Sample PRELIM Exam For Readings in Philippine History (PH 101)

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Sample PRELIM Exam for Readings in Philippine History (PH 101) Page 1 of 26


Name: ________________________________ Course / Year: __________ Score: ___

Readings in Phil History Exam1 Sergio D. Mahinay, Jr. Schedule: ___________

Instructions: Write the CAPITAL letter that corresponds to the correct / best answer on
the space provided at the left of the number. No erasures are allowed.

I. Introduction to History: Definitions, Issues, Sources, and Methodology

A. Definition and Subject Matter

___1. As understood in History subject, they are historical evidences or information

directly obtained.
A) Factual sources
B) Primary sources
C) Hearsay sources
D) Secondary sources

___2. As understood in History subject, they are historical evidences or information

derived from the original.
A) Factual sources
B) Primary sources
C) Hearsay sources
D) Secondary sources

___3. It implies that history involves giving of an account of an event or a series of

A) Process
B) Narrative
C) Discipline
D) Condition

___4. This conception of history implies that it is a field of activity and / or an academic
A) Process
B) Narrative
C) Discipline
D) Condition
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___5. History has popularly been defined as –

A) The study of places
B) The study of events
C) The study of the past
D) The study of the rocks

___6. By etymology, the Greek word historia means –

A) Wisdom
B) Hysterical
C) Knowledge
D) Understanding

___7. This expression or mantra means that unless a written document can prove a
certain historical event, then, it cannot be considered as a historical fact.
A) “No document, no history”
B) “So it is written, so it must be done”
C) “A page of history is worth a volume of logic”
D) “A historian is doomed to write forever in the sand”

___8. This proposition on the drawbacks or disadvantages of giving premium to written

documents in recounting history is true.
A) All civilizations maintained written records.
B) All historical documents were kept and preserved.
C) All social classes were comprehensively recorded in paper.
D) Lives of common people were not registered to government records.

___9. This proposition about historical sources is true.

A) Written historical sources are valid
B) Unwritten historical sources are valid
C) Both A and B
D) None of these

___10. Which of the following is NOT a written historical source?

A) Artifacts
B) Architecture
C) Epics and songs
D) All of these
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B. Questions and Issues in History

___11. It implies that, as a discipline, history has turned into an active and changing
method of inquest, analysis and examination.
A) Static inquiry
B) Dynamic inquiry
C) Complex inquiry
D) Stationary inquiry

___12. The questions “What is history?”, “Why study history?” and “History for whom?”
can be answered by –
A) History
B) Histology
C) Historiography
D) Histophysiology

___13. Which of the following questions is rightfully addressed by historiography?

A) Who wrote certain historical text?
B) How was certain historical text written?
C) What was the context of publishing historical text?
D) All of these

___14. These are various issues, topics, or questions dealt with in speech, discussion,
or a piece of writing.
A) Context
B) Content
C) All of these
D) None of these

___15. These are circumstances or events that form the environment within which
something exists or takes place.
A) Context
B) Content
C) All of these
D) None of these

___16. It is said that historical events written by the Illustrados, e.g. Dr. Jose Rizal,
were intended for –
A) The Filipinos
B) The Japanese
C) The Spaniards
D) The Americans
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___17. It is one of the problems or issues confronting written history.

A) History is written by victors
B) History is written by the villains
C) History is written by the defeated
D) History is written by the conquered

___18. It characterizes the school of positivism.

A) Empirical
B) Prejudicial
C) Partial or subjective
D) Use of secondary evidence

___19. It characterizes the school of post-colonialism.

A) Highlights the identity of nation
B) Dependence to colonial knowledge
C) Favors colonial methods, ideas and effects
D) All of these

C. History and the Historian

___20. This proposition about written history is true.

A) History is absolutely objective
B) History is inevitably subjective
C) History is an exact account of the past
D) History is an accurate account of the past

___21. This fact or condition makes history less objective.

A) Historians cannot access the past directly
B) History is heavily influenced by the historians
C) Historians only get access to representation of the past
D) All of these

___22. This fact or condition makes history less exact or accurate.

A) Historians can get access the past directly
B) History is heavily influenced by the historians
C) Historians only get access to representation of the past
D) All of these
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___23. This factor influences the interpretation and analyses of historical facts by the
A) Context
B) Ideology
C) Education
D) All of these

___24. This process in historical research helps maintain the academic and scientific
character of history.
A) Historical framework
B) Historical hypothesis
C) Historical assumptions
D) Historical methodology

D. Historical Sources

___25. Owing to the nature of history as the study of the past, it is the most important
research tool of the historians.
A) Historical sources
B) Inferential analysis
C) Experimental sources
D) Survey questionnaires

___26. They are those produced at the same time as the event, period, or subject
being studied.
A) Primary sources
B) Spurious sources
C) Authentic sources
D) Secondary sources

___27. They are those produced by an author who used primary sources to produce
the material.
A) Primary sources
B) Spurious sources
C) Authentic sources
D) Secondary sources
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___28. The following are examples of primary historical sources to study the
Commonwealth Constitution Convention of 1935, EXCEPT –
A) Minutes and records of the 1935 convention
B) Drafts and final copy of the 1935 Constitution
C) Photographs of the events of 1935 convention
D) 1999 edition of Zaide’s book on Philippine History

___29. The following are examples of secondary sources to study Philippine Revolution
of 1896, EXCEPT –
A) 1996 edition of Zaide’s book on Philippine History
B) 1956 edition of Agoncillo’s book on Revolt of the Masses
C) Letters received by Jose Rizal from a member of the Katipunan
D) 2004 edition of National Historical Institute’s Mga Dakilang Pilipino

___30. The classification of sources between primary and secondary in historical

research depends on –
A) The subject of the historical research
B) The period when the source was produced
C) The type of the sources, e.g. book, letters, etc.
D) All of these

___31. It is the practice of verifying the authenticity of evidence by examining its

physical characteristics; consistency with the historical characteristic of the time when it
was produced; and the material used for the evidence.
A) Internal criticism
B) External criticism
C) All of these
D) None of these

___32. It is the practice of verifying the authenticity of evidence by examining the

truthfulness and factuality of its content.
A) Internal criticism
B) External criticism
C) All of these
D) None of these

___33. Which of the following is an example of external criticism?

A) Examining the author of the source of the evidence
B) Examining the knowledge which informed the evidence
C) Examining the agenda behind the creation of the evidence
D) Examining the quality of the paper which contained the evidence
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___34. Which of the following is an example of internal criticism?

A) Examining the material composition of the evidence
B) Examining the type of ink utilized in writing the evidence
C) Examining the purpose to which the evidence was created
D) Examining the language and words used in writing the evidence

___35. This alleged historical source for Philippine History was debunked for lack of
A) Kodigo Civil
B) Kodigo Penal
C) Kodigo Labrador
D) Kodigo ni Kalantiaw

___36. It is a state of chronological mistake.

A) Fascism
B) Cronyism
C) Anarchism
D) Anachronism

___37. The following are the tasks of the historians, EXCEPT –

A) Look at the available historical sources
B) Seek the meaning of recovering the past
C) Select sources most relevant to the subject
D) Let historical sources speak for themselves

II. Content and Contextual Analysis of Selected Primary Sources in Philippine


A (1) A Brief Summary of the First Voyage around the World by Magellan by
Antonio Pigafetta

___38. He is one who records an event or series of events in chronological order.

A) Prophet
B) Narrator
C) Navigator
D) Chronicler
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___39. He was an Italian nobleman who accompanied Ferdinand Magellan in his

fateful circumnavigation of the world.
A) Martin de Goitti
B) Juan de Salcedo
C) Sebastian Cabot
D) Antonio Pigafetta

___40. It refers to the Western Hemisphere (North and South America) as considered
by Europeans following Columbus’ discovery of the Americas.
A) Old World
B) New World
C) Modern World
D) Unknown World

___41. His work was one of the most important primary sources in the study, among
others, of the pre-colonial Philippines.
A) Giambattista Vico
B) Antonio Pigafetta
C) William Shakespeare
D) Michael de Montaigne

___42. It is a piece of writing about travel especially to remote places.

A) Dialogue
B) Travel card
C) Travelogue
D) Commentary

___43. Antonio Pigafetta’s written accounts (chronicles) were major reference for the
following events, EXCEPT –
A) Magellan’s arrival in the Philippines
B) Magellan’s fleet departure from the Philippines
C) Magellan’s death in the hands of Lapulapu ‘s forces
D) Columbus’ encounter with local leaders in the Philippines

___44. Antonio Pigafetta’s accounts of pre-colonial Philippines was written from the
perspective of –
A) Ferdinand Magellan
B) Antonio Pigafetta himself
C) The natives of Philippine islands
D) The local leaders of Philippine islands
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___45. In Pigafetta’s account, their fleet reached what he called the Ladrones Islands
or –
A) The islands of the Fruits
B) The islands of the Bones
C) The islands of the Fishes
D) The Islands of the Thieves

___46. As recounted by Pigafetta, the people in the Ladrones Islands were

characterized as follows, EXCEPT –
A) Were rich
B) Had no arms
C) Great thieves
D) Were ingenious

___47. The Ladrones Islands is presently called –

A) The Spratly Islands
B) The Caroline Islands
C) The Palawan Islands
D) The Marianas Islands

___48. Ladrones Islands are geographically located at –

A) East of Philippines
B) West of Philippines
C) North of Philippines
D) South of Philippines

___49. Pigafetta reported that 10 days after they reached Ladrones Islands, Magellan’s
fleet reached (but did not land) the isle of Zamal which is now called –
A) Cebu
B) Leyte
C) Samal
D) Samar

___50. On March 18, 1521, some natives came and gave Magellan rice, cocos and
other food supplies. They were the first Filipinos seen by the Spaniards. How many
native Filipinos were they?
A) 7 native men
B) 9 native men
C) 12 native men
D) 15 native men
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___51. What fruit was being described by Pigafetta in his details: “This palm produces
a fruit named cocho, which is as large as the head, or thereabouts: its first husk is
green, and two fingers in thickness, in it they find certain threads, with which they make
the cords for fastening their boats.”
A) Abaca
B) Cacao
C) Coconut
D) Chestnut

___52. Pigafetta described the people of pre-colonial Philippines as –

A) Very shy and hesitant
B) Very familiar and friendly
C) Very hostile and aggressive
D) Very cautious and suspicious

___53. It was where Magellan’s fleet found what Pigafetta referred to as the “Watering
Place of Good Signs.”
A) Mompog Island
B) Maniuyan Island
C) Humunu Islands
D) Santa Cruz Island

___54. Pigafetta named the islands and the nearby islands where Magellan’s fleet
found the first signs of gold as –
A) Archipelago of St. Vincent
B) Archipelago of St. Lazarus
C) Archipelago of St. Anthony
D) Archipelago of St. Arcadius

___55. On March 25, 1521, Pigafetta saw two long boats full of people in Mazaua,
which boats they called as –
A) Pueblo
B) Alcadia
C) Balangay
D) Ayuntamiento

___56. This gift was offered by the King of Zuluan to Magellan which the latter
A) Bar of gold
B) Men in armor
C) Provision of food
D) Robes in Turkish fashion
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___57. This gift was offered by Magellan to the King of Zuluan in exchange for the
latter’s gifts to him.
A) Bar of gold
B) Men in armor
C) Provision of food
D) Robes in Turkish fashion

___58. Gold in this island was so abundant that parts of the house of the king were
made of gold. What island was referred to by Pigafetta?
A) Zuluan
B) Ceylon
C) Mazaua
D) Calagan

___59. He was described by Pigafeta as the most handsome of all men that he saw in
A) Raia Zula
B) Raia Siagu
C) Raia Calambu
D) Raia Silapulapu

___60. The first Mass in Philippine Islands was held on March 31, 1521, which day
happened to be –
A) Good Friday
B) Easter Sunday
C) Black Saturday
D) Ash Wednesday

___61. Where was the first mass in the Philippine islands held?
A) Mactan
B) Leyte Gulf
C) Humunu Island
D) Shore of Masao

___62. The two local Kings who attended the first mass in the Philippine islands were
Raia Kalambu and –
A) Raia Zula
B) Raia Siagu
C) Raia Humabon
D) Raia Silapulapu
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___63. This symbol or emblem was ordered by Magellan to be planted in the place
where the first mass in the Philippine Islands was held.
A) Flag
B) Post
C) Cross
D) Sword

___64. The cross which was planted at the first Mass in the Philippines is now famed
as –
A) Philippe’s Cross
B) Chaplain’s Cross
C) Pigafetta’s Cross
D) Magellan’s Cross

___65. It was described in Pigafetta’s chronicles as the largest and the richest of the
A) Bohol
B) Matan
C) Zzubu
D) Panay

___66. The island of Zzubu is also called –

A) Zulu
B) Cebu
C) Bohol
D) Bonggo

___67. He was the King of Cebu referred to by Pigafetta who offered Magellan a bit of
his blood and demanded the latter to do the same.
A) Raia Zula
B) Raia Siagu
C) Raia Humabon
D) Raia Silapulapu

___68. When Magellan spoke before the people of Cebu, he spoke about –
A) Peace and God
B) Search for gold bars
C) Voyage and exploration
D) Conquest of other villages
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___69. It was one of the preaching of Magellan about his faith.

A) Children to obey their parents
B) Children to ridicule their parents
C) Children to instruct their parents
D) Children to disregard their parents

___70. On 14 April 1521, Magellan encouraged the King of Cebu (Raia Humabon) to
be good by –
A) Killing two pigs
B) Burning all the idols
C) Offering his harvest to God
D) Limiting the number of his wives

___71. The King of Cebu (Raia Humabon) was given by Magellan the baptismal name
of –
A) Don Carlos
B) Christopher
C) Of his fancy
D) Don Fernando

___72. As recounted by Pigefetta, they were the first Christian converts among the
native Filipinos.
A) Inhabitants of Cebu
B) Inhabitants of Samar
C) Inhabitants of Butuan
D) Inhabitants of Caragua

___73. This image was made by Pigafetta himself and was given in turn by Magellen to
the Queen of Cebu.
A) Virgin Mary
B) Holy Family
C) Infant Jesus
D) Catholic Saint

___74. The natives of Cebu did not heed the call of Magellan to burn their idol because
they need it to –
A) Win in a battle
B) Heal a sick man
C) Get good harvest
D) Adorn their houses
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___75. He was the only leader (chief) in the island who refused to obey the King of
Cebu and defied Magellan.
A) Zula
B) Dagohoy
C) Bankawe
D) Silapulapu

___76. He was a principal man from the island of Mactan who went to see Magellan
and asked him for a boat full of men so that he would be able to fight a defiant chief of
the island.
A) Zula
B) Dagohoy
C) Bankawe
D) Silapulapu

___77. On 27 April 1521, Magellan was killed by the forces of –

A) Zula
B) Dagohoy
C) Bankawe
D) Silapulapu

___78. Magellan was killed in a famous battle of –

A) Leyte
B) Bohol
C) Samar
D) Mactan

___79. It was a term used by Pigafetta to describe the forces of Silapulapu that
attacked and killed Magellan.
A) Moros
B) Indians
C) Nomads
D) Barbarians

___80. Magellan instructed the King of Cebu (Humabon) not to join the fight and stay in
the boat so that –
A) He could easily retreat
B) He could readily reinforce
C) He would see how they fought
D) He would be spared from injury
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___81. The chief (Silapulapu) of the village (Mactan) refused to exchange the dead
body of Magellan with gifts from Humabon because –
A) They wanted to burn Magellan’s body into ashes
B) They wanted to throw away Magellan’s body into the river
C) They wanted to keep Magellan’s body as memento of their victory
D) They wanted to offer Magellan’s body to their ancestral gods (Anitos)

___82. He was elected by Magellan’s men as the new captain after his (Magellan’s)
A) Juan Serrano
B) Duarte Barbosa
C) Antonio Pigafetta
D) Pedro de Valderrama

___83. He was Magellan’s slave and interpreter who betrayed what was left of
Magellan’s men who were later slain by the natives.
A) Henry
B) Martin
D) Judas
D) Tomas

___84. The remaining (24) men of Magellan died or were killed –

A) In a gathering
B) In an accident
C) In an encounter
D) In a bad weather

___85. He was abandoned by Magellan’s fleet in Cebu, and the latter continued their
journey around the world.
A) Juan Serrano
B) Duarte Barbosa
C) Antonio Pigafetta
D) Pedro de Valderrama

A (2). Analysis of Pigafetta’s Chronicle

___86. As a chronicler, Antonio Pigafetta was –

A) A hobbiest
B) A free-lancer
C) Commissioned by Italy
D) Commissioned by Spain
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___87. How did Antonio Pigafetta regard the indigenous belief system and way of life of
the natives of Philippine Island?
A) Inferior
B) Superior
C) Moderate
D) Advanced

___88. What standard did Antonio Pigafetta employ in his observation and assessment
of the indigenous culture of the natives of Philippine Island?
A) Asian
B) African
C) American
D) European

___89. How did Antonio Pigafetta see the natives of Philippine Island with their
indigenous attires?
A) Naked
B) Hidden
C) Covered
D) Disguised

___90. What would explain the wearing by the natives of Philippine Island of fewer
A) Out of fashion
B) Tropical climate
C) Shortage of textile
D) Laziness of the natives

___91. Other belief system different from that of Christianity in Europe would be
perceived by Antonio Pigafetta as –
A) Barbaric
B) Demonic
C) Blasphemous
D) All of these

___92. This economic system in Europe in the 16th century measured the wealth of
kingdoms based on their accumulation of bullions or precious metals.
A) Socialism
B) Mercantilism
C) Communism
D) Protectionism
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___93. What metal was frequently mentioned by Antonio Pigafetta in his writing as
being worn by the leaders of the natives of Philippine Island?
A) Tin
B) Iron
C) Gold
D) Copper

___94. What island was coveted by Spain and Portugal in the 16th century because it
would lead to certain increase in wealth, influence and power?
A) Isla Mujeres
B) Spice Island
C) Isla Juventud
D) Spratly Island

B. (1) The KKK and the Kartilya and Katipunan

___95. The letters KKK that were usually contained in the flag of the Katipunan stood
for –
A) Kataastaasan, Kagalang-galangang, Katipunan ng Bayan
B) Kataastaasan, Kagalang-galangang, Katipunan ng Kabayanan
C) Kataastaasan, Kagalang-galangang, Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan
D) Kataastaasan, Kagalang-galangang, Katipunan ng mga anak ng Kabayanan

___96. The Katipunan was founded with a vision of –

A) A unified Filipino nation
B) Total independence of the country from Spain
C) Equal rights, representation and protection from the abuses of the friars
D) Both A and B

___97. He referred himself as the El Rey de Ilocos.

A) Jose Rizal
B) Diego Silang
C) Emilio Jacinto
D) Andres Bonifacio

___98. The Propaganda Movement was led by the –

A) Indios
B) Insulares
C) Illustrados
D) Principales
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___99. The following were the founders of Propaganda Movement, EXCEPT –

A) Jose Rizal
B) Marcelo del Pilar
C) Andres Bonifacio
D) Graciano Lopez Jaena

___100. It was one of the most important documents of the Katipunan which was
treated as the code of conduct of the Katipuneros.
A) Kartilya
B) Katwiran?
C) Liwanag at Dilim
D) Pag-ibig sa Tinubuang Bayan

___101. The Kartilya ng Katipunan was originally titled as –

A) Mga Aral Ng Katipunan ng mga A.N.B.
B) Mga Kodigo Ng Katipunan ng mga A.N.B.
C) Mga Aral Ng Samahan ng mga Makabayan
D) Mga Kodigo Ng Mga Samahan ng mga Makabayan

___102. The document Kartilya ng Katipunan was written by –

A) Emilio Jacinto
B) Dr. Jose Rizal
C) Emilio Aguinaldo
D) Andres Bonifacio

___103. Kartilya contains how many rules?

A) 7
B) 8
C) 10
D) 14

___104. The rules stated in the Kartilya can be generally classified into two: First, rules
that will make the member an upright individual; and second, rules that will guide the
way he –
A) Relates with God
B) Deals with nature
C) Treats his fellow men
D) Cautions to his enemies
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___105. Which of the following rules contained in the Kartilya will make the member an
upright individual?
A) Prudent man is faithful in keeping secrets
B) Defend the oppressed and fight the oppressor
C) To do good for personal gain and not for its own sake is not virtue
D) On the horny path of life, man is the guide of woman and the children

___106. Which of the following rules contained in the Kartilya will guide the way the
member treats his fellow men?
A) Honorable man prefers honor to personal gain
B) Thou must not look upon woman as mere plaything
C) Life that is not consecrated is a tree without a shade
D) Whether our skin be black or white, we are all born equal

B. (2) Analysis of the Kartilya ng Katipunan

___107. The content and provisions of the Kartilya can be explained as –

A) Confusion among the Filipinos of their true identity
B) Tolerance of Filipinos on their deplorable conditions
C) A response to certain value system that was despicable
D) An acceptance of the fate of the Filipinos as natural state

___108. They were treated as the inferior of the white Europeans.

A) Indios
B) Insulares
C) Illustrados
D) Principales

___109. Which of the following rules in the Kartilya is an invocation of the inherent
equality between and among men?
A) To the honorable man, his word is sacred
B) Thou must not look upon woman as a mere plaything
C) Man is not worth because of the high prerogative he enjoys upon earth
D) The longed-for sun of Liberty shall rise over this most unhappy portion of the globe

___110. Which of the following events or situations had invoked equality among men in
the Kartilya?
A) Unjust colonial hierarchy
B) Values of victory and chivalry
C) 18th Century French Revolution
D) Raping and physically abusing women
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___111. Which of the following events or situations had inspired freedom or

independence in the Kartilya?
A) Unjust colonial hierarchy
B) Values of victory and chivalry
C) 18th Century French Revolution
D) Raping and physically abusing women

___112. Which of the following events or situations had promoted the importance of
honor in words and actions in the Kartilya?
A) Unjust colonial hierarchy
B) Values of victory and chivalry
C) 18th Century French Revolution
D) Raping and physically abusing women

___113. Which of the following events or situations had forbade exploitation of women
in the Kartilya?
A) Unjust colonial hierarchy
B) Values of victory and chivalry
C) 18th Century French Revolution
D) Raping and physically abusing women

___114. This writing of Jose Rizal was a recognition of women as important partners in
the struggle against Spanish colonial system.
A) Noli Me Tangere
B) To My First Inspiration
C) Los Agricultures Filipinos
D) Letters to the Women of Malolos

C. (1) Reading the Proclamation of the Philippine Independence

___115. The Philippine Independence was proclaimed on –

A) 04 July 1946
B) 12 June 1898
C) 15 August 1945
D) 02 September 1945

___116. The Philippine Independence was declared at the –

A) Province of Cavite
B) City of Lapu-Lapu
C) Province of Bataan
D) Province of Laguna
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___117. The Proclamation of Philippine Independence marked the end of –

A) Chinese regime
B) Japanese invasion
C) Spanish colonization
D) American occupation

___118. The document on the proclamation of Philippine Independence contained the

following, EXCEPT –
A) The war for independence
B) Representation to American Congress
C) Reason behind the revolution against Spain
D) The future of the new republic under Emilio Aguinaldo

___119. They characterized the condition of the Philippines during the Spanish colonial
period in the declaration of Philippine Independence, EXCEPT –
A) Inequality before the law
B) Mediation by the Archbishop
C) Arbitrary arrest by Civil Guard
D) Deportation of eminent personages

___120. Decrees of unjust deportation during the Spanish colonial period came from –
A) General Blanco
B) General Legaspi
C) General Izquerdo
D) General Despujol

___121. As demonstrated in the declaration of Philippine Independence, the unequal

protection of the law existed between –
A) Prisoners and jail wardens
B) Civil Guards and Archbishop
C) Filipino people and eminent personages
D) Spanish Insulares and Filipino Principales

___122. In accordance with this agreement, Aguinaldo and his staff went into voluntary
exile in Hong Kong, while the Spanish authorities promised reforms within three years.
A) Treaty of Paris
B) Blood Compact
C) Tripoli Agreement
D) Pact of Biak-na-Bato
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___123. As narrated in the proclamation of Philippine Independence, this province had

experienced quick decline of Spanish force caused by the spread of the movement.
A) Leyte
B) Bohol
C) Samar
D) Bataan

___124. This event was narrated in the proclamation of Philippine Independence.

A) Mutiny in Cavite
B) Execution of Jose Rizal
C) Martyrdom of GOMBURZA
D) All of these

___125. This event, as written in the proclamation of Philippine Independence, was

carried out by the Spanish authorities to “please the greedy body of friars.”
A) Mutiny in Cavite
B) Execution of Jose Rizal
C) Martyrdom of GOMBURZA
D) All of these

___126. It means the use of clever trickery, amoral methods, and expediency to
achieve a desired goal, especially in politics.
A) Socratic
B) Hegelian
C) Aristotelian
D) Machiavellian

___127. This event, as written in the proclamation of Philippine Independence, was

carried out by the Spanish authorities to “shed blood through the intrigues of those so-
called religious orders.”
A) Mutiny in Cavite
B) Execution of Jose Rizal
C) Martyrdom of GOMBURZA
D) All of these

___128. Jose Burgos, Mariano Gomez, and Jacinto Zamora were –

A) Penisulares
B) Civil Guards
C) Spanish friars
D) Native priests
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___129. As invoked in the proclamation of Philippine Independence, what type of

government was established on 12 June 1898?
A) Arbitrary
B) Anarchic
C) Dictatorial
D) Democratic

___130. Who was the Auditor of War who was appointed to proclaim and solemnize
the act by the Dictatorial Government of Philippine Islands?
A) Dr. Jose Rizal
B) Emilio Aguinaldo
C) Andres Bonifacio
D) Ambrosio Bautista

___131. Who was referred to as the “Chief of the Nation” in the proclamation of
Philippine Independence?
A) Dr. Jose Rizal
B) Emilio Aguinaldo
C) Andres Bonifacio
D) Ambrosio Bautista

___132. He was referred in the proclamation of Philippine Independence as one who

foretold the redemption of unfortunate people of Philippine Islands.
A) Dr. Jose Rizal
B) Emilio Aguinaldo
C) Andres Bonifacio
D) Ambrosio Bautista

___133. As described in the proclamation of Philippine Independence, the white

triangle in the Philippine flag represents –
A) The emblem of the Katipunan
B) The famous pyramid in Egypt
C) The solidarity among Filipinos
D) The Holy Trinity of the Catholic

___134. As described in the proclamation of Philippine Independence, the three stars

in the Philippine flag represent –
A) The three principal islands of the Archipelago
B) The three hundred years of Spanish colonization
C) The foreign forces that colonized the Archipelago
D) The three founders of the Propaganda Movement
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___135. As described in the proclamation of Philippine Independence, the sun in the

Philippine flag represents –
A) The sparkling hope for the oppressed Filipinos
B) The angry sunrays the strikes the Filipino tenants
C) The rising sun at the east of the Pearl of the Orient
D) The gigantic strides made by the sons of the Islands

___136. As described in the proclamation of Philippine Independence, the eight rays

symbolize –
A) The eight beatitudes said by Jesus Christ
B) The eight sides of the geometric figure octagon
C) The eight provinces that declared the state of war
D) The eight normal working hours required for workers

___137. As described in the proclamation of Philippine Independence, the blue, red

and white commemorate –
A) The blood shed by martyrs
B) Those of the flag of United States
C) The courage of the Filipino patriots
D) The state of peace longed for by Filipinos

C. (2) Analysis of the “Proclamation of the Philippine Independence”

___138. As mentioned in the proclamation of Philippine Independence, the following

were the most compelling sentiments represented by the popular leadership, EXCEPT –
A) Friars’ abuse
B) Agrarian crisis
C) Racial discrimination
D) Inequality before the law

___139. Who among the Filipinos felt the agrarian crisis in the nineteenth century?
A) Peasants
B) Landholders
C) Factory workers
D) Construction laborers

___140. It was one of the provinces where revolutionary soldiers fought in the
revolution for the hope of owning the lands that they were tilling.
A) Cavite
B) Manila
C) Laguna
D) Nueva Ecija
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___141. Who of the following leaders of the Philippine revolution belonged to the lower
A) Emilio Aguinaldo
B) Andres Bonifacio
C) Felipe Buencamino
D) Ambrosio Rianzares-Bautista

___142. What was being historicized in the victorious revolutionary government of

Aguinaldo in the proclamation of Philippine Independence?
A) Working for affiliation
B) Working out for cession
C) Struggle for independence
D) Struggle for representation

___143. Which of the following turning points in Philippine movement against Spain
was NOT mentioned in the proclamation of Philippine Independence?
A) Martyrdom of Jose Rizal
B) Execution of GOMBURZA
C) Founding of the Katipunan
D) Failed Cavite Munity of 1872

___144. The narration found in the proclamation of Philippine Independence reflected –

A) The politics of the victor
B) The defeat of the villains
C) The downfall of the empire
D) The exaltation of the peasants

___145. Who was the leader of the Magdalo Group that was founded during the 1896
Philippine Revolution?
A) Manuel Roxas
B) Dr. Jose Rizal
C) Emilio Aguinaldo
D) Andres Bonifacio

___146. Who was the leader of the Magdiwang Group that was founded during the
1896 Philippine Revolution?
A) Manuel Roxas
B) Dr. Jose Rizal
C) Emilio Aguinaldo
D) Andres Bonifacio
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___147. This was an agreement signed between Spain and the United States of
America regarding the ownership of the Philippine Islands and other Spanish colonies in
South America.
A) Treaty of Paris
B) Treaty of Hague
C) Treaty of Tordesillas
D) Treaty of Addis Ababa

___148. The Philippines was sold by Spain to America at –

A) $2 million
B) $20 million
C) $200 million
D) None of these

___149. How long after the declaration of Philippine Independence was the Treaty of
Paris signed?
A) 1 year
B) 2 years
C) 6 months
D) 10 months

___150. Who proclaimed the Philippine Independence?

A) Katipunan
B) Propaganda Movement
C) United States of America
D) Revolutionary Government

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