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Abbotsford Traditional Middle School

Dress Code Policy

At ATMS, our school has an established student uniform. Adhering to the Student Dress
Code is one of the defining characteristics of the traditional school model. We believe
promoting the use of the student uniform is important for the following reasons:
• Student uniforms provide for a safe and orderly environment where our students are
easily identifiable and behave to a higher standard.
• ATMS has high academic expectations; students are expected to work with maximum
effort. Dressing daily in the school uniform is symbolic of our commitment to a
professional learning environment.
• Students deserve to have a learning environment where others judge them by the
content of their character, their ideas and their actions – not by what they wear.
Uniforms provide an even playing field for all students and reduce bullying.
• Wearing school-crested clothing fosters a sense of belonging and builds confidence
and pride in our community.

The following points indicate expectations of student attire at Abbotsford Traditional Middle
School and at school sponsored activities either on or off campus:
• Non-uniform jackets, ʻhoodiesʼ and other items should be removed during school hours
and stored in lockers.
• Hats and sunglasses must not be worn inside the school at anytime.
• Shirts must be tucked in at all times when in the building, except in PE class.
• Sweatpants, yoga pants, jeans and tights are not permitted.
• Female students are permitted to wear tights and/or nylons to the ankle accompanied
with a skirt/skort as long as they are in school colours (blue, grey, white or combination)
• Students are required to follow safety/health regulations in regards to grooming and
footwear in Shop and Home Ec. Lab. Hair must be tied back and closed toe shoes
• Skirts will be knee length.
• For extra-curricular events (e.g. musical performances & sporting events) students are
required to wear a Sabres school tie, upon teacher/coach request.
• All students are required to wear ATMS PE strip with clean non-marking gym shoes for
PE classes.
• With the exception of plain white polos or blouses, all items should be logoed with the
ATMS crest.
• No unnatural hair colours. Hair may be dyed, but only in naturally occurring colours
(blond, black, brown, etc.)
• Body Art/Piercing and hairstyle should reflect our conservative climate.

The responsibility of adhering to our schoolʼs dress code rests with the entire community.
Students who do not meet the dress code requirements will be asked to dress appropriately
or supplied with an immediate change of clothing (when available). Parents will be notified
when chronic uniform infractions occur. The school attempts to collaborate with families and
understands the student dress code should not prevent regular attendance. However, failure
to consistently meet dress code expectations is a disciplinary infraction and may result in the
parents or guardians being contacted and the student being sent home.

Any questions/concerns regarding appropriate student dress should be referred directly to

the school principal.

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