Blood Service Facility Ordinance
Blood Service Facility Ordinance
Blood Service Facility Ordinance
WHEREAS, Republic Act7719, otherwise known as "National Blood Service Act of 1994",
was passed to ensure safe and effrcient Blood Banking and transfusion practices in the Philippines;
WHEREAS, in order to promote public health, Department of Health AO No. 2010-002 was
issued, providing guidelines pertinent to the establishment and operation of local blood councils to
support the implementation of the national voluntary blood services program for blood safety and
adequacy, quality and patient safety;
WHEREAS, the Provincial Government of Pangasinan ensures to protect and promote the
health of Pangasinenses by providing a reliable blood service facility with professional, competent
and adequate staff, equipment and resources to perform the required procedures for an efficient,
adequate, continuous and safe blood supply;
WHEREAS, the Province of Pangasinan thru the Provincial Health Office, aims to provide
continuous supply of safe blood and assure the general public that only licensed blood service
facilities can operate within the territorial jurisdiction;
Section 1. TITLE - This ordinance shall be known as "Creating the Pangasinan Provincial
Blood Bank Facility, and Providing Guidelines for the Collection, Processing and the Operation of
Blood Bank and Blood Processing Laboratories";
a. The Pangasinan Provincial Blood Bank endeavors to provide adequate supply of safe
blood for the community in accordance with the National Blood Service Act if 1994,
the Deparfinent of Health Policies and Provincial Blood Council Guidelines.
c. Strengthen the linkages oflocal hospitals, facilities providing emergency obstetric care
and health services with Blood Centers.
Section 3. DEFINITION OF TERMS - For purposes of Ordinance, the following terms shall
l. Act - Republic Act (RA) 7710, also known as the National Blood Services Act of
1994, unless herein specified.
2- Blood Components - refers, but not limited to whole blood, re cells, granulocytes,
plasma, platelets, cryoprecipitate and cryosupemate prepared in a Blood Service
3. Blood Service Facility - refers to Blood Bank (BB), Blood Center (BC), Blood
Collecting Unit (BCII) and Blood Station (BS).
5. End User Hospital - a hospital with licensed clinical laboratory capable of red cell
typing and cross matching and does not have any blood service facility but which only
receives blood and blood components for blood transfusion as needed.
a. Allowable Fees
The new maximum allowable blood service fees for the provision of the whole blood
and blood components, as provided in Administrative Order No. 2015-0045 dated
October 26, 2015, shall be adopted in the collection of fees at the Pangasinan
Provincial Blood Service Facility.
d.2. All records relevant to the operation of the Blood Bank shall be retained for a
minimum of five (5) years or as required by the law. Records pertaining to
donor's profile shall remained confidential and be disposed in accordance with
the guidelines set by the National Archives of the Philippines (NAP)
5.1. The blood and blood components are free and not for sale. It is the screening and
extraction processes where reasonable amount of fees can be collected, as
provided in AO No. 2015-0045.
5.2. A request for blood unil/s and issuance thereof shall be prepared by the
requesting partner agency's blood focal person representative and the Focal
Person of the Pangasinan Provincial Blood Bank act on the same.
5.3. Partner agencies may avail the fifty-fifty (50-50) sharing of the
generated,/collected blood units which passed through the blood screening and
test process of the Pangasinan Provincial Blood Bank.
5.4. The beneficiaries of the requested blood unit/s or component thereof shall be
determined by the local blood focal representative/coordinator with the approval
of the Pangasinan Provincial Blood Focal Person.
6.A.2. In the event that requesting party for blood units/components is not a
previous or recent donor, but a resident of the LGU concerned, he/she
may be provided the requested blood uniVs or components free of
charge, subject to the discretion of the LCU Focal Person/Coordinator
concerned to be endorsed to the Provincial Blood Bank Focal Person.
6.8.2. The request, expenses, issuance and transport ofblood unit/s components
are subject to the terms and conditions agreed by the concerned parties
in the MOA. AO No. 2015-0045 shall nonetheless be considered in the
6.C.1 Walk in clients or those who are not endorsed by the LGUs or partner
agencies and/or not referred to by any Health Care Institution may be
attended to by the Pangasinan Provincial Blood Bank, subject to
availability and provided the walk in client agrees to abide with the
policies if the Pangasinan Provincial Blood Bank.
6.C.2. The request for blood unit/s or components may be provided to the
concemed client after compliance with the requirements, including full
payment of the corresponding blood screening and service fees.
7.1 The operation of the Pangasinan Provincial Blood Bank Facility by the
Pangasinan Provincial Hospital shall be in accordance with the Manual Standards
for Blood Service facilities.
7 .2 Blood units and/or blood components shall be available 2417 at the Pangasinan
Provincial Blood Bank. The Pangasinan Provincial Blood Focal Person shall
determine the facility's minimum blood stock inventory level from time to time and
should ensure a buffer stock for emergency purposes.
7.3 The Pangasinan Provincial Blood Bank Facility should have the appropriate
Blood Station Facility within the premises to ensure immediate access to needed
blood uniVs or components by clientele and the blood stations.
A. The Province of Pangasinan adopts DOH Administrative Order No. 2015-0045 for
the following new maximum blood service fees to be collected by the Pangasinan
Provincial Blood Bank Facility, to wit:
The Pangasinan Provincial Blood Bank Facility shall post in the designated public
area (outside the laboratory or Blood Bank) either in English or in Vemacular, the details
ofthe Blood Service Fee as stated below:
A. "Blood is Free"
Testing for:
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Syphilis and Malaria
B. No other fees shall be collected from the patient or patient's immediate relatives
(e.g. deposits, blood bond or non-replacement fee - payment for units ofblood
or blood products, in case patient cannot bring Voluntary Non-remunerated
Blood Donors).
b. Develop local policies and appropriate planning according to the needs of his
It is hereby appropriated the amount of Php 5 Million pesos annually for the
operation and maintenance of the facility chargeable against the
of the Province.
This ordinance shall take effect after the compliance with the posting requirement
under the Local Government Code of 1991.
(Presiding Officer)
r q, PrilGr$rrrf,
2F Capitol Bldg., Lingayen, Pangasinan 2zlol
e-mail address: pbsecpang@yah / sp committeedivision@vah oo. co m