Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Upgrade Guide
Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Upgrade Guide
Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Upgrade Guide
13c Release 4
February 2021
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Upgrade Guide, 13c Release 4
Contributors: Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Development Teams, Quality Assurance Teams, Customer
Support Teams, and Product Management Teams.
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Audience xii
Documentation Accessibility xii
Related Resources xii
Conventions xiii
Status of Oracle Software Library After Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud
Control 13c Release 4 1-10
Status of Connectors After Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c
Release 4 1-10
Custom Certificates Status When Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control
13c Release 4 1-10
Status of Webgate When Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c
Release 4 1-10
XML DB Feature in the Database After Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud
Control 13c Release 4 1-10
Manually Restarting the OMS and the Management Agent After Upgrading to
Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4 1-11
Wizards or Consoles Used for Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c
Release 4 1-11
Overview of the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Installation Wizard 1-12
Overview of the Agent Upgrade Console in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control
13c Release 4 1-12
Overview of the Gold Agent Images Console in Enterprise Manager Cloud
Control 13c Release 4 1-14
Changes to the OPSS Schema After Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud
Control 13c Release 4 1-15
Manually Shutdown OMC Data Collector and Cloud Agent Before Upgrading to
Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4 1-15
Database Service Instance Creation Request Verification Requirements 3-5
Repository Table Snapshot Verification Requirements 3-5
Logon and Logoff Trigger Setting Verification Requirements 3-6
Delete Target Operation Auditing Requirements 3-6
Selectively Skipping Some Job Type Updates for Reduced Downtime of Your
Enterprise Manager System 3-7
EMKEY Copy Requirements 3-8
Certificate Key Strength Requirements 3-8
Out-of-Box Memory Settings Backup Requirements 3-9
Prerequisite Check and Environment Validation Requirements 3-10
OMS Backup Requirements 3-10
OMS Shutdown Requirements 3-10
Management Agent Shutdown Requirements 3-11
Management Agent Proxy Removal Requirements 3-11
Additional Preparation and Steps Required for Performing an Upgrade and
Transition to DR Readiness 3-11
Undeploy Obsolete Plug-ins 3-12
Server Load Balancer (SLB) Requirements 3-12
Monitoring the Upgrade Progress 4-19
Ending the Upgrade 4-19
Upgrading the Additional OMS Instances 4-20
Upgrading the Management Agents 4-20
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 in Silent
Mode 4-20
Generating the Response File for Silent Installation 4-22
Editing the Response File for Silent Installation 4-23
Invoking the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installer in Silent Mode 4-23
Advanced Installer Options Supported for Installing an Enterprise Manager
System in Silent Mode 4-24
Upgrading the Additional OMS Instances 4-25
Upgrading the Management Agents 4-25
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the
Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode Along With Plug-ins 4-25
Installing the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4 Software
Binaries in Graphical Mode Along with Plug-ins 4-28
Invoking the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installer for Installing Only
the Software Binaries in GUI Mode Along with Plug-ins 4-28
Enabling Oracle Configuration Manager 4-30
Applying the Latest Software Updates 4-30
Running the Prerequisite Checks and Validating the Environment 4-30
Selecting the Installation Type 4-31
Configuring a Middleware Home and Validating the Host Name 4-31
Providing Database Connection Details 4-31
Upgrading or Migrating Plug-ins, or Deploying Dependent Plug-ins 4-33
Deploying Additional Plug-ins 4-34
Extending the Existing WebLogic Server Domain 4-35
Moving Lock Files from an NFS-Mounted Drive to a Local File System
Location 4-36
Configuring the Shared Locations for Oracle BI Publisher 4-38
Configuring the Ports 4-39
Reviewing the Upgrade Details 4-40
Monitoring the Upgrade Progress 4-41
Running the allroot.sh Script 4-41
Installing Additional Plug-ins 4-41
Applying Release Update in Bit Only Mode 4-41
Configuring the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4 Software
Binaries Along With Plug-ins 4-42
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the
Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode 4-43
Installing the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4 Software
Binaries in Graphical Mode 4-45
Invoking the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installer for Installing Only
the Software Binaries in GUI Mode 4-45
Enabling Oracle Configuration Manager 4-46
Applying the Latest Software Updates 4-47
Running the Prerequisite Checks and Validating the Environment 4-47
Selecting the Installation Type 4-47
Configuring a Middleware Home, Installing the Central Agent, and Validating
the Host Name 4-47
Reviewing the Installation Details 4-48
Monitoring the Installation Progress 4-48
Ending the Installation 4-48
Deinstalling the Management Agent and Deleting the Agent Base Directory 4-48
Copying the Software Binaries to the Additional OMS Hosts in Silent Mode 4-49
Running the allroot.sh Script 4-49
Configuring the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4 Software
Binaries in Graphical Mode 4-49
Invoking the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installer for Configuring the
Software Binaries in GUI Mode 4-50
Selecting the Installation Type 4-51
Providing Database Connection Details 4-51
Upgrading or Migrating Plug-ins, or Deploying Dependent Plug-ins 4-54
Deploying Additional Plug-ins 4-55
Extending the Existing WebLogic Server Domain 4-56
Configuring the Shared Locations for Oracle BI Publisher 4-57
Configuring the Ports 4-59
Reviewing the Upgrade Details 4-60
Monitoring the Upgrade Progress 4-60
Ending the Upgrade 4-61
Upgrading the Additional OMS Instances 4-62
Upgrading the Management Agents 4-62
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the
Software-Only Method in Silent Mode 4-62
Installing the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4 Software
Binaries in Silent Mode 4-64
Generating the Response File for Software-Only Installation in Silent Mode 4-64
Editing the Response File for Software-Only Installation in Silent Mode 4-65
Installing the Software Binaries in Silent Mode 4-68
Running the allroot.sh Script 4-69
Deinstalling the Management Agent and Deleting the Agent Base Directory 4-70
Download and Copy Software Binaries to the Additional OMS Hosts in
Silent Mode 4-70
Configuring the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4 Software
Binaries in Silent Mode 4-70
Editing the Response File for Configuring the Software Binaries in Silent
Mode 4-71
Configuring the Software Binaries in Silent Mode 4-71
Upgrading the Additional OMS Instances 4-72
Upgrading the Management Agents 4-73
Upgrading the OMS and any Additional OMSs in Parallel using the Software-Only
Method in Graphical Mode Along with Plug-ins 4-73
Performing Prerequisites 4-74
Step 1: Upgrading your Repository to a Supported Version 4-75
Step 2: Invoking the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installer 4-75
Step 3: Selecting the Installation Type 4-75
Step 4: Providing Database Connection Details 4-76
Step 5: Selecting the Deployment Size 4-76
Step 6: Running the Prerequisite Checks 4-77
Step 7: Evaluating the Correction Types 4-77
Installing the OMS Software Only 4-77
Running the allroot.sh Script 4-77
Applying Required Patches on the OMS 4-78
Applying Release Update in Bit Only Mode 4-78
Upgrading the Admin OMS 4-78
Performing Additional OMS Upgrades in Parallel 4-79
6 Upgrading Oracle Management Agents
Overview of Upgrading Management Agents Using Agent Gold Images 6-1
Upgrading Central Agents or Standalone Management Agents to 13c Release 4
Using the Agent Upgrade Console or EM CLI 6-2
Overview of Upgrading Central Agents or Standalone Management Agents to
13c Release 4 Using the Agent Upgrade Console or EM CLI 6-3
Before You Begin Upgrading Central Agents or Standalone Management
Agents to 13c Release 4 Using the Agent Upgrade Console or EM CLI 6-4
Prerequisites for Upgrading Central Agents or Standalone Management Agents
to 13c Release 4 Using the Agent Upgrade Console or EM CLI 6-7
Upgrading Central Agents or Standalone Management Agents to 13c Release 4
Using the Agent Upgrade Console 6-9
Additional Parameters for 13c Management Agent Upgrade 6-11
Upgrading Central Agents or Standalone Management Agents to 13c Release 4
Using EM CLI 6-12
After Upgrading Central Agents or Standalone Management Agents to 13c
Release 4 Using the Agent Upgrade Console or EM CLI 6-14
Verifying Your 13c Management Agent Upgrade 6-14
Performing Postupgrade Cleanup of Old Management Agents 6-15
Moving Central Agent Base Directory Outside Oracle Middleware Home
(After Upgrading 13c Central Agent) 6-18
Viewing 13c Management Agent Upgrade Cleanup Jobs 6-18
Troubleshooting 13c Management Agent Upgrade 6-20
Creating an Agent Gold Image 6-24
Creating an Agent Gold Image Using Gold Agent Images Home Page 6-24
Creating an Agent Gold Image Using EM CLI 6-24
Creating an Agent Gold Image Version 6-24
Creating an Agent Gold Image Version Using the Gold Agent Images Home
Page 6-24
Creating an Agent Gold Image Version Using EM CLI 6-26
Setting a Particular Agent Gold Image Version as the Current Version 6-28
Setting a Particular Agent Gold Image Version as the Current Version Using
Gold Agent Images Home Page 6-29
Setting a Particular Agent Gold Image Version as the Current Version Using EM
CLI 6-29
Setting a Particular Agent Gold Image Version as the Restricted Version using Gold
Agent Images Home Page 6-30
Setting a Particular Agent Gold Image Version as the Restricted Version Using
Gold Agent Images Home Page 6-30
Setting a Particular Agent Gold Image Version as the Restricted Version Using
EM CLI 6-30
Subscribing Management Agents to an Agent Gold Image 6-31
Subscribing Management Agents to an Agent Gold Image Using Gold Agent
Images Home Page 6-32
Subscribing Management Agents to an Agent Gold Image Using EM CLI 6-32
Updating Standalone Management Agents Using an Agent Gold Image Version 6-34
Updating Standalone Management Agents Using Agent Gold Image Version
Using Gold Agent Images Home Page 6-35
Updating Management Agents Using Agent Gold Image Version Using EM CLI 6-37
Upgrading Hybrid Cloud Gateway Agents and Hybrid Cloud Agents 6-46
A Editing the Response File for Upgrading Oracle Management
Service and Oracle Management Repository in Silent Mode
Parameters to Edit in the upgrade.rsp File for Upgrading Oracle Management
Service and Oracle Management Repository in Silent Mode A-1
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Upgrade Guide describes how you can
upgrade to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4.
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Upgrade Guide is intended for systems
administrators who want to upgrade to Enterprise Manager 13c Release 4.
Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?
Related Resources
For information on new features in Enterprise Manager 13c Release 4, see New
Features In Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c in the Enterprise Manager
Cloud Control Introduction guide.
For more information, see the following books in the Enterprise Manager Cloud
Control documentation library:
• Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide
• Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration
For the latest releases of these and other Oracle documentation, check the Oracle
Help Center at the following URL:
Enterprise Manager also provides extensive online Help. Click Help at the top-right
corner of any Cloud Control page to display the online help window.
The following text conventions are used in this document:
Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated
with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for
which you supply particular values.
monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code
in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.
Part I
Introduction to Upgrading an Enterprise
Manager System to 13c Release 4
This part provides an overview of the new features in Enterprise Manager Cloud
Control 13c Release 4, familiarizes you with the upgrade process for upgrading to 13c
Release 4, and describes some key facts that you must know before you start the
upgrade process.
In particular, this part covers Overview of Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud
Control 13c.
Overview of Upgrading to Enterprise
Manager Cloud Control 13c
Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c is the latest release of Enterprise Manager
Cloud Control from Oracle. This new release offers a variety of new features,
enhancements, performance improvements, and bug fixes compared to its previous
releases. If you have Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 2 or Enterprise
Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 3 then Oracle recommends that you upgrade it to
Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4 to benefit from all the new features.
Before you start upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4, you
must understand the upgrade process, the upgrade utilities, and other key aspects
related to upgrade, such as the supported environments, the supported upgrade
paths, how ports are reused, what features from the previous release are automatically
carried forward, what customization you must redo after the upgrade, so on. This will
help you understand the requirements and the implications of the upgrade, and will
help you prepare for a smooth transition from the previous release.
This chapter introduces you to the upgrade process, and describes the important
aspects that you must know before you start the upgrade process. In particular, this
chapter covers the following:
• Supported OMS Environments for Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control
13c Release 4
• Supported Upgrade Paths and Supported Upgrade Approaches for Upgrading to
Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4
• Supported Platforms for Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c
Release 4
• Upgrade Scope Offered for Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c
Release 4
• Components Upgraded or Installed As Part of the Upgrade to Enterprise Manager
Cloud Control 13c Release 4
• Ports Used by an Upgraded Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c
• Upgrading Oracle BI Publisher While Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud
Control 13c Release 4
• Upgrading Plug-Ins While Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c
Release 4
• Applying Release Update While Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control
13c Release 4
• Status of Oracle Software Library After Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud
Control 13c Release 4
• Status of Connectors After Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c
Release 4
Chapter 1
Supported OMS Environments for Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4
Chapter 1
Supported Upgrade Paths and Supported Upgrade Approaches for Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c
Release 4
Chapter 1
Supported Platforms for Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4
Chapter 1
Upgrade Scope Offered for Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4
To upgrade such databases, use the database upgrade tool. For more information,
on the upgrade tool, see the Oracle Database Upgrade Guide available in the
Oracle Database documentation library at:
• Table 1-3 describes compatibility between the OMS and the Management
Agents across 13c and 12c releases. The OMS can communicate only with the
Management Agent releases that are listed in this table.
Table 1-3 Compatibility Between the OMS and the Management Agents
Across 13c and 12c Releases
If you have any earlier releases of Management Agent, then before upgrading the
OMS to 13c Release 4, make sure you upgrade the Management Agents of other
earlier releases to either 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 using the Agent Upgrade
Console that is present within the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console.
• You can upgrade any Management Agent on any platform as long as the OMS 13c
software for that platform is available.
• The Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard installs Java
Development Kit (JDK) java version "1.8.0_231" and Oracle WebLogic Server 12c
Release 2 ( by default. A preinstalled JDK or Oracle WebLogic Server
is not supported from 13c Release 1 onwards.
• You must ensure that the Oracle WebLogic Server 12c Release 2 (
installed by the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard is dedicated
for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. You must not have any other Oracle Fusion
Middleware product installed in that Middleware home.
Enterprise Manager Cloud Control cannot coexist with any Oracle Fusion
Middleware product in the same Middleware home because the ORACLE_COMMON
property is used by both the products.
• You must ensure that SQL ALG is disabled in firewall. If not, the Enterprise
Manager Upgrade process may terminate/hang in same operation for a long time.
• If you have events setup for maximum memory usage limit, then you must disable
them before upgrade.
For example, alter system set event='10261 trace name context forever,
level 3145728','10262 trace name context forever, level 3145728'
• You must make sure that there is no foreign custom objects. For example, views or
MVs, which are dependent on EM repository objects.
• Currently, AOM upgrade is not supported. You must make sure that the previous
version of AOM is uninstalled before installing the new version. For more
Chapter 1
Components Upgraded or Installed As Part of the Upgrade to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4
Chapter 1
Ports Used by an Upgraded Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c
– Migrates or carries over the deployed plug-ins without upgrading them in the
following cases.
* If newer versions are not available in the Enterprise Manager Cloud
Control 13c Release 4 software.
* If the deployed plug-ins are already of the higher or same version as the
ones in the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4 software.
– Deploys new plug-ins when the plug-ins being upgraded have new
dependencies, or when there are any new default plug-ins introduced with
a release.
– Deploys any additional plug-in you select.
• Creates an Oracle WebLogic domain called GCDomain.
• Creates a Node Manager user account called nodemanager.
• Configures an Oracle Management Service Instance Base directory (gc_inst) for
storing all configuration details related to Oracle Management Service 13c.
• Upgrades Oracle Management Repository in the existing certified Oracle
The central agent (in other words, the Management Agent installed with
the OMS) is not upgraded by default. You must upgrade it using the Agent
Upgrade Console available in the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console
after upgrading the OMS.
For information about the core components, the range within which a port is
selected, and the free port that is assigned, see the chapter Understanding
the Basics in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced
Installation and Configuration Guide.
For information about what URLs should be made available through
a firewall, when a firewall is configured for the OMS, see Configuring
Enterprise Manager for Firewalls Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control
Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide.
Chapter 1
Upgrading Oracle BI Publisher While Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4
Chapter 1
Applying Release Update While Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4
2. Invoke the installer with the following option and pass the location where the
additional plug-ins have been downloaded:
On UNIX platforms:
On Microsoft Windows platforms:
This displays a list of plug-ins available in the software kit (DVD, downloaded
software) as well as the plug-ins available in this custom location. You can choose
the ones you want to install.
Applying a release update while upgrading to 13c Release 4 reduces the
downtime compared to applying it after the upgrade process is completed.
If you do not enable force logging on the database, then use of NOLOGGING commands
while upgrading the Enterprise Manager system might corrupt your standby database.
Chapter 1
Status of Oracle Software Library After Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4
Chapter 1
Manually Restarting the OMS and the Management Agent After Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4
Before starting OMS, make sure the DB and Listener are up on the host.
For example,
/u01/software/em13c/oraclehome/bin/emctl start oms
To manually start the Management Agent, run the following command from the Agent
$<AGENT_HOME>/bin/emctl start agent
For example,
/u01/software/em13c/agentbasedir/agent_13. start agent
Chapter 1
Wizards or Consoles Used for Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4
The installer does NOT upgrade your existing Oracle Management Agents
(Management Agent). After upgrading the OMS, you must upgrade the
Management Agent separately using the Agent Upgrade Console. Agent
Upgrade Console is a GUI console that you see in the Enterprise Manager
Cloud Control Console after you upgrade the OMS. For more information,
refer to Overview of the Agent Upgrade Console in Enterprise Manager
Cloud Control 13c Release 4.
Chapter 1
Wizards or Consoles Used for Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4
window solution to mass-upgrade your existing central agents. Central agents are
Management Agents installed by default with every OMS.
You can use the Agent Upgrade Console to upgrade even the standalone
Management Agents, but Oracle recommends that you use Agent Gold
Images instead to upgrade the standalone Management Agents. You can
create and manage gold images, and update the existing standalone
Management Agents using the Gold Agent Images Console. See Overview
of the Agent Upgrade Console in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c
Release 4.
To access the Agent Upgrade Console, from the Setup menu, click Manage Cloud
Control, then select Upgrade Agents.
Before you can use the Agent Upgrade Console to upgrade your central
Management Agents, all OMS instances must be upgraded in a multi-OMS
Agent Upgrade Console consists of the Agent Upgrade Tasks tab, and the Post Agent
Upgrade Tasks tab.
• You can use the Agent Upgrade Tasks tab to upgrade central agents, view the
central agents that cannot be upgraded, and view the summary of central agent
upgrade jobs.
• You can use the Post Agent Upgrade Tasks tab to clean up the old directories
of the upgraded central agents, and view a summary of the central agent clean
up jobs. To access the Agent Upgrade Console, from the Setup menu, select
Manage Cloud Control, then select Upgrade Agents.
Chapter 1
Wizards or Consoles Used for Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4
Using the Gold Agent Images Console, you can perform the following tasks:
• Provision new Management Agents.
• Update any existing Management Agents.
– Upgrade your Management Agents (that is, upgrading the Management Agent
– Deploy new plug-ins on your Management Agents.
– Upgrade the existing plug-ins that are deployed on your Management Agents.
– Deploy patches on your Management Agents.
– Deploy patches on the plug-ins that are deployed on your Management
Chapter 1
Changes to the OPSS Schema After Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4
• Check the Agent Gold Image compliance level to identify what percentage of
Management Agents in your environment are already associated with an Agent
Gold Image, and what percentage are not.
• Track the Agent Gold Image activities, such as the gold image jobs submitted,
their status, the start and end time of the activity, and so on.
Part II
Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud
Control 13c Release 4
This part describes how you can upgrade to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c
Release 4.
In particular, this part covers the following:
• Getting Started with Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release
• Prerequisites for Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4
• Upgrading Oracle Management Service and Oracle Management Repository to
13c Release 4
• Upgrading Oracle Management Agents
• Upgrading or Redeploying JVMD Agents
• Postupgrade Tasks After Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c
Release 4
Getting Started with Upgrading to
Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c
Release 4
This chapter describes the high-level process for upgrading to Enterprise Manager 13c
Release 4.
In particular, this chapter covers the following:
• Upgrading to 13c Release 4 in a Single-OMS or Multi-OMS Non-HA Environment
• Upgrading to 13c Release 4 in an HA Environment (Primary and Standby OMS
Instances Where the Standby OMS Is Created Using Storage Replication)
• The Oracle Management Service (OMS) releases that are supported for
Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4 are 13c Release 3 and
13c Release 2. Therefore, if you have any earlier releases of the OMS,
first you need to upgrade it to 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 and then
you can upgrade to 13c Release 4.
• The Oracle Management Agent (Management Agent) releases that are
supported for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4 are
13c Release 3 and 13c Release 2. Therefore, if you have any earlier
releases of Management Agent, before upgrading the OMS to 13c
Release 4, make sure you upgrade your Management Agent to either
13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 using the Agent Upgrade Console
present within the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console.
Chapter 2
Upgrading to 13c Release 4 in a Single-OMS or Multi-OMS Non-HA Environment
Chapter 2
Upgrading to 13c Release 4 in a Single-OMS or Multi-OMS Non-HA Environment
Chapter 2
Upgrading to 13c Release 4 in a Single-OMS or Multi-OMS Non-HA Environment
Chapter 2
Upgrading to 13c Release 4 in an HA Environment (Primary and Standby OMS Instances Where the Standby OMS Is Created
Using Storage Replication)
Create an agent gold image and an image version. Set it to the current version, and
subscribe the standalone agents to this version.
1. Creating an Agent Gold Image Using Gold Agent Images Home Page
2. Creating an Agent Gold Image Version Using the Gold Agent Images Home Page
3. Setting a Particular Agent Gold Image Version as the Current Version Using Gold
Agent Images Home Page
4. Subscribing Management Agents to an Agent Gold Image Using Gold Agent
Images Home Page
Step 3: Update the Standalone Agents
Using the agent gold image, update all other standalone agents.
Updating Standalone Management Agents Using Agent Gold Image Version Using
Gold Agent Images Home Page
You do not have to remove the standby OMS as part of this procedure.
Prerequisites for Upgrading to Enterprise
Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4
Before upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4, ensure to meet
the following prerequisites:
• Hardware, Software, and Platform Requirements
• Supported Database Release Requirements
• Database Patch Requirements
• Optimizer Adaptive Features Disabling Requirements
• Port Requirements
• Customization Removal Requirements
• Oracle BI Publisher Shutdown Requirements
• Database Service Instance Creation Request Verification Requirements
• Repository Table Snapshot Verification Requirements
• Logon and Logoff Trigger Setting Verification Requirements
• Delete Target Operation Auditing Requirements
• Selectively Skipping Some Job Type Updates for Reduced Downtime of Your
Enterprise Manager System
• EMKEY Copy Requirements
• Certificate Key Strength Requirements
• Out-of-Box Memory Settings Backup Requirements
• Prerequisite Check and Environment Validation Requirements
• OMS Backup Requirements
• OMS Shutdown Requirements
• Management Agent Shutdown Requirements
• Management Agent Proxy Removal Requirements
• Additional Preparation and Steps Required for Performing an Upgrade and
Transition to DR Readiness
• Undeploy Obsolete Plug-ins
• Server Load Balancer (SLB) Requirements
Chapter 3
Supported Database Release Requirements
Also ensure that you upgrade only on the supported platforms as listed in Supported
Platforms for Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4.
Ensure that OMS starts successfully and is able to access console after
the connect descriptor change is completed. It is suggested to proceed with
OMS upgrade only after starting OMS successfully.
Chapter 3
Optimizer Adaptive Features Disabling Requirements
• If the Management Repository is using Oracle Database 12.2, 18.x or 19.x, there's
no need to set any parameters since they will be addressed when applying patch
30912308 during the upgrade process. To apply the patch during the upgrade
process follow one of the recommended methods:
– Download and apply the patch 30912308 from My Oracle Support (MOS)
automatically. This is an auto-download patch during the Enterprise Manager
upgrade process which requires Internet connection to MOS. Refer to step 2
from Installing an Enterprise Manager System for a Production Site (Advanced
– Download and apply the bundle patch manually along with the upgrade
process. This method doesn't require Internet connection to MOS. Refer to
Apply Bundle Patch under step 30 from Installing an Enterprise Manager
System Using Software Only Install Along With Plugins and Configuring Later.
Chapter 3
Database Initialization Parameter in Oracle Database
Otherwise, if you plan not to follow any of the above recommended methods to
apply the patch 30912308 during the upgrade process then you must to connect to
the database as SYSDBA and run the following:
Port Requirements
Ensure that the ports used by Oracle Management Service (OMS) are not set to a
value lower than or equal to 1024. If they are, then the upgrade will fail. Ports up
to 1024 are typically reserved for root users (super users). Therefore, make sure the
ports are greater than 1024.
Chapter 3
Customization Removal Requirements
For example,
select master , log_table from all_mview_logs where log_owner='SYSMAN';
Chapter 3
Logon and Logoff Trigger Setting Verification Requirements
If there are snapshots created in a table, then the query displays the master table and
the snapshot details. For example,
SQL> master log_table
em-violations em$violation_log
If there are snapshots, then drop them by running the following command as SYSMAN
SQL> Drop snapshot log on <master>;
For example,
SQL> Drop snapshot log on em-violations;
For example,
SQL> alter trigger EXPFIL_ALTEREXPTAB_MAINT disable;
Chapter 3
Selectively Skipping Some Job Type Updates for Reduced Downtime of Your Enterprise Manager System
emcli show_audit_settings
• If the Delete Target operation is not already enabled, then run the following
command to enable it.
emcli update_audit_settings
-file_prefix="file_prefix" (To be used by the export service to create the file
name where audit data has to be written. The default value is em_audit. You can
change per your standards for all sites)
-file_size="file_size (Bytes)" (Maximum value of each file size. The default
value for this is 5000000 bytes)
-data_retention_period="data_retention_period (Days)" (Maximum period
the Enterprise Manager repository stores audit data. The default value is 365
The aforementioned parameters help you to set up or configure an archive
location for archiving the audit data from the Management Repository to a file
system after the retention period.
Chapter 3
EMKEY Copy Requirements
For example:
/u01/software/em13c/mw/oms/bin/emctl config emkey -copy_to_repos [-
sysman_pwd <sysman_pwd>]
To verify whether the emkey is copied, run the following command on the OMS you
are about to upgrade. Here, <ORACLE_HOME> refers to the Oracle home of the OMS:
For example,
/u01/software/em13c/mw/oms/bin/emctl status emkey
If the emkey is copied, then you will see the following message:
The EMKey is configured properly, but is not secure.
Secure the EMKey by running "emctl config emkey -remove_from_repos".
Chapter 3
Out-of-Box Memory Settings Backup Requirements
with 512 bits, and this will eventually cause multiple communication issues. Therefore,
ensure that the certificate key strength is at least 1024 bits.
For instructions to set the certificate key strength to at least 1024 bits, see My Oracle
Support note 1611578.1.
Starting with 13c Release 4, the minimum certificate supported is SHA 512/1024. MD5
certificates are no longer supported. If you have any MD5 certificate, you will see the
following message stopping the upgrade process:
The upgrade process has detected MD5 certificate usage for some
agent-OMS communication. These hosts and related targets will continue
to be managed post-upgrade. However, it is strongly recommended to
reconfigure them to use SHA-based certificates, since future versions of
Enterprise Manager may not support MD5 certificates. Review the file /tmp/
OraInstall<time_stamp>/md5Target.txt to find the agents that use MD5-based
certificates. Follow the instructions outlined in My Oracle Support note
2179909.1 to reconfigure them with SHA-based certificates.
After you address it, you can restart the upgrade process.
For example,
ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl get property -name OMS_PERMGEN_MAX
Starting with 12c release 4 (, Enterprise Manager has introduced following
new parameters which can be set as OMS Specific JAVA heap memory arguments:
• OMS_HEAP_MIN for minimum heap size
• OMS_HEAP_MAX for maximum heap size
• OMS_PERMGEN_MIN for minimum permGen size
• OMS_PERMGEN_MAX for maximum permGen size
To save the default values for out-of-the-box memory settings for an OMS instance,
follow these steps:
1. Use the following command to set the value for any of the JAVA heap memory
ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl set property -name <property_name> -value
For example,
ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl set property -name OMS_PERMGEN_MAX -value 1024M
2. Run the following command to restart all the OMS instances. Here, <ORACLE_HOME>
refers to the Oracle home of the OMS.
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl stop oms -all
Chapter 3
Prerequisite Check and Environment Validation Requirements
1. Note:
The Step 1 is applicable only if you are upgrading from 12c to 13c.
Chapter 3
Management Agent Shutdown Requirements
Chapter 3
Undeploy Obsolete Plug-ins
related post-upgrade processes associated with the transition must be completed, and
then additional OMSs can be deployed. For details on performing an Upgrade and
Transition to DR Readiness instead of performing a standard upgrade, see Upgrading
Enterprise Manager and Transitioning to DR Readiness.
Upgrading Oracle Management Service
and Oracle Management Repository to 13c
Release 4
This chapter describes the different ways of upgrading your Oracle Management
Service (OMS) and Oracle Management Repository (Management Repository) to 13c
Release 4. Select the one that best suits your requirement, and follow the instructions
outlined in the respective section. The upgrade instructions apply to single-OMS as
well as multi-OMS environments.
This chapter describes the following:
• Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository in Graphical Mode
• Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 in Silent
• Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the
Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode Along With Plug-ins
• Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the
Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode
• Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the
Software-Only Method in Silent Mode
• Upgrading the OMS and any Additional OMSs in Parallel using the Software-Only
Method in Graphical Mode Along with Plug-ins
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository in Graphical Mode
Do not install Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c on servers of SPARC
series: T1000, T2000, T5xx0, and T3-*. For more information, see My Oracle
Support note 1590556.1.
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository in Graphical Mode
If you see an error message stating that you have not copied the emkey, do
the following:
• If your OMR is configured with a service name, then run the following
command on the OMS you are about to upgrade. Here, <ORACLE_HOME>
is the Oracle home of the OMS.
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl config emkey
-copy_to_repos_from_file -repos_conndesc
(PORT=<>)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=<>)))"' -repos_user
SYSMAN [-repos_pwd <pwd> ] [-admin_pwd <pwd>] -emkey_file
• If your OMR is not configured with a service name, then run the following
command on the OMS you are about to upgrade. Here, <ORACLE_HOME>
is the Oracle home of the OMS.
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl config emkey -copy_to_repos_from_file
-repos_host <host> -repos_port <port> -repos_sid <sid> -
repos_user SYSMAN [-repos_pwd <pwd> ] [-admin_pwd <pwd>] -
emkey_file <oracle_home>/sysman/config/emkey.ora
Here, the Management Repository details are details of the existing or old
Management Repository. You will be prompted for the administration server
password and the repository password if you do not explicitly specify them in
the command line.
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository in Graphical Mode
If you are upgrading a multi-OMS environment, always start the upgrade
process with the first OMS, where the Admin Server is running, and not with
any of the additional OMS instances.
To identify the OMS where the Admin Server is running, run the following
command on the OMS you are about to upgrade, and verify if the output
displays the Admin Server details. Here, <ORACLE_HOME> is the Oracle home
of the OMS.
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl status oms -details
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository in Graphical Mode
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository in Graphical Mode
If you want to override this location with a custom location, then invoke the installer
with the -J-Djava.io.tmpdir option, and enter a unique custom location.
For example,
./em13400_linux64.bin -J-Djava.io.tmpdir=/u01/install/em/STAGE/
/u01/install/em/STAGE/ directory should exists while using this option,
else it will re-direct the tmp location to /var/tmp.
• During upgrade, if you want to install some plug-ins that are not in the software kit
(DVD, downloaded software), then follow these steps:
1. Manually download the required plug-ins from Plug-in Update.
In addition, plug-ins produced by partners or customers are available for
download from Enterprise Manager Extensibility Exchange .
2. Invoke the installer with the following option and pass the location where the
additional plug-ins have been downloaded:
On UNIX platforms:
On Microsoft Windows platforms:
This displays a list of plug-ins available in the software kit (DVD, downloaded
software) as well as the plug-ins available in this custom location. You can
choose the ones you want to install.
• After the upgrade operation ends successfully, the OMS starts automatically. You
must start central agent manually after OMS upgrade is completed. If you do not
want OMS to start automatically, then invoke the installer with START_OMS options,
and set them to true or false depending on what you want to control.
For example, if you do not want the Management Agent to start automatically, then
run the following command:
./em13400_<platform>.bin START_OMS=true START_AGENT=false
To understand the limitations involved with this advanced option, see Limitations
with the Advanced Installer Options Supported for Installing an Enterprise
Manager System in Graphical Mode.
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository in Graphical Mode
Table 4-1 lists the different combinations of these advanced options, and describes the
workaround to be followed for each combination:
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository in Graphical Mode
fields blank. After you complete the installation, manually collect the configuration
information and upload it to My Oracle Support. For instructions, see Oracle Enterprise
Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide.
Ensure that the Middleware home you enter or validate here is used
only for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. Ensure that no other Oracle
Fusion Middleware products or components are installed in the same
Middleware home.
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository in Graphical Mode
• Validate the host name. By default, the host name is the name of the host where
the existing, earlier release of Enterprise Manager was installed. This is a non-
editable field.
• Confirm that you have backed up the Management Repository (although the
installer checks only if you have backed up the Management Repository, Oracle
strongly recommends that you back up the OMS, the inventory, the Software
Library, and other components that are critical to the functioning of Enterprise
Manager. This will enable you to revert to the original contents if the upgrade
fails). As a prerequisite, you must back up the Management Repository before
starting the upgrade process. If you have not already taken a backup, then do so
immediately, and then return to the installer to continue with the upgrade.
• If you have to stop the Enterprise Manager system for postupgrade maintenance,
then select Disable DDMP Jobs to disable the DDMP jobs. If you do not plan to
stop the Enterprise Manager system for postupgrade maintenance, and hence do
not want to disable the DDMP jobs, then do not select the option.
Deferred Data Migration (DDMP) is a post-upgrade activity to migrate the
format of the data stored in an earlier release of Enterprise Manager to the
format compatible with the upgraded Enterprise Manager system. The migration
activity is essentially a job in Enterprise Manager that is submitted when the
Oracle Management Repository gets upgraded, and is scheduled to run in the
background when the upgraded Enterprise Manager system starts functioning.
The time taken to migrate the data format depends on the volume of data available
in your earlier release of Enterprise Manager. Therefore, if you have a large
amount of data, then it takes longer to migrate.
If you have to stop the Enterprise Manager system for postupgrade maintenance,
then you can choose to disable the DDMP jobs now and run them later from the
postupgrade console after the maintenance period ends and after the Enterprise
Manager system becomes operational.
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository in Graphical Mode
To run the DDMP jobs later from the Post Upgrade Console, in the Enterprise
Manager Cloud Control Console, from the Setup menu, select Manage Cloud
Control, then select Post Upgrade Tasks.
If the installer finds that some plug-ins deployed in the previous release
of Enterprise Manager are obsolete and are not supported in 13c Release
4, then you are prompted to first remove those plug-ins from the previous
release. You can return to the installer and proceed with the upgrade only
after removing those obsolete plug-ins.
To remove the obsolete plug-ins, follow these steps:
1. Undeploy the obsolete plug-ins from the Management Agents. Next,
undeploy them from the OMS instances. For instructions, see the
chapter on Undeploying Plug-Ins in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud
Control Administrator's Guide.
2. Optionally, remove the binaries of these obsolete plug-ins from the Self
Update Console. For instructions, see the chapter on Updating Cloud
Control in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's
If you have any JVM Diagnostics Engines (JVMD Engines) or Application
Dependency and Performance Engines (ADP Engines) configured in your
environment, then check whether they are up and running. If they are, then
check whether the Admin Server is up and stop the JVMD Engines and
the ADP Engines. Once the upgrade is successful, the JVMD Engines start
To check whether the Admin Server is running, run the following command
from the OMS you are upgrading. Here, <ORACLE_HOME> is the Oracle home
of the OMS.
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl status oms -details.
To stop the engines, on each OMS instance, run the following command from
the OMS you are upgrading. Here, <ORACLE_HOME> is the Oracle home of the
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl extended oms adp stop -all.
For information about the various prerequisite checks that are run on the
database at this point and how to fix them if they fail, see Prerequisites for
Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4 .
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository in Graphical Mode
You might have a deprecated plug-in in your environment that can be
upgraded to a plug-in version that is supported only in 13c Release 4, but
not in any of the future releases. If such a deprecated plug-in is selected by
default in this screen for upgrade, then you are prompted to evaluate your
selection and decide whether or not you want to proceed with the upgrade of
such plug-ins.
Before you proceed to the next screen, run the following command to
stop all the associated OMS instances. Here, <ORACLE_HOME> is the
Oracle home of the OMS.
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl stop oms -all
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository in Graphical Mode
If you select a deprecated plug-in that is supported only in 13c Release 4,
but not in any of the future releases, then you are prompted to evaluate
your selection and decide whether or not you want to proceed with the
deployment of such plug-ins.
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository in Graphical Mode
If you want to install some plug-ins that are not listed on this screen, then
follow these steps:
1. Manually download the required plug-ins.
• Oracle Plug-ins are available for download via Plug-in Update.
• Plug-ins produced by Oracle partners are available on the Enterprise
Manager Extensibility Exchange.
2. Invoke the installer with the following option and pass the location where
the additional plug-ins have been downloaded:
On UNIX platforms:
em13400_<platform>.bin INSTALL_SWONLY_WITH_PLUGINS=true
On Microsoft Windows platforms:
setup_em13400_win64.exe INSTALL_SWONLY_WITH_PLUGINS=true
This displays a list of plug-ins available in the software kit (DVD,
downloaded software) as well as the plug-ins available in this custom
location. You can choose the ones you want to install.
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository in Graphical Mode
If you are upgrading an additional OMS, then the host name and port of
the Admin Server configured for the first OMS that you have already
upgraded, and also, the user name for the existing WebLogic user
account will be populated automatically. You need to validate them, and
then enter the password for the WebLogic user account.
The host name is the name of the host where the first OMS is running.
To identify the port, check the value set to the parameter AS_HTTPS_PORT
in the following file:
• Enter the absolute path to the new OMS instance base directory (gc_inst), which
will be created for storing the configuration information related to the upgraded
OMS. This gc_inst directory must not be your old gc_inst directory of 13c
Release 3 or 13c Release 2, therefore you need to enter a new directory location.
If you enter the old gc_inst directory, then the installer will display a warning that
the directory is not empty.
For example, /u01/app/oracle/em13c/gc_instr2
Make sure the path you enter leads up to the instance base directory, and is
maintained outside the middleware home.
If you are installing on an NFS-mounted drive and creating the OMS
instance base directory (gc_inst) on that NFS-mounted drive, then after
you install, move the lock files from the NFS-mounted drive to a local file
system location. Modify the lock file location in the httpd.conf file to map
to a location on a local file system. For instructions, refer to Moving Lock
Files from an NFS-Mounted Drive to a Local File System Location.
Moving Lock Files from an NFS-Mounted Drive to a Local File System Location
• If you installed on an NFS-mounted drive and created the OMS instance base
directory (gc_inst) on that NFS-mounted drive, then move the lock files from the
NFS-mounted drive to a local file system location. To do so, modify the lock files
location in the httpd.conf file to map to a location on a local file system.
1. Stop the OMS:
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl stop oms
2. Open the following file in the staging directory:
Oracle recommends you to take a backup of this file before editing it.
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository in Graphical Mode
For example,
3. Search for sections related to the modules mpm_prefork_module and
mpm_worker_module. In both these sections, modify the value for the Mutex
sysvsem parameter so that the path leads to a location on the local file system.
If the directory does not already exist, then create it first, and then provide the
path to that directory.
<IfModule mpm_prefork_module>
StartServers 5
MinSpareServers 5
MaxSpareServers 10
MaxRequestWorkers 250
MaxConnectionsPerChild 0
Mutex sysvsem:/u01/em/ohs_locks/http_lock
<IfModule mpm_worker_module>
StartServers 3
MinSpareThreads 75
MaxSpareThreads 250
ThreadsPerChild 25
MaxRequestWorkers 400
MaxConnectionsPerChild 0
Mutex sysvsem:/u01/em/ohs_locks/http_lock
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository in Graphical Mode
If you already have a shared location that you were using for the
Software Library or for staging gold images in the previous release of
Enterprise Manager, then you can choose to use the same location.
However, ensure that the directories within the shared location are
unique for Oracle BI Publisher, Software Library, and staged gold
images. For example, if you already are using the shared location /u01/
software/examplehost/shrd/ where the Software Library is configured
in /u01/software/examplehost/shrd/SW, then you can use the same
location, but make sure the directory within this shared location for
Oracle BI Publisher is /u01/software/examplehost/shrd/BIP.
(ii) On this screen, select Configure a Shared Location for Oracle BI Publisher.
Enter the following directory paths. Ensure that the user account that you are
using to install the first OMS has read and write permission on these paths.
When you invoke the installer on Microsoft Windows, the Enterprise
Manager Shared Location Details screen does not show the Config
Volume and Cluster Volume options. This is an expected behavior.
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository in Graphical Mode
For Config Volume, enter the path leading up to the /config directory on the
shared storage location where Oracle BI Publisher repository and configuration
files can be stored. For example, /u01/software/examplehost/shrd/BIP/config
For Cluster Volume, enter the path leading up to the /cluster directory on the
shared storage location where Oracle BI Publisher scheduler storage can be
maintained for Oracle BI Publisher to operate in a high-availability environment.
For example, /u01/software/examplehost/shrd/BIP/cluster
Do not delete these directories after the installation. The directories are
required for proper functioning of Oracle BI Publisher, and therefore will
still be required after the installation.
If you choose to disable Oracle BI Publisher during the installation, then
you can enable it after the installation by running the following EM CTL
command from the Oracle home of the upgraded OMS.
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl config oms -enable_bip
For example,
/u01/software/em13c/oraclehome/bin/emctl config oms -
The command only enables Oracle BI Publisher, but does not start it.
To start it, run the following command from the Oracle home of the
upgraded OMS.
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl start oms -bip_only
/u01/software/em13c/oraclehome/bin/emctl start oms -bip_only
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository in Graphical Mode
If all the ports on this screen appear as -1, then it indicates that the installer
is unable to bind the ports on the host. To resolve this issue, exit the installer,
verify the host name and the IP configuration of this host (ensure that the IP
address of the host is not being used by another host), restart the installer,
and try again.
You can enter a free custom port that is either within or outside the port range
recommended by Oracle.
To verify if a port is free, run the following command:
• On Unix:
netstat -an | grep <port no>
• On Microsoft Windows:
netstat -an|findstr <port_no>
However, the custom port must be greater than 1024 and lesser than 65535.
Alternatively, if you already have the ports predefined in a staticports.ini file and if
you want to use those ports, then click Import staticports.ini file and select the file.
If the staticports.ini file is passed during installation, then by default, the
ports defined in the staticports.ini file are displayed. Otherwise, the first
available port from the recommended range is displayed.
The staticports.ini file is available in the following location:
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository in Graphical Mode
When performing an Upgrade and Transition to DR Readiness, ensure the
Host Name displayed is the alias host name for OMS1. If it is not, navigate
back to the Installation Details screen and ensure the Host Name is properly
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 in Silent Mode
Once the software binaries are copied and configured, you are prompted to run the
allroot.sh script. Open another window, log in as root, and manually run the scripts.
If you are installing on Microsoft Windows operating system, then you will NOT be
prompted to run this script.
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 in Silent Mode
If you see an error message stating that you have not copied the emkey, do
the following:
• If your OMR is configured with a service name, then run the following
command on the OMS you are about to upgrade. Here, <ORACLE_HOME>
is the Oracle home of the OMS.
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl config emkey
-copy_to_repos_from_file -repos_conndesc
(PORT=<>)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=<>)))"' -repos_user
<> [-repos_pwd <pwd> ] [-admin_pwd <pwd>] -emkey_file
• If your OMR is not configured with a service name, then run the following
command on the OMS you are about to upgrade. Here, <ORACLE_HOME>
is the Oracle home of the OMS.
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl config emkey -copy_to_repos_from_file
-repos_host <host> -repos_port <port> -repos_sid <sid> -
repos_user <username> [-repos_pwd <pwd> ] [-admin_pwd <pwd>]
-emkey_file <oracle_home>/sysman/config/emkey.ora
Here, the Management Repository details are details of the existing or old
Management Repository. You will be prompted for the administration server
password and the repository password if you do not explicitly specify them in
the command line.
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 in Silent Mode
If you are upgrading a multi-OMS environment, always start the upgrade
process with the first OMS, where the Admin Server is running, and not with
any of the additional OMS instances.
To identify the OMS where the Admin Server is running, run the following
command on the OMS you are about to upgrade, and verify if the output
displays the Admin Server details. Here, <ORACLE_HOME> is the Oracle home
of the OMS.
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl status oms -details
If the Management Repository upgrade fails with the following error in the
schemamanager logs, then restart the database, and then try the upgrade
ORA-04020: deadlock detected while trying to lock object
The command generates three response files. You must use only the
upgrade.rsp file for this silent installation.
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 in Silent Mode
If you have any plug-ins that are obsolete and are not supported in 13c
Release 4, then you must first remove those plug-ins from the previous
release. You can proceed with the upgrade only after removing those
obsolete plug-ins.
To remove the obsolete plug-ins, follow these steps:
1. First, undeploy the obsolete plug-ins from the Management Agents.
Next, undeploy them from the OMS instances. For instructions, see
the chapter on managing plug-ins in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud
Control Administrator's Guide.
2. Finally, remove the binaries of these obsolete plug-ins from the Self
Update Console. For instructions, see the chapter on updating cloud
control in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 in Silent Mode
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode
Along With Plug-ins
To understand the limitations involved with this advanced option, see Limitations with
the Advanced Installer Options Supported for Installing an Enterprise Manager System
in Graphical Mode.
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode
Along With Plug-ins
Using the software-only method, you essentially install the software binaries of
Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4 at one point, and upgrade the earlier
release of Enterprise Manager to the newly installed 13c Release 4 software binaries
at a later point.
This upgrade approach is best suited for multi-OMS environments, as it minimizes
the downtime of the OMS instances. This approach consists of three parts, mainly
copying the software binaries, running the root.sh script, and configuring the software
binaries. You can copy the software binaries on all the OMS hosts in parallel without
shutting down the OMS instances. This not only saves time but also enables the
earlier release of the OMS instances to remain up and running at this point. Once the
software binaries are copied, you can shut down all the OMS instances, and configure
the software binaries to upgrade the OMS instances, one after the other. Therefore,
the downtime begins only when you start configuring the OMS instances, and not
while copying the software binaries to the host.
In particular, this section covers the following:
• Installing the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4 Software Binaries
in Graphical Mode Along with Plug-ins
• Running the allroot.sh Script
• Installing Additional Plug-ins
• Applying Release Update in Bit Only Mode
• Configuring the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4 Software
Binaries Along With Plug-ins
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode
Along With Plug-ins
If you see an error message stating that you have not copied the emkey, do
the following:
• If your OMR is configured with a service name, then run the following
command on the OMS you are about to upgrade. Here, <ORACLE_HOME>
is the Oracle home of the OMS.
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl config emkey
-copy_to_repos_from_file -repos_conndesc
(PORT=<>)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=<>)))"' -repos_user
<> [-repos_pwd <pwd> ] [-admin_pwd <pwd>] -emkey_file
• If your OMR is not configured with a service name, then run the following
command on the OMS you are about to upgrade. Here, <ORACLE_HOME>
is the Oracle home of the OMS.
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl config emkey -copy_to_repos_from_file
-repos_host <host> -repos_port <port> -repos_sid <sid> -
repos_user <username> [-repos_pwd <pwd> ] [-admin_pwd <pwd>]
-emkey_file <oracle_home>/sysman/config/emkey.ora
Here, the Management Repository details are details of the existing or old
Management Repository. You will be prompted for the administration server
password and the repository password if you do not explicitly specify them in
the command line.
If you are upgrading a multi-OMS environment, always start the upgrade
process with the first OMS, where the Admin Server is running, and not with
any of the additional OMS instances.
To identify the OMS where the Admin Server is running, run the following
command on the OMS you are about to upgrade, and verify if the output
displays the Admin Server details. Here, <ORACLE_HOME> is the Oracle home
of the OMS.
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl status oms -details
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode
Along With Plug-ins
Invoking the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installer for Installing Only the
Software Binaries in GUI Mode Along with Plug-ins
Oracle strongly recommends that you back up the Management Repository, the
OMS, the inventory, the Software Library, and other components that are critical to
the functioning of Enterprise Manager. This will enable you to revert to the original
contents if the upgrade fails. This will install software bits of the Enterprise Manager
along with the applicable plugins.
Invoke the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard on the host where
your existing OMS is running.
./em13400_<platform>.bin INSTALL_SWONLY_WITH_PLUGINS=true[-invPtrLoc
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode
Along With Plug-ins
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode
Along With Plug-ins
If a prerequisite check fails reporting a missing package, then make sure
you install the required package, and click Rerun. The installation wizard
validates the package name as well as the version, so make sure you
install the packages of the minimum versions mentioned in Oracle Enterprise
Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide. To understand the logic
the installation wizard uses to verify these packages, see Oracle Enterprise
Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide.
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode
Along With Plug-ins
Ensure that the Middleware home you enter or validate here is used
only for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. Ensure that no other Oracle
Fusion Middleware products or components are installed in the same
Middleware home.
• Validate the host name. By default, the host name is the name of the host where
the existing, earlier release of Enterprise Manager was installed. This is a non-
editable field.
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode
Along With Plug-ins
• Confirm that you have backed up the Management Repository (although the
installer checks only if you have backed up the Management Repository, Oracle
strongly recommends that you back up the OMS, the inventory, the Software
Library, and other components that are critical to the functioning of Enterprise
Manager. This will enable you to revert to the original contents if the upgrade
fails). As a prerequisite, you must back up the Management Repository before
starting the upgrade process. If you have not already taken a backup, then do so
immediately, and then return to the installer to continue with the upgrade.
• If you have to stop the Enterprise Manager system for postupgrade maintenance,
then select Disable DDMP Jobs to disable the DDMP jobs. If you do not plan to
stop the Enterprise Manager system for postupgrade maintenance, and hence do
not want to disable the DDMP jobs, then do not select the option.
Deferred Data Migration (DDMP) is a post-upgrade activity to migrate the
format of the data stored in an earlier release of Enterprise Manager to the
format compatible with the upgraded Enterprise Manager system. The migration
activity is essentially a job in Enterprise Manager that is submitted when the
Oracle Management Repository gets upgraded, and is scheduled to run in the
background when the upgraded Enterprise Manager system starts functioning.
The time taken to migrate the data format depends on the volume of data available
in your earlier release of Enterprise Manager. Therefore, if you have a large
amount of data, then it takes longer to migrate.
If you have to stop the Enterprise Manager system for postupgrade maintenance,
then you can choose to disable the DDMP jobs now and run them later from the
postupgrade console after the maintenance period ends and after the Enterprise
Manager system becomes operational.
To run the DDMP jobs later from the Post Upgrade Console, in the Enterprise
Manager Cloud Control Console, from the Setup menu, select Manage Cloud
Control, then select Post Upgrade Tasks.
If the installer finds that some plug-ins deployed in the previous release
of Enterprise Manager are obsolete and are not supported in 13c Release
4, then you are prompted to first remove those plug-ins from the previous
release. You can return to the installer and proceed with the upgrade only
after removing those obsolete plug-ins.
To remove the obsolete plug-ins, follow these steps:
1. Undeploy the obsolete plug-ins from the Management Agents. Next,
undeploy them from the OMS instances. For instructions, see the
chapter on Undeploying Plug-Ins in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud
Control Administrator's Guide.
2. Optionally, remove the binaries of these obsolete plug-ins from the Self
Update Console. For instructions, see the chapter on Updating Cloud
Control in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode
Along With Plug-ins
If you have any JVM Diagnostics Engines (JVMD Engines) or Application
Dependency and Performance Engines (ADP Engines) configured in your
environment, then check whether they are up and running. If they are, then
check whether the Admin Server is up and stop the JVMD Engines and
the ADP Engines. Once the upgrade is successful, the JVMD Engines start
To check whether the Admin Server is running, run the following command
from the OMS you are upgrading. Here, <ORACLE_HOME> is the Oracle home
of the OMS.
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl status oms -details.
To stop the engines, on each OMS instance, run the following command from
the OMS you are upgrading. Here, <ORACLE_HOME> is the Oracle home of the
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl extended oms adp stop -all.
For information about the various prerequisite checks that are run on the
database at this point and how to fix them if they fail, see Prerequisites for
Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4 .
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode
Along With Plug-ins
You might have a deprecated plug-in in your environment that can be
upgraded to a plug-in version that is supported only in 13c Release 4, but
not in any of the future releases. If such a deprecated plug-in is selected by
default in this screen for upgrade, then you are prompted to evaluate your
selection and decide whether or not you want to proceed with the upgrade of
such plug-ins.
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode
Along With Plug-ins
If you select a deprecated plug-in that is supported only in 13c Release 4,
but not in any of the future releases, then you are prompted to evaluate
your selection and decide whether or not you want to proceed with the
deployment of such plug-ins.
If you want to install some plug-ins that are not listed on this screen, then
follow these steps:
1. Manually download the required plug-ins.
• Oracle Plug-ins are available for download via Plug-in Update.
• Plug-ins produced by Oracle partners are available on the Enterprise
Manager Extensibility Exchange.
2. Invoke the installer with the following option and pass the location where
the additional plug-ins have been downloaded:
On UNIX platforms:
em13400_<platform>.bin INSTALL_SWONLY_WITH_PLUGINS=true
On Microsoft Windows platforms:
setup_em13400_win64.exe INSTALL_SWONLY_WITH_PLUGINS=true
This displays a list of plug-ins available in the software kit (DVD,
downloaded software) as well as the plug-ins available in this custom
location. You can choose the ones you want to install.
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode
Along With Plug-ins
If you are upgrading an additional OMS, then the host name and port of
the Admin Server configured for the first OMS that you have already
upgraded, and also, the user name for the existing WebLogic user
account will be populated automatically. You need to validate them, and
then enter the password for the WebLogic user account.
The host name is the name of the host where the first OMS is running.
To identify the port, check the value set to the parameter AS_HTTPS_PORT
in the following file:
• Enter the absolute path to the new OMS instance base directory (gc_inst), which
will be created for storing the configuration information related to the upgraded
OMS. This gc_inst directory must not be your old gc_inst directory of 13c
Release 3 or 13c Release 2, therefore you need to enter a new directory location.
If you enter the old gc_inst directory, then the installer will display a warning that
the directory is not empty.
For example, /u01/app/oracle/em13c/gc_instr2
Make sure the path you enter leads up to the instance base directory, and is
maintained outside the middleware home.
If you are installing on an NFS-mounted drive and creating the OMS
instance base directory (gc_inst) on that NFS-mounted drive, then after
you install, move the lock files from the NFS-mounted drive to a local file
system location. Modify the lock file location in the httpd.conf file to map
to a location on a local file system. For instructions, refer to Moving Lock
Files from an NFS-Mounted Drive to a Local File System Location.
Moving Lock Files from an NFS-Mounted Drive to a Local File System Location
• If you installed on an NFS-mounted drive and created the OMS instance base
directory (gc_inst) on that NFS-mounted drive, then move the lock files from the
NFS-mounted drive to a local file system location. To do so, modify the lock files
location in the httpd.conf file to map to a location on a local file system.
1. Stop the OMS:
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl stop oms
2. Open the following file in the staging directory:
Oracle recommends you to take a backup of this file before editing it.
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode
Along With Plug-ins
For example,
3. Search for sections related to the modules mpm_prefork_module and
mpm_worker_module. In both these sections, modify the value for the Mutex
sysvsem parameter so that the path leads to a location on the local file system.
If the directory does not already exist, then create it first, and then provide the
path to that directory.
<IfModule mpm_prefork_module>
StartServers 5
MinSpareServers 5
MaxSpareServers 10
MaxRequestWorkers 250
MaxConnectionsPerChild 0
Mutex sysvsem:/u01/em/ohs_locks/http_lock
<IfModule mpm_worker_module>
StartServers 3
MinSpareThreads 75
MaxSpareThreads 250
ThreadsPerChild 25
MaxRequestWorkers 400
MaxConnectionsPerChild 0
Mutex sysvsem:/u01/em/ohs_locks/http_lock
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode
Along With Plug-ins
If you already have a shared location that you were using for the
Software Library or for staging gold images in the previous release of
Enterprise Manager, then you can choose to use the same location.
However, ensure that the directories within the shared location are
unique for Oracle BI Publisher, Software Library, and staged gold
images. For example, if you already are using the shared location /u01/
software/examplehost/shrd/ where the Software Library is configured
in /u01/software/examplehost/shrd/SW, then you can use the same
location, but make sure the directory within this shared location for
Oracle BI Publisher is /u01/software/examplehost/shrd/BIP.
(ii) On this screen, select Configure a Shared Location for Oracle BI Publisher.
Enter the following directory paths. Ensure that the user account that you are
using to install the first OMS has read and write permission on these paths.
When you invoke the installer on Microsoft Windows, the Enterprise
Manager Shared Location Details screen does not show the Config
Volume and Cluster Volume options. This is an expected behavior.
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode
Along With Plug-ins
For Config Volume, enter the path leading up to the /config directory on the
shared storage location where Oracle BI Publisher repository and configuration
files can be stored. For example, /u01/software/examplehost/shrd/BIP/config
For Cluster Volume, enter the path leading up to the /cluster directory on the
shared storage location where Oracle BI Publisher scheduler storage can be
maintained for Oracle BI Publisher to operate in a high-availability environment.
For example, /u01/software/examplehost/shrd/BIP/cluster
Do not delete these directories after the installation. The directories are
required for proper functioning of Oracle BI Publisher, and therefore will
still be required after the installation.
If you choose to disable Oracle BI Publisher during the installation, then
you can enable it after the installation by running the following EM CTL
command from the Oracle home of the upgraded OMS.
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl config oms -enable_bip
For example,
/u01/software/em13c/oraclehome/bin/emctl config oms -
The command only enables Oracle BI Publisher, but does not start it.
To start it, run the following command from the Oracle home of the
upgraded OMS.
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl start oms -bip_only
/u01/software/em13c/oraclehome/bin/emctl start oms -bip_only
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode
Along With Plug-ins
If all the ports on this screen appear as -1, then it indicates that the installer
is unable to bind the ports on the host. To resolve this issue, exit the installer,
verify the host name and the IP configuration of this host (ensure that the IP
address of the host is not being used by another host), restart the installer,
and try again.
You can enter a free custom port that is either within or outside the port range
recommended by Oracle.
To verify if a port is free, run the following command:
• On Unix:
netstat -an | grep <port no>
• On Microsoft Windows:
netstat -an|findstr <port_no>
However, the custom port must be greater than 1024 and lesser than 65535.
Alternatively, if you already have the ports predefined in a staticports.ini file and if
you want to use those ports, then click Import staticports.ini file and select the file.
If the staticports.ini file is passed during installation, then by default, the
ports defined in the staticports.ini file are displayed. Otherwise, the first
available port from the recommended range is displayed.
The staticports.ini file is available in the following location:
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode
Along With Plug-ins
When performing an Upgrade and Transition to DR Readiness, ensure the
Host Name displayed is the alias host name for OMS1. If it is not, navigate
back to the Installation Details screen and ensure the Host Name is properly
For example,
If you have additional OMS instances, then run this script on those additional OMS
hosts as well.
If you do not have the permission to run this script at this point, you can
always run it after configuring the software binaries, but make sure you run it
before you start upgrading the Management Agents.
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode
Along With Plug-ins
Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to the new 13.4 OMS home. For example:
export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/software/em134
cd <Release_Update_Directory>
$ORACLE_HOME/OMSPatcher/omspatcher apply -bitonly
For any additional OMS upgrade on Microsoft Windows platform, use the
If a Configuration Assistant fails, the installer stops and none of the subsequent
Configuration Assistants are run until the issue related to the failed Configuration
Assistant is resolved. In this case, diagnose the issue, resolve it, and then, click
Retry on the Install Progress screen to rerun the Configuration Assistants starting
from the Configuration Assistant that failed .
However, if you accidentally exit the installer before clicking Retry, then do NOT
restart the installer to reach the same screen; instead, invoke the runConfig.sh
script from the Oracle home of the OMS to rerun the Configuration Assistant in
silent mode. If the runConfig.sh script fails, raise a service request and contact
Oracle Support.
ORACLE_HOME=<absolute_path_to_Middleware_home> MODE=perform
ACTION=configure COMPONENT_XML={encap_oms.1_0_0_0_0.xml}
For Example,
/u01/software/em13c/oraclehome/oui/bin/runConfig.sh ORACLE_HOME=/u01/
software/em13c/oraclehome MODE=perform ACTION=configure
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode
If the runConfig.sh script fails, raise a service request and contact Oracle
If the Management Repository upgrade fails with the following error in the schema
manager logs, then restart the database, and then try the upgrade again.
ORA-04020: deadlock detected while trying to lock object
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode
If you see an error message stating that you have not copied the emkey, do
the following:
• If your OMR is configured with a service name, then run the following
command on the OMS you are about to upgrade. Here, <ORACLE_HOME>
is the Oracle home of the OMS.
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl config emkey
-copy_to_repos_from_file -repos_conndesc
(PORT=<>)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=<>)))"' -repos_user
<> [-repos_pwd <pwd> ] [-admin_pwd <pwd>] -emkey_file
• If your OMR is not configured with a service name, then run the following
command on the OMS you are about to upgrade. Here, <ORACLE_HOME>
is the Oracle home of the OMS.
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl config emkey -copy_to_repos_from_file
-repos_host <host> -repos_port <port> -repos_sid <sid> -
repos_user <username> [-repos_pwd <pwd> ] [-admin_pwd <pwd>]
-emkey_file <oracle_home>/sysman/config/emkey.ora
Here, the Management Repository details are details of the existing or old
Management Repository. You will be prompted for the administration server
password and the repository password if you do not explicitly specify them in
the command line.
If you are upgrading a multi-OMS environment, always start the upgrade
process with the first OMS, where the Admin Server is running, and not with
any of the additional OMS instances.
To identify the OMS where the Admin Server is running, run the following
command on the OMS you are about to upgrade, and verify if the output
displays the Admin Server details. Here, <ORACLE_HOME> is the Oracle home
of the OMS.
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl status oms -details
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode
Invoking the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installer for Installing Only the
Software Binaries in GUI Mode
Invoke the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard on the host where
your existing OMS is running.
./em13400_<platform>.bin [-invPtrLoc <absolute_path_to_oraInst.loc>]
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode
While installing on IBM AIX, if you see an error message stating that your
JDK version in the middleware home is not of a supported version, then
make sure you install the supported version mentioned in the message, and
then invoke the installer passing the -skipJDKValidation argument.
For example,
./em13400_<platform>.bin -skipJDKValidation
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode
If a prerequisite check fails reporting a missing package, then make sure
you install the required package, and click Rerun. The installation wizard
validates the package name as well as the version, so make sure you
install the packages of the minimum versions mentioned in Oracle Enterprise
Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide. To understand the logic
the installation wizard uses to verify these packages, see Oracle Enterprise
Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide.
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode
Ensure that the Middleware home you enter or validate here is used
only for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. Ensure that no other Oracle
Fusion Middleware products or components are installed in the same
Middleware home.
2. Enter the absolute path to the agent base directory, a location outside the Oracle
Middleware home where the Management Agent can be installed. Ensure that
this location is empty and has write permission. Also ensure that it is always
maintained outside the Oracle Middleware home.
For example, /u01/software/em13c/agentbasedir
This is a mandatory field although the Management Agent installed with
the OMS is not required, and must be deinstalled as described in Step
3. Validate the host name. By default, the host name is the name of the host where
the existing, earlier release of Enterprise Manager was installed. This is a non-
editable field.
Deinstalling the Management Agent and Deleting the Agent Base Directory
Deinstall the Management Agent and delete the agent base directory you created
in Step (2) of Configuring a Middleware Home, Installing the Central Agent, and
Validating the Host Name. For instructions, see Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud
Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide.
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode
The Management Agent you installed and the agent base directory you created in
Step 10 (b) is essentially for a fresh installation, and is not used while upgrading
Management Agents using the Agent Upgrade Console.
Copying the Software Binaries to the Additional OMS Hosts in Silent Mode
If you have additional OMS instances, then copy the software binaries on those
additional OMS hosts as well by following steps outlined in this section (Installing
the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4 Software Binaries in Graphical
For example,
If you have additional OMS instances, then run this script on those additional OMS
hosts as well.
If you do not have the permission to run this script at this point, you can
always run it after configuring the software binaries, but make sure you run it
before you start upgrading the Management Agents.
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode
Invoking the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installer for Configuring the
Software Binaries in GUI Mode
Invoke the installation wizard by running the following script from the Oracle home of
the OMS you installed in Installing the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release
4 Software Binaries in Graphical Mode.
$<ORACLE_HOME>/sysman/install/ConfigureGC.sh [-invPtrLoc
• By default, GCDomain is the default name used for creating the WebLogic Domain.
Custom WebLogic Domain name is not supported.
• After the configuration ends successfully, the OMS and the Management Agent
start automatically. If you do not want them to start automatically, then invoke the
script with START_OMS and START_AGENT options, and set them to true or false
depending on what you want to control.
For example, if you do not want the Management Agent to start automatically, then
run the following command:
$<ORACLE_HOME>/sysman/install/ConfigureGC.sh START_OMS=true
For example,
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode
To understand the limitations involved with this advanced option, see Limitations
with the Advanced Installer Options Supported for Installing an Enterprise
Manager System in Graphical Mode.
• Confirm that you have backed up the Management Repository (although the
installer checks only if you have backed up the Management Repository, Oracle
strongly recommends that you back up the OMS, the inventory, the Software
Library, and other components that are critical to the functioning of Enterprise
Manager. This will enable you to revert to the original contents if the upgrade
fails). As a prerequisite, you must back up the Management Repository before
starting the upgrade process. If you have not already taken a backup, then do so
immediately, and then return to the installer to continue with the upgrade.
• If you have to stop the Enterprise Manager system for postupgrade maintenance,
then select Disable DDMP Jobs to disable the DDMP jobs. If you do not plan to
stop the Enterprise Manager system for postupgrade maintenance, and hence do
not want to disable the DDMP jobs, then do not select the option.
Deferred Data Migration (DDMP) is a post-upgrade activity to migrate the
format of the data stored in an earlier release of Enterprise Manager to the
format compatible with the upgraded Enterprise Manager system. The migration
activity is essentially a job in Enterprise Manager that is submitted when the
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode
If the installer finds that some plug-ins deployed in the previous release
of Enterprise Manager are obsolete and are not supported in 13c Release
4, then you are prompted to first remove those plug-ins from the previous
release. You can return to the installer and proceed with the upgrade only
after removing those obsolete plug-ins.
To remove the obsolete plug-ins, follow these steps:
1. Undeploy the obsolete plug-ins from the Management Agents. Next,
undeploy them from the OMS instances. For instructions, see the
chapter on Undeploying Plug-Ins in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud
Control Administrator's Guide.
2. Optionally, remove the binaries of these obsolete plug-ins from the Self
Update Console. For instructions, see the chapter on Updating Cloud
Control in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode
If you have any JVM Diagnostics Engines (JVMD Engines) or Application
Dependency and Performance Engines (ADP Engines) configured in your
environment, then check whether they are up and running. If they are, then
check whether the Admin Server is up and stop the JVMD Engines and
the ADP Engines. Once the upgrade is successful, the JVMD Engines start
To check whether the Admin Server is running, run the following command
from the OMS you are upgrading. Here, <ORACLE_HOME> is the Oracle home
of the OMS.
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl status oms -details.
To stop the engines, on each OMS instance, run the following command from
the OMS you are upgrading. Here, <ORACLE_HOME> is the Oracle home of the
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl extended oms adp stop -all.
For information about the various prerequisite checks that are run on the
database at this point and how to fix them if they fail, see Prerequisites for
Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4 .
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode
If you see an error about missing plug-ins, then do the following:
1. Make a note of the plug-in version and plug-in update as shown in
the missing plug-ins error message. The plug-ins displayed in the error
message have the following format:
2. Manually download the required plug-ins from Plug-in Update.
In addition, plug-ins produced by any partners or customers are available
for download from Enterprise Manager Extensibility Exchange.
3. Invoke the ConfigureGC.sh script with the following parameter, and pass
the location where the additional plug-ins have been downloaded. Here,
<ORACLE_HOME> is the Oracle home of the OMS host you installed in
Installing the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4 Software
Binaries in Graphical Mode (or the middleware home).
Proceed to the next step only after you have installed these missing
You might have a deprecated plug-in in your environment that can be
upgraded to a plug-in version that is supported only in 13c Release 2 but
not in any of the future releases. If such a deprecated plug-in is selected by
default in this screen for upgrade, then you are prompted to evaluate your
selection and decide whether or not you want to proceed with the upgrade of
such plug-ins.
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode
Before you proceed to the next screen, run the following command to
stop all the associated OMS instances. Here, <ORACLE_HOME> is the
Oracle home of the OMS.
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl stop oms -all
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode
If you select a deprecated plug-in that is supported only in 13c Release 4,
but not in any of the future releases, then you are prompted to evaluate
your selection and decide whether or not you want to proceed with the
deployment of such plug-ins.
If you want to install any additional plug-ins that are not listed on this screen,
then follow these steps:
1. Manually download the required plug-ins from Plug-in Update.
In addition, if you want to download any partners or customers plug-ins,
then download them from Enterprise Manager Extensibility Exchange.
2. Invoke the installer with the following parameter, and pass the location
where the plug-ins have been downloaded. Here, <ORACLE_HOME> is
the Oracle home of the OMS you installed in Installing the Enterprise
Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4 Software Binaries in Graphical
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode
If you are upgrading an additional OMS, then the host name and port of
the Admin Server configured for the first OMS that you have already
upgraded, and also, the user name for the existing WebLogic user
account will be populated automatically. You need to validate them, and
then enter the password for the WebLogic user account.
The host name is the name of the host where the first OMS is running.
To identify the port, check the value set to the parameter AS_HTTPS_PORT
in the following file:
• Enter the absolute path to the new OMS instance base directory (gc_inst), which
will be created for storing the configuration information related to the upgraded
OMS. This gc_inst directory must not be your old gc_inst directory of 13c
Release 3 or 13c Release 2, therefore you need to enter a new directory location.
If you enter the old gc_inst directory, then the installer will display a warning that
the directory is not empty.
For example, /u01/software/em13c/oraclehome
Make sure the path you enter leads up to the instance base directory, and is
maintained outside the middleware home.
If you are installing on an NFS-mounted drive and creating the OMS
instance base directory (gc_inst) on that NFS-mounted drive, then after
you install, move the lock files from the NFS-mounted drive to a local file
system location. Modify the lock file location in the httpd.conf file to map
to a location on a local file system. For instructions, refer to Moving Lock
Files from an NFS-Mounted Drive to a Local File System Location.
If you want to change the Oracle WebLogic Server password or the
Node Manager password, see My Oracle Support note 1450798.1.
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode
However, if you are upgrading an OMS that does not already have Oracle BI
Publisher installed, or if you are upgrading an OMS that has Oracle BI Publisher
installed but not configured in a shared location, then do the following:
(i) Identify a shared location that you can use for Oracle BI Publisher.
If you do not have an existing shared location, create a new one and ensure that it
is visible on the host where you are installing the first OMS and also on other hosts
where you plan to install additional OMS instances.
At install time, for the installation to be successful, you can reserve approximately
400 MB of hard disk space for the shared directory. However, Oracle recommends
that you scale it to at least 10 GB eventually, and ensure that it can be extended
further in the future because the space utilization increases over a period of time
as you install additional plug-ins and create more reports.
If you already have a shared location that you were using for the
Software Library or for staging gold images in the previous release of
Enterprise Manager, then you can choose to use the same location.
However, ensure that the directories within the shared location are
unique for Oracle BI Publisher, Software Library, and staged gold
images. For example, if you already are using the shared location /u01/
software/examplehost/shrd/ where the Software Library is configured
in /u01/software/examplehost/shrd/SW, then you can use the same
location, but make sure the directory within this shared location for
Oracle BI Publisher is /u01/software/examplehost/shrd/BIP.
(ii) On this screen, select Configure a Shared Location for Oracle BI Publisher.
Enter the following directory paths. Ensure that the user account that you are
using to install the first OMS has read and write permission on these paths.
When you invoke the installer on Microsoft Windows, the Enterprise
Manager Shared Location Details screen does not show the Config
Volume and Cluster Volume options. This is an expected behavior.
For Config Volume, enter the path leading up to the /config directory on the
shared storage location where Oracle BI Publisher repository and configuration
files can be stored. For example, /u01/software/examplehost/shrd/BIP/config
For Cluster Volume, enter the path leading up to the /cluster directory on the
shared storage location where Oracle BI Publisher scheduler storage can be
maintained for Oracle BI Publisher to operate in a high-availability environment.
For example, /u01/software/examplehost/shrd/BIP/cluster
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode
Do not delete these directories after the installation. The directories are
required for proper functioning of Oracle BI Publisher, and therefore are
required during the installation and also after the installation.
If you choose to disable Oracle BI Publisher during the installation, then
you can enable it after the installation by running the following EM CTL
command from the Oracle home of the upgraded OMS.
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl config oms -enable_bip
For example,
/u01/software/em13c/oraclehome/bin/emctl config oms -
The command only enables Oracle BI Publisher, but does not start it.
To start it, run the following command from the Oracle home of the
upgraded OMS.
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl start oms -bip_only
/u01/software/em13c/oraclehome/bin/emctl start oms -bip_only
If all the ports on this screen appear as -1, then it indicates that the installer
is unable to bind the ports on the host. To resolve this issue, exit the installer,
verify the host name and the IP configuration of this host (ensure that the IP
address of the host is not being used by another host), restart the installer,
and try again.
You can enter a free custom port that is either within or outside the port range
recommended by Oracle.
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode
If the staticports.ini file is passed during installation, then by default, the
ports defined in the staticports.ini file are displayed. Otherwise, the first
available port from the recommended range is displayed.
The staticports.ini file is available in the following location:
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode
For Microsoft Windows platforms, invoke runConfig.bat script.
If the runConfig.sh script fails after the above steps, fix the issue and
re-run the runConfig command. Re-running the script will start from the
failure point. If the issue still exists, perform a triage, check the relevant
log files and try to resolve the issue. If you still see the runConfig script
failure, please contact Oracle Support for further assistance.
• If the Management Repository upgrade fails with the following error in
the schemamanager logs, then restart the database, and then try the
upgrade again.
ORA-04020: deadlock detected while trying to lock object
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Silent Mode
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Silent Mode
earlier release of the OMS instances to remain up and running at this point. Once the
software binaries are copied, you can shut down all the OMS instances, and configure
the software binaries to upgrade the OMS instances, one after the other. Therefore,
the downtime begins only when you start configuring the OMS instances, and not
while copying the software binaries to the host.
In particular, this section covers the following:
• Installing the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4 Software Binaries
in Silent Mode
• Running the allroot.sh Script
• Configuring the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4 Software
Binaries in Silent Mode
If you see an error message stating that you have not copied the emkey, do
the following:
• If your OMR is configured with a service name, then run the following
command on the OMS you are about to upgrade. Here, <ORACLE_HOME>
is the Oracle home of the OMS.
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl config emkey
-copy_to_repos_from_file -repos_conndesc
(PORT=<>)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=<>)))"' -repos_user
<> [-repos_pwd <pwd> ] [-admin_pwd <pwd>] -emkey_file
• If your OMR is not configured with a service name, then run the following
command on the OMS you are about to upgrade. Here, <ORACLE_HOME>
is the Oracle home of the OMS.
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl config emkey -copy_to_repos_from_file
-repos_host <host> -repos_port <port> -repos_sid <sid> -
repos_user <username> [-repos_pwd <pwd> ] [-admin_pwd <pwd>]
-emkey_file <oracle_home>/sysman/config/emkey.ora
Here, the Management Repository details are details of the existing or old
Management Repository. You will be prompted for the administration server
password and the repository password if you do not explicitly specify them in
the command line.
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Silent Mode
If you are upgrading a multi-OMS environment, always start the upgrade
process with the first OMS, where the Admin Server is running, and not with
any of the additional OMS instances.
To identify the OMS where the Admin Server is running, run the following
command on the OMS you are about to upgrade, and verify if the output
displays the Admin Server details. Here, <ORACLE_HOME> is the Oracle home
of the OMS.
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl status oms -details
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Silent Mode
The command generates three response files. You must use only the
software_only.rsp file for this silent software-only installation.
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Silent Mode
Table 4-2 (Cont.) Editing the software_only.rsp Response File for Software-
Only Installation in Silent Mode
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Silent Mode
Table 4-2 (Cont.) Editing the software_only.rsp Response File for Software-
Only Installation in Silent Mode
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Silent Mode
Table 4-2 (Cont.) Editing the software_only.rsp Response File for Software-
Only Installation in Silent Mode
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Silent Mode
For example,
If you have additional OMS instances, then run this script on those additional OMS
hosts as well.
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Silent Mode
If you do not have the permission to run this script at this point, you can
always run it after configuring the software binaries, but make sure you run it
before you start upgrading the Management Agents.
Deinstalling the Management Agent and Deleting the Agent Base Directory
Deinstall the Management Agent and delete the agent base directory you created. For
instructions, see Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and
Configuration Guide.
The Management Agent you installed and the agent base directory you created is
essentially for a fresh installation, and is not used while upgrading Management
Agents using the Agent Upgrade Console.
Download and Copy Software Binaries to the Additional OMS Hosts in Silent
If you have additional OMS instances, then download the software binaries from
Oracle Software Downloads site and copy them into the additional OMS hosts
by following steps outlined in Installing the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c
Release 4 Software Binaries in Silent Mode.
If the Management Repository upgrade fails with the following error in the
schemamanager logs, then restart the database, and then try the upgrade
ORA-04020: deadlock detected while trying to lock object
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Silent Mode
Editing the Response File for Configuring the Software Binaries in Silent Mode
Access the upgrade.rsp file that you generated in Generating the Response File for
Software-Only Installation in Silent Mode while generating the software_only.rsp file.
Edit the upgrade.rsp file and enter appropriate values for the parameters described
in Editing the Response File for Upgrading Oracle Management Service and Oracle
Management Repository in Silent Mode.
If you have any plug-ins that are obsolete and are not supported in 13c
Release 4, then you must first remove those plug-ins from the previous
release. You can proceed with the upgrade only after removing those
obsolete plug-ins.
To remove the obsolete plug-ins, follow these steps:
1. First, undeploy the obsolete plug-ins from the Management Agents.
Next, undeploy them from the OMS instances. For instructions, see
the chapter on managing plug-ins in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud
Control Administrator's Guide.
2. Finally, remove the binaries of these obsolete plug-ins from the Self
Update Console. For instructions, see the chapter on updating cloud
control in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and the Management Repository to 13c Release 4 Using the Software-Only Method in Silent Mode
If you see an error about missing plug-ins, then do the following:
1. Make a note of the plug-in version and plug-in update as shown in
the missing plug-ins error message. The plug-ins displayed in the error
message have the following format:
2. Manually download the required plug-ins from Plug-in Update.
In addition, plug-ins produced by partners or customers are available for
download from Enterprise Manager Extensibility Exchange.
3. Invoke the ConfigureGC.sh script with the following parameter, and pass
the location where the additional plug-ins have been downloaded. Here,
<ORACLE_HOME> is the Oracle home of the OMS you installed in
Installing the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4 Software
Binaries in Silent Mode:
<ORACLE_HOME>/sysman/install/ConfigureGC.sh -silent
Proceed to the next step only after you have installed these missing
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and any Additional OMSs in Parallel using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode Along with
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and any Additional OMSs in Parallel using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode Along with
Always start the upgrade process with the first OMS, where the Admin
Server (Primary OMS) is running, and not with any of the additional OMS
To identify the OMS where the Admin Server is running, run the following
command on the OMS you are about to upgrade, and verify if the output
displays the Admin Server details. Here, <ORACLE_HOME> is the Oracle home
of the OMS.
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl status oms -details
Performing Prerequisites
Perform the following prerequisites:
1. Ensure that all Oracle Management Agents in your enterprise are version or greater.
To find agents versions lower than run the following SQL on the
repository database, as a user with the Administrator role:
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and any Additional OMSs in Parallel using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode Along with
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and any Additional OMSs in Parallel using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode Along with
For information about the various prerequisite checks that are run on the
database at this point and how to fix them if they fail, see Prerequisites for
Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4 .
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and any Additional OMSs in Parallel using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode Along with
Refer to Installing an Enterprise Manager System Using Software Only Install Along
With Plugins and Configuring Later for details about Installing OMS with Software Only
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and any Additional OMSs in Parallel using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode Along with
For example,
If you do not have the permission to run this script at this point, you can
always run it after configuring the software binaries, but make sure you run it
before you start upgrading the Management Agents.
export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/software/em134
cd <Release_Update_Directory>
$ORACLE_HOME/OMSPatcher/omspatcher apply -bitonly
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and any Additional OMSs in Parallel using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode Along with
For 13c Release 4 on Microsoft Windows platforms, run the ConfigureGC.bat script
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and any Additional OMSs in Parallel using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode Along with
Chapter 4
Upgrading the OMS and any Additional OMSs in Parallel using the Software-Only Method in Graphical Mode Along with
If an error occurs, the installer will pause. Rectify the issue and click Retry to resume
the upgrade.
Upgrading Enterprise Manager and
Transitioning to DR Readiness
This chapter describes how to upgrade your Enterprise Manager environment with
best practices to implement the Standby OMSs using Storage Replication DR
In particular, this chapter covers the following:
• Overview of Upgrading Enterprise Manager and Transitioning to DR Readiness
• Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4
and Transitioning to DR Readiness
Chapter 5
Overview of Upgrading Enterprise Manager and Transitioning to DR Readiness
To assist with the process of transitioning to the new architecture, a new mode of the
installer named Upgrade and Transition to DR Readiness has been created. This new
mode is enabled by passing a parameter named UPGRADE_TRANSITION, and is only
supported for use on the first OMS, via a standard GUI installation, and requires a
specific flow of preparation and post-upgrade steps that must be followed. A software
only install followed by ConfigureGC.sh does not provide support for Upgrade and
Transition to DR Readiness. In addition, upgrading additional OMSs using Upgrade
and Transition to DR Readiness is not supported. In a multi-OMS environment, the
additional OMSs must first be deinstalled, the first OMS and related post-upgrade
processes associated with the transition must be completed, and then additional
OMSs can be deployed.
In addition to upgrading the primary OMS and repository from Enterprise Manager
Cloud Control or Enterprise Manager Cloud Control to Enterprise
Manager Cloud Control, the Upgrade and Transition to DR Readiness
installation can perform the following steps:
• Install the Enterprise Manager 13c software for the primary OMS on replicated
• Configure the upgraded Enterprise Manager 13c primary OMS to make use of an
alias hostname
• Attach the upgraded Enterprise Manager 13c installation to a specified inventory
on replicated storage
The Upgrade and Transition to DR Readiness process requires significant preparation
and additional steps outside the context of the installer itself. The degree of change
required as part of the upgrade and transition process depends upon the degree
to which the existing installation follows best practices for the Standby OMSs using
Storage Replication DR architecture. The maximum amount of change involves
implementation of alias hostnames and relocation of OMS and OMS agent (Central
Agent) from installations and inventory on local storage to installations and inventory
on replicated storage. Variations of this process can be performed to address
environments where only a subset of the configuration changes are required. The
following table provides an overview of the process applicable to each scenario.
After additional OMSs are successfully deployed, WebLogic demonstration certificates
are regenerated to reflect alias hostnames on all OMS servers; the binaries from
the Enterprise Manager 13c OMS on OMS1 are deinstalled; and physical hostname
agents are deployed to all Primary and Standby OMS servers.
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
to replicated storage and inventory; steps are taken to prepare and recover the OMS1
Agent to make use of the alias hostname; OMS1 related targets are relocated to the
recovered alias hostname agent.
Once the Agent and target relocation is complete, the OMS1 is resecured to make
use of the updated Enterprise Manager 13c SLB configuration, the internal channel
between the OMS and BI Publisher is configured, and the deferred DDMP jobs are
submitted. Once the DDMP Jobs complete, the upgrade and transition of OMS1
is complete and additional OMS deployment begins. An alias hostname agent is
deployed to each additional OMS server on replicated storage with inventory on
replicated storage. Additional OMSs are deployed using the Add Oracle Management
Service deployment procedure.
After additional OMSs are successfully deployed, WebLogic demonstration certificates
are regenerated to reflect alias hostnames on all OMS servers; the binaries from
the Enterprise Manager 13c OMS on OMS1 are deinstalled; and physical hostname
agents are deployed to all Primary and Standby OMS servers.
This completes the upgrade and transition process on both sites.
In development and test environments that can accommodate the associated
downtime, a switchover can be performed to and back from the new standby
OMSs to confirm the successful upgrade and transition, and additional
patching and other maintenance tests also can be performed.
Once the upgrade and transition is complete and known to be successful, interim
upgrade and transition files can be backed up as necessary and deleted.
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
Prerequisites for Upgrading Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4 and
Transitioning to DR Readiness
The prerequisites for performing an Upgrade and Transition to DR Readiness are a
superset of the prerequisites for performing a standard upgrade. Review, understand,
and ensure the environment meets the prerequisites specified in Prerequisites
for Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4 . Ensure
that prerequisites not specifically referenced in this chapter are performed at the
appropriate time in the upgrade and transition process, no later than before the start of
the actual Upgrade and Transition to DR Readiness using the installer. Instructions in
this chapter will address when to stop the OMS and OMS agent.
Ensuring the Replicated Storage is Provisioned and Currently Active on the Primary Site
This chapter makes use of the terms replicated storage and storage replication to
describe the storage that is used for the installation, configuration, and execution of
the OMS and OMS agent software using the alias hostnames. The storage for a given
OMS at the primary site is replicated to the corresponding storage at the standby site.
The changes are replicated at a minimum on a defined schedule, and on demand
before a switchover occurs such that the same installed software and configuration
can be accessed by whichever site is active. Depending upon the technologies
chosen, there may be manual steps required to be taken by storage administrators
in order to change the direction of the replication and prepare the other site’s storage
for access. Each OMS (OMS1, OMS2, and so on) has a server at the primary site and
at the standby site, and for each OMS only one server is active at any given time. The
server at the active site hosts the OMS using the replicated storage.
In addition to the storage replication of OMS and OMS agent software, there are
two other sets of storage replication that must be provisioned prior to performing this
upgrade and transition process in order to support replication of the Software Library
and the BI Publisher shared storage. Storage replication for the Software Library
should already be addressed because the Software Library should already be shared
between OMSs at a site and replicated between the primary and standby sites as
part of the existing two-domain installation. As such, while the Software Library is
backed up at the start of this upgrade and transition process, there are no steps
incorporated into this upgrade and transition to address preparation of replication of
the Software Library. Ensure Software Library replication is configured properly such
that the Software Library is currently available on all OMSs at both the primary and
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
standby sites using the same path on all OMSs to support the current two-domain
installation, and that it will continue to be available to whichever site is active in the
migrated environment.
BI Publisher shared storage needs to be replicated to the standby site such that it
can be mounted with the same path, same mount point options, and so on, on each
of the standby site OMSs at switchover or failover time. The BI Publisher shared
storage at the standby site should make use of the same technology (including
software version and configuration options) as that used on the primary site. This
chapter does not provide specific instructions to setup or configure storage replication
for the BI Publisher shared storage. Before beginning this upgrade and transition
process, ensure that each of the OMS servers at the primary and standby sites are
configured to be able to mount the replicated BI Publisher shared storage located at
the respective site. If BI Publisher is already configured on the primary site, ensure
that it is configured to make use of the replicated BI Publisher shared storage as
this configuration will be carried forward in the upgrade and transition. If BI Publisher
is not yet configured on the primary site, the BI Publisher config and cluster volume
directories on the replicated BI Publisher shared storage will need to be specified in
the installer. These BI Publisher config volume and cluster volume directories will need
to be created on the primary site on the replicated BI Publisher shared storage. Steps
in this chapter will ensure the replicated BI Publisher shared storage config and cluster
volume directories are specified in the appropriate screen in the installer.
For more information regarding storage replication requirements, see Storage
Considerations in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation
and Configuration Guide.
For more information on BI Publisher High Availability including the BI Publisher
shared storage, see BI Publisher High Availability in the Oracle Enterprise Manager
Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide.
Ensure that the replicated storage has been provisioned as requested, and that the
replication is currently configured such that the primary site is active. This will prevent
delays during the maintenance window for the upgrade and transition by ensuring that
the storage replication is ready to support the upgrade and transition.
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
For further details on the OMS Installation Base Directory, see Oracle Management
Service High Availability in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced
Installation and Configuration Guide.
Updating SLB Configuration for the Upgraded Enterprise Manager 13c Environment
SLB configuration updates are required to support Always-On Monitoring (AOM),
BI Publisher and Java Virtual Machine Diagnostics (JVMD) SLB configuration
requirements in EM 13c. Ensure that the SLB configuration on both primary and
standby sites is updated with the new configuration required to support AOM, BI
Publisher and JVMD. A future step will resecure the OMS to implement the updated
configuration for BI Publisher and JVMD.
For more details on SLB configuration for high availability in EM 13c, see Configuring
a Load Balancer in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced
Installation and Configuration Guide.
For more details on SLB configuration for disaster recovery in EM 13c, see
Management Service Disaster Recovery in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud
Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide.
For an example of detailed step by step instructions for configuring an SLB for a site,
see the white paper Enterprise Manager 13c Cloud Control Configuring OMS High
Availability with F5 BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager.
Creating Backups
Before starting the upgrade and transition, create a set of backups that can be used as
a fallback if the entire environment need to be reset. There are five parts to the backup
• Full backup of each OMSs relevant directories
• Backup of the configuration of each OMS
• Backup of the Software Library
• Backup of the BI Publisher storage if it is configured
• Corresponding backups of the repository database(s)
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
The backups of the OMSs' relevant directories must include the instance, middleware,
agent, and inventory. As the backups of the OMSs' relevant directories are filesystem
backups, they must be performed as root and must be performed while the OMS and
the agent are down. These backups can be performed in a staggered manner, for a
single OMS at a time, to ensure availability. Each OMS must be backed up.
A single corresponding backup of the Software Library is required.
If BI Publisher is configured, a single corresponding backup of the BI Publisher config
and cluster volumes is also required. Corresponding backups of the database must
also be taken or identified.
For more information on backing up Enterprise Manager, see Backing Up and
Recovering Enterprise Manager in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control
Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide.
Preparing All Primary and Standby OMS Servers for Replicated Storage Configuration
Configure all Primary and Standby OMS Servers for replicated storage. Each
corresponding Primary and Standby OMS server must be configured to mount
replicated storage containing the Middleware Home, Instance Base, Agent Base, and
Oracle Inventory Home. These directories will be used in the upgrade and transition
A best practice is to ensure that all four of these directories are located underneath an
OMS Installation Base Directory, which can serve as the mount point to the replicated
storage. In addition, all OMS servers at each site must be configured to mount the
shared storage for BI Publisher and the Software Library, and the shared storage must
be shared between all OMS servers at a site and must be replicated between sites.
The directory paths must be identical on all OMS servers, for the Middleware Home,
Instance Base, Agent Base, Oracle Inventory Home, BI Publisher, and Software
Library storage.
Preparation of all the Primary and Standby OMS Servers for replicated storage is
complete when:
• The replicated storage is active on the primary site
• The replicated storage is mounted on the primary site OMS servers
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
Preparing All Primary and Standby OMS Servers for Alias Hostnames
Configure alias host names for all Primary and Standby OMS Servers such that each
corresponding OMS host at the Primary and Standby sites is configured with an alias
host name that is the same at both the sites. Ensure that all the OMS servers at each
site can communicate with all other OMS servers at the same site using the alias host
For more details, see Option 2 - Alias host names on both sites in Planning Host
Names in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and
Configuration Guide.
Creating Inventory Location Pointer File in Oracle Inventory Directory on Primary OMS1
As a part of the upgrade and transition to replicated storage, the OMS and OMS
Agent software must be associated with Oracle Inventory located on replicated storage
beneath the OMS Installation Base Directory. Once the upgrade is complete, it will be
important to use this Oracle Inventory location for all maintenance of the OMS and
OMS Agent to ensure that software maintenance can be performed on whichever site
is currently serving as the active site.
Create the Oracle Inventory directory located on replicated storage and create the
oraInst.loc Inventory Location pointer file in that directory on Primary OMS1. The
Inventory Location pointer file will be used when launching the installer to perform the
upgrade to ensure that the upgraded software will be associated with inventory on
replicated storage.
For further details, see Configure an Oracle Inventory located under OMS
installation base directory in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Advanced Installation and
Configuration Guide.
Preparing Local Lock File Directory on All Primary and Standby Site OMSs
Create or identify a directory owned by the Oracle Software Owner User located on
local storage that can be used to store the local lock file for OHS and configure the
directory consistently on all primary and standby OMS servers. In the future steps, you
will configure each OMS to make use of this directory for local lock file storage.
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
Only the additional OMSs and OMS agents are being deleted at this
point and hence the instructions in this section are a subset of the
instructions in Prerequisites for Deinstalling Only the OMS and Retaining
the Management Repository in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control
Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide
To delete Primary Additional OMSs and Additional OMS Agents, follow these steps:
• Step 1: Stopping and Deleting Primary Additional OMSs
• Step 2: Stopping and Deinstalling Primary Additional OMS Agents
• Step 3: Deinstalling Primary Additional OMS binaries
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
To stop and delete the additional OMS for each primary additional OMS, follow these
1. On the additional OMS server, if BI Publisher is configured, stop the Oracle BI
Publisher managed server by running the following command.
<OLD_ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl stop oms -bip_only -force
If any Oracle BI Publisher managed server fails to stop, then manually
kill it using operating system commands. Ensure to gracefully stop the
process. For example, on Linux, use ‘kill xxxx’ and not ‘kill -9 xxxx’ where
xxxx is the process.
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
The step to upload from the OMS<#> agent is added in this order (after
OMS<#> has been deleted) for customers running in a High Availability
configuration, to provide administrators with visibility of the latest state of
the components in the environment.
You may receive an error “EMD upload error:full upload has failed:
uploadXMLFiles skipped :: OMS version not checked yet” while
attempting the upload which may last for several minutes and then clear.
If this issue persists check trace files for ping to OMS related errors
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
Upgrading and Transitioning OMS1 and Oracle Management Repository to 13c Release 4
To upgrade and transition the OMS1 and the repository, follow these steps on Primary
• Step 1: Invoking the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installer in GUI Mode to
Upgrade and Transition to DR Readiness
• Step 2: Enabling Oracle Configuration Manager
• Step 3: Applying the Latest Software Updates
• Step 4: Running the Prerequisite Checks and Validating the Environment
• Step 5: Selecting the Installation Type
• Step 6: Configuring a Middleware Home and Validating the Host Name
• Step 7: Providing Database Connection Details
• Step 8: Upgrading or Migrating Plug-ins, or Deploying Dependent Plug-ins
• Step 9: Deploying Additional Plug-ins
• Step 10: Extending the Existing WebLogic Server Domain
• Step 11: Configuring the Shared Locations for Oracle BI Publisher
• Step 12: Configuring the Ports
• Step 13: Reviewing the Upgrade Details
• Step 14: Monitoring the Upgrade Progress
• Step 15: Ending the Upgrade
Invoking the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installer in GUI Mode to Upgrade and
Transition to DR Readiness
Oracle strongly recommends that you back up the Management Repository, the
OMS, the inventory, the Software Library, and other components that are critical to
the functioning of Enterprise Manager. This will enable you to revert to the original
contents if the upgrade fails.
Invoke the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation Wizard on the host where
your existing OMS1 is running.
./em13400_<platform>.bin -invPtrLoc
./em13400_linux64.bin -invPtrLoc /u01/app/oracle/OMS/oraInventory/
oraInst.loc ORACLE_HOSTNAME=emoms1.example.com UPGRADE_TRANSITION=true
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
Ensure that the Host Name field on the Installation Details page is
reviewed and updated if necessary to match the alias hostname of
• The following parameter and value specifies the directory of the old Oracle
Inventory associated with the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control installation that
is being upgraded:
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
The installation wizard runs the prerequisite checks automatically when you come
to this screen. The status of the prerequisite check can be either Warning, Failed,
Succeeded, Not Executed, In Progress, or Pending.
If some checks result in Warning or Failed status, then investigate and correct the
problems before you proceed with the upgrade. The screen provides details on why
the prerequisites failed and how you can resolve them. After you correct the problems,
return to this screen and click Rerun to check the prerequisites again.
• Ensure that the Middleware home you enter or validate here is used
only for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control.
• Ensure that no other Oracle Fusion Middleware products or
components are installed in the same Middleware home.
2. Review the Host Name and ensure that it is the alias host name for OMS1
that was specified with the ORACLE_HOSTNAME parameter when the installer was
launched. If the Host Name does not match the alias host name for OMS1, replace
the contents of the field with the alias host name for OMS1.
For example, emoms1.example.com
3. Click Next.
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
For information about the various prerequisite checks that are run on the
database at this point and how to fix them if they fail, see Prerequisites for
Upgrading to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4 .
You might have a deprecated plug-in in your environment that can be
upgraded to a plug-in version that is supported only in 13c Release 4, but
not in any of the future releases. If such a deprecated plug-in is selected by
default in this screen for upgrade, then you are prompted to evaluate your
selection and decide whether or not you want to proceed with the upgrade of
such plug-ins.
Before you proceed to the next screen, run the following command to
stop all the associated OMS instances. Here, <ORACLE_HOME> is the
Oracle home of the OMS.
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl stop oms -all
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
If you select a deprecated plug-in that is supported only in 13c Release 4,
but not in any of the future releases, then you are prompted to evaluate
your selection and decide whether or not you want to proceed with the
deployment of such plug-ins.
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
If you want to install some plug-ins that are not listed on this screen, then
follow these steps:
1. Manually download the required plug-ins.
• Oracle Plug-ins are available for download via Plug-in Update.
• Plug-ins produced by Oracle partners are available on the Enterprise
Manager Extensibility Exchange.
2. Invoke the installer with the following option and pass the location where
the additional plug-ins have been downloaded:
On UNIX platforms:
em13400_<platform>.bin INSTALL_SWONLY_WITH_PLUGINS=true
On Microsoft Windows platforms:
setup_em13400_win64.exe INSTALL_SWONLY_WITH_PLUGINS=true
This displays a list of plug-ins available in the software kit (DVD,
downloaded software) as well as the plug-ins available in this custom
location. You can choose the ones you want to install.
• The Admin Server Host still lists the physical host name for OMS1. This
is ok as the Admin Server will be updated to use the OMS1 alias host
name as part of this mode of the upgrade.
• Ensure the OMS Instance Base location is located on replicated
storage. If the replicated storage is configured at or above the OMS
Installation Base directory, and the Middleware Home is beneath the
OMS Installation Base directory, no change is required as the OMS
Instance Base location will be a peer directory of the Middleware Home
by default. For example, /u01/app/oracle/OMS/gc_inst.
• If the mount point makes use of NFS mounted storage, a warning
appears to place the lock file directory on local storage. A post-upgrade
step in the upgrade and transition process will place the http lock file in a
directory on local storage after the upgrade completes
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
If you already have a shared location that you were using for the
Software Library or for staging gold images in the previous release of
Enterprise Manager, then you can choose to use the same location.
However, ensure that the directories within the shared location are
unique for Oracle BI Publisher, Software Library, and staged gold
images. For example, if you already are using the shared location /u01/
software/examplehost/shrd/ where the Software Library is configured
in /u01/software/examplehost/shrd/SW, then you can use the same
location, but make sure the directory within this shared location for
Oracle BI Publisher is /u01/software/examplehost/shrd/BIP.
(ii) On this screen, select Configure a Shared Location for Oracle BI Publisher.
Enter the following directory paths. Ensure that the user account that you are
using to install the first OMS has read and write permission on these paths.
When you invoke the installer on Microsoft Windows, the Enterprise
Manager Shared Location Details screen does not show the Config
Volume and Cluster Volume options. This is an expected behavior.
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
For Config Volume, enter the path leading up to the /config directory on the
shared storage location where Oracle BI Publisher repository and configuration
files can be stored. For example, /u01/software/examplehost/shrd/BIP/config
For Cluster Volume, enter the path leading up to the /cluster directory on the
shared storage location where Oracle BI Publisher scheduler storage can be
maintained for Oracle BI Publisher to operate in a high-availability environment.
For example, /u01/software/examplehost/shrd/BIP/cluster
Do not delete these directories after the installation. The directories are
required for proper functioning of Oracle BI Publisher, and therefore will
still be required after the installation.
If you choose to disable Oracle BI Publisher during the installation, then
you can enable it after the installation by running the following EM CTL
command from the Oracle home of the upgraded OMS.
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl config oms -enable_bip
For example,
/u01/software/em13c/oraclehome/bin/emctl config oms -
The command only enables Oracle BI Publisher, but does not start it.
To start it, run the following command from the Oracle home of the
upgraded OMS.
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl start oms -bip_only
/u01/software/em13c/oraclehome/bin/emctl start oms -bip_only
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
If all the ports on this screen appear as -1, then it indicates that the installer
is unable to bind the ports on the host. To resolve this issue, exit the installer,
verify the host name and the IP configuration of this host (ensure that the IP
address of the host is not being used by another host), restart the installer,
and try again.
You can enter a free custom port that is either within or outside the port range
recommended by Oracle.
To verify if a port is free, run the following command:
• On Unix:
netstat -an | grep <port no>
• On Microsoft Windows:
netstat -an|findstr <port_no>
However, the custom port must be greater than 1024 and lesser than 65535.
Alternatively, if you already have the ports predefined in a staticports.ini file and if
you want to use those ports, then click Import staticports.ini file and select the file.
If the staticports.ini file is passed during installation, then by default, the
ports defined in the staticports.ini file are displayed. Otherwise, the first
available port from the recommended range is displayed.
The staticports.ini file is available in the following location:
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
When performing an Upgrade and Transition to DR Readiness, ensure the
Host Name displayed is the alias host name for OMS1. If it is not, navigate
back to the Installation Details screen and ensure the Host Name is properly
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
If you are installing on Microsoft Windows operating system, then you will NOT be
prompted to run this script.
Specifying Local File System Location for Lock Files on Primary OMS1
Once the upgrade and transition is complete, if the replicated storage is mounted
using NFS, edit the httpd.conf file to specify a location on local storage for the http lock
file. Follow the instructions in the following step in Performing Postinstallation Tasks
After Installing an Enterprise Manager System in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Basic
Installation Guide.
If you installed an NFS-mounted drive and created the OMS instance base
directory gc_inst on that NFS-mounted drive, then move the lock files from
the NFS-mounted drive to a local file system location. To do so, modify the
lock files location in the httpd.conf file to map to a location on a local file
Confirming the WebLogic and the OMS are Configured for Alias Hostname
To confirm that the upgrade and transition has successfully configured the OMS for the
alias hostname, follow these steps:
1. On the Primary OMS1, confirm the ServerName configured in the httpd.conf file
shows the alias hostname for OMS1.
grep ^ServerName <NEW_INSTANCE_HOMEBASE>/user_projects/domains/
For example:
grep ^ServerName /u01/app/oracle/OMS/gc_inst/user_projects/domains/
Example Output:
[oracle@host1 ~]$ grep ^ServerName /u01/app/oracle/OMS/gc_inst/user_projects/
ServerName emoms1.example.com
2. On the Primary OMS1, examine the output of emctl status oms -details.
<NEW_MIDDLEWARE_HOME>/bin/emctl status oms -details
For example:
/u01/app/oracle/OMS/MWare_13.4/bin/emctl status oms -details
Example Output (highlights):
[oracle@host1 ~]$ /u01/app/oracle/OMS/MWare_13.4/bin/emctl status oms -
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4
Copyright (c) 1996, 2019 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Enter Enterprise Manager Root (SYSMAN) Password :
Console Server Host : emoms1.example.com
WLS Domain Information
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
Do not move the agent or perform cleanup yet as those activities will
occur in the next steps.
Relocating the OMS1 Agent From Local Storage and Inventory to Replicated Storage and
To relocate the OMS1 Agent from its location on local storage registered with the
local Oracle Inventory to a location on replicated storage registered with the replicated
storage Oracle Inventory, follow these steps using the command listed with each step:
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
These instructions are based on the instructions in Moving the Central Agent
Base Directory Outside Oracle Middleware Home. However, it is important to
note that there is an additional parameter beyond those instructions in the
documentation that must be provided to the command in order to make use
of a different Oracle Inventory for the new location.
sysman/install/create_plugin_list.pl -instancehome
perl /u01/app/oracle/oms_agent/agent_13.
create_plugin_list.pl -instancehome /u01/app/oracle/oms_agent/
5. Run the AgentMigrate.pl script to relocate the agent to the replicated storage and
Oracle Inventory on replicated storage.
sysman/install/AgentMigrate.pl -instanceHome
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
/u01/app/oracle/oms_agent/agent_13. /u01/app/
-instanceHome /u01/app/oracle/oms_agent/agent_inst -
newAgentBaseDir /u01/app/oracle/OMS/oms_agent -invPtrLoc /u01/app/
Only the installation of the interim agent located on local storage
under <INTERIM_OMS_AGENT_HOME> is to be deinstalled. Do NOT delete
the targets from cloud control as those targets are now being
managed by the agent that has been relocated to replicated storage
under <NEW_OMS_AGENT_HOME>. For this reason, disregard the following
message at the bottom of the output of the AgentDeinstall.pl
command "Make sure to delete the targets manually from the Cloud
Control Console for a successful deinstallation.”
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
b. Perform the following steps for the Oracle Home of the Enterprise Manager
13c physical hostname agent located on replicated storage.
i. In Enterprise Manager, navigate to the Oracle Home for the Enterprise
Manager 13c physical hostname agent located on replicated storage.
ii. Select Oracle Home, Target Setup and then select Remove Target.
iii. Select Yes on the Confirmation dialog.
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
It is critical to ensure the above steps have been completed successfully
prior to performing the agentDeploy.sh in the next step.
3. Create agent_inst.
agentDeploy.sh AGENT_BASE_DIR=/u01/app/oracle/OMS/oms_agent
ORACLE_HOSTNAME=emoms1.example.com AGENT_PORT=3872 -
configOnly OMS_HOST=em.example.com EM_UPLOAD_PORT=4900
4. Log in as root and run the root.sh script when instructed in the output of the
above command.
5. Check status of agent. Repeat as necessary until all uploads are complete.
<NEW_OMS_AGENT_HOME>/bin/emctl status agent
/u01/app/oracle/OMS/oms_agent/agent_13. status agent
6. Check in Enterprise Manager to confirm that OMS1 alias hostname agent and host
are listed as targets in EM with status Up.
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
/u01/app/oracle/OMS/MWare_13.4/bin/emcli login -
/u01/app/oracle/OMS/MWare_13.4/bin/emcli sync
/u01/app/oracle/OMS/MWare_13.4/bin/emctl config emrep -agent
If you encounter errors due to time zone disparities between the agents,
ensure the time zones of the agents are consistent. If you run emctl
config emrep -agent and set the flag -ignore_timeskew, there may
be loss of monitoring data as the availability of monitored targets may
be affected when the Management Services and Repository target is
moved to the new Agent. For information on resetting the time zone for
a management agent, see emctl resetTZ agent in EMCTL Commands
for Management Agent in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control
Administrator's Guide. Once these errors are corrected, reattempt the
target relocation.
2. Create a mapping file, under the home directory for the Oracle Software Owner
User, that will be used to map the physical hostname of OMS1 to the alias
hostname of OMS1.
vi /home/oracle/host1_to_emoms1_host_mapping.tx
The file should contain a comma separated list of the FQDNs of the physical and
alias hostnames. The first entry is the hostname that will be replaced (in this case
the physical hostname of OMS1), and the second entry is the new hostname (in
this case the alias hostname of OMS1).
3. Run the relocate_wls verb via emcli once, to relocate the targets:
<NEW_MIDDLEWARE_HOME>/bin/emcli relocate_wls
-target_name=/EMGC_GCDomain/GCDomain -
/u01/app/oracle/OMS/MWare_13.4/bin/emcli relocate_wls -target_name=/
EMGC_GCDomain/GCDomain -host=emoms1.example.com -port=7101 -
dest_agent=emoms1.example.com:3872 -src_agent=host1.example.com:3872 -
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
4. Run the relocate_wls verb via emcli for a second time, with an additional
parameter, to update the host name for targets as necessary:
<NEW_MIDDLEWARE_HOME>/bin/emcli relocate_wls -target_name=/
.txt -debug
/u01/app/oracle/OMS/MWare_13.4/bin/emcli relocate_wls -target_name=/
EMGC_GCDomain/GCDomain -host=emoms1.example.com -port=7101 -
dest_agent=emoms1.example.com:3872 -src_agent=host1.example.com:3872
host1_to_emoms1_host_mapping.txt -debug
5. Remove the Oracle Home of the upgraded middleware home on replicated
storage that is associated with the alias hostname on Primary OMS1. This Oracle
Home will be rediscovered in the next step. This is done to ensure that the
associations are made properly to the correct Oracle Home.
6. Run a “Discover Promote Oracle Home Target” job on Primary OMS1 to discover
the Oracle Home of the upgraded Middleware Home on replicated storage that is
associated with the alias hostname.
a. Navigate to Enterprise, Job and then select Activity.
b. Click Create Job.
c. Select Discover Promote Oracle Home Target on the Select Job Type -
Oracle Enterprise Manager dialog.
d. Click Select.
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
e. Enter a Name for the job, such as “Promote OMS1 Oracle Home”.
f. In the Target section, click Add.
g. In the Search and Select: Targets dialog, select the OMS1 alias hostname
h. Click Select.
i. Click the Parameters tab.
j. In the Path, enter the path to the upgraded Middleware Home for Primary
OMS1 on replicated storage.
k. Ensure that Manage Entity is set to Oracle Home and Action is set to
Discover And Manage.
l. Click Submit.
m. When the job has "succeeded", check the job output to ensure the Oracle
Home was properly discovered.
7. Navigate to the home page for the Oracle Home target for the upgraded
middleware home on replicated storage that is associated with the alias hostname
on Primary OMS1.
a. Review the Associated Instance Targets list.
b. If there are no targets listed, wait a few minutes, refresh, and repeat until this
the list is populated.
c. Proceed with reviewing and updating target and configuration information
listed in the next section, once the list is populated.
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
5. If you made the above changes, click Ok. Else, click Cancel.
You need to update the URI of the WebLogic Admin console to the
physical host hosting OMS1 after each switchover or failover operation.
Ensure that the monitored targets only contain the old Oracle Homes
associated with the old physical hostname of the Primary OMS1 server,
the agent, the physical hostname host of the Primary OMS1 server, and
other targets whose name includes the physical hostname of the Primary
OMS1 server. It is ok if the /EMGC_GCDomain/GCDomain Oracle WebLogic
Domain target is listed under both the old physical hostname agent and
the new alias hostname agent, as long as all other WebLogic Domain
related targets that do not contain the physical host name of Primary
OMS1 as part of the target name are only associated with the new alias
hostname agent.
If there are additional targets related to the current version of the OMS
components and agents that have been upgraded and transitioned to
replicated storage and alias hostname, cancel and relocate those targets
to the new agent using the emcli relocate_targets command, and restart
the Agent Decommission steps listed above, before proceeding further.
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
At this point, after completing the substeps above, if there are additional
targets that are unrelated to the current version of the OMS components,
and agents that have been upgraded and transitioned to replicated
storage and alias hostnames but still need to be managed by an agent
(such as other software installed locally on the OMS server or other
targets that need to be monitored from this physical host), there are two
• Relocate those targets to the new agent using emcli relocate_targets
commands and later relocate them again from the new replicated
storage agent to the new physical hostname agent, after it is created
on Primary OMS1 in the future step Deploying Host-based Agents to
Primary and Standby OMSs.
• Allow the targets to be removed with the decommission of the agent
and rediscover the targets after the new physical hostname agent is
deployed on Primary OMS1 in the future step Deploying Host-based
Agents to Primary and Standby OMSs
5. Select Continue.
6. Select OK, if you are presented with an Agent Decommission Confirmation dialog.
Resecuring OMS1 to Include the Updated Enterprise Manager 13c SLB Configuration
The SLB should be updated to include required Enterprise Manager 13c configuration
as part of the preparation for this upgrade and transition process. This step will
resecure the configuration of OMS1 to make use of the updated configuration in the
SLB for Enterprise Manager 13c for BI Publisher and JVMD.
For more details on SLB configuration for high availability in Enterprise Manager 13c,
please see Configuring a Load Balancer in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud
Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide
For more details on SLB configuration for disaster recovery in Enterprise Manager
13c, please see Management Service Disaster Recovery in theOracle Enterprise
Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide
For an example of detailed step by step instructions for configuring an SLB for a site,
please see the white paper Enterprise Manager 13c Cloud Control Configuring OMS
High Availability with F5 BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
It is important to ensure that the emctl secure oms command is run with
the same -host, -slb_port, and -slb_console_port used when the OMS
was originally secured for the SLB configuration so that agents need not be
resecured. If the SLB configuration needs to be changed more substantially,
ensure that agents are resecured appropriately.
To resecure the OMS1 to include the updated Enterprise Manager 13c SLB
configuration, follow these steps:
1. Secure OMS to reflect updated SLB configuration.
<NEW_MIDDLEWARE_HOME>/bin/emctl secure oms -host
slb_console_port <SLB_VS_SECURE_CONSOLE_PORT> -slb_bip_http_port
<SLB_VS_UNSECURE_BIP_CONSOLE_PORT> -slb_bip_https_port
<SLB_VS_SECURE_BIP_CONSOLE_PORT> -slb_jvmd_https_port
<SLB_VS_SECURE_JVMD_PORT> -lock_console -lock_upload
For example:
/u01/app/oracle/OMS/MWare_13.4/bin/emctl secure oms -host
em.example.com -slb_port 4900 -slb_console_port 443 -slb_bip_http_port
8080 -slb_bip_https_port 5443 -slb_jvmd_https_port 7301 -lock_console
2. Stop OMS1.
<NEW_MIDDLEWARE_HOME>/bin/emctl stop oms -all
For example:
/u01/app/oracle/OMS/MWare_13.4/bin/emctl stop oms -all
3. Start OMS1.
<NEW_MIDDLEWARE_HOME>/bin/emctl start oms
For example:
/u01/app/oracle/OMS/MWare_13.4/bin/emctl start oms
Configuring the Internal Channel Between the Oracle Management Service and BI
Beginning with Enterprise Manager 13.1, communication from the Oracle Management
Service to BI Publisher can be configured to go through the SLB, ensuring that all
operations that require this communication will also be routed through the SLB.
For more information on the internal channel, see Paths to Access BI Publisher in
the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration
To configure the internal channel for BI Publisher follow these steps:
1. On Primary OMS1, run the following command to confirm the current setting for
the internal channel.
<NEW_MIDDLEWARE_HOME>/bin/emcli login -username="<EM_USERNAME>"
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
<NEW_MIDDLEWARE_HOME>/bin/emcli sync
<NEW_MIDDLEWARE_HOME>/bin/emcli unregister_bipublisher
For example:
/u01/app/oracle/OMS/MWare_13.4/bin/emcli login -
/u01/app/oracle/OMS/MWare_13.4/bin/emcli sync
/u01/app/oracle/OMS/MWare_13.4/bin/emcli unregister_bipublisher
Example Output:
$ /u01/app/oracle/OMS/MWare_13.4/bin/emcli login -
Enter password :
Login successful
$ /u01/app/oracle/OMS/MWare_13.4/bin/emcli sync
Synchronized successfully
$ /u01/app/oracle/OMS/MWare_13.4/bin/emcli unregister_bipublisher
Error: The BI Publisher managed server named "https://
emoms1.example.com:9803/xmlpserver" is registered. Use -force option
to overwrite this.
This command is called unregister_bipublisher, but will not actually
unregister anything as long as the -force parameter is not passed.
The output of this command displays the current setting for the internal
channel. DO NOT pass -force.
2. On Primary OMS1, run the following command to change the internal channel to
make use of the SLB configuration.
<NEW_MIDDLEWARE_HOME>/bin/emcli setup_bipublisher -force -nodeploy -
proto=https -host=<OMS_HOST> -port=<SLB_VS_SECURE_BIP_CONSOLE_PORT> -
For example:
/u01/app/oracle/OMS/MWare_13.4/bin/emcli setup_bipublisher -force -
nodeploy -proto=https -host=em.example.com -port=5443 -uri=xmlpserver
Example Output:
$ /u01/app/oracle/OMS/MWare_13.4/bin/emcli setup_bipublisher -force -
nodeploy -proto=https -host=em.example.com -port=5443 -uri=xmlpserver
BI Publisher "https://em.example.com:5443/xmlpserver" has been
registered for use with Enterprise Manager.
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
3. On Primary OMS1, run the following command to confirm the setting for the
internal channel has been updated. The output should now show the <OMS_HOST>
rather than the alias hostname of OMS1.
<NEW_MIDDLEWARE_HOME>/bin/emcli unregister_bipublisher
For example:
/u01/app/oracle/OMS/MWare_13.4/bin/emcli unregister_bipublisher
Example Output:
$ /u01/app/oracle/OMS/MWare_13.4/bin/emcli unregister_bipublisher
Error: The BI Publisher managed server named "https://
em.example.com:5443/xmlpserver" is registered. Use -force option to
overwrite this.
This command is called unregister_bipublisher, but will not actually
unregister anything as long as the -force parameter is not passed.
The output of this command displays the current setting for the internal
channel. DO NOT pass -force.
Adding New Primary Additional OMS Alias Hostname Agents and Additional
To add new Primary Additional OMS alias hostname agents and Additional OMSs
follow these steps:
• Step 1: Deploying Alias Host Name Agents to All Primary Additional OMS Servers
• Step 2: Deploying Additional OMSs
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
Deploying Alias Host Name Agents to All Primary Additional OMS Servers
In the Enterprise Manager, deploy an agent to the alias host name of each Primary
Additional OMS server. Review the information below and use this information when
following the instructions in Installing Standalone Management Agents Using Add Host
Targets Wizard in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation
1. On the Add Host Targets: Host and Platform page, enter the alias host name
Fully-Qualified Domain Name for the additional OMS in the Host field of the first
For example:
2. On the Add Host Targets: Installation Details page:
a. Enter the Installation Base Directory, which must be located under the OMS
Installation Base directory on the replicated storage. This directory path on
the additional OMSs should be the same directory path as that used with the
OMS1 Agent.
For example:
b. Enter the port for the alias hostname agent. This should be the same port
number as the port used on the first OMS and will be the port number used by
the OMS agent running on the host for the OMS server at the active site.
For example:
c. Expand Optional Details and add the following in Additional
Parameters to specify use of the replicated storage Oracle Inventory.
For example:
For example:
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
b. Review the Destination Instance Base Location. This should match the
value on OMS1 and should be located on replicated storage.
For example:
c. Select or add Source and Destination Credentials. The credentials should be
that of the Oracle Software Owner User.
2. On the Destination Ports section of the Options page, validate the ports
displayed by default. These default ports are based on the ports already assigned
and used by OMS1. It is a best practice to keep these ports on the additional OMS
the same as those on OMS1.
3. If the replicated storage is NFS-mounted, be sure to move the lock files for the
additional OMS from the NFS-mounted drive to a local file system location after
the additional OMS is deployed, following the instructions in the Postinstallation
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
For example:
2. On the Add Host Targets: Installation Details page:
a. Enter the Installation Base Directory, which must be located on local storage
as these agents will always run on the target hosts at the Primary and Standby
For example:
b. Enter the port for the physical hostname agent. This should be a different
port number than the port number used by the alias hostname OMS agents
running on the hosts for the OMS servers at the active site.
For example:
c. Expand Optional Details and add the following in Additional
Parameters to specify use of the local storage Oracle Inventory.
For example:
Ensuring Agents on all OMS Nodes Have Correct Time Zone Configuration
To ensure agents on all OMS nodes have correct time zone configuration, follow these
1. Check configuration of all OMS agents (the physical hostname local storage
agents and the alias hostname replicated storage agents) using emcli from
primary OMS1. Add additional commands as necessary for each additional OMS.
<NEW_MIDDLEWARE_HOME>/bin/emcli login -username="<EM_USERNAME>"
<NEW_MIDDLEWARE_HOME>/bin/emcli get_agent_properties -
<NEW_MIDDLEWARE_HOME>/bin/emcli get_agent_properties -
<NEW_MIDDLEWARE_HOME>/bin/emcli get_agent_properties -
<NEW_MIDDLEWARE_HOME>/bin/emcli get_agent_properties -
<NEW_MIDDLEWARE_HOME>/bin/emcli get_agent_properties -
<NEW_MIDDLEWARE_HOME>/bin/emcli get_agent_properties -
For example:
/u01/app/oracle/OMS/MWare_13.4/bin/emcli login -
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
/u01/app/oracle/OMS/MWare_13.4/bin/emcli get_agent_properties -
/u01/app/oracle/OMS/MWare_13.4/bin/emcli get_agent_properties -
/u01/app/oracle/OMS/MWare_13.4/bin/emcli get_agent_properties -
/u01/app/oracle/OMS/MWare_13.4/bin/emcli get_agent_properties -
/u01/app/oracle/OMS/MWare_13.4/bin/emcli get_agent_properties -
/u01/app/oracle/OMS/MWare_13.4/bin/emcli get_agent_properties -
2. Review the results of the command. If the local agents differ in time zone
configuration from the replicated storage agents, reset the time zone for the local
3. Reset the time zone for any agents as required to ensure that the OMS related
agents are in a consistent time zone. This is important in the event that targets
need to be moved between agents.
a. For each agent that needs the time zone to be reset, perform the following
from the agent home:
echo $TZ
<AGENT_HOME>/bin/emctl config agent getTZ
<AGENT_HOME>/bin/emctl stop agent
<AGENT_HOME>/bin/emctl resetTZ agent
b. Login to the repository via sqlplus and run the commands provided in the
output of the emctl resetTZ agent command.
<AGENT_HOME>/bin/emctl start agent
4. Repeat step 1, and review the results, confirming that the time zones are now
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
upgrading management agents on systems other than the OMS servers, upgrading
JVMD agents, and performing any other steps appropriate in your environment such
as reconfiguring WebLogic with custom certificates.
When you are certain of upgrade and transition success and that you will no longer
need to fall back from the upgrade and transition, and once any logs, configuration, or
other long-term reference information has been copied or backed up via other means
as necessary, you can remove temporary directories, backups, directories related to
old installations, and so on, that were made on local and replicated storage as part of
the upgrade and transition process.
The following are a list of the areas to review:
1. Review the following directories on Primary OMS1:
a. Renamed agent base directory prior to running agentDeploy.sh
Chapter 5
Upgrading Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2 or 13c Release 3 to 13c Release 4 and Transitioning to DR Readiness
b. Staging directory used for the EM 13.4 installer
2. Review the following on all Primary and Standby OMS servers:
a. Instance Base directories from the EM installations which have been
b. Backups taken before or during this upgrade and transition process.
c. Scheduled jobs, such as via cron, that reference the EM software and/or
crontab -l
Upgrading Oracle Management Agents
This chapter describes how you can upgrade your central agent and one of your
standalone Management Agents to 13c using the Agent Upgrade Console or EM CLI,
and how you can create an Agent Gold Image and upgrade all your other standalone
Management Agents using that gold image. In particular, this chapter covers the
• Overview of Upgrading Management Agents Using Agent Gold Images
• Upgrading Central Agents or Standalone Management Agents to 13c Release 4
Using the Agent Upgrade Console or EM CLI
• Creating an Agent Gold Image
• Creating an Agent Gold Image Version
• Setting a Particular Agent Gold Image Version as the Current Version
• Subscribing Management Agents to an Agent Gold Image
• Updating Standalone Management Agents Using an Agent Gold Image Version
• Upgrading Hybrid Cloud Gateway Agents and Hybrid Cloud Agents
You cannot directly subscribe a Shared Agent (NFS Agent) to an Agent Gold
Image. To subscribe to an Agent Gold Image, you must first convert the
Shared Agent to a standalone Management Agent, and then subscribe to an
Agent Gold Image.
Do not discover any Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance target in 13c
Chapter 6
Upgrading Central Agents or Standalone Management Agents to 13c Release 4 Using the Agent Upgrade Console or EM CLI
To understand what an Agent Gold Image is, what it contains, and how you benefit by
using it to upgrade your Management Agents, see Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud
Control Basic Installation Guide.
Oracle recommends that you use Agent Gold Images to upgrade all your Management
Agents, although you can use other upgrade approaches. However, to update your
Management Agents using a gold image, you need a gold image that is based on
a 13c standalone Management Agent. You cannot create a gold image using a 13c
central agent.
Therefore, if you are upgrading your Enterprise Manager system from 12c, then
after upgrading Oracle Management Service (OMS) to 13c, use the Agent Upgrade
Console or EM CLI to upgrade your central agent and one of your standalone
Management Agents to 13c. Then, create a gold image using the standalone
Management Agent that is upgraded to 13c, and finally update all other standalone
Management Agents using that gold image. Once you have updated some of your
Management Agents to 13c using the gold image, you can use those updated
Management Agents to create several other gold images.
The following is the agent base directory structure before and after the update
Before Update
After Update
|_____GoldImage_<Image Version Name>
Chapter 6
Upgrading Central Agents or Standalone Management Agents to 13c Release 4 Using the Agent Upgrade Console or EM CLI
After Upgrade
Chapter 6
Upgrading Central Agents or Standalone Management Agents to 13c Release 4 Using the Agent Upgrade Console or EM CLI
Chapter 6
Upgrading Central Agents or Standalone Management Agents to 13c Release 4 Using the Agent Upgrade Console or EM CLI
• In some cases, the deployed version of a plug-in may not be supported on the
upgraded version of a Management Agent. In these cases, ensure that you either
undeploy the plug-ins that are not supported on the upgraded version of the
Management Agent, or deploy versions of the plug-ins that are supported on the
upgraded Management Agent.
For more information, see how to undeploy and deploy a plug-in in the Oracle
Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide..
• In Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 4, you can save the
Management Agent one-off patches that you want to apply on a particular version
of the Management Agent software, such that these patches are automatically
applied on the software whenever a new Management Agent of the same version
is deployed, or an old Management Agent is upgraded to that version.
For information on how to do this, see Applying Patches to Oracle Management
Agents While Deploying or Upgrading Them in the Oracle Enterprise Manager
Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide.
Also, you can apply one-off patches on a plug-in and create a custom patched
plug-in, such that this custom patched plug-in is deployed on all the new
Management Agents that you deploy, and all the old Management Agents that
you upgrade.
For information on how to do this, see Downloading, Deploying, and Upgrading
Plug-Ins in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administration Guide.
• Upgrading Management Agents does not require Cygwin, PsExec, or any SSH
connectivity tools, as Enterprise Manager uses the existing Management Agent -
OMS communication channels to perform the upgrade.
• You cannot specify a custom inventory location while upgrading Management
Agents. The upgraded Management Agent uses the inventory location of the old
Management Agent.
• If you select a Management Agent installed on a cluster, or a shared Management
Agent for upgrade, the set of related Management Agents, that is, the other
Management Agents of the cluster or the shared Oracle Home are selected for
upgrade automatically.
• You cannot upgrade a Management Agent in the following scenarios:
– The Management Agent is not up and running
– The Management Agent is not secure
– The Management Agent is not reachable
– The new Management Agent software (of the same version as the OMS
version) is not present in Oracle Software Library (Software Library)
– The Management Agent Oracle home property is missing
– The Management Agent is already undergoing an upgrade
– The Management Agent is in blackout state
• You may not be able to upgrade certain Management Agents using the Agent
Upgrade Console or EM CLI. Table 6-1 describes the reasons for this.
Chapter 6
Upgrading Central Agents or Standalone Management Agents to 13c Release 4 Using the Agent Upgrade Console or EM CLI
Chapter 6
Upgrading Central Agents or Standalone Management Agents to 13c Release 4 Using the Agent Upgrade Console or EM CLI
You can use the Not Upgradable Agents page to search for and view a set of
Management Agents that currently cannot be upgraded. To search for and view
these Management Agents, follow these steps:
1. From the Setup menu, select Manage Cloud Control, then select Upgrade
2. Click Not Upgradable Agents.
3. Enter or select values for parameters you want to use to search for
Management Agents. You can search for Management Agents using the
Management Agent name, version, platform, and the reason why the
Management Agent cannot be upgraded.
4. For Match, select All or Any to search for results that match all the search
parameters, or any of the search parameters, respectively.
5. Click Search.
Chapter 6
Upgrading Central Agents or Standalone Management Agents to 13c Release 4 Using the Agent Upgrade Console or EM CLI
To access Self Update, from the Setup menu, select Extensibility, then select
Self Update. To check whether the latest Management Agent software for a
platform is downloaded and applied, click Agent Software, then check the
Version and the Status columns for the required platform. The software version
for the platform must be the same as the OMS version. The status must read
If the latest software is not downloaded and applied, select the software, then click
Download to download it. After downloading the software, click Apply to apply
the software. If the software has been downloaded, but not applied, click Apply to
apply the software.
For more information, see using Self Update to download and apply the latest
Management Agent software for a platform in the Oracle Enterprise Manager
Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide.
• Ensure that the Management Agents you want to upgrade are up and running.
To verify if a Management Agent is up and running, from the Setup menu, select
Manage Cloud Control, then select Agents. Check the Status column of the
required Management Agent.
If the Management Agent is unreachable, click the Management Agent name to
navigate to the Management Agent home page. Click the Agent Unreachable icon,
and perform the recommended actions.
• Ensure that the Management Agents you want to upgrade are secure.
To verify if a Management Agent is secure, from the Setup menu, select Manage
Cloud Control, then select Agents. Check the Secure Upload column of the
required Management Agent.
If the Management Agent is not secure, from the Agent menu, select Secure to
secure it.
Also, you can run the following command to verify if a Management Agent is
<EMSTATE>/bin/emctl status agent
<EMSTATE> refers to the Management Agent instance directory, that is,
If the Management Agent is secure, the Management Agent URL displayed is a
HTTPS URL. However, if the Management Agent URL displayed is a HTTP URL,
secure the Management Agent by running the following command:
<EMSTATE>/bin/emctl secure agent
• Ensure that Oracle home collections are run on all the Management Agents that
you want to upgrade.
If Oracle home collections are not run on some Management Agents, they are
not upgradable. These Management Agents are displayed on the Not Upgradable
Agents page, with the reason displayed as Oracle Home Property Missing. For
information on how to access this page, see Table 6-1.
To run Oracle home collections for all the Management Agent that you want to
upgrade, run the following command from the Management Agent host:
<EMSTATE>/bin/emctl control agent runCollection
<TARGET_NAME>:oracle_home oracle_home_config
Chapter 6
Upgrading Central Agents or Standalone Management Agents to 13c Release 4 Using the Agent Upgrade Console or EM CLI
Chapter 6
Upgrading Central Agents or Standalone Management Agents to 13c Release 4 Using the Agent Upgrade Console or EM CLI
4. (Optional) For Pre-upgrade Script and Post-upgrade Script, enter the absolute
path of the script that you want to run before and after the upgrade, respectively.
For example, /scratch/software/oracle/configure.sh.
The scripts you want to run must be present at the location you specify, on
the Oracle Management Service (OMS) host (on all the OMS hosts in case of
a multi-OMS environment), or on all the Management Agent hosts selected for
upgrade. They can reside in a shared, NFS-mounted location accessible by the
Management Agent hosts selected for upgrade.
If the script you want to run is present only on the OMS host, and not on the
Management Agent hosts selected for upgrade, then select Script on OMS Host.
• You can specify only one pre-upgrade script and one post-upgrade
script per session.
• Only shell scripts (.sh) and batch (.bat) scripts are supported. You
should run only shell scripts while upgrading Management Agents
installed on Unix platforms, and only batch scripts while upgrading
Management Agents installed on Microsoft Windows platforms.
• If you want to upgrade a Management Agent installed on a Unix
platform and a Management Agent installed on a Microsoft Windows
platform in the same session, ensure that you do not specify a
pre-upgrade or a post-upgrade script. If you want to specify a pre-
upgrade or a post-upgrade script for upgrading these Management
Agents, upgrade the Management Agents installed on different
platforms in different sessions.
5. (Optional) For Additional Parameters, enter the additional options you want to
use for the upgrade.
For example, specify -ignorePrereqs to skip running the prerequisite checks and
directly perform the Management Agent upgrade. If you want to specify multiple
additional parameters, separate them using a space.
Refer to Additional Parameters for 13c Management Agent Upgrade for a list of
parameters you can specify.
Chapter 6
Upgrading Central Agents or Standalone Management Agents to 13c Release 4 Using the Agent Upgrade Console or EM CLI
6. For Stage Location, accept the default stage location, or enter a custom location.
The stage location is used to store temporary Management Agent upgrade files.
For example, /tmp/software/oracle/EMStage.
Ensure that the Management Agent install user has write permissions on the
custom location you enter. The custom location you enter can be a shared, NFS-
mounted location.If the stage location you specify and the agent base directory
of the Management Agent you want to upgrade are present on the same disk,
then ensure that the disk has at least 3 GB of free space. If they are present on
different disks, ensure that the stage directory has at least 2.1 GB of free space,
and the agent base directory has at least 750 MB of free space.
If you want to use a different stage location other than /tmp, you must pass the
SCARTCHPATH value in the additional parameter in Agent Upgrade Console.
For example, SCARTCHPATH=/u01/app/stage.
7. Click Submit.
Once you click Submit, a Management Agent upgrade job is created, which is
sent to the Enterprise Manager job system. You are automatically taken to the
Agent Upgrade Status page for the job, which displays the details of the job steps.
To view a summary of all the submitted Management Agent upgrade jobs, or
search for and view a particular set of Management Agent upgrade jobs, use
the Agent Upgrade Results page of the Agent Upgrade Console. To access this
page, from the Setup menu, select Manage Cloud Control, then select Upgrade
Agents. Click Agent Upgrade Results.
To revisit the Agent Upgrade Status page for a Management Agent upgrade job,
click the name of the job on the Agent Upgrade Results page.
If you encounter an error during the Management Agent upgrade process, or if
the Management Agent upgrade fails, refer to Troubleshooting 13c Management
Agent Upgrade.
8. If the root.sh step was skipped, or if this step failed, log in to the Management
Agent host as the root user, navigate to $<AGENT_BASE_DIR>/agent_13.
and run the root.sh script on the host manually.
After root.sh is run, you can clean up your old Management Agents, as described
in Performing Postupgrade Cleanup of Old Management Agents.
Table 6-2 List of Additional Parameters for 13c Management Agent Upgrade
Parameter Description
-ignorePrereqs Skips running the prerequisite checks.
Specify this parameter when you have already verified the
prerequisites, and only want to perform the rest of the upgrade
-debug Logs debug messages useful for debugging and resolving errors.
Chapter 6
Upgrading Central Agents or Standalone Management Agents to 13c Release 4 Using the Agent Upgrade Console or EM CLI
Table 6-2 (Cont.) List of Additional Parameters for 13c Management Agent
Parameter Description
SCRATCHPATH Specify this parameter if you do not have enough space on /tmp
to use a custom path for the software extraction. You can use
SCRATCHPATH to override the /tmp location.
For example,
/u01/software/em13c/oraclehome/hin/emcli login -username=<user_name>
Once you run this command, EM CLI will prompt you for a password. Enter the
password for the user name you specified.
2. Synchronize EM CLI:
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli sync
For example,
/u01/software/em13c/oraclehome/bin/emcli sync
3. Run the get_upgradable_agents verb to obtain a list of the Management Agents
that can be upgraded:
emcli get_upgradable_agents
Chapter 6
Upgrading Central Agents or Standalone Management Agents to 13c Release 4 Using the Agent Upgrade Console or EM CLI
Chapter 6
Upgrading Central Agents or Standalone Management Agents to 13c Release 4 Using the Agent Upgrade Console or EM CLI
You can view the detailed job step status of a particular Management Agent that
was part of a particular upgrade job by using the get_agent_upgrade_status verb
with the -agent and the -job_name options.
For example,
/u01/software/em13c/oraclehome/bin/emcli get_agent_upgrade_status -
agent=abc.example.com:1243 -job_name=UPGRADE_AGT_13603
If a particular Management Agent upgrade job failed, check the inputs and run the
upgrade_agents verb again. If you want to specify a custom job name (using the
-job_name parameter) while retrying the verb, ensure that you provide a unique
job name, and not the name of the job that failed. For Management Agent upgrade
troubleshooting tips, see Troubleshooting 13c Management Agent Upgrade.
To view more information on the syntax and the usage of the
get_agent_upgrade_status verb, run the following command:
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli/help get_agent_upgrade_status
6. If the root.sh step was skipped, or if this step failed, log in to the Management
Agent host as the root user, navigate to $<AGENT_BASE_DIR>/agent_13.
and run the root.sh script on the host manually.
After root.sh is run, you can clean up your old Management Agents, as described
in Performing Postupgrade Cleanup of Old Management Agents.
For more information on how to use the EM CLI verbs mentioned in
this section, see Using Basic Operational Verbs in the Oracle Enterprise
Manager Command Line Interface Guide.
Chapter 6
Upgrading Central Agents or Standalone Management Agents to 13c Release 4 Using the Agent Upgrade Console or EM CLI
Verifying 13c Management Agent Upgrade Using the Enterprise Manager Console
After you upgrade your Management Agents, follow these methods to verify the
upgrade using the Enterprise Manager console:
• From the Setup menu, select Manage Cloud Control, then select Upgrade
Agents. Click Agent Upgrade Results. Verify that the job you created to upgrade
the Management Agents succeeded.
• From the Setup menu, select Manage Cloud Control, then select Agents. Click
the name of a Management Agent that you want to verify the upgrade for, and
verify the Management Agent version. The Management Agent version after the
upgrade must be the same as the OMS version.
Also, on the Agents page, verify that the Management Agent is up and running, is
not blocked, and is not under blackout.
• From the Setup menu, select Manage Cloud Control, then select Agents. Click
the name of the Management Agent that you want to verify the upgrade for. From
the Agent menu, select Configuration, then select Latest. In the Configuration
Properties tab, ensure that none of the configuration properties mention the old
Management Agent home.
For example,
/u01/software/em13c/oraclehome/bin/emcli get_agent_properties -
format=csv -agent_name=abc.example.com:1872
• Run the get_targets verb to verify the status of the Management Agent (it should
be up and running, and not be blocked, under blackout, etc.):
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli get_targets -format="name:csv" -
targets=<agent_host_name>:<agent_port>:oracle_emd -alerts
For example,
/u01/software/em13c/oraclehome/bin/emcli get_targets -format="name:csv"
-targets=abc.example.com:3872:oracle_emd -alerts
Chapter 6
Upgrading Central Agents or Standalone Management Agents to 13c Release 4 Using the Agent Upgrade Console or EM CLI
Agents remain, and are not deleted automatically. To delete these post upgrade
and free up disk space, you can clean up the old Management Agents using Agent
Upgrade Console or EM CLI.
Ensure that you perform clean up only on those Management Agents
that were upgraded successfully. For information on verifying whether a
Management Agent was upgraded successfully, see Verifying Your 13c
Management Agent Upgrade.
This section describes the methods you can use to clean up Management Agents
version 13.4.0.x or higher after upgrading them. It consists of the following:
• Performing Postupgrade Cleanup of Old Management Agents Using the Agent
Upgrade Console
• Performing Postupgrade Cleanup of Old Management Agents Using EM CLI
Performing Postupgrade Cleanup of Old Management Agents Using the Agent Upgrade
To clean up the old directories of your old Management Agents using the Clean Up
Agents page of the Agent Upgrade Console, follow these steps:
1. From the Setup menu, select Manage Cloud Control, then select Upgrade
2. Click Post Agent Upgrade Tasks.
3. To change the default clean up job name, enter a unique value for Job Name.
A unique job name enables you to identify the clean up job, know details of its
execution, and track its progress.
The job name can have a maximum length of 64 characters. It can consist of
alphanumeric and special characters, and can begin with either of these.
4. Click Add to add Management Agents for clean up.
5. In the Agents for Clean Up window, search for the Management Agents you want
to clean up, using the Agent, Platform, Installed Version, and Group fields.
6. Select the Management Agents you want to clean up. Click OK.
7. Click Submit.
For example,
Chapter 6
Upgrading Central Agents or Standalone Management Agents to 13c Release 4 Using the Agent Upgrade Console or EM CLI
Foe example,
/u01/software/em13c/oraclehome/bin/emcli sync
3. Run the get_signoff_agents verb to obtain a list of the Management Agents for
which clean up can be performed:
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli get_signoff_agents
Chapter 6
Upgrading Central Agents or Standalone Management Agents to 13c Release 4 Using the Agent Upgrade Console or EM CLI
file containing all the parameters that you want to use. A response file contains
parameters in name value pairs, as shown:
The parameters that you specify with the verb override the parameters that you
specify in the response file.
To view more information on the syntax and the usage of the signoff_agents
verb, run the following command:
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli help signoff_agents
For more information on how to use the EM CLI verbs mentioned in
this section, see Using Basic Operational Verbs in the Oracle Enterprise
Manager Command Line Interface Guide.
Moving Central Agent Base Directory Outside Oracle Middleware Home (After
Upgrading 13c Central Agent)
After upgrading the central agent, if the agent base directory of the upgraded central
agent resides within the Oracle Middleware home, and you want to move it outside the
Oracle Middleware home, then see Moving the Central Agent Base Directory Outside
Oracle Middleware Home.
Moving the agent base directory is recommended only for central agents
(on all platforms, including Microsoft Windows), and not recommended for
standalone Management Agents.
Chapter 6
Upgrading Central Agents or Standalone Management Agents to 13c Release 4 Using the Agent Upgrade Console or EM CLI
Viewing 13c Management Agent Upgrade Cleanup Jobs Using the Agent Upgrade
To view a particular set of Management Agent clean up jobs using the Clean Up Agent
Results page of the Agent Upgrade Console, follow these steps:
1. From the Setup menu, select Manage Cloud Control, then select Upgrade
2. Click Post Agent Upgrade Tasks.
3. Click Clean Up Agent Results.
4. Enter or select values for parameters that you want to use to search for
Management Agent clean up jobs. You can search for these jobs using the job
name, the Management Agents that were part of the clean up, and the status of
the job.
5. For Match, select All or Any to search for results that match all the search
parameters, or any of the search parameters, respectively.
6. Click Search.
For example,
/u01/software/em13c/oraclehome/bin/emcli login -username=sysman
Once you run this command, EM CLI will prompt you for a password. Enter the
password for the user name you specified.
2. Synchronize EM CLI:
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli sync
For example,
/u01/software/em13c/oraclehome/bin/emcli sync
3. Run the get_signoff_status verb to view a particular set of Management Agent
clean up jobs:
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli get_signoff_status
Chapter 6
Upgrading Central Agents or Standalone Management Agents to 13c Release 4 Using the Agent Upgrade Console or EM CLI
/u01/software/em13c/oraclehome/bin/emcli get_signoff_status -
status="Success" displays the Management Agent clean up jobs that succeeded.
To view more information on the syntax and the usage of the get_signoff_status
verb, run the following command:
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli help get_signoff_status
For more information on how to use the EM CLI verbs mentioned in
this section, see Using Basic Operational Verbs in the Oracle Enterprise
Manager Command Line Interface Guide.
Chapter 6
Upgrading Central Agents or Standalone Management Agents to 13c Release 4 Using the Agent Upgrade Console or EM CLI
Chapter 6
Upgrading Central Agents or Standalone Management Agents to 13c Release 4 Using the Agent Upgrade Console or EM CLI
Chapter 6
Upgrading Central Agents or Standalone Management Agents to 13c Release 4 Using the Agent Upgrade Console or EM CLI
The Management Agent cannot be You may encounter this error while upgrading
upgraded as the 32-bit Management Management Agents that run on the Oracle Enterprise
Agent software for the host platform Linux 4.x, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.x, and SUSE
is not present in Software Library. Linux Enterprise 10 64-bit platforms. If you encounter
this error, click OK. Download and apply the latest 32-
bit Management Agent software for these platforms,
using the Self Update console, then upgrade the
Management Agent.
For more information see, using the Self Update
console to download and apply the latest Management
Agent software in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud
Control Basic Installation Guide .
The links on the Agent Upgrade Diagnose the problem by viewing the following logs:
Status page or the Agent Upgrade • $<OMS_INSTANCE_HOME>/user_projects/
Results page are not working. domains/EMGC_DOMAIN/servers/EMGC_OMS1/
• $<OMS_INSTANCE_HOME>/user_projects/
A job step in the Management Diagnose the problem by viewing the following log:
Agent upgrade process hangs or is $<OMS_INSTANCE_HOME>/em/EMGC_OMS1/
executed multiple times. sysman/log/*.trc
EM CLI log in or synchronization fails. Diagnose the problem by viewing the following log:
The upgraded Management Agent is Raise an Oracle Support service request. Do not
blocked. resynchronize the Management Agent.
Chapter 6
Creating an Agent Gold Image
Creating an Agent Gold Image Using Gold Agent Images Home Page
To create an Agent Gold Image, follow these steps:
1. From the Setup menu, select Manage Cloud Control, then select Gold Agent
2. Click Manage All Images.
3. Click Create.
4. Specify the gold image name, a description (optional), and the platform of the
source Management Agent that you want to use to create the Agent Gold Image
versions. Ensure that you use only a standalone Management Agent as the
source, and not a central agent.
5. Click Submit.
Creating an Agent Gold Image Version Using the Gold Agent Images
Home Page
To create an Agent Gold Image version, follow these steps:
Chapter 6
Creating an Agent Gold Image Version
You cannot use unsecure Management Agents to create an Agent
Gold Image version. Therefore, always use only secure Management
Agents. Before creating an Agent Gold Image version, meet the hardware
requirements as described in the hardware requirements chapter of the
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide.
If the configuration properties of the source Management Agent were
changed for some reason in the emd.properties file, then before creating
an agent gold image version using that source Management Agent, reload
the configuration properties of that Management Agent. To do so, run the
following command: emctl reload agent
1. From the Setup menu, select Manage Cloud Control, then select Gold Agent
2. Click the name of the required Agent Gold Image.
3. Click Manage Image Versions and Subscriptions.
4. Select the Versions and Drafts tab, then from the Actions menu, select Create.
5. Specify an image version name, and a description for the image version, if
The word limit for the image version name is 20 characters.
6. If you want to create the gold image version using a source Management Agent,
for Create image by, select Selecting a source agent, then specify the source
Management Agent that you want to use. In this case, you can also specify the
• Work Directory: The working directory that must be used to create the
Agent Gold Image. The default working directory is $AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME/
install. Ensure that you have minimum 750MB space in this location.
• Configuration Properties: The Management Agent configuration properties
separated by a semicolon (;) that must be captured while creating the
Agent Gold Image. The names of these properties can be found in
the $AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME/sysman/config/emd.properties file.
• Exclude Files: The list of files separated by ';' that must be excluded from
the gold agent image version. For example, agent_13.
agentDeploy/*;agent_13.*. Ensure that you provide only the relative
path to the files and directories and not the absolute path.
However, if you want to create the gold image version by importing an existing
gold image version, for Create image by, select Importing an image, then
specify the location of the gold image version that you want to import. In order
to be able to import an image, the image should already be staged. If you have not
already staged the image for this purpose, then stage it as described in the Oracle
Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide.
Chapter 6
Creating an Agent Gold Image Version
The image can be created from a test system and staged. Also, the
stage location should be accessible from the OMS.
7. Click OK.
A job that creates the Agent Gold Image version is submitted to the Enterprise
Manager job system. You can view the status of this job on the Gold Agent Image
Activities page, in the Image Activities tab.
You cannot use unsecure Management Agents to create an Agent
Gold Image version. Therefore, always use only secure Management
Agents. Before creating an Agent Gold Image version, meet the hardware
requirements as described in the hardware requirements chapter of the
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide.
If the configuration properties of the source Management Agent were
changed for some reason in the emd.properties file, then before creating
an agent gold image version using that source Management Agent, reload
the configuration properties of that Management Agent. To do so, run the
following command:
emctl reload agent
1. Log in to EM CLI from the /bin directory present within the Oracle home of the
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli login -username=<user_name>
Once you run this command, EM CLI will prompt you for a password. Enter the
password for the user name you specified.
2. Synchronize EM CLI:
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli sync
3. Run the create_gold_agent_image verb to create an Agent Gold Image using the
specified source Management Agent or by importing an already created image
from another Enterprise Management System:
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli create_gold_agent_image
[-config_properties= " agent_configuration_properties"]
[-exclude_files= "list_of_files_directories_to_exclude"]
Chapter 6
Creating an Agent Gold Image Version
Table 6-4 Supported Parameters for Creating an Agent Gold Image Version
Parameter Description
-image_name Agent Gold Image name to which the created
Agent Gold Image must be added.
-version_name Version name of the Agent Gold Image.
When you create an image version and update
a Management Agent with it, Enterprise
Manager Cloud Control uses the image
version name you provide here to create a
subdirectory in the agent base directory for the
Management Agent being updated.
For example, if the agent base directory
of the Management Agent being updated
is /u01/software/em13c/agentbasedir,
and the agent home is /u01/software/
and if you provide OPB_BP1 as the image
version name, then when you update the
Management Agent with the image version,
a new subdirectory /u01/software/em13c/
agent_13. is created. The word limit
for the image version name is 20 characters.
-source_agent Management Agent to be used as the source
to create the Agent Gold Image.
To view a list of the Management Agents
that can be used as a source to create
a gold image, run emcli get_targets -
-import_location Location where the Agent Gold Image is
staged for creating the gold agent image
version. This location is accessible from all the
OMS instances.
-gold_image_description Description of the Agent Gold Image.
-working_directory Working directory to be used to create
the Agent Gold Image. The default working
directory is $AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME/
install. Minimum free space required is 1 GB.
-config_properties Management Agent configuration properties
separated by \";\" that must be captured while
creating the Agent Gold Image. For example,
Chapter 6
Setting a Particular Agent Gold Image Version as the Current Version
Table 6-4 (Cont.) Supported Parameters for Creating an Agent Gold Image
Parameter Description
-exclude_files List of files or directories separated by
\";\" that must be excluded from the
gold agent image version. For example,
Ensure that you provide only
the relative path to the files
and directories and not the absolute path.
• The following example creates an Agent Gold Image OPC_AGI_DB_JUL_13,
using example.com:3872 as the source Management Agent, and adds the gold
image version to the gold image OPC_DB_MONITORING:
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli create_gold_agent_image -
source_agent=example.com:3872 -version_name=OPC_AGI_DB_JUL_13 -
• The following example creates an Agent Gold Image OPC_AGI_DB_JUL_13,
using example.com:3872 as the source Management Agent, /tmp as the
working directory, and adds the gold image version to the gold image
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli create_gold_agent_image -
source_agent=example.com:3872 -version_name=OPC_AGI_DB_JUL_13 -
image_name=OPC_DB_MONITORING -working_directory=/tmp
• The following example creates an Agent Gold Image OPC_AGI_DB_JUL_13
using gold image software staged at import location /abc/stage:
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli create_gold_agent_image -import_location=/abc/
stage -version_name=OPC_AGI_DB_JUL_13 -image_name=OPC_DB_MONITORING
Chapter 6
Setting a Particular Agent Gold Image Version as the Current Version
• Setting a Particular Agent Gold Image Version as the Current Version Using EM
Once you run this command, EM CLI will prompt you for a password. Enter the
password for the user name you specified.
2. Synchronize EM CLI:
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli sync
3. Run the promote_gold_agent_image verb to promote the Agent Gold Image
version to the Current maturity level:
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli promote_gold_agent_image
The -version_name parameter defines the Agent Gold Image that you want to
The -maturity parameter defines the gold image maturity level.
For example, to promote the Agent Gold Image OPC_AGI_DB_JUL_13 to the
Current maturity level, run the following:
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli promote_gold_agent_image -
version_name=OPC_AGI_DB_JUL_13 -maturity=Current
Chapter 6
Setting a Particular Agent Gold Image Version as the Restricted Version using Gold Agent Images Home Page
Once you run this command, EM CLI will prompt you for a password. Enter the
password for the user name you specified.
2. Synchronize EM CLI:
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli sync
3. Run the promote_gold_agent_image verb to promote the Agent Gold Image
version to the Restricted maturity level:
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli promote_gold_agent_image -
version_name="gold_image_version_name" -maturity="Current/Restricted/
The -version_name parameter defines the Agent Gold Image version that you
want to promote.
Chapter 6
Subscribing Management Agents to an Agent Gold Image
You cannot directly subscribe a Shared Agent (NFS Agent) to an Agent
Gold Image. To subscribe to an Agent Gold Image, you must first
convert the Shared Agent to a standalone Management Agent, and then
subscribe to an Agent Gold Image.
To subscribe a set of related Management Agents to an Agent Gold
Image, it is mandatory to subscribe all the related Agents. However, to
subscribe only a selected few Agents to the Agent Gold Image, set the
parameter ignoreRelatedCheck to true in the EM_GI_MASTER_INFO table.
Do not create Agent Gold Image from a node of a Cluster environment
that is not subscribed. As the targets are shared, the related nodes
cannot be updated. To update the related notes, set the parameter
ignoreRelatedCheck to true in the EM_GI_MASTER_INFO table.
Chapter 6
Subscribing Management Agents to an Agent Gold Image
You cannot install, update, or upgrade a Shared Agent (NFS Agent) using an
Agent Gold Image.
You cannot subscribe the following Management Agents to an Agent Gold
• Central Agent.
• Already subscribed Management Agents.
• Shared Agents (NFS Agents).
• Unsecure Management Agents.
• Management Agents on platforms that are different from the platforms on
which the Agent Gold Image is available.
The platform is identified by the Oracle home collection, so make sure
the Oracle home target is discovered and collected. To do so, On the
Home page of the Management Agent, in the Summary section, click
Oracle Home and Patch Details, and on the following page, click
Refresh Configuration.
To subscribe a set of Management Agents to an Agent Gold Image, follow these steps:
1. From the Setup menu, select Manage Cloud Control, then select Gold Agent
2. Click the name of the required Agent Gold Image.
3. Click Manage Image Versions and Subscriptions.
4. Select the Subscriptions tab. Click Subscribe.
5. Search for and select the required Management Agents, then click Select.
Chapter 6
Subscribing Management Agents to an Agent Gold Image
You cannot subscribe the following Management Agents to an Agent Gold
• Central Agent.
• Already subscribed Management Agents.
• Shared Agents (NFS Agents).
• Unsecure Management Agents.
• Management Agents on platforms that are different from the platforms on
which the Agent Gold Image is available.
The platform is identified by the Oracle home collection, so make sure
the Oracle home target is discovered and collected. To do so, On the
Home page of the Management Agent, in the Summary section, click
Oracle Home and Patch Details, and on the following page, click
Refresh Configuration.
1. Log in to EM CLI from the /bin directory present within the Oracle home of the
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli login -username=<user_name>
Once you run this command, EM CLI will prompt you for a password. Enter the
password for the user name you specified.
2. Synchronize EM CLI:
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli sync
3. Run the subscribe_agents verb to subscribe the specified Management Agent to
a specific Agent Gold Image:
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli subscribe_agents
-image_name="Image Name"
• The following example subscribes the Management Agents that match the
name pattern abc% or xyz.example.com:1243 to the Agent Gold Image
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli subscribe_agents -image_name="OPC_AGT_ADC_POD" -
Chapter 6
Updating Standalone Management Agents Using an Agent Gold Image Version
• The following example subscribes all the Management Agents to the Agent
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli subscribe_agents -image_name="OPC_AGT_ADC_POD"
• The following example subscribes all the Management Agents that belong to
the group GROUP1 or GRP2 to the Agent Gold Image OPC_AGT_ADC_POD:
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli subscribe_agents -image_name="OPC_AGT_ADC_POD" -
Before updating standalone Management Agents using an Agent Gold
Image, ensure that the standalone Management Agents subscribe to the
gold image. For information on how to subscribe standalone Management
Agents to an Agent Gold Image, see Subscribing Management Agents to an
Agent Gold Image.
You cannot update a central agent with an Agent Gold Image. A central
agent is a Management Agent that is installed by default with every OMS
You cannot install, update, or upgrade a Shared Agent (NFS Agent) using
an Agent Gold Image. For information about Shared Agents, see Oracle
Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration
To view a visual demonstration of how you update Oracle Management
Agents using Agent Gold Images, access the following URL and click Begin
To update your standalone Management Agents using an Agent Gold Image version,
use either of the following methods:
• Updating Standalone Management Agents Using an Agent Gold Image Version
• Updating Management Agents Using Agent Gold Image Version Using EM CLI
Chapter 6
Updating Standalone Management Agents Using an Agent Gold Image Version
Before updating a standalone Management Agent using an Agent Gold
Image version, meet the hardware requirements as described in the
hardware requirements chapter of the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud
Control Basic Installation Guide.
When you have to update a set of related Management Agents to an Agent
Gold Image, it is mandatory to update all the related agents. However, there
is an option to override this in case if you want to update only a selected
few Agents to the Agent Gold Image. To achieve this, you have to set the
parameter closureRelated to false in the EM_GI_MASTER_INFO table.
1. From the Setup menu, select Manage Cloud Control, then select Gold Agent
2. Click the name of the required Agent Gold Image.
3. Click Manage Image Versions and Subscriptions.
4. Select the Subscriptions tab. Select the Management Agents that you want
to update, select Update, then select To Current Version, or To Restricted
5. Accept the default job name for the Management Agent update job. You can
change this, if required.
If you have not included certain Management Agents in the previous step and
want to include them in the update operation now, select Add, then specify the
additional Management Agents.
If there is any change to the sbin directory, particularly for a complete agent
upgrade or when there is an sbin-specific patch, after updating the Management
Agent, the preferred privileged credentials of the Management Agent host are
used for running the root.sh script on the Management Agent.
If these credentials are not already set, then click Override Preferred Credentials
and enter the credentials you want to use instead.
Click Next.
6. By default, Image Version Pre Staged is not selected, in this case provide a
stage location that is local to the destination host. However, if you select the
Chapter 6
Updating Standalone Management Agents Using an Agent Gold Image Version
Image version Pre Staged, provide a shared, NFS-mounted stage location that is
accessible by all the Management Agents.
Also, specify a method for Management Agent deployment. If you select the
default option Push, the OMS transfers the Management Agent software to all
the hosts that are selected for the update operation. However, if you want the
Management Agent present on each destination host to retrieve the Management
Agent software from the OMS instead, select Pull.
7. In the Additional Inputs section, specify any scripts that you want to run before
the update operation and after the update operation. Ensure that you select Script
on OMS Host if the script exists on the OMS host. Also, specify any additional
parameters that you want to use for the update operation. Table 6-2 gives a list of
additional parameters used for upgrade.
8. In the Schedule section, specify values for the following:
• Batch Size: A Management Agent update activity runs in a way that the
Management Agents are updated in batches. The batch size represents the
number of Management Agents present in a batch.
• Job Frequency: The time (in minutes) after which the application checks
whether the current batch is complete or not.
• Success Rate: The percentage of the total number of Management Agents
(that is, the Management Agents that are a part of the current update batch
and the Management Agents that were a part of the previous update batches)
that must have been updated once a batch is complete, before the next batch
is allowed to begin.
For example, if there are 1000 Agents deployed in your enterprise and the
batch size is set to 100, the batch success rate is set to 90, and the Agents
are updated in batches of 100. In this case, once a batch is complete, the
application moves to the next batch only if 90 per cent of the total number of
Management Agents are updated successfully.
• Start: The time when you want to start the update operation, and the time
when you want the update operation to end. By default, the time set is
Immediately. In this context, it is the OMS time that is considered.
• Duration: The duration until which you want the update operation to run.
9. In the Notify section, specify the email addresses to which you want the
notifications about the update job progress to be sent.
10. In the Shell Profile section, select Update Shell Profile, and specify the location
of your shell profile, if you want your shell profile to be updated with the new
Management Agent Oracle home location.
By default, this is not selected, and is optional.
11. In the Cleanup options section, select:
• Pre-Cleanup to clean up the old or inactive agent homes prior to updating the
Management Agents.
• Post-Cleanup to clean up the old or inactive agent homes after updating the
Management Agents.
Chapter 6
Updating Standalone Management Agents Using an Agent Gold Image Version
If the cleanup operation is not performed at this point, it can
be done at a later time using the Agent Upgrade Console. For
more information, see Performing Postupgrade Cleanup of Old
Management Agents.
Before updating a standalone Management Agent using an Agent Gold
Image version, meet the hardware requirements as described in the
hardware requirements chapter of the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud
Control Basic Installation Guide.
1. Log in to EM CLI from the /bin directory present within the Oracle home of the
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli login -username=<user_name>
Once you run this command, EM CLI will prompt you for a password. Enter the
password for the user name you specified.
2. Synchronize EM CLI:
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli sync
Chapter 6
Updating Standalone Management Agents Using an Agent Gold Image Version
3. Run the get_updatable_agents verb to display the Management Agents that can
be updated using a particular Agent Gold Image version or Agent Gold Image:
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli get_updatable_agents
-version_name | -image_name
[-agents="Full Agent Name"]
[-versions="List of Versions"]
[-groups="List of group names"]
[-output_file="Location of the output file"]
It is mandatory to specify the -version_name parameter or the -
image_name parameter. If you specify both, a union of the outputs (when
each of these parameters is specified individually) is displayed.
To view a list of Management Agents that cannot be updated, run the
get_not_updatable_agents verb:
emcli get_not_updatable_agents
[-version_name | -image_name]
Table 6-5 lists and describes the supporting parameters for displaying the
Management Agents that can be updated using a particular Management Agent
image version.
Parameter Description
-version_name Specify this option to display the Management
Agents that can be updated using the specified
Agent Gold Image version.
-image_name Specify this option to display the Management
Agents that can be updated using the specified
Agent Gold Image.
-versions Specify this option to display the Management
Agents that can be updated, and are of the
specified versions.
Chapter 6
Updating Standalone Management Agents Using an Agent Gold Image Version
Parameter Description
-agents Specify this option to display the Management
Agents that can be updated, and whose name
matches the specified name pattern.
-groups Specify this option to display the Management
Agents that can be updated, and are a part
of those groups whose name matches the
specified name pattern.
-output_file Specify this option to add the displayed list of
Management Agents that can be updated to an
output file.
• The following example lists the Management Agents that can be updated
using the latest Agent Gold Image OPC_AGT_ADC_POD:
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli get_updatable_agents -
• The following example lists the Management Agents that can be updated
using the Agent Gold Image version OPC_AGT_ADC_POD_JUNE:
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli get_updatable_agents -
• The following example lists the Management Agents that are of version,,,, or and can be updated
using the Agent Gold Image version OPC_AGT_ADC_POD_JUNE:
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli get_updatable_agents -
version_name="OPC_AGT_ADC_POD_JUNE" -versions=",,,,"
• The following example lists the Management Agents that belong to GROUP1
or GRP2, and can be updated using the Agent Gold Image version
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli get_updatable_agents -
version_name="OPC_AGT_ADC_POD_JUNE" -groups="GROUP1,GRP2"
• The following example lists the Management Agents that can updated using
the Agent Gold Image OPC_AGT_ADC_POD_JUNE, and adds the list to the
output file /scratch/agents_file.txt:
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli get_updatable_agents -
image_name="OPC_AGT_ADC_POD_JUNE" -output_file="/scratch/agents_file.txt"
4. Run the update_agents verbs to prepare the environment for updating your
Management Agents and to submit the Management Agent update job:
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli update_agents
-version_name | -image_name
-agents="agent_names" | -
Chapter 6
Updating Standalone Management Agents Using an Agent Gold Image Version
It is mandatory to specify the -version_name parameter or the -
image_name parameter. Also, it is mandatory to specify the -agents
parameter or the -input_file parameter. If you specify both -agents
and -input_file, a union of the outputs (when each of these
parameters is specified individually) is displayed.
All parameters can be passed in a response file, using the
-input_file parameter. For example, -input_file="response_file:/
In the response file, each parameter must be specified on a new line,
and in name value pairs. For example, op_name=UPDATE_AGT_121020
If the same parameter is passed both on the command line and in
the response file, the value of the command line parameter is given
Table 6-6 lists and describes the supporting parameters for updating Management
Agents using an Agent Gold Image version.
Parameter Description
-version_name Agent Gold Image version to which the
Management Agents should be updated.
-image_name Agent Gold Image to which the Management
Agents should be updated.
-agents Names of all the Management Agents that
should be updated.
-input_file Absolute path to the file that lists the
Management Agents to be updated.
Chapter 6
Updating Standalone Management Agents Using an Agent Gold Image Version
Parameter Description
-pre_script_loc Absolute path to a script that should be run
before updating the Management Agents.
-pre_script_on_oms Indicates that the pre-script is present on the
OMS host.
-post_script_loc Absolute path to a script that should be run
after updating the Management Agents.
-post_script_on_oms Indicates that the post-script is present on the
OMS host.
-op_name Custom operation name for the Management
Agent update.
-override_credential Overrides the preferred credentials with
different named credentials. Typically, the
preferred credentials of the Oracle home of
the Management Agent are used to run
root.sh on certain Management Agents after
the update. But passing this option overrides
those preferred credentials.
-additional_parameters Additional parameters to be passed for the
Management Agent update.
-stage_location Custom stage location for the Management
Agent update. Minimum free space required is
1 GB if image is not already staged. Ensure
that this location is accessible from all the
Management Agents being updated if image is
-is_staged Set to 'true' if you have already staged the
Agent Gold Image.
-stage_action Set to 'pull' if you want the Management
Agents to be updated to pull the Agent Gold
Image. Typically, If the Agent Gold Image has
not already been staged, by default the Agent
Gold Image is pushed to the Management
Agents to be updated. Setting to 'pull' pulls the
Agent Gold Image instead.
-batch_size Number of Management Agents present in an
update batch. Default value is 100.
-start_time Start time for the update job. Specify in \" yyyy-
mm-dd hh:mm:ss\" format.
-end_time End time for the update job. Specify in \" yyyy-
mm-dd hh:mm:ss\" format.
-frequency Time (in minutes) after which the application
should check whether or not the current batch
is complete, and should schedule the next
batch for update. Default value is.
Chapter 6
Updating Standalone Management Agents Using an Agent Gold Image Version
Parameter Description
-success_rate Percentage of the total number of
Management Agents that must have been
successfully updated in previous batches,
before the next batch is allowed to begin.
Default value is 90.
-runPrecleanup Cleans up the old agent homes before
updating the Management Agents.
-runPostcleanup Cleans up the old agent homes after updating
the Management Agents.
-email Email IDs separated by a comma (,) to which
notifications should be sent once the batch
-update_profile Indicates that a profile is set with agent Oracle
-profile_path Absolute path to user profiles separated by
a comma (,) if the update profile option is
• The following example updates xyz.example.com:1243 using the latest Agent
Gold Image in the series OPC_AGT_ADC_POD:
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli update_agents -
gold_image_series="OPC_AGT_ADC_POD" -agents="xyz.example.com:1243"
• The following example updates xyz.example.com:1243 using the Agent Gold
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli update_agents -
gold_image_name="OPC_AGT_ADC_POD_JUNE" -agents="xyz.example.com:1243"
• The following example updates all the Management Agents present in
the input file /scratch/agents_file.txt using the Agent Gold Image
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli update_agents -
gold_image_name="OPC_AGT_ADC_POD_JUNE" -input_file="agents_file:/scratch/
• The following example runs /scratch/pre_script, then
updates xyz.example.com:1243 using the Agent Gold Image
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli update_agents -
gold_image_name="OPC_AGT_ADC_POD_JUNE" -agents="xyz.example.com:1243" -
• The following example updates xyz.example.com:1243 using the Agent Gold
Image OPC_AGT_ADC_POD_JUNE, then runs /scratch/post_script:
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli update_agents -
gold_image_name="OPC_AGT_ADC_POD_JUNE" -agents="xyz.example.com:1243" -
Chapter 6
Updating Standalone Management Agents Using an Agent Gold Image Version
The next batch gets scheduled only if 80% of the Management
Agents are successfully updated in the previous batches.
Chapter 6
Updating Standalone Management Agents Using an Agent Gold Image Version
It is mandatory to specify the -op_name parameter or the -version_name
parameter. If you have specified -severity or -severity_id, ensure
that you do not specify -version_name or -status.
Table 6-7 lists and describes the supporting parameters for displaying the update
status of the Management Agent.
Parameter Description
-version_name Displays the details of the update operation
submitted for the specified Agent Gold Image
version name.
-op_name Displays the details of the specified update
-agent Displays the details of the operations
submitted for Management Agents that have
the specified name pattern.
-status Displays the details of the update operations
that have the specified status.
-severity Displays the details of the update operations
that have the specified severity level.
-severity_id Displays the details of the update operations
that have the specified severity ID
Chapter 6
Updating Standalone Management Agents Using an Agent Gold Image Version
• The following example displays the details of the update operations submitted
for the Agent Gold Image version OPC_AGT_ADC_POD_JUNE:
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli get_agent_update_status -
• The following example displays the details of the update operations submitted
for the Agent Gold Image OPC_AGT_ADC_POD_JUNE, for the Management
Agent xyz.example.com:1243:
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli get_agent_update_status -
version_name="OPC_AGT_ADC_POD_JUNE" -agent="xyz.example.com:1243"
• The following example displays the details of the update operations submitted
for the Agent Gold Image OPC_AGT_ADC_POD_JUNE, for the Management
Agent xyz.example.com:1243, that have their status as Failed:
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli get_agent_update_status -
version_name="OPC_AGT_ADC_POD_JUNE" -agent="xyz.example.com:1243" -
• The following example displays the details of the update operation
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli get_agent_update_status -op_name="UPDATE_JOB123"
• The following example displays the details of the update operation
UPDATE_JOB123, for the Management Agent xyz.example.com:1243:
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli get_agent_update_status -op_name="UPDATE_JOB123"
• The following example displays the details of the update operation
UPDATE_JOB123, for Management Agents having the status Failed:
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli get_agent_update_status -op_name="UPDATE_JOB123"
• The following example displays the details of the update operation
UPDATE_JOB123 for the Management Agent xyz.example.com:1243, having
the status Failed:
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli get_agent_update_status -op_name="UPDATE_JOB123"
-status="Failed" -agent="xyz.example.com:1243"
• The following example displays the Management Agents of the update
operation UPDATE_JOB123, for which severity is ERROR:
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli get_agent_update_status -
op_name="UPDATE_JOB123" -severity="ERROR"
• The following example displays the Management Agents of the update
operation UPDATE_JOB123, for which severity is WARNING, and severity ID is
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli get_agent_update_status -
op_name="UPDATE_JOB123" -severity="WARNING" -severity_id="ROOT_RUN_CHECK"
• The following example displays the Management Agents of the update
operation UPDATE_JOB123, for which severity ID is ROOT_RUN_CHECK:
<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emcli get_agent_update_status -
op_name="UPDATE_JOB123" -severity_id="ROOT_RUN_CHECK"
Chapter 6
Upgrading Hybrid Cloud Gateway Agents and Hybrid Cloud Agents
Upgrading or Redeploying JVMD Agents
While upgrading Enterprise Manager, all the JVM Diagnostics (JVMD) Engines are
stopped as a part of the preupgrade process. Once Enterprise Manager is successfully
upgraded to 13c Release 4, the JVMD Engines that were part of your enterprise
before the upgrade must be re-created.
If you are upgrading to Enterprise Manager 13c Release 4 from an earlier release, you
will need to re-install the JVMD Agents with the latest agent version (13.4 or greater).
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
• Upgrading or Redeploying JVMD Agents
• Verifying JVMD Agent Upgrade or Redeployment
For information about deploying JVMD Agents with basic and advanced
options, see the following guides:
• Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide
• Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and
Configuration Guide
Certain enterprise management tasks (such as configuring a custom
certificate for OMS Oracle HTTP Server uploads, configuring a load balancer
for multiple OMSes, etc.) introduce changes in the OMS configuration. These
tasks may require you to re-secure the deployed Management Agents. If you
re-secure the Management Agents deployed in your enterprise, ensure that
you redeploy the deployed JVMD Agents, as described in this section.
You can upgrade or redeploy JVMD Agents using the following methods:
Chapter 7
Upgrading or Redeploying JVMD Agents
• Upgrading or Redeploying JVMD Agents Using the Engines And Agents Page
• Upgrading or Redeploying JVMD Agents using EMCLI
• Upgrading or Redeploying JVMD Agents Manually Using the WebLogic
Administration Console
You can upgrade a JVMD Agent deployed on a particular Managed Server
only if the available JVMD Agent binaries are of a different version than the
deployed JVMD Agent version.
Alternatively, to reach this point, you can click the upgrade icon displayed
beside JVMD Agents Count, on the Setup page. Note that this icon is
displayed only if a software version different from the current version of
the JVMD Agent software is available.
If you select Expand All from the View menu, you can view the target name,
target type, target host, target status, and so on of all the Managed Servers on
which JVMD Agents are deployed.
Select the JVMD Agents you want to upgrade or redeploy. Click Next.
4. On the Target Credentials page, for each WebLogic domain, specify a value
for Oracle EMAgent Target Host Credentials and Oracle WebLogic Domain
Credentials (corresponding to the Admin server target), and then click Apply.
In case host and domain preferred credentials are already set for the
Admin server target, they are automatically applied to the domain, and it
is not required to click Apply.
Chapter 7
Upgrading or Redeploying JVMD Agents
Oracle EMAgent Target Host Credentials are the login credentials for the host
on which the Management Agent, that is used to discover the WebLogic
domain's Admin Server, is running. Oracle WebLogic Domain Credentials are the
credentials for the Administration Server of the selected WebLogic domain.
To set the preferred credentials for a WebLogic domain's Admin server (that is,
the preferred EMAgent target host credentials and the preferred Oracle WebLogic
Domain credentials), from the Setup menu, select Security, then select Preferred
Credentials. Select the Oracle Admin Server target type, then click Manage
Preferred Credentials. In the Target Preferred Credentials section, set the
preferred host credentials and the preferred WebLogic administrator credentials
for the required WebLogic Admin server.
Click Next.
5. On the JVMD Agents Configurations page (in the JVMD Agent Configuration
section), do the following:
If you want to upgrade or redeploy JVMD Agents on Oracle Cloud targets, select
Configure Hybrid Cloud Mode, and specify the Hybrid Cloud Proxy Host
and Hybrid Cloud Proxy Port that is configured in Oracle Cloud. When you
select Configure Hybrid Cloud Mode, the value for Available JVMD Engine is
automatically set to Other, as the JVMD Agent connects to the proxy host, which
in turn connects to the JVMD Engine.
If the Hybrid Cloud version has been upgraded to Enterprise Manager
13c, the Hybrid Cloud Proxy and the Hybrid Cloud Gateway used in the
SSH tunnel between the target domain running in Oracle Cloud and the
JVM Diagnostics Engine must also be upgraded to 13c.
If you have not selected Configure Hybrid Cloud Mode, then for each WebLogic
domain, a default JVMD Engine is selected for each domain. If necessary, to
change the Engine selected for a domain, select a new Engine from list of
Available JVMD Engine(s) and click Apply. All the JVMD Agents deployed on
Managed Servers of the selected WebLogic domain will report to this JVMD
Engine. Alternatively, you can select Other to connect to a load balancer in
case of multiple engines and manually specify the engine host, port, and protocol
In Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c, you can deploy multiple JVMD Agents
that connect to JVMD Engines using HTTP or HTTPS. Hence, both the HTTP and
HTTPS URLs for a JVMD Engine are displayed in the Available JVMD Engines
list. However, if you have configured a load balancer in your setup, JVMD Agents
can connect to the load balancer using HTTP or HTTPS, but cannot connect
to the individual JVMD Engines using HTTPS. Hence, if you have configured
a load balancer for your setup, only the HTTP and HTTPS URLs for the load
balancer, and the HTTP URLs for the individual JVMD Engines are displayed in
the Available JVMD Engines list.
If the WebLogic Home and Middleware Home fields are displayed in this section,
specify values for them. The WebLogic Home and Middleware Home fields are
displayed if their values could not be obtained internally.
Also, if the WebLogic Administration Server is behind a firewall or on a virtual host,
the application may not be able to connect to it using the default information. In
Chapter 7
Upgrading or Redeploying JVMD Agents
this case, you may need to provide additional information in the Advanced Domain
Configuration section. For example, if the WebLogic Administration Server is on a
virtual host, and the application cannot connect to it using the default host value,
you must provide the virtual host IP address for Administration server host.
Under Advanced Domain Configuration, you can specify Client java args and
Lab Directory args that would be used in the java processes used to deploy JVMD
Client Java arguments: Java arguments to be used while connecting to Target
domain's Admin server.
Lib Directory: Default directory path where Jvmd agent libraries will be copied
during the deployment process. You should make sure the directory path you
mentioned is already created.
Monitoring Enabled: To deploy an agent in monitoring disabled mode, uncheck
the checkbox. You can enable/disable the monitoring using Configure JVM
Target button on JVM Target home page.
For example, in Client Java arguments field some of the java args that may be
required are:
• Dweblogic.security.SSL.enableJSSE=true
• Dweblogic.security.SSL.protocolVersion=TLS1
• Dweblogic.security.SSL.trustedCAKeyStore=<path to cacert>
Click Next.
6. On the Review page, review all the information, then click Upgrade.
When you click Upgrade, the Diagnostic Agents Deployment Status page
appears, which you can use to monitor the progress of the submitted job.
If you encounter any errors during the upgrade or redeployment, see Oracle
Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation Guide
Chapter 7
Verifying JVMD Agent Upgrade or Redeployment
For more information, see Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Command Line Interface
Postupgrade Tasks After Upgrading to
Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c
Release 4
This chapter describes the postinstallation tasks you must perform. In particular, this
part covers the following:
• Redoing the Custom Configurations
• Reconfiguring Oracle WebLogic Server with Custom Certificates
• Restarting the Management Agent After Upgrading an Additional OMS
• Tracking the Status of Deferred Data Migration Jobs
• Upgrading Oracle Exalogic System Targets
• (Optional) Deleting the Old OMS Home
• Deleting Unwanted Central Agents of 10g or 11g Release
• Migrating the SYSMAN Schema to a Database Configured with CDB and PDB
• Managing JVM Targets That Continue to Be Associated with the Old OMS
• Enabling Upgrade of Job Types That Were Skipped Before the Upgrade of the
Enterprise Manager System
• Configuring OMR Database in TLSv1.2
• Re-configuring External Authentication Providers Configured with OEM
• Reset Optimizer Adaptive Features for Oracle Database 12.2, 18.x or 19.x
• Reconfiguring Oracle HTTP Server Webgate
• (Optional) Configuring Oracle Enterprise Manager App for Grafana
Chapter 8
Reconfiguring Oracle WebLogic Server with Custom Certificates
This section is applicable only for Oracle WebLogic Server custom
certificates, and not applicable for Enterprise Manager Console certificates.
The Enterprise Manager Console certificates are automatically copied over
during upgrade.
If custom certificates were configured for Oracle WebLogic Servers (admin server
as well as managed servers), then after upgrading to 13c Release 4, the custom
certificates are not carried over. Instead, the Oracle WebLogic Servers are configured
with Demo Certificates. Therefore, after upgrading, make sure you reconfigure the
Oracle WebLogic Servers with custom certificates. To do so, follow these steps:
1. Run the following command on all the OMS instances. For information on the
command and the options you can pass, see the Oracle Enterprise Manager
Cloud Control Security Guide.
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl secure wls <options>
2. Stop all the OMS instances:
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl stop oms -all
3. Start all the OMS instances:
$<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl start oms
Chapter 8
Tracking the Status of Deferred Data Migration Jobs
Canceling or stopping of a running DDMP job is not recommended.
Do not shut down or restart the OMS or the Management Repository while
DDMP jobs are running.
Chapter 8
Upgrading Oracle Exalogic System Targets
Chapter 8
(Optional) Deleting the Old OMS Home
Chapter 8
Migrating the SYSMAN Schema to a Database Configured with CDB and PDB
$/u01/software/oracle/middleware/bin/emcli delete_target -
name=example.com:4567 -type=oracle_emd -delete_monitored_targets
3. Deleting the central agents also deletes the targets monitored by them. However,
if you want to continue to monitor those targets, then install a new Management
Agent of 13c release on the host and discover the targets all over again.
Chapter 8
Managing JVM Targets That Continue to Be Associated with the Old OMS
You can choose to either retain it for viewing historical data or delete it. To delete it,
right-click the orphaned JVM target, and select Remove Target.
In addition, as the SYSMAN user, create a SQLPlus session against the Oracle
Management Repository and run the following:
Do not include the job types PropagateTarget and ExecLoaderCallbacks to
the list.
Chapter 8
Configuring OMR Database in TLSv1.2
Chapter 8
Reconfiguring Oracle HTTP Server Webgate
Part III
This part contains the following appendixes:
• Editing the Response File for Upgrading Oracle Management Service and Oracle
Management Repository in Silent Mode
• Updating Server Load Balancer Configuration Settings
• Moving the Central Agent Base Directory Outside Oracle Middleware Home
• Deleting the Old OMS Home
Editing the Response File for Upgrading
Oracle Management Service and Oracle
Management Repository in Silent Mode
This appendix describes the following:
• Parameters to Edit in the upgrade.rsp File for Upgrading Oracle Management
Service and Oracle Management Repository in Silent Mode
Table A-1 Editing the Parameters of the upgrade.rsp File for Upgrading the OMS and
Management Repository in Silent Mode
Appendix A
Parameters to Edit in the upgrade.rsp File for Upgrading Oracle Management Service and Oracle Management Repository in
Silent Mode
Table A-1 (Cont.) Editing the Parameters of the upgrade.rsp File for Upgrading the OMS and
Management Repository in Silent Mode
Appendix A
Parameters to Edit in the upgrade.rsp File for Upgrading Oracle Management Service and Oracle Management Repository in
Silent Mode
Table A-1 (Cont.) Editing the Parameters of the upgrade.rsp File for Upgrading the OMS and
Management Repository in Silent Mode
Appendix A
Parameters to Edit in the upgrade.rsp File for Upgrading Oracle Management Service and Oracle Management Repository in
Silent Mode
Table A-1 (Cont.) Editing the Parameters of the upgrade.rsp File for Upgrading the OMS and
Management Repository in Silent Mode
Appendix A
Parameters to Edit in the upgrade.rsp File for Upgrading Oracle Management Service and Oracle Management Repository in
Silent Mode
Table A-1 (Cont.) Editing the Parameters of the upgrade.rsp File for Upgrading the OMS and
Management Repository in Silent Mode
Appendix A
Parameters to Edit in the upgrade.rsp File for Upgrading Oracle Management Service and Oracle Management Repository in
Silent Mode
Table A-1 (Cont.) Editing the Parameters of the upgrade.rsp File for Upgrading the OMS and
Management Repository in Silent Mode
Appendix A
Parameters to Edit in the upgrade.rsp File for Upgrading Oracle Management Service and Oracle Management Repository in
Silent Mode
Table A-1 (Cont.) Editing the Parameters of the upgrade.rsp File for Upgrading the OMS and
Management Repository in Silent Mode
Appendix A
Parameters to Edit in the upgrade.rsp File for Upgrading Oracle Management Service and Oracle Management Repository in
Silent Mode
Table A-1 (Cont.) Editing the Parameters of the upgrade.rsp File for Upgrading the OMS and
Management Repository in Silent Mode
If you are
from an
version of
Cloud Control
to version, and
in the earlier
version you
plug-ins, then
these plug-
ins will get
removed in
Cloud Control
Appendix A
Parameters to Edit in the upgrade.rsp File for Upgrading Oracle Management Service and Oracle Management Repository in
Silent Mode
Table A-1 (Cont.) Editing the Parameters of the upgrade.rsp File for Upgrading the OMS and
Management Repository in Silent Mode
you must
make sure
that you
download the
Manager Self
Update and
pass it to the
Appendix A
Parameters to Edit in the upgrade.rsp File for Upgrading Oracle Management Service and Oracle Management Repository in
Silent Mode
Table A-1 (Cont.) Editing the Parameters of the upgrade.rsp File for Upgrading the OMS and
Management Repository in Silent Mode
Appendix A
Parameters to Edit in the upgrade.rsp File for Upgrading Oracle Management Service and Oracle Management Repository in
Silent Mode
Table A-1 (Cont.) Editing the Parameters of the upgrade.rsp File for Upgrading the OMS and
Management Repository in Silent Mode
Updating Server Load Balancer
Configuration Settings
For information on updating Server Load Balancer Configuration settings refer
Configuring Multiple Management Services Behind a Server Load Balancer(SLB)
section of the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and
Configuration Guide
Moving the Central Agent Base Directory
Outside Oracle Middleware Home
This appendix describes the following:
• Overview of Moving the Central Agent Base Directory Outside Oracle Middleware
• Moving the Central Agent Base Directory Outside Oracle Middleware Home
Appendix C
Moving the Central Agent Base Directory Outside Oracle Middleware Home
If a central agent was upgraded to (from or (from
or, and you want to move the agent base directory of the central agent
outside the Oracle Middleware home, then follow the instructions outlined in the My
Oracle Support note 1520010.1.
If you want to move the agent base directory of a or central agent
(which was initially of version, then upgraded to,, and
then again upgraded to or, respectively) to a location outside the
middleware home, follow these steps:
Moving the agent base directory is recommended only for central agents
(on all platforms, including Microsoft Windows), and not recommended for
standalone Management Agents.
Here, <AGENT_HOME> represents the current central agent Oracle home, and
<AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME> represents the current central agent instance home.
2. Run the following script:
<AGENT_HOME>/perl/bin/perl <AGENT_HOME>/sysman/install/AgentMigrate.pl -
Deleting the Old OMS Home
Central agent is the Oracle Management Agent (Management Agent) that is deployed
by default with the first Oracle Management Service (OMS). In Enterprise Manager
Cloud Control 12c Release 1 ( and 12c Release 2 (, by default
the agent base directory of the central agent was maintained inside the Oracle
Middleware Home (middleware home). However, in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control
12c Release 3 ( or higher, Oracle strongly recommended that you maintain
the agent base directory outside the middleware home, although you could choose
to maintain it inside the middleware home. While upgrading from 12c Release 1
( or 12c Release 2 ( to 12c Release 3 ( or higher, you had
the option of migrating the agent base directory to a location outside the middleware
as described in Moving the Central Agent Base Directory Outside Oracle Middleware
Home. If you had already migrated the central agent, then you can directly remove the
old OMS home. Otherwise, you must first migrate the central agent and then remove
the old OMS home.
This appendix describes how you can remove the old OMS home under both these
circumstances. In particular, it covers the following:
• Deleting the Old OMS Home When the Central Agent Is Still Present in the Old
Middleware Home
• Deleting the Old OMS Home When the Central Agent Is Migrated to a Location
Outside the Old Middleware Home
Deleting the Old OMS Home When the Central Agent Is Still
Present in the Old Middleware Home
If you have not already migrated the central agent to a location outside the old
middleware home, then you must first migrate the central agent and then remove the
old OMS, or in other words the old middleware home. To do so, follow these steps:
1. Migrate the central agent to a location outside the old middleware home.
a. Create a list of plug-ins.
<AGENT_HOME>/perl/bin/perl <AGENT_HOME>/sysman/install/
create_plugin_list.pl -instancehome <AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME>
Here, <AGENT_HOME> represents the current central agent Oracle home, and
<AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME> represents the current central agent instance home.
b. Convert the central agent to a standalone agent.
<AGENT_HOME>/perl/bin/perl <AGENT_HOME>/sysman/install/
AgentMigrate.pl -instanceHome <AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME> -
Here, <AGENT_HOME> represents the current central agent Oracle home,
<AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME> represents the new central agent instance home, and
Appendix D
Deleting the Old OMS Home When the Central Agent Is Migrated to a Location Outside the Old Middleware Home
After migrating the central agent, you must deinstall the central agent.
For information on how to deinstall the central agent, refer Deinstalling
Oracle Management Agents.
2. Remove the old OMS home, or in other words the old middleware home.
If your old OMS home version is 13c release 1, then ignore steps a, b
and follow only steps c, d.
During the process of detaching the home (step a and b), you may
receive a message "The Oracle home '<oracle home>' could not be
updated as it does not exist." You can ignore this message.
Appendix D
Deleting the Old OMS Home When the Central Agent Is Migrated to a Location Outside the Old Middleware Home
To deinstall the central agent, refer Deinstalling Oracle Management Agents.
If your old OMS home version is 13c release 1, then ignore steps 1, 2, and
follow only steps 3, 4.
During the process of detaching the home (step 1, 2), you may receive a
message "The Oracle home '<oracle home>' could not be updated as it
does not exist." You can ignore this message.
additional OMS, 5-13, 5-14 GUI Mode, 5-14
Alias Hostnames, 5-41
allroot.sh script, 4-20, 5-23
B Installer, 5-14
binaries, 5-41
C lock files, 5-24
cleanup, 5-26
connectors, 1-10
critical data migration, 8-3 migration activity, 8-3
data format migration, 8-3 OMS1 Agent, 5-26
Database Connection Details, 5-16 Oracle Management Service
database upgrade, 1-5 stopping OMS instances, 4-11, 4-33, 4-54,
deferred data migration jobs 5-17
deferred data migration, 8-3 Oracle Software Library, 1-10
overview, 8-3 ORACLE_COMMON property, 1-5
tracking, 8-4 out-of-place upgrade, 1-4
Demonstration Keystore, 5-41
ports, 4-17, 4-39, 4-59, 5-21
emkey, 3-8 customizing, 4-17, 4-39, 4-59, 5-21
Enterprise Manager Cloud Control reusing existing ports, 1-7
installation wizard, 1-12
supported platforms for upgrade, 1-4
supported upgrade paths, 1-2 S
upgrade scope, 1-4 server load balancer
Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Installation updating configuration, B-1
Wizard, 1-12 standby OMS, 5-11
supported upgrade paths, 1-2
firewall settings, 1-7 U
Upgrade Agents page
Agent Upgrade Results, 1-12
upgrade scope, 1-4