Brochure - Actran - For - Nastran

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MSC Software: Product Datasheet - ActranTM for Nastran


Actran for Nastran

Advanced Vibro-Acoustic Analysis Combining Actran and Nastran

Key Features
• Analysis of fully trimmed models combining
Nastran body-in-white models with Actran trim
• Import of Nastran super-elements into Actran
• Export of Actran components to Nastran using
DMIG data blocks
• Support of most Nastran brands (MSC, MD, NX,
• Available platforms: Windows 32 & 64 bits,
Linux and most Unix platforms
Product Overview • Integration in Actran VI

Combine the strength of Actran and Nastran for advanced vibro-acoustic modeling
Actran is a powerful tool for modeling and analyzing complex vibro-acoustic systems and
specifically trimmed vehicle bodies. Trim components are usually made of materials with
high damping and strong acoustic absorption characteristics; as such they have a significant
influence on the overall vibro-acoustic behavior of the vehicle body.
Actran models are usually available in physical coordinates in order to simulate accurately the
complex damping mechanism provided by the trim components.
Nastran is the reference tool for vibro-acoustic analysis of lightly damped structures and
cavities. It features efficient modal solution sequences, making it suitable for handling large
models like automotive vehicle body-in-white or aircraft fuselage.
Actran for Nastran provides CAE engineers with advanced features for mixing the best of both
tools: Actran physical model and Nastran modal model.
Three types of combined models may be created:
1. Actran for Nastran is able to merge a set of Actran models of individual trim components with
a Nastran body-in-white model in order to create a fully trimmed body vibro-acoustic model.
2. An Actran model may be set in its real-life working environment by connecting it to an existing
Nastran model (e.g. a detailed Actran model of a layered windshield may be connected to a
Nastran model of the vehicle body).
3. A Nastran model may be enriched by including a reduced Actran model of a specific
component. The Actran component is defined as a DMIG data block in the Nastran deck.
Actran for Nastran makes the vibro-acoustic analysis of fully trimmed bodies accurate and
efficient. With the hybrid methods, the strength of modal and physical approaches are
The use of acoustic trim is ubiquitous in cars.

Target Applications
• Trimmed body NVH with accurate modeling of the trim components (headliner, dashboard,
floor, etc.)
• Acoustic transmission through components in real-life mounting conditions
DATASHEET MSC Software: Product Datasheet - ActranTM for Nastran

Actran Software Suite

Actran is a complete acoustic, vibro-
acoustic and aero-acoustic CAE soft-
ware suite. Empowered by the technolo-
gies of finite/infinite element methods
(FE/IFE), as well as the Discontinuous
Galerkin Method (DGM), Actran provides
a rich library of materials, elements,
boundary conditions, solution schemes
and solvers. Actran is a high accuracy,
high performance and high productivity
modeling tool suiting the needs of the
most demanding engineers, researchers,
teachers and students for solving the
most challenging acoustic problems.

Free Field Technologies (FFT)

Free Field Technologies is focused
on three main areas:
• Developing Actran software for acous-
tic, aero-acoustic and vibro-acoustic
• Providing technical services, sup-
port, training and delivering acoustic
engineering projects;
• Researching innovative technologies
and methods of acoustic analysis in
order to remain the leader in acoustic
Free Field Technologies has more
Analysis of vehicle body NVH with accurate modeling of three trim than 250 customers around the
components: healiner, dashboard & fl oor Comparison between results of
world active in the Automotive,
simple body model (blue curve) and trimmed body model (red curve)
Aerospace, Shipbuilding,
Electronic and Heavy Equipment
industries as well as in the
Educational and Research sectors.

FFT is a wholly owned subsidiary

of MSC Software Corporation.


Rue Emile Francqui 9
1435 Mont-Saint-Guibert
Telephone +32 10 45 12 26
Import of Nastran superlements into Actran Actran multilayered trim component Fax +32 10 45 46 26

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