D&D Riddles and Ideas For Adventure: Your Name
D&D Riddles and Ideas For Adventure: Your Name
D&D Riddles and Ideas For Adventure: Your Name
The party finds a small net and are told they need to use it to carry water in the net
specifically to a particular place.
The water is ice.
What does a man do standing up, a woman sitting down, and a dog with one leg raised?
Shake hands.
The PCs enter a room with the classic chessboard set-up. They cannot bypass the
chessboard without crossing it, and flight is impossible. They are somehow presented
with this poem:
The poem is just a series of hints, detailing how to move across the board:
A child of light sits on high (this indicates to start as one of the royal pieces, also
indicating that they start as a royal piece, king or queen)
Flees her ring, a maiden shy (this clarifies that they are indeed the queen, "flees her
ring" means she flees from the king, heading at a diagonal towards the edge of the
Next the book shall guide her way (This indicates now to move like a bishop, heading at
a diagonal towards the opposite edge of the board)
With the holy peasant shall stay (this indicates not to continue to the edge of the board,
but to stop at the row of pawns. The pawn they stop at is considered the "bishop's pawn"
ie. holy peasant)
The heart of a king will soon be won (This indicates they are to move to the black king's
Taken to him by the dying son ("dying son" is wordplay on a "setting sun" ie. night. They
are to move to the king's space like a knight)
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Art items
Ring: beaten from red gold into a long knuckle-coil to resemble a snake coiled about the
wear's finger. It has two tiny rubies (90g ea.) for eyes. 250g value.
Rod: a 2ft rod of bronze inlaid with a circular pattern, the tip formed in the shape of a
flower with gems set in among the petals; 16 violet garnets (500g ea.) and a huge, deep
blue spinel (900g), the other end is a 2 inch gold knob. 8,120g value. Weighs 3lbs.
Cup: of the thinnest beaten gold set with a lip ring of tiny emeralds (24@200g), and
incised with an abstract circular pattern. 5,650g value
D&d riddles and ideas for adventure
Bracelet: made from 46 tiny white pearls (70g ea.) strung on a gilded wire, fastened with
a barbed hook and loop. 3,220g value.
Pen case: gold, held shut with an ornate clasp. Carved into the case is a scene of a scribe
writing in a tome, sitting on a stool amid stacks of parchment. The symbol of Deneir is
engraved on the opposite side. 16g, 100g for a follower of Deneir.
Brooch: 4 inches in diameter, made from polished brass worked into the shape of a
sleeping unicorn. A chalcedony (75g) is inset to depict the horn. 80g value.
Comb: the golden body is carved in the form of a dragons head with a single perfect ruby
(1,000g) for an eye. 1,150g value.
Scroll tube: carved from ivory, with engraved gold end caps.
Buttons: a set of eleven, in platinum, each depicts an eagle with wings spread and
clasping a bundle of arrows (50g red coral) in one talon and a lightning bolt (65g
aquamarine) in the other. 145g ea. or 1,815gp for the set.
Hair net: woven of platinum and electrum wire, set with 32 pearls (85g ea.), 32 water
opals (250g ea.), and 32 aquamarines (100g ea.). 15,902g value
Medallion: of electrum, set with a topaz of great size and clarity (1,190g) and 12 amber
(80g ea.). 2,189g value.
Torc: twisted platinum wire capped with dragon's claws which clasp large bloodstones
(2@75g). 850g value.
Ring: a lions head, finely crafted, of electrum with eyes of SL topaz (150g ea.). 435g
Bracelet: made from interwoven bands of silver, copper, and bronze. 25g value.
Bracelet: made from interlocking leaves carved from silver and enameled in green, and
set with small carved coral berries (12@25g). 510g value.
Armor: a suit of fine chainmail of platinum (AC+3) set with sapphires (8@275g) and
aquamarines (8@150g) in a vaguely crown shaped pattern on the chest. 4,500g value.
Stylus: a silver stylus, engraved and inlaid with gold. 65g value.
Lap desk: a silver ash lap desk, the sides and back are carved and painted in woodland
motif. The inside is partitioned off for paper, pens, and ink. The closure is a silver hasp.
18"x22". 275g value.
D&d riddles and ideas for adventure
Lamp: a 4 wick oil lamp of gold, with platinum reflectors. The sides are carved in bas
relief, depicting the city of brass. Weighs 4lbs and holds 6 pints of oil for a 10 hour burn
time. 570g value.
Tools: Thieves tools of the finest craftsmanship (+1 Circumstance bonus for disable
devise) and design. 300g value.
Tabard: Cloth of silver with the symbol of Torm embroidered on the front, and set with
gemstone chips. 137g value.
Chalice: carved crystal inlaid with silver and set with emeralds (8@200g, 4@1,000g).
6,222g value.
Belt Buckle: an electrum buckle set with a large, 2"x3", cabochon of Lapis Lazuli (52g).
Engraved and filigreed with copper. 124g value.
Headband: platinum, set with 3 rubies (2@250g, 1@1,000g). Size 7¼. 1,430g value.
Brooch: a 3" silver brooch, with a griffin rampant on a blue enamel field. The griffins
eyes are amethysts (2@75g) 272g value.
Basin: crafted of platinum and silver, and highly decorated with engraving and carvings
of worship scenes (dedicated to Mielikki). Holds 3 gallons of liquid safely and weighs
10lbs. 4,750g value.
Lock: the case is crafted from solid brass and beautifully engraved, the shank and lock
mechanism are made from high quality steel and the mechanism is of exceptional quality
(DC+2 to open). 550g value.
Locket: leaf shaped enameled gold, the stem forms the loop for a chain. Opens to reveal
a very small compartment with 2 surfaces suitable for miniatures. The compartment
could hold a small ring or a dose or drugs, poison, or antidote. 167g value.
Statuette: 8in tall bronze statue of a an armored warrior leaning on his spear. There are
silver and gold inlays on his armor, and shield. Weights 7lbs. 84g value.
Statuette: 10” tall alabaster statue of a comely lass bearing a water jug in her arms. She is
wearing a toga over one shoulder and the breast not covered by the jug is exposed.
Weights 9lbs. 145g Value.
Statue, fountain: 6ft tall naked woman pouring water over hear head from a pitcher. She
is facing the spout of water with her eyes closed and mouth slightly parted. Her free hand
cups one breast. If connected to a water source, the water will cascade down her
voluptuous form. Weight 2 tons. 895g value.
D&d riddles and ideas for adventure
*ceramic figurine/statuette. about 6" long and hand-painted. Can be of anything:
rustmonsters w/ pink bows, beholders, orc-Hobos. Be sure that any statue type (such as
Orc hobo or rustmonster) as an entire series of statues by a famous ceramic statue
designer that the PC can collect. (collecting rare statuettes can make for interesting side-
quests and annoy fellow PC's)
*Scrimshaw. Ivory with design etched onto it. Usually boats & nautical themes as it is a
popular hobby with whalers. Put scrimshaw on regular items to make them worth more
treasure room... like pocket knife handles.
*hand-crafted chairs (pair), in Teak, Walnut, or Mahogany. Certain to be comfortable and
add some flair to any dungeon chamber. Geometric patterns, leaves, or skulls carved into
the chair-arms along with an upholstered seating area (embroidered to taste) are common
at this range. Remember that any BBEG worth his salt is going to have at least 8 chairs
around any masterwork dinner table (105gp).
*Copper framed wall mirror. The hand-wrought frame surrouns a mirror of silvered glass.
dragons & leaves are common styles. They make really good treasure 'cause they break
*Painting. It might be still-life, surreal, or maybe Orcish impressionism of the third age.
But 55gp paintings are usually ho-hum and 24"x36".
*Masterwork cooking pots. Ceramic enamled cast-iron baking goods available in most
colours. Add a +1 to any Cooking skill DC.
*Dinner Table. for 105 gold pieces its so shiney it looks wet and the legs have decorative
D&d riddles and ideas for adventure
'claws' on the ends. Or maybe dolphins..whatever floats yer boat. (Be sure to include
chairs...mentioned above).
*Booze cabinet. Prbably manufactured by the same halflings as the table & chairs, this
tall armoire-like piece of old-growth kindling has shelves for a whole array of fine
glasses & goblets, decanters & meauring shakers. Also a second storage bin at knee-level
holds bottles of wine/spirits
*ornate silver goblets, set of 8. Shaped like squids , human skulls, or just bizarre arcane
sybols... silver wine glasses say alot about your kind of person.
*painting. still 24"x36" but this class of painting is of intresting subject matter: nude
elves, decapitations.... something to make up for the price.
*Pair of boots designed by snooty high-end boot maker. Bards (and women) love
footwear with nose-bleed prices.
*lifesized marble bust of famous person. I'd personally have Vecna myself
*3' tall ceramic vase. Painted by elves of some remote island. Heavy & easy to break.
holds flowers
*Floor of residence professionally tiled with marble & soapstone tiles by dwarven
mastercraftsman. Lets see the PCs try to hock that in town....
*Arched interior door crafted of old-growth teak, set with blackend steel hinges, and a
brass lock.
*Ornate ironwork torch scones. set of 50. may be shaped to resemble skulls, music notes,
*leaded-glass fireplace screen. With stained-gass picture effect. covers any 5' wide
*bejewelled circlet
*platinum framed spectacles with smoked glass lenses. to look cool and protect from
harsh solar rays.