Chemmatters April2007 Paintball
Chemmatters April2007 Paintball
Chemmatters April2007 Paintball
Ch e
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H its
I t s Ma r k
(PEG) would be an excellent substance for the liquid inside of a paintball. O
Polyethylene glycol is a tasteless, colorless, and nearly odorless δ+ δ+ δ+ δ+
compound that dissolves in water but has no effect on the gelatin shell. H H
PEG is very viscous, meaning it Lewis diagram Space-filling diagram
flows slowly. Its thick syrupy con- Lewis Diagram Space-filling diagram
sistency makes it perfect for use Two representations of water, showing regions of partial charges.
in paintballs; they have a consis-
tency somewhat like blood when n
they break open. polyethylene glycol, PEG Are all molecules with polar bonds polar?
The answer is no; in some cases, the polarity of the bonds is effec-
That’s swell
tively cancelled. Consider a CO2 molecule. Oxygen is more elec-
If a paintball is dropped into a beaker of water, it will expand to an tronegative than carbon, so the covalent bond between the two
impressive size. Through osmosis, water will pass through the gelatin atoms is polar. This is called a polar covalent bond; the O-H bond in
membrane and hydrogen bond with the polyethylene glycol within. a water molecule is also polar covalent. The polar nature of this bond
Since the concentration of water is much greater outside of the paintball is indicated by the arrow ( ) in the figure below. But the linear
than inside, water will diffuse inward in an attempt to equalize the con- nature of the CO2 molecule dictates that, overall, the molecule is non-
centration of water. Water will continue to travel through the gelatin polar. That’s because while one oxygen atom is drawing bonding
membrane until the concen- electrons toward itself, the oxygen atom on the other side of the mol-
Membrane tration of water inside the ecule is doing the same thing; the net effect is that they cancel each
paintball is equal to the con- other out. That makes CO2 a nonpolar molecule.
centration of the water on
the outside of the paintball.
However, as it swells the
the paintball
spilling the contents before
equilibrium is reached.
Lewis Diagram Space-filling diagram
High WATER Low WATER Two representations of CO2, showing an overall nonpolar molecule.
concentration concentration
Direction of movement
So when predicting the polarity of a molecule, the shape must
be considered. Often, molecules that are symmetrical will be nonpo-
lar even if polar bonds are present.
Osmosis: a paintball swells up when placed
in water.
variety of makes and models—
H H H H from pistols to semiautomatic rifles.
It’s a gas
The most common gas used in paintball markers is compressed
CO2. The CO2 within a gas canister is at an
extremely high pressure—around
800–850 psi (pounds per square inch). At
this pressure, however, CO2 will actually
density of a paintball?
level. This varies
between 2200 psi Z
tourney players
the manufacturer.
When a small Paintballs come in various sizes, but a typical paintball will have a
amount of this gas is diameter of 1.7 cm and a mass of 3.1 grams. Can you determine the
released, it expands density of a paintball? The formula for the volume of a sphere is 4/3 p r3.
greatly, since it is now The formula for density is m/v. Get in shape: It’s a physical sport.
under much less pres- You can find the answer on page 20. Eat well, stay active, and cut bad
sure. Boyle’s law states that the habits such as smoking.
volume of a gas is inversely pro- Protect yourself: Cover up with
appropriate gear to prevent bruises or a
portional to its pressure, so long as blood clot.
the temperature is held constant. Inversely
Know the rules and abide by the do’s and don’ts.
proportional means that when one factor Be a good sport.
decreases, the other increases. When the volume of a Learn to shoot with either hand. This increases
gas goes down, its pressure goes up. Likewise, when the your mobility.
pressure decreases, the volume increases. Be unpredictable: Make yourself a harder target for
The paintball is propelled forward by the increase in the volume of the competition.
the CO2, which is due to the decrease in pressure the gas experiences Prepare: Study the game and walk the field. Pack
as it leaves the cartridge and enters the firing chamber. The only thing your gear the night before.
standing in the way of the expanding gas is the paintball, which is Communicate with team members. Tournament
players yell at each other constantly.
launched effortlessly through the air.
Practice: Simple drills can improve your aim.
Just do it. Be safe: Always wear your mask, listen to the ref,
and follow the rules of the field.
The sport of paintball is highly addictive. Serious players can
Always treat a marker as if it is loaded.
spend hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars on
high-tech gear. There are numerous organized
leagues and tournaments in nearly every
state and in countries around the
Even the U.S. Army is Chemical Institute of Canada.
getting into the game; they (accessed
have made an arrangement Feb 2007). Paintballs and Canadian National Chemistry Week.
to sponsor the Long Island
encyclopedia/paintball (accessed Feb 2007). How paintballs are
Big Game, to be held made.
May 19–20, 2007,
in New York. Orga- (accessed Feb
nizers expect over 2007). How to make paintballs and more.
2000 players, and the
game will feature tanks, a heli-
copter, missions, and prizes.
Brian Rohrig teaches at Jonathan Alder High School in Plain City, OH. His most
A few bruises are a small recent ChemMatters article, “NASCAR: Chemistry on the Fast Track,” appeared
price to pay for a sport that not in the February 2007 issue.