Presentasi SLA

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This Paper Is Presented To Fulfill The Assignment For even semester

end assignment



Indri Mawarni (2021130004)


Mar’atul Azizah,M.Pd



YEARS 2023


First, let us remember the existence of Allah SWT. By always

being grateful and saying thanking him because Allah has bestowed
everything for his servants.

Second, sholawat and greetings are always poured out to our

shelter, namely the prophet Muhammad SAW, because he has becomeand
educator of his followers safely and well.
Than, we made this paper fot learning about : Second Language
Acquisition which was led by the lecturer mother : Mar’atul

Lubuk Seberuk,18 February 2023



Cover .....................................................................................................i


TABLE OF CONTENTS......................................................................iii

A. B a c k g r o u n d ............................................................................................................................................ 1

B. F o r m u l a t i o n o f t h e p r o b l e m ..................................................................................................... 1

C. Destination .............................................................................. 1


A. U n d e r s t a n d i n g S L A ......................................................................................................................... 2

B. P e r a n a n L i n g k u n g a n d a l a m S L A .......................................................................................... 3


A. C o n c l u s i o n .............................................................................................................................................. 6

B. I m p r e s s i o n .............................................................................................................................................. 6



A. Background

Humans are social beings who often talk or talk with fellow humans to get
information or convey information. With the development of humans, they
will definitely find something new, as is the case in this paper's discussion of
acquiring a second language. Do you know what a second language is? the
language we get after the first language. Do you still remember the lecture
material before this course material? We discuss the first language or also
called the mother tongue or the language of origin from each region. So, there
is a relationship between the second language acquisition as a successor or
connector of the first language.

The field of second language acquisition encompasses the human ability to

learn additional languages in late childhood, youth or adulthood. after the first
language, in the monolingual case or the language in the bilingual case has
been acquired. This paper will discuss the explanation of the notion of second
language acquisition.
B. Problem Formulation

1. How is the understanding of acquiring mastery of a second language?

2. What is the Role of the Environment in the Second Language?

C. Purpose

1. In order to better understand the acquisition of mastery of a second language.

2. To increase understanding of the role of the environment in the second



A. Understanding of language acquisition

Understanding second language acquisition is a thorough and careful

synthesis of current research in second language acquisition (SLA). In short,
the field of second language acquisition investigates the human ability to learn
additional languages during childhood, adolescence, or adulthood after we
have learned our first or mother tongue. Acquisition of the first language with
the acquisition of a second language is very difficult to determine a definite
boundary other than that for the simple reason that the acquisition of a second
language often begins before the acquisition of the first language is towards
the end. And in general the second language is very strongly influenced by the
first language. The most obvious support for this belief comes from the
"foreign" accents in some of the speeches of the second language learned. The
first language is often considered to have a strong power to interfere in
learning a second language as the characteristics of the first language are
transferred into the second language.

Acquisition of a second language is a process when a person acquires

another language after mastering to some extent the first language. So on
second language acquisition. Furthermore, based on usage that is common and
common, we use the term acquisition of a second language whose acquisition
begins at the age of 3-4 years or more. The acquisition of a second language or
bilingualism is a gradual range starting from mastering the first language plus
knowing a little of the second language, then mastering the second language
increases gradually, until finally mastering the second language is as good as
the first language.

However, there is also the opinion of linguists who think that language
acquisition is only for the first language or mother tongue, not for the second
language or subsequent languages, because according to them language is
innate in humans from birth. So accidentally language is only found in
childhood which is still experiencing growth and maturation. The term
language acquisition is only suitable for first language. then, the suitable
second language term is second language learning. It could be said that the
two had very little in common. Where as what is meant by language learning
focuses on the rules and structure of a language or is not communicative or
rarely used in everyday conversation.

B. The Role of the Environment in Second Language Acquisition

The environment plays a very important role in determining the success of
learners in learning a second language. The environment is also related to the
acquisition of language, especially the second language, the quality of the
environment that determines success in language acquisition and in learning a
second language.

In general, the environment in language has three types of theory, namely:

1) The role of input in the classroom environment in second language acquisition.

2) Formal environment

3) Informal environment

In the following, we will explain environmental implications related to

second language acquisition and second language learning.
1) The role of input in the classroom environment in second language acquisition.

According to linguists, input is defined as "something" that is obtained as a

result of interaction, while in the offline dictionary, input means "energy put
in". It can be concluded that input in the classroom environment means input
obtained through learning activities in the classroom. However, there are three
views regarding the input provided by behaviorists, nativists, and
interactionists. The behavior view regards the learner as a language producing
machine so that the linguistic environment is seen as a very important
determining factor. The nativist view regards learning as generating internal
mechanisms. It is also different from the interactionist view which considers
the linguistic environmental factors and the learner's internal mechanism
factors together to play an important role in the process of language

The theory of language input in the classroom is as follows:

a) Empirical theory supports

To understand more deeply, this input contains two kinds of theories,

namely hypothesis theory and discourse theory. The input hypothesis is that
learners acquire language by understanding input that is a little more difficult
than the level of language proficiency that has been acquired. According to
theory, speaking activity is the result of acquisition and speaking ability
cannot be taught, but emerges automatically as a result of receiving
understandable input. Meanwhile, discourse theory holds that as a participant,

the learner has the ability to understand the meaning of communication with
other parties, and the learner can acquire the target language.

b) Teacher Talk as input

Gutu language is defined as a special form or type of language and is used

by teachers to convey second language material in classroom learning. The
characteristics of Teacher Talk as input aimed at learners include simple
grammatical features, lexical adjustments and clarity of speech. In addition,
students can speak a second language because they have received
"comprehensible input" (input that can be understood).

c) The role of input in the classroom environment in second language


One of the techniques used by the teacher to present input between

students is by dividing the students into small numbers or known as "group
work". Group work is an effective technique for playing the role of input in
the classroom environment in second language acquisition. It produces
acquisition input, especially in a foreign language environment. In fact, the
input obtained by students in the classroom environment is only used as a
controller for the development of the second language acquired.
2) The formal environment in second language learning

The formal environment is a language learning environment that focuses

on consciously mastering the rules or rules of language in the target language.
This environment can occur in the classroom, or outside the classroom. The
formal environment is very influential, although very subtle.

Language learning in the classroom, besides having to introduce the

functions and varieties that are appropriate to their function, and bring them
into an atmosphere of real language activity, must also make them aware of
the rules of language. Because, only by using the rules of language, language
acquisition of learners can reach an optimal level.

3) The Role of the Informal Environment in Second Language Acquisition.

The information environment occurs naturally which is classified as an

informal environment, namely the language used by peers, the language of
caregivers or parents, the language used in public places or other areas. In this

connection, there are four things from the language environment that influence
second language learning, namely; the nature of the target language, ways of
learning in community, provision of concrete references and models of the
target language.



A. Conclusion

Understanding second language acquisition is a thorough and careful

synthesis of current research in second language acquisition (SLA).
Acquisition of a second language or bilingualism is a gradual range starting
from mastering the first language plus knowing a little of the second language,
then mastering the second language increases gradually, until finally
mastering the second language is as good as the first language. Then, the term
language acquisition is only suitable for the first language. then, the suitable
second language term is second language learning. It could be said that the
two had very little in common.

The environment plays a very important role in determining the success of

learners in learning a second language. Because basically the environment can
develop language by means of its three roles, namely, the role of input in the
classroom environment in acquiring a second language, the formal
environment, and the informal environment.

B. Impression

the making of this paper in order to be able to understand the material

from the Second Language Acquisition course and apologize if there is a
misunderstanding, we apologize to the lecturers and friends, and we forgive
you very much.


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