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Agriculture There are 4 types
of an ecosystem
Aquatic (water)
The ecosystem is an ecological system formed
from the reciprocal relationship between living
things and the surrounding environment.

Testetarial (land)
The ecosystem is an ecological system formed
from the reciprocal relationship between living
things and the surrounding environment.

Artificial ecosystem
The ecosystem is an ecological system formed
from the reciprocal relationship between living
things and the surrounding environment.
There are 3 Types Artificial Ecosystem
of An Ecosystem The ecosystem is an ecological system formed
from the reciprocal relationship between living
The ecosystem can also be interpreted as a unified whole and things and the surrounding environment.
comprehensive order that occurs between environmental
elements that influence each other. On this earth, there are
many types of ecosystems from land to marine ecosystems.
All living systems are important for the organisms in them.

Testetarial (land)
The ecosystem is an ecological system formed
from the reciprocal relationship between living
things and the surrounding environment.
Production Forest
Plantations Such as
Teak and Pine
The ecosystem is an ecological system formed from
the reciprocal relationship between living things and
the surrounding environment.

The ecosystem is an ecological system formed
from the reciprocal relationship between living
things and the surrounding environment.
Our Mision

Keeping the
Number of Plant
and Animal
Populations in
The ecosystem is an ecological system
formed from the reciprocal relationship
between living things and the surrounding
Our Vision

Humans Help
Maintain The Balance
of the Ecosystem
The ecosystem is an ecological system formed from
the reciprocal relationship between living things and
the surrounding environment.

Increase Productivity, Optimize Capacity,
and Continuity of Natural Production.
Integrated tourism Marine spatial
master plan planning

Ecosystems can be created when Ecosystems can be created when

biotic and abiotic components are met. biotic and abiotic components are met.

The ecosystem can also be interpreted as a unified whole and comprehensive

order that occurs between environmental elements that influence each other. On
this earth, there are many types of ecosystems from land to marine ecosystems.
All living systems are important for the organisms in them.


Between Biotic And

Abiotic Components 40

Carbon Cycle 30

The ecosystem is an ecological system formed

from the reciprocal relationship between living 20
things and the surrounding environment.

Water Cycle 10

The ecosystem is an ecological system formed

from the reciprocal relationship between living 0
things and the surrounding environment. Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5
People who have strong empathy to
always care for the environment are
individuals who have deep love and
affection for those closest to them

The ecosystem is an ecological system formed

from the reciprocal relationship between living
things and the surrounding environment
Presentation Template

The ecosystem is an ecological system formed from the reciprocal
relationship between living things and the surrounding environment.

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