6 класс 3 четверть
6 класс 3 четверть
6 класс 3 четверть
Learning objectives understand most specific information and detail of supported, extended
talk on a range general and curricular topics curricular topics use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
limited range of general topics, and some curricular topics use modal forms including, mustn’t (prohibition), need (necessity),
should (for advice) on a range of familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives To improve listening skills for specific information
To apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately arranging words and
phrases into well-formed sentences.
To use modal verbs “should” in positive and negative forms correctly
Previous learning Unit revision
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Beginning Organizational moment
8 min Teacher greets students. PPT
Teacher sets positive atmosphere by asking
such ice breaking questions as
How was your weekend?
What date is it today?
What is the weather like today?
Teacher discusses learning objectives with
the students. Handout 1
Warm –up.
Teacher shows a PPT slide with the Learners use the
examples. advice and Individual
Teacher elicits learners when should and should or avaluation
shouldn’t are used. Learners work in pairs shouldn’t to
and match the problems and the advice. write sentence
Open class discussion
Teacher can write some additional
examples on the board.
I have a stomach ache, what should I
should I do?
You should ……., but you shouldn’t ……..
I have a toothache, what should I do?
You should ……., but you shouldn’t ..
Middle Focus on listening Learners should Verbal Audio Track
30 min Pre-listening write down the evaluation 1
Teacher shows a PPT slide and explains to full sentences
learners that they should complete the into their Handout 2,
speech bubbles with the new words in the copybooks.
Teacher drills the pronunciation of the new
Learners listen and check their answers.
While-listening Learners listen
Peers assess each other according to the to a Handout 3
answers provided by the teacher. conversation
Teacher asks and makes notes on the between a Individual
number of correct answers and writes down doctor and a avaluation
the answers on the board so that learners patient and
could correct spelling mistakes. complete the
Post-listening: Speaking: Role play notes given.
Student A imagines s/he has got one of the
problems in pre-listening activity and s/he Learners work
goes to a doctor (Student B). Student A in pairs and use
tells Student B what’s wrong with him/her experiences
and asks for advice. from their life
Student B imagines s/he is a doctor. to hold a life- Mutual
Student A has got a problem. Student B like avaluatio
asks what’s wrong and gives him/her conversation
advice. Student B is to use should and
shouldn’t and some of the ideas in the box.
Pairs act out their dialogues in front of the
Teacher listens attentively and makes notes
on the mistakes made by learners then
teacher elicits the correct answers from
7 min At the end of the lesson, learners reflect on Learners throw Plenary Dice
their learning: the dice to find Self-
I would like to tell you about … out a random assessment
I would like to explain why … question they
The best part of today’s lesson was … should answer
One important thing to remember is..
Today I have learnt …
Home task: to learn the new words
Saying goodbye
Learning objectives use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings understand most specific information and detail of supported, extended
talk on a range general and curricular topics use future form will and going to make offers, promises, and
predictions and plans on a growing range of familiar general and curricular
Lesson objectives To understand specific information from the recording
To use future form “be going to” creating sentences
To enrich vocabulary with new topical words
Previous learning Sport in our class
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Beginning Organizational moment
7 min Teacher greets learners and
introduces the lesson objectives in a PPT
simplified manner.
Warm –up.
What healthy\unhealthy habits do you Learners work in
know? pairs and discuss
Do you think it is important to be fit the questions.
and healthy?
Teacher monitors and encourages
Teacher conducts brief class feedback
of students’ ideas by discussing them
with the whole class.
Middle Focus on listening Learners listen to Handout 1
30 min Pre-listening the recording or
Ask learners to predict what Rob is watch the video Verbal Video
going to do using the words in the following the link evaluation http://
worksheet. Do not forget to give out and underline the esol.britishco
the worksheet with words. Ask words they hear uncil.org/
learners to follow the structure: from Handout 1. content/
I think he is going to … learners/
Note: In Handout 2 teacher can find health-and-
the transcript of this audio and video, fitness
if it is difficult for learners to follow
the speed, teacher can read himself or
Teacher says right answers or shows Handout 2
them on smart board on PPT
Listening http://
Teacher gives out worksheets with esol.britishco
comprehension questions. Teacher uncil.org/
asks learners to read the Learners need to content/
comprehension questions and answer the learners/
underline key words before they questions. skills/
listen to the recording. Teacher plays speaking/
the audio or video again. health-and-
Teacher shows right answers on PPP. Mutual fitness
Teacher tells learners to check their avaluatio
answers together in pairs.
Weaker learners can read the
transcript before they watch the
video. Handout 3
Post – listening
Teacher gives out worksheet. Ask
learners to work individually to
complete the sentences using the
correct form of going to. Learners complete
Teacher monitors and corrects the sentences using
answers where necessary. the correct form of
Teacher tells learners to check their going to.
answers in pairs. The answers can
also be found on PPT.
Handout 4
Learning objectives develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion read independently a limited range of short simple fiction and non-fiction
texts give an opinion at sentence and discourse level on an increasing range of
general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives To read texts independently and discuss with others
To apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately arranging words and
phrases into well-formed sentences.
Learners listen to the recording and at Learners read the
the same time follow the text to identify text attentively to
who the man on the bus is. answer the
Teacher allocates 2 minutes to look questions given.
through the text and the pictures.
Teacher asks the whole class who the
man on the bus is.
Teacher explains to learners that they
should write full answers in full
sentences and provides examples.
Learners discuss
Open class discussion their experiences
Post-reading in pairs, and then
Think-Pair-Share share with the
Teacher asks learners if they have been class.
in such a situation at hospital. Mutual
OR Learners work in pairs to act out the avaluation
situation they have read about in the
text. They are also free to make any
changes. Learners listen
and follow the
To introduce the topic, to listen and text in their
read for gist books to find out
Direct Ss to the title of the article and
the pictures. Elicitwhat remedies Ss
think someone might find at home.
Play the recording.
To read for specific information complete the task
Give Ss time to read the text again and
complete the task.
Check Ss' answers. Tell Ss to check any
words they are
unsure of in their dictionaries.
10 min At the end of the lesson, learners reflect Learners reflect Self-
on their learning: on their learning assessment
3 new words they learnt
2 activities they liked
1 challenge (difficulty) they experienced
Home task: to write an assay HOW TO
Saying goodbye
Learning objectives use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of
perspectives on the world give an opinion at sentence and discourse level on an increasing range of
general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives To enrich vocabulary with new words related to the topic
To apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately arranging words and
phrases into well-formed sentences.
To share their personal pieces of advice for a healthy heart using new words
Previous learning How we keep fit and healthy
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Beginning Organizational moment
10 min Teacher greets learners and introduces PPT
the lesson objectives in a simplified
Warm –up.
Word race.
Teacher divides class into 2-3 groups Learners play
according to the rows. with Word race
Learners are given A4 papers to write
down the words. Teacher sets 2 minutes
to write as many words from the
previous lessons as they can within the
time limit. Learners take turns to write 1
word. The winner is the team who wrote
the biggest number of words and made
no spelling mistakes. Each spelling
mistake takes away 1 point. Learners
explain the meaning of the words.
Middle Focus on vocabulary Handout 1
30 min Pre-teaching new vocabulary Learners swap Mutual
Learners are given handout 1 with their works and avaluatio
pictures and phrases to match (there is a check the
slide with this task) for learning new answers in
phrases. They work on their own. pairs.
Teacher tells learners to compare their
answers with their partners.
Teacher shows the answers on the slide.
Teacher monitors the process and
explains the phrases where learners have
Teacher shows the pictures again and
asks learners to explain the meaning of
the words.
Focus on speaking
Learners are shown the word keeping fit.
Learners are divided into two groups. Learners work Video
The task of the first group is to write the in pairs and https://
phrases into the first column (Healthy decide which of www.youtub
habits) and the task of the second group the phrases evaluation e.com/
is to write the phrases into the second match keeping watch?
column (healthy eating). fit. v=XcENkfw
Teacher should also show the video LjOc
about healthy and unhealthy habits to
support learners with some ideas.
While speaking
Learners work in pairs and discuss
whether they think they have healthy or
unhealthy habits.
Post speaking
Teacher and learners give feedback to Learners
the learners using “Two stars and a discuss
wish” technique (Two stars = 2 things Individual
that are good about the dialogues, a wish avaluation
= something they can improve to make it Learners
even better). present their
dialogues to the
whole class.
5 min At the end of the lesson, learners reflect Self-
on their learning: assessment
3 new words they learnt
2 activities they liked
1 challenge (difficulty) they experienced
Home task: to learn the new vocabulary
Saying goodbye
Learning objectives communicate meaning clearly at sentence and discourse level during
pair, group and whole class exchanges; use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a
range of perspectives on the world link, with minimal support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using
basic connectors on a growing range of familiar general topics;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
To listen and read for gist, to read for specific information, to write about
health services
Most learners will be able to:
To listen and read for gist, to read for specific information, to write about
health services
Some learners will be able to:
To listen and read for gist, to read for specific information, to write about
health services
Previous learning How we keep fit and healthy
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
7 min To practise role-playing Learners
Explain the situation. complete the task Mutual
Remind Ss that they can use the in pairs, draw the avaluatio
dialogue in Ex. 2 as a model as well as diagram on the
any ideas of their own to complete the board and elicit
Middle To earn intonation when expressing Learners earn
30 min sympathy intonation when Verbal
Play the recording with pauses for Ss expressing evaluation
to repeat chorally and/or individually. sympathy
Pay special attention to Ss' intonation
and pronunciation.
To introduce the topic and Learners listen
predict the content of a text and follow the
Direct Ss’ attention to the pictures, title texts in their
and subheadings and elicit their guesses books and check.
as to what the texts are about.
To read for specific information Learners read the
Ask Ss to use the Word List to look up texts and answer
the meanings of the words in the Check the questions. Individual
these words box, then check Ss’ avaluation
To consolidate comprehension of a
Give Ss some time to consider their
answers and then elicit answers from Ss
around the class.
Learners write a
To write about a health service short text and pay
Explain the task and ask Ss to copy the attention to
headings into their notebooks. Then give correct spelling
Ss time to research information about a
health service from their country or Individual
another country and make notes under avaluation
the headings. Tell Ss to use their notes to
write a short text and pay attention to
correct spelling.
Ask various Ss to present the health
service to the class
8 min At the end of the lesson learners reflect Learners choose
on: one and put on Self-
- What they learned; the board their assessment
- What remained unclear for them; stickers.
- What they need to continue
working on;
Teacher gives comments about learners
work and awards learners.
Home task: to finish the presentation
about favourite sport
Saying goodbye
Learning objectives use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings understand most specific information and detail of supported, extended
talk on a range general and curricular topics give an opinion at sentence and discourse level on an increasing range of
general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives To listen for specific information while doing listening assignments
To share an opinion on the topic interacting classmates and using topical
Previous learning Creating a presentation about our favourite sport
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Beginning Organizational moment
5 min Teacher greets learners and introduces the PPT
lesson objectives in a simplified manner.
Warm –up.
Show a photo, ideally of a celebrity, who’s
particularly fit (e.g. Daniyar Eleusinov or Learners
Kazhymukan Munaitpassov) that learners describe
might admire or simply use this photo, and people by
ask learners how they would describe these photo
Middle Focus on speaking Learners Verbal https://
30 min Write these words on the board, explain that follow the evaluation englishlesson
these are groups of some specific exercises instruction plan.co.uk/
within the workout: fit-in-15-
cardio exercises core exercises cool minutes-
down exercises create-your-
Predict definitions of these words or explain own-work-
meanings if necessary. Show photos to out/
explain the meaning:
cardio activities core exercises cool
down exercises
Ask learners what type of exercises they do
or did in each stage of the workout. Ask
them to explain the activity.
By recalling these exercises teacher will be
able to elicit some key phrases. Depending
on the level here are some phrases teacher
can elicit: lift arm/leg, bend shoulder, hip
circles, knee circles, crunches, squats,
Focus on listening
Tell learners that they’re going to watch a
British TV presenter Davina talking about Learners
her new fitness programme. watch the
The task says Which of the words are used in video and the Video
the video? Cross out the words which are find out the Individual https://
not used in the video. answers to avaluation www.youtub
Learners watch the video again and answer the Task 1. e.com/
the questions. Show questions on PPT and watch?
ask learners to focus on questions. Remind time_continu
them that before listening they should e=8&v=jpgV
underline key words of each sentence. bKutE-c
What is the name of Davina’s fitness Handout 1
programme? (Fit in 15)
How many parts of workout are included in
the programme, what are the names? (cardio,
arms, legs and core,cool down,chill out https://
stretch.) englishlesson
How long has Davina been exercising with plan.co.uk/
the personal trainers? (10 years) fit-in-15-
What is the third exercise shown on the minutes-
video? Do you think you can do 10 create-your-
repetitions of this activity? (the activity is own-work-
called ‘squads’. The answer to the other out/
question depends on learners physical
10 min At the end of the lesson, learners reflect on Self-
their learning: assessment
3 new words they learnt
2 activities they liked
1 challenge (difficulty) they experienced
Learning objectives use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
growing range of general topics, and some curricular topics give an opinion at discourse level on a range of general and curricular
topics recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer on a growing range of
unfamiliar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts
Lesson objectives To talk about food preferences;
To present vocabulary in the context of article about fruit and vegetables
To identify specific information in the text;
To apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately arranging words and
phrases into well-formed sentences
Previous learning Creating a presentation about an aspect of keeping healthy
Planned Planned activities Learners’ activities Evaluation Resources
Beginning Organizational moment
10 min Greeting learners. Teacher draws PPT
students’ attention to the title of
the lesson and asks them to tell
what they think the lesson is about
(eating the right kind of food or
healthy food).
Teacher discusses Learning
Objectives with the learners.
Warm –up.
Teacher shows PPT slide with
pictures and asks learners which of Learners use
the fruit and vegetables they like construction “I like/ I
most of all. don’t like”.
Middle Focus on vocabulary Learners read the Verbal
30 min Learners are shown a PPT slide. words “proteins / evaluation Handout 1
They should write the food in the fibre / vitamins /
correct column. cereals / sugar” and put
Teacher distributes the handouts them in the suitable
with vocabulary words to the sentences.
Open class discussion Learners write one or Handout 2
Teacher asks learners about the two new words and
word that was new for them. stick them to the poster
Poster will look like a tree with
words on its leaves.
Focus on reading
Pre-reading Learners read the title
Learners read the title of the of the magazine article Handout 3
magazine article “A rainbow on
your plate” and make predictions Learners give any Mutual
about the object of reading. associations with the avaluatio
Teacher may help to deduce the given word (rain,
meaning of the word “rainbow” by colourful, beautiful
brainstorming the word. Teacher etc.).
writes the word “rainbow” on the
Teacher distributes texts for
reading in the form of magazine
article. At first learners should
choose an appropriate fruit or
vegetable for each its function by
ticking the boxes. Several food
items can be chosen for each of the
Post reading
Learners have a further discussion Learners are
on the topic of the article. encouraged to use
Teacher should write out the 6 phrases for expressing
statements below on A4 paper and agreement and
post them around the room. disagreement like
Learners should walk around and “totally agree”, “totally
write their opinion in response to disagree”, “not sure
at least 3 of the questions. about that/partially
agree or disagree”.
Learning objectives develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion ask simple questions to get information about a growing range of general
topics read independently a limited range of short simple fiction and non-fiction
5 min At the end of the lesson, learners Self-
reflect on their learning: assessment
Draw together what has been learned,
Highlight the most important rather
than the most recent points,
Summarise key facts, ideas and
vocabulary, and stress what needs to
be remembered;
Learning objectives 6.L7 Recognise the opinion of the speaker(s) in supported extended talk on a
limited range of general and curricular topics
6.S5 Keep interaction going in longer exchanges on a range of general and
curricular topics
6.S7 Use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
limited range of general topics, and some curricular topics
Lesson objectives Identify the position of speakers in an extended talk with support
Communicate with others in longer conversation on familiar topics
Apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately arranging words and
phrases into well-formed sentences
Previous learning Looking at Kazakhstan recipes
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Beginning Organizational moment PPT
10 min Warm –up.
Make a fruit salad with as many fruits Learners do the https://
as you can. Students take turns task Verbal busyteacher.or
being blindfolded and guessing the evaluation g/7055-6-esl-
fruit they’ve been given to taste. You games-with-
may divide them into teams, give them food.html
points for correct guesses, and let them
enjoy a healthy snack!
Middle LISTENING Video
30 min Listen to the talk between Mrs Learners listen to https://
Pickles and Dr Crawley twice and the talk and circle Individual www.youtube.
circle the correct answer. the correct avaluation com/watch?
1. Mrs Pickles thought the man _____ answer v=1WfyX5Ga
2. According to Mrs Pickles, the man Cmc
should drink warm tea because
3. According to Mrs Pickles, the man
should be _________
4. Mrs Pickles is going to see a doctor
because _______
5. Mrs Pickles doesn’t know what Dr
Crawley looks like because_____
Focus on listening
Inform learners that they are going to
watch a tutorial video how to calculate Learners
the cost of food for a particular recipe. calculate the cost
Ask learners to take notes if necessary of food for a Mutual
and remember as much as possible. particular type of avaluatio
Focus on writing dish.
Ask learners to choose food and write
necessary ingredients for food. Handout 1
Demonstrate the simple example how http://
to calculate. Ask more able learners to learnenglishtee
calculate for a person including serving ns.britishcounc
as in video. il.org/skills/
For example: writing/
Beshbarmak elementary-a2-
Meat – 1.5 kg / 2250 tg writing/recipe
Onion – 2/ 10 tg
Eggs – 2 / 50 tg
Flour – 300 gr/60 tg
Potato – 300 gr/ 30 tg
Total: 2400 tg
Average price of the above food
Meat costs about 1500 tg per 1 kg
Onion costs about 100 tg per a 1
Eggs costs 250 tenge for 10 eggs
Flour costs 200 tenge for 1 kg
Potato costs about 100 tenge per 1 kg
Students will write the recipe of the
dish they have chosen and remember
learners to use tips for writing. Less-
able learners should be supported by
teacher. Learners describe
the whole
process of
cooking Individual
5 min Write down 3 things you have done
particularly well this lesson
Write 1 thing that you think you could
have done better
Home task: to revise grammar and
Saying goodbye
Learning objectives use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings use present continuous forms with present and future meaning and past
continuous forms for background and interrupted past actions on a limited range
of familiar general and curricular topics use modal forms including mustn’t (prohibition) need (necessity)
should (for advice) on a range of familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives A learner can select necessary words/phrases and put them into the gaps to make
meaningful sentences
A learner can recognize grammar inconsistencies in the sentences and provide
correct sentences
A learner can recognize typical features of the target grammar and apply all rules
Previous learning Looking at Kazakhstan recipes
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Beginning Organizational moment
10 min Teacher greets learners. Teacher explains PPT slides 1
that today learners will perform a revision
work –grammar and vocabulary tasks.
Warm –up. Small ball
Teacher organizes an activity: ‘Brain
power’. The idea is the same as in ‘Hot
potato’ – all participants one by one throw
a ball to a classmate saying one
word/phrase they remember from
previous lessons (Topic Our Health). This
way some vocabulary recap takes place.
Middle Focus on vocabulary Learners focus Individual
30 min Quiz on the tasks and avaluation Handout 1
Teacher distributes the vocabulary quiz to accomplish
learners. Learners should do the tasks them
individually. independently
If learners have problems understanding a
task, they should ask the teacher to help
them. Teacher’s support should not be
thorough – just some hints/clues are
Focus on grammar
Teacher reads out the definitions of 3 Learners study
pieces of grammar and learners should grammar and
say what grammar it is: give examples
We use this grammar (modal verb) to give using these
advice (should/shouldn’t); grammar rules evaluation
We use this grammar to say that we have
intention to do something in future (be
going to + V);
We use this grammar to give orders to
somebody (Imperative mood).
Teacher asks some learners to give
examples using these grammar rules.
Teacher distributes the quizzes and asks Learners
learners to work individually. concentrate on
Learners concentrate on the tasks and the tasks and Handout 2
perform them independently. If learners perform them
appear to misunderstand the task, they independently
may ask teacher to come up to them and
give help where necessary. Teacher’s Mutual
support should take place occasionally. avaluatio
Note: Remember learners that the
maximum points for grammar task are 20
and if a learner gets at least 10 points,
achieves the goal.
Learning objectives give an opinion at sentence and discourse level on an increasing range of
general and curricular topics; understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple
texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics; understand most specific information and detail of supported, extended
talk on a range general and curricular topics; link, with minimal support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using
basic connectors on a growing range of familiar general topics; - use future form will to make offers, promises, and predictions on a
growing range of familiar general and curricular topics;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
identify some specific information in the text correctly and use some target
vocabulary correctly in production tasks with support
Most learners will be able to:
identify most specific information in the text correctly and use a range of target
vocabulary correctly in production tasks with support
Some learners will be able to:
identify all specific information in the text correctly and use a range of target
vocabulary correctly in production tasks with little support
Previous learning Unit revision
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Beginning Organizational moment Learners
5 min Greeting learners. Teacher focuses discuss
learners on the main goal of the lesson. learning
Warm –up.
Learners brainstorm all types of activities
during holidays. Teacher gives the Learners write
instructions and demonstrates the phrases in
presentation with the phrases about their
holiday activities. Student should classify copybooks.
them into three groups: holidays by sea,
holidays in the mountains, touring in a
Open class feedback
Possible answers:
Holidays by the sea: sunbathing,
windsurfing, fishing
Holidays in the mountains: hiking,
exploring nature, camping
Touring holiday in a city: visiting
museums, tasting local food, shopping,
meeting local people, staying at hotels.
Middle To present new vocabulary Learners listen Verbal
30 min Draw Ss’ attention to the pictures. Play and repeat evaluation
the recording. chorally
Ss listen and repeat chorally and/or and/or
individually. Elicit the L1 equivalents. individually
(Ss’ own answers)
Learners talk
To talk about holiday activities about holiday
Explain/Elicit the meanings of any activities Mutual
unknown words and read out the example, avaluatio
then Ss talk in pairs about their holiday
activities using the phrases.
To read for lexico-grammatical read the text
structure(multiple choice cloze) and complete
Allow Ss some time to read the text and the gaps. Individual
complete the gaps. Explain that Ss should
read the wholesentence avaluation
before they decide on the best word
tocomplete each gap. Learners
understand the
To understand the writer’s purpose writer’s
and suggest alternative headings purpose and
Read the Study Skills box aloud and then suggest
explain/elicit the meaning of the purposes alternative
in the rubric. Ask questions to check Ss’ headings
10 min At the end of the lesson, learners reflect assessment
on their learning:
3 new words which you have learned
2 activities which you liked today
1 activity which was difficult for you
Home task: to learn the new vocabulary
Saying goodbye
Unit 6: Holidays and Travel School:
Learning objectives give an opinion at sentence and discourse level on an increasing range of
general and curricular topics; understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple
texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics; link, with minimal support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using
basic connectors on a growing range of familiar general topics;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
identify some specific information in speaking and listening and use some target
vocabulary accurately in production tasks with support
Most learners will be able to:
identify most specific information in speaking and listening and use most target
vocabulary accurately in production tasks with support
Some learners will be able to:
identify all specific information in speaking and listening and use most target
vocabulary accurately in production tasks with little support
Previous learning Reviewing map reading skills
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
5 min To present and practice new
Explain/Elicit the meaning of any Learners present
unknown words. Ss match the attractions and practice new
(1-8) to the activities (A-H), then ask vocabulary
various Ss around the class to make
Middle Focus on vocabulary Learners should Individual
30 min Teacher gives clear instructions and hands match the words avaluation
out the papers. with the pictures
Most able learners will have the task and write down
without any support. translation for
Less able learners will have a minimal these words.
support as written the first letters of the
Teacher monitors while learners are doing
the task.
Peer checking. Less able and most able
learners might work in pairs so they will
help each other.
Teacher should drill the pronunciation of
the words with the class.
Focus on listening
Teacher shows the picture and learners Learners predict
need to predict what the dialogue is about. what the dialogue
Learners can do it pairs. Focus learners’ is about.
attention to the verbs. Ask if they are
going to talk about their future plans for a
holiday and past ones. Mutual
Less-able learners should be supported avaluatio
with some phrases to share an opinion.
While – listening.
Teacher instructs learners clearly. Ask
learners to read the task and underline key Learners get
words in the task. Learners will listen to familiar with the
the recording twice. instruction.
Ask some ICQs (Instruction checking
1. Are there 11 questions? (No, ten)
2. Are you going to choose from
options given? (No, we need to Verbal
write a word or words) evaluation
3. Can you write 3 words as an
answer? (No, no more than 2)
Remember learners that they can write
only ONE or TWO words, no more than
Alan and Henrietta meet on the train and
talk about Alan's European trip. Complete
these sentences with ONE or TWO words.
Learning objectives 6.R5 deduce meaning from context on a limited range of familiar general and
curricular topics, including some extended texts
6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
limited range of general topics, and some curricular topics
6.UE10 use present continuous forms with present and future meaning and past
continuous forms for background and interrupted past actions on a limited range
of familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Express own opinions by using the pictures
Comprehend the general information in the text
Most learners will be able to:
Apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately arranging words and
phrases into well-formed sentences
Some learners will be able to:
Make the compound sentences by using the right verb tenses
Present the conclusion of all the texts
Previous learning Reviewing map reading skills (This relates to Geography)
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Beginning Greetings.
5 min Teacher organizes the class and greets the
students .In order to understand learning
objectives students should paraphrase them
by little support of a teacher.
In order to reminisce types of transport, Learners
Teacher clicks a link below to show a short construct some
video about types of transport that are used compound evaluation
during the travelling. After watching it, sentences one
learners construct some compound sentences by one
one by one (at least 2 sentences as well as
present simple and past simple should be
For example: There is no doubt that in
summer season the usage of buses for
travelling is not so convenient because of hot https://
weather as well as crowd in it. learningapp
Middle Pre-teaching new vocabulary: Learners should Mutual Active
30 min Teacher shows a slide on the PPT to get match new avaluatio board
acquainted the learners with the words from words with the
upcoming tasks. If students do not know given pictures.
them, they should write words down in their
copybooks. Learners
Pre-reading discuss
Before starting to do a reading task, all the Verbal Handout 1
students discuss the places of interest in evaluation Reading
Astana (what places can they visit?). texts
According to the learning objective the
students should use the Past and Future
simple while speaking (for example: what
did they visit? Where will they go?). After
all, there should be pair assessment, if a
learner makes mistakes in word-ordering or
using an appropriate tense, his/her pair may
correct him/her by giving feedback orally
A teacher monitors this procedure.
Each student is given one text (there are 5 Learners read
different topics) and students read his/her his/her own text Handout 2
own text individually within 2 minutes individually Individual
(Teacher should cut the 5 texts and then within 2 avaluation
distribute reading passages for each student). minutes,
After having done the reading, learners retells his/her
should be divided into 2 groups (if there are text to his team
10 students, it’s up to the teacher/the number fellows in order
of students in the class). Thus, each student to inform them
retells his/her text to his team fellows in what his/her
order to inform them what his/her topic is topic is about
about, and one by one (by chain) learners
discuss their texts to each other. When they
complete retelling to each other, they will
answer the questions in PPT related to 5
different topics.
10 min 3 new words you have learnt assessment
2 activities you liked
1 difficulty you have experienced
Home task: Learners should learn by heart
new words and construct 5 compound
sentences by using them.
Saying goodbye
End Plenary:
5 min Teacher asks students to describe the Self-
lesson in 2 nouns assessment
and 2 adjectives.
Home task: Students should write
answers (7-10 sentences) to these
questions: Are there many places where
you can go camping in your town? What
are the advantages and the dangers of
camping in the mountains/ forest or by the
Saying goodbye
Learning objectives deduce meaning from context on a limited range of familiar general and
curricular topics, including some extended texts; use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
limited range of general topics, and some curricular topics deduce meaning from context in supported extended talk on a range of
general and curricular topics; organise and present information clearly to others use with some support appropriate layout at text level for a growing
range of written genres on familiar general topics and some curricular topics;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
identify some specific information and ideas in the text correctly and use some
target language correctly to recount information about the text
Most learners will be able to:
identify a range of specific information and ideas in the text correctly and use
some target language correctly to recount information about the text
Some learners will be able to:
Identify a range of specific information and ideas in the text correctly and use a
range of target language correctly to recount information about the text
Previous learning Learning about the weather and how to create a cloud
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Beginning GREETINGS Learners
5 min Direct Ss’ attention to the picture and elicit introduce the
what Ssthink they are going to read about. topic, to predict
Ask four Ss toeach read out the first the content of
sentence of one paragraph. Play the the text; to
recording. Ss listen and follow the text in listen and read
their books to check. for gist
Middle To read for specific information Learners answer
30 min Allow Ss some time to read the text the questions Verbal
again.Ask Ss to use the Word List to look evaluation
up the meanings of the words in the Check
these words box, then give Ss some time to
answer the questions.
To consolidate comprehension of a text Learners
Elicit a variety of reasons from Ss around consolidate
the class why comprehension avaluatio
someone should visit Turgen Gorge. of a text
10 min 3 new words you have learnt Self-
2 activities you liked assessment
1 difficulty you have experienced
Saying goodbye
Learning objectives recognise the difference between fact and opinion in short, simple texts
on a wide range of general and curricular topics give an opinion at sentence and discourse level on an increasing range of
general and curricular topics; organise and present information clearly to others use with some support appropriate layout at text level for a growing
range of written genres on familiar general topics and some curricular topics;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
use some language from the module to express views and write some relevant
questions accurately
Most learners will be able to:
use a range of language from the module to express views and write a range of
relevant questions accurately
Some learners will be able to:
use a wide range of language from the module to express views and write a range
of relevant questions accurately
Previous learning Descriptive language to create an atmosphere
Planned Planned activities Learners’ activities Evaluation Resources
5 min To learn situational language,
introduce the context of a dialogue
and practise pronunciation Play the Learners listen and
recording. repeat chorally and/or
Elicit Ss’ guesses as to what the individually.
dialogue might be about
Middle To listen for specific information
35 min Play the recording. Ss listen and follow
the text in their books and find out the Learners listen and
answer to the question in Ex. 1a. follow the text and Verbal
find out the answer to evaluation
To read for specific information the question
Allow Ss time to read the dialogue
again and do the task. Learners elicit
Refer Ss to the Word List to look up corrections for the
the words in the box. false statements.
To act out a dialogue
Play the recording again.
Monitor the activity around the class Learners to work in
and ask somepairs to read out the pairs and take roles to
dialogue in front of the class. read out the dialogue.
To present and practise intonation avaluation
Go through the theory and explain how Learners present and
the pitchgoes up at the end of a yes/no practise intonation in
question and downat the end of a wh- questions
Play the recording with pauses for Ss Verbal
to listen and repeat chorally and/or evaluation
individually. Pay specialattention to
pronunciation and intonation and
correct as necessary.
5 min 3 new words you have learnt Self-
2 activities you liked assessment
1 difficulty you have experienced
Home task: To write an email about
your holiday
Saying goodbye
Learning objectives link with minimal support sentences into coherent paragraphs using basic
connectors on a growing range of familiar general topics use with some support appropriate layout at text level for a growing
range of written genres on familiar general topics and some curricular topics use future form will to make offers, promises, and predictions on a
growing range of familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives To write a postcard using present continuous and future tenses
To write a postcard following the structure of a postcard
Previous learning Researching and writing a magazine article on adventure holidays for
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Beginning Organizational moment
5 min Greeting learners. Teacher focuses PPT
learners on the main goal of the
lesson. Video BBC
Warm –up. Learners discuss https://
T: Show the video to learners and ask www.youtube.
them what the girl in the video doing. com/watch?
Teacher can ask some questions v=1JC5Ig5Ik_
What has she taken out from her bag? g
(A postcard)
How did she start her letter? (Dear
friends, hello from London)
Where is she staying? (in a wonderful
Where has she been? (Tower of
London, River Thames )
What food has she tried? (Fish and
What is she planning to do? (to visit a
musical at the London Palladium)
How does she finish her letter? (Wish
you were here. Love from Emma)
What tenses has she used? (Present
Simple, Present Perfect, Present
Continuous )
Learning objectives use future form will to make offers, promises, and predictions on a
growing range of familiar general and curricular topics use present continuous forms with present and future meaning and past
continuous forms for background and interrupted past actions on a limited range
of familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives To revise “to be going to” through various exercises
To use topic-related vocabulary
To practice writing skill through writing information for a tourist brochure
Previous learning Researching and writing a magazine article on adventure holidays for
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Beginning Organizational moment PPT
5 min Greeting students. Students discuss
learning objectives. Teacher focuses
students on the main goal of the lesson.
Warm –up.
Teacher attracts learners’ attention the Learners look at Individual
task. The activity is for vocabulary the pictures and avaluation
revision. match them with
the words given.
Middle Focus on grammar Handout 1
35 min Focus learners’ attention on the Learners read
structure “to be going to” and ask the instructions Verbal
learners to read the instructions and and complete the evaluation
complete the exercise. exercise
Fill in the correct verb from the list.
Answers: 1) swim 2) eat 3) take
4) sit 5) stay 6) send 7) go
8) visit 9) relax
Answers: Learners
1. Accommodation answers at least
2. Attractions 3 questions
3. Cosmopolitan correctly
4. Ceremony
5. Precious. Mutual
-answers at least 3 questions correctly
Exercise 8.
Ask learners to read the instruction of Learners
exercise 8 and do the task. answers at least
5 questions
Assessment: correctly
-answers at least 5 questions correctly
Exercise 9.
Ask learners to imagine that they are
writing a short paragraph about their Learners write at
city for a brochure. Write: what least one
sights/attractions tourists can see there, paragraph (about
how they can get around, what food 50 words)
they can try and where they can stay.
Assessment criteria.
-uses present tenses correctly
-uses topic – related vocabulary
After learners have finished their
writing task, ask them to swap their
copy books or sheets and assess them.
End At the end of the lesson, learners Self-
5 min reflect on their learning: assessment
What was the most interesting task?
What was the most challenging task?
Home task: to finish writing a short
paragraph about their city for a
Saying goodbye
Learning objectives 6.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others
6.R4 read independently a limited range of short simple fiction and non-fiction
6.R5 deduce meaning from context on a limited range of familiar general and
curricular topics, including some extended texts
6.S5 keep interaction going in basic exchanges on a growing range of general
and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Understand the reading text
Enrich vocabulary with new words related to the topic
Most learners will be able to:
Identify specific information in the text
Some learners will be able to:
Apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately arranging words and
phrases into well-formed sentences.
Previous learning Unit revision
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Beginning Organizational moment
5 min Teacher starts with greetings and meets PPT
students with the plan of the lesson today
and learning objectives.
Hello, dear friends!
Today we are going to have a story for
reading about Lisa. She won first prize - a
ticket to New York.
Pre-reading: discussion. Learners Verbal
Teacher shows questions on Power Point discuss evaluation
Presentation. One of the students reads
them and other answer.
Do you have a computer?
Do you ever use it to get on the Internet?
What for?
Have you ever won anything in a
competition or a quiz?
What do you know about New York?
Would you like to travel there?
What do you think Lisa’s trip will be like?
Middle While-reading Learners choose
35 min Learners are given the text of Chapter 1 true or false
and the while-reading they do the tasks. At sentences Mutual Handout 1
first they should do True/False exercise. avaluatio
Then they complete the paragraph with the
words from the text.
After that they match the words with their
meanings from the text.
Teacher pays attention to read the task
carefully all the time.
When learners finish reading they assess
each other in pairs.
Teacher shows the answers on PPT and
students do pair assessment.
Teacher asks about the results and makes
some notes about students’ success.
Open class feedback to check the answers.
Post-reading (Plenary)
Open class feedback.
Do you like the story? Learners do the
What was the most interesting for you? task Individual
Learners are given the text of Chapter 4
(Handout 2) and the while-reading exercises
(Handout 1). Learners mark
sentences as Mutual Handout 2
Task 3. They should complete the fact file True or False avaluatio
about the Statue of Liberty with information
from Chapter 4.
Chapter 4.
Weaker students can work in pairs. Learners finish
When learners finish reading they assess reading they
each other in pairs. assess each
Open class feedback to check the answers. other in pairs.
Answer key:
Task 3:1)Liberty Island, new York city
2)France 3)1886 4)150 feet 5) 350
Task 4: 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T
End Post-reading (Plenary) Learners Self-
5 min 1. Which famous sights/monuments would discuss assessment
you like to visit? Why? whether they
2. Do you like museums? Why? / Why not? liked Chapter
3. What do you like doing when you visit a 4 and answer
new place? the post-
4. What do you think the cousins are going reading
to see in the Met? questions in
Open class feedback. pairs or in
Home task: learn the new words, write a small groups.
paragraph about a famous sight/monument in
Kazakhstan using the new words (weaker
students may write few simple sentences,
stronger students may write a longer
paragraph with more complex sentences)
Saying goodbye
Learning objectives develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing develop with support coherent arguments supported when necessary by
examples and reasons for a limited range of written genres in familiar general
and curricular topics
Lesson objectives To write the summary of the story using some vocabulary
To develop paragraphing of a summary
Previous learning Learners read non-fiction books in Kazakh, English, Russian languages
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Beginning Organizational moment
5 min Teacher greets learners and introduces PPT
the lesson objectives in a simplified
Teacher discusses the leaning objectives
with learners. http://
Warm –up www.teachin
The teacher uses a vocabulary box. This genglish.org.
box must mainly comprise of words on uk/article/
pieces of paper (verbs, adjectives, revision-box
adverbs etc.) all said by the learners
themselves in previous lessons.
Importantly a lot of words are required
for this activity.
Post – writing
After learners have finished writing, ask
them to proofread their summary and if
necessary, they can swap their sheets to
check each other. Learners finish
Learning objectives 6.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others
6.R1 understand the main points in a growing range of short, simple texts on
general and curricular topics
6.R2 understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple
texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics
6.S5 keep interaction going in basic exchanges on a growing range of general
and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Understand the main idea of the text about travelling
Discuss the main ideas mentioned in the text
Most learners will be able to:
Identify the main and specific information in the text
Apply some topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately
Some learners will be able to:
Identify the main and specific information in the text without support
Apply most newly learnt vocabulary in their speech
Previous learning Summarizing the chosen books
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Beginning Greetings.
5 min Warming-up:
Teacher tells students to check their home
task. In pairs, students swap copybooks and
check emails. Students check each other’s
works according to peer assessment.
Students are to write +/- for categories in
their partners’ copybook.
Middle Pre-reading Think-Pair-Share
35 min Students are shown a PPT slide with the Learners
pictures of the Chinatown, Chinese answer the Verbal
restaurant and Chinese food. questions evaluation
After each question teacher displays the Handout 1
information about each of the objects on Reading text
the next PPT slides to let students know
more about them and guess what will
happen in the end of the story (chapter 10).
Teacher tells that students are going to read
chapter 10 for 7 minutes. Learners Handout 2
Students are given the text of Chapter 10 complete
(Handout 2) and the while-reading matching task Mutual
exercises (Handout 1). 1. avaluatio
Teacher explains that students are to
complete matching task 1.
Peer assessment.
After the peer assessment, students check
the task as a whole class.
Learning objectives read independently a limited range of short simple fiction and non-fiction
texts develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing
Lesson objectives To read the legend for comprehension and discuss the events of the legend
To give arguments and justify their opinions
Previous learning Summarizing the chosen books
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Beginning Organizational moment
5 min Teacher greets learners and introduces
the lesson objectives in a simplified PPT
Teacher discusses the learning
objectives with learners. https://
Warm –up www.youtub
What legends were discussed in the Learners watch a Individual e.com/
video? video about avaluation watch?
What was the first legend ‘Aisha Bibi’ Kazakhstan v=GINJMK2
about? legends and yVvc
What was the second legend “Khoja discuss what
Akhmed Yassaui” about? legends were
Answers: discussed in the
Two legends (Love of Aisha Bibi and video and answer
Khoja Akhmed Yassaui) the questions
It is the legend of Aisha Bibi’s love to
It is the legend of the man who served
to spread Muslim religion
Middle Focus on reading Learners read the Verbal
35 min Pre-reading questions and evaluation
Teacher asks learners to look at answer them.
exercise 1 page 84.
Who is Ertostik? Handout 1
What is he famous for?
Learners discuss the questions in pairs
and share their opinions.
Learning objectives understand independently specific information and detail in short,
simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics independently a limited range of short simple fiction and non-fiction
Lesson objectives To read the legend for detailed information
To identify details of a text, including setting
To formulate a basic summary of the legend
Previous learning Different activities, based on the content of the books
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Beginning Organizational moment
5 min Teacher greets learners and introduces the
lesson objectives in a simplified manner. PPT
Teacher discusses the learning objectives
with learners.
Warm –up
Teacher asks some questions for
discussion. Learners listen Verbal
Do you believe in legends? or read the evaluation
What Kazakh legends do you know? questions and
Have you ever heard anything about Er discuss them in
Tostik? pairs.
Middle Focus on reading Video
35 min Pre-reading Learners look at Mutual Reading
Teacher presents the new words, learners the pictures and avaluatio comprehensi
look at the pictures and guess the guess the on
meaning of words. Ask them try to meaning of
remember as they are going to read a words https://
story and these words relate to the topic. www.youtub
In addition learners watch a video about e.com/
Reading Comprehension strategies and watch?
prepare their questions before reading the v=ZUDigw4
story. LCYE
Teacher fixes time for 10 minutes. More- Learners read Individual
able learners can be paired up with less- the legend avaluation
able ones and help them comprehend the focusing on
legend. details.
Teacher can also provide less-able
learners with dictionaries to support them.
Teacher demonstrates PPT and asks
learners to discuss in pairs.
How would you feel if someone captures Learners Mutual
your father? discuss avaluatio
Has something like happened in your life
or someone’s life?
Have ever read another legend/story like
Does someone in the legend remind you
of any other characters?
Have you ever heard of anything like
Learners retell the story. To avoid
repetition, teacher can divide learners and
the parts that they will retell. Learners retell Verbal
Learner 1 tells the beginning of the the story and do evaluation
legend the task
Learner 2 tells about Er Tostik’s father
Learner 3 tell about Bapy Khan
Learner 4 tells about three giants Learners tells
Learner 5 tells the end of the story. the details of
the legend
and covers the
main events of
the legend
5 min At the end of the lesson, learners reflect assessment
on their learning:
Who are the main characters of the
What lesson did you get from the legend?
Home task: retell the legend once more
Saying goodbye
Unit 7: Reading for Pleasure School:
Learning objectives develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing keep interaction going in longer exchanges on a range of general and
curricular topics develop with support coherent arguments supported when necessary by
examples and reasons for a limited range of written genres in familiar general
and curricular topics
Lesson objectives To discuss the story and summarize it
To write about the main events of the story
Previous learning Different activities, based on the content of the books
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Beginning Organizational moment
5 min Teacher greets learners and
introduces the lesson objectives in a PPT
simplified manner.
Teacher discusses the learning
objectives with learners.
Warm –up
Teacher asks questions about Learners answer
identifying the main events of the Verbal
story. evaluation
What does “the main event” mean?
What is the main event of the story?
What should we know to identify it?
What can “major events” include?
Middle Focus on speaking Handout 1
35 min Identifying setting, characters, and Learners discuss Mutual
major events in a story. "The Three avaluatio
Little Pigs"
Activity 1 Learners read the
Teacher asks learners to read the task task in and identify
in Handout 1 and identify what the what the major Video
major event of the story is. If there is event of the story https://
an access to the internet, it would is www.youtube.
better to follow the link and show the com/watch?
picture. v=bDB8dlWS
Teacher can also ask learners to vg8
watch a video to identify the main
events of the story. Follow the link to
play the video or see in the resources.
Activity 2
Teacher divides learners into pairs
and asks them to discuss the main Learners discuss Individual
events, characters and setting of the the main events, avaluation
story “The grove of the dancing characters and
birches”. setting of the story
-Who are the main characters? “The grove of the
- Where did the story take place? dancing birches”.
- What events happened in the story?
After learners have finished
discussing, let them share their
opinions about it.
Assessment criteria:
-names at least one main characters
and explain why he or she is the main
-knows and shares the setting
-lists the main events of the story in
Activity 3
Teacher asks learners to find two
sentences in the text that express the Learners compare
fact and two that express opinion. their answers with
their partners.
5 min At the end of the lesson, learners assessment
reflect on their learning:
What knowledge, understanding and
skills did you use?
Design an assessment to find out
whether a partner had understood the
Home task: to repeat grammar
Saying goodbye
Learning objectives 6.L8 Understand supported narratives including some extended talk, on a range
of general and curricular topics
6.R4 Read independently a limited range of short simple fiction and non-fiction
6.W5 Develop with support coherent arguments supported when necessary by
examples and reasons for a limited range of
written genres in familiar general and curricular topics
6.S6 Communicate meaning clearly at sentence and discourse
level during pair, group
Lesson objectives All learners:
-listen to the recording twice on topic ‘Holidays and Travel’, having chance to
look through the questions before the recording starts .
- read the text on topic ‘Our health’ and answer the questions.
- should choose one topic. They should write on topics ‘Our health’ or ‘Holidays
and Travel’.
- pair up and have a two-way conversation on topics: ‘Our health’,
‘Holidays and Travel’.
Previous learning Different activities, based on the content of the books
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
3 min 1.Greeting
2. Lesson objective
SA LISTENING Learners listen Individual
40 min Task. Listen to the conversation to the avaluation
between the travel tour guide and the conversation
tourists twice. between the
CD3. Tapescript 2. And transcript for travel tour
listening task can be found after the guide and the
mark scheme. tourists twice.
Task. Read the text about fast food.
Mark sentences as True or False. Learners read
1. The hamburger is originally the text about
American. fast food and
2. People can eat hamburgers mark
anywhere around the world. sentences as
3. McDonald’s is one of the True or False.
world’s most famous fast food
4. Older people like this sort of
Learning objectives understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple
texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics understand the detail of an argument on a limited range of familiar general
and curricular topics, including some extended texts read independently a limited range of short simple fictions and non-fiction
Lesson objectives To read the story and understand specific information using scanningo
To recognize the detail of an argument while reading the story
Previous learning Summative control work for the 3d term
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Beginning Organizational moment
5 min Teacher greets learners and introduces PPT
the lesson objectives in a simplified
Teacher discusses the learning
objectives with learners.
Warm –up
Teacher asks some questions to give Learners look at
learners ideas about the topic. the picture of Verbal
What are they? (Trees, birches) birches and evaluation
Where do they grow in out country? share their
(in the North Kazakhstan) opinion what
Have you ever seen these trees? they think about
When? Where? them.
Middle Focus on reading Video
35 min Pre-reading https://
Teacher asks learners to focus on the Learners focus www.youtube.
words given and check their meaning. on the words Mutual com/watch?
Teacher should provide dictionaries in given and check avaluatio v=aAdZqK5U
advance. their meaning eww
Teacher also asks learners to watch a
video how to work on a text to
improve reading skill.