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Sayre Highway, Poblacion, Carmen, North Cotabato


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Due to the problem arising today brought by the global pandemic of Covid-19, the

Carmen Academy continues to provide a quality education to the students. Though, we are not

expected to happened this kind of crisis but the teachers are doing their very best to sustain and

provide the learning’s that the students needed.

Even though, blended and flexible learning are used as the delivery modes to provide

the students a quality education that they need. Different types of teaching-learning delivery

modes are explored also and used by the institution to support the student learning’s and

capabilities. In process, printed modules are very essential today’s situation because of these

we can reach out our students who have limited or unavailable access to internet connectivity.

The topics, assessments, and activities indicated in this module are intended to design

for student’s self- learning. Its aim is to develop the student’s skills and capabilities needed in

the performance of task necessary for pursuing their studies.

Indeed, this module is very significant and helpful to us. As you go along with this

module always be reminded that this module is your key to open the knowledge and skills that

you wanted to learn.

Let’s continue to learn and pursue our dreams in life even though there are many

obstacles we encountered but still we need to stay strong.

Sayre Highway, Poblacion, Carmen, North Cotabato


Identify and use

signals that
Name: _______________________ Date: _______________________
Grade & Section: ______________ Score: ______________________
Direction: Choose the correct answer. Write your answer in your activity notebook.
1. It helps the author in establishing connection between and among concepts presented.
a. coherence b. transitional words c. paragraph d. connectors
2.Tools to create and consistency which make the relationship between ideas clear to the reader.
a. connectors b. transition signals c. coherence d. conjunctions
3. This transition signal show the relationship between the consequences of an action and also
indicates a result or effect.
a. compare and contrast b. Time/Sequence c. cause and effect d. illustration/Example
4. To compare means to emphasize the things that are the same, while to contrast draw out the
things that are different.
a. compare and contrast b. Time/ Sequence c. cause and effect d. illustration/Example
5. This transition signals adds emphasis or introduces evidence.
a. a. compare and contrast b. Time/ Sequence c. cause and effect d. illustration/Example

How Familiar Are You?

Direction: Read and identify the connectors in the given articles below. Write your answer in
your activity notebook.
During the early twentieth century, in addition to industrialization urban growth and
technology development, Australian society was experiencing a transformation of the domestic
ideal. Consequently, people were subject to an increasing array of government and professional
programs aiming to manage and regulate life, particularly family life. some of these programs
were designed to engineer them; overall they each heralded a growing expert encroachment
into the private sphere.

Intervention and influence took three forms. Firstly, techniques designed to maximize
efficiency were introduced into the home and scientific principles were applied to its design.
In addition, housework and parenting methods were scrutinized and subject to unprecedented
standards. Secondly, all aspects of reproduction attracted increasing intervention from
government and the medical profession. Thirdly, state, professional and philanthropic groups
began to usurp the parental role within the family through instruction and policy. Consequently,
the development of 'modern' social ideals brought regulation, intervention and ever-increasing
unrealistic standards.


1. After you identify the connectors in the given articles, what do you call to these
2. Are they important in the sentences? If yes, explain.

LESSON 4 Identifying and Using Transition


When it comes to writing effectively, students are expected to use transitions to create
cohesion, clarify and convey sequence and signal shifts.

At the end of the lesson you are expected to:

a. Define transitional signal;

b. Identify the types of transitional signals;

c. Recognize words and phrases that signal coherence between sentences and paragraphs;

d. Explain the function and importance of transition signals;

e. Write a short persuasive paragraph to demonstrate appropriate use transitional signals.


Direction: Read the poem below. Answer the following questions and write it in your activity
by: Maribel Azote Cabalan-Buco

Simultaneously, we all made a stop

Unfortunately, threats and trials were rough
Nonetheless, to keep everyone safe
Similarly, stay at home is what we make
However, with lots of twists and tums
In other words, it's full of challenges
Nevertheless, it all went well
Eventually, life is back as well

1. How did you find the poem?
2. What do the letters S-U-N-S-H-I-N-E stand for?

Read and Examine the examples below.

1. Due to a weather disturbance, we may experience occasional rains. Therefore, we must

always bring our umbrellas with us.
2. No one can visit patients under quarantine even though they need the care and support
from their families.
3. As, Filipinos, we must obey the laws of the land. In addition, we must reject and love one

The underlined words are called transitional words or transitional signals. To

help you better understand transitional signals or transitional words and deepen your
knowledge and understanding of this concept. Let us discuss this topic in greater detail.
Study the following sentences.
1. Unfortunately, threats and trials were rough.
2. Life is full of challenges however; it all went well.
In sentence number one, the transition signals “unfortunately” and “and” are used
to connect two incidents equally while in sentence number two the transition signals
“however” introduces the opposite ideas.

The simple conjunctions serve different purposes.

Conjunctions that join words, phrases, or clauses together are the most basic transition
The words “and”, “unfortunately”, and “however” are examples of transition signals.

Transition Signals

Words and phrases that connect ideas or sentences and paragraphs for coherence. They
also indicate building up new ideas or thoughts, or compare ideas or draw conclusions.
Tools to create coherence and consistency which make the relationship between ideas
clear to the reader.
Connecting words and phrases that links sentences and paragraphs together so that there
are no abrupt jumps or breaks between your ideas.
Transition signals are of different types and each type helps to make certain

1. Comparison and Contrast

 To compare means to emphasize the things that are the same, while to contrast draw
out the things that are different.
 This transition signal is used to point out similarities or differences.
a. We should all be careful with CORONAVIRUS disease that makes our respiratory
system weak, likewise the HIV/AIDS that makes our immune system frail.
b. My sister loves pasta, but she dislikes spaghetti. Similarly, she does not like lasagna.
On the other hand, she loves macaroni. Likewise, she loves pancit canton guisado, pancit
bihon guisado, sotanghon, and palabok.

2. Time/Chronology/Sequential Transitions
 This transition signal helps define time.
 It also helps in explaining the order or chronology of something.

a. My mother cooked our favorite breakfast. After eating, she washed the dishes and other
utensils. Then, she swept the floor and cleaned the whole house.
b. Before you go to the stadium to watch your favorite football game, make sure that you
have your snacks and video camera that you will use during the game. Later, you will find it
enjoyable when you can simultaneously eat while videotaping.

3. Cause / Effect Transitions

 This transitions signal shows the relationship between the consequences of an
action and also indicates a result or effect.
a. The students reviewed their lessons well before their exams. As a result, they passed the
school’s assessment process.
b. Since you have been a consistent honor student and a skillful one, therefore, there would
be a possibility that you would graduate Cum Laude or be cited with technical skills award in
college. As a result, you would have a better chance to find a job or be an entrepreneur because
some companies would prefer applicants with expressive school records or those with technical

4. Illustration / Example
 This transition signals adds emphasis or introduces evidence.
 An example of illustration will be given to make an idea clear.

a. Jean loves vegetables. Truly, he is happy to eat them every day- namely, pinakbet,
chopsuey, and vegetable salads. To demonstrate his love for vegetables, Jean is planning a
vegetable party for all his friends.

5. Additive/ Addition
 This transition signal is used to show addition, introduction, and similarity to other
ideas. It clarifies the idea given in the sentence/paragraph.
a. Geff loves, respects, and obeys his parents. Moreover, he helps in the household chores if
he is not studying. Furthermore, he is grateful that his parents are very supportive in every
tasks he does.

6. Clarification
 This transition signal let us know that a writer is about to clarify (explain or make
clear) or to interpret a certain point.

a. Ana loves going to school; that is, she like it very much. In other words, she wants to learn
more. To put it another way, school is her one of the best places she need to go for her to
learn better.

7. Qualification
 This transition signal is used to present conditions or intentions.

a. In what is possibly the greatest fight of all time, the Filipino in the front lines has faced the
pandemic with bravery. They almost gave up, but recovered. With this in mind, Filipinos
have proven time and again to be resilient.
8. Summary/ Conclusion
 This transitional signal restates ideas and allows the writer to recap one point before
moving to the next or to the end.

a. All the documents have been presented and, as can be seen, the facts are clear. Given this
point, it’s time to correct the practices that do not conform to the policies. In the long run, the
nation and its people will benefit this change.

 Always keep in mind that transition signals can be used with the single sentence
between two different sentences, paragraphs, or even between paragraphs to achieve
coherence or unit of ideas.
 They serve as bridges between parts of writing and link sentences and paragraphs
together so that the ideas can flow smoothly.

Systematic logical connection or consistency in sentences and texts are important to

establish clear presentation of information.
This connection can be established through coherence. There are signals that can be
indicate coherence among sentences in a paragraph or texts.

is very important in a sentence,

paragraph, or texts.
It helps the author in establishing
connection between and among concepts
It can only be established with the help of
various transition signals that signify different
A change of transition signal may result
to incomprehensible concept or absence of
Direction: Guess what transition signal is describe in each riddle by filling in the missing
1. CLUE:
It is the six-letter word consisting of two syllable.
The first syllable sound like the name of the insect in the picture.
The second syllables sound the name of the number.

The transition signal is

B__F__ __ __
2. CLUE:
It consists of two words.
The first word is already given.
The first syllable of the second word are the last two letters of the word “within”.
The last syllable of the second is to be replaced by the underlined letter of the word
“stand” with “ce”.
The transition signal is
FOR __ N __ T __ N __ __
3. CLUE:
It consists of two words.
The first word is synonymous with the word “equal”.
The transition signal is
E __ __ __ THOUGH
4. CLUE:
It is a four-syllable word that if broken can create three new word.
The first is the opposite of the word “always”.
The second is already given.
The third is the opposite of the word “more”.

The transition signal is

N __ __ __ __ THE__ __ __ S
5. CLUE:
It is a seven-letter word that begins with B, followed by an E.
The rest is in relationship with the word “effect”.

The transition signal is

B __ C__ US__

Direction: Fill in the blanks with the correct transition signals that will complete the ideas of
the given sentences. Choose from the given choices. Write your answer in your activity

1. The employees opposed the company’s retrenchment plan. _______________, it was

recalled due to their strong opposition.
a. Furthermore b. Besides c. Finally d. Consequently
2.The citizens strictly follow the community quarantine measures and other health protocols,
_________lessening and decreasing the number of cases in the locality.
a. Finally b. Furthermore c. Besides d. Thus
3. ______________ I am allergic to sunlight, my friends and I still went to the beach for
a. before b. even though c. for instance d. nevertheless
4. She lost her balance in doing her routine in the competition. __________, she stood up and
finished the dance gracefully.
a. before b. even though c. for instance d. nevertheless
5.I did not hear the phone ringing ___________the sound of the television was in full blast.
a. before b. even though c. for instance d. nevertheless
6. My mom refused the salesman’s offer. _______, she changed her mind and went back to
him the following day.
a. however b. next c. similarly d. beside
7. The citizens refused to follow the community quarantine protocols. _____________, the
COVID-19 cases in their city increased.
a. While b. As a result c. Finally, d. Therefore
8. The medical frontlines were given complete sets of personal protective equipment.
__________, those who acquired the disease were given additional financial incentives.
a. If b. Below c. In addition d. Besides.
9. Anthony is authoring a book. _______________, he also acts as its editor and publisher.
a. However b. Also c. In contrast d. Thus
10. The man was caught driving under the influence of alcohol. ________, he was released
after paying fines.
a. However b. Therefore c. Thus d. Similarly


Direction: Examine and find the transitional signals in the following paragraph below.

1. Drawing is all about taking the time to master each step. In other words, mastering the art
of drawing doesn’t happen in a day. Furthermore, it’s a skill that takes daily practice as well as
dedication to hone your craft. It’s important not to burn yourself out, but you need to stick with
2. Lastly, the effect poverty has on education needs to be examined. Many students below the
poverty line do not have access to transportation and other resources that allow them to take
advantage of school of choice. Additionally, the services available through programs within
their area are lacking. It follows logically that these students lack access to quality education
and services students in middle class homes have.

As you can see, poverty can have an impact on several aspects of an individual’s life. Not
only does it impact their work and home life, but their education as well. Therefore, as a
community, it’s pivotal to provide advanced services and assistance to individuals in lower-
income areas.
3. In the previous section, this study explored the demographics of the Chicago, Illinois area.
Understanding the diversity of the population throughout the area is particularly important to
dissecting the implementation of after-school programs. In the following paragraphs, the study
will consider the importance demographics play in understanding the need-based programs.


Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer and identifies the nature of the highlighted
transition in each of the following sentences.
1. A water main downtown broke this morning, so several businesses had no water for hours.
a. addition b. time c. comparison d. cause and effect
2. Even though most Americans are primarily concerned about AIDS as it exists in the U.S.,
it should be remembered that it is now nearly a worldwide disease.
a. addition b. time c. contrast d. comparison
3. Larry will probably be a late bloomer socially, just like his older brothers.
a. time b. contrast c. comparison d. cause and effect
4. There are ways you can make boring tasks more pleasant. For instance, bring a portable
radio and listen to music on the earphones while you work.
a. contrast b. comparison c. illustration/example d. cause and effect
5. The lazy checkout clerk forced the six-pack of cola into the bottom of the bag, tearing it.
Then she shrugged her shoulders and said, “I guess you’ll have to carry the bag from the
a. time b. contrast c. comparison d. illustration/example
6. Science-fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke correctly predicted that satellites would be used for
communication. Moreover, in 1947 he correctly predicted that 1959 would be the year the
first rocket to the moon was launched.
a. addition b. time c. contrast d. cause and effect
7. Some people in New Jersey built their houses very close to the shoreline. Consequently,
they have had to spend a lot of money trying to protect their property from the sea.
a. addition b. contrast c. illustration/example d. cause and effect
8. Running can make people more aware of their physical surroundings, such as the scent of
honeysuckle or the changing moods of the trees.
a. addition b. contrast c. illustration/example d. cause and effect
9. Residents complain bitterly about potholes in the streets and sloppy trash pick-up, yet these
same people resist paying higher taxes for the improvement of these services.
a. time b. contrast c. comparison d. illustration/example
10.Telephone interviewing allows for a large number of responses in a short time and at
relatively low cost. Moreover, the method permits interviewers to reach respondents at
specific times of the day; this is an important consideration in the study of radio and TV
listening habits.
a. addition b. time c. contrast d. comparison


Direction: Write at least 5 sentences using transitional signals.

1. ______________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________

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