Jr. FR
Jr. FR
Jr. FR
that there is a distribution u E fi.&'(R") that satisfies
(10) u(P(D)¢) = ¢(0) (¢ E fi.&(R")),
because then the distribution E = u satisfies
then it is very well known that u is actually in C00(Q), simply because every
real harmonic function in n is (locally) the real part of a holomorphic func
tion. Any theorem of this type--one which asserts that every solution of a
certain differential equation has stronger smoothness properties than is a
priori evident-is called a regularity theorem.
We shall give a proof of a rather general regularity theorem for elliptic
partial differential equations. The term " elliptic " will be defined presently.
It may be of interest to see, first of all, that the equation
82 u
(2) 0
ax ay
( )
interpreted to mean
j_ au
(3) = 0,
ay ax
then / can be a perfectly arbitrary function.
- A
is p(x, y) = (yf + · · · + y;), so that is elliptic.
On the other hand, if L = a 2jax 1 ax 2 , then p(x, y) = - y 1 y 2 , and L is
not elliptic.
The main result that we are aiming at (Theorem 8.12) involves some
special spaces of tempered distributions, which we now describe.