Uts 4
Uts 4
Uts 4
the reason for their action. Many psychologists tried to define the
origin of mental processes and behavior but they all settle down with
the formation of self were presented for you to have a clear picture on
The cognitive aspect of the self is known as self-concept. Self-concept is defined as self-knowledge,
a cognitive structure that includes beliefs about personality traits, physical characteristics, abilities,
values, goals, and roles, as well as the knowledge that an individual exist as individuals. As humans
According to the psychologist Dr. Bruce A. Bracken in 1992, there are six specific domains that
1) the social domain or the ability of the person to interact with others;
4) the physical domain or the feelings about looks, health, physical condition, and overall
6) family domain or how well one function within the family unit.
approaching the self – the knower (the pure or the I – Self) and
Carl Rogers
that are perceived in awareness. These are the things that are
According to Multiple Selves Theory, there are different aspects of the self exist in an individual. From
here, we can say that self is a whole consist of parts, and these parts manifest themselves when need
Gregg Henriques proposed the Tripartite Model of Human Consciousness, wherein he described that
self is consist of three related, but also separable domains these are the experimental self, private self,
o The experiential self or the theater of consciousness is a domain of self that defined as felt
experience of being. This includes the felt consistency of being across periods of time. It is tightly
associated with the memory. This is a part of self that disappears the moment that an individual
enter deep sleep and comes back when they wake up.
o The private self consciousness system or the narrator/interpreter is a portion of self that verbally
narrates what is happening and tries to make sense of what is going on. The moment that you read
this part, there is somewhat like a “voice” speaking in your head trying to understand what this
o Lastly, the public self or Persona, the domain of self that an individual shows to the public, and
this interacts on how others see an individual. Henriques’ Tripartite Model attempts to capture the
key domains of consciousness, both within the self and between others.
person is able to accept and understood the success and failure that they experienced. They are those
kinds of person who continually adjust, adapt, evolve and survive as an individual with integrated,
Donald Winnicott
“hide” the real self. The false self is activated to maintain social
perceived as functional for the person and for the society and
creates experiences of a sense of reality and sense of life worth living. Winnicott claimed that true
self can be achieved by good parenting that is not necessarily a perfect parenting.
Albert Bandura
to self.
behave. Such beliefs produce these diverse effects through four major processes. They include
cognitive, motivational, affective and selection processes. A strong sense of efficacy enhances human
In contrast Bandura (1989) said that people who doubt their capabilities shy away from difficult tasks
which they view as personal threats. They have low aspirations and weak commitment to the goals they
choose to pursue. When faced with difficult tasks, they dwell on their personal deficiencies, on the
obstacles they will encounter, and all kinds of adverse outcomes rather than concentrate on how to