Criminal Procedure by Atty. Tranquil
Criminal Procedure by Atty. Tranquil
Criminal Procedure by Atty. Tranquil
SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION Only the RTC where the case is assigned may issue an
It is the authority of the court to hear and decide the
case. Simply put, it means jurisdiction over the offense Can the Sandiganbayan issue an HDO? Yes. (Miriam
charged. (UP BOC 2020, p. 354) Defensor-Santiago vs. Vasquez, et. al.)
JURISDICTION OF THE TRIAL COURTS Precautionary HDO – happens when the case is not yet
in court (the case is still pending in the office of the
In criminal cases, what determines jurisdiction is the prosecutor) and the prosecutor handling the case
length/period of imprisonment provided for by law (not determines probable cause to apply for a precautionary
by the judge). HDO.
If the imprisonment, by provision of law, Note: It is the prosecutor who may apply for the same
exceeds 6 years, the RTC has jurisdiction, in court.
regardless of fine or accessory penalty.
Note: The DOJ cannot issue any kind of HDO. It is only
If 6 years below, first level courts. the court who can. Thus, the need for the prosecutor to
apply for the same in court.
Atty. Tranquil: No ifs and buts. So long as the
imprisonment exceeds 6 years as provided for by law, Note: A family court can issue an HDO in connection
the RTC has jurisdiction. with a minor whose custody is subject to the
determination of the court.
Atty. Tranquil: There are certain laws that confers
jurisdiction to the RTC, regardless of the length/period JURISDICTION OF THE SANDIGANBAYAN (SB)
of imprisonment.
Under RA 8249, to determine whether the
Offenses where the imposable penalty is fine only Sandiganbayan has jurisdiction, lawyers must look into
two (2) criteria, namely:
If it exceeds 4K, RTC.
1. The nature of the offense; AND
If it does not exceed 4K, first level courts.
2. The salary grade of the public official.
Note: Not upon arraignment. (Atty. Tranquil) 1. Violations of RA 3019 (Anti-graft and Corrupt
Practices Law);
Personal note: Atty. Tranquil often says “acts
Offenses punishable by imprisonment NOT exceeding disadvantageous to the government”. This may
one (1) year OR a fine of 5K, must first go through be a good keyword for purposes of the bar.
Katarungang Pambarangay, before a court action may When I checked RA 3019, “entering, on behalf
be filed. of the Government, into any contract or
transaction manifestly and grossly
Note: Applicable only if the parties are actually residing disadvantageous to the same, whether or not
in the same city or municipality. the public officer profited or will profit thereby”
is among those acts which constitute corrupt b) Alleges damage to the government OR bribery
practices. arising from the same or closely related
transactions/acts, in an amount not exceeding
2. RA 1379 (Forfeiture of Illegally Acquired one million pesos (P1,000,000.00). (R.A. 10660)
Note: Subject to the SB’s appellate jurisdiction.
3. Crimes by public officers or employees
embraced in Ch. II, Sec.2 Title VII, Bk. II of the OMBUDSMAN (OB)
RPC (Crimes committed by Public Officers)
namely: Nature of the Office of the OB
c) Qualified Bribery under Art. 211-A; 1. Investigate AND prosecute on its own OR on
complaint by any person, any act or omission of
d) Corruption of public officials under Art. 212 any public officer or employee, office or agency,
when such act or omission appears to be illegal,
4. Other offenses or felonies whether simple or unjust, improper or inefficient.
complexed with other crimes committed in
relation to their office. It has primary jurisdiction over cases cognizable
by the Sandiganbayan and, in the exercise of his
Note: Without the office, the crime would not primary jurisdiction, it may take over, at any
have been committed. (Atty. Tranquil) stage, from any investigatory agency of
Government, the investigation of such
Atty. Tranquil: In so far as the foregoing crimes are cases (Sec. 15(1) R.A. No. 6770; see also Sec.
concerned, there are those who do not have SG 27, but 13(1), Article XI, 1987 Constitution);
by provision of law are nevertheless under the
jurisdiction of the SB, such as city treasurers, city Atty. Tranquil: Aside from being able to
assessors, members of the sangguniang panlungsod, investigate on its own (fact-finding
sangguniang panlalawigan. investigations), the OB can determine probable
cause for the purpose of filing the proper
Another example are presidents, directors or trustees or Information in court.
managers of GOCCs, state universities or educational
institutions or foundations. While they do not have SG Atty. Tranquil: The office of the OB can
27, they fall within the jurisdiction of the prosecute through its ancillary office, the Office
Sandiganbayan. Personal note: See Sec. 4 (a) (1) of RA of the Special Prosecutor – they are the ones
8429. who appear in court before the SB and
prosecute for the State.
Allegation of Conspiracy
2. Direct, upon complaint OR at its own instance,
If the allegation will establish conspiracy, all the any officer or employee of the Government, or
conspirators will be charged at the Sandiganbayan, even of any subdivision, agency or instrumentality
though some of them are below SG 27 OR are private thereof, as well as any government-owned or
individuals, so long as one of them have SG 27. controlled corporations with original charter, to
1 million Threshold perform and expedite any act or duty required
by law, OR to stop, prevent, and correct any
The Regional Trial Court shall have exclusive original abuse or impropriety in the performance of
jurisdiction where the information: duties (Sec. 15(2) R.A. No. 6770; Sec 13(2)
Article XI, 1987 Constitution);
3. Direct the officer concerned to take appropriate is dismissed, or the
action against a public officer or employee at penalty is (2) reprimand,
fault or who neglects to perform an act or (3) censure, (4)
discharge a duty required by law, AND suspension of not more
recommend his removal, suspension, demotion, than 1 month, or (5) fine
fine, censure, or prosecution, and ensure equivalent to 1 month
compliance therewith. salary, the decision shall
be final, executory, and
The refusal by any officer without just cause to unappealable. Hence,
comply with an order of the Ombudsman to the remedy is Rule 65 to
remove, suspend, demote, fine, censure, or the CA. (Atty. Tranquil;
prosecute an officer or employee who is at fault Section 7, Rule III,
or who neglects to perform an act or discharge Ombudsman
a duty required by law shall be ground for Administrative Order
disciplinary action against said officer (Sec. No. 7).
15(3) R.A. No. 6770; see also Sec 13(3), Article
XI, 1987 Constitution);
3. Violation of Domicile; OR I will explain thoroughly when we reach Rule 26. I just
had to state it here so that you would know that it is not
4. Trespass to Dwelling. ironclad.
Note: A
investigation is
required to be
before the
filing of a
complaint or
information for
an offense
where the
prescribed by OFFENSE
law is at least
four (4) years, The institution of the criminal action shall interrupt the
two (2) months running period of prescription of the offense charged
and one (1) unless otherwise provided in special laws. (Rule 110,
day without Section 1)
regard to the
fine. (Rule 112, RPC SPL ORDINANCE
Section 1) Upon filing of Upon filing of Upon filing of
the complaint the complaint the complaint
If it does not Office of the Direct Filing in affidavit in the affidavit in the or Information
require Prosecutor Court (last office of the office of the in court.
preliminary section, Rule prosecutor. prosecutor.
investigation. 112)
Atty. Tranquil:
OR With more
reason that the
Office of the prescriptive
Prosecutor period of the
offense is
If covered by Office of the Direct Filing in interrupted
the Rules on Prosecutor Court (last when you file it
Summary section, Rule in court, as in
Procedure; 112) cases where
hence, does direct filing is
not require OR allowed.
RULE 112
subpoena with the
The pertinent provision when we speak of preliminary complaint and
investigation is Section 3 of Rule 112. supporting affidavits and
documents, the
PROCEDURE (SECTION 3) respondent shall submit
his counter-affidavit
and that of his witnesses
WHEN PRELIMINARY 1. The complainant and other supporting
INVESTIGATION (PI) IS prepares a complaint- documents relied upon
REQUIRED affidavit which shall be for his defense.
signed and sworn to
Note: A preliminary before a prosecutor. The counter-affidavits
investigation is required shall be subscribed and
to be conducted before Only in the absence or sworn to and certified in
the filing of a complaint unavailability of a the same manner with
or information for an prosecutor that it can that of the complaint-
offense where the be sworn to before a affidavit.
penalty prescribed by notary public. It is the
law is at least four (4) office of the prosecutor Note: The respondent is
years, two (2) months (OP) that will certify the not allowed to file a
and one (1) day without unavailability of a motion to dismiss in lieu
regard to the fine. (Rule prosecutor. of a counter-affidavit.
112, Section 1)
2. The case will be 5. If the respondent
raffled to an cannot be subpoenaed,
investigating officer. For or if subpoenaed, does
our example, let us say not submit counter-
it has been raffled to an affidavits within the ten
Assistant City (10) day period, the
Prosecutor (ACP) investigating officer shall
resolve the complaint
3. The ACP has two based on the evidence
options: presented by the
complainant – may
3.1. Within ten (10) days dismiss the complaint-
after the filing of the affidavit or file the
complaint, the Information in court.
investigating officer shall
either dismiss it if he Note: The right to a PI is
finds no ground to a statutory right, not a
continue with the Constitutional right.
investigation; OR Therefore, the absence
of which will not in any
3.2. Issue a subpoena to way affect the rights of
the respondent the accused. (Atty.
attaching to it a copy of Tranquil)
the complaint and its
supporting affidavits and Note: The resolution of
documents. the ACP is merely
recommendatory to the
4. Within ten (10) days City/Chief Prosecutor.
Therefore, if the ACP Note: The resolution of
releases a resolution the ACP is merely
without the authority of recommendatory to the
the City/Chief City/Chief Prosecutor.
Prosecutor, that can be
a subject of a Motion to
Quash on the ground
that the officer who WHEN THE CASE IS Same rule in “WHEN PI
filed the information COVERED BY THE RULES IS NOT REQUIRED”.
had no authority to do ON SUMMARY
so, without prejudice to PROCEDURE (PI NOT Atty. Tranquil: This
the refiling of the case. REQUIRED) classification will have a
difference later on when
6. If the respondent we discuss the issuance
submitted a counter- of a warrant of arrest.
affidavit, the ACP can
recommend the
dismissal of the counter-
affidavit or the filing of
an Information in court.
Note: The resolution of
Petition for Review to the DOJ/SOJ.
the ACP is merely
recommendatory to the
Note: The basis of which is NPS RULES ON APPEAL of
City/Chief Prosecutor.
the DOJ, not Rule 42 nor 43 of the ROC.
WHEN PI IS NOT When the provision of Facts: This case stemmed from an Affidavit-Complaint
REQUIRED the law/rules says that for Perjury, filed by petitioners against respondent
PI is not required, it only before the Office of the Provincial Prosecutor of
means that the ACP will Pangasinan (OPP).
not issue a subpoena
together with the After the requisite preliminary investigation
complaint-affidavit and proceedings, the OPP dismissed petitioners' criminal
other documents. complaint against respondent for lack of probable
cause. Aggrieved, petitioners appealed before the
Therefore, the Office of the Regional State Prosecutor (ORSP) located
respondent will not be in San Fernando City, La Union. However, the ORSP
required to submit his affirmed the OPP's findings that no probable cause
counter-affidavit. exists to indict respondent for the crime of Perjury.
Undaunted, petitioners filed a petition
It follows that the ACP for certiorari before the CA.
will resolve based only
on the complaint- The CA dismissed the petition outright on the ground
affidavit, affidavit of his that petitioners availed of a wrong remedy. It held that
witnesses, as well as under Department of Justice (DOJ) Department Circular
other supporting No. 70-A, petitioners should have first appealed the
documents.(Atty. adverse ORSP ruling to the Secretary of Justice (SOJ)
Tranquil) before elevating the matter to the regular courts.
Issue: Whether or not the CA erred in dismissing the attached thereto. This is, however, without prejudice on
petition for certiorari on the ground of petitioners' the part of the SOJ to review the ORSP ruling, should
supposed availment of a wrong remedy. the former deem it appropriate to
Ruling: Yes. The CA erred in dismissing the petition for In this case, records show that petitioners filed a
certiorari. criminal complaint before the OPP accusing respondent
DOJ Department Circular No. 70 dated July 3, 2000, of Perjury. The complaint was, however, dismissed by
entitled the "2000 NPS Rule on Appeal," which governs the OPP and such dismissal was upheld by the ORSP.
the appeals process in the National Prosecution Service Since (a) the criminal complaint was filed outside of the
(NPS), provides that resolutions of, inter alia, the NCR; (b) perjury cases are cognizable by the first-level
Regional State Prosecutor, in cases subject of courts since the maximum penalty therefor is
preliminary investigation/reinvestigation shall be imprisonment for less than six (6) years; and (c) it
appealed by filing a verified petition for review before appears that the SOJ did not exercise its power of
the SOJ. However, this procedure was immediately control and supervision over the entire NPS by
amended by DOJ Department Circular No. 70-A dated reviewing the ORSP ruling, the ORSP's affirmance of the
July 10, 2000, entitled "Delegation of Authority to OPP ruling was with finality. As such, petitioners have
Regional State Prosecutors to Resolve Appeals in already exhausted its administrative remedies and
Certain Cases," which reads: may now go to the CA via a petition for certiorari.
xxxx Atty. Tranquil: If the case is filed in the NCR OR the
case, should it proceed to the courts, is cognizable by
In order to expedite the disposition of appealed cases the RTC, the remedy is to go straight to the DOJ/SOJ.
governed by Department Circular No. 70 dated July 3,
2000 ("2000 NPS RULE ON APPEAL"), all petitions for Let us now try to complete our discussion of Rule 112.
review of resolutions of Provincial/City Prosecutors in What we are discussing now (conduct of a PI) is only 1
eases cognizable by the Metropolitan Trial Courts, of the 3 functions (PI, inquest, and prosecute) of the
Municipal Trial Courts and Municipal Circuit Trial Office of the Prosecutor.
Courts, except in the National Capital Region, shall be
filed with the Regional State Prosecutor concerned Can the filing of the Petition for Review with the
who shall resolve such petitions with finality in DOJ/SOJ or the ORSP (as the case may be) stop the
accordance with the pertinent rules prescribed in the filing of the Information by the Chief – City/Provincial
said Department Circular. Prosecutor?
The foregoing delegation of authority notwithstanding, NO. As long as the City/Provincial prosecutor found
the Secretary, of Justice may, pursuant to his power of probable cause, the Information will be filed in court
supervision and control over the entire National cannot be stopped. (Atty. Tranquil)
Prosecution Service and in the interest of justice, review
the resolutions of the Regional State Prosecutors in Note: What can be stopped, however, is arraignment
appealed cases. with the filing of a Petition for Review as found in the
last section of Rule 116. If there is a pending Petition for
x x x x (Emphases and underscoring supplied) Review before the DOJ/SOJ or OSRP (as the case may
be), the arraignment, upon motion, shall be suspended
As may be gleaned above, DOJ Department Circular No. for 60 days (Atty. Tranquil)
70-A delegated to the ORSPs the authority to rule with
finality cases subject of preliminary
investigation/reinvestigation appealed before it,
provided that: (a) the case is not filed in the National
Capital Region (NCR); AND (b) the case, should it
proceed to the courts, is cognizable by the first level
courts – which includes not only violations of city or
municipal ordinances, but also all offenses punishable
with imprisonment not exceeding six (6)
years irrespective of the amount of fine, and regardless
of other imposable accessory or other penalties
CRESPO VS. MOGUL (LEADING CASE) should be left entirely for the determination of the
(b) When an offense has just been committed, Note: Release does not necessarily mean that
and he has probable cause to believe based on the case will be dismissed – you will be released
personal knowledge of facts or circumstances only.
that the person to be arrested has committed it;
and If, on the other hand, the inquest prosecutor
thinks that the case against the arrested person
(c) When the person to be arrested is a prisoner is strong, he can order detention.
who has escaped from a penal establishment or
place where he is serving final judgment or is What are the options available for the person
temporarily confined while his case is pending, detained?
1. Before the Information is filed, ask for a PI, but
he has to waive Article 125 of the RPC, in the SUFFICIENCY OF COMPLAINT OR INFORMATION (SEC.
presence of counsel; 6, R110)
2. Wait until the Information is filed, and once the No one comes to the bar exam without memorizing
same is filed, apply for bail; OR Section 6. (Atty. Tranquil)
XPN: When the authority is revoked or otherwise 4. The name of the offended party;
5. The approximate date of the commission of the
Atty. Tranquil: The participation of the private offended offense; and
party’s counsel is limited to the civil aspect.
6. The place where the offense was committed.
Atty. Tranquil: In one case decided by the SC, the public
prosecutor was ill and had to go to the Heart Center of When an offense is committed by more than one
the PH. For that reason, he was not able to attend the person, all of them shall be included in the complaint or
hearing. Despite his absence, the judge allowed the information.
defense counsel to present the evidence of the
accused. Name of the accused (Section 7) and of the offended
party (Section 12)
The SC held that all of proceedings taken in the
absence of the public prosecutor are null and void Accused Offended Parry
because he is in control of the prosecution of the Must state the: Must state:
1. Name and surname of
the accused; 1. The name and
surname of the person Designation of the offense (Section 8)
2. Any appellation or against whom or against
nickname by which he whose property the Shall state:
has been or is known; offense was committed;
OR 1. The designation of the offense given by the
2. Any appellation or statute;
3. If his name cannot be nickname by which such
ascertained, he must be person has been or is 1.1. If there is no designation of the offense,
described under a known. reference shall be made to the section or
fictitious name with a subsection of the statute punishing it;
statement that his true 3. If there is no better
name is unknown. way of identifying him, 2. Aver the acts or omissions constituting the
he must be described offense; AND
If the true name of the under a fictitious name.
accused is thereafter 3. Specify its qualifying and aggravating
disclosed by him or (a) In offenses against circumstances.
appears in some other property, if the name of
manner to the court, the offended party is Note: No. 3 has been asked in the bar several
such true name shall be unknown, the property times.
inserted in the must be described with
complaint or such particularity as to Cause of the accusation (Section 9)
information and record. properly identify the
offense charged. The acts or omissions complained of as constituting the
offense AND the qualifying and aggravating
(b) If the true name of circumstances must be stated in ordinary and concise
the of the person language and not necessarily in the language used in
against whom or against the statute but in terms sufficient to enable a person of
whose properly the common understanding to know what offense is being
offense was committed charged as well as its qualifying and aggravating
is thereafter disclosed or circumstances and for the court to pronounce
ascertained, the court judgment.
must cause the true
name to be inserted in Place of commission of the offense (Section 10)
the complaint or
information and the GR: Sufficient if it can be understood from its allegations
record. that the offense was committed OR some of the
essential ingredients occurred at some place within the
(c) If the offended party jurisdiction of the court
is a juridical person, it is
sufficient to state its XPN: When the particular place where it was committed
name, or any name or constitutes an essential element of the offense or is
designation by which it necessary for its identification.
is known or by which it
may be identified, Date of commission of the offense (Section 11)
without need of
averring that it is a GR: Not necessary to state in the complaint or
juridical person or that it information the precise date the offense was
is organized in committed.
accordance with law.
The offense may be alleged to have been committed on Indeed, it must be pointed out that the prosecution
a date as near as possible to the actual date of its filed a defective Information. An Information is fatally
commission. defective when it is clear that it does not really charge
an offense or when an essential element of the crime
Note: There must at least be an approximation of the has not been sufficiently alleged. In the instant case,
date of commission e.g., “on or about June 2021”. while the prosecution was able to allege the identity of
Merely stating the year of the commission is not the buyer and the seller, it failed to particularly allege
allowed. (Atty. Tranquil) or identify in the Information the subject matter of the
sale or the corpus delicti. We must remember that one
XPN: When it is a material ingredient of the offense e.g., of the essential elements to convict a person of sale of
infanticide, election offenses. prohibited drugs is to identify with certainty
the corpus delicti. Here, the prosecution took the
Note: A change in the date of the commission of rape is liberty to lump together two sets of corpora
not a matter of substance. Although it is a matter of delicti when it should have separated the two in two
form, it could still be accommodated after plea because different informations. To allow the prosecution to do
it will not prejudice the rights of the accused since the this is to deprive the accused-appellants of their right
date of commission is not a material element of the to be informed, not only of the nature of the offense
offense. Corollary, because the amendment is merely a being charged, but of the essential element of the
matter of form, it would not require a new PI – a new PI offense charged; and in this case, the very corpus
is required only if there is substitution of the delicti of the crime.20 (Emphasis and underscoring
Information or there is an amendment of the supplied)
Information by reason of substance.
In the case at bar, the Information filed against Reyes
People vs. Reyes (G.R. No. 225736, 15 October 2018) failed to sufficiently identify therein all the components
of the first element of the crime of sale of dangerous
An Information was filed against Reyes in this case, the drugs, namely: the identity of the buyer, the object, and
accusatory portion of which reads as follows: the consideration. Much similar to the case of Posada,
therefore, the prosecution in this case likewise deprived
That on or about 12:15 in the early dawn of July 5, 2011 Reyes of his right to be informed of the offense charged
in Brgy. Malindong, Binmaley, Pangasinan and within against him. To repeat, for this reason alone, Reyes
the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above- should already be acquitted.
named accused, did, then and there, willfully and
unlawfully sell Methamphetamine Hydrochloride or In what other instance is the sufficiency of the
"shabu", a dangerous drug, without any authority to sell complaint or Information material? It is also material
the same. for Bill of Particulars under Sec. 9 of R116, not only in a
Motion to Quash as I discussed a while ago.
Contrary to Section 5, Article II, of RA 9165.
Like in civil cases, when the Information is defective,
Issue: Whether or not the Information is defective. you will have to identify the defects and tell the court
the details desired.
Ruling: Yes. The Information is defective.
Note: In practice, you will not file a BOP if you are the
The Information filed against Reyes, makes a counsel of the accused. That is why filing of a BOP is not
conclusion of law – that he "did x x x sell" dangerous mandatory.
drugs – without specifically stating 1) the identity of the
buyer; 2) the amount of dangerous drugs supposedly Enrile vs. People (G.R. No. 213455, 11 August 2015):
traded by Reyes; and 3) the consideration for the sale.
The Distinctive Role of a Bill of Particulars
In People v. Posada, the Information filed therein
erroneously lumped together the objects of illegal sale When allegations in an Information
and illegal possession of dangerous drugs. In ruling that are vague or indefinite, the remedy of the accused is
the said Information was defective, the Court in the said not a motion to quash, but a motion for a bill of
case held that: particulars.
Atty. Tranquil: So if you are confronted with a question
The purpose of a bill of particulars is to supply vague in the bar exam involving BOP, you have to go back to
facts or allegations in the complaint or information to Sec. 6, R110 (Sufficiency of complaint or information)
enable the accused to properly plead and prepare for
trial. It presupposes a valid Information, one that GENERAL RULE: ONE OFFENSE, ONE INFORMATION
presents all the elements of the crime charged, albeit
under vague terms. Notably, the specifications that a GR: A complaint or information must charge only one
bill of particulars may supply are only formal offense (Sec. 13, Rule 110)
amendments to the complaint or Information.
Notably, the failure of the accused to move for the
specification of the details desired deprives him of the 1. When the law prescribes a single punishment
right to object to evidence that could be introduced for various offenses. (Sec. 13, Rule 110)
and admitted under an Information of more or less
general terms but which sufficiently charges the 2. When two or more offenses are charged in a
accused with a definite crime. single complaint or information but the accused
fails to object to it before trial, the court may
Motion to Quash vs. Motion for Bill of convict him of as many offenses as are charged
Particulars and proved, and impose on him the penalty for
each offense, setting out separately the findings
A bill of particulars presupposes a valid Information of fact and law in each offense. (Sec. 3, 120)
while a motion to quash is a jurisdictional defect on
account that the facts charged in the Information does
not constitute an offense. With all of the foregoing, you now understand what an
Information is. The next topic that I will discuss is
This Court mentioned that the proper remedy, if at all, something I do not want to miss out – amendment or
to a supposed ambiguity in an otherwise valid substitution.
Information, is merely to move for a bill of particulars
and not for the quashal of an information which AMENDMENT OF COMPLAINT OR INFORMATION (SEC.
sufficiently alleges the elements of the offense 14, R110)
The reckoning point is the plea.
If the information does not charge an offense, then a
motion to quash is in order. BEFORE PLEA AFTER PLEA
May be amended, in Only a formal
But if the information charges an offense and the form or in substance, amendment, which
averments are so vague that the accused cannot without leave of court. must be:
prepare to plead or prepare for trial, then a motion for
a bill of particulars is the proper remedy. Note: Amended in 1. With leave of
substance would require court; AND
Atty. Tranquil’s Explanation of the Enrile Case a new PI.
2. When it can be
An Information for plunder against former senate done without
president Enrile was filed by the OB. causing
prejudice to the
Enrile filed a BOP in the SB which was denied, but was rights of the
later on partly granted by the SC saying that the details accused.
that would be necessary for him to defend himself of
the charges should have been explained, only up to the How to determine w/on
extent of how the funds was distributed to him, but not the amendment would
as to its source. prejudice the rights of
the accused?
The relevant provisions as regards substitution are as
If it would make the follows:
penalty more grave OR
would require the Sec. 14, R110 Sec. 19, R119
accused to change the If it appears at any time Sec. 19, R119 – when it
nature of his defense. before judgment that a becomes manifest at
(Atty. Tranquil) mistake has been made any time before
in charging the proper judgment that a mistake
offense, the court shall has been made in
dismiss the original charging the proper
complaint or offense and the accused
information upon the cannot be convicted of
filing of a new one the offense charged or
charging the proper any other offense
offense in accordance necessarily included
Any amendment before
with section 19, Rule therein, the accused
plea, which excludes any
119, provided the shall not be discharged
accused from the
accused shall not be if there appears good
complaint or
placed in double cause to detain him. In
information, can be
jeopardy. such case, the court
made only upon motion
shall commit the
by the prosecutor, with
accused to answer for
notice to the offended
the proper offense and
party and with leave of
dismiss the original case
upon the filing of the
proper information.
Note: Once the criminal action is instituted, the The criminal action shall be deemed to include the
prosecution of the civil action instituted ahead corresponding civil action. No reservation to file such
will stop in whatever stage it may be because civil action separately shall be allowed.
the law gives preference to the criminal action.
Atty. Tranquil: You can file civil case ahead the criminal
Nonetheless, you have an option to consolidate case. However, the very moment the criminal action for
– so whatever evidence was presented in the BP 22 is filed, the civil action is suspended.
civil action instituted ahead can be consolidated
with the criminal action. FILING FEES
Side Note: In the light of the rule on the Writ of Actual Damages Moral, Nominal,
Amparo, if there is a petition for the issuance of Temperate, or
the writ and a subsequent criminal case, it will Exemplary (MENT)
be consolidated with the criminal case. Damages
GR: No filing fees shall Filing fees is required –
be required. where the amount of The issue in the civil case will determine the
damages, other than outcome of the criminal action (the guilt or
XPN: BP 22 – the actual, is specified in the innocence of the accused). That is why the
offended party shall pay complaint or criminal case will have to wait for the outcome
in full the filing fees information, the of the civil case. (Guidelines on Continuous
based on the face value corresponding filing fees Trial; Atty. Tranquil)
of the check, which shall shall be paid by the
be considered as the offended party upon the Effect of a Prejudicial Question
actual damages claimed. filing thereof in court.
Ratio: To prevent the Suspension of the criminal action (Sec. 6, Rule 111)
practice of financing Q: Should you amend
companies in using the Information if It does not prescribe the dismissal of the criminal action
court processes as a MENT is not alleged [Yap v. Paras, G.R. No. 101236, (1992)]
collection arm. therein?
Where filed and when filed
No, because if it is
proven in the course of A petition for suspension of criminal action based upon
the trial, the filing fees the pendency of a prejudicial question in a civil action
thereof shall constitute is filed in either:
a first lien on the
judgment awarding 1. Office of the prosecutor (in the PI stage); OR
such damages.
2. Court where criminal action has been filed for
trial, at any time before the prosecution rests.
(Sec. 6, Rule 111) [Atty. Tranquil; UP BOC 2020]
You have to take note of this because it has been so
long since this was asked in the bar. Prejudicial Question No Prejudicial Question
The civil action was for Mr. X, believing that his
Elements of a Prejudicial Question the determination of first marriage is void
who owned the entered into a second
1. There is a previously instituted civil action; property, and the marriage, but without
criminal action is for the having his first marriage
Note: What the court will look into is only a prejudicial violation of Article 316 declared void by the
question between a civil and a criminal case. (Atty. (1) of the RPC – any court (Bigamy)
Tranquil) person who, pretending
to be the owner of any There is no prejudicial
2. The previously instituted civil action involves an issue real property, shall question because the
similar or intimately related to the issue raised in the convey, sell, encumber crime of Bigamy was
subsequent criminal action; AND or mortgage the same. already consummated.
(Atty. Tranquil)
3. The resolution of such issue determines whether or There is a prejudicial
not the criminal action may proceed. question because the
Note/s: issue in the civil action is
determinative of the
You cannot file a motion to suspend the outcome of the criminal
criminal proceedings on the ground of a action. If the accused
prejudicial question if the criminal action was was the owner, then he
instituted prior the civil action. Thus, there could perfectly sell the
should be a civil action that has been instituted real property. (Atty.
ahead of the criminal action; AND Tranquil)
RULE 114 (b) Nature and circumstances of the offense;
(c) Penalty for the offense charged;
PRELIMINARIES (d) Character and reputation of the accused;
(e) Age and health of the accused;
Atty. Tranquil: The grant of bail is a judicial function.
ONLY COURTS CAN GRANT BAIL. (f) Weight of the evidence against the accused;
(g) Probability of the accused appearing at the
Personal note: In no case shall bail be allowed after the
accused has commenced to serve sentence. (Sec. 24, trial;
(h) Forfeiture of other bail;
NO RELEASE OR TRANSFER EXCEPT ON COURT ORDER (i) The fact that accused was a fugitive from
OR BAIL justice when arrested; and
No person under detention by legal process shall be (j) Pendency of other cases where the accused
released or transferred except upon order of the court is on bail.
or when he is admitted to bail. (Sec. 3, R114)
You may file a motion to reduce bail considering
Bail is the security given for the release of a person in the factors above
custody of the law, furnished by him or a bondsman, to
guarantee his appearance before any court as required Excessive bail shall not be required.
under the conditions hereinafter specified. (Sec. 1,
R114) San Miguel vs. Judge Maceda – Where bail is a matter
of right, the existence of a high degree of
Note: Bail acts as a reconciling mechanism to probability that the defendant will abscond confers
accommodate both the accused’s interest in pretrial upon the court no greater discretion than to increase
(provisional) liberty and society’s interest in assuring the the bond to such an amount as would reasonably tend
accused’s presence at trial. (Leviste vs. Court of Appeals, to assure the presence of the defendant when it is
G.R. No. 189122, 17 March 2020) wanted, subject to the provision that excessive bail shall
not be required.
Note: If bail is a matter of right, the judge cannot refuse
Bail may be given in the form of corporate surety, to grant bail. If the judge determines that the applicant
property bond, cash deposit, or recognizance. (Sec. 1, is is a flight risk, he can only increase the amount of
R114) bail. (Atty. Tranquil)
AMOUNT OF BAIL; GUIDELINES (Sec. 9, R114) Atty. Tranquil: In one case (qualified theft and the
applicant is a daughter of a fisherman), the trial court
imposed 20K as the amount of bail. The SC held that it
Note: In practice, the office of the prosecutor
was excessive.
recommends to the judge the amount of bail and the
amount thereof is found at the bottom of the
In the final analysis, you will see that the excessiveness
Information e.g., “recommended bail 200K”.
of bail depends on several factors. For one, what is not
excessive to some may be excessive to another. That is
The judge who issued the warrant or granted the
why Sec. 9 is important.
application shall fix a reasonable amount of bail
considering primarily, but not limited to, the following
Mandatory conditions of all kinds of bails
(a) Financial ability of the accused to give bail;
All kinds of bail are subject to the following conditions: bailable to bailable, the application for bail can only be
filed with and resolved by the appellate court.
(a) The undertaking shall be effective upon
approval, and unless cancelled, shall remain in Should the court grant the application, the accused may
force at all stages of the case until promulgation be allowed to continue on provisional liberty during the
of the judgment of the RTC, irrespective of pendency of the appeal under the same bail subject to
whether the case was originally filed in or the consent of the bondsman.
appealed to it;
Usares vs. People (G.R. No. 209047, 7 January 2019)
(b) The accused shall appear before the proper
court whenever required by the court of these Facts: Usares was found guilty of Homicide by the RTC.
Rules; The lawyer manifested that they intend to file a notice
of appeal within the period of 15 days from
(c) The failure of the accused to appear at the promulgation, and moved that Usares be released
trial without justification and despite due notice under the same bond that they have posted in the past,
shall be deemed a waiver of his right to be which the RTC granted in an Order dated 21 March
present thereat. In such case, the trial may 2012.
proceed in absentia; and
The opposing counsel filed a motion for issuance of
(d) The bondsman shall surrender the accused warrant arguing that Usares has no bond already. Note,
to the court for execution of the final judgment. however, that there was a manifestation in open court
made by the counsel of Usares that the Usares intends
BAIL AS A MATTER OF RIGHT to continue to avail of his original bail, which was
granted by the court.
Before OR after Before conviction AND Issue: Did Usares jump bail?
conviction. if the penalty is not
Death, Life Ruling: No. Usares did not jump bail.
Note: “After conviction” Imprisonment or
means that he will still Reclusion Perpetua. Under Section 8, Rule 124 of the Rules of Court, the CA
available the remedies is authorized to dismiss an appeal, whether upon
provided by law; hence, motion of the appellee or motu proprio, once it is
the conviction is not yet determined that the appellant, among others, jumps
final and executory. bail, viz.:
(Atty. Tranquil)
Section 8. Dismissal of appeal for abandonment or
failure to prosecute. - The Court of Appeals may, upon
motion of the appellee or motu proprio and with notice
to the appellant in either case, dismiss the appeal if the
appellant fails to file his brief within the time prescribed
by this Rule, except where the appellant is represented
Bail, when discretionary – After conviction by the RTC
by a counsel de oficio.
of an offense not punishable by death, reclusion
perpetua, or life imprisonment, admission to bail is
The Court of Appeals may also, upon motion of the
appellee or motu proprio, dismiss the appeal if the
appellant escapes from prison or confinement, jumps
GR: The application for bail may be filed and acted
bail OR flees to a foreign country during the pendency
upon by the trial court despite the filing of a notice of
of the appeal. (Emphasis and underscoring supplied)
appeal, provided it has not transmitted the original
record to the appellate court.
The reason behind this provision is not difficult to
discern. Same as one who escapes from prison or
XPN: If the decision of the trial court convicting the
confinement, or flees to a foreign country, an accused-
accused changed the nature of the offense from non-
appellant who jumps bail during the pendency of his
appeal is considered to have evaded the established Atty. Tranquil: It is not automatic that RTC will exercise
judicial processes to ensure his proper criminal its discretion. It must first check if there are bail-
prosecution, and in so doing, forfeits his right to pursue negating circumstances.
an appeal.
If there are bail-negating circumstances, the court
Here, the records reveal that Usares, through her cannot exercise discretion. (Atty. Tranquil; Leviste vs.
lawyer, had manifested in open court during the Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 189122, 17 March 2020)
promulgation of the RTC Decision, that she intended to
appeal within fifteen (15) days therefrom, and further Atty. Tranquil: The concept of bail-negating
moved that she be released under the same cash bail circumstances applies only to bail as a matter of
bond. As clearly reflected in the March 21, 2012 RTC discretion.
Order, the RTC granted the said motion.
Under Section 5, Rule 114 of the Rules of Court, when Again, if bail is a matter of right, the judge cannot refuse
the RTC, after the conviction of the accused, grants the to grant the same. If the judge have doubts, he can only
latter's application for bail based on its discretion, the increase the amount of bail.
accused-appellant may be allowed to continue on
provisional liberty during the pendency of the appeal NON-BAILABLE OFFENSES
under the same bail subject to the consent of the
bondsman. Personal Note: The rules here in non-bailable offenses
are separate and distinct from the rules governing bail
Note: Connect this with the discussions of Atty. Tranquil as a matter of right and as a matter of discretion, as the
in Sec. 1 (c) Rule, 115 (Rights of the Accused). case may be.
1. 1. With the With any May only be No bail shall be required when the law or these Rules so
Primarily court where court in filed in the provide.
with the the case is the court where
court pending; province, the case is WHEN A PERON HAS A PERSON IN CUSTODY
where the city, or pending, BEEN IN CUSTODY FOR FOR A PERIOD EQUAL
case is 2. With any municipa whether on A PERIOD EQUAL TO OR TO OR MORE THAN THE
pending; RTC of lity preliminary MORE THAN THE MINIMUM OF THE
OR Marikina where he investigatio POSSIBLE MAXIMUM PRINCIPAL PENALTY
City; OR is held. n, trial, or IMPRISONMENT PRESCRIBED FOR THE
absence 3. If no judge
OFFENSE CHARGED W/O APPLICATION OF construed as a final order, hence subject to an appeal.
ISLAW OR ANY (Atty. Tranquil citing the case of Reliance Surety vs.
He shall be released He shall be released on CANCELLATION OF BAIL
immediately, without a reduced bail OR on his
prejudice to the own recognizance, at VOLUNTARY AUTOMATIC
continuation of the trial the discretion of the CANCELLATION
or the proceedings on court. Upon application of the Upon:
appeal. bondsmen, with due
notice to the 1. Acquittal of the
prosecutor, the bail may accused;
be cancelled upon:
Note: If the maximum penalty to which the accused 2. Dismissal of the case;
may be sentenced is destierro, he shall be released after 1. Surrender of the OR
thirty (30) days of preventive imprisonment. accused; OR
3. Execution of the
FORFEITURE 2. Proof of his death. judgment of conviction.
Effect of failure to appear For the purpose of surrendering the accused, the
bondsmen may:
If the accused fails to appear in person as required:
1. Arrest him; OR
1. His bail shall be declared forfeited; AND
2. The bondsmen given thirty (30) days within 2. Upon written authority endorsed on a certified
which to: copy of the undertaking, cause him to be
arrested by a police officer or any other person
a) Produce the body of their principal OR give of suitable age and discretion.
the reason for his non-production; AND
Re-arrest of an accused released on bail without
b) Explain why the accused did not appear warrant
before the court when first required to do
so. An accused released on bail may be re-arrested without
the necessity of a warrant if he attempts to depart from
Note: Failing in a) and b), a judgment shall be rendered the Philippines without permission of the court where
against the bondsmen, jointly and severally, for the the case is pending.
amount of the bail.
The court shall not reduce or otherwise mitigate the
liability of the bondsmen, unless the accused has been GR: No bail shall be allowed after the judgment of
surrendered or is acquitted. conviction has become final.
What is the remedy if your bail is forfeited? XPN: If before such finality, the accused has applies for
probation, he may be allowed temporary liberty under
The immediate remedy in case of forfeiture of bail is a his bail.
motion for reconsideration to reinstate the bail.
When no bail was filed or the accused is incapable of
Moreover, jurisprudence has confirmed that the filing one, the court may allow his release on
judgment against the bondsmen in the bond may be
recognizance to the custody of a responsible member of
the community.
It will only arise if a person is charged of a If he does not have one, the court can appoint a counsel
criminal offense. Absence thereof, the right de oficio.
cannot be invoked.
The counsel de officio can be appointed for
Ratio: To minimize the imbalance in the purposes of arraignment only or for the rest of
adversarial system where the accused is pitted the proceedings.
against the awesome prosecutory machinery of
the State. Under Sec. 13 of R122, it is the duty of the clerk
of the trial court, upon filing of a notice of
(c) To be present and defend in person and by counsel appeal, to ascertain from the appellant, if
at every stage of the proceedings, from arraignment to confined in prison, whether he desires the RTC,
promulgation of the judgment. CA or SC to appoint a counsel de oficio to
defend him and to transmit with the record x x x
The accused may, however, waive his presence at the a certificate of compliance with this duty and of
trial pursuant to the stipulations set forth in his bail, the response of the appellant to his inquiry.
unless his presence is specifically ordered by the court
for purposes of identification. The CA can appoint a counsel de oficio for the
accused if it appears from the record of the case
Note: The accused can make it as a as transmitted that (a) the accused is confined
condition/stipulation in his bail that he waives his right in prison, (b) is without counsel de parte on
to be present at the trial, and that he will only appear appeal, or (c) has signed the notice of appeal
for the purpose of identification. Therefore, his himself, the clerk of court of the Court of
appearance can be waived without in any way exposing Appeals shall designate a counsel de oficio.
him to an arrest. But he can be required by the court to
appear only for purposes of identification. (Atty. The SC can appoint a counsel de oficio for the
Tranquil) accused.
(h) To have speedy, impartial and public trial. Issue: Whether or not the right of Magante to speedy
disposition of the investigation of the case as prescribed
Atty. Tranquil: in section 16, article III of the 1987 Constitution was
Speedy Trial Speedy Disposition
Ruling: Yes.
Provided for under the Provided for under the
Rules of Court. Constitution (Bill of
The prosecution did not offer any acceptable
explanation for this gap between February 15, 2011
Applies only to judicial Applies to judicial,
and April 15, 2016.
bodies. quasi-judicial, and
administrative bodies.
Contrary to the finding of the Sandiganbayan, there is a
Can be invoked even Can be invoked any
hiatus on the part of the Ombudsman during this
during trial. time.
period. Left unsatisfactorily explained, this amounts to a
violation of petitioner's constitutional right to a speedy
disposition of case, corollarily warranting the dismissal
of the criminal case against him.
The accused must be informed of: The accused must be present at the arraignment and
must personally enter his plea.
1. The reason for the indictment
2. The specific charges the accused is bound to Note: Both arraignment and plea shall be made of
face record, but failure to do so shall not affect the validity of
3. The corresponding penalty for the charges the proceedings.
Its importance is based on the constitutional right of the His case shall be raffled and its records transmitted to
accused to be informed. It is at this stage that the the judge to whom the case was raffled within three (3)
accused, for the first time, is given the opportunity to days from the filing of the information or complaint.
know the precise charge that confronts him [Kummer v. Thereafter, the accused shall be arraigned within ten
People, G.R. No. 174461 (2013)] (10) days from the date of the raffle.
Pertains to the matter which the accused, on his The private offended party shall be required to appear
arraignment, alleges in answer to the charge against at the arraignment for purposes of:
1. Plea bargaining
ARRAIGNMENT AND PLEA HOW MADE (SEC. 1) 2. Determination of civil liability; and
3. Other matters requiring his presence.
Where made
Effect of failure of the private offended party to appear
Before the court where the complaint or information at arraignment despite due notice
was filed or assigned for trial. [Sec. 1 (a), Rule 116]
The court may allow the accused to enter a plea of
When held guilty to a lesser offense which is necessarily included in
the offense charged with the conformity of the trial
Shall be held within thirty (30) days from the date the prosecutor alone.
court acquires jurisdiction over the person of the
accused, unless a shorter period is provided by special WHEN A PLEA OF NOT GUILTY SHOULD BE ENTERED
law or Supreme Court circular
1. When the accused so pleaded;
Note: The time of the pendency of a motion to quash or
for a bill of particulars or other causes justifying 2. When he refuses to plead [Sec. 1(c), R116];
suspension of the arraignment shall be excluded in
computing the period. 3. When he makes a conditional plea [Sec. 1(c),
R116]; OR
How and by whom made
Conditional Plea of Guilty – A plea entered by on its own
the accused subject to the proviso that a certain grant the
penalty be imposed upon him. It is equivalent to change of plea.
a plea of not guilty. [People v. Madraga, G.R.
No. 129299, (2000)] Please of Guilty to a Non-Capital Offense; Reception of
Evidence, Discretionary (Sec. 4)
4. When he pleads guilty but presents exculpatory
evidence. [Sec. 1(d), R116] The court may receive evidence from the parties to
determine the penalty to be imposed.
Atty. Tranquil:
Plea of guilty to a lesser offense (Section 2)
Here, the court can enter a sentence already.
It can be made:
There is no need of a hearing.
During After After the trial
Arraignment arraignment has begun The hearing, if the court deems it proper to
but before trial have one, is only for the purpose of determining
(pre-trial) the penalty to be imposed, not his culpability.
Requisites: The accused Requisites
may still be [People v. Plea of Guilty to Capital Offense; Reception of
1. The lesser allowed to Villarama, G.R. Evidence (Sec. 3)
offense is plead guilty to No. 99287
necessarily said lesser (1992)]: The court shall:
included in the offense after
offense withdrawing It may be 1. Conduct a searching inquiry into the
charged; AND his plea of not granted by the voluntariness and full comprehension of the
guilty. court: consequences of his plea; AND
2. The plea
must be with Note: No 1. After the 2. Require the prosecution to prove his guilt AND
the consent of amendment of prosecution the precise degree of culpability.
both the the complaint has rested its
offended party or information case; Note/s:
and the is necessary
prosecutor. (Sec. 2, Rule 2. With the The accused may present evidence in his behalf.
(Sec. 2, Rule 116) approval of the
116) prosecutor and A plea of guilty to a capital offense does not
the offended result to an immediate rendering of judgment.
In case of party; AND [Riano, 407, 2016 Ed.]
failure of the
offended party 3. If the Searching Inquiry
to appear prosecution
despite due does not have A “searching inquiry” means more than informing
notice, the sufficient cursorily the accused that he faces a jail term but so
court may evidence to also, the exact length of imprisonment under the law
allow the same establish the and the certainty that he will serve time at the national
with the guilt of the penitentiary or a penal colony [People v. Bello, G.R. No.
conformity of accused for the 130411-14 (1999)]
the trial crime charged.
prosecutor The procedure in Sec. 3, Rule 116, when the accused
alone [Sec. 1(f), Note: The pleads guilty to a capital offense, is mandatory. [Riano
Rule 116] judge cannot 407, 2016 Ed., citing People v. Oden, G.R. No. 155511-22
serve as a trustworthy index of his capacity to
The plea must be clear, definite and unconditional. It give a free and informed plea of guilty.
must be based on a free and informed judgment.
4. Inform the accused the exact length of
A plea of guilty to a capital offense can be held null and imprisonment or nature of the penalty under
void where the trial court has inadequately discharged the law and the certainty that he will serve such
the duty of conducting the prescribed "searching sentence. For not infrequently, an accused
inquiry” [People v. Durango, G.R. Nos. 135438-39 pleads guilty in the hope of a lenient treatment
(2000)] or upon bad advice or because of promises of
the authorities or parties of a lighter penalty
Rationale should he admit guilt or express remorse. It is
the duty of the judge to ensure that the accused
This is to enjoin courts to proceed with more care does not labor under these mistaken
where the possible punishment is in its severest form impressions because a plea of guilty carries with
and to avoid improvident pleas of guilt [People v. it not only the admission of authorship of the
Samontanez, G.R. No. 134530 (2000)] crime proper but also of the aggravating
circumstances attending it, that increase
Guidelines for conducting a search inquiry [People v. punishment.
Pastor, G.R. No. 140208 (2002)]
5. Inquire if the accused knows the crime with
The searching inquiry must determine whether the plea which he is charged and fully explain to him the
of guilt was based on a free and informed judgment. elements of the crime which is the basis of his
Hence, it must focus on (1) the voluntariness of the indictment. Failure of the court to do so would
plea, and (2) the full comprehension of the constitute a violation of his fundamental right
consequences of the plea. to be informed of the precise nature of the
accusation against him and a denial of his right
Although there is no definite and concrete rule to due process.
as to how a trial judge must conduct a
"searching inquiry," we have held that the 6. All questions posed to the accused should be in
following guidelines should be observed: a language known and understood by the latter.
1. Ascertain from the accused himself (a) how he 7. The trial judge must satisfy himself that the
was brought into the custody of the law; (b) accused, in pleading guilty, is truly guilty. The
whether he had the assistance of a competent accused must be required to narrate the
counsel during the custodial and preliminary tragedy or reenact the crime or furnish its
investigations; and (c) under what conditions he missing details.
was detained and interrogated during the
investigations. This is intended to rule out the IMPROVIDENT PLEA
possibility that the accused has been coerced or
placed under a state of duress either by actual It is a plea given without having fully understood the
threats of physical harm coming from meaning and consequence of the plea. (People vs.
malevolent quarters or simply because of the Pagal, G.R. No. 241257, 29 September 2020; Atty.
judge's intimidating robes. Tranquil)
2. Ask the defense counsel a series of questions as Plea as Admission of Material Facts General
to whether he had conferred with, and
completely explained to, the accused the GR: A plea of guilty is a judicial confession of guilt. It is
meaning and consequences of a plea of guilty. an admission of material facts alleged in the
Information, including the circumstances alleged.
3. Elicit information about the personality profile [People v. Comendador, G.R. No. L-38000 (1980)]
of the accused, such as his age, socio-economic
status, and educational background, which may XPN: Improvident plea.
Withdrawal of improvident plea of guilty c) A petition for review of the resolution of the
prosecutor is pending at either the
At any time before the judgment of conviction Department of Justice, or the Office of the
becomes final, the court may permit an improvident President; provided, that the period of
plea of guilty to be withdrawn and be substituted by a suspension shall not exceed sixty (60) days
plea of not guilty. (Sec. 5, R116) counted from the filing of the petition with the
reviewing office. (12a)
The withdrawal of a plea of guilty is not a matter of right
of the accused but of sound discretion of the trial court
[People v. Lambino, G.R. No. L-10875 (1958)]
The reason for this is that trial has already begun and
the withdrawal of the plea will change the theory of the
case and put all past proceedings to waste. (UP BOC
2020, p. 403)
What if the accused is absent during pre-trial? 1) the accused appears to be suffering from an
The court will issue a warrant for his immediate unsound mental condition which effectively
arrest if there is no reason for his absence. renders him unable to fully understand the
There also danger that his bail will be forfeited charge against him and to plead
in favor of the government. intelligently, or to undergo trial, and he has
to be committed to a mental hospital;
Can there be waiver of the reading of the
information? Yes. In the light of the guidelines 2) a valid prejudicial question in a civil action is
on continuous trial, the “reading” of the invoked during the pendency of the criminal
Information can be waived. case unless the civil and the criminal cases
are consolidated;
In such case, it is the duty of the court to
conduct a personal examination of the accused 3) an interlocutory order or incident in the
– that the accused makes an express consent criminal case is elevated to, and is pending
and understands the consequences of the resolution/decision for an indefinite period
same. In addition, the counsel is also required before a higher court which has issued a
to make an express consent. So, the counsel temporary restraining order or writ of
and the accused will have to waive it expressly. preliminary injunction; and
Procedural requirements of the waiver – such 4) when the accused has jumped bail before
waiver must appear in the minutes, certificate, arraignment and cannot be arrested by his
and order of arraignment. bondsmen.
Atty. Tranquil: