PU, Slicone, NBR Seal

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Polyurethane U203 - red


U203-R95 is a hydrolysis resistant PU (H-PU) composed of prepolymeres based on

polyoxytetrametylene glycol (PTMEG) and diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI) processed with
catalysts and chain extenders, producing a hardness of 95 +/-2 Shore A with very good physical
properties. The resistance to most common hydraulic fluids and oil-water emulsions makes it a very
universal material for seal applications.

Physical properties
Density: DIN 53479 g/cm 1,10
Hardness at 20°: DIN 53505 Shore A 95 +/-2
100% Modulus: DIN 53504 N/mm > 12
Tensile strength: DIN 53504 N/mm 38
Elongation at break: DIN 53504 % 520
Tear strength: DIN 53515 kN/m 158
Rebound resilience: DIN 53512 % 40
Compression set:* DIN 53517 % 31
Hardness at -5°: DIN 53505 Shore A 95
Hardness at +80°C: DIN 53505 Shore A 93
Min. service temperature: °C -30
Max. service temperature: °C 105

*) Compression set: 25% deflexion, 22 hours at 70°C, after 3 weeks aging.

Chemical resistance

Water up to 90° R Vegetable Oils R

Sea Water R Silicone Oils R
Steam U Biodegradeable Oils R
HFA, HFB fluids R Fuels S
HFC fluids S Ozone, Oxygen (cold) R
HFD fluids U Air up to 100° R
Mineral Oils R Air up to 150° U

Key to chemical resistance: R = resistant S = suitable U = unsuitable

Main application

Static and dynamic seals (standard and special), wipers, O-rings, back-up rings, flange seals, rotary
seals, low friction and wear, high extrusion resistance, compatibility with water, excellent low temp.

Analysis and Evaluation

The properties relate to fundamental values for polyurethane products. Values mentioned above are
corresponding to ASTM or DIN standards and have been tested on standardized plates in the laboratory. All
immersion tests are made under laboratory conditions.

Seal Maker Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH I Viktor-Kaplan-Allee 7, 7023 Pöttelsdorf, Austria
+43 (0)2626 20085 I +43 (0)2626 20085 66 I office@seal-maker.com I www.seal-maker.com
Polyurethane U211 – red


U211-R95 is a polyesther based PU composed of prepolymeres based on polyadipate glycol and

diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI) processed with catalysts and chain extenders, producing a
hardness of 95 +/-2 Shore A with very good physical properties. The resistance to most common
hydraulic fluids makes it a very universal material for seal applications.

Physical properties
Density: DIN 53479 g/cm 1,23
Hardness at 20°: DIN 53505 Shore A 95 +/-2
100% Modulus: DIN 53504 N/mm > 14
Tensile strength: DIN 53504 N/mm 49
Elongation at break: DIN 53504 % 420
Tear strength: DIN 53515 kN/m 137
Rebound resilience: DIN 53512 % 23
Compression set:* DIN 53517 % 30
Hardness at -5°: DIN 53505 Shore A 99
Hardness at +80°C: DIN 53505 Shore A 93
Min. service temperature: °C -30
Max. service temperature: °C 105

*) Compression set: 25% deflexion 22 hours at 70°C, after 3 weeks aging.

Chemical resistance

Water up to 40° R Vegetable Oils R

Sea Water R Silicone Oils R
Steam U Biodegradeable Oils S
HFA, HFB fluids U Fuels S
HFC fluids U Ozone, Oxygen (cold) R
HFD fluids U Air up to 100° R
Mineral Oils R Air up to 150° U

Key to chemical resistance: R = resistant S = suitable U = unsuitable

Main application

Static and dynamic seals (standard and special), wipers, O-rings, back-up rings, flange seals, rotary
seals, low friction and wear, high extrusion resistance, excellent low temp. characteristics.
Attention: limited compatibility with water!

Analysis and Evaluation

The properties relate to fundamental values for polyurethane products. Values mentioned above are
corresponding to ASTM or DIN standards and have been tested on standardized plates in the laboratory. All
immersion tests are made under laboratory conditions.

Seal Maker Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH I Viktor-Kaplan-Allee 7, 7023 Pöttelsdorf, Austria
+43 (0)2626 20085 I +43 (0)2626 20085 66 I office@seal-maker.com I www.seal-maker.com
Polyurethane U203 - green


U203-G95 is a hydrolysis resistant PU (H-PU) composed of prepolymeres based on

polyoxytetrametylene glycol (PTMEG) and diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI) processed with
catalysts and chain extenders, producing a hardness of 95 +/-2 Shore A with very good physical
properties. The resistance to most common hydraulic fluids and oil-water emulsions makes it a very
universal material for seal applications.

Physical properties
Density: DIN 53479 g/cm 1,10
Hardness at 20°: DIN 53505 Shore A 95 +/-2
100% Modulus: DIN 53504 N/mm > 12
Tensile strength: DIN 53504 N/mm 38
Elongation at break: DIN 53504 % 520
Tear strength: DIN 53515 kN/m 158
Rebound resilience: DIN 53512 % 40
Compression set:* DIN 53517 % 31
Hardness at -5°: DIN 53505 Shore A 95
Hardness at +80°C: DIN 53505 Shore A 93
Min. service temperature: °C -30
Max. service temperature: °C 105

*) Compression set: 25% deflexion, 22 hours at 70°C

Chemical resistance

Water up to 90° R Vegetable Oils R

Sea Water R Silicone Oils R
Steam U Biodegradeable Oils R
HFA, HFB fluids R Fuels S
HFC fluids S Ozone, Oxygen (cold) R
HFD fluids U Air up to 100° R
Mineral Oils R Air up to 150° U

Key to chemical resistance: R = resistant S = suitable U = unsuitable

Main application

Static and dynamic seals (standard and special), wipers, O-rings, back-up rings, flange seals, rotary
seals, low friction and wear, high extrusion resistance, compatibility with water, excellent low temp.

Analysis and Evaluation

The properties relate to fundamental values for polyurethane products. Values mentioned above are
corresponding to ASTM or DIN standards and have been tested on standardized plates in the laboratory. All
immersion tests are made under laboratory conditions.

Seal Maker Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH I Viktor-Kaplan-Allee 7, 7023 Pöttelsdorf, Austria
+43 (0)2626 20085 I +43 (0)2626 20085 66 I office@seal-maker.com I www.seal-maker.com
Polyurethane U203 – blue (FDA)


U203-B95 is a hydrolysis resistant PU (H-PU) composed of prepolymeres based on polyadephate glycols

and diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI). The hardness is adjusted at 93 +/-2 Shore A. The product is
recommended for a continuous use in 70 – 90°C hot water and a max. service temperature of 100°C. The
system passed all official FDA tests by the Akron Polymer Laboratory Inc. – Ohio, U.S.A.

Physical properties

Density: DIN 53479 g/cm3 1,10

Hardness at 20°: DIN 53505 Shore A 93 +/-2
100% Modulus: DIN 53504 N/mm2 > 10
300% Modulus: DIN 53504 N/mm > 16
Tensile strength: DIN 53504 N/mm2 40
Elongation at break: DIN 53504 % 460
Tear strength: DIN 53515 kN/m 135
Rebound resilience: DIN 53512 % 38
Abrasion loss: DIN 53516 mm3 < 35
Compression set:* DIN 53517 % 31
Hardness at -5°: DIN 53505 Shore A 96
Hardness at +80°C: DIN 53505 Shore A 93
Min. service temperature: °C -30
Max. service temperature: °C 105

*) Compression set: 25% deflexion, 22 hours at 70°C, after 3 weeks aging.

Chemical resistance

Water, sea water R HFA, HFB fluids R

Demineralized water R HFC fluids S
Steam U HFD fluids U
Mineral / vegetable oils R Fuels, grease S
Peanut oil R Alcohol, white spirit S
Beer R

Key to chemical resistance: R = resistant S = suitable U = unsuitable

FDA certification (n-Hexane and water extraction test)

We, Seal Maker Produktions und Vertriebs GmbH, certify that the following polyurethane elastomer system
“U203-B95 polyurethane blue” is approved for the use in applications that will come in contact with dry,
and/or aqueous and/or fatty foodstuff. Tests have been performed in accordance with the US code for
federal reg. 177-2600. Both n-Hexane and water extractables tests acc. to FDA CFR 177-2600 were
performed by Akron Polymer Laboratory, Ohio, U.S.A. The tests determine if elastomer formulations can be
used with dry, and/or wet, and/or oily foodstuffs. The results clearly show that the formulation passed the
FDA requirements.

Analysis and Evaluation

The mentioned properties are fundamental values for polyurethane products. Values mentioned above are
corresponding to the European ASTM and DIN standards and have been tested on test samples in the
laboratory. All immersion tests in the laboratory are made on test samples under normal conditions for sealing

Seal Maker Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH I Viktor-Kaplan-Allee 7, 7023 Pöttelsdorf, Austria
+43 (0)2626 20085 I +43 (0)2626 20085 66 I office@seal-maker.com I www.seal-maker.com
Polyurethane U203-FDA – natural white


U203-FDA95 natural white is a hydrolysis resistant PU (H-PU) composed of prepolymeres based on

polyadephate glycols and diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI). The hardness is adjusted at 93 +/-2 Shore
A. The product is recommended for a continuous use in 70 – 90°C hot water and a max. service
temperature of 100°C. The system passed all official FDA tests by the Akron Polymer Laboratory Inc. –
Ohio, U.S.A.

Physical properties

Density: DIN 53479 g/cm3 1,10

Hardness at 20°: DIN 53505 Shore A 93 +/-2
100% Modulus: DIN 53504 N/mm2 > 10
300% Modulus: DIN 53504 N/mm > 16
Tensile strength: DIN 53504 N/mm2 > 40
Elongation at break: DIN 53504 % 460
Tear strength: DIN 53515 kN/m 135
Rebound resilience: DIN 53512 % 38
Abrasion loss: DIN 53516 mm3 < 35
Compression set:* DIN 53517 % 31
Hardness at -5°: DIN 53505 Shore A 96
Hardness at +80°C: DIN 53505 Shore A 93
Min. service temperature: °C -30
Max. service temperature: °C 105

*) Compression set: 25% deflexion 22 hours at 70°C, after 3 weeks aging.

Chemical resistance

Water, sea water R HFA, HFB fluids R

Demineralized water R HFC fluids S
Steam U HFD fluids U
Mineral / vegetable oils R Fuels, grease S
Peanut oil R Alcohols, white spirit S
Beer R

Key to chemical resistance: R = resistant S = suitable U = unsuitable

FDA certification (n-Hexane and water extraction test)

We, Seal Maker Produktions und Vertriebs GmbH, certify that the following polyurethane elastomer system
“U203-FDA95 polyurethane natural white” is approved for the use in applications that will come in contact
with dry, and/or aqueous and/or fatty foodstuff. Tests have been performed in accordance with the US code
for federal reg. 177-2600. Both n-Hexane and water extractables tests acc. to FDA CFR 177-2600 were
performed by Akron Polymer Laboratory, Ohio, U.S.A. The tests determine if elastomer formulations can be
used with dry, and/or wet, and/or oily foodstuffs. The results clearly show that the formulation passed the
FDA requirements.

Analysis and Evaluation

The mentioned properties are fundamental values for polyurethane products. Values mentioned above are
corresponding to the European ASTM and DIN and have been tested on test samples in the laboratory. All
immersion tests in the laboratory are made on test samples under normal conditions for sealing products.

Seal Maker Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH I Viktor-Kaplan-Allee 7, 7023 Pöttelsdorf, Austria
+43 (0)2626 20085 I +43 (0)2626 20085 66 I office@seal-maker.com I www.seal-maker.com
Polyurethane U203-MoS2 - grey


U203-GM95 is a hydrolysis resistant PU (H-PU) composed of prepolymeres based on

polyoxytetrametylene glycol (PTMEG) and diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI) processed liquid with
catalysts and a MoS2 polyol. This special PU-MoS2 compound performs excellent in critical lubrication
situations and reduces the stick-slip behaviour.

Physical properties
Density: DIN 53479 g/cm 1,15
Hardness at 20°: DIN 53505 Shore A 95 +/-2
100% Modulus: DIN 53504 N/mm > 11
300% Modulus: DIN 53504 N/mm > 18
Tensile strength: DIN 53504 N/mm > 35
Elongation at break: DIN 53504 % > 560
Tear strength: DIN 53515 kN/m 130
Rebound resilience: DIN 53512 % 49
Abrasion loss: DIN 53516 mm3 < 50
Compression set:* DIN 53517 % 26
Hardness at -5°: DIN 53505 Shore A 95
Hardness at +80°C: DIN 53505 Shore A 93
Min. service temperature: °C -30
Max. service temperature: °C 105

*) Compression set: 25% deflexion 22 hours at 70°C, after 3 weeks aging.

Chemical resistance

Water, sea water R Ozone, Oxygen (cold) R

Demineralized water R Butyl Acetate U
Steam U Nitro acid 58% U
HFA, HFB Fluids R Alkali S
HFC Fluids S Peanut oil R
HFD Fluids U Ethyl alcohol U
Mineral / vegetable oils R Ethylene glycol U
Silicone oils R Glycerin R
Alcohols, white spirit S Methyl alcohol U
Fuels S Petroleum Products R

Key to chemical resistance: R = resistant S = suitable U = unsuitable

Main application

Static and dynamic seals (standard and special), wipers, O-rings, back-up rings, flange seals, rotary
seals, low friction and wear, high extrusion resistance, compatibility with water, excellent low temp.

Analysis and Evaluation

The properties relate to fundamental values for polyurethane products. Values mentioned above are
corresponding to ASTM or DIN standard and have been tested on standardized plates in the laboratory. All
immersion tests are made under laboratory conditions.

Seal Maker Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH I Viktor-Kaplan-Allee 7, 7023 Pöttelsdorf, Austria
+43 (0)2626 20085 I +43 (0)2626 20085 66 I office@seal-maker.com I www.seal-maker.com
Polyurethane U203-D57 – dark blue (FDA)


U203-D57 is a hydrolysis resistant PU (H-PU) composed of prepolymeres based on

polyoxytetrametylene glycol (PTMEG) and diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI). The hardness is
adjusted at 57 +/-2 Shore D which makes it an excellent extrusion resistant material. The resistance
to most common hydraulic fluids and oil water emulsions makes it a very universal material for seal

Physical properties
Density: DIN 53479 g/cm 1,13
Hardness at 20°: DIN 53505 Shore D 57+ /-2
100% Modulus: DIN 53504 N/mm > 18
Tensile strength: DIN 53504 N/mm > 30
Elongation at break: DIN 53504 % 330
Tear strength: DIN 53515 kN/m 125
Rebound resilience: DIN 53512 % 42
Compression set:* DIN 53517 % 32
Hardness at -5°: DIN 53505 Shore D 57
Hardness at +80°C: DIN 53505 Shore D 52
Min. service temperature: °C -30
Max. service temperature: °C 90

*) Compression set: 25% deflexion 22 hours at 70°C, after 3 weeks aging.

Chemical resistance
Water up to 90° R Vegetable oils R
Sea water R Silicone oils R
Steam U Biodegradable oils R
HFA, HFB fluids R Fuels S
HFC fluids S Ozone, Oxygen (cold) R
HFD fluids U Air up to 100° R
Mineral oils R Air up to 150° U

Key to chemical resistance: R = resistant S = suitable U = unsuitable

FDA certification (n-Hexane and water extraction test)

We, Seal Maker Produktions und Vertriebs GmbH, certify that the following polyurethane elastomer
system “U203-D57 polyurethane dark blue” is approved for the use in applications that will come in
contact with dry, and/or aqueous and/or fatty foodstuff. Tests have been performed in accordance
with the US code for federal reg. 177-2600. Both n-Hexane and water extractables tests acc. to FDA
CFR 177-2600 were performed by Akron Polymer Laboratory, Ohio, U.S.A. The tests determine if
elastomer formulations can be used with dry, and/or wet, and/or oily foodstuffs. The results clearly
show that the formulation passed the FDA requirements.

Analysis and Evaluation

The mentioned properties are fundamental values for polyurethane products. Values mentioned above are
corresponding to the European ASTM and DIN standards and have been tested on test samples in the
laboratory. All immersion tests in the laboratory are made on test samples under normal conditions for sealing

Seal Maker Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH I Viktor-Kaplan-Allee 7, 7023 Pöttelsdorf, Austria
+43 (0)2626 20085 I +43 (0)2626 20085 66 I office@seal-maker.com I www.seal-maker.com
Polyurethane U203-D57 + MoS2 – grey


U203-D57G is a hydrolysis resistant PU (H-PU) composed of prepolymeres based on

polyoxytetrametylene glycol (PTMEG) and diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI) processed liquid with
catalysts and a MoS2 polyol. The hardness is adjusted at 57 +/-2 Shore D which makes it an excellent
extrusion resistant material. This special MoS2 composition performs excellent in critical lubrication
situations and reducing the stick-slip behaviour.

Physical properties
Density: DIN 53479 g/cm 1,13
Hardness at 20°: DIN 53505 Shore D 57 +/-2
100% Modulus: DIN 53504 N/mm > 18
Tensile strength: DIN 53504 N/mm > 30
Elongation at break: DIN 53504 % > 330
Tear strength: DIN 53515 kN/m 125
Rebound resilience: DIN 53512 % 42
Compression set:* DIN 53517 % 32
Hardness at -5°: DIN 53505 Shore D 57
Hardness at +80°C: DIN 53505 Shore D 52
Min. service temperature: °C -30
Max. service temperature: °C 90

*) Compression set: 25% deflexion 22 hours at 70°C, after 4 weeks aging.

Chemical resistance

Water up to 90° R Vegetable Oils R

Sea Water R Silicone Oils R
Steam U Biodegradeable Oils R
HFA, HFB fluids R Fuels S
HFC fluids S Ozone, Oxygen (cold) R
HFD fluids U Air up to 100° R
Mineral Oils R Air up to 150° U

Key to chemical resistance: R = resistant S = suitable U = unsuitable

Main application

Seals and composite seals (with rubber preload element), wipers, back-up rings, low friction and
wear, high extrusion resistance, compatibility with water, excellent low temp. characteristics.

Analysis and Evaluation

The properties relate to fundamental values for polyurethane products. Values mentioned above are
corresponding to ASTM or DIN standard and have been tested on standardized plates in the laboratory. All
immersion tests are made under laboratory conditions.

Seal Maker Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH I Viktor-Kaplan-Allee 7, 7023 Pöttelsdorf, Austria
+43 (0)2626 20085 I +43 (0)2626 20085 66 I office@seal-maker.com I www.seal-maker.com
NBR N107 – black (sulphur cross linked)


N107-B85 is a black Nitrile Butadiene Rubber commonly referred to as NBR, Nitrile or BUNA. Good
physical characteristics and chemical resistance to the most common hydraulic fluids makes NBR an
excellent sealing material. NBR materials are one of the most used elastomers in sealing applications.

Physical properties
Density: DIN 53479 g/cm 1,32
Hardness at 20°: DIN 53505 Shore A 85
Tensile strength: DIN 53504 N/mm > 17
Elongation at break: DIN 53504 % > 155
Modulus 100%: DIN 53504 N/mm 10,2
Compression set: 22h/70° DIN 53517A % 7
Compression set: 22h/100° DIN 53485 % 9
Min. service temperature: °C -25
Max. service temperature: °C 100

Chemical resistance

Water up to 70° R Diesel Fuel R

Water up to 90° S Gasoline Fuel S
Steam U Alcohols R
HFA, HFB, HFC Fluids R Ozone, Oxygen U
HFD Fluids U Air up to 100° R
Mineral / vegetable oils R Air up to 150° U
Silicone oils S
Biodegradable oils S

Key to chemical resistance: R = resistant S = suitable U = unsuitable

Main application

Static and dynamic seals (standard and special), wipers, O-rings, flange seals, rotary seals, rubber
energizers (preload elements). General applications in petroleum fluids, water, greases, mineral oils.

Analysis and Evaluation

The mentioned properties are only valid for test pieces of the corresponding ISO, DIN and ASTM standards.
They cannot be directly related to seals, gaskets and other sealing products and should be used only as a
general guide.

Seal Maker Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH I Viktor-Kaplan-Allee 7, 7023 Pöttelsdorf, Austria
+43 (0)2626 20085 I +43 (0)2626 20085 66 I office@seal-maker.com I www.seal-maker.com
NBR-95 N109 – black (sulphur cross linked)


N109-B95 is a black Nitrile Butadiene Rubber commonly referred to as NBR, Nitrile or BUNA. Good
physical characteristics and chemical resistance to the most common hydraulic fluids makes NBR an
excellent sealing material. NBR materials are one of the most used elastomers in sealing applications.

Physical properties
Density: DIN 53479 g/cm 1,27
Hardness at 20°: DIN 53505 Shore A 95
Tensile strength: DIN 53504 N/mm > 17
Elongation at break: DIN 53504 % > 60
Modulus 50%: DIN 53504 N/mm 13,8
Compression set: 22h/70° DIN 53517A % 16,3
Compression set: 22h/100° DIN 53485 % 16,4
Min. service temperature: °C -25
Max. service temperature: °C 100

Chemical resistance

Water up to 70° R Diesel Fuel R

Water up to 90° S Gasoline Fuel S
Steam U Alcohols R
HFA, HFB, HFC Fluids R Ozone, Oxygen U
HFD Fluids U Air up to 100° R
Mineral / vegetable oils R Air up to 150° U
Silicone oils S
Biodegradable oils S

Key to chemical resistance: R = resistant S = suitable U = unsuitable

Main application

Static and dynamic seals (standard and special), wipers, O-rings, flange seals, rotary seals, rubber
energizers (preload elements). General applications in petroleum fluids, water, greases, mineral oils.

Analysis and Evaluation

The mentioned properties are only valid for test pieces of the corresponding ISO, DIN and ASTM standards.
They cannot be directly related to seals, gaskets and other sealing products and should be used only as a
general guide.

Seal Maker Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH I Viktor-Kaplan-Allee 7, 7023 Pöttelsdorf, Austria
+43 (0)2626 20085 I +43 (0)2626 20085 66 I office@seal-maker.com I www.seal-maker.com
NBR-FDA N111 – white (sulphur cross linked)


N111-W85 is a white Nitrile Butadiene Rubber commonly referred to as NBR, Nitrile or BUNA. Good
physical characteristics and chemical resistance to the most common hydraulic fluids makes NBR an
excellent sealing material. NBR materials are one of the most used elastomers in sealing applications.

Physical properties
Density: DIN 53479 g/cm 1,36
Hardness at 20°: DIN 53505 Shore A 85
Tensile strength: DIN 53504 N/mm > 8,2
Elongation at break: DIN 53504 % > 340
Modulus 100%: DIN 53504 N/mm 4,5
Tear strength: DIN 53507B N/mm 9,3
Compression set: 72h/RT DIN 53517 % 20,4
Min. service temperature: °C -22
Max. service temperature: °C 100
Short time max. service temp.in air: °C 110

Chemical resistance

Water up to 70° R Diesel Fuel R

Water up to 90° S Gasoline Fuel S
Steam U Alcohols R
HFA, HFB, HFC Fluids R Ozone, Oxygen U
HFD Fluids U Air up to 100° R
Mineral / vegetable oils R Air up to 150° U
Silicone oils S
Biodegradable oils S

Key to chemical resistance: R = resistant S = suitable U = unsuitable

Main application

Static and dynamic seals (standard and special), wipers, O-rings, flange seals, rotary seals, rubber
energizers (preload elements). Applications in the food industry.

Analysis and Evaluation

The mentioned properties are only valid for test pieces of the corresponding ISO, DIN and ASTM standards.
They cannot be directly related to seals, gaskets and other sealing products and should be used only as a
general guide.

Seal Maker Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH I Viktor-Kaplan-Allee 7, 7023 Pöttelsdorf, Austria
+43 (0)2626 20085 I +43 (0)2626 20085 66 I office@seal-maker.com I www.seal-maker.com
H-NBR HN112 – black (peroxide cross linked)


HN112-B85 is a black hydrogenated acrylnitrile-butadiene-rubber commonly referred to as H-NBR.

Good physical characteristics and chemical resistance to the most common hydraulic fluids makes it
an excellent sealing material. H-NBR materials are often used in vegetable and animal oils as well as
in high addivated oils, sour oils/gases (H2S) and crude oils.

Physical properties
Density: DIN 53479 g/cm 1,23
Hardness at 20°: DIN 53505 Shore A 85
Tensile strength: DIN 53504 N/mm > 18
Elongation at break: DIN 53504 % > 200
Compression set: 22h/100° DIN 53517A % 20
Compression set: 22h/150°C DIN 53517A % 22
Min. service temperature: °C -25
Max. service temperature: °C 150

Chemical resistance

Water up to 90° R Diesel Fuel R

Steam U Gasoline Fuel S
HFA, HFB, HFC Fluids R Ozone R
Mineral oils R Alcohols R
Vegetable oils R Air up to 80° R
Silicone oils S
Biodegradable oils S

Key to chemical resistance: R = resistant S = suitable U = unsuitable

Main application

Static and dynamic seals (standard and special), wipers, O-rings, flange seals, rotary seals, rubber
energizers (preload elements). General application in petroleum fluids, water, greases, mineral oils,
oil and gas industry.

Analysis and Evaluation

The mentioned properties are only valid for test pieces of the corresponding ISO, DIN and ASTM standards.
They cannot be directly related to seals, gaskets and other sealing products and should be used only as a
general guide.

Seal Maker Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH I Viktor-Kaplan-Allee 7, 7023 Pöttelsdorf, Austria
+43 (0)2626 20085 I +43 (0)2626 20085 66 I office@seal-maker.com I www.seal-maker.com
FPM F109 – brown (bisphenol cross linked)


F109-BR85 is a brown Fluorocarbon elastomer, commonly referred to as VITON* and FPM. FPM
materials have a very high resistance to hydraulic fluids, chemicals and a number of organic
compounds and operate in temperatures between -20 to +210°C. F109-BR85 is recommended for
applications where its outstanding resistance to heat, chemicals, weathering and ozone is required.

Physical properties
Density: DIN 53479 g/cm 2,51
Hardness at 20°: DIN 53505 Shore A 85
Tensile strength: DIN 53504 N/mm > 13
Elongation at break: DIN 53504 % > 200
Compression set: 22h/175° DIN 53517A % 7,7
Min. service temperature: °C -20
Max. service temperature: °C 210
Short time max. service temp. in air: °C 280

Chemical resistance

Water up to 90° S Biodegradable oils R

Steam U Hydrocarbons R
HFA, HFB, HFC Fluids S Alcohols U
HFD-S, R R Diesel, Gasoline, Fuels R
Mineral oils R Ozone, Oxygen R
Vegetable oils R Air up to 200° R
Silicone oils R

Key to chemical resistance: R = resistant S = suitable U = unsuitable

Main application

Static and dynamic seals (standard and special), wipers, O-rings, flange seals, rotary seals, rubber
energizers (preload elements). Applications where high temp. and/or chemical resistance is required.

Analysis and Evaluation

The mentioned properties are only valid for test pieces of the corresponding ISO, DIN and ASTM standards.
They cannot be directly related to seals, gaskets and other sealing products and should be used only as a
general guide.

*) VITON is a reg. Trademark of Du Pont Co./U.S.A.

Seal Maker Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH I Viktor-Kaplan-Allee 7, 7023 Pöttelsdorf, Austria
+43 (0)2626 20085 I +43 (0)2626 20085 66 I office@seal-maker.com I www.seal-maker.com
EPDM-FDA E132 – white (sulphur cross linked)


E132-W85 is a white Ehtylene Propylene Rubber, commonly referred to as EPDM. This material is
often used in hot water steam applications as well as in fire resistant fluids where synthetic oils are
used. EPDM materials are also used in bases, acids and alcohols. The use of E131-B85 in brake
fluids is not recommended and depends on the regional regulations. EPDM is not resistant to mineral-
vegetable- and animal oils.

Physical properties
Density: DIN 53479 g/cm 1,385
Hardness at 20°: DIN 53505 Shore A 85
Tensile strength: DIN 53504 N/mm > 7,3
Elongation at break: DIN 53504 % > 347
100% Module: DIN 53504 N/mm 4,2
Tear strength: DIN 53507B N/mm 5,8
Compression set: 72h/RT DIN 53517 % 22,3
Min. service temperature: °C -50
Max. service temperature: °C 100
Short time max. service temp. in air: °C 130

Chemical resistance

Water up to 90° R Biodegradeable oils U

Steam up to 180° R Fuels U
HFA, HFB, HFD-S fluids U Ozone, Oxygen R
HFC, HFD-R fluids R Alcohols R
Mineral oils U Ketones, Esters R
Vegetable oils U Air up to 100° R
Silicone oils S Air up to 150° U

Key to chemical resistance: R = resistant S = suitable U = unsuitable

Main application

Static and dynamic seals (standard and special), wipers, O-rings, flange seals, rotary seals, rubber
energizers (preload elements); cleaning and washing technology; applications in the food industry.

Analysis and Evaluation

The mentioned properties are only valid for test pieces of the corresponding ISO, DIN and ASTM standards.
They cannot be directly related to seals, gaskets and other sealing products and should be used only as a
general guide.

Seal Maker Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH I Viktor-Kaplan-Allee 7, 7023 Pöttelsdorf, Austria
+43 (0)2626 20085 I +43 (0)2626 20085 66 I office@seal-maker.com I www.seal-maker.com
FPM-black F111 (bisphenol cross linked)


F111-B85 is a black Fluorocarbon elastomer, commonly referred to as VITON* and FPM. FPM
materials have a very high resistance to hydraulic fluids, chemicals and a number of organic
compounds and operate in temperatures between -25 to +210°C. F111-B85 is recommended for
applications where its outstanding resistance to heat, chemicals, weathering and ozone is required.

Physical properties
Density: DIN 53479 g/cm 1,878
Hardness at 20°: DIN 53505 Shore A 85
Tensile strength: DIN 53504 N/mm > 11,5
Elongation at break: DIN 53504 % > 180
100% Module: DIN 53504 N/mm 7,4
Tear strength: DIN 53507B N/mm 6,4
Compression set: 24h/175° DIN 53517 % 32,8
Min. service temperature: °C -25
Max. service temperature: °C 210
Short time max. service temp. in air: °C 280

Chemical resistance

Water up to 90° S Biodegradable oils R

Steam U Hydrocarbons R
HFA, HFB, HFC Fluids S Alcohols U
HFD-S, R R Diesel, Gasoline, Fuels R
Mineral oils R Ozone, Oxygen R
Vegetable oils R Air up to 200° R
Silicone oils R

Key to chemical resistance: R = resistant S = suitable U = unsuitable

Main application

Static and dynamic seals (standard and special), wipers, O-rings, flange seals, rotary seals, rubber
energizers (preload elements). Applications where high temperature and/or chemical resistance is

Analysis and Evaluation

The mentioned properties are only valid for test pieces of the corresponding ISO, DIN and ASTM standards.
They cannot be directly related to seals, gaskets and other sealing products and should be used only as a
general guide.

*) VITON is a reg. Trademark of Du Pont Co./U.S.A.

Seal Maker Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH I Viktor-Kaplan-Allee 7, 7023 Pöttelsdorf, Austria
+43 (0)2626 20085 I +43 (0)2626 20085 66 I office@seal-maker.com I www.seal-maker.com
EPDM E131 – black (peroxide cross linked)


E131-B85 is a black Ehtylene Propylene Rubber, commonly referred to as EPDM. This material is
often used in hot water steam applications as well as in fire resistant fluids where synthetic oils are
used. EPDM materials are also used in bases, acids and alcohols. The use of E131-B85 in brake
fluids is not recommended and depends on the regional regulations. EPDM is not resistant to mineral-
vegetable- and animal oils.

Physical properties
Density: DIN 53479 g/cm 1,23
Hardness at 20°: DIN 53505 Shore A 85
Tensile strength: DIN 53504 N/mm > 14
Elongation at break: DIN 53504 % > 137
Compression set: 22h/70° DIN 53517A % 16
Compression set: 22h/100° DIN 53485 % 13
Min. service temperature: °C -50
Max. service temperature: °C 130

Chemical resistance

Water up to 90° R Biodegradeable oils U

Steam up to 180° R Fuels U
HFA, HFB, HFD-S fluids U Ozone, Oxygen R
HFC, HFD-R fluids R Alcohols R
Mineral oils U Ketones, Esters R
Vegetable oils U Air up to 100° R
Silicone oils S Air up to 150° U

Key to chemical resistance: R = resistant S = suitable U = unsuitable

Main application

Static and dynamic seals (standard and special), wipers, O-rings, flange seals, rotary seals, rubber
energizers (preload elements); cleaning and washing technology.

Analysis and Evaluation

The mentioned properties are only valid for test pieces of the corresponding ISO, DIN and ASTM standards.
They cannot be directly related to seals, gaskets and other sealing products and should be used only as a
general guide.

Seal Maker Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH I Viktor-Kaplan-Allee 7, 7023 Pöttelsdorf, Austria
+43 (0)2626 20085 I +43 (0)2626 20085 66 I office@seal-maker.com I www.seal-maker.com
EPDM-FDA E132 – white (sulphur cross linked)


E132-W85 is a white Ehtylene Propylene Rubber, commonly referred to as EPDM. This material is
often used in hot water steam applications as well as in fire resistant fluids where synthetic oils are
used. EPDM materials are also used in bases, acids and alcohols. The use of E131-B85 in brake
fluids is not recommended and depends on the regional regulations. EPDM is not resistant to mineral-
vegetable- and animal oils.

Physical properties
Density: DIN 53479 g/cm 1,385
Hardness at 20°: DIN 53505 Shore A 85
Tensile strength: DIN 53504 N/mm > 7,3
Elongation at break: DIN 53504 % > 347
100% Module: DIN 53504 N/mm 4,2
Tear strength: DIN 53507B N/mm 5,8
Compression set: 72h/RT DIN 53517 % 22,3
Min. service temperature: °C -50
Max. service temperature: °C 100
Short time max. service temp. in air: °C 130

Chemical resistance

Water up to 90° R Biodegradeable oils U

Steam up to 180° R Fuels U
HFA, HFB, HFD-S fluids U Ozone, Oxygen R
HFC, HFD-R fluids R Alcohols R
Mineral oils U Ketones, Esters R
Vegetable oils U Air up to 100° R
Silicone oils S Air up to 150° U

Key to chemical resistance: R = resistant S = suitable U = unsuitable

Main application

Static and dynamic seals (standard and special), wipers, O-rings, flange seals, rotary seals, rubber
energizers (preload elements); cleaning and washing technology; applications in the food industry.

Analysis and Evaluation

The mentioned properties are only valid for test pieces of the corresponding ISO, DIN and ASTM standards.
They cannot be directly related to seals, gaskets and other sealing products and should be used only as a
general guide.

Seal Maker Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH I Viktor-Kaplan-Allee 7, 7023 Pöttelsdorf, Austria
+43 (0)2626 20085 I +43 (0)2626 20085 66 I office@seal-maker.com I www.seal-maker.com
Silicone-red S102 (FDA, peroxide cross linked)


S102-R85 is a red Methyl Silicone Rubber, commonly referred to as Silicone. Silicone materials are
often used in hot air and in applications where chemicals and foodstuff are in contact with the sealing
material. Because of lower mechanical properties Silicone materials should not be used for dynamic
applications. This material is FDA approved.

Physical properties
Density: DIN 53479 g/cm 1,54
Hardness at 20°: DIN 53505 Shore A 85
Tensile strength: DIN 53504 N/mm > 7
Elongation at break: DIN 53504 % > 120
Compression set: 22h/175° DIN 53517A % 18,5
Min. service temperature: °C -55
Max. service temperature: °C 210
Short time max. service temp. in air: °C 270

Chemical resistance

Water up to 90° R Fuels U

Steam below 120° R Ozone, Oxygen R
HFA, HFB, HFC fluids R Air up to 200°C R
Mineral oils S
Vegetable oils R
Silicone oils U

Key to chemical resistance: R = resistant S = suitable U = unsuitable

Main application

Static and dynamic seals (standard and special), wipers, O-rings, flange seals, rotary seals, rubber
energizers (preload elements). Due to its low mechanical properties it should be used for static
applications only. Chemical and food industry.

Analysis and Evaluation

The mentioned properties are only valid for test pieces of the corresponding ISO, DIN and ASTM standards.
They cannot be directly related to seals, gaskets and other sealing products and should be used only as a
general guide.

Seal Maker Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH I Viktor-Kaplan-Allee 7, 7023 Pöttelsdorf, Austria
+43 (0)2626 20085 I +43 (0)2626 20085 66 I office@seal-maker.com I www.seal-maker.com
Silicone-blue S103 (FDA, peroxide cross linked)


S103-BL85 is a blue Methyl Silicone Rubber, commonly referred to as Silicone. Silicone materials are
often used in hot air and in applications where chemicals and foodstuff are in contact with the sealing
material. Because of lower mechanical properties Silicone materials should not be used for dynamic
applications. This material is FDA approved.

Physical properties
Density: DIN 53479 g/cm 1,54
Hardness at 20°: DIN 53505 Shore A 85
Tensile strength: DIN 53504 N/mm > 7,4
Elongation at break: DIN 53504 % > 120
Tear strength: ASTM D624B N/mm 10
Compression set: 22h/175° DIN 53517A % 18,5
Min. service temperature: °C -55
Max. service temperature: °C 180
Short time max. service temp. in air: °C 270

Chemical resistance

Water up to 90° R Fuels U

Steam below 120° R Ozone, Oxygen R
HFA, HFB, HFC fluids R Air up to 200°C R
Mineral oils S
Vegetable oils R
Silicone oils U

Key to chemical resistance: R = resistant S = suitable U = unsuitable

Main application

Static and dynamic seals (standard and special), wipers, O-rings, flange seals, rotary seals, rubber
energizers (preload elements). Due to its low mechanical properties it should be used for static
applications only. Chemical and food industry.

Analysis and Evaluation

The mentioned properties are only valid for testpieces of the corresponding ISO, DIN and ASTM standards. They
cannot be directly related to seals, gaskets and other sealing products and should be used only as a general

Seal Maker Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH I Viktor-Kaplan-Allee 7, 7023 Pöttelsdorf, Austria
+43 (0)2626 20085 I +43 (0)2626 20085 66 I office@seal-maker.com I www.seal-maker.com
AFLAS* AF101 – black (bisphenol cross linked)


AF101-B85 is a Tetrafluorethylene/Propylene copolymere (TFE/P), commonly referred to as FEPM or

AFLAS*. AFLAS* has a very high resistance to hydraulic fluids (incl. Alkyl-Acryl-Phosphate Esters), all
break fluids (on glycol, mineral and silicone base), acids, steam and hot water, sour oils/gases (H2S)
and heavily formulated oils with amine additives.

Physical properties
Density: DIN 53479 g/cm 1,68
Hardness at 20°: DIN 53505 Shore A 85
Tensile strength: DIN 53504 N/mm > 7,2
Elongation at break: DIN 53504 % > 236
100% Module: DIN 53504 N/mm 4,2
Tear strength: DIN 53507B N/mm 7,2
Compression set: 72h/RT DIN 53517 % 24,5
Min. service temperature: °C -15
Max. service temperature: °C 210
Short time max. service temp. in air: °C 280

Chemical resistance

Water up to 90° R Ozone R

Steam R Break Fluids R
HFA, HFB fluids R Solvents S
HFC, HFD fluids R Air up to 200° R
Mineral oils R
Vegetable oils R
Fuels S

Key to chemical resistance: R = resistant S = suitable U = unsuitable

Main application

Static and dynamic seals (standard and special), wipers, O-rings, flange seals, rotary seals, rubber
energizers (preload elements). Applications where high temp. and/or chemical resistance is required,
oil and gas industry.

Analysis and Evaluation

The mentioned properties are only valid for test pieces of the corresponding ISO, DIN and ASTM standards.
They cannot be directly related to seals, gaskets and other sealing products and should be used only as a
general guide.

*) AFLAS is a reg. trademark of Asahi Glass Co./Japan.

Seal Maker Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH I Viktor-Kaplan-Allee 7, 7023 Pöttelsdorf, Austria
+43 (0)2626 20085 I +43 (0)2626 20085 66 I office@seal-maker.com I www.seal-maker.com
Polyacetal P101 – white (FDA)


P101-WE is a white (natural) Polyacetal commonly referred to as POM (Polyoxymetylene) or Acetal.

The material has excellent physical and chemical properties to serve a wide range of applications.
P101-WE is very stable in wet and dry environments and is recommended for precision parts, where
close tolerances are required.

Physical properties
Density: DIN 53479 g/cm 1,41
Moisture absorption: 20°C / 65% rel. M. % 0,2
Tensile strength: DIN 53455 N/mm 70
Elongation at break: DIN 53455 % 40
Ball Hardness H358/3: DIN 53456 N/mm 60
Modulus: ISO R 178 N/mm 3300
Coefficient of sliding: < 0,4
Melting temperature: °C 164 - 167
Min. service temperature: °C -60
Max. service temperature: °C 100

Chemical resistance

Water up to 90° R Alcohols R

HFA, HFB, HFC fluids R Ozone U
HFD U Air up to 100° R
Mineral oils R Air up to 150° U
Vegetable oils R
Fuels R

Key to chemical resistance: R = resistant S = suitable U = unsuitable

Main application

Guide rings, bushings, back-up rings, scrapers, housings, high precision parts.

Analysis and Evaluation

The properties relate to fundamental values of Polyacetal. Products values mentioned above are corresponding
to ASTM or DIN standard and have been tested on standardized plates in the laboratory.

Seal Maker Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH I Viktor-Kaplan-Allee 7, 7023 Pöttelsdorf, Austria
+43 (0)2626 20085 I +43 (0)2626 20085 66 I office@seal-maker.com I www.seal-maker.com
Polyamide A112-natural white (FDA)


A112-WC is a casted, cream color Polyamid commonly referred to as Nylon, Delrin or PA. The
material has very good physical and chemical properties and is used in a wide range of applications.
Because of high moisture absorption which leads to swelling and the loss of physical properties we do
not recommend the use in water.

Physical properties
Density: DIN 53479 g/cm 1,15
Moisture absorption 23°C / 50% rel. M. % 2,2
Tensile strength: DIN 53455 N/mm 85
Elongation at break: DIN 53455 % 25
Ball hardness H358/3: DIN 53456 N/mm 165
Modulus: DIN 53457 N/mm 3300
Coefficient of sliding: < 0,4
Melting temperature: °C 220
Min. service temperature: °C -30
Max. service temperature: °C 105

Chemical resistance

Water up to 70° S Ozone U

Water up to 90° U Esters, Ketones R
HFA, HFB, HFC fluids R Alcohols R
HFD U Clorinated hydrocarbons S
Mineral oils R Air up to 100° R
Vegetable oils R Air up to 150° S
Fuels R Air up to 200° U

Key to chemical resistance: R = resistant S = suitable U = unsuitable

Main application

Guide rings, bushings, back-up rings, scrapers, housings.

Analysis and Evaluation

The properties relate to fundamental values of Polyamide. Products values mentioned above are corresponding
to ASTM or DIN standard and have been tested on standardized plates in the laboratory.

Seal Maker Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH I Viktor-Kaplan-Allee 7, 7023 Pöttelsdorf, Austria
+43 (0)2626 20085 I +43 (0)2626 20085 66 I office@seal-maker.com I www.seal-maker.com
PTFE-F T105 - grey


T105-G is a PTFE (Polytetrafluorethylene) filled with 15% glass and 5% Molybdenumdisulfide (MoS2)
in grey color. The fillers make the material more resistant to “cold flow” and provide the necessary
properties to use it as composite seals with energizer to withstand high pressures. It has a similar
chemical resistance and can be used in the same temperature range like virgin PTFE what makes it a
very universal seal material. T105-G should not be used for dynamic applications in water.

Physical properties
Density: DIN 53479 g/cm 2,2 – 2,3
Hardness: ASTM D2240 Shore D 55 - 60
Tensile strength: ASTM D4894 N/mm 15 - 20
Elongation at break: ASTM D4894 % 220 - 270
Coefficient of friction (dyn.): ASTM D1894 0,08
3 -8
Wear factor (K): ASTM D3702 min 10 /kg 10 - 20
Compr. strength at 1% deformation: ASTM D695 N/mm 8,5 - 9
Min. service temperature: °C - 200
Max. service temperature: °C 260
Therm. Exp. Coeff. (lin.) 25-100°: ASTM D696 10-5/°C 9 - 12

Chemical resistance

Water up to 70° R Vegetable oils R

Water up to 90° R Fuels R
HFA R Ozone R
HFC R Air up to 100° R
HFD R Air up to 150° R
Mineral oils R Air up to 200° R

Key to chemical resistance: R = resistant S = suitable U = unsuitable

Main application

Piston / Rod seals with spring or elastomere energizer, rotary seals, back-up rings, special seals and
O-rings, high and low temperature applications, chemical resistance required, low friction applications.

Analysis and Evaluation

The properties relate to fundamental values of PTFE. Product values mentioned above are corresponding to
ASTM or DIN standards and have been tested on standardized plates in the laboratory.

Seal Maker Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH I Viktor-Kaplan-Allee 7, 7023 Pöttelsdorf, Austria
+43 (0)2626 20085 I +43 (0)2626 20085 66 I office@seal-maker.com I www.seal-maker.com
PTFE-P T101 – white (FDA)


T101-W is a virgin PTFE (Polytetrafluorethylene) commonly referred to as Teflon or TFE in white

color. The material has outstanding chemical properties and the lowest coefficient of friction of any
solid material. The wide range of temperature (-200°C to +260°C) and the mechanical properties
make T101-W a universal material for a wide range of applications. T101-W should not be used for
dynamic applications in water.

Physical properties
Density: DIN 53479 g/cm 2,14 – 2,18
Hardness: ASTM D2240 Shore D 51 - 65
Tensile strength: DIN 53455 N/mm 25 - 31
Elongation at break: DIN 53455 % 300 - 400
Ball Hardness H132/6: DIN 53456 N/mm 22 - 32
Coefficient of friction (dyn.): ASTM D1894 0,06
3 -8
Wear factor (K): ASTM D3702 min 10 /kg r 29.000
Compr. strength at 1% deformation: ASTM D695 N/mm 4-5
Min. service temperature: °C - 200
Max. service temperature: °C 260
Therm. Exp. Coeff. (lin.) 25-100°: ASTM D696 10-5/°C 12 - 13

Chemical resistance

Water up to 70° R Vegetable oils R

Water up to 90° R Fuels R
HFA R Ozone R
HFC R Air up to 100° R
HFD R Air up to 150° R
Mineral oils R Air up tp 200° R

Key to chemical resistance: R = resistant S = suitable U = unsuitable

Main application

Piston / Rod seals with spring or elastomere energizer, rotary seals, back-up rings, special seals and
O-rings, high and low temperature applications, chemical resistance required, low friction applications.

Analysis and Evaluation

The properties relate to fundamental values of virgin PTFE. Product values mentioned above are corresponding
to ASTM or DIN standards and have been tested on standardized plates in the laboratory.

Seal Maker Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH I Viktor-Kaplan-Allee 7, 7023 Pöttelsdorf, Austria
+43 (0)2626 20085 I +43 (0)2626 20085 66 I office@seal-maker.com I www.seal-maker.com
PTFE-BR40 T110 - brown


T110-BR40 is a PTFE (Polytetrafluorethylene) filled with 40% bronze in brown color. The fillers make
the material more resistant to “cold flow” and provide the necessary properties to use it as composite
seals with energizer to withstand high pressures. It has similar chemical resistance and can be used
in the same temperature range like virgin PTFE what makes it a very universal seal material.
T110-BR40 should not be used for dynamic applications in water.

Physical properties
Density: DIN 53479 g/cm 3,05 – 3,12
Hardness: ASTM D2240 Shore D 62 - 67
Tensile strength: ASTM D4894 N/mm 23 - 28
Elongation at break: ASTM D4894 % 200 - 250
Coefficient of friction (dyn.): ASTM D1894 0,13
3 -8
Wear factor (K): ASTM D3702 min 10 /kg r 9 - 13
Compr. strength at 1% deformation: ASTM D695 N/mm 7-9
Min. service temperature: °C - 200
Max. service temperature: °C 260
Therm. Exp. Coeff. (lin.) 25-100°: ASTM D696 10-5/°C 10 – 11,5

Chemical resistance

Water up to 70° R Vegetable oils R

Water up to 90° R Fuels R
HFA R Ozone R
HFC R Air up to 100° R
HFD R Air up to 150° R
Mineral oils R Air up to 200° R

Key to chemical resistance: R = resistant S = suitable U = unsuitable

Main application

Piston / Rod seals with spring or elastomere energizer, rotary seals, back-up rings, special seals and
O-rings, high and low temperature applications, chemical resistance required, low friction applications.

Analysis and Evaluation

The properties relate to fundamental values of PTFE. Product values mentioned above are corresponding to
ASTM or DIN standards and have been tested on standardized plates in the laboratory.

Seal Maker Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH I Viktor-Kaplan-Allee 7, 7023 Pöttelsdorf, Austria
+43 (0)2626 20085 I +43 (0)2626 20085 66 I office@seal-maker.com I www.seal-maker.com
PTFE-BR40 T115 - blue


T115-BR40 is a PTFE (Polytetrafluorethylene) filled with 40% bronze in blue color. The fillers make
the material more resistant to “cold flow” and provide the necessary properties to use it as composite
seals with energizer to withstand high pressures. It has similar chemical resistance and can be used
in the same temperature range like virgin PTFE what makes it a very universal seal material.
T115-BR40 should not be used for dynamic applications in water.

Physical properties
Density: DIN 53479 g/cm 3,05 – 3,12
Hardness: ASTM D2240 Shore D 62 - 67
Tensile strength: ASTM D4894 N/mm 23 - 28
Elongation at break: ASTM D4894 % 200 - 250
Coefficient of friction (dyn.): ASTM D1894 0,13
3 -8
Wear factor (K): ASTM D3702 min 10 /kg r 9 - 13
Compr. strength at 1% deformation: ASTM D695 N/mm 7-9
Min. service temperature: °C - 200
Max. service temperature: °C 260
Therm. Exp. Coeff. (lin.) 25-100°: ASTM D696 10-5/°C 10 – 11,5

Chemical resistance

Water up to 70° R Vegetable oils R

Water up to 90° R Fuels R
HFA R Ozone R
HFC R Air up to 100° R
HFD R Air up to 150° R
Mineral oils R Air up to 200° R

Key to chemical resistance: R = resistant S = suitable U = unsuitable

Main application

Piston / Rod seals with spring or elastomere energizer, rotary seals, back-up rings, special seals and
O-rings, high and low temperature applications, chemical resistance required, low friction applications.

Analysis and Evaluation

The properties relate to fundamental values of PTFE. Product values mentioned above are corresponding to
ASTM or DIN standards and have been tested on standardized plates in the laboratory.

Seal Maker Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH I Viktor-Kaplan-Allee 7, 7023 Pöttelsdorf, Austria
+43 (0)2626 20085 I +43 (0)2626 20085 66 I office@seal-maker.com I www.seal-maker.com
PTFE-BR60 T120 - brown


T120-BR60 is a PTFE (Polytetrafluorethylene) filled with 60% bronze in brown color. The fillers make
the material more resistant to “cold flow” and provide the necessary properties to use it as composite
seals with energizer to withstand high pressures. It has similar chemical resistance and can be used
in the same temperature range like virgin PTFE what makes it a very universal seal material.
T120-BR60 should not be used for dynamic applications in water.

Physical properties
Density: DIN 53479 g/cm 3,80 – 3,90
Hardness: ASTM D2240 Shore D 65 - 70
Tensile strength: ASTM D4894 N/mm 17 - 23
Elongation at break: ASTM D4894 % 100 - 160
Coefficient of friction (dyn.): ASTM D1894 0,13
3 -8
Wear factor (K): ASTM D3702 min 10 /kg r 10
Compr. strength at 1% deformation: ASTM D695 N/mm 10 - 11
Min. service temperature: °C - 200
Max. service temperature: °C 260
Therm. Exp. Coeff. (lin.) 25-100°: ASTM D696 10 /°C 8-9

Chemical resistance

Water up to 70° R Vegetable oils R

Water up to 90° R Fuels R
HFA R Ozone R
HFC R Air up to 100° R
HFD R Air up to 150° R
Mineral oils R Air up tp 200° R

Key to chemical resistance: R = resistant S = suitable U = unsuitable

Main application

Piston / Rod seals with spring or elastomere energizer, rotary seals, back-up rings, special seals and
O-rings, high and low temperature applications, chemical resistance required, low friction applications.

Analysis and Evaluation

The properties relate to fundamental values of PTFE. Product values mentioned above are corresponding to
ASTM or DIN standards and have been tested on standardized plates in the laboratory.

Seal Maker Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH I Viktor-Kaplan-Allee 7, 7023 Pöttelsdorf, Austria
+43 (0)2626 20085 I +43 (0)2626 20085 66 I office@seal-maker.com I www.seal-maker.com
PTFE-C25 T125 - black


T125-C25 is a PTFE (Polytetrafluorethylene) filled with 25% carbon powder. The fillers make the
material more resistant to “cold flow” and provide the necessary properties to use it as composite seal
with energizer to withstand high pressures. It has similar chemical resistance and can be used in the
same temperature range like virgin PTFE and is especially used in rotary applications. T125-C25
should not be used for dynamic applications in water.

Physical properties
Density: DIN 53479 g/cm 2,05 – 2,11
Hardness: ASTM D2240 Shore D 62 - 67
Tensile strength: ASTM D4894 N/mm 14 - 18
Elongation at break: ASTM D4894 % 70 - 120
Coefficient of friction (dyn.): ASTM D1894 0,11
3 -8
Wear factor (K): ASTM D3702 min 10 /kg r 16 - 20
Compr. strength at 1% deformation: ASTM D695 N/mm 7-9
Min. service temperature: °C - 200
Max. service temperature: °C 260
Therm. Exp. Coeff. (lin.) 25-100°: ASTM D696 10 /°C 10 - 12

Chemical resistance

Water up to 70° R Vegetable oils R

Water up to 90° R Fuels R
HFA R Ozone R
HFC R Air up to 100° R
HFD R Air up to 150° R
Mineral oils R Air up tp 200° R

Key to chemical resistance: R = resistant S = suitable U = unsuitable

Main application

Piston / Rod seals with spring or elastomere energizer, rotary seals, back-up rings, special seals and
O-rings, high and low temperature applications, chemical resistance required, low friction applications.

Analysis and Evaluation

The properties relate to fundamental values of PTFE. Product values mentioned above are corresponding to
ASTM or DIN standards and have been tested on standardized plates in the laboratory.

Seal Maker Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH I Viktor-Kaplan-Allee 7, 7023 Pöttelsdorf, Austria
+43 (0)2626 20085 I +43 (0)2626 20085 66 I office@seal-maker.com I www.seal-maker.com

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