AtPlus 2nd Gen. Modbus Interface - EN
AtPlus 2nd Gen. Modbus Interface - EN
AtPlus 2nd Gen. Modbus Interface - EN
Using Modbus, a master (eg PC) and many devices (eg temperature and humidity measurement) could be
connected. The airtelligence plus control supports Modbus RTU over serial line (EIA-485 (formerly RS-485) in
halfduplex specification.
Each bus device must have a unique address. Address 0 is reserved for broadcasting. Each device is allowed to
send messages over the bus. In general, however, this is initiated by the master and an addressed slave responds.
The description of the various specifications and protocols are available here:
For using Modbus communication in conjunction with airtelligence plus you need a RS485 module (material No.
681007906), that is connected with the main control board via internal bus.
All settings for using the RS485 module as Modbus interface must be made in parameters P3.1 to P3.3.The
following options are supported:
All parameters could be changed with login-level ‘User’. For detailed description see manual of
airtelligence plus.
Data types
All data are transferred in 16bit registers. According to Modbus specification, the high byte is always transferred
first in a register followed by the low byte (Big Endian). 32bit values are transmitted in 2 consecutive registers.
Since there is no fixed rule for this, it should be pointed out here that the transmission also takes place according
to this rule.
To ensure data consistency, 32bit values must always be read out in ascending order. However, reading in
two successive protocols is possible.
Normally, the data is subdivided into reference groups in the Modbus protocol:
Group Reference
Coils 0xxxx
Discrete Inputs 1xxxx
Input Register 3xxxx
Holding Register 4xxxx
Specifically, the numbering of the registers is starting with 1, but starting with 0 in the telegram.
Input register
All pressure values are transmitted in Pascal.
100000 Pa = 1 bar
6894.757 Pa = 1 psi
Name Description
1 Identification Identification
16720 (4150 hex) = airtelligence plus
2 Reserve
3 VersionMajorNo Software release major No.
4 VersionMinorNo Software release minor No.
5 VersionSpecialNo if different to 0: Special software release
6 Reserve
7 VersionRevision Software Revision
8 VersionBuildNo Build Nummer
9…11 Reserve
12, 13 P_MaxRange1 Pmax, pressure range 1
14, 15 P_MinRange1 Pmin, pressure range 1
16, 17 P_MaxRange2 Pmax, pressure range 2
18, 19 P_MinRange2 Pmin, pressure range 2
20, 21 PressureRangeSensor Net pressure sensor range
22 NumberOfCompressors Parameter ‘No. of compressors’