Physical Education Policies: (Class meets every day for a trimester (60days).
• Arrive to class on time.
• Be dressed in the appropriate P.E. uniform every P.E. class.
• Report any injury to a teacher immediately.
• Do not disrupt any class. Allow teachers to teach and students to learn.
• No food, candy, drinks (except water) or GUM in class, locker room or activity area.
Behavior Expectations:
• Do what is asked of you the first time.
• Take pride in what you do. Do your best every day!
• Be respectful to everyone. Treat people the way you would like to be treated.
• Use equipment in the manner it was made to be used at all times.
• Treat substitute teachers as guests. Give them the respect they deserve.
Behavior Consequences:
• First offense- warning and/or exercise consequence
• Second offense- phone call home
• Third offense- office referral
• Consequences may be altered based on offense
**Health & Physical Education classes are a combined grade on your grades listed as Wellness**
Dress Requirements:
• Uniforms are available through the P.E. department and the school store. The cost is $12.00 for the
set ($4-shirt and $8- shorts) You may purchase multiple uniforms. Cash or check made payable to SGMS
Proper dress for P.E. includes:
• Uniform shirt and shorts, socks and athletic sneakers. No slides, Hey Dudes, Crocs, etc. (Not permitted
to participate without sneakers – alternative assignment will be assigned)
• Students are encouraged to bring extra sneakers and socks! The grass will be wet many days!!
• Names must be printed clearly on each piece of uniform.
• Shoes must be tied on top (visibly) and worn at all times.
• Jewelry cannot be worn in P.E. –new piercings must be covered.
• P.E. clothes cannot be worn over school clothes. (even in colder weather)
• If a student defaces his/her uniform in any way, he/she will have to replace it.
• SWEATS- in colder weather- uniform must still be worn under sweats (No sweats indoors)
• Parent notes for illnesses and injuries will be accepted at the discretion of the teacher. An alternative
assignment could be assigned for the missed class.
• Doctor notes will be followed as they are worded. Students will be expected to participate to their
limitations. An alternative assignment may be assigned for the missed class(es).
Performance/Participation Points:
Students can earn 5 performance/participation points per day. If he/she dresses out in the proper uniform,
participates in all of the period’s activities to the fullest of his/her abilities/limitations, arrives to class on time,
displays good behavior, then he/she will receive the entire daily points. Points could be deducted for the
Lack of effort Lack of performance/participation Inappropriate
shoes Improper uniform (lunch detention after 3)
*We will be using Polar A360 heart rate monitors to aid assessment of students in many classes. Students are
required to be in their Target Heart Rate Zone (134-176 bpm) for a minimum of 12-15minutes depending on the
Written Quizzes:
Quizzes could be given to review material presented in class such as skills, game rules, and strategies. The number
of points assigned to each quiz will vary.
**Health & Physical Education classes are a combined grade on your grades listed as Wellness**