors in addition to ecological energetics. may be influenced by human activities, which Huge amounts of energy are also used in the can have a significant impact that is detrimental process of transforming natural ecosystems into to food webs and even the climate system of farmland, cultivating and managing the Earth. agroecosystems, transporting commodities, processing and packaging foods, and transporting, treating, or disposing of waste materials. All of these activities require a significant amount of energy. These energy costs would also be significantly lowered if a greater number of individuals adopted a vegetarian diet and way of life. Vegetarians, by definition, leave a smaller "ecological footprint" than meat-eaters do due to the nature of their diet.
The principles of thermodynamics must be
followed throughout any transition from one form of energy to another, even if several forms of energy may coexist. If organisms and ecosystems were deprived of continual access to sources of energy from the outside world, they would deteriorate on their own. In the end, sunlight is the primary source of energy that is necessary for the maintenance of practically all forms of life and ecosystems. Through a metabolic process known as photosynthesis, photoautotrophic organisms