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EH Students Essays Subjects 2022

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Number First nameLast name Group Subject

455280 Nabat Allahverdi 1130 How did the Mongols impact the economy of Europe, East Asi
453423 Jakub Bajczyk 1130 Causes and effects of the price revolution 15th-17th century
455478 Miguel Castilla 1130 Bubbles and crises of early capitalism (17th-18th century)
404756 Zhou Changzeba 1130 Jean-Baptiste Colbert's economic policy
453461 AleksandraDąbkowska 1130 Scientific revolution and engightment of 17th-18th century a
454133 Antoni Ferenc 1130 Free trade in the 19th century and the first globalization
454137 Natalia Gursztyn 1130 The economic background of the United States' hegemony in
454139 Nina Iwańska 1130 American and European reactions for the great depression 1
455544 HanJin Jang 1130 Latin America in the 19th and 20th century + history of rise a
K-15185 Weronika Kalita 1130 Welfare state. Rise and crisis in the 20th century
455837 Suleyman Khalilov 1130 Song China vs Medieval Europe - two patterns of pre-industr
456584 Danyil Khudoba 1130 Expansion of the Dutch East India Company
449609 Oleksandr Markiv 1130 Little divergence in Europe and second serfdom in the East -
456583 Anton Melnyk 1130 Economic transformation of Japan in 19th century - how did
455886 Dung Nguyen 1130 Technologies of the change - what inventions were decisive fo
453094 Jakub Nocuń 1130 Economic transformation of Eastern Europe after 1989
453126 Bartłomiej Nowosielsk 1130 Hyperinflation in Germany, Hungary and Poland after WW1 -
453241 Łukasz Sej 1130 How did the Bretton Woods system shape the international m
449871 Markiian Strohyi 1130 How did the Asian Tigers (South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, an
453260 Julia Stusińska 1130 Real socialism + its features, virtues and vices + why soviet u
422632 Łukasz Wojtkowia 1130 China economic miracle - how did the economic policies of C
455548 Altyngul Yerezhep 1130 What role did mercantilism play in the economic policies of
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3/31/2021 6
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5/12/2021 11
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Number First nameLast name Group Subject DATE
456029 Meena Alokozai 1315 How did the Mongols impact the economy of Europe 2/24/2021
455281 Temirlan Anarbekov 1315 Causes and effects of the price revolution 15th-17 2/24/2021
449868 Vira Bielukha 1315 Bubbles and crises of early capitalism (17th-18th c 3/3/2021
453462 Szymon Dąbrowski 1315 Jean-Baptiste Colbert's economic policy 3/3/2021
454936 ShakhriyorDilmurodo 1315 Scientific revolution and engightment of 17th-18t 3/10/2021
456235 Linh Doan 1315 Free trade in the 19th century and the first globali 3/10/2021
454132 Patrycja Dworak 1315 The economic background of the United States' he 3/17/2021
457996 Omrum Farajli 1315 American and European reactions for the great de 3/17/2021
456238 JOEL Godwin CH 1315 Latin America in the 19th and 20th century + histor 3/24/2021
442203 Jan Golecki 1315 Welfare state. Rise and crisis in the 20th century 3/24/2021
455890 Pedro Gordillo S 1315 Song China vs Medieval Europe - two patterns of p 3/31/2021
454136 Jakub Graczyk 1315 Expansion of the Dutch East India Company 3/31/2021
456570 Huseyn Huseynli 1315 Little divergence in Europe and second serfdom in 4/14/2021
448040 Yushiro Mitani 1315 Economic transformation of Japan in 19th century 4/14/2021
444542 Omer Ozkara 1315 Technologies of the change - what inventions were 4/21/2021
453185 Julia Pełka 1315 Economic transformation of Eastern Europe after 4/21/2021
449869 Anna Perekhodk 1315 Hyperinflation in Germany, Hungary and Poland af 4/28/2021
K-15129 Islam Shalabayev 1315 How did the Bretton Woods system shape the inter 4/28/2021
454941 Atahan Yorukoglu 1315 How did the Asian Tigers (South Korea, Taiwan, Ho 5/5/2021
444804 Haofeng Zhong 1315 China economic miracle - how did the economic pol 5/5/2021
Number First nameLast name Group Subject
456073 Tamerlan Aghazada 1645 How did the Mongols impact the economy of Europe, East Asia a
430994 Nihad Ahmadov 1645 Causes and effects of the price revolution 15th-17th century
455275 MohammaAkbar 1645 Bubbles and crises of early capitalism (17th-18th century)
454645 Erica Alva 1645 Jean-Baptiste Colbert's economic policy
456544 Malek Attia 1645 Scientific revolution and engightment of 17th-18th century and
455733 Davaasam Batbold 1645 Free trade in the 19th century and the first globalization
455836 Jia Chen 1645 The economic background of the United States' hegemony in the
455382 ZukhriddinGadoev 1645 American and European reactions for the great depression 1929
436841 Sirojiddin Ibadullaev 1645 Latin America in the 19th and 20th century + history of rise and
456234 Yuhan Jiang 1645 Welfare state. Rise and crisis in the 20th century
447986 Emre Karalar 1645 Song China vs Medieval Europe - two patterns of pre-industrial
445788 Diana Khomenko 1645 Expansion of the Dutch East India Company
456432 Saahiba Ju Kikoti 1645 Little divergence in Europe and second serfdom in the East - w
422379 Patryk Krzon 1645 Economic transformation of Japan in 19th century - how did the
444183 Kateryna Minich 1645 Technologies of the change - what inventions were decisive for t
451172 Tinotenda Mudzvover 1645 Economic transformation of Eastern Europe after 1989
456692 Nikola Nosek 1645 Hyperinflation in Germany, Hungary and Poland after WW1 - sou
422525 Adrian Saniewski 1645 How did the Bretton Woods system shape the international mone
449068 Amit Sharma 1645 How did the Asian Tigers (South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and S
425710 Parth Vora 1645 Real socialism + its features, virtues and vices + why soviet union
457082 Tomasz Wiśniewski 1645 China economic miracle - how did the economic policies of Chin
448048 Weihao Xia 1645 What role did mercantilism play in the economic policies of Eur
454343 Mukhamma Yuldashev 1645 How did the European colonial empires impact the economies of

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