2021 OLI Studio Corrosion Analyzer

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OLI Studio: Corrosion Analyzer

Accurate Prediction of Corrosion Risk

OLI Studio: Corrosion Analyzer is a first-principles corrosion prediction tool used to predict the rates of general corrosion, propensity of
alloys to undergo localized corrosion, depletion profiles of heat-treated alloys, and the thermodynamic stability of metals and alloys.
Corrosion Analyzer enables users to address the causes of aqueous corrosion by identifying its mechanistic reasons, which in turn
allows users to take informed action to mitigate or eliminate this risk.

OLI Studio: Corrosion Analyzer helps you determine the causes of corrosion
before it occurs and helps you evaluate and implement preventive actions,
such as choosing the best operating conditions or selecting corrosion-
resistant materials.

OLI Studio: Corrosion Analyzer calculates corrosion by quantifying the bulk

chemistry, transport phenomena, and surface reactions through a
thermophysical and electrochemical module.

The thermophysical module calculates the aqueous solution speciation

and obtains concentrations, activities, and transport properties of the
reacting species. The electrochemical module simulates partial oxidation
and reduction processes on the metal surface.

Additionally, this tool reproduces the active-passive transition and the

effects of solution species on passivity. Effects of temperature, pressure, pH, Figure 1. Real Pourbaix Diagram of Copper in water at 25°C
concentration and velocity on corrosion are included.

Features and Capabilities

Automatic inclusion - Half-reactions for elements, alloy components and solution species are automatically included in a
of redox corrosion calculation.
Kinetic parameters - Electrochemical parameters, including Tafel slope and intrinsic exchange current density, calibrated
of corrosion against literature data.
Transport - Rigorous transport property prediction, including diffusion, electrical conductivity, and viscosity, all of
properties which are needed for predicting corrosion.
Real-solution - Non-ideal activity coefficient predictions for complex, high ionic strength systems results in more
calculations realistic stability diagrams (See Figure 1)

The OLI Studio: Corrosion Analyzer enables many calculation types:

- Create Potential (E) vs. pH diagram of target elements in single- or multi-phase environments.
- Calculate the stable and metastable corrosion products and redox couples.
E vs pH
- Test the effects of temperature and pressure on redox thermodynamics, and the concentration effects
(Pourbaix diagrams)
on species activity.
- Analyze specific compositions for carbon steels, stainless steels, Ni-base and Cu-Ni alloys.
E vsspecies - Create Potential (E) vs. species diagrams of target elements or alloys, where the independent variable
(Stability diagrams) is a species concentration that impacts the redox or speciation behavior of the element.
General corrosion - Calculate the rate of general corrosion and the corrosion potential for a large and growing list of
rates materials in contact with aqueous solutions.
- The anodic and cathodic partial reactions involved in corrosion are plotted on software-generated
Polarization Plots polarization curves. The processes that contribute to the mixed potential and corrosion current density
can be identified.
- Predict whether the alloy is susceptible to localized corrosion by comparing the calculated
Localized corrosion repassivation and corrosion potentials. Calculate the maximum propagation rate when localized
corrosion is possible.
- Predict the depletion of Cr, Mo, and W in grain boundaries as a result of heat treatment for stainless
Heat treatment
steels and Ni-base alloys, thus making it possible to evaluate intergranular corrosion and the effect of
heat treatment on localized corrosion.

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New Database Capabilities for V11
- Mercury chlorides, fluorides in water with various salts
- Cadmium salts
Water/ waste streams treatment - Zinc oxides and hydroxides
- Improved algorithm for osmotic pressure prediction (water treatment including RO)
- Alpha-methylstyrene with acetone and H2SO4
- Li, Co phosphates, mixed lithium sulfates (Ni, Co, Li, Mn)
- Gluconic acid, alkaline earth metal, hydroxide chemistries
Mineral processing and battery
- REE acetates, phosphates, citrates, tartrates & sulfates, CaSO4 with phosphoric acid
- Mg and Na fluorides
- Sodium phosphate extensions
- Urea with ethanol
Specialty chemicals processing - NaOH.Na2SO4.NaCl triple salt
- H2SO4 – H3PO4
- MSE-SRK autoclave enhancements (density, elemental sulfur)
- HF Alkylation – hydrocarbon mixtures, fluorocarbons, acid-soluble oils
- Enhanced amine hydrochlorides, TRIS – water
Corrosion (General and
- Acetic acid / acetate / hydrocarbons/ FeS in chlorides at HT
- Alloy 13%Cr, 254SMO superaustenitic alloy, SS316 (higher Ts and concentrations),
Carbon steel in iodide
- Sulfuric Acid and Nitric Acid in CO2

Supported Alloys Key Benefits

- Iron & carbon steel - Digital R&D to mitigate corrosion rapidly and efficiently with
- Nickel-based alloys: C-22, C-276, 600, 625, 690, 800, and reduced experimentation.
825 - Accurate corrosion modeling and prediction to increase
- Stainless steels: 13Cr, 304, 316, 254SMO useful asset life.
- Copper-nickel alloys: CuNi9010, CuNi7030 - Improved operational efficiency and reliability with better
- Duplex alloy: 2205 material selection and asset design.
- Aluminum, Nickel, Copper

Common Applications
OLI’s broad coverage of corrosion calculation types (as shown above) allow for comprehensive coverage of application types needed
for industry and research.

- Screening to focus lab and plant tests

- pH, composition, and temperature effects
- Useful remaining service life
- “Hot spots” for sensor locations
- Failure diagnosis and avoidance
- Lab and plant screening sensitivity studies
- Process changes & corrective action testing
- Material selection

OLI Studio Suite

OLI Studio: Stream Analyzer is standalone software and is the main interface of OLI Studio Suite. The following additional add-ons are
also available in the OLI Suite:

Stream Analyzer ScaleChem Corrosion Analyzer

In-depth electrochemistry studies, In-depth chemistry studies and prediction Electrochemistry of aqueous corrosion;
equilibrium for single point, survey, mix, of scaling problems for oil and gas corrosion rate prediction, localized
and separate calculations. production. corrosion indicator

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www.olisystems.com +1-973-998-0240 | sales@olisystems.com

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