Automated Preprocessing of Building Models
Automated Preprocessing of Building Models
Automated Preprocessing of Building Models
Subject review
Goran Šibenik, Iva Kovačić, Valentinas Petrinas, Wendelin Sprenger, Dario Bubalo, Nikola Ruzičić
Automated preprocessing of building models for structural analysis
Goran Šibenik, M.Sc. CE BIM workflows still involve time-consuming manual model preprocessing for structural
Corresponding author analysis such as assigning new data like structural material properties or loads, which
prevents prompt feedback and is error prone. The main objective of this research is
to automate the preprocessing of analytical building models so as to accelerate and
improve structural analysis. The research is based on literature review and a real use
case analysis, followed by formalization of preprocessing methods, their verification via
two pilot building models, and evaluation by practitioners through panel discussion. The
Prof. Iva Kovačić, PhD. CE developed procedures can automatically assign loads, supports and joints floor-wise and reduce the model preparation time, errors and design costs in daily structural analysis
practice; however, further adoption and consideration of existing practices is needed to
increase the usefulness and usability of the proposed methods.
Key words:
structural analysis, automation, building information modelling, BIM, preprocessing
Valentinas Petrinas, B.Sc. Pregledni rad
Goran Šibenik, Iva Kovačić, Valentinas Petrinas, Wendelin Sprenger, Dario Bubalo, Nikola Ruzičić
Automatizirana predobrada modela građevine za proračun konstrukcija
Tijek rada prilikom korištenja BIM-a i dalje zahtijeva dugotrajnu ručnu predobradu
(preliminarnu analizu) modela za proračun konstrukcija, kao što je dodjeljivanje novih
Wendelin Sprenger, PhD. CE podataka poput svojstava građevnog materijala ili opterećenja, što sprječava slanje brzih povratnih informacija i podložno je pogreškama. Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja jest
automatizacija predobrade analitičkih modela građevina radi ubrzanja i poboljšanja
proračuna konstrukcija. Istraživanje se temelji na pregledu literature i analizi slučaja,
uz formalizaciju metoda preliminarne analize, njihovu verifikaciju kroz dva pilot modela
građevina i evaluaciju u panel-raspravi stručnjaka u praksi. Izrađene procedure mogu se
automatski dodijeliti opterećenja, oslonce i spojeve za podne konstrukcijske elemente i
Dario Bubalo, MCE smanjiti vrijeme pripreme modela, pogreške i troškove projektiranja u svakodnevnoj praksi proračuna konstrukcija. Međutim, potrebna je šira primjena postojeće prakse kako bi se
povećala korisnost i primjenjivost predloženih metoda.
Ključne riječi:
proračun konstrukcija, automatizacija, informacijsko modeliranje gradnje, BIM, predobrada
Nikola Ruzičić, MCE
Institute of Interdisciplinary Building Process
Management, Technische Universität Wien,
Ed. Züblin AG, Stuttgart, Germany
ATP architekten ingenieure, Vienna, Austria
to change, problems in adapting existing workflows, proper BIM software [14], although traditional FEM software tools
understanding and use of tools, or lack of required collaboration are mostly realized as object-oriented.
[4]. Multiple national and international standards aim to -- The core feature of BIM is the workflow in which the design,
speed up the implementation of BIM in the industry. A set of analysis and documentation are interrelated processes,
international standards ISO 19650 deals with the organization meaning that their interdependencies are at least partly
and digitization of information about buildings and civil automatically resolved [15].
engineering works including BIM. To reach true collaboration -- A workflow in which the data is digitally transferred to
a higher level of standardized processes is required [3]. The structural analysis is considered a BIM workflow in [16],
standard emphasizes the importance of information delivery compared to the traditional one where the data is remodelled.
planning and responsibility matrix [3]. Transfer of information is -- The greatest potential of BIM is recognized in workflow
achieved via common data environment (CDE) throughout the automation [16], as the tasks like remodelling or assigning
whole life cycle of buildings and civil engineering works. The new information performed manually by engineers increase
delivery phase of the assets, which encompasses the design the likelihood of errors and inconsistencies.
phase is addressed [5]. These standards represent an important
step towards facilitating automated information management Review of the state of the AEC industry reveals that the
by providing a framework which can be used for developing next step in BIM development is to improve the internal BIM
information management systems. This research aims to further workflows, where the existing data will be used in a more
investigate the possibilities recommended by the standard in efficient way to create structural models [17]. Vilutiene et al. [1]
the case of information management for structural analysis of offer an exhaustive review of BIM implementation in structural
building construction. The industry is characterized by loosely- analysis. They argue that technical issues relevant for structural
coupled one-time organizations consisting of multiple small and engineers have been neglected in the research community.
medium enterprises cooperating on delivering a unique building In order to efficiently interrelate the design and analysis, and
project. This type of cooperative work results with heterogeneous eventually the documentation process, the interpretation of
workflows, and the standardized workflows and information information coming from other stakeholders, and assignment of
flows are still not available. Therefore, we investigate domain- new information for structural analysis, need to be automated as
specific workflows relevant for structural analysis. much as possible. Although different views on BIM in structural
analysis exist, the literature reveals that procedures executed
2.2. BIM tools for structural analysis by structural engineers are more automated in BIM workflows
compared to traditional approaches, such as allowing import
The emergence of BIM in the AEC industry has yielded BIM- of external models and enhancing connections between the
authoring tools for structural analysis, but the concept of design, analysis, and documentation processes.
BIM for structural analysis still needs to be clarified. Digital
tools using the finite element method (FEM) have been used 2.3. BIM advancements in structural analysis
to simulate structural performance for many decades now.
More recently, BIM tools for structural analysis have become Experts from various domains contribute to the design
available. The most commonly used method for performing of buildings. An increase in research on the topic of BIM
structural analysis is the FEM, where building elements are implementation in structural design and analysis visibly points
defined in their analytical representation [9, 12]. The FEM can to its rising significance [1]. A slow pace of BIM application in
be applied on various scales, from a single connection detail to civil engineering, and especially in structural engineering has
an entire building, but in practice it is usually found on a building been recognized, and it can be concluded that promises coming
element scale, e.g., a slab or a part of the structural system; with BIM workflows and software tools need to be investigated
the use of this scale has roots in traditional analysis methods to solve technical issues for structural engineering [1]. Similarly,
in which it was unfeasible to simulate an entire building. The a literature review on the automation of structural analysis
current literature offers a variety of features distinguishing underlines its gain in importance in recent years [18]. In this
software tools facilitating FEM simulations from BIM structural review, a survey is described, and it is noted that structural
analysis tools. Features of BIM authoring tools for structural design automation and interoperability with other domains,
analysis are described in the literature as follows: which are also the topics of this research, are of highest
-- BIM authoring tools allow communication with other importance for improving the design process. The authors state
stakeholders via standardized formats, such as industry that the automatic preprocessing of the model would enable
foundation classes (IFC), or provide additional methods that more iterations and therefore a more optimized design; it
can import and edit models originating from other software would save time and money needed for model preprocessing,
tools [13]. while also avoiding human errors that occur due to repetitive
-- The use of intelligent objects and support of object-oriented manual rework. Time dependent structural analysis would
design in structural analysis models is the core feature of become feasible, and the safety of construction sites would
be improved. A proposal for an automated preprocessing is 2.4. Preprocessing in various AEC domains
described in [18], albeit only for an early phase of the design.
New work procedures that will improve the effectiveness and A data management approach with the focus on energy and
efficiency of current design processes are recognized as the structural optimization is described in [26]. The authors of that
most popular BIM-related topic for structural analysis [19]. paper emphasize the need for vagueness in the architectural
A common structural analysis workflow during building design model at the early stage of the design process. Structural
is described in [14], where it is stated how a significant amount optimization during the early stage of design is characterized by
of manual work can be avoided by relating structural analysis the lack of information for structural analysis. Thus, BIM models
and architectural design models. The authors present a fairly with different LODs are used to capture and implement expert
simple case study and describe how loads like self-weight and knowledge to perform the analysis [26], which was developed
uniform design load are manually created for the analysis. In with a fuzzy logic inference system in [27]. The authors of [26]
a traditional planning workflow, architectural design model do not discuss interoperability with diverse software tools
is generally imported to FEM tools from schematic design and data transfers, but rather they keep the proposed multi-
through design development [20]. A workflow supporting data LOD meta-model compliant with the IFC standard. However,
analysis during building design is proposed in [20], but here the the transfer of data complying with the IFC standard could
focus is on structural design rather than on structural analysis. engender multiple problems and reduce the practicability of
A plug-in tool for structural analysis called Robot can assist the approach [2]. Keough et al. [28] develop CatBot that directly
structural engineers in performing optimization of a building connects parametric design in Catia and structural analysis
structure [21]. Some steps provided with the plug-in are the in Robot, which generates new designs considering also the
cross-section, supports and load cases definition. Supports structural performance. The structural information is assigned
can be roller, pinned or fixed connections to the foundations, in Catia so that it can perform a multi-objective optimization
and the load cases include self-weight, live load, and wind of design at an early stage of design. A tool that automatically
loads. However, most of the inputs are assigned manually in provides multiple design variants of tall buildings, which are of
the model. significant importance in an early phase of design, is presented
Another form of the automation of structural analysis is in [29]. There is a lack of automated approaches for performing
provided as a support tool for architectural design, by introducing structural analysis, especially if BIM models are involved [29].
structural knowledge to architectural design tools. The members Automation attempts similar to those relating to early stages
and connections design can be realized in such a way [22]. of design have not been found for the developed design stage.
However, this approach can hardly replace established structural Building models and structural analysis in the developed design
analysis practices which rely on structural analysis software tools stage are characterized by more detailed information and
having a large market share. An additional tool in Matlab can help different type of uncertainties compared to the early design
architects in the early design stages to receive feedback for the stage, which is why a different expert knowledge needs to be
renovation projects based on floor plans [23]. The motivation captured in order to automate the model preprocessing.
for the tool are iterative requests on design feedback, which The need for automatic preprocessing of FEM models from the
structural engineers usually provide only for a decided design, available models is recognized in other domains of civil engineering
which is also the case in the developed design stage. The research beyond building design and construction. The tunnel information
[23] focuses on the floor plans and walls as structural elements, modelling, as a parallel to BIM, is used to automatically prepare
which does not entirely correspond to the BIM approach in the the FEM calculation [13]. The boundary conditions and material
developed design stage of architectural design. properties, besides the geometry, are automatically established
The validation of models before assignment of new information in the “BIM-to-FEM” approach, and not described to detail [13]. A
can be considered a part of the preprocessing for structural framework for calculating wind effects on buildings is developed
analysis, and is especially required if the models originate from in [30], where the need for automatic geometry interpretation
an external practice. This is a broad topic that is developing in and calculation for such a repetitive and error-prone analysis is
multiple directions. Since the standards available for structural recognized. Although research conducted in other domains has
analysis are not yet digitalization-ready [9], an extensive similar motives, the workflows and stakeholder involvement in
reconsideration of building element definitions, properties other civil engineering domains differ from those encountered in
and the corresponding boundary conditions, is required. The building design and construction.
validation can focus on two types of information: geometrical
information [24], e.g. if a certain building element having a certain 2.5. Structural analysis workflows
geometrical shape is valid, or semantical information [25], e.g. if
the objects and their properties correspond to a certain schema. The review presented in this subsection focuses on the
In our work, the validation is not extensively researched, but research details describing structural analysis workflows on
it is recognized as a step preceding the assignment of new a building element scale. The structural analysis workflow
information for structural analysis. represents all processes and information leading to
Table 1. Information origin from the review of digital workflows exchanging architectural design and structural analysis models
structural analysis. It involves data exchange and definition to the developed design; therefore, it directs towards
of new information. Structural engineers do not define their generative design. Other civil engineering practices, such as
model from scratch. The model geometry results from the tunnel design, have a partly automated model preprocessing,
data exchange between architectural design and structural but different workflows and involvement of stakeholders.
analysis. The workflow first involves creation of geometry Structural analysis workflows in the developed building
by an architect, mutual consent on the structural system, design are heterogeneous and have not been sufficiently
and extraction of the structural model from the architectural explored in the existing literature. From the literature review
model. The information resulting from these tasks is neither of digital workflows presented in Table 1, it can be concluded
standardized nor defined in detail. that the geometry of all building elements enclosing a space,
Structural analysis workflows and the data flow within them and materials of building elements with visual properties and
are described in multiple papers dealing with BIM workflows types of building elements, are delivered from architectural
and structural analysis. A set of modelling guidelines, aimed design to structural analysis. In some cases, after
at improving data exchange between physical and analytical consultation with structural engineers, architects define
models focusing on model geometry, is defined in [32]. A the information about the load-bearing property of building
framework involving the interpretation of physical model with elements, foundations, and grids. The following information
regard to a corresponding analytical model, both in the IFC is usually not explicitly defined during architectural design:
format, is proposed, but the models are not preprocessed for analytical geometry of structural building elements,
structural analysis [33]. They interpret existing information loads, structural properties of materials, supports, and
[33], such as geometry and material, and do not enrich it in structural connections of building elements. Architectural
order to make it ready for simulation. Several practical cases software tools generally do not provide ways to define
using 3D structural analysis are reported, and the advantages that information. The automated preprocessing methods,
of 3D analysis such as better understanding of the structure as part of structural analysis workflows, are missing in the
and more cost-effective results, are listed in [34]. There is no standards or literature, except for the methods provided by
consensus about information origin in the research describing software tools that overcome software-specific problems
data exchange workflows (Table 1). in the form of workarounds. We aim to advance the existing
structural analysis practices by providing an automated
2.6. Literature review summary model preprocessing, thereby reducing costs, errors and time,
and providing better feedback to other domains. Problems
BIM for structural analysis does not imply a certain scale arise due to lack of documentation describing workflows
or type of analysis, but it does imply more automated for structural analysis, and lack of methods that are
processes, greater amount of information sharing and needed for automation and, finally, automated procedures.
less manual work. Proposals for the automation of current Therefore, this research aims to close the gap of the missing
structural engineering practices address primarily an early preprocessing by identifying and automating potentially
phase of design (e.g., [26]), which still lacks significant standard preprocessing procedures for the developed design
amount of information about a building design compared stage during building design.
generated or edited at a specific point in the workflow (Figure analysis; architectural design is not always created within the
3); the automation methods are replacing manually performed company, i.e., it might also be external. The real use case serves
procedures and generate or edit the same information. The primarily to validate the findings made during literature review
information origin is investigated in this section. Multiple (Subsection 2.5); the details that were inexistent or insufficiently
procedures that lead to feedback from structural engineers described in the literature for automation purposes regarding the
are displayed in Figure 3. The procedures where information is modelling and reasoning processes for creating an analysis-ready
defined by structural engineers solely belong to preprocessing, building model were documented. Exact information assigned
while redefining information originating from the architectural during the procedures was obtained and, if necessary, discussed
model, centrally stored as a non-proprietary architectural with competent experts.
design building model, belong to interpretation; an interpreted Process analysis of the company specific practice revealed
model is also centrally stored as a non-proprietary structural that an architectural model is generated in Revit, which needs
analysis model. to be filtered, leaving the definition of load-bearing elements
Multiple information, such as loads, load combinations or to structural engineers. The filtered model is not imported as
additional structural building elements, is defined solely by such in the RFEM Dlubal analysis tool. It is remodelled for the so
structural engineers. The identification of such information, called “2,5D structural analysis”. This analysis involves modelling
its separation from the information originating from an of individual slabs and the underlying building elements are
architectural model, and procedures that define such represented as punctual or linear supports, depending on the
information, require a detailed investigation of the structural underlying element. The calculations are individually performed
engineers’ workflow, practices, and processes. Therefore, for each slab. If the slab is not the top slab, all overlying
the workflow is investigated through the literature review elements are represented as punctual or linear loads, depending
(Subsection 2.5) and the real use case, the purpose being to on the building element type, with the values resulting from
capture existing modelling and analysis processes. the previous simulation. The first slab being calculated is the
top slab, and the lower slabs are assessed sequentially. Slab
4.2. Real use case geometry is redrawn from the existing filtered model.
Multiple loads need to be assigned: dead loads and live loads
Within the real use case (involving a German construction for each slab, and additionally environmental loads on the
company), the process analysis including the design, interpretation roof slab. A standard analysis does not include calculation
and preprocessing procedures, was conducted during the period of environmental loads for vertical elements, although this
of eight months (from April 2020) through multiple interviews, calculation can be required. The loads calculated on the upper
observation of processes and continuous feedback from a team slab supports, which are actually the underlying building
of company experts. The team was composed of multiple BIM elements, are transferred to the lower slab at the place where
experts and structural engineers, working in the company on the the same building elements are in contact with the lower
implementation and improvement of building design workflows slab. These can be linear or punctual loads, depending on the
across domains, as well as conducting various day-to-day building element type. Joints between the supports and slabs
structural analysis tasks. Therefore, they were able to identify are modelled so that they do not transfer rotation, but here
challenges and opportunities within the existing workflows, and the exception are the joints supporting the console. The real
to describe standard workflows leading to structural analysis use case delivers results similar to the literature review of
feedback. Engineers use RFEM Dlubal to conduct structural the structural analysis workflow: geometry originates from
Geometry, building element types – architectural semantics, materials with visual properties,
Architectural model
space uses (not always defined)
Mutual consent on architectural model (structural
Geometry of structural system, load bearing properties
Analytical geometry, building element types – structural analysis semantics, materials with
Structural analysis model
structural properties, load types and cases, supports, joints
the architectural model, the structural concept is generated and depends on the architectural input, while some is new.
by mutual consent of an architect and structural engineer, We will focus on the new information required for structural
which results in the structural analysis model. The model analysis, and define the automation methods based on the
consists of multiple horizontal building elements and vertical type of information. While the way to interpret geometric and
elements converted to supports and loads. The material and non-geometric information about building elements with load-
interpretation of building elements follow the architect’s input. bearing properties based on the information defined by the
The following completely new information is assigned by the architect has been previously developed in detail [9, 31], the way
structural engineers: loads, load combinations and supports. In to generate new information recognized as crucial for structural
the 2,5D simulation, the supports are defined under each slab analysis will be presented here.
for the underlying elements, not only the foundations. In the 3D The preprocessing methods developed based on the results of
analysis, the connections between building elements and slabs workflow analysis are presented in this section. The input and
are modelled as joints, rather than as supports. An overview of output information remains the same in the traditional and
information origin is provided in Table 2. automated procedures, while the developed methods reflect the
The analysed 2,5D workflow is realized with multiple RFEM practices of structural engineers. The aim is to achieve the same
files and the information is assigned manually. Figure 4 depicts result as with traditional preprocessing, i.e., an analysis-ready
the 2,5D workflow: a) loads are assigned to the top slab; b) model, but without repetitive and error-prone manual work. The
underlying building elements are defined as supports and the results of the process analysis imply that the structural building
reactions are calculated; c) the reactions are assigned to the elements are filtered and interpreted in the interpretation part
next slab as additional loads. A significant part of the workflow from the architectural building model. Based on the analysed
can be automated in its current state. However, in our paper process, the following information is available after the
we address the fully developed BIM workflows, based on 3D interpretation part: analytical geometry of building elements,
building models. For this reason, our preprocessing methods materials, element types and their load-bearing properties.
partly differ from the analysed workflow. The additional required information concerns: loads, supports,
and joints. In the traditional approach, the validation step is
5. Formalization of preprocessing methods for conducted by visual inspection of the model, and possibly by
automated preprocessing assigning new or editing the information in problematic spots.
The validation is of crucial importance for the preprocessing
5.1. Novel workflow overview methods. Once the validation is over, methods are proposed
for defining the following information: floor levels, foundations,
The information defined in the architectural building model loads, and joints. The novel workflow encompassing the
is enriched with additional information to prepare the model transfer of data from architectural design to structural analysis
for structural analysis. Some information can be interpreted is presented on Figure 5.
contain analytical geometry of structural building elements the central storage. This facilitated the use of the Open Cascade
with assigned building element types and materials. However, geometry kernel with the .Net framework system architecture
the same or similar models can also be manually generated to realize the communication and preprocessing methods.
using structural analysis tools, after redefining the information The preprocessing tool is realized as the RFEM plug-in. The
provided in the architectural design. approach is developed as a semi-automatic process. However,
The proposed automation of preprocessing methods requires the default values or additional information such as space use
transitioning from 2.5D to 3D models. The implementation can lead to a fully automated approach. Analytical models that
involved a way to validate the models through validation of are addressed with the plug-in need to have sufficient and
materials (Figure 6), and preprocessing of the validated model. accurate information: analytical building element geometries,
The preprocessing methods included definition of floor level, building element types and materials assigned. The plug-in first
foundations, loads, load combinations, and joints. Finally, the detects the building floors that represent the main structure for
results of the structural analysis were compared with the further automation steps (Figure 7).
results assessed by the company, from which the models It is possible to automate creation of supports or loads on a
originate. particular floor. In Table 3, the results are demonstrated on two
The preprocessing was implemented using the centrally stored pilot models. The joints are defined without the user interaction.
structural models and the available proprietary RFEM model, However, they can be further edited if required. The created
where the RFEM Dlubal API was used with the data available at foundations, loads and the results of the analysis are displayed.
Screenshot with foundation positions Position 2.5D 3D Diff. [kN] Diff. [%]
Table 5. Overview of reaction differences in foundations between corresponding 2,5D and 3D analysis results
in. The focus of the discussion and questionnaire was set on the The preprocessing methods require some adaptation, but a
applicability of the preprocessing methods in daily practice. As similar plug-in that could automate the existing practices or
all participating engineers have been using RFEM Dlubal in their some preprocessing steps is recognized as a great help for a
work, RFEM Dlubal plug-in provides a possibility to examine the day-to-day business.
procedures in a familiar environment.
The feedback provided by the participants in the discussion 8. Discussion
addressed general issues regarding the preprocessing
automation, as well as the specific preprocessing methods. This research answers the question “How to facilitate
General remarks include: automated building model preprocessing within a structural
-- Both companies use architectural models originating from analysis software tool”. The proposed preprocessing methods
Revit and RFEM Dlubal for structural analysis automate assignment of additional information traditionally
-- 2.5D is preferred to 3D structural analysis primarily due to performed manually, and round-up the information flow
traceability and clarity of calculation; however, the calculated before structural analysis. Manual preprocessing, suboptimal
cross sections of building elements may be greater than in exploitation of software tools in the existing BIM-based
the case of 3D. workflows, lack of technical solutions for structural analysis,
-- 3D analysis delivers results that are difficult to verify due to and inadequate support for the existing practices, are the issues
complexity of the system. that are answered with the novel proposal. These problems are
-- Traceability of simulation is needed for the inspection identified in the literature [1, 17] and, although some automated
engineers, which is not available in 3D analysis. preprocessing exists at other design stages [26] or in other
-- Automation of preprocessing methods is regarded as useful domains [13], the structural analysis preprocessing is still
and usable, but needs some adaptation. lacking in the developed building design. The proposed solution
-- Practices do not significantly differ between companies. is in accordance with general tendencies of BIM for structural
-- Structural engineers are generally part of the project before analysis, to automate workflows within and beyond the AEC
the developed design and specific information can be defined domains [15, 16]. An automated preprocessing provides
in advance. speedier feedback and reduces errors, cost, and time needed
-- Significant amount of experience-based knowledge is used for structural analysis.
in the identification and analysis of the model. Standard workflow for structural analysis involves data
generation during architectural design, interpretation of
Feedback received from the participants shows that they existing data for structural analysis, and assignment of new
recognize the standardization potential of the proposed data through preprocessing. The flow of information within the
preprocessing methods: workflow, including the responsible stakeholder, position within
-- A similar approach is performed to identify the floor levels; the workflow, and the way it is generated, are all recognized
however, an important point is the detection of the ground as crucial for digitalization in standards [3]. Structural analysis
floor, which is usually placed close to ±0,00 elevation. workflows are analysed in this research as they are currently not
-- Foundations can be defined in two ways, based on the results of sufficiently documented. Interpretations use already defined
the geotechnical analysis: information and create non-proprietary structural models
-- as the proposed solution, under each element separately; [9]. On the other hand, the presented preprocessing methods
-- by excluding the support capabilities of a ground plate due assign new information to the analytical models interpreted
to poor characteristics of the soil. from architectural design and are software tool specific.
-- Loads are highly dependent on the building use and special The feedback discussion points to the existing discrepancy
building requirements. The proposed loads can be regarded as between the practice and the theoretical hypothesis behind
standard input. It is necessary to include multiple building codes. the BIM-based structural analysis concept, the gap which is
-- Joints can be modelled in two ways, depending on whether addressed through this research. While BIM promotes the use
the of shared digital representation of a building, and BIM-authoring
-- prefabricated, which indicates that the rotation is not tools for structural analysis provide ways for the creation and
transferred, or analysis of 3D models, a hybrid solution is implemented in
-- cast in place, meaning that the rotation can also be practice: 3D analysis is conducted by simplifying it to the scale
transferred. of a single floor level, commonly only a single slab, the so called
2,5D analysis. The 2,5D analysis is especially appreciated for create analysis-ready building models by assigning structural
the transparency of calculation, which is required by inspection information. The interpretation procedure, which precedes
engineers. When the analysis is performed with a complete preprocessing, is based on the previously developed data
3D model, the proprietary tools do not offer clear explanation exchange framework characterized by multiple domain-specific
of simulation steps, nor do they take responsibility for the classifications and open interpretations [9]. As the building
analysis results, which is not acceptable for the engineers models originating from architectural BIM models do not
holding responsibility for the stability of buildings. 2,5D can be provide sufficient information for the analysis, the processes
seen as a sub-set of analysis based on a 3D model, where the of assigning new structural information are herewith captured
preprocessing method is applied on a smaller scale of a building and automated. The novelty of this research is the proposal
floor or only a building element, such as a floor slab. Additional for the automation of preprocessing methods, which may
tool for decomposition of a 3D model and achievement of serve as a basis for future development and standardisation of
communication between partial models is needed for full methods. Additionally, the presented work provides a detailed
automation of preprocessing with the 2,5D analysis. The workflow analysis including the information flow, documented
participants, structural engineers, expressed their concerns preprocessing methods, realisation of a plug-in, and experts’
regarding the results and reliability of 3D analyses, as a rigid feedback. Further on, a comparison of 2,5D and 3D is provided
model often delivers unsatisfactory results. The 3D model with to answer concerns of structural engineers. The automation of
exhaustive validation and automatic preprocessing methods workflows is anticipated with the development of BIM tools,
is regarded as a feasible solution, but 2,5D provides better and is recognized as a knowledge gap in the literature.
and faster results if the preprocessing steps are performed The building model preparation for analysis rounds up the data
manually. An exemplary comparison of 2,5D and 3D analysis exchange framework in one direction, from architectural design
is provided within the research, demonstrating the reliability of to structural analysis, and can provide first analysis results by
the 3D analysis. introducing some assumptions with less effort. Our approach
The proposed preprocessing methods are regarded as a does not automate further structural optimizations like
possible way towards a reliable 3D analysis, albeit with some reinforcement placement or material change (postprocessing);
adaptations, like choosing the construction type (prefabricated these tasks are topics for future research. However, as confirmed
or cast in place) or defining the foundation capabilities of during panel discussion, the automation of preprocessing steps
the bottom plate based on the ground. The 3D analysis is is at this point crucial for realizing BIM benefits and speeding
performed for earthquake simulation, usually with a decided up digitalization in the domain of structural design and analysis.
design. Therefore, constant feedback by structural engineers The proposed preprocessing methods are at this stage based
through a simulated structural behaviour is not anticipated, on the literature review and intra-firm data-exchange practices,
especially for the demanding and long-lasting simulations like and include definition of floor levels, foundations, loads, and
behaviour during a seismic event. By automating preprocessing, joints. The methods depend on the architectural building model
workflows could eventually achieve a real-time feedback and as well. The external models, from another software tool,
optimize the design of buildings. or different structural engineering practices, would require
Model updating and change tracking still constitute a challenge, exhaustive validation procedures and might require edited
and require consideration within the new framework. In the or new preprocessing methods. A system architecture that
existing practice, the changes are performed manually and can adequately support such a heterogeneous set of services
transferred to the affected floors, except in cases when the is required. Our approach needs to be verified with additional
changes require a completely new simulation. software tools; some tools might not provide interfaces
The workshop participants acknowledged the potential of to achieve similar results. Following the consideration of
the proposed automated preprocessing methods and further other software tools, the positioning of methods within the
automation of model preparation. An automatic recognition of framework is of crucial importance. The limitations of RFEM API
floor levels, and definition of foundations, loads and joints, are are recognized as lying in the sphere of geometry modifications.
considered a significant aid, which could allow for faster and Therefore, the Open Cascade kernel and the centrally edited
less error-prone model editing, eventually leading to real-time geometry, which provides greater flexibility, is needed for some
feedback. The real-time feedback would open new possibilities preprocessing steps.
for model optimization, and would consequently deliver more The future research will involve provision of similar services
higher-quality buildings. with additional structural analysis tools, building models, and
practices. Similar plug-ins are required for other structural
9. Conclusion analysis software tools, and the presented proposal may
serve as a basis for such development. The authors intend
In this paper, the model preprocessing for structural analysis to investigate the possibility of providing such services
during building design is identified and formalized, and then with microservice architecture, so as to be able to satisfy
automation methods are proposed. The automated methods heterogeneous workflows.
Acknowledgements ATP architekten ingenieure, Vienna, for taking part in the panel
discussion. We express our gratitude especially to Konstantinos
We would like to express our gratitude to Strabag SE, Vienna, and Kessoudis, Richard Schaffranek, Maximilian Knoll and Dr. Georg
their subsidiary Züblin, Stuttgart, for supporting this research Hochreiner for providing their support in the realisation of this
through the DATAFILTER project. We would also like to thank research.
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