HFMD Parent Orientation Narrative Report
HFMD Parent Orientation Narrative Report
HFMD Parent Orientation Narrative Report
Department of Education
There's no specific treatment for hand-foot-and-mouth disease. Frequent hand-washing and avoiding
close contact with people who have hand-foot-and-mouth disease may help lower your child's risk of
The HFMD outbreak is alarming as face-to-face classes are just starting. To help curb the outbreak of hand,
foot and mouth disease that hit dozens of children in some parts of Batangas City, the City Health Office started the
school to school conduct of Parent Orientation to raise alarm and awareness over the spread of the disease.
The orientation was headed by the PIES School Head, Mrs. Marison B. Como. It started with an opening
prayer lead by Ms. May P. Villena. It was hosted by Mrs. Estefany E. Mendoza.
Mrs. Como gave her opening remarks to welcome all the people present in the orientation especially the
respected guests speakers from City Health Office. It started at exactly 11:00 in the morning on the 20 th of October
All of the teachers were present as well as the students. More than half of the parents attended the said
orientation despite of their busy schedules to ensure that they will learn more about the contagious infection.
Ms. Lailanie Ann Macalalad Engay, a Nurse II City Health Office Batangas started the discussion about
HFMD. She tackled what is the meaning of HFMD, where is the disease most common, what is the main cause of the
it, and what is the best treatment to stop the spread of the infection.
Mr. Rolan G. Clet, a Sanitation Inspector discussed the proper way of washing hands, what is the cause of
HFMD, how to prevent it from spreading, and some important things to remember. He also added some information
on how to prevent Dengue.
Ms. Analiza Laura Bausas, a Nurse II City Health Office Batangas also shared some important things that
parents, teacher, and children need to know and to keep in mind on how to get rid of HFMD fast.
There was an Open Forum after the meaningful discussions of the guests wherein parents, teachers, and even
children had the opportunity to ask for some questions lingering on their minds regarding HFMD.
Some students shared their own personal HFMD experiences. Parents asked the questions that they longed.
Guest speakers answered all the queries clearly. The Open Forum was a successful one.
The Forum was immediately followed by the Awarding of Certifications for the guest speakers to
acknowledged their presence and to recognized their job well done.
The Orientation was closed by PIES Guidance Counselor, Mrs. Lydia P. De Castro. It ended at exactly 12:20
in the afternoon. It was a fruitful day indeed.
Open Forum
“Time and health are two precious assets that we don't recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.”