MUP Readme

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Intel(R) Network Drivers

Manageable Update Package


The following files are provided in the 10G-MUP.ZIP archive.

Setup.exe - The Intel MUP installer package.

MUP.XML - an XML file describing the behaviors of the MUP package.

The Intel(R) Network Drivers Manageable Update Package (MUP) provides a single-file
driver installer with additional options to provide manageability features. This
Update Package provides drivers for the Intel(R) Ethernet Server Adapter X520-T2,
X540 AT2, X540/I350 rNDC,
and X550-T LAN adapters.

Driver versions in this package:

IXN (X520-T2 10 Gigabit adapters)

Windows 7 x64/Windows Server 2008 R2 x64:
Windows 8 x64/Windows Server 2012 x64:
Windows 8.1 x64/Windows Server 2012 R2 x64:
Windows 10 x64:

IXT (X540-AT2 and X540/I350 rNDC 10 Gigabit adapters)

Windows 7 x64/Windows Server 2008 R2 x64:
Windows 8 x64/Windows Server 2012 x64:
Windows 8.1 x64/Windows Server 2012 R2 x64:
Windows 10 x64:

IXS (X550-T1/T2 Converged Network and X550-T 10 Gigabit adapters)

Windows 7 x64/Windows Server 2008 R2 x64:
Windows 8 x64/Windows Server 2012 x64:
Windows 8.1 x64/Windows Server 2012 R2 x64:
Windows 10 x64:

Usage information:

Setup.exe [/? or /h] [/x[space/=Destination_Path]]

[/l[space/=Destination_Path]] [/s]

Where: /? or /h = Display a Usage dialog. No other actions are performed.

/x = Extract all drivers to the \Intel\LAN folder on the target

space/=Destination_path = Destination path for extracted
drivers. Drivers
will be extracted to the \production
segregated by Operating System
under the specified destination
/l = Create a log file of the actions performed by the installer.
Logfile will be
created in the \Intel\LAN folder on the target computer.
space/=Destination_path = Destination path the log file. If
the path
ends with a backslash ("\") the
filename Logfile.txt
will be used for the log file name.
If not, the string
after the last backslash will be

/s = perform a silent installation of the Intel(R) Network drivers.


The (/? or /h), /s, and /x command line switches are mutually exclusive.
Only one
of the command line switches will be acted upon during a call to the
program. If more than one command line switch is supplied, only the
priority switch will be acted upon. The order of priority is:
1. /h or /? (help)
2. /x (extract drivers)
3. /s Silent installation
The exception to this rule is the Logfile switch. This switch will be
acted upon with
all options except the help switches.

/X (extract drivers) pathname rules.

If the /X command line switch is provided, the MUP program will look
for a single
space, or a single equal-sign, followed by a pathname to use when
extracting the drivers.
If no path name is provided, the drivers will be extracted to the
directory on the target machine.

Example /X command line switch usage:

Setup /X d:\drivers\Intel
Setup /X=d:\Drivers\Intel

The program expects a continuous path name with no imbedded spaces or

dash "-" characters
in the path name. Space and dashes can be used if the pathname is
enclosed in quotes.

EX: Setup /X="C:\This Path Has Spaces\dash-dash"

If the Drive Letter is omitted from the path name, the %SystemDrive%
drive environment
variable will be used. This provides the drive-letter for the drive
Windows is installed

Drivers will be extracted to the Production\OS-Version directory

structure below the
provided or default pathname. The following OS-Versions are supported
by the MUP


All Intel(R) Network Connections drivers are installed using the Plug-n-
play INF-based
installation method. This is the only Microsoft-approved method for
network drivers.

/L (Log File) pathname rules.

If the /L command line switch is provided, the MUP program will look
for a single
space, or a single equal-sign, followed by a pathname to use when
creating the Log File.
If no path name is provided, the Log File will be created as
%SystemDrive%:\Intel\LAN\Logfile.txt on the target machine.

Example /L command line switch usage:

Setup /L d:\drivers\Intel\Logfile.txt
Setup /X=d:\Drivers\Intel\Logfile.txt

The program expects a continuous path name with no imbedded spaces or

dash "-" characters
in the path name. Space and dashes can be used if the pathname is
enclosed in quotes.

EX: Setup /L="C:\This Path Has Spaces\dash-dash\Logfile.txt"

If the Drive Letter is omitted from the path name, the %SystemDrive%
drive environment
variable will be used. This provides the drive-letter for the drive
Windows is installed

Command Line Examples:

Setup.exe with no command line switches launches the driver installer
in attended mode,
and the user will be prompted to install or cancel the driver

Setup.exe /s
The /s command line switch sequence launches the driver installer in
silent mode.
Setup.exe /? (or /h)
The /? or /h command line switch sequences will provide a usage
dialog box.

Setup.exe /x
The /x command line switch sequence instructs the driver to extract all
The drivers will be extracted to the \Intel\LAN folder on the system
drive of the
target computer. The directory structure will be as follows:

\Windows10-x86 - All files necessary to install the driver in the
Windows 10 32 operating system.
\Windows10-x64 - All files necessary to install the driver in the
Windows 10 x64-Edition operating system.

Setup.exe /L
The /L command line switch sequence instructs the installer to create a
log file
of its actions. The Log File will be created \Intel\LAN folder on the
system drive of the
target computer. The Log File name will be Logfile.txt.

Return Codes:
The Intel LAN MUP installer will return one of the following return

0 = Success
1 = Error
5 = Platform (Windows version) not supported.
6 = Unknown option or invalid command line.

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