Volo's Guide To Monsters - 1
Volo's Guide To Monsters - 1
Volo's Guide To Monsters - 1
Preface .......................................................... 4 Ch. 2: Character Races......................... 103 App. A: Assorted Beasts ......................207
Ch. 1: Monster Lore ................................... 5 Aasimar...................................................... 10 4 App. B: Nonplayer Characters ...........209
Beholders: Bad Dreams Come True ....... 5 Firbolg........................................................ 105 App. C Monster Lists ............·-············ 221
Giants: W orId Sh akers ............................. 18 Goliath........................................................ 108
Gnolls: The Insatiable Hunger ............... 33 Kenku ......................................................... 109 Maps or Monster Lairs
Goblinoids: The Conquering Host. ....... .40 Lizardfolk .................................................. 111 Beholder Lair.............................................. 14
Hags: Dark Sisterhood ............................. 52 Tabaxi ...-................................................... 113 Goblinoid War Camp ................,y,.,•••....... 51
Kobolds: Little Dragons ........................... 63 Triton .......................................................... 115 HagLairs ..................................................... 60
Mind Flayers: Scourge of Worlds .......... 71 Monstrous Adventurers ......................... 118 Kobold Lair ................................................. 69
. .
Ores: The Godsworn ................................ 82 Height and Weight ...................................120 Mind Flayer Colony........·-···················-·· 79
Yuan-ti: Snake People .............................. 92 Ch 3• Bestiary........................................ . 121 Ore Stronghold .............-........................... 91
Yuan-ti Temple ......................................... 101
monstrous or otherwise, sharei1° C:,, HERE IT COMES, GET IN FIRST.' HEAD OFF Tt-lY LEGITIMATE
If you find this tome of use, please tell your CRITICS,
friends, busineaa partners, and acquaintances met
in pasain& in the street. Then perhaps I'll have the
chence to pen an even more useful Auide, in future.u
And whatever befalls you or me in our unfoldin& 8. Ye MAV, THOUGH YE'RE OBVIOUSLY UNAWARE, YOUNG VOLO, HOW
lives, I remain your humble scribe and obedient OFTEN AND FOR HOW LONG I HAVE BEEN TELLING DRAGONS,
sefvant. and am now (and if the Aods &rant, forever MINO FLAYERS, ANO EVEN GOBLINS HOW TRULY VILE
in ~aatin& fame),
OLO HAS ENCOUNTERED MANY MONSTERS You might be wondering why certain monsters were
in his day, few as odious or as ornery as chosen above others. Where are dragons and githyanki?
the ones described herein. This chapter What, no fiends or undead? We hope to tackle other
takes several iconic D&D monsters and monsters in other products over time. Until then, mind
provides additional information about the kobolds hiding under the stairs, and beware of hags
their orjgins, their dispositions and bearing strange gifts.
behaviors, and their lairs-above and
beyond what is written in the Monster Manual. To give BEHOLDERS: BAD DREAMS
every monster such grand treatment would require too
many pages to count, so we winnowed down the list to COME TRUE
nine groups of creatures that have a lot going for them To those who would seek to conquer beholders or
and tend to get used often in D&D campaigns: merely understand them, nearly everything about their
Beholders Goblinoids Mind flayers quarry is unfathomable. These bizarre creatures are
Giants Hags Ores possessed of alien intelligence, inhuman forms of per-
Gnolls Kobolds Yuan-ti ception, and the ability to shape reality through force
of will-or even by their mere presence. Inside the
If you plunder this chapter for ideas and maps the
comfortable confines of its subterranean lair, a beholder
next time you create an adventure or a villain, then this
is nearly unassailable thanks to the combination of its
material has served its purpose. We hope that, as you
peerless intellect and the brutal effects of its eye rays.
explore each monster section, you'll come up with new
Some of the behaviors and motivations that beholders
ways to challenge and entertain your players, as well as
exhibit are analogous to those of humans and other in-
find new things that you can borrow for your own D&D
telligent creatures. The difference is one of degree. For
campaign. Let each entry spark your imagination!
instance, where a prideful, confident human might be
cowed by a serious threat, the arrogance of a beholder A beholder believes it is superior to all other entities.
knows no such bounds: it believes that it is superior to Unintelligent foes are regarded as food or pets. An in-
every other creature, even including other beholders. A telligent creature is seen as food or a potential minion.
human chess player becomes a master by honing the A beholder's true rivals are other beholders, for only
ability to look several moves ahead during a game- another beholder has the intellect, power, and magic to
which is still no match for what a beholder can accom- threaten another of its kind.
plish with its superior intelligence and awareness. Most of a beholder's mental activity is devoted to
The mind of a beholder is powerful and versatile unearthing plots against itself (real or imaginary), plan-
enough that it can envision literally any possibility, and ning attacks against known rivals, and preparing its
it prepares accordingly, making it virtually impossible defenses against all possible threats. It considers itself
for any invaders to catch it unawares. This way of think- the center of the world, in a narcissistic way; of course
ing could be interpreted as a form of paranoia- and the clan of duergar moving into its territory is because a
if so, it would be the most extreme form imaginable. rival is trying to oust it, of course the gang of adventur-
While a human tyrant might be rightfully paranoid ers in its lair were sent to kill it by a cowardly rival, and
about unperceived threats, a beholder is paranoid even so on, because it is the perfect example of beholderness
though it perceives everything, because that attitude is and all other creatures are jealous.
the natural companion to eternal vigilance. A beholder's arrogance is a prominent aspect of its
Beholders are among the few creatures that can shape personality. Although it isn't inclined to brag of its su-
reality in their vicinity. In addition, beholders don't periority, especially in combat, it is dismissive of its
truly sleep when they rest. Instead, a beholder's mind opponents' efforts and insulting of their abilities and
remains semiconscious even as it dreams. As a result, failures. An exceptional challenger can earn a measure
on rare occasions when a beholder dreams of another of respect- enough that the beholder might be merciful
beholder, the dream-reality becomes warped and takes and pacify the creature with a charm ray or a sleep ray
on physical form, becoming another actual beholder. instead of killing it outright. Of course, this mercy has
To call this process reproduction would be inaccurate, a purpose; the defeated opponent is interrogated, subju-
because in most cases the old and new beholders fight gated, and offered a role in the beholder's retinue once
to the death- a fact for which the rest of the world its will is broken. A beholder might consider a group
is thankful. of skilled adventurers to be a valuable prize and use
its abilities to capture them all for this purpose, giving
INHUMAN INTELLECT them the opportunity to serve as guards, spies, or assas-
A beholder sees in all directions. It is always looking for sins against a rival. Refusal means, at best, servitude as
concealed attackers. Even when it sleeps, its smaller a charmed minion, and at worst, disintegration.
eyes remain open, scanning its lair for threats. If a hu-
man acted this way, the constant vigilance and lack of
truly peaceful rest would lead to a dangerous level of Beholders can produce others of their own kind, but the
psychosis, but a beholder's mind accepts this attitude as process has nothing to do with biology and everything to
normal and necessary- it is always alert to the possibil- do with psychology.
ity of assassination or betrayal by unknown threats that When a beholder sleeps, its body goes briefly dormant
stand ready to pounce on the beholder the instant it lets but its mind never stops working. The creature is fully
its guard down. aware, even though to an outside observer it might ap-
Complementing this ever-present, passive paranoia is pear oblivious of its surroundings. Sometimes a behold-
the beholder's genius-level intelligence. Where another er's dreams are dominated by images of itself or of other
creature would ignore the occurrence of two seemingly beholders (which might or might not actually exist). On
unrelated events as merely coincidental, a beholder extremely rare occasions when a beholder dreams of
imagines multiple ways they could be related, finding another beholder, the act creates a warp in reality- from
or fabricating a pattern out of supposed or actual ran- which a new, fully formed beholder springs forth un-
domness. By thinking of all these possibilities- however bidden, seemingly having appeared out of thin air in a
implausible they might be-and extrapolating its own nearby space. This "offspring" might be a duplicate of
actions in response, a beholder is truly prepared for any the beholder that dreamed it into existence, or it could
situation and has a strategy to counteract it. take the form of a different variety of beholder, such as a
A beholder has plans on top of plans, even for the death kiss or a gazer (see "Beholder-Kin"). It might also
least likely circumstances. It doesn't matter if invading be a truly unique creature, such as could be spawned
.. •
~eholdera dreaJll o
tlie real tronbJe t I beholder,, that'•
,.. • arts. ..
Most of the beholders in the world live apart from others
of their kind, and they like it that way. When a solitary
beholder dreams another beholder into existence, the
creatures' basic nature often means that the first thing
they do is try to destroy one another. A solitary beholder
lairs within a cave system or a ruined structure, either
one of its own making or a place the creature took over
after killing or driving off the beholder that gave it birth.
A solitary beholder gathers (or inherits) inferior crea-
tures that it uses as minions. These creatures help
defend the lair and also serve as shock troops if the
beholder vacates its lair to prey on the inhabitants of
the surrounding area. Often, it plunders its neighbors' behavior, much as especially close human siblings can.
homes for knowledge and treasure. After the beholder The original beholder is usually the dominant one and
secures the spoils it desires from its enemies, it allows takes a leadership role. A hive consists of three to ten
its minions to divide the remaining booty. beholders, plus whatever minions they control.
plishments or claim to be mighty. Such creatures are
seen as threats or fools, and are dealt with mercilessly.
Each beholder thinks it is the epitome of its race, and
therefore all other beholders are inferior to it-even
though, at the same time, it considers other beholders to
be its greatest rivals. A beholder might be willing to co-
operate with adventurers who have news about another
beholder's lair or activities, and might be nonhostile
toward adventurers who praise it for being a perfect ex-
ample of a beholder.
The tables that follow present possibilities for per- BEHOLDER FLAWS
sonal characteristics that you can use to make a be- d6 Flaw
holder distinctive. I usually ignore advice from my minions.
2 I enjoy taunting rivals with hints of my plans.
3 I am very quick to take offense. -· ···
d8 Personality Trait 4 I frequently have terrifying dreams.
I er.jQy fording my superiority over others. 5 I often take out my frustrations on my minions.
2 Cold, emotionless logic is the way I defeat my foes. 6 I sometimes forget that others don't have access to
3 I determine if a creature is worth keeping alive within all of my knowledge.
the first minute of speaking to it.
4 I frequently dream of [a particular creature] and am BEHOLDER NAMES
certain it is trying to manipulate me.
A beholder picks its own name, piecing together sounds
5 I pretend to-b;i-~sane so my enemies underestimate
and syllables that have significance and meaning to it.
6 I am weary of frequent interruptions. BEHOLDER NAMES
7 Assassination attempts are the only events that queU
d20 Name d20 Name
my feelings ofloneliness.
Barixis 11 Orox
8 I sometimes fear that I am a flawed abomination.
2 Chelm 12 Qualnus
3 Derukoskai 13 Ralakor
4 Edda Ix 14 Selthdrych
d6 Ideal 5 Famax 15 Sokhalsh
1 Greed. My trophies are proofof my success. (Evil) 6 Irv 16 Thimnoll
2 Community. My hierarchy of minions keeps me safe. 7 Jantroph 17 Velxer
(Lawful) 8 Khoa 18 Xeo
3 Intolerance. All other beholders are imperfect and 9 Lanuhsh 19 Zalshox
must be destroyed. (Evil) 10 Nagish 20 Zirlarq
4 Stability. I must maintain the current balance of
power in the region. (Lawful) BATTLE TACTICS
5 Perfection. Although I am perfect as I am, I can strive
A beholder analyzes its opponents, makes note of armor,
to be even better. (Neutral)
weapons, and tactics, and adjusts its strategy to elimi-
6 Power. I will be secure when I rule over all. (Evil) nate the most dangerous threats as quickly as possible.
Although a beholder's specific actions will vary with
BEHOLDER BONDS each encounter, the creature's behavior is largely gov-
d6 Bond erned by the tactics discussed below.
My followers are all spying on me, and I seek moti- STAY OUT OF RANGE AND SIGHT
vated, powerful allies to destroy them. A beholder's natural ability to fly is essential to many of
2 I miss the kinship of my identical twin, who disap- its defenses and habits. Portions of its lair- especially
peared years ago. the remote part where it sleeps- usually aren't reach-
3 I must recover an artifact that was stolen from me. able on foot, which makes it harder for its minions to
4 I have foreseen the moment of my death and know take over the lair, and forces intruders to find ways to
what will kill me. I hope to curry favor with my slayer overcome steep vertical climbs.
to forestall my end. Also, a beholder's natural levitation means it doesn't
5 I was lucky to escape my enemy, and I worry that I risk activating any floor-based traps, and therefore it is
might be discovered again before I am ready. likely to use such defenses to protect its inner sanctum,
allowing it to roam freely through the area while hos-
6 I scheme endlessly to recover an ancient tome that
tiles must dodge or overcome multiple obstacles.
contains the secret of creating perfect, obedient
Unless its opponents are concealed by fog, invisibility,
clones of myself. or some other magic, a beholder can lurk in the dark