Technical Explanation For DC Magnets

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Technical Explanations

for DC Solenoids 1
Product group

1. Types of DC Solenoids ....................................................... 3 2.2.3 Stroke end position .................................................... 7
1.1 Liniear solenoids ........................................................ 3 2.3 Magnetic force vs. stroke characteristic,
torque vs. rotation angle characteristic ...................... 7
1.1.1 Designs ...................................................................... 3
2.4 Adjustment of magnetic force vs. stroke characteristic
1.1.2 Movement types ......................................................... 3
to specific strokes (stroke adjustment) ..................... 8
1.1.3 Components ............................................................... 4
2.5 Linear work ................................................................ 8
1.2 Rotary solenoids, ON/OFF (ON/OFF rotary solenoid) . 4
2.5.1 Linear work ................................................................ 8
1.2.1 Designs ...................................................................... 5
2.5.2 Rated work ................................................................. 8
1.2.2 Movement types ......................................................... 5
3. Electrical Parameters and Terms ......................................... 8
1.2.3 Components ............................................................... 5
3.1 Rated voltage ............................................................. 8
1.3 Proportional rotary solenoids ..................................... 5
3.2 Voltage change .......................................................... 8
1.3.1 Designs ...................................................................... 5
3.3 Rated current ............................................................. 8
1.3.2 Movement types ......................................................... 5
3.4 Test current ................................................................ 8
1.4 Holding magnets ........................................................ 5
3.5 Rated power............................................................... 8
1.4.1 Designs ...................................................................... 6
1.4.2 Function types ............................................................ 6 4. Terms of Time and Operating Modes ................................ 9
1.4.3 Components ............................................................... 6 4.1 Duty cycle .................................................................. 9
1.5 Description of components ......................................... 6 4.2 Current-less interval ................................................... 9
1.5.1 Excitation winding ...................................................... 6 4.3 Cycle time .................................................................. 9
1.5.2 Armatures ................................................................... 6 4.4 Cycle sequence ......................................................... 9
1.5.3 Functional parts .......................................................... 6 4.5 Relative duty cycle ..................................................... 9
1.5.4 Solenoid bodies .......................................................... 6 4.6 Working cycle............................................................. 9
1.5.5 Permanent magnets ................................................... 6 4.7 Switching frequency ................................................... 9
4.8 Operating modes ....................................................... 9
2. Mechanical Parameters ...................................................... 6
4.8.1 Continuous operation ................................................. 9
2.1 Force, torque .............................................................. 6
4.8.2 Intermittent operation ................................................. 9
2.1.1 Magnetic force............................................................ 6
4.8.3 Short-time duty........................................................... 9
2.1.2 Stroke force ................................................................ 7
2.1.3 Holding force .............................................................. 7 5. Selection of Solenoids for the Different
Rated Operating Modes ..................................................... 9
2.1.4 Residual holding force ................................................ 7
5.1 Continuous operation ................................................. 9
2.1.5 Restoring force resp. restoring moment ..................... 7
5.2 Intermittent operation ................................................. 9
2.2 Stroke, rotation angle ................................................. 7
5.3 Short-time duty........................................................... 10
2.2.1 Solenoid stroke / rotation angle .................................. 7
2.2.2 Stroke start position ................................................... 7

Magnet-Schultz GmbH & Co. KG I Allgäuer Straße 30 I D-87700 Memmingen I Tel. +49 83 31 10 40 I Fax +49 83 31 10 43 33 I I
6. Attraction and Fall Times, Possibilities to Influence the 9.3 Ambient air .................................................................14
Attraction Time ................................................................... 10
9.4 Relative humidity ........................................................14
6.1 Attraction and fall times ............................................. 10
9.5 Installation guidelines and safety instructions.............14
6.1.1 Attraction time ............................................................ 10
9.6 Deviations operating conditions ................................. 14 Response delay ......................................................... 10
10. Service Life ....................................................................... 14 Stroke time................................................................. 10
6.1.2 Fall time ..................................................................... 10 11. Electrical Connection of DC Solenoids .......................... 14 Response delay ......................................................... 10 11.1 DC Connection .......................................................... 14 Return time ................................................................ 10 11.2 AC Connection .......................................................... 14
6.1.3 Attraction and fall times ............................................. 10 11.3 Connection of DC solenoids via an electrical control
device ........................................................................ 15
6.2 Influence possibilities of attraction time ..................... 10
11.3.1 Maximising of the attraction force .............................. 15
6.2.1 Fast excitation ............................................................ 10
11.3.2 Optimising of energy efficiency and
6.2.2 Over-excitation........................................................... 10
reduction of heat development .................................. 15 Series resistor with bypass switch ............................. 10
12. Note to the Elimination of Series resistor with capacitor ..................................... 11
Disconnect Overvoltage and Spark Quenching ............ 16 Control via electronical switching device.................... 11
12.1 Elimination of disconnect over-voltages .................... 16
7. Temperatures, Thermal Classes of Insulating Materials 12.1.1 Damping by varistors ................................................. 16
and Cooling Types ................................................................... 11
12.1.2 Damping by mains rectifier ........................................ 16
7.1 Temperature terms ..................................................... 11
12.1.3 Damping by diodes .................................................... 16
7.1.1 Ambient temperature ................................................. 11
12.2 Spark quenching ....................................................... 16
7.1.2 Steady-state temperature .......................................... 11
13. Electromagnetic Time Constant (t) und Inductances ........16
7.1.3 Reference temperature .............................................. 12
7.1.4 Limit temperature ....................................................... 12 14. Order Specifications for DC Solenoids .......................... 16
7.1.5 Excessive temperature .............................................. 12
15. Installation Guidelines for DC Solenoids....................... 17
7.1.6 Steady-state excessive temperature ......................... 12
15.1 General...................................................................... 17
7.1.7 Temperature rise limit ................................................. 12
15.2 Working position ........................................................ 17
7.1.8 Hot spot difference ..................................................... 12
15.3 Installation ................................................................. 17
7.1.9 Normal operating temperature ................................... 12
15.4 Initial operation .......................................................... 17
7.2 Thermal classes ......................................................... 12
15.5 External counter-forces ............................................. 17
7.3 Cooling types ............................................................. 12
15.6 Electrical safety device .............................................. 17
7.4 Measurement of the winding temperature by
15.7 Voltages drop and wire cross-section ........................ 17
resistance measuring................................................. 12
15.8 Protection against contact ......................................... 17
7.5 Protection classes...................................................... 13
15.9 Maintenance .............................................................. 17
7.5.1 Protection class I – Protective conductor system ...... 13
15.10 Disassembly and disposal ......................................... 17
7.5.2 Protection class II – Reinforced insulation ................. 13
7.5.3 Protection class III – Safety extra-low voltage ........... 13 16. Safety ................................................................................ 18
16.1 Safety instructions ..................................................... 18
8. Test of Electric Strength .................................................... 14
16.2 Note to functional safety ............................................ 18
8.1 Type and level of test voltage .................................... 14
8.2 Performance of voltage test ....................................... 14 17. Protection classes of the devices .................................. 18
8.3 Repeated voltage test ................................................ 14 17.1 Designation protection classes .................................. 18
17.2 Degrees of protection ................................................ 19
9. Rated Operating Conditions .............................................. 14
17.3 Solenoids for the application under special
9.1 Ambient temperature ................................................. 14
conditions .................................................................. 20
9.2 Altitude ....................................................................... 14
18. Regulations, Standards and Provisions ........................ 20
This Technical Information is aimed at technically qualified personnel. All contents were carefully researched; claims for damages are excluded according to the ALB of ZVEI Art. XII state 6/2011.
Modifications, omissions and errors shall be reserved. Reproduction, even of extracts, only with written approval of Magnet-Schultz GmbH & Co. KG.
1. Types of DC solenoids 18.1 Linear Solenoids

Depending on the movement type, solenoids for direct current are The DC linear solenoids contained in the MSM programme are plunger
classified in MSM programme into solenoids where the operating air gap is located between core and
armature inside the excitation winding, the armature plunges into the
● Linear solenoids excitation winding.

By a special design of armature and core in the area of the working air
gap, the magnetic energy is largely used to generate the linear work.

18.1.1 Designs
Distinction is made between 2 designs:

a) The solenoid body encloses the excitation winding multi-direc-

tionally, closed design (Fig. 4)

Fig. 1: Linear solenoids

● Rotary solenoids

Fig. 4: closed control solenoids

b) The solenoid body encloses the excitation winding only partly,

open design (Fig. 5)

Fig. 2: Rotary solenoids

Linear and rotary solenoids are control solenoids where the linear
resp. rotary movement is realised by the effect of the magnetic field
generated by the excitation winding.
● Holding magnets

Fig. 5: Single-acting solenoid in open design

Whereas the closed design a) is always used there where highest

technical demands are placed regarding linear work, protection class
and service life, the open design b) satisfies mainly the applications
where the technical demands can be reduced.

18.1.2 Movement types

Depending of the movement type, distinction is made between
single-acting, double-acting and reverse solenoids:

Fig. 3: Holding magnets

Holding magnets are components which create a magnetic field

for holding of ferromagnetic objects.

This Technical Information is aimed at technically qualified personnel. All contents were carefully researched; claims for damages are excluded according to the ALB of ZVEI Art. XII state 6/2011.
Modifications, omissions and errors shall be reserved. Reproduction, even of extracts, only with written approval of Magnet-Schultz GmbH & Co. KG.
a) Single-acting solenoids (Fig. 6) are solenoid where the mo- 18.1.3 Components
vement from the initial position to the end position is made by
electromagnetic force effect. To return to the initial position, an The main components of MSM DC control solenoids are: (Fig. 9)
external force is required e.g. spring force, weight force etc.


c d
Fig. 9: Main components linear solenoid

a) Solenoid body
Fig. 6: Principle single-acting solenoid
b) Excitation winding
b) Double-acting solenoids (with zero position) (Fig. 7) are sole-
noids where after excitation of the relevant coil, the movement c) Armature
is made from zero position in one of both opposite directions.
Reset in zero position is made after switching off by external d) Functional parts
restoring forces. So, the zero position is the initial position for
both directions. 1.2 Rotary solenoids, ON/OFF (ON/OFF rotary solenoid)

Fig. 7: Principle double-acting solenoid Initial position de-energised End position energised

Fig. 10: Cross section ON/OFF rotary solenoid

c) Reverse solenoids (without zero position) (Fig. 8) are solenoids
where the movement is made after excitation of the relevant coil For the DC rotary solenoids contained in the MSM programme, the
from one end position in the other or vice versa. armature is prevented from an axial movement by a suitable bearing.
The special geometry of armature and core divides the linear force
into one radial and one axial component.

The radial force sets the shaft in motion and can be obtained as torque.

Due to the design, the axial force component is not utilised. So, only a
part of the magnetic energy is converted into linear work resp. “rotary
work” in this case.

For applications where a better utilisation of the magnetic energy is

required, proportional rotary solenoids type G DR are ideal which are
working according to a more effective but more elaborate operating

Fig. 8: Principle reverse solenoid

This Technical Information is aimed at technically qualified personnel. All contents were carefully researched; claims for damages are excluded according to the ALB of ZVEI Art. XII state 6/2011.
Modifications, omissions and errors shall be reserved. Reproduction, even of extracts, only with written approval of Magnet-Schultz GmbH & Co. KG.
1.2.1 Designs 1.3 Proportional Rotary Solenoids

Proportional rotary solenoids are subject to an electrodynamic ope-

rating principle. In front of the pole surface of a solenoid, there is
a permanent magnet disc, rotatable and axially fixed, pivoted with
constant air gap. Depending on the current flowing through the coil, a
torque builds up which is nearly constant throughout the rotation angle.
By switching the polarity, the direction of rotation can be reversed.

The main components of MSM proportional solenoids are: (Fig. 13)

Fig. 11: Rotary solenoid type G DA Rotary solenoid type G DC

ON/OFF rotary solenoids are provided in round and square design.

Whereas the round design (type G DA) is the common and there-
fore the preferred one, higher torques are achieved with the square b
design due the more massive magnetic circuit (type G DC).
1.2.2 Movement types
For ON/OFF rotary solenoids, the single-acting type is the most
If a reset is required, a return spring is adapted by a suitable spring a
In general, a version as reverse rotary solenoid with 2 rotary sole-
noids working together in contrary motion can be realised as special
design in analogy to the linear solenoids. Fig. 13: Principle proportional rotary solenoid G DR

If necessary, we recommend checking, if our proportional rotary

a) Solenoid body
solenoids type G DR can be applied. Here, the reversal of the
rotation direction can be achieved by reversing the polarity of the
b) Excitation winding with ball bearing
electrical connection.
1.2.3 Components c) Armature with permanent magnet disc

The main components of MSM DC rotary solenoids are: (Fig. 12) 1.3.1 Designs

Fig. 14: Proportional rotary solenoid type G DR
Fig. 12: Main components rotary solenoid
Proportional rotary solenoids are exclusively provided in round
a) Solenoid body with ball bearing design. In general, other housing designs are possible as special
solution for an ideal adaption to the application.
b) Excitation winding 1.3.2 Movement types
c) Armature For the proportional rotary solenoids, the direction of rotation is
determined by the polarity of the electrical connection. If a change
d) Functional parts (return spring and spring cage) of the direction of rotation is not possible by reversing the polarity
or not wanted, reset can be made in analogy to the ON/OFF rotary
solenoid by an external force or by a spring.

1.4 Holding magnets

Holding magnets are DC solenoids generally performing no or only a

very low stroke. With holding magnets, the magnetic force decreases
quickly with increasing distance of the pole surface to the counter piece

This Technical Information is aimed at technically qualified personnel. All contents were carefully researched; claims for damages are excluded according to the ALB of ZVEI Art. XII state 6/2011.
Modifications, omissions and errors shall be reserved. Reproduction, even of extracts, only with written approval of Magnet-Schultz GmbH & Co. KG.
due to the double air gap. The holding force acts on all ferromagnetic a) Solenoid body
materials. Ideally, an armature with gimbal bearing is used as counter
piece because it equalises direction errors and misalignments. b) Excitation winding

1.4.1 Designs c) Armature

d) Permanent magnet

1.5 Description of Components

1.5.1 Potentially, the solenoid body consists of several single parts and is
made of magnetically well conductive materials. The solenoid body
undertakes different tasks depending on device and type.

a) Guidance of the magnetic field in the magnetic circuit

b) Mechanical encapsulation of the coil

c) Mechanical structure for support of bearings and functional parts

Fig. 15: Holding solenoid Permanent holding solenoid 1.5.2 Excitation winding is a coil made of enamelled copper wire. It takes
the electrical energy to generate the magnetic field.
Holding solenoids are provided as standard products exclusively
in round design. In general, other designs are possible as special The quality of the used insulation materials and their thermal class
designs. is also crucial for the performance of the solenoid.
1.4.2 Function types 1.5.3 Armature is the part which is plunging through the magnetic field
into the excitation winding resp. held in or through the magnetic field
Holding solenoids can be executed with and without permanent of the excitation winding; generally, it is guided in maintenance-free
magnet. bearings with low clearance.
a) The holding magnet builds up its holding force, if the supply 1.5.4 Functional parts are such parts which are not directly required for
voltage is applied. If it is separated from the supply voltage, the generation of the magnetic force, but which must be available
the magnetic field breaks down and the holding force does not for the practical operation of the solenoid. These include e.g. for
act anymore. the mechanical utilisation of the magnetic force: stroke limitations,
stops, pressure bars and draw bars, fork joints etc. and for the
b) The permanent holding magnet is equipped with a permanent electrical connection of the excitation winding: cable connectors,
magnet and a coil. The holding force generated by the permanent terminal boxes, connector systems etc.
magnet acts constantly. If the coil is energised with the correct
polarity, the magnetic field of the coil neutralises the magnetic 1.5.5 Permanent magnets are made of materials which permanently keep
field of the permanent magnet, the holding force decreases to a their magnetic field after a one-time magnetisation.
minimum. With energising with reversed polarity, the magnetic If permanent magnets are integrated in the magnetic circuit of a DC
field of the permanent magnet is reinforced, the holding force solenoid, you receive a polarised system. In this case, the correct
increases. polarity of the voltage supply is to be ensured.
1.4.3 Components
2. Mechanical Parameters
The main components of MSM holding magnets/permanent magnets
are: (Fig. 16) The symbols and SI units used in den data sheets und technical expla-
c nations comply with DIN 1304-1.

2.1 Force, torque

2.1.1 Magnetic force FM is the utilisable part - thus reduced by the friction
- of the mechanical force generated in the linear solenoid in stroke
direction with horizontal armature position. (Fig. 17) For rotary so-
b lenoids, the torque Md applies by analogy as utilisable parameter.
It refers to the normal operating condition of the excitation
a Holding magnet
winding and to 90 % of the rated voltage.
With operation with nominal value of the rated voltage, the list
values increase by approx. 20 %.

Permanent holding magnet
Fig. 16: Components holding magnet/permanent holding magnet

This Technical Information is aimed at technically qualified personnel. All contents were carefully researched; claims for damages are excluded according to the ALB of ZVEI Art. XII state 6/2011.
Modifications, omissions and errors shall be reserved. Reproduction, even of extracts, only with written approval of Magnet-Schultz GmbH & Co. KG.

FM = FF - FR
Fig. 17: Magnetic force FH
FN = utilised flow
FH = FM - F´A
FR = friction force
FM = magnetic force Fig. 19: Stroke force from bottom to top pulling or pushing diagonally

FF = force acted by the magnetic field F’A = FA • cos α

on the armature FM = magnetic force
The determination of the normal operating condition and/or the FH= stroke force
steady-state temperature ϑ23 is based on the most unfavourable
conditions encountered in practical use. If the solenoids are mounted 2.1.3 Holding force is the magnetic force in stroke end position, thus
on a well conductive base (e.g. machine beds, frame parts of steel, with stroke 0.
metal chassis etc.) in practice, the magnetic force can be increased
For rotary solenoids, the holding torque is the torque in end position
particularly by adjusting the excitation power of the winding to the
(max. rotation angle)
respective operating conditions. A further increase of the magnetic
force is possible, if the ambient temperature is constantly below the 2.1.4 Residual holding force is the holding force which remains after
upper ambient temperature ϑ14 of +35° C. Conversely, the electrical switching off the current.
excitation power must be reduced, if the ambient temperature is
constantly higher than +35° C which is related to a reduction of the Due to their design, rotary solenoids have a residual air gap in the
magnetic force. end position which prevents a residual holding torque.

An optimal adjustment of the solenoid to the ambient conditions is 2.1.5 Resetting force resp. self-aligning torque are required values
made within the scope of an application-specific winding design. after a cut-off for the return of the armature in the start position.
This is possible as special version on request. If required, please
2.2 Stroke, rotation angle
complete our check list solenoid technology for this.
2.2.1 Solenoid stroke s / rotation angle is the distance/angle travelled
Our technical offices are pleased to support you.
by the armature between start position and end position.
2.1.2 Stroke force FH (Fig. 18 and Fig. 19) is the magnetic force which
2.2.2 Stroke start position s1 is the start position of the armature before
acts outwards under consideration of the appropriate component
beginning the stroke movement resp. after termination of resetting.
of the armature weight FA.
For rotary solenoids, this term is not relevant, because installation 2.2.3 Stroke end position s0 (see also abszissa zero in Fig. 20) is the
position and armature weight do not impact the torque. position of the armature designed in the device which the armature
takes due to the electromagnetic force effect.
FH 2.3 Magnetic force vs. stroke characteristic, torque-rotation angle-

In principle, there are three different types of characteristics (Fig. 20):



FH = FM - FA FH = FM + FA 0
s0 s1
FA = m A • g
Fig. 20: Types of the magnetic force vs. stroke characteristic
Fig. 18: Stroke force from bottom to top pulling or pushing
I. falling characteristic
FA = weight force of the armature
mA = armature mass II. horizontal characteristic
g = 9 ,81 m III. increasing characteristic

This Technical Information is aimed at technically qualified personnel. All contents were carefully researched; claims for damages are excluded according to the ALB of ZVEI Art. XII state 6/2011.
Modifications, omissions and errors shall be reserved. Reproduction, even of extracts, only with written approval of Magnet-Schultz GmbH & Co. KG.
The magnetic force vs. stroke characteristics of MSM DC sole- 2.5.2 Rated linear work WN, specified in the data sheets is calculated
noids can be controlled by respective setting of the solenoid system. as product of magnetic force FM in stroke start position S1 and the
solenoid stroke s (Fig. 23)
The most common are:
Increasing characteristic particularly suitable for spring counter-
forces WN = FM • s

and the horizontal characteristic particularly suitable for constant


The falling characteristic is rarely used for DC linear solenoids.

Application areas are there where it shall be worked against huge
friction forces.
S0 S1
Modifications of the characteristics shown in the data sheets are
available as special designs on request. Fig. 23: Rated linear work at the magnetic force vs. stroke characteristic

With rotary solenoids, force F corresponds to torque Md and stroke s 3. Electrical Parameters and Terms
corresponds to the rotation angle.
Unless stated otherwise, voltage and current data are arithmetic average
2.4 Adjustment of the magnetic force vs. stroke characteristic to values with direct current.
specific strokes (stroke adjustment)
3.1 Rated voltage UN is the voltage which a voltage device is designed
By special adjustment of the active solenoid parts controlling magnetic for and it is indicated with.
force vs. stroke characteristic, the solenoid strokes can be adjusted
(reduced or extended) within quite wide limits without significant mo- The values specified in the data sheets are based on a rated voltage
difications of the linear work. That means an increase of the magnetic of 24 V, unless stated otherwise.
force for a stroke reduction, and a reduction of the magnetic force for
a stroke extension. (Examples see Fig. 21) For other rated voltages, deviations from the specified magnetic forces
may occur in the different insulation parts in the excitation windings,
F 12 both upwards (mostly with > 24 V) or downwards (mostly with < 24 V).
3.2 Continuously admissible voltage change at DC solenoids is ±10 %
8 of the rated voltage.
W = 0,78 Nm II
6 3.3 Rated current IB is the current set at rated voltage and at a tempe-
W = 0,82 Nm I
W = 0,84 N m III rature of the excitation winding of +20° C.

2 It can be determined by division of the rated power specified in the

data sheets by the rated voltage.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
S 3.4 Test current IPR is the current the magnetic force values specified in
mm the data sheets refer to. It is calculated from:

Fig. 21: Magnetic force vs. stroke characteristic with stroke adjustment
0,9 UN
IPr =
I Standard version RW

II Stroke reduction where RW stands for the resistance of the excitation winding at ope-
rating temperature.
III Stroke extension
3.5 Rated power PN specified in the data sheets refers to the rated voltage
2.5 Linear work and the rated current. As rated current is based on a temperature of
2.5.1 Linear work W is the integral of the magnetic force over the solenoid +20°C, the rated power is called P20 at MSM. Unless specified other-
stroke (Fig. 22) wise, a rated voltage of 24 V is taken as a basis.

W= F ( s ) ds

S0 ds S1

Fig. 22: Linear work at the magnetic force vs. stroke characteristic

This Technical Information is aimed at technically qualified personnel. All contents were carefully researched; claims for damages are excluded according to the ALB of ZVEI Art. XII state 6/2011.
Modifications, omissions and errors shall be reserved. Reproduction, even of extracts, only with written approval of Magnet-Schultz GmbH & Co. KG.
4. Time Terms and Operating Modes 4.8.2 Intermittent operation (S 3)

4.1 Duty cycle t5 is the time when supply voltage is applied at the solenoid. Duty cycle and current-less interval alternate in regular or irregular
sequence where the intervals are so short that the device does not
cool down to its reference temperature. (Fig. 26)

t5 t6
tS t

Fig. 24: Time terms to operating mode

t5 = duty cycle t

t6 = current-less interval Fig. 26: Temperature curve intermittent operation

4.8.3 Short-time duty (S 2)

tS = cycle time
Duty cycle is so short that the steady-state temperature won’t be
P = power reached. The current-less interval is so long that the device virtually
cools down to reference temperature. (Fig. 27)
t = time
4.2 Current-less interval t6 is the time which is between switching off
and restart of the voltage.

4.3 Cycle time tS is the sum of duty cycle and current-less interval.

4.4 Cycle sequence is a one-time and periodically returning sequence

of cycle time values of equal or different sizes. ϑ
4.5 Relative duty cycle ED (%), is the das percentage ratio of duty cycle
to cycle time.

duty cycle
% ED = · 100 t
cycle time
Fig. 27: Temperature curve short-time duty
4.6 One working cycle comprises one complete switch-on and -off
5. Selection of Solenoids for the Different Rated Operating
4.7 Switching frequency is the number of working cycles evenly distri- Modes
buted over one hour.
5.1 For continuous operation (S 1), only a solenoid can be chosen
4.8 Operating modes which has an excitation winding designed for continuous operation =
100 % ED. It has to be observed that with continuous operating over
The operating modes the DC solenoids can be designed for are: a longer period, the solenoid is switched from time to time in order
to avoid sticking of functional parts due to environmental influences
4.8.1 Continuous operation (S 1)
(e.g. dirt, humidity...).
The duty cycle is so long that the steady-state temperature is virtually
achieved. (Fig. 25) 5.2 For intermittent operation (S 3), considerably higher performances
and therefore magnetic forces can be installed than with continuous

Relative duty cycle, cycle time and thermal time constant of the sole-
noid are decisive for the admissible power to be installed.

Force values, power values, linear work values and time values
ϑ specified in the data sheets refer to a cycle time of 5 minutes (300
ϑ23 sec.) For this cycle time, the maximum admissible values for the duty
cycle are as follows:

Relative duty cycle (% ED) 5 15 25 40

t Admissible maximum
duty cycle (sec.) 15 45 75 120
Fig. 25: Temperature curve continuous operation
Fig. 28: Duty cycle

This Technical Information is aimed at technically qualified personnel. All contents were carefully researched; claims for damages are excluded according to the ALB of ZVEI Art. XII state 6/2011.
Modifications, omissions and errors shall be reserved. Reproduction, even of extracts, only with written approval of Magnet-Schultz GmbH & Co. KG.
If the admissible maximum duty cycle is exceeded, the solenoid for 6.2 Influence possibilities of the attraction time
the next higher relative duty cycle is to be chosen. If the duty cycle
6.2.1 Fast excitation
exceeds 120 sec., the solenoid is to be designed for continuous
operation = 100 % ED. By the series connection of an ohmic resistance and the respective
increase of the supply voltage (Fig. 30), the electromagnetic time
In particularly critical cases, it is possible to ideally adjust the installable constant of the electric circuit is reduced and so also the attraction
electrical power and so the magnetic force for a certain relative duty time is reduced.
cycle of the respective present cycle time and the given thermal time
constant of the solenoid. U - UM

In theses cases, we ask you to consult us.

5.3 For short-time duty (S 2), considerably higher performances can

be installed, similar to intermittent operation, and so higher magnetic R CU
forces can be achieved. Also in these cases, we ask you to contact
us and to indicate the exact operating conditions.
Fig. 30: Circuit diagram fast excitation

Short-time duty is identified by indicating the duty cycle e.g. „S2 20s“. U = supply voltage
UM = voltage at the solenoid
6. Attraction and Fall Times, Possibilities to Influence the
Attraction Time R = series resistor

6.1 Attraction and fall times RCU = resistance of the excitation winding
In the diagram (Fig. 31), the reduction of the attraction time which
The oscillogram serves to explain attraction and fall times and their is achieved by this measure is nearly indicated.
components. (Fig. 29)
% t1 100





0 1 2 3 4 5
s (mm) Um

Fig. 31: Reduction attraction time depending on the voltage quotient

t21 t (ms) 6.2.2 Over-excitation

t12 t22 With the attraction time reduction by over-excitation, the voltage
is increased during the attraction time. The performance increase
t1 t2
leads to an increase of the magnetic force. Depending of the level of
over-excitation resp. of the attraction performance, serious attraction
Fig. 29: Oscillogram switching process linear solenoid time reductions can be achieved.
6.1.1 Attraction time t1 is the sum of response delay t11 and stroke time The following switchings can be applied:
t12 (instant of time 0 until instant of time 2). Series resistor with bypass switch (Fig. 32) Response delay t11 is the period from switching on the current
(instant of time 0) until the beginning of the armature movement
(instant of time 1). In this period, the magnetic field builds up at
that extent that it overcomes the external counterforce and sets

the armature in motion. Stroke time t12 is the period from the beginning of the armature
movement (instant of time 1) until the achievement of the stroke Fig. 32: Circuit diagram over-excitation with series resistor and bypass switch
end position (instant of time 2).
UN = rated voltage
6.1.2 Fall time t2 is the sum of response delay t21 and return time t22
UM = voltage at the solenoid
(instant of time 3 until instant of time 5).
UV = voltage at the series resistor Response delay t21 is the period from switching off the current
(instant of time 3) until the beginning of the return movement of S = switch
the armature (instant of time 4). In this time, the magnetic field
During the attraction process, resistance RV is bridged by switch
reduces to the extent that the armature is set in motion under the
S. So, the solenoid receives the entire supply voltage. Only after
impact of the external counterforce.
reaching the stroke end position, or directly before, switch S is Return time t22 is the period from the start of the return movement opened and the voltage at the solenoid is reduced to UM by the
(instant of time 4) of the armature until the achievement of the voltage drop at the series resistor. Switch S can be actuated both
stroke start position (instant of time 5). by the solenoid itself and by an electronic circuit with time delay.
6.1.3 The values of attracting and fall times indicated in the list were
determined to DIN VDE 0580 in normal operating condition, at rated
voltage and with 70 % of the rated magnetic force (weight load).

This Technical Information is aimed at technically qualified personnel. All contents were carefully researched; claims for damages are excluded according to the ALB of ZVEI Art. XII state 6/2011.
Modifications, omissions and errors shall be reserved. Reproduction, even of extracts, only with written approval of Magnet-Schultz GmbH & Co. KG.
U, I
When using this actuation type, control devices and solenoid are
to be coordinated under consideration of the operating conditions.
Please contact us, if required, we are pleased to advise you.
I = f (t) s
U = f (t)

Fig. 33: Switch is actuated by solenoid
Fig. 37: Circuit diagram electronical switching device
If the switch is actuated by the solenoid (Fig. 33), the switching
S = switch
point of the switch must be set very exactly just before the stroke
end position, whereas when using a timer for safety reasons, a U = supply voltage
positive overlap of over-excitation time is possible (see Fig. 34)
and so the arrangement becomes considerably less sensitive.

U, I
7. Temperatures, Thermal Classes of Insulating Materials
and Cooling Types

7.1 Temperature terms:

I = f (t)
U = f (t) Temperatures are indicated in °C, temperature differences in K.

Fig. 34: Switch is actuated by delayed relay drive

1K Series resistor with capacitor
60 min.


Fig. 35: Circuit diagram series resistor with capacitor
ϑ13 (ϑ *)
UN = rated voltage
ϑ16 11

UM = voltage at solenoid
0 °C
UV = voltage at series resistor tein
U, P U N = f (t)
Fig. 38: Temperatures at solenoids

UV = f (t)
ϑ13 ambient temperature at the end of the measurement

PM = f (t) ϑ11 reference temperature (consideration of

temperature influences of media)
ϑ14 upper ambient temperature
Fig. 36: Course of voltage and power for series resistor with capacitor
ϑ16 initial temperature at the beginning of the measurement
The voltage at the series resistor R increases slowly in accordance
with the capacitor loading voltage and accordingly, the voltage ϑ21 upper limit temperature
at the solenoid decreases slowly. The power depending on the
time runs according to an e-function, it has no jump function as ϑ23 steady-state temperature
described during the switching procedure. Accordingly, the exci-
tation power for the excitation winding has a higher value at the Δϑ31 excessive temperature
beginning and already during the stroke process, it has a smaller
value. Nevertheless, short attraction times can be achieved with Δϑ32 steady-state excessive temperature
this switching, if the capacitor has been correctly designed.
Δϑ33 temperature rise limit Actuation via electronical switching device
Δϑ34 hot spot difference
Via command by switch S, the actuation of the solenoid is made
with high attraction voltage, so that during the attraction phase, tein turn-on instant
a high electrical performance effecting a high magnetic force is
available. Thus, the attraction time is considerably reduced. For * see section 7.1.3
the subsequent holding phase, the device switches to a lower
holding voltage after an over-excitation time for the solenoid is 7.1.1 Ambient temperature ϑ13 (in °C) of a device is the average tem-
not thermally overloaded. perature at specified locations of its environment at the end of the
temperature measurement.
7.1.2 Steady-state temperature ϑ23 (in °C) of a device or of a part of it is
the temperature occurring when heat produced by coil and dissipated
heat are in balance.

This Technical Information is aimed at technically qualified personnel. All contents were carefully researched; claims for damages are excluded according to the ALB of ZVEI Art. XII state 6/2011.
Modifications, omissions and errors shall be reserved. Reproduction, even of extracts, only with written approval of Magnet-Schultz GmbH & Co. KG.
7.1.3 Reference temperature ϑ11 (in °C) is the steady-state temperature
No. Thermal Upper limit Temperat ure
in de-energised condition when used for the intended purpose and
classes temperature °C rise limit K
properly applied.
1 Y 90 50
The reference temperature is no longer included in DIN VDE 0580 2 A 105 65
because it is assumed that the device reaches ambient tempera-
ture in de-energized condition at the end of the measurement. In 3 E 120 80
practice, the reference temperature may deviate from the ambient 4 B 130 90
temperature, e.g. during the assembly of a solenoid on a hydraulic 5 F 155 115
slider where oil in normal operation temperature is passing through. 6 H 180 140
If, however, there is no temperature impact by a medium, the refe- 7 200 200 160
rence temperature ϑ11 corresponds to the ambient temperature 220 220 180
ϑ13. In the standard, the design for DC solenoids is based on the 250 250 210
reference temperature of 35°C. For hydraulic solenoids, heat input
Fig. 40: Table thermal classes of insulating materials
is usually effected by the medium, thus it is worked with a reference
temperature of 50°C.
7.3 Cooling types
If an existing DC solenoid shall be applied at a deviating reference
temperature, the duty cycle must be multiplied by the respective In principle, the cooling of a solenoid impacts the performance which
conversion factor. Depending on the reference temperature, it can has to be installed over the winding resistance.
be taken from table Fig. 39.
There are the following cooling types:
Reference temperature 20 35 40 50 60 70 80
a) Cooling by quiet ambient air
Conversion factor for b) Cooling by moving ambient air
duty cycle 1,2 1,0 0,9 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5
Fig. 39: Table conversion factor depending on the reference temperature
c) Cooling by heat conduction

7.1.4 Upper limit temperature ϑ21 (in °C) is the highest admissible tem- d) Cooling by special cooling agents or surrounding media
perature for a device or a part of it.
Unless otherwise specified, MSM list devices are designed for the
7.1.5 Excessive temperature Δϑ31 (in K) is the difference between most unfavourable case of quiet ambient air on insulating base.
the temperature of the device, or of a part of it, and the reference
temperature. For more favourable cooling types (b, c, d), the steady-state excessive
7.1.6 Steady-state excessive temperature Δϑ32 (in K) is the difference temperature will set itself below the upper limit temperature.
between the steady-state temperature ϑ23 and the ambient tempe-
rature ϑ13 resp. the reference temperature ϑ11 or also the excessive In these cases, it is possible to achieve higher performances and
temperature ϑ31 at the end of a heating process. forces by a special winding.

7.1.7 Temperature rise limit Δ ϑ33 (in K) is the admissible maximum Please contact us when required. We are pleased to work out an
value of the excessive temperature at rated operating conditions. optimised solution for your application.
7.1.8 Hot spot difference Δ ϑ34 (in K) is the difference between the ave- 7.4 Measuring of the winding temperature by resistance measurement
rage winding temperature and the hottest place of the excitation
winding. If the operating conditions of a solenoid deviate considerably from the
7.1.9 Normal operating temperature conditions specified in the data sheets, it is necessary to measure the
winding temperature in the real application.
Steady-state temperature ϑ23 is considered as normal operating
temperature which adapts itself in the most unfavourable tolerance A measurement at the solenoid housing is not expedient, because it
zone during the operation of the solenoid in compliance with the ope- does not consider the thermal gradient inside the solenoid. Therefore,
rating conditions (rated voltage, duty cycle, ambient temperature). the winding temperature is usually determined by the change of the
coil resistance.
The most unfavourable operating conditions are:
● Maximum admissible ambient temperature ● Measuring of the resistance Rk of the cold winding at ambient
temperature ϑ16.
● Maximum rated voltage (rated voltage +10%)
● Determining of the ambient temperature ϑ16 (=initial temperature
● Maximum admissible runtime at the beginning of the measurement).
● Operation on heat-insulating base ● Operation of the solenoid under the foreseen operating conditions
until the steady-state temperature has been reached. Steady-state
● Operation with windscreen (no cooling by convection)
temperature is reached, if the winding temperature changes by
maximum 1K within 60 minutes.
7.2 Thermal classes
● Measuring of the winding resistance Rw. For this, the device is
Insulators are divided into thermal classes according to their operating separated from the voltage source and the resistance is directly
temperature resistance (see table Fig. 40). measured. (Too long waiting times between separating from the
voltage source and measuring result in a cooling down of the coil
During the determination of the temperature rise limits, a reference and thus falsify the result.)
temperature of + 35°C and a hot spot difference of 5 K are taken as
a basis for DC solenoids.

The thermal class is indicated for DC solenoids in the respective

part list.

If special operating conditions should require other classes, please

contact us.

This Technical Information is aimed at technically qualified personnel. All contents were carefully researched; claims for damages are excluded according to the ALB of ZVEI Art. XII state 6/2011.
Modifications, omissions and errors shall be reserved. Reproduction, even of extracts, only with written approval of Magnet-Schultz GmbH & Co. KG.
● Calculation of the steady-state temperature ϑ23 using the formula:

ϑ23 = ϑ16 + 255 ( Rw – Rk ) / Rk

ϑ23 = Steady-state temperature, resp. temperature at the end of the

measuring (in the coil) (°C)

ϑ16 = Initial temperature at the beginning of the measuring (°C)

RW = Resistance in heated condition (Ω)

Rk = Resistance in cold condition (Ω)

The determined steady-state temperature is to be compared with the

upper limit temperature admissible for the thermal class. If the limit
temperature is exceeded during the measuring, the trial has to be
aborted; if the limit temperature is not reached, a different winding Fig. 42: Tube and solenoid body disassembled
variant is to be considered for the device.
Due to the design of devices with removable solenoid body, they
A design by our technicians is made within the scope of the project don’t have any continuous proper PE conductor connection between
management. protective conductor terminal of the solenoid body and tube.

Warning: The measurement may be performed by skilled staff only. A proper protective conductor terminal of the tube resp. of the related
valve is to be ensured by the user.
7.5 Protection classes 7.5.2 Protection class II – Reinforced insulation (Protection insulation)
According to the protection against electric shock, electromagnetic Symbol for protection class II:
devices are divided into protection classes I – III to DIN EN 61140
resp. VDE 0140-1 and identified accordingly. Protection against electrical shock is based on basic insulation and
on additional safety precautions as doubled or reinforced insulation.
7.5.1 Protection class I – Protective conductor system Even if devices have electrically conducting surfaces, they are pro-
tected by the reinforced insulation against contact with live parts.
Symbol for grounding: There is no protective conductor terminal.
The symbol stands for the grounding at protection class I, there is 7.5.3 Protection class III – Protective low voltage
no symbol for the protection class I itself.
Besides the basic insulation, the protection against electric shock Symbol for protection class III
bases on the fact that all conductive housing parts are connected to Devices of protection class III are to be operated with protective low
the protective conductor of the fixed installation so that if the basic voltage and may not generate voltages higher than the protective
insulation failed, there is no voltage anymore. low voltage (ELV= Extra Low Voltage).
For voltages over 120V, the version in protection class I is generally By definition, devices of protection class III do not have any protective
mandatory. Conversely: If a device is classified in protection class conductor terminal.
I resp. if a protective conductor terminal is in place, a continuous
protective conductor connection (PE contacting) is to be performed The admissible voltage range for protection class III is ≤ 120V for
– regardless of the voltage. A protective conductor terminal to series direct voltage (DC), at alternating voltage (AC) ≤ 50V. (effective
DIN VDE 0100 shall be provided by the device/connector and ensu- value each).
red accordingly by the user. Plug connections are to be performed Safety transformers with safe separation of primary and secondary
with protective earth contact. The insert of the connecting cable into side to DIN VDE 0570-2-6 / DIN EN 61558-2-6 or batteries resp.
the device must be mechanically strain-relieved. accumulators are to be used as voltage sources.
Special case devices with movable or removable solenoid bodies: Within protection class III (ELV), we distinguish for the voltage
sources between
SELV (=Safety Extra Low Voltage) and
PELV (=Protective Extra Low Voltage).
The same voltage ranges (s. above) shall apply for SELV and PELV
voltage sources resp. electric circuits.
The significant difference lies in the protective conductor terminal.
SELV electric circuits and components resp. exposed conductive
parts must not be connected to the protective conductor resp.
Fig. 41: Valve solenoid hydraulics with removable solenoid body complete
PELV electric circuits and components resp. exposed conductive
parts may be connected to the protective conductor resp. grounded
(equipotential bonding).

This Technical Information is aimed at technically qualified personnel. All contents were carefully researched; claims for damages are excluded according to the ALB of ZVEI Art. XII state 6/2011.
Modifications, omissions and errors shall be reserved. Reproduction, even of extracts, only with written approval of Magnet-Schultz GmbH & Co. KG.
Typical examples: 9. Rated operating conditions
● Protection of components against electromagnetic influences (EMC)
MSM DC solenoids are designed for the following normal operating
● Protection against spark formation in explosion protection conditions resp. ambient conditions:

● Equipotential bonding Limit deviations of the rated voltage to DIN EN 60038 (VDE 0175-1)
In normal dry environment, the following shall apply:
9.1 Ambient temperature does not exceed 40° C and its average value
With rated voltages higher than 25 VAC resp. 60 VDC, the addi- does not exceed 35° C over a period of 24 hours. The lower limit
tional measure basic insulation must be also performed for SELV temperature is –5° C.
and also for PELV.
9.2 Altitude of the place of use is not more than 1000 m above sea
With rated voltages smaller than 25 VAC resp. 60 VDC, basic in- level (NN).
sulation can be omitted for SELV. For PELV, either basic insulation
or protective grounding resp. protective conductor terminal must For bigger altitudes, cooling is reduced due to the lower density of
be in place. Thus, components with existing basic insulation do not the air. If the winding is not adapted accordingly, there is the risk of
have to be grounded. thermal overload of the device.
In special cases, the value of the low voltage in group 700 of series
9.3 The Ambient air should not be considerably polluted by dust, smoke,
DIN VDE 0100 is limited to a value smaller than 50 VAC resp.
aggressive gases and vapours or salt content.
120 VDC.
9.4 The relative humidity of the ambient air shall not exceed 50 % at
8. Test of dielectric strength 40°C. For lower temperatures, a higher humidity can be admitted,
e.g. 90 % at 20° C.
In order to prove the insulating property of MSM DC solenoids, they are
tested at 100% for dielectric strength during a routine test. Occasional moderate condensation is to be taken into consideration,
by corrosion protection / surface coating; drain holes.
8.1 Type and level of the test voltage (UP)
9.5 For installation of the devices, the Installation guidelines and the
The test is performed with virtually sinosoidal AC voltage of 50 Hz. Safety instructions (section 16.1) are to be observed.
Its level depends on the rated voltage.
9.6 If there are deviations from these normal operating conditions in
U conductor 50 100 150 300 600 practise, so respective measures as higher protection class, special
earth (V) surface protection etc. are to be taken. In such cases, we ask you to
please consult us and to indicate the present operating conditions.
UN (V) 50 100 150 300 600
UP (V) * 500 800 1400 2200 3300 10. Service life
Fig. 43: Table test voltages for device of protection class I and III (for class III only up to
UN =120V or ~50V) The service life of the devices and the service life of the wear parts of
electromagnetic devices does not only depend on the design but also
UN(V) = rated voltage to a large extent on external conditions as installation position, type and
level of loads. Thus, statements about the service life must be reserved
UP(V) = test voltage (effective value of the alternating voltage, over- for the agreement between the customer and MSM.
voltage category III)

*Interpolations are admissible

11. Electrical Connection of DC Solenoids

11.1 DC connection (Fig. 44)

8.2 Performance of the voltage test
The DC connection is made directly to the voltage source.
The voltage test with UP is to be applied between excitation winding
and the exposed metal parts of the device. If there are several se-
parated excitation windings, all these windings are to be tested for

dielectric strength against each other and against the exposed metal
parts. The test voltage is applied in full and applied to the specimen
for about 1 sec.
Fig. 44: Circuit diagram solenoid DC connection
The test is considered as passed, if neither breakdown nor flashover
occurs. Corona phenomena which do not result in flashovers are not 11.2 AC connection (Fig. 45)
If no DC voltage is available, the connection of the DC solenoid is
8.3 Repeated voltage test made by a rectifier, ideally by a Graetz bridge switching.

The voltage test performed during the routine testing should not
be repeated if possible. A second test to be performed on special U~ +
request – e.g. on acceptance – may be only performed with 80 % of
the values indicated in the table. Here, the admissible interpolation
of the test voltages is to be applied. -
Fig. 45: Circuit diagram solenoid AC connection

This Technical Information is aimed at technically qualified personnel. All contents were carefully researched; claims for damages are excluded according to the ALB of ZVEI Art. XII state 6/2011.
Modifications, omissions and errors shall be reserved. Reproduction, even of extracts, only with written approval of Magnet-Schultz GmbH & Co. KG.
If mains voltage is ~ 230 V, the DC solenoid must be designed for
205 V using a silicon rectifier. P
Depending on the device type, there are different possibilities to
integrate the rectifier in or on the device: PA
● Factory-made installation of the rectifier in the terminal box
● Rectifier installed in connector plug, connector plug with rectifier
can be purchased as accessories. PH
Furthermore, other solutions are conceivable; please contact us, if
you are interested.

11.3 Connection of DC solenoids via an electrical control device tA


Fig. 48: Attraction and holding power

tA: attraction time

tH: holding time
PA: attraction power
PH: holding power
If the attraction force of a solenoid shall be increased by means of a
pilot control device, it is required that the plant equips the device with
a winding which is adapted to the application. The investments for
design and production of the adapted device entail that this solution
Fig. 46: Control device holding current reduction Z KD H is economically feasible for notable requirements only.

s If you have identified any potential in your application, please contact

+ us, we are pleased to advise you.

11.3.2 Optimisation of energy efficiency and reduction of heat de-

- velopment

Fig. 47: Circuit diagram electronic control device

In principle, solenoids of MSM are trimmed to optimum energy
utilisation from the constructive and the qualitative point of view.
By the operation of a solenoid via an electronical control device, there In order to operate a solenoid in an energy-efficient manner, you
is the possibility to optimise the solenoid drive in several directions: must be aware that its efficiency tends inevitably to zero as soon
● Reduction of switching times (see sect. 6.2) as the solenoid has reached its end position and does not perform
a movement anymore.
● Maximising of attraction force with the smallest possible device size
At the same time, the solenoid reaches its maximum force, holding
● Improvement of energy efficiency and reduction of heat development force FH (Fig. 49) in the end position. Normally, this holding force is
higher than required.
Optimisation is achieved, if the electrical power applied at the magnetic
coil is reduced after having reached the end position. Normally, this is F
controlled by a timer; solutions where the position of the armature is
requested can be realised as special solution if required.

When using a pre-pilot device, we recommend taking care that it is

provided with a holding current control. Thus, it is guaranteed that
the set holding force remains constant over the whole operating
temperature range.
11.3.1 Maximising of the attraction force
As explained in chapters Operating modes (section 4.8) and Temperatures
(section 7), the electric power installable in the solenoid resp. the permit-
ted duty cycle depends on how fast the solenoid reaches the admissible
0 S
excessive temperature. Whereas with the direct connection of a solenoid
(section 11.1), nearly the same power is absorbed by the magnetic coil Fig. 49: Increasing characteristic

during the whole running time, a pilot control device offers the possibility By the application of a suitable pilot device (holding current reduc-
to reduce the power after having reached the end position. tion), the holding current is reduced to the extent that the holding
force sufficient for the application is reached, the holding power is
therefore reduced to the required minimum.
If you have identified any potential in your application, please contact
us, we are pleased to advise you.

This Technical Information is aimed at technically qualified personnel. All contents were carefully researched; claims for damages are excluded according to the ALB of ZVEI Art. XII state 6/2011.
Modifications, omissions and errors shall be reserved. Reproduction, even of extracts, only with written approval of Magnet-Schultz GmbH & Co. KG.
12. Note to Elimination of Disconnect Overvoltage and Spark quenching by means of varistors and RC element is the most
Spark quenching common spark extinguishing agent. (Fig. 54)

12.1 Elimination of disconnect over-voltages

The inductance, which the DC solenoid is subjected to, causes high

disconnect over-voltages - particularly at bigger solenoids - which may u
cause damages of the electric insulation and of electronic components. RC
The following measures are recommended for damping of the dis-
connect overvoltage: Fig. 54: Circuit diagram spark quenching by means of varistors and RC element

12.1.1 Damping by varistors (voltage depending resistances) (Fig. 50)

By varistor V, the disconnect overvoltage is damped to the peak volta-
s ge of the used capacitor. Das RC element positioned in parallel to the
switching contact effects that the voltage occurring at the contact does
u- v R20 not exceed the minimum voltage of electric arc which thus prevents
the occurrence of an electric arc.

Fig. 50: Circuit diagram damping by varistors 13. Electromagnetic Time constant (t) and Inductances
Varistor V is designed to have a very high resistance at rated volta- For determination of the inductances of the DC high performance so-
ge U and thus carries only small current with closed switch S. The lenoids, the electromagnetic time constants are partly indicated in the
resistance of the varistor reduces considerably when disconnect lists in stroke start position of the armature. From these time constants,
overvoltage occurs which damps the latter. Fall time is only little the inductances for the different operating modes and supply voltages
delayed. can be determined using the following example:
12.1.2 Damping by mains rectifier (Fig. 51)
Given: Solenoid type G TU W 070
ED = 25 %
Rated voltage = 180 V


Fig. 51: Circuit diagram damping by mains rectifier Inductance L1 (H) in stroke start position of the armature

During AC switching, the disconnect over-voltage is completely Inductance L2 (H) in stroke end position of the armature
damped, but the armature drop is seriously delayed.
13.1.1 Damping by diodes
For the selection of suitable diodes, it must be noted that they with- Rated power from list:
stand the operating voltage and the rated current of the solenoid. PN = 142 W
The response delay t21 is extended with decreasing breakdown
voltage of the diode. The resistance of the excitation winding to R results from rated power:
R = U²/PN = 180²/142 = 228 Ω
Inductance in stroke start position
L1 = t1 x R = 20 x 10 -3 x 228 = 4,5
Inductance in stroke end position
Fig. 52: Circuit diagram damping by free-wheeling diode
L2 = t2 x R = 18 x 10 -3 x 228 = 4,1
When using a free-wheeling diode, particular consideration shall be
given to the polarity of the connection voltage. It should be ensured that in this calculation, the time constants are
stated in seconds, i. e. the values of the time constant specified in the
list must be multiplied by 10 -3.

14. Order specifications for DC solenoids

Fig. 53: Circuit diagram damping by bi-directional TVS diode Standard devices from the MSM programme are clearly defined by the
When using a bi-directional TVS diode, the polarity of the connection following specifications:
voltage is unimportant.
a) Type
12.2 Spark quenching
b) Voltage
The high disconnect overvoltage causes electric arc and thus com-
bustion of the contacts and material migration at the used switches, d) Operating mode (% ED)
provided that no spark extinguishing agent are provided.
All other technical data are listed in the respective part list.

If your application cannot be covered by our standard programme, we

ask you to please contact us for the agreement of a requirements spe-
cification. We are pleased to work out a solution for your task.

This Technical Information is aimed at technically qualified personnel. All contents were carefully researched; claims for damages are excluded according to the ALB of ZVEI Art. XII state 6/2011.
Modifications, omissions and errors shall be reserved. Reproduction, even of extracts, only with written approval of Magnet-Schultz GmbH & Co. KG.
Our checklist solenoid technology which can be downloaded from our If the solenoid has to overcome external spring forces, a solenoid
homepage contains information about the required specifications. should be selected such that the spring characteristic can be adapted
to the magnetic force vs. stroke characteristic.

15. Installation guidelines for DC solenoids 15.6 Electrical protection (Protective circuit by fuse)

15.1 General The power consumption in ampere is calculated on the basis of

Please make sure that the device to be installed is suitable for your P
application. I =
Please note DIN VDE 0580, relevant standards, regulations and the
P = rated power (W), U = rated voltage (V), I = current (A)
safety instructions section 16.1.

Devices without Ex marking (see type plate) must not be applied in After the current has been determined, the respective fuse can be
explosive areas. chosen.

15.7 Voltage drop and wire cross-section

Information and remarks concerning European directives can be taken
from the correspondent information sheet which is available under
The required rated voltage must be fed to the solenoids. When laying
the cabling, the voltage drop should be kept within narrow limits by
15.2 Working position correct cross section measuring of the cables (normal up to 5 %).

MSM DC solenoids can be applied in any installation position. 15.8 Protection against contact

15.3 Installation Protection against contact resp. protection against electric shock is
to be ensured by the user.
The solenoid armature is to be connected to the machine part to be
actuated in such suitable way that no constraining forces result from 15.9 Maintenance
MSM DC solenoids work maintenance-free when properly used.
Assembly resp. fastening of the solenoids only via the intended bo-
We, however, recommend performing a regular visual inspection and
res/threaded holes. The specified screw lengths, screw-in depth and
functional test under consideration of the following points:
tightening torques are to be respected (see technical data sheets).
- For all maintenance works, the safety instructions section
The electrical connection is to be performed after completion of the
16.1 are to be observed
mechanical fastening.
- General visual inspection with regard to completeness, damages
A protective conductor terminal existing at the device is to be connec-
and manipulations of any kind
ted to series DIN VDE 0100 and permanently ensured by the user. See
also section 7.5.1 Protection class I - Protective conductor system. - Fastening / firm seat
In principle, shocks on the armature rod and on the solenoid are to - Cleanliness:
be avoided. Keep solenoids free from deposits, grease and oil residues;
control for abrasion and corrosion;
Furthermore, it shall apply for:
(danger of bearing damages, functional limitations, overheating,
a) Linear solenoids fire hazard)
In the interest of the service life of the bearings, it has to be
- Signs of unauthorised ingress of humidity and liquids
ensured that for linear solenoids, no external forces influence
armature or armature rod in axial direction. - Electrical connection:
Damages at electric supplies, insulations and encapsulation of
b) Rotary solenoids
solenoid body
In order to increase the service life of rotary solenoids, it is ap-
propriate to keep mass forces away from the internal stops by - Smooth operation of the armature
external rotation angle limitations.
- Pole surfaces of holding solenoids clean and free from mechanical
15.4 Initial operation
damages (reduction of the holding force)
The compliance with rated voltage, duty cycle, ambient temperature - Signs of overheating (deformation and discoloration of insulators)
range and requirements from the protection class are to be checked
before initial operation of the electromagnetic device. - Condition of corrosion protection
Solenoids are no ready-for-use devices in the sense of DIN VDE 0580. - Impact of the heat dissipation needed for operation
15.5 External counter-forces 15.10 Disassembly and Disposal
All solenoids should use at least 2/3 of their magnetic force. Thus, Devices may only be disassembled in de-energised condition. DC
sticking of the armature is avoided for certain. solenoids are not subject to directive WEEE. Disposal is to be profes-
sionally performed compliant with the current guidelines, regulations
and laws.

This Technical Information is aimed at technically qualified personnel. All contents were carefully researched; claims for damages are excluded according to the ALB of ZVEI Art. XII state 6/2011.
Modifications, omissions and errors shall be reserved. Reproduction, even of extracts, only with written approval of Magnet-Schultz GmbH & Co. KG.
16. Safety 16.2 Note on functional safety to EN ISO 13849, EN/IEC 61508 and
ISO 26262
16.1 Safety instructions
Systems and machines must comply with the legal requirements re-
garding safety and reliability. Manufacturers are obliged to perform a
Warning of electrical voltage
risk evaluation and to take risk minimising measures. The limit values
Any operation at electrical components and to be met are defined with information on performance level (PL) or
facilities, as well as opening of terminal boxes, safety integration level (SIL).
control cabinets or similar is to be carried out
by qualified electricians only. DC solenoids are incomplete components which have no autonomous
function. A risk evaluation in the final application resp. for the intended
Contact with live parts can cause fatal injuries. application case indicating PL or SIL values cannot be performed for
these components.
Works at device and power supply shall be
carried out in de-energised condition only The reliability of electromagnetic components is described by service
(activate, secure against restart, verify that life specifications (TL) depending on application or test conditions.
no voltage is present).
Notes on MTTF or B10 values for proven components can be taken
Warning of hot surface
from the respective tables of EN ISO 13849-2.
Contact with magnetic devices may result
in burns. Terminology:

An increased surface temperature must be MTTF: (Mean Time To Failure) average time to failure
B10: number of cycles until 10% of the tested components has failed.
Depending on the application, the magnitude
of the limit temperature may be reached, e.g. TL: (Life Time) service life
thermal class F: 155°C.
Warning of hand injuries
By the installation of the device in the appli-
cation and depending on the design, there
may be a risk of injury through squeezing and 17. Device Protection Classes (IP Protection Class)
shearing by movable parts when actuating
the solenoid. Device protection classes to DIN EN 60529 (VDE 0470-1) are each in-
dicated on the data sheets. Deviations thereof are delivered on request.
Danger zones are to be safeguarded accor-
ding to the relevant applicable standards and For electromagnetic devices, the specific feature is that different protec-
regulations (e.g. machinery directive). tion classes can be indicated for the device and the electrical connection
Warning of injuries caused by transport resp. the exciter coil.
and handling
The protection class at delivery may differ from the protection class
Depending on the size, some solenoids have which can be achieved in the properly mounted condition, i.e. generally
a significant weight. the protection class is only reached, if the connector indicated in the
part list has been professionally mounted.
Please note for handling and transport the
relevant regulations regarding accident pre- 17.1 Designation protection classes
vention and occupational safety as well as
cargo securing. Designation of protection classes is made according to the following
Warning of magnetic field
For devices with open magnetic circuit, as
holding solenoids and permanent holding
solenoids, magnetic fields can leak out.

If the devices are taken close to cardiac

pacemakers or implanted defibrillators, this
may lead to life-threatening situations.

Keep the devices away from objects which

react sensitively to magnetic fields, e.g.: bank
cards with magnetic strip, audio and data Fig. 56: Table designation protection classes
tapes, mechanical watches.
External interventions or changes
Changes or manipulations lead to the loss
of guarantee on the part of MSM and may
cause malfunctions of the solenoid and un-
predictable hazards.
Fig. 55: Table warnings

This Technical Information is aimed at technically qualified personnel. All contents were carefully researched; claims for damages are excluded according to the ALB of ZVEI Art. XII state 6/2011.
Modifications, omissions and errors shall be reserved. Reproduction, even of extracts, only with written approval of Magnet-Schultz GmbH & Co. KG.
17.2 Degrees of protection
Second Degrees of protection against water
The degrees of protection result from the combination of first or Short description Definition
second indicator.
0 Not protected -

First Degree of protection against the access to hazardous 1 Protected against dripping Vertically falling drops
parts and water must not have any harmful
indicator effects
degree of protection against solid foreign objects
2 Protected against dripping Vertically falling drops
Short description Definition water, if the housing is must not have any harmful
0 Not protected - inclined up to 15° effects, if the housing is
inclined by an angle up to
1 Protected against access The access probe, ball 15° on either side of the
to hazardous parts with with diameter 50 mm, vertical
the back of the hand and must have sufficient di-
protected against solid stance from hazardous 3 Protected against spray Water, that is sprayed in
foreign objects with dia- parts and the object pro- water an angle of up to 60° on
meter 50 mm and bigger be, ball with diameter 50 either side of the vertical,
mm, must not fully must not have any harmful
penetrate effects

2 Protected against access The jointed test finger 4 Protected against splash Water, that splashes
to hazardous parts with with diameter 12 mm, 80 water against the housing, from
one finger and protected mm length, must have any direction must not
against solid foreign ob- sufficient distance from have any harmful effects
jects with diameter 12.5 hazardous parts and the 5 Protected against water Water jets directed from
mm and bigger object probe, ball with jets any direction against the
diameter 12.5 mm, must housing, must not have
not fully penetrate any harmful effects
3 Protected against access The access probe and the 6 Protected against strong Strong water jets directed
to hazardous parts with a object probe with diameter water jets from any direction against
tool and protected against 2.5 mm each must not the housing, must not
solid foreign objects with penetrate at all have any harmful effects
diameter 2.5 mm and
7 Protected against the ef- Water may not ingress
fects of temporary immer- in a volume that would
4 Protected against access The access probe with sion in water cause harmful effects, if
to hazardous parts with a diameter 1.0 mm must not the housing is temporarily
wire and protected against penetrate immersed in water under
solid foreign objects with standardised pressure
diameter 1.0 mm and and time conditions
8 Protected against the ef- Water may not ingress
5 Protected against access The access probe with fects of continuous immer- in a volume that would
to hazardous parts with a diameter 1.0 mm must not sion in water cause harmful effects,
wire and dust proof penetrate. if the housing is conti-
nuously immersed under
Penetration of dust is not conditions which have
completely prevented, been agreed between
but dust must not pene- manufacturer and user.
trate in such quantity that The conditions, however,
the satisfying work of the must be more difficult than
devices or the safety is for indicator 7
9K 1) Protected against water Water that is directed from
6 Protected against the ac- The access probe with at high-pressure/steam-jet each direction against the
cess to hazardous parts diameter 1.0 mm must not cleaning housing under strongly
with a wire and dust-tight penetrate. No penetration increased pressure must
of dust 1)
Indicator to DIN 40050 not have any harmful ef-
Fig. 57: Table IP protection class indicator 1
Part 9 road vehicles pro- fects
tection classes
Fig. 58: Table IP protection class indicator 2

This Technical Information is aimed at technically qualified personnel. All contents were carefully researched; claims for damages are excluded according to the ALB of ZVEI Art. XII state 6/2011.
Modifications, omissions and errors shall be reserved. Reproduction, even of extracts, only with written approval of Magnet-Schultz GmbH & Co. KG.
17.3 Solenoids for application under special conditions as DIN EN 61558-2-6 (VDE 0570-2-6)
Safety of transformers, throttles, power supplies
● in extremely humid atmosphere
and the like for supply voltages up to 1100 V - part
● in tropical version 2-6: special requirements and tests at safety trans-
formers and power supplies containing safety trans-
● in radioactive rooms and in nuclear technology formers
● for aggressive ambient conditions
● in explosive areas Graphic symbols – safety colours and safety marks
- registered safety marks
● medical applications
● automotive applications DIN VDE 0100-410
Setting-up of low-voltage systems - part 4-41: pro-
● aerospace applications tective measures - protection against electric shock

etc. are delivered on request. DIN VDE 0100-420

Setting-up of low-voltage systems - part 4-42:
18. Regulations, Standards und Provisions (state 6/2017) protective measures - protection against thermal
DIN 1304-1 Symbols - General symbols
DIN VDE 0100-520
DIN 40050-9 Road vehicles; IP protection classes; protection Setting-up of low-voltage systems - part 5-52:
against foreign objects, water and contact; electrical selection and setting-up of electrical equipment –
equipment (cancelled) cable and wiring systems

DIN 46008 Connection surfaces for grounding and protective DIN VDE 0100-540
conductor terminal screws – rated voltage below 52 KV Setting-up of low-voltage systems - part 5-54:
selection and setting-up of electrical equipment –
DIN EN 50274 (VDE 0660-514) grounding systems and protective conductors
Low-voltage switching device combinations - pro-
tection against electric shock – protection against DIN VDE 0580 Electromagnetic devices and components - general
unintended direct contact with hazardous live parts provisions

DIN EN 60038 (VDE 0175-1) DIN EN ISO 13849

Cenelec standard voltages Safety of machines – safety related parts of control
DIN EN 60085 (VDE 0301-1)
Electrical insulation – thermal evaluation and desi- IEC 61508 Functional safety of electrical/electronic/program-
gnation mable electronic safety-related systems

DIN EN 60204-1 (VDE 0113-1) ISO 26262 Road vehicles - functional safety
Safety of machines – electrical equipment of machi-
nes - part 1: general requirements Note: Due to updates, there may be changes in the cited standards.

DIN EN 60529 (VDE 0470-1)

Protection classes by housing (IP-Code)

ISO 20653 Road vehicles - protection classes (IP-Code) - pro-

tection against foreign objects, water and contact
- electrical equipment

DIN EN 60617 (series)

Graphic symbols for wiring diagrams

DIN EN 60664-1 (VDE 0110-1)

Insulation coordination for electrical equipment in
low-voltage systems - part 1: principles, require-
ments and tests

DIN EN 60999-1 (VDE 0609-1)

Connecting material – electric copper conductor –
safety requirements for screw-type and screwless-
type clamping units - part 1: general requirements
and specific requirements for clamping units for
conductor of 0.2 mm [2] up to and including 35 mm [2]

DIN EN 61140 (VDE 0140-1)

Protection against electric shock – general require-
ments for plants and equipment

This Technical Information is aimed at technically qualified personnel. All contents were carefully researched; claims for damages are excluded according to the ALB of ZVEI Art. XII state 6/2011.
Modifications, omissions and errors shall be reserved. Reproduction, even of extracts, only with written approval of Magnet-Schultz GmbH & Co. KG.
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