Y4 Unit 8 - HW Page 212-213 Adaptations For Survival
Y4 Unit 8 - HW Page 212-213 Adaptations For Survival
Y4 Unit 8 - HW Page 212-213 Adaptations For Survival
Open your textbook on pages 212-213. Read the information in the tables and then complete the empty sections. Everything listed ‘Fill in’ needs to be completed.
Organism Stimulus Type of receptor Response When this might be found in nature Why this response/adaptation
supports survival
Planaria Dissolved chemicals Chemoreceptors Chemoreceptors in the front end Planaria move toward higher This helps them get more nutrients,
of planaria are stimulated by concentrations of dissolved which they need to survive
different chemicals dissolved in the nutrients in their surrounding water.
water surrounding the planaria.
The planaria move either toward or
away from the dissolved chemicals.
Bats Echos Sonoreceptors Sonoreceptors in the bats 'ears Bats use echolocation to identify This helps the bats find food, move
are stimulated by the sound waves the size and location of different around in the dark, and get away
in the bats' surroundings. The bat objects in their surroundings. To do from potential predators.
adjusts direction and style of flying this, bats produce a high-pitched
depending on the intensity and sound while flying and wait for the
direction of the sound waves sound waves to bounce off nearby
objects and return, as an echo, to
the bat. Sonoreceptors send
signals about the sound waves of
the echo to the bats' brain, which
uses the signals to determine how
big the objects are, where they are
located, and whether they are
moving or stationary.
Snakes Body heat of nearby Thermoreceptors Thermoreceptors in the 'pit Snakes are able to located This helps them get food, and
animals organs' of snakes are stimulated by predators and prey, and are able to prevent them from ‘becoming food’
subtle changes in environmental make quick reactions using the
temperature caused by nearby
animals. Snakes use this
information to adjust the direction
and nature of their movements.
Organism Stimulus Type of receptor Response/Growth patterns When this might be found in nature Why this response/adaptation
supports survival
Plants Direction of sunlight Photoreceptor Phototropism: photoreceptor As plants grow around each other, Plants need sunlight to
proteins in leaves are stimulated they block each other's direct photosynthesise, and plants need
by the sunlight. The plant releases exposure to the sunlight. Plants to photosynthesise to survive. So,
getting more sunlight increases the
hormones, which causes the plant change the direction and angle in
amount they can photosynthesise,
to change the direction it is growing which they grow so they can get and the chance of survival.
so it grows toward the light. access to more sunlight.
Plants Insects landing on Mechanoreceptor Thigmotropism: The This could help carnivorous plants This allows the carnivorous plants
leaves mechanoreceptor reacts to the capture flies and other small to get nutrients from the insects
touch stimulus insects they capture
Plants Force of gravity Mechanoreceptors Gravitropism: mechanoreceptor Plants use this to grow the roots This allows the to keep balance
proteins in root cells perceive the downwards, and the rest of the and become stable
direction of the force of gravity, and plants upwards
grow in the same direction;
mechanoreceptor proteins in
shoots perceive the direction of the
force of gravity, and grow in the
opposite direction.