News Bulletin

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News Bulletin:

A number of news items put together makes a news bulletin.

Bulletin is not just sum total of number of stories. Bulletin is a collective form in which the
separate news items are brought into a coherent order and some relationship.
Bulletins are generally put out in a series or cycles like in All India Radio has Morning, afternoon
and Evening Bulletins of 15 Min duration. (English)- 8:15am, 2:00 pm and 9:00pm and (Hindi)-
8:00am, 2:15 pm and 8:45pm. AIR also broadcasts hourly bulletins round the clock. The
duration of hourly bulletins is 05 Min each.

Structure of Radio Bulletin:

A radio Bulletin is essentially divided into four parts

1) Headlines: Also referred to as the main points.

2) The Body of the Bulletin: Which consists of different news items
3) The Break: which occurs midway roughly after the first half or bunch of the news items
or the first 5 minutes of a 10min bulletin. This enables the newsreader to identify the
broadcasting station which is a requirement since several stations are on air on
frequencies close to one another. For example, “This is All India Radio giving you the
news”. It also makes it possible for the news reader to take a deep breath.
4) The headlines being repeated at the end of the bulletin: after which comes the closing
announcement for example, “That is the end of the new.” Or “That is the end of this
The announcer of the station steps in and tells you, “You have been listening to a bulletin
relayed from Delhi. This is Jalandhar Station of AIR.”

The repeating of headlines towards the end of the bulletin is intended to help the listener who
may tune in while the broadcast is already on air and may thus miss the headlines at the start.
It also helps to recapitulate and sum up important stories and also indicate that the bulletin is
nearing end

The Break at mid-way is a good device to divide the stories into two recognizable sections like
International/ foreign stories and Home stories. However, there is no hard and fast rule. The
arrangement of items in a bulletin require considerable skills and editorial ability. The stories
have to be integrated to the extend this is possible. For Example, all the stories about a major
national or international development have to be taken together. They have to be brought into
a compact form and repetition is avoided. This is to be done in such a way that after the main
news in the story, the repercussions, comments and reactions along with any off shoot or
sequel, are arranged in logical and interesting manner.

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