Al Hinai2009
Al Hinai2009
Al Hinai2009
c IEEE 117
III. SYSTEM MODELING of the synchronous machine are as follows:
Modeling of the system is an important part of the design. K3 K3 K 4
This chapter presents the modeling of the system parts which 'Eqc 'E FD 'G [3.5]
1 K 3W dco s 1 K 3W do s
are; synchronous machine, Automatic Voltage Regulator and
the Power System Stabilizer. 1
'Zm [ 'Tm 'Te D'Zm ] [3.6]
A. Full order model 2H s
The state-space form of the synchronous generator model ZB ZB
has two main sets of variables which are the flux linkages and 'G 'Zm 'Z [3.7]
s s
currents. But these two sets are mutually dependent so, one of
them can be eliminated and express in terms of the other. Where s is the laplace operator.
B. Single machine connected to infinite bus linear model: C. Excitation system model
The synchronous generator experience an oscillatory period Excitation system is one of prime importance for the proper
which can be classified into a transient period and a steady operation of synchronous generators. The excitation system
state or dynamic period .The transient period is the first cycles can be as simple as a fixed dc power supply connected to the
after the disturbance. The consideration on dynamic area URWRUµV ZLQGLQJ RI WKH V\QFKURQRXV JHQHUDWRUV 7KH SULPDU\
reduces the system model to the third order model. Since the function of a synchronous generator excitation system is to
interest of this paper is to look after small change in the regulate the voltage at the generator output. On other words,
system, the linearized third order model is sufficient for the using the excitation system in any synchronous machine is to
analysis. The simplified third order model of synchronous control the field current injected to the rotor. The point of
generator connected to infinite bus through a transmission line controlling the field current is to regulate the terminal voltage
having resistance Re and reactance Xe has the following of the machine and maintaining the terminal voltage constant
assumption over the full order model: and hence keeping the synchronization of the generator.
1. Stator winding resistance is neglected. D. Representation of excitation system:
2. Balancing conditions are assumed and saturation effects
The excitation system representation is shown in Fig.3.1
are neglected.
3. Damper winding effect is neglected. 'Vref
From this assumption the linear equation of stator voltage
found as follow:[1][2] 'G KE 'E fd
K5 ¦ 1 sT E
K3 K3 K 4
'Eq 'E FD 'G [3.1]
1 K3W d
c s
0 1 K3W d
c s
Where E FD is the rms value of E qc , W dc 0 direct-axis
transient time constant.
On the other hand, the incremental electrical torque is 'E q'
computed according to the following: Fig. 3.1 Simple excitation system model
'Te K1'G K2'Eqc [3.2] The linearized equation of the excitation system is given by
Eqc E ( xd xd
c )I [3.3] the following equation: [1]
Where E is the stator air gap rms voltage. The synchronous 'E fd ( 'Vref 'Vt ) [3.8]
1 sTE
generator linearized terminal voltage ' Vt is given by:
'Vt K 5 'G K 6 'E c [3.4] E. PSS Model:
Power System Stabilizer (PSS) is a device which provides
Note that the constants K 1 , K 2 , K 3 , K 4 , K 5 and K 6 additional supplementary control loops to the automatic
are depended on system parameter and operation conditions. voltage regulator system and/or the turbine governing system
In general K 1 , K 2 , K 3 and K 6 are positive, whereas of a generating unit. PSS are often used as an effective and
economic means of damping such oscillations. Adding
K 4 is positive unless Re is high. However, K 5 is positive for supplementary control loops to the generator AVR is one of
low and medium loading and external impedance. But if the the most common ways of enhancing both small-signal (steady
state) stability and large-signal (transient) stability [3]. PSS is
loading and the external impedance is high K 5 will be
working in parallel with the excitation system in order to
negative. modify the power angle to increase the damping of the
The summary of the simplified linear differential equations
The fitness function used in PSO is the area under the curve
of the deviation in speed. PSO will try to minimize the fitness
function when designing the PSS parameters [4]. Fitness
function is obtained as follows; first the system model is
simulated in Simulink with a disturbance. Then the signal of
the speed is squared, to get rid of negative portion of the
signal. After that the squared signal is passed through
integrator to get the area under the curve which is the fitness
Fig.3.2: block diagram of supplementary control loop for the AVR system. function (J). Next, the PSO starts the iterations to design the
PSS parameters which will be used in the next simulation of
Fig. 3.3 represents the general (2 stages lead-lag power the system with PSS to get a new area under the curve. PSO
system stabilizer) structure of the PSS where VPSS is the will iterate the same process searching for minimum area as
generated based on the measured signal of the generator shown in Fig. 4.2. The searching will stop if one of the
terminals. following conditions satisfied:
sTW sT1 sT3
Vpss iterations. Where M is the maximum number iterations of
KS unchanged solution.
1 sTW 1 sT2 1 sT4
Fig.3.3: lead-lag power system stabilizer. 2. The maximum number of iterations is exhausted.
PSO Optimal
The general equation and the used equation of the PSS is: Minimize J PSS
sKs TW (1 sT1 )(1 sT3 )
V (s) Input(s) [3.9] PSS Parameters
PSS (1 sTW ) (1 sT2 )(1 sT4 ) Fitness T1, T2, T3, T4 and Ks
³ 'Z dt
This particular controller structure contains a washout Function
block, sTW/ (1+sTW), which is used to reduce the over-
response of the damping during severe events. The constants
T1, T2, T3, and T4 should be set to provide damping over the 'Z
range of frequencies at which oscillations are likely to occur. Model
2 1
delta_Vt TE.s+1 Efd 2
3 Vpss
Figure 5.6 compare the generator rotor angle deviation VIII. BIOGRAPHIES
without PSS, with GA designed PSS, and with the proposed Dr. Amer Al-Hinai received a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering
PSO designed PSS during 15% load change. It is clear that the from Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman in 1997 and joined
proposed PSS improve the system transient stability. the University as a Demonstrator in 1998. He received his M.Sc. and
Ph.D in Electrical Engineering from West Virginia University,
VI. CONCLUSION Morgantown, USA in December 2000 and May 2005, respectively.
Currently, he is an Assistant Professor in the Electrical & Computer
The power system is subjected to different types of
Engineering Department at Sultan Qaboos University. His areas of
disturbances such as small changes in the load that affects its
interest are Power Systems: Control and Operation, Multi-Agent
efficiency and sometimes leads to unstable system. These
Systems: Application to Control of Power Systems, Optimization
disturbances cause oscillations at low frequencies that are
Techniques and Applications to Power Systems. Dr. Amer carried out
undesirable since it affects the amount of transferred power
more than 15 research projects related to energy savings, power
through the transmission lines and leads to external stress to
system analysis, load flow analysis, short circuit analysis, power
the mechanical shaft. To avoid such situation a power system
system protection, load shedding, power system quality and transient
stabilizer is added to the Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) stability of power systems. He has published over 30 research papers
to enhance stability in the dynamic range as well as in the first in international journals and conferences.
few cycles after a disturbance. The input control signal to the
Power system Stabilizer (PSS) is selected to be the deviation Mr. Salem Al-Hinai received a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering
in the generator speed ( 'Z ). The single machine-infinite bus from Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman in 2001 and joined
system is used in this paper as a case study. The effect of the the University as a Demonstrator in 2001. Currently he is perusing
PSS on the system response was studied. Analyzing the results his M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering at Dalhousie University, Nova
showed that adding PSS gave more damping to the oscillatory Scotia, Canada. Mr. S. Al-Hinai is a Lecturer in the Electrical &
system and brings it back to normal operation, stable. The Computer Engineering Department at Sultan Qaboos University. His
main contribution of this paper is to design an optimal PSS. area of interest is Power Systems Control.
Particle Swarm optimization (PSO) is used to design the PSS
parameters. The proposed PSS design enhance the system
response and provide good damping to the oscillation
compared with a similar design by Genetic Algorithm [4].