Survey of Upper Extremity Prosthesis Users In.6
Survey of Upper Extremity Prosthesis Users In.6
Survey of Upper Extremity Prosthesis Users In.6
A sample of 156 users of upper-limb prostheses from three fitting centers in Sweden and the United Kingdom participated
in a survey that focused on user satisfaction. The survey was conducted via postal questionnaire. It included questions to
record demographic data and prostheses type and usage. Respondents were asked to assess their level of satisfaction with
their prostheses and were invited to comment on potential improvements to their current devices. The sample was
heterogeneous with respect to the type of limb loss, principle type of prosthesis, and subject gender and age. Ratings of
comfort, cosmetics, function, and maintenance revealed a high level of satisfaction with the current generation of
prostheses. Separate analysis of responses from users of cosmetic and electric prostheses showed that both groups are
concerned about the prostheses’ appearance. Users of electric prostheses particularly expressed a desire for improved
functionality. Respondents requested lighter, more reliable and more anthropomorphic devices, quiet operation, wide
range of grip shapes, and intuitive control. (J Prosthet Orthot. 2007;19:55–62.)
KEY INDEXING TERMS: artificial arms, control, design, myoelectric control, prosthetic limbs, survey
ssential to all aspects of the supply of equipment and Prosthetic Arm with high Workability, DE420) aimed to im-
services is the monitoring of the end users’ satisfac- prove the design and application of upper-limb prostheses.1
tion. This is especially true for health care, whether it This project builds on the experience and technology of three
is partly or wholly publicly funded. The survey reported here of the leading research programs in Western Europe con-
is part of a larger program funded by the European Union ducted during the last 30 years.2–5
(EU) aimed at improving the quality of life and provision for
the elderly (Technology for the Integration of the Disabled
and Elderly, TIDE). Specifically, ToMPAW (Totally Modular
PETER J. KYBERD, PhD, is affiliated with the Institute of Biomedical
Engineering, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada. Affil- THE TOMPAW PROJECT
iation at time of the study was Oxford Orthopaedic Engineering Center, Developed in Sweden during the 1970s, the SVEN hand
NOC, Oxford, United Kingdom.
project aimed to produce a hand and wrist system controlled
CONSTANZE WARTENBERG, PhD, is affiliated with the National by a pattern recognition system that used the operators’
Institute for Working Life, Göteborg, Sweden. impressions of their phantom limbs to drive the device. This
LEIF SANDSJÖ, PhD, is affiliated with the National Institute for led to the clinical use of the hand in Sweden.2,6
Working Life and also with Product and Production Development, The Edinburgh arm contributed to the development of
Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden. the concept of extended physiological proprioception to
STEWE JÖNSSON, CPO, is a Prosthetist at Sahlgrenska University control the arm in a manner with more appropriate feed-
Hospital, Göteborg, Sweden. back than any other system. Later work by Gow et al.3 led to
DAVID GOW, BSc, is Director of Rehabilitation Engineering Ser- the world’s first practical powered-shoulder system, which is
vices, Lothian Health, Edinburgh, Scotland. Affiliation at time of the currently the only one used in the field by leading research
study was the Bioengineering Unit, Princess Margaret Rose Hospital, groups.7,8
Edinburgh, Scotland. The Southampton Hand embodied the concept of hierar-
JOAKIM FRID, MSc, is affiliated with the National Institute for chical control, where the controller uses the information
Working Life, Göteborg, Sweden. from sensors within and outside the hand to decide on the
CHRISTIAN ALMSTRÖM, PhD, is affiliated with Lindholmen Devel- most appropriate grip shape and force to maintain a stable
opment, Göteborg, Sweden. grasp on a particular object.4,5,9,10 Versions of the hand have
LENA SPERLING, PhD, is affiliated with the Department of Design been used in the field for years, and the idea of hierarchical
Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University, Lund, Sweden. control—where the prosthesis responds to the environment
Copyright © 2007 American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists. of the device and the actions of the users—is now being
Correspondence to: Peter J. Kyberd, PhD, Institute of Biomedical adopted in upper- and lower-limb prostheses.
Engineering, University of New Brunswick, 25 Dineen Drive, PO Box Specifically, this survey adds to the knowledge obtained
4400, Fredericton, NB E3B 5A3 New Brunswick, Canada; e-mail: during an earlier EU-funded project, the details of which are reported by Kyberd and colleagues.5,11
Table 1. Distribution of the survey sample regarding type of limb loss, principle type of prosthesis, and subject gender and age*
*Some categories are missing responses, thus they do not total 100%.
COMPARISON OF USERS OF ELECTRIC AND donning and doffing was a notable consideration for the users
COSMETIC PROSTHESES of shorter prostheses (p ⬍ 0.2).
This report concentrates on a comparison between cosmetic
and electric prostheses because the choice of the hand prosthe- AREAS OF MOST CONCERN
sis user is of primary concern to both users and providers. To provide the users a place for an unstructured response,
Mean ratings of satisfaction/dissatisfaction between the one question was left open: In what way would you like to
two groups did not differ greatly. Taking all qualities into improve your prosthesis? Participants could name as many as
account, the mean overall satisfaction of users of cosmetic three aspects. For comparison, the three most frequently
prostheses is 6.9, whereas the corresponding value for users identified improvements were grouped into the same catego-
of electric prostheses is 6.7. The difference is not statistically ries in the closed questions. The degree of correlation be-
significant. However, the detailed profiles (Figure 2) show tween the open and closed responses was high. There was just
that the groups are concerned about different aspects of their one new area identified in the closed questions: the range of
prostheses. movement of the hand/arm. In addition, one area (donning
and doffing) was closely related to the fit of the socket, so
these were combined in the analysis.
If the standardized satisfaction ratings are broken down Table 2 summarizes central improvements participants
further into transhumeral and transradial categories, there named as relevant. The frequency of the identified areas of
are few discernible differences. Not surprisingly, there are few improvement was analyzed as a percentage of the number of
significant differences among the users of cosmetic arms, respondents in the two categories of electric and cosmetic
although the strength of a transradial fitting is seen as pos- prostheses (Figure 3).
itive, and the public perception of the transhumeral device is
more positively felt (t-test, p ⬍ 0.1).
Although there is less general agreement between the RATINGS OF OCCASIONAL USERS
groups of transradial and transhumeral absences in the users Of special interest are ratings of people who used their
of electrically powered arms, there was less variation in any prosthesis only occasionally. The four users of electric pros-
particular category. The ability to generate force in the tran- theses who report only limited use expressed dissatisfaction
shumeral systems was seen as positive (p ⬍ 0.1). Ease of with aspects of functionality. They also showed considerable
Figure 1. Rating of the respondents’ satisfaction for 17 qualities using levels of comfort, functionality, and daily use of the prosthesis as a
guide. Ratings were expressed on a 10-point scale, ranging from “very dissatisfied” (1) to “very satisfied” (10). Distribution is mean ⫾
Figure 2. The areas of improvement identified by the respondents analyzed as a percentage of the number of respondents for electric and
cosmetic prostheses.
Figure 3. Areas identified for improvement by users of electric and cosmetic prostheses. Values are expressed as percentages of the number
of respondents in each group, electric (30) and cosmetic (68). Because each person could name as many as three different improvements, the
percentages sum to greater than 100%.
do so for many hours a day11,17,18; they are shown to be com- The ratings of cable hand users (a subgroup of 7 people
mitted users (a possible result of the selection process). subsumed in the group “other”) have profiles similar to those
The different responses can be attributable to real differ- of electric prosthesis users. They are least satisfied with the
ences in satisfaction, but there is some risk that they may, in glove and with aspects of functionality. Cable hand users express
part, be caused by individual differences in the way scales and most satisfaction with maintenance, donning and doffing, fit of
ratings are interpreted (e.g., because of different response the socket, and the “prosthesis as part of oneself.”
sets and reference systems). Response sets imply that a per- The high degree of correlation between the open com-
son limits the usage of the rating scale to certain parts of the ments and the dimensions in the closed questions is encour-
answer (e.g. the positive or neutral area). aging and may be seen as an indicator for the relevance of the
The effect of different reference frames can be that one 17 dimensions identifying the topics of most concern. An
person judges a prosthesis in comparison with the natural hand, alternative explanation is that the correlation may be attrib-
whereas another person refers to experiences with other pros- utable to the ranking of 17 aspects causing users to focus on
theses. Thus, the results will be very different. Tversky22 pre- those topics, biasing even the open questions.
sents the importance of context for quality ratings.
Figure 3 shows that there are considerable differences
One aim of this survey was to identify the improvements seen
between users of cosmetic and electric prostheses when
as most important to the users; thus, the analysis of the aspects
asked to name the three improvements most important to
that are perceived as least satisfactory was key. Even users who
expressed a generally high level of satisfaction usefully contrib-
First, users of cosmetic prostheses could not name as many
uted information as to which aspects are less satisfactory.
Figure 2 presents profiles for the groups who mainly use improvements as users of electric prostheses, having fewer cat-
electric or cosmetic prostheses. However, a considerable num- egories on which to comment. The comments users of cosmetic
ber of users of cosmetic prostheses included functionality in prostheses most often made were concerned with aspects of
their responses. Fraser17 points out that even cosmetic prosthe- appearance, but it should be noted that users of cosmetic pros-
ses often are actively used in daily life. One indication to the theses also cite concern about improvements of movement and
active use of “passive” cosmetic prostheses is the frequency of grip functionality.
their need for repair and the failures that occur. Users of electric prostheses comment mostly on aspects of
Some results are exactly as one might predict from circum- functionality and range of movement, but they also expressed
stances: cosmetic limb users are least satisfied with the glove, concern about appearance and reliability. Other qualities, such
whereas electric prosthesis users express most dissatisfaction as weight, fit of socket, and the prosthesis in daily use, are
with aspects of functionality. Both groups are least satisfied with identified with similar frequency in both groups. The matter of
aspects that can be seen as a central quality of the kind of prosthesis weight is most telling, being a concern even with the
prosthesis they use. lighter prostheses.
60 Volume 19 • Number 2 • 2007
JPO Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics Survey of Upper-Extremity Prosthesis Users
SATISFACTION their devices. This cannot address reasons others do not use
Although the questions generally resulted in high satis- their prostheses, but it is the opinion of people who regularly
faction ratings for all active users, the high proportion of wear their hands and arms. This opinion is that prostheses are
nonusers known from other studies suggests improvements sufficiently functional and that the users are sufficiently satisfied
in current prostheses are needed. In this context, it is impor- with the result to continue using them. These facts are impor-
tant to identify the improvements of most concern. The tant to stress at this time when providers and payers alike are
empirical results of the current survey show that users of questioning how best to spend money on this population.
electric prostheses were most concerned about aspects of
functionality. Users of electric prostheses and users of cos- CONCLUSIONS
metic prostheses expressed a need for improved appearance of
The survey of users in centers in two different countries
their prostheses. Interviews with prosthetists carried out for
within the European Union shows common concerns and
the ToMPAW project show that these concerns of users are
problems in both countries. The purpose of this survey was to
well known to people working in the field of upper-limb
assist in the design process of a new generation of a pros-
thetic arm system. The users of electric hands are concerned
An interesting observation in this survey is that different
with function; cosmetic users are concerned with appearance.
centers seem to favor the provision of one kind of prosthesis.
Individuals who do use their prostheses tend to do so all day.
It can be assumed that this is attributable not only to the
specialization of a certain population treated at the limb RECOMMENDATIONS
fitting centers but also to the different philosophies held at
Along with the understandable desires for lighter, more
the centers. This reflects a different attitude than the reason-
reliable, and more anthropomorphic arms, the qualities iden-
ing expressed by Stephens et al.23 that different people prefer
tified from the survey that particularly informed the design
different types of prostheses and that experiences with differ-
choices of the ToMPAW system were:
ent prostheses are an important precondition for a user’s
choice of a prosthesis optimal for his/her individual needs. ● Quiet operation of joints without the sound of brakes
Considering these preferences and needs that inevitably will being applied or removed.
change with time, the development of a modular prosthesis that ● A wide range of grip shapes and good control of the grip
allows for the exchange of modules and the adjustment of force (e.g., not too high an initial grip force).
control strategies within a more stable framework would assist ● Reliable operation, free from breakdowns and interfer-
in maintaining a consistent but reactive provision.1 ence from electrical noise.
● Intuitive control.
CONTEXT These recommendations were taken forward to the engi-
This survey is one of a number reported in the literature. neering phase of the ToMPAW project.1,25
It is only by comparison that there is a possibility of obtaining
a better overall impression of the state of the field. One recent APPENDIX
exception is the survey conducted by Atkins et al.12 The
numbers involved are impressive (more than 2,000 respon- CHARACTERIZATION OF FITTING CENTERS
dents to the short questionnaire). The authors could tailor The three centers involved in the survey were:
the survey and subdivide into different user groupings (body Edinburgh, Scotland. Participants at the fitting center in
power, electric and bilateral users) without diluting the re- Edinburgh are younger and include a high proportion of
sults. The conclusions from that survey are broadly the same women. In comparison, many users of cosmetic prostheses
as those from the current survey, indicating the interests and participated.
needs of the European users are similar to those of the Göteborg, Sweden: Compared with the other centers,
Americans questioned. Göteborg has a high proportion of users of electrical pros-
The primary problem with the survey from a European theses. Participants at this center are slightly older and have
perspective was that the questions concerned the perceived worn prostheses for a longer time than respondents from the
cost of the device. Because both the United Kingdom and other centers.
Sweden have state funding of prostheses supply, the user’s Stockholm, Sweden: The participants at the Stockholm
perception is likely to be bound up with their perceived center include comparatively more patients with limb loss
service from the state health system. As the requirements for above the elbow (55.2%). The users of cosmetic prostheses
the improvement of prosthetic technology, they identify the predominate in this sample.
factors that have been incorporated into advanced prosthetics
systems during the past decade, especially those embodied in ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the Southampton Hand and the Edinburgh arm systems.24,25 The authors thank the participants of the study for their time
As with many surveys, the responding groups were self- and the detailed answers to the questionnaire. The authors also
selecting, and overwhelmingly they were frequent users of thank the fitting centers for their contribution in organization
and data collection. This survey was conducted as part of the 12. Atkins D, Heard DCY, Donovan DH. Epidemiologic overview of
ToMPAW project (DE 420), funded by the Telematics Applications individuals with upper-limb loss and their reported research
Programme of the European Commission. priorities. J Prosthet Orthot 1996;8(1):2–11.
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