Balance of Payments 3rd Quarter - 2022
Balance of Payments 3rd Quarter - 2022
Balance of Payments 3rd Quarter - 2022
QUARTER 3/2022
Technical Note: There was a computational error within the exports of Travel Services in the Balance of Payments and International Investment Position (BOP &
IIP) template that also impacted the Exports of Services for the Quarterly Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for Quarters 1 and 2 of 2022. The Quarterly GDP is
being revised to account for the errors detected in the BOP & IIP.
Goods Account Deficit = $314 million
Year-over-year, the goods account deficit expanded
0 by $19 million during the third quarter of 2022. The
Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3
value of imported goods increased to $316 million
2021 2021 2022 2022 2022 (Table 1). This growth was reflected mostly in a $21
Quarter million rise in imported goods from Canada. Goods
imported from the United Kingdom and All Other
Financial, Capital, and Reserve Assets Countries each increased by $4 million and $2 million,
Accounts respectively. The value of goods imported from the
Transactions within Bermuda’s assets accounts United States decreased by $7 million. Among the
resulted in a net lending position of $148 million commodity groups, the expansion in imports was
(Table 1). Factors influencing this year-over-year reflected primarily in the imports of fuels and basic
performance include: and semi-manufactured goods which rose by $14
Bermuda’s net acquisition of financial assets million and $7 million, respectively. Imports of food,
resulted in a decrease of $744 million beverages and tobacco and miscellaneous goods also
compared to an increase of $345 million in increased by $6 million and $4 million, respectively.
2021. There were decreases of imports within finished
equipment, machinery, transport equipment and
Bermuda decreased its net incurrence of chemicals; the largest decrease being $10 million in
financial liabilities by $922 million this the finished equipment commodity group.
quarter compared to an increase of $242
million in 2021.
Revenue earned from the exports of goods increased Secondary Income Account Deficit = $63 million
by $1 million to $3 million as more fuel was re- The secondary income account reflects the balances
exported to foreign airlines visiting Bermuda. on donations, insurance claims and other transfers
Services Account Surplus = $82 million between residents and non-residents. The deficit
balance on the secondary income account narrowed by
The surplus on the services account increased $14
$9 million from a year ago due primarily to higher
million during the third quarter of 2022. The larger
premiums on nonlife insurance received from non-
surplus balance reflected mostly gains in the travel
account balance. The surplus balance on transport
and travel services widened by $21 million due
primarily to the increase in payments made by INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT POSITION
residents for air passenger services and travel (Tables 2 & 3)
services abroad.
Bermuda’s Net IIP Decreased to $3.3 billion
The net surplus on transactions on business services At the end of the third quarter 2022, the stock of
decreased by $8 million to $92 million as residents foreign assets held by Bermuda residents registered
received less for accounting, bookkeeping and tax above its stock of foreign liabilities by an estimated
consulting services. The balance on insurance $3.3 billion (Table 2). The net IIP decreased by $1.6
services recorded a surplus of $2 million, mostly due billion from the second quarter of 2022.
to the increase in receipts being greater than the
increase in payments during the third quarter of 2022. Foreign Assets dipped to $16.4 billion
Between the second quarter 2022 and third quarter
Primary Income Account Surplus = $502 million 2022, Bermuda residents’ stock of foreign financial
The primary income account reflects balances on assets decreased by $1.7 billion due mostly to
compensation earned/paid to non-residents, and decreased holdings of portfolio and other investments.
income from investments and payroll tax paid by non-
resident companies to the Government. Year-over- Bermuda’s Net Liability Position held at $13.1
year, the surplus on the primary income account billion
increased by $38 million during the third quarter of Bermuda residents’ stock of foreign liabilities
2022 (Figure 3 and Table 1). This rise reflected remained largely unchanged from the second quarter
primarily an increase in net investment income of $26 of 2022. The most noticeable change is a decrease in
million. Employee compensation also recorded an currency and deposit liabilities.
increase of $12 million year-over-year. Other income
decreased by $1 million. IIP by Resident Institutional Sector
The non-financial corporations held a net liability
position of $2.2 billion with the rest of the world at the
Figure 3 end of the third quarter 2022 (Table 3). The general
Primary Income Account Surplus/Deficit government sector’s external liabilities exceeded its
(BD$) million external assets by $521 million, representing a larger
750 600 negative net investment position due to a decline in
464 482 502 portfolio investment assets and an increase in portfolio
Opening Financial Closing
Changes in
Position Transactions2 PositionP
Direct investment 375 -249 - 126
Portfolio investment 13,609 -1,911 -58 11,640
Financial Derivatives (other than reserves) and ESOs 94 65 21 180
Other investment 3,740 513 -27 4,226
Reserve Assets 239 -12 - 227
Equity and investment fund share/units 3,257 -299 -132 2,826
Debt instruments: 14,706 -1,360 47 13,393
Special drawing rights - - - -
Currency and deposits 1,071 -99 -1 971
Debt securities 10,966 -1,873 74 9,167
Loans 2,527 588 -1 3,115
Insurance, pension, standardized guarantee schemes 1 - - 1
Other accounts receivable/payable 141 24 -25 140
Other financial assets and liabilities 94 65 21 180
TOTAL ASSETS 18,058 -1,594 -64 16,399
Direct investment 2,464 238 - 2,703
Portfolio investment 4,643 135 - 4,778
Financial Derivatives (other than reserves) and ESOs 24 21 - 45
Other investment 5,993 -366 -87 5,540
Equity and investment fund share/units 3,074 236 - 3,311
Debt instruments: 10,026 -229 -87 9,710
Special drawing rights n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
Currency and deposits 5,309 -308 -82 4,919
Debt securities 4,033 137 - 4,170
Loans 479 -82 -11 387
Insurance, pension, standardized guarantee schemes 28 1 - 28
Other accounts receivable/payable 177 24 5 206
Other financial assets and liabilities 24 21 - 45
TOTAL LIABILITIES 13,123 29 -87 13,065
NET IIP 4,934 -1,623 23 3,334
1. Data displayed represents the changes between the previous and current quarters.
2. Transactions refer to any business dealings that occurred during the quarter that lead to an increase or decrease (shown as a negative) in the
investment position.
3. Other changes include: price changes, exchange rate changes, and any other adjustments to the investment position, not otherwise reflected in
Reserve Assets
Example: Every dollar spent by a tourist in
Bermuda earns the economy $1 in foreign Reserve Assets are those external assets that are readily
currency which can be used to purchase goods available to and controlled by monetary authorities for
meeting balance of payments financing needs, for
and services from overseas.
intervention in exchange markets to affect the currency
exchange rate, and for other related purposes (such as
DEFINITIONS AND NOTES maintaining confidence in the currency and the
economy, and serving as a basis for foreign borrowing).
Balancing Item (Net Errors & Omissions)
A current account surplus or deficit should correspond to Resident
an equivalent outflow or inflow in the capital and
The concept of residency is very important in the BOP
financial account. In other words, the two accounts should
because the BOP is in fact a statement of transactions
add to zero. In fact, as data are compiled from multiple
between residents and non-residents. A unit must have a
sources, the two balance of payments accounts rarely
centre of predominant economic interest within an
equate. As a result, the balancing item is the net
economic territory for at least one year or more to be
unobserved inflow or outflow needed to balance the
considered resident of that territory.
Seasonal Workers
Capital Account
Workers from overseas who come to Bermuda to work
The capital account details transactions that involve the for a few months in the year or every year are considered
receipt or payment of capital transfers and acquisitions seasonal workers. Their expenditure on living expenses
and disposal of non-produced, non-financial assets. in Bermuda is included as travel receipts. Similarly, their
income received from employers in Bermuda is a BOP
Current Account outflow under compensation of employees.
Loans represent the extension of money from Bermuda
The composition of the IIP allows financial analysts to residents to non-residents and vice versa, with an
assess the vulnerability of the economy to changes in agreement that the money will be repaid.
external market conditions. Details from the IIP can
highlight mismatches in maturity of instruments and
currency that can affect an economy’s ability to service Other Accounts Receivable/Payable
debt in the face of shock; financial structure problems; Other accounts receivable/payable consists of trade
solvency problems and dependency problems where credit and advances between Bermuda and non-residents
overreliance on another economy can present contagion and, other miscellaneous receivables/payables.
concerns. Therefore, the IIP allows for a more in depth
analysis behind balance sheet weaknesses that can lead Other Investment
to a modern-day financial crisis. Other investment is a residual category that includes
positions and transactions other than those included in
DEFINITIONS AND NOTES direct investment, portfolio investment, financial
derivatives and employee stock options (ESO), and
Currency and Deposits reserve assets.
Currency consists of notes and coins that are of fixed
nominal values and are issued or authorized by central Portfolio Investment
banks, monetary authorities such as the Bermuda Portfolio investment abroad by Bermuda residents and
Monetary Authority or governments. in Bermuda by non-residents is defined as the holding of
Deposits include all claims that are (a) on the central bank debt or equity securities other than those included in
and other deposit-taking corporations; and (b) represented direct investment or reserve assets.
by evidence of deposit. Notes:
A new table is included on page 5.
Debt Securities The inclusion of an Integrated Investment Position table
Debt securities are negotiable instruments serving as demonstrates the flow of transactions and other changes
evidence of a debt. between reporting quarters.