Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3

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Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3


A fluid machine is a device which converts the energy stored by a fluid into
mechanical energy or vice versa. The energy stored by a fluid mass appears in the form
of potential, kinetic and intermolecular energy. The mechanical energy, on the other
hand, is usually transmitted by a rotating shaft.
Machines using liquid (mainly water, for almost all practical purposes) are
termed as hydraulic machines. In general, the basic fluid mechanical principle
governing the energy transfer in a fluid machine and also a brief description of different
kinds of hydraulic machines along with their performances.

a. Rain water
b. Natural surface water
c. Ground water


The primary considerations in developing source of water are:
a. To determine the amount and quality of water needed.
b. To find and develop a source of which will supply the needs.
c. The sanitary measures to be employed.


After studying the module, you should be able to:

1. Familiarize the different terminologies about fluid machinery.

2. Identify and develop the source of water.
3. Classify the types of water systems including the advantages and
4. Identify the types of valves and fittings.
5. Classify the types of pumps including the advantages, disadvantages and the
principles of operations.
6. Analyze the pump characteristic curve in determining the actual
performance of the pump.
7. Estimate the Total Dynamic Head, Pump power, and pump efficiency.
8. Solve the total head, capacity if the pumps are connected in series or
9. Apply Fan affinity laws and Net Positive Suction Head to avoid cavitation.


There are three lessons in the module. Read each lesson carefully then answer
the exercises/activities to find out how much you have benefited from it. Work on these
exercises carefully and submit your output to your tutor or to the Engineering office.

In case you encounter difficulty, discuss this with your tutor during the face-to-
face meeting. If not contact your tutor at the Engineering office.

Good luck and happy reading!!!

Lesson 1

 Definitions and terminologies

1. Capacity – refers to the quantity of fluid or other liquids handled at a definite
period of time. Q ; gal/min; ft³/min; m³/min
2. Total Static Head – the vertical distance from the surface of the supply source
to the free surface of the liquid in the discharge piping.
3. Static Suction Lift – exist when the level is below the center line of the pump.
- vertical distance from the free surface of the source
to the center line of the pump.
4. Static Suction Head – exist when the source of supply is above the center line of
the pump shaft.
5. Static Discharge Head – vertical distance between the center line of the pump
shaft to the free surface of the liquid in the discharge well.
6. Dynamic Suction Lift – static suction lift + the head necessary to overcome
friction in the suction line + entrance and velocity losses.

Head Necessary to Overcome Friction in the Suction Line; (hfs)

hfs = f (Ls/Ds) (Vs²/2g)
f = friction factor
= 0.02-0.03
L = length of pipe
Vs = suction velocity
g = acceleration; gravitational
= 32.2 ft²/sec or 9.8066 m²/sec

Entrance & Velocity Losses; (V.H.)

V.H. = Vs²/2g

7. Dynamic Suction Head – static suction head minus velocity head minus friction
and velocity losses.
8. Dynamic Discharge = static discharge head + head necessary to overcome friction
in the discharge line + exit in velocity losses.

Head Necessary to Overcome Friction in the Discharge Line; (hfd)

hfd = f (Ld/Dd) (Vd²/2g)

Entrance & Velocity Losses; (V.H.)

V.H. = Vd²/2g
9. Total Dynamic Head = dynamic suction lift + dynamic discharge head.
= dynamic discharge head minus dynamic suction head.
10. Velocity Head - head necessary to accelerate water.
V.H. = V²/2g
11. Friction Head – head absorbed by a liquid in motion.
- head necessary to overcome friction between liquid and surface
of pipings.
hf = f (L/D) (V²/2g)
12. Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) – it is the difference between the absolute
dynamic pressure of the liquid measured at the centerline of the pump and the
saturation pressure corresponding to the temperature of the liquid at the same
point, all expressed in terms of feet head of the fluid flowing.
13. Specific Gravity – ratio of the specific weight of liquid to that of the water.
14. Water Horsepower (WHP) – horsepower needed to run an ideal pump at a given
volumetric flow & head of fluid.

Q, Gal / min TDH, ft S.G  ; HP
Q, ft 3
  
/ sec TDH , ft   , lb / ft 3
; HP

Q, m  
/ sec TDH , m  , kg / m 3
; HP

15. Brake Horsepower (BHP) – horsepower accounting the efficiency of the pump.
BHP = ; HP
np  pump effcy 

Types of Water System

1. Natural gravity type – one having a source and storage reservoir located higher
than the faucets from which water can flow by the force of gravity.


- This type of water system is commonly used where the pump is driven by a
windmill or internal combustion engine, or where large volume of water must
be stored.
- Pneumatic or pressure type of water system is the most adaptable to a widely
variety of water situations. For this reason, it is used more than any other type
of system.
a. They are compact and require little room.
b. They can be installed in almost any convenient location.
c. They can supply pressure up to 276 Kpa. Higher pressure are available at extra
d. Because of the possible higher pressures they are very satisfactory for such uses
as sprinkling, car washing, and to some extent firefighting.
e. The higher pressures available make it possible to use smaller pipes to the
faucets than are required with low pressures.
f. As the water is not exposed to the atmosphere they are more sanitary than the
open gravity system.
g. When correctly installed the electrically driven systems make little noise and
require a minimum attention.
h. Being electrically driven they are completely automatic.
i. Operating cost is very low.
j. The initial cost is moderate.


a. Change direction
b. Change size
c. Provide branch connections
d. Close lines
GLOBE VALVE- used in pipelines for convenience in manually closing the pipe to control
the flow of water. This valve should be installed with water pressure under the valve
seat, and if installed in a line that must be drained, the stream be in horizontal.
GATE VALVE- used in pipelines when normal fully open or closed position is desired in
either end.

CHECK VALVE – are installed in pipe lines to prevent a backflow of water; therefore
they allow water to flow through the pipe in one direction only. Check valves are
automatic in operation, being opened and closed by change in direction of pressure
and flow.
ANGLE VALVE – are used in pipelines when change in direction of flow is required.
Sometimes it acts like globe valve but are usually used for a right angle turn.

FOOT VALVE – are used on the lower end of the pump suction pipes. They are really a
form of check valve and are used to prevent loss of priming of pumps. They are
automatic in operation.


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