1 - Drilling Tapping Machines

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Shaded area indicates change Rev. 4-17

In 1871, Hieronymus Mueller, founder of the Mueller Co., invented and patented the first machine for drilling, tapping
and inserting corporation stops in mains under pressure.

This invention revolutionized the method of making main to service connections under pressure and also established
what has proven to be the most successful principle for machines of this type. This has been proven by the fact that
Mueller machines are the accepted standard by most water companies, plumbers, and plumbing contractors.

Mueller Co. has taken the original tapping machine features and refined, expanded and incorporated them into
additional machines for other conditions and purposes. Mueller Co. offers the most complete line of time proven
drilling and tapping machines available.

The Mueller method of making a main to service connection using the

Mueller B-101 Drilling and Tapping Machine.

Mueller drilling and The drilling and tapping The closed corporation The connection is
tapping machine drills tool is extracted and stop is now installed, ready now complete and the
and taps a hole in a a corporation stop is for the service pipe to be corporation stop is opened.
pressurized main without attached to the boring bar connected.
allowing water to escape. for insertion into the main.

Drilling and Tapping Maching Selection Guide

Corporation Pipe Plug
Machine Description Maximum Pressure Operation Recommended Use
Stop Capacity Capacity
90 psig (62 kPa/6.20 bar) Drilling and tapping pressurized
B-101 1/2"-1" 1/2"-2-1/2"
250 psig (1725 kPa/17.25 bar) ± Hand* or mains and inserting
Tapping 90 psig (62 kPa/6.20 bar) power** corporation stops or pipe
A-3 1"-2" 1"-2-1/2"
Machine 200 psig (1380 kPa/13.80 bar) plugs without loss of water
Drilling and tapping
"J" 1/2"-2" 1/4"-2" Dry or open mains only Hand
dry open mains

*When drilling or tapping above 1" by hand, use extension handle shown on page 1.8
**When power operating the machine to drill and tap 1-1/2" and larger, only combined shell cutters and taps should be used - see page 1.5 (B-101) or 1.13 (A-3)
± Maximum pressure using the optional power clevis.
NOTE: To insert corporation stops larger than 1", use the MUELLER A-3 ™ machine shown on page 1.11
Note: Use B-100 or B-101 to insert corporation stops smaller than 1".
Rev. 8-04 Shaded area indicates changes

Mueller B-101 Machine features

❏ Anti-Friction Thrust Collar - fluorocarbon ❏ Boring Bar - chrome plated to resist corrosion;
impregnated steel bearing sealed in a steel case - helps assure long life of O-ring seals.
no lubrication required.
❏ Easily Maintained By-Pass Valve - uses
❏ Ratchet Handle - fully enclosed ratchet; permanently O-ring valve technology for better sealing.
lubricated; quick reverse button.
❏ Offset Body - reduces collection of chips around flop
❏ Locking Mechanism - secures the boring bar to valve when machine is in horizontal or inclined position;
the feed yoke to prevent the drill from spiralling into increased diameter gives adequate clearance for inserting
the pipe before the hole is completely drilled. Helps greater variety of stops and valves.
prevent tool breakage.
❏ Chip Flushing Valve - provides means to continually flush
❏ Feed Nut & Yoke - spring detents hold feed yoke securely pipe chips and other pipe residue from main during drilling
in place around boring bar . Square shank on feed yoke fits and tapping operations on all kinds of pipe; threaded outlet
power operator for automatic feed. permits hose to be attached so flushed water can be kept
out of ditch.
❏ Feed Sleeve & Cap - acme threads require only 2-1/2
turns to remove sleeve and cap for fast disassembly; long ❏ Tool Holding Method - transmits force evenly through
bearing surfaces provide exceptional boring bar rigidity; drive pins on tool to drill and tap pipe. Retaining screw
positive metal-to-metal contact with upper barrel maintains holds tool tightly in boring bar socket for precise alignment
boring bar alignment; O-ring seals. of tool and boring bar. Convenient knock-out pin allows
easy tool removal.
❏ O-Ring Seals - seal off special cavity inside feed sleeve to
provide oil reservoir for lubricating boring bar and O-rings; ❏ Flop Valve - seats with pressure , self-aligning, molded
boring bar wiper ring protects bottom O-ring. neoprene washer; lever handle has positive lock in open or
closed position, position indicator included; O-ring on flop
valve stem eliminates packing adjustment.
Shaded area indicates change Rev. 4-17

Mueller B-101 Machine - for drilling, tapping and inserting

operations under pressure - 1/2" to 2-1/2" inclusive
❏ Catalog number B-101 (with boring bar locking mechanism)
❏ Hand or power operation
❏ Designed for use on pressurized or dry mains
❏ Insert or extract corporation stops to 1" in size; pipe plugs to 2-1/2" in size
❏ Use on cast iron or ductile iron pipe • cement lined cast iron or ductile iron pipe
• A-C pipe • cast iron O.D. PVC • steel pipe
❏ 90 psig (625 kPa/6.25 bar) maximum working pressure without optional power clevis
❏ 250 psig (1725 kPa/17.25 bar) * maximum working pressure with optional power clevis
*Maximum pressure using the optional power clevis.

Equipment furnished with each machine Optional equipment:

(For part numbers see page 1.9): ❏ Extracting tools (used to remove stops or plugs from
mains) - page 1.6
❏ Metal carrying case
❏ Equipment for special uses - page 1.8
❏ Reversible ratchet handle
❏ Power operators - page 1.25
❏ Small saddle gasket (fits between machine and saddle)
❏ Large saddle gasket (fits between saddle and pipe)
❏ Round link chain for 12" and smaller pipe
❏ Chain hooks/washers/nuts
❏ Open end wrench (for E-Z release inserting tools)
❏ Box wrench (for tightening chain hook nuts and tool
retaining screw)
❏ Body cleaning chisel (for cleaning debris from inside
machine body)
❏ Blow-off valve
❏ Instruction Manual (Form # 8910)
❏ Cutting grease

Equipment to be selected:
Total shipping weight 114 lbs. (52 kg)
❏ Combined drills and taps or shell cutters - pages 1.4 and 1.5
Handling weight during operation
❏ Inserting tools (used to insert corporation stops or pipe (Upper section)
20 lbs. (9 kg)
plugs) - page 1.6
Handling weight during operation
❏ Machine saddles (adapts machine to specific type and size 23 lbs. (10 kg)
(Lower section)
of main) - page 1.7
Shipping length 23"
Extended length 32-1/2"

WARNING: Use on A-C pipe, which contains a known carcinogen, requires appropriate protective equipment and procedures be employed.
Rev. 2-18 Shaded area indicates changes

Mueller Combined Drills and Taps for Mueller B-101 Machines

Mueller Combined Drills and Taps are designed and manufactured to perfectly match the
corresponding stop or plug thread to assure a pressure tight seal. To further assure these tools
are of the highest quality, Mueller Combined Drills and Taps are tested by making an actual
tap in a cast plate, and the resulting thread is gaged. Each Mueller Combined Drill and Tap is
subjected to a hardness test to assure
material integrity.
NOTE: Mueller Co. offers a Reconditioning service for Mueller made combined drills and taps, combined shell cutters and taps, and
shell cutters. Contact Mueller Customer Service Center for details.

Mueller B-101 Machine Tool Kit - 682293

Description Part Number Descripton Part Number
3/4" Equipment - DI/900 Pipe Saddle
CD & T 680539 4" 75812
Inserting Tool**** 680600 6" 75815
1" Equipment - 8" 75817
CD & T 680540 10" 75820
Inserting Tool**** 680601 12" 75821

Type of inlet thread Size & class of pipe

Material of pipe to Size of inlet thread on corporation stop or pipe plug
on corporation stop to be tapped
be tapped
or plug Size Class 1/2" 5/8" 3/4" 1" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 2"
All ductile iron All ***
4"-30" 250 *
4"-30" 680537 680538 680539 680540 681487 681488 681489
AWWA taper thread All cast iron 4"-20" 250 *
36"-48" D **
All A-C 3"-8" All
Steel 4"-24" Sch. 40 680545 680546 680547 680548 - - -
All ductile iron All All ***
4"-30" 250 *
All cast iron 4"-20" 250 *
D ** 680572 - 680573 680574 681492 681493 681494
AWWA I.P. thread 36"-48"
3"-24" 100
All A-C 3"-16" 150
3"-14" 200
Steel 4"-24" Sch. 40 680569 - 680570 680571 - - -

All B-101 Combined Drills and Taps except those deignated for steel are deigned for use on cement lined and
unlined cast or ductile iron and A-C pipe. These tools are labeled CEM-RES®.†

* Centrifugally cast and pit cast iron pipe, classes 50 through 250 meeting the following specifications: ANSI/AWWA C102/A21.2; ANSI/AWWAC106/A21.6; ANSI/AWWA
C108/A21.8; Federal specification WW-P- and pit cast iron pipe, classes A and B.
**Maximum size of pit cast iron pipe, classes C and D.
***Ductile iron pipe, classed 50 through 56 meeting specifications ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51.
****Inserting tools fit Flare, CTS 110, CTS Pack Joint
†These tools, marked CEM-RES®, have been developed for use on A-C pipe meeting specififcations ASTM C96 and AWWA C400 and for cement-lined pipe meeting
specifications ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4. Cutting grease is supplied with and use is mandatory on all CEM-RES tools except when tapping A-C pipe.
Note: Mueller recommended cutting grease is available in pints (88366).

WARNING: Use on A-C pipe, which contains a known carcinogen, requires appropriate protective equipment and procedures be employed.
Shaded area indicates change Rev. 7-18

B-101 Combined Drills and Taps with replaceable carbide tipped drill - AWWA taper thread
Material of pipe to Size and class of
Drill length Thread size Drill and tap Component
be tapped pipe to be tapped
of stop complete
Size Class Tap and Rollpin
Drill and
shank with
100 - - rollpin
All A-C † 3"-16" Reg
150 3/4" 680671 580779 680675 502580
3"-14" 200 1" 680672 580780 680676 502581

See bottom of page 1.4 for footnote †

B-101 Combined Drills and Taps with with AWWA Taper Thread Long Drill Point
Size and class of pipe to be tapped
Material of pipe to be tapped Corporation stop size Part Number
Size Class
All ductile iron 4"-54" All 3/4"
All cast iron 4"-48" All 3/4"
All A-C 3"-16" All 1" 680536

B-101 Combined Shell Cutters and Taps for PVC plastic pipe - AWWA taper thread
Material of pipe to be tapped Component* Shell cutter
Maximum pipe Thread size Optional coupon
and tap
wall thickness of stop removal tool
Tap and shank Shell cutter complete
Cast iron O.D. PVC plastic pipe
3/4" 581502 507577 682646 581636
(AWWA C900) 1.125"
1" 581503 507578 682645 581637

* Need to order both tap/shank and shell cutter.

B-101 Combined Shell Cutters and Taps

Size and class of
Material of Thread size Shell cutter Shell cutter and tap components
pipe to be tapped
Thread Type pipe to of stop and tap
be tapped or plug complete Combination Retaining
Size Class Shell cutter Pilot drill Drift pin
shank and tap screw

AWWA taper All cast iron & All*** 250* 1-1/2" 580517 580516 501701 501641 37802 63264
thread ductile iron All*** D** 2" 580518 580519 53627 501642 33510 63264
All*** 250* 1-1/4" 580444 580440 37353 501641 37802 63264

AWWA I.P. All cast iron & All*** D** 1-1/2" 580445 580441 37354 501641 37802 63264
Thread ductile iron All*** 2" 580446 580442 37355 501642 33510 63264
All*** 2-1/2" 681502 681501 40907 37356 33509 63264

See bottom of page 1.4 for footnotes *, ** and ***

This chart gives the minimum wall thickness of pipe that will provide the recommended four full threads of engagement with the corporation stop
inlet thread. For pipe with thinner walls than specified here, use MUELLER Service Clamps and Corporation Stops.

Thickness of various pipe diameter (in.)

Type of Thread Tap Size
3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 36 42 48
1/2" .33 .32 .31 .30 .30 .30 .30 .29 .29 .29 .29 .29 .29 .28 .28
5/8" .36 .35 .32 .31 .31 .30 .30 .30 .29 .29 .29 .29 .29 .29 .28
3/4" .37 .36 .35 .34 .33 .33 .32 .32 .32 .32 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31
AWWA Taper Thread 1" .46 .44 .40 .39 .38 .37 .36 .36 .36 .35 .35 .35 .34 .34 .34
1-1/4" .57 .52 .47 .44 .42 .41 .49 .39 .39 .39 .38 .37 .37 .37 .37
1-1/2" .64 .58 .51 .47 .45 .43 .42 .41 .40 .40 .39 .38 .38 .37 .37
2" .86 .75 .61 .55 .51 .48 .46 .45 .44 .43 .42 .40 .40 .39 .38
1/2" .330 .322 .311 .305 .301 .299 .297 .296 .295 .295 .292 .291 .290 .289 .289
3/4" .356 .343 .325 .316 .310 .306 .304 .301 .300 .298 .296 .294 .293 .292 .291
1" .459 .438 .411 .396 .387 .381 .376 .373 .370 .368 .365 .361 .359 .358 .356
1-1/4" .528 .493 .449 .425 .410 .400 .393 .388 .383 .380 .375 .370 .366 .363 .361
AWWA I.P. Thread
1-1/2" .588 .540 .481 .449 .430 .417 .407 .400 .394 .390 .383 .376 .372 .368 .366
2" .740 .657 .558 .508 .477 .456 .441 .430 .421 .414 .403 .392 .385 .380 .376
2-1/2" - .968 .812 .736 .689 .658 .636 .620 .607 .596 .580 .565 .554 .546 .541
3" - - .975 .855 .784 .737 .704 .679 .659 .644 .620 .596 .580 .569 .560

Note: Mueller recommended cutting grease is available in pints (88366).

Rev. 11-18 Shaded area indicates changes

Mueller Inserting Tools are provided with an

E-Z Release feature. This feature allows the drilling and tapping machine to disengage the corporation stop without backing the corporation stop
out of the main. E-Z Release Inserting Tools consist of two parts (a shank and a nut) which are joined by a coarse acme thread. When the machine
disengages the corporation stop, the two parts of the inserting tool separate at the acme thread. The part of the inserting tool left attached to the
corporation stop is easily removed once the tapping machine is removed from the main.

B-101 Inserting tools for corporation stops

Inserting Tool SIze
Tool Corporation stop outlet
1/2" 5/8" 3/4" 1" 1-1/4"
Copper flare connection 680598 680599 680600 680601 680602
Nut CTS Mueller 110® Conductive Compression Connection - - 680600 680601 683136
CTS Pack Joint - - 680600 680601 -
Inside thread
CTS Grip - - 680600 680601 -
CTS Q Line - - 680600 680601 -
IPS PE Mueller 110® Conductive Compression Connection - - 680688 680689 -
IPS Grip - - 680688 680602 -
Inserting Tool PEP Pack joint - - 680688 680602 -
PVC Pack joint - - 680688 680602 -
Mueller coupling thread 680609 - 680611 680612 -
I.P. copper flare connection - - 680603 680604**** -
Outside thread M.I.P. thread - - 680595 680596 680597
Outside thread-Mueller Screw Plug thread - 680653 680654 680655 -
Outside thread-F.I.P. thread 680630 - 680631 680632 -
Insulated - - 681722 681724 -
Kitec CTS - - 680600 680601 -

****Outlet thread is one size larger than tubing

Inserting tool for corp stops

B-101 Extracting tools for corporation stops

Shank Extracting Tool SIze
Corporation stop outlet
1/2" 5/8" 3/4" 1" 1-1/4"
Copper flare connection 680622 - 680623 680624 580315
Nut CTS Mueller 110® Conductive Compression Connection* - - 680623 680624 -
CTS Pack Joint - - 680623 680624 -
CTS Mueller Grip - - 680623 680624 -
Inside thread
CTS Q Line - - 680623 680624 -
PVC Pack Joint - - 681288 - -
ISP PEP - - 681288 - -
IPS PE Mueller 110® Conductive Compression Connection*** - - 681288 680690 -
Mueller coupling thread 680614 680615 680616 680617 -
I.P. copper flare connection 680625 - 680626 680627 -
M.I.P. thread 680618 - 680619 680620 680621
Plug Outside thread-Mueller Screw Plug thread 680633 680634 680635 680636 -
Outside thread-F.I.P. thread 680637 - 680638 680639 -
Outside thread Insulated - - 681723 681725 -

*For type “K” copper service tubing or plastic tubing having the same O.D. (PE or PB).
*** For PE plastic pipe, meeting specifications ASTM D-2239 (SDR-7) 160 psi.

B-101 Inserting and Extracting tools of H-10034 and H-10037 plugs

Size of Inserting or Extracting tool
Inserting and Extracting (same size as size of plug)
tool description
1/2" 5/8" 3/4" 1" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 2" 2-1/2"
Inserting tool for H-10034 plug 680643 680644 680644 680644 680645 680645 680645 -
Plug Inserting tool for H-10037 plug - - 680644 680644 680644 680645 680645 680645
Extracting tool H-10034 plug 680640 680641 680641 680641 680642 680642 680642 -
Inserting tool Extracting tool for H-10037 plug - - 680641 680641 680641 680642 680642 680642
Extracting tool for plugs
for plugs Outside thread
Shaded area indicates change Rev. 4-17

Mueller® B-101 Machine Saddles

Mueller B-101 Machine Saddles*

Kind and type of pipe***
Pipe O.D. range**
A-C Saddle Part Number
Cast iron, ductile iron, cast iron O.D. PCV Steel
in. mm Class 100 Class 150
2.25-2.69 57.2-68.3 - 2" - - 75808
2.69-3.00 68.3-76.2 2" 2-1/2" 2" - 75832
3.50-4.00 88.9-102.0 3" 3" 2-1/2" 2"-2-1/2" 75810
4.38-5.00 111.0-127.0 4" 4" - - 75812
5.00-5.44 127.0-138.0 - - 4" 4" 75813
5.44-6.13 138.0-156.0 - 5" - - 75814
5.81-6.38 148.0-162.0 5" - - - 75833
6.44-7.13 164.0-181.0 6" 6" - - 75815
7.13-8.25 181.0-210.0 - - 6" 6" 75816
8.00-9.50 203.0-241.0 8" 8" - - 75817
9.50-12.25 241.0-311.0 - 10" 8" 8" 75819
10.63-13.13 270.0-334.0 10" 12" 10" 10" 75820
11.00-14.50 279.0-368.0 12" 14" 12" - 75821
14.00-17.38 356.0-442.0 14" 16" 14" 12" 75835
16.00-19.38 406.0-492.0 16" 18" 16" 14"/16" 75836
19.00-27.13 483.0-689.0 18"/20" 20"/24" - - 75204
21.00-30.00 533.0-740.0 24" 30" - - 75838
32.00-77.00 813.0-1960.0 30"-48" 36" - - 75841

* When using the B-101 machine on pipe 3" and smaller, a chain spreader (page 1.8) is required.
** Use pipe O.D. range as a guide to select saddles for pipe not listed in chart.
*** These saddles are suitable for pipe meeting the following specifications: Centrifugally cast pipe, classes 50-250 ANSI/AWWAC106/A21.6; ANSI/AWWAC108/A21.8;
Federal specification WW-P-421.
- Pit cast pipe, classes 50-250 ANSI/AWWA C102/A21.2.
- A-C pipe, classes 100 and 150 ASTM C296, AWWA C400.
- Ductile iron pipe, classes 50-56 ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51.
- Steel pipe, schedule 40 ASTM B36.10.
- Cast iron O.D. PVC pipe AWWA C900.

WARNING: Use on A-C pipe, which contains a known carcinogen, requires appropriate protective equipment and procedures be employed.
Rev. 4-01 Shaded area indicates changes

Power clevis
Catalog Number: H-10802 - The power clevis is used when making taps in
mains having pressure over 90 psig (620 kPa). By its use, the boring bar can
be forced down and a connection made against pressures as high as 250 psig
(1725 kPa/17.25 bar). The power clevis also permits controlled withdrawal of the
boring bar to prevent damage to the tool threads and shock to machine.

Ratchet handle extension

Part Number: 500684 - When making cuts over 1" in size, this bar increases
length of ratchet handle from 18-11/32" (466 mm) to 30-11/32" (771 mm). This
permits greater leverage and ease of operation.

Corporation stop wrench

Catalog Number: H-10048—-Used to operate 3/4" and 1" corporation stops.

Web belt
Part Number: 88693—-for pipe O.D. up to 12"
Part Number: 89119—-for pipe O.D. up to 16"
Part Number: 580874—-for pipe O.D. up to 36" Web belt replaces round or flat
link chains to protect wrapped, coated or plastic pipes.

Round link extension chain

Part Number: 80000 - 4' (1.2m) extension chain increases 12" (305mm) chain
to fit 12"-24" pipe.
Part Number: 80001 - 6' (1.8m) extension chain increases 12" (305mm) chain
to fit 12"-36" pipe.
Part Number: 87673 - 10' (3.0m) extension chain increases 12" (305mm) chain
to fit 12"-48" pipe.

Flat link chain with eyebolt and nut

Part Number: 580551—-For pipe up to 12".

Flat link extension chain with bolts and nuts

Part Number: 89059—-4' (1.2m) extension chain increases 12" (305mm) chain
to fit 12"-24" pipe.
Part Number: 88126—-6' (1.8m) extension chain increases 12" (305mm) chain
to fit 12"-36" pipe.
Part Number: 88127—-10' (3.0m) extension chain increases 12" (305mm) chain
to fit 12"-48" pipe.

Flat chain hook with nut Chain spreader

Part Number: 580550 Chain Part Number: 40321
hook with nut. Used when tapping 3" or smaller pipe.
Shaded area indicates change Rev. 5-15

Item Number Part Number Part Name

1 500851 Detent pin - 2
2 59810 Spring - 2
3 305006 Screw - 2
4 580610 Friction collar
5 48130 Retaining pin
6 580611 Feed nut & yoke complete
7 312443 Yoke retaining screw - 2
8 537126 Washer - 2
9 79269 Boring bar O-ring - 2
10 500685 Feed sleeve & cap
11 500687 Cap packing
12 502022 Boring bar
13 502027 Rollpin
14 502025 Pivot arm
15 502026 Pivot arm spring
16 502028 Operating screw
17 502029 Lock nut
18 41435 Oil plug
19 500887 Wiper ring
20 581286 Boring bar complete
21 500692 Bearing
22 48130 Retaining pin
23 500691 Bearing sleeve
24 97795 Chain yoke retaining screw
25 500683 Chain yoke
26 500682 Cylinder
27 500670 Valve body O-ring
28 682053 By-pass valve sub assembly
29 501373 By-pass valve screw - 2
30 311812 By-pass valve gasket
31 502046 Valve body
32 40066 Small saddle gasket
33 40067 Large saddle gasket
34 52165 Lock washer
35 500672 Valve gate arm
36 72627 Spring
37 500675 Lock screw
38 500676 Lock nut
39 500674 Valve washer and stem
40 500673 Gate washer
41 500671 Valve gate
42 50369 Pipe plug
43 581646N Blow-off valve
44 501061 Handle screw
45 302575 Lock screw
46 46280 Handle knob
47 500669 Handle nut
48 500668 Lever handle
49 500667 Valve stem retaining nut
50 500666 Valve stem
51 41301 Valve stem O-ring
52 500709 Chain hook - 2
53 500707 Chain hook washer - 2
54 500706 Chain hook nut - 2
55 500780 Chain
56 500694 Tool retaining screw
57 88366 Cutting grease
58 500693 Knock out pin Storage chest 89265
59 500708 Chain hook wrench (not illustrated)
60 40050 Body cleaning chisel
61 501579 Inserting tool wrench
62 528273 Ratchet handle complete
- 682078 By-pass valve Key repair kit
- 306991 By-pass valve Spare retaining ring
- 682087 By-pass valve repair kit

Mueller B-101 Repair Kit - See page 1.10

NOTE: These illustrations are for parts identification only. DO NOT use these illustrations for assembly or disassembly of machine. MUELLER CO. offers a machine
repair service. Contact MUELLER® Customer Service Center for details.

TO ORDER SPECIFY QUANTITY, PART NUMBER AND PART NAME (include catalog number and model number of machine)
Rev. 4-17 Shaded area indicates changes

Mueller B-101 Repair Kit – 681844 (See page 1.9 for Item No.)
Item Number Part No. Description
4 580610 1 - Friction Collar
5 48130 1 - Retaining Pin
57 88366 1 - Cutting Grease
19 500887 1 - Wiper Ring
11 500687 1 - Cap Packing
21 500692 1 - Bearing
32 40066 1 - Small Saddle Gasket
33 40067 1 - Large Saddle Gasket
27 500670 1- Valve Body O-ring
28 682087 1 - By-Pass Valve Repair Kit
40 500673 1 - Gate Washer
56 500694 1 - Tool Retaining Screw
9 79269 2 - Boring Bar O-ring
51 41301 1 - Valve Stem O-ring

Mueller B-101 Bypass Repair Kit – 682087

Item Number Part No. Description
29 501373 2 - Screws
28/30 682053 1 - Bypass valve assembly with gasket
- 311815 1 - Nameplate
- Form - 12084 1 - Instruction sheet
TAPPING MACHINE (39210) 1.11
Shaded area indicates change Rev. 6-16

Mueller A-3 Machine - for drilling, tapping and inserting

operations under pressure - 1" to 2-1/2" inclusive
❏ Catalog number A-3
❏ Hand or power operation
❏ Designed for use on pressurized or dry mains
❏ Insert or extract corporation stops from 1" to 2" and pipe plugs to 2-1/2" in size
❏ Use on cast iron or ductile iron pipe • cement lined cast iron or ductile iron pipe
• A-C pipe • cast iron O.D. PVC • steel pipe
❏ 90 psig (621 kPa) maximum working pressure without optional power clevis
❏ 200 psig (1379 kPa) maximum working pressure with optional power clevis
❏ 250 F (121 C) maximum working temperature

Equipment furnished with each machine Equipment to be selected:

(For part numbers see page 1.17): ❏ Combined drills and taps or shell cutters and taps—-page
1.12 and 1.13
❏ Wooden storage chest (not shown)
❏ Inserting tools (used to insert corporation stops or pipe
❏ Ratchet handle plugs)—-page 1.14
❏ Ratchet handle extension
❏ Machine saddles (adapts machine to specific type and size
❏ Small saddle gasket (fits between machine and saddle) of main)—-page 1.15
❏ Large saddle gasket (fits between saddle and pipe)
❏ Flat link chain with eyebolt and nut for 6" thru 16" pipe Optional equipment:
❏ Chain hook, nut and washer o Extracting tools (used to remove corporation stops or pipe
plugs)—-page 1.14
❏ Box end wrench for chain hook nut
o Equipment for special uses—-1.16
❏ Allen wrench
o Power operators—-page 1.25
❏ Open end corporation stop wrench
❏ Body cleaning chisel (for cleaning debris from inside of
machine body)
❏ Cutting grease
❏ Instruction manual (Form #8541)

Total shipping weight 188 lbs. (85 kg)
Handling weight during operation - Upper section 40 lbs. (18 kg)
Handling weight during operation - Lower section 58 lbs. (26 kg)
Shipping length 36"
Extended length 54"

WARNING: Use on A-C pipe, which contains a known carcinogen, requires appropriate protective equipment and procedures be employed.
Rev. 10-16 Shaded area indicates changes

Mueller Combined Drills and Taps for A-3 Machines

Mueller Combined Drills and Taps are designed and manufactured to
perfectly match the corresponding stop or plug thread to assure a pressure
tight seal. To further assure these tools are of the highest quality, Mueller
Combined Drills and Taps are tested by making an actual tap in a cast iron
plate, and the resulting thread is gaged. Each Mueller Combined Drill and
Tap is subjected to a hardness test to assure material integrity.
NOTE: Mueller CO. offers a reconditioning service for MUELLER made combined drills and taps, combined
shell cutters and taps, and shell cutters. Contact MUELLER Customer Service Center for details.

Regular drill length Long drill length

Mueller A-3 Machine Tool Kit - 682294

Description Description Description Description
Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No.
1" Equipment 1-1/2" Equipment 2" Equipment DI Pipe Saddles
CD&T 680540 CD&T 681488 CD&T 681489 6" 75908
Inserting Tool 680601 Flare Inserting Tool 88640 Flare Inserting Tool 88641 8" 75909
- - 110 Inserting Tool 680421 110 Inserting Tool 680422 10" 75910
12" 40236
14" 75911
16" 40238
18" 40240
20" 40240
24" 40241

All A-3 Combined Drills and Taps except those designated for steel are designed for use of cement lined and
unlined cast or ductile iron and A-C pipe. These tools are labeled CEM-RES®.†

Size and class of pipe

Type of Inlet thread on Size of Inlet thread on corporation stop or plug
Material of pipe to be tapped to be tapped
corporation stop or plug
Size Class 1" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 2" 2-1/2"
6"-54" All***
All ductile iron
All All***
6"-48" 250* 680540 681487 681488 681489 -
6"-30" 250*
AWWA All cast iron 6"-20" D**
Taper Thread 36"-48" 250*
24"-42" D**
6"-24" 100 680536 63656 63657 63658 -
A-C 6"-16" 150
6"-14" 200
Steel 6"-24" Sch. 40 680548 - - - -
6"-54" All***
All ductile iron
All All***
6"-48" 250*
6"-30" 250* 680574 681492 681493 681494 681506
AWWA I.P. Thread All cast iron 6"-20" D**
36"-48" 250*
24"-42" D**
A-C (use a Service Saddle) All All -
Steel 6"-24" Sch. 40 680571 682263 682264 682265 -

FLong drill point

* Centrifugally cast and pit cast iron pipe, classes 50 through 250 meeting the following specifications: ANSI/AWWA C102/A21.2; ANSI/AWWA C106/A21.6; ANSI/
AWWA C108/A21.8; Federal specification WW-P-421 and pit cast iron pipe, classes A and B.
** Maximum size of pit cast iron pipe, classes C and D.
*** Ductile iron pipe, classes 50 through 56 meeting specifications ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51
† These tools, marked CEM-RES®, have been developed for use on A-C pipe meeting specifications ASTM C296 and AWWA C400 and for cement-lined pipe meeting
specifications ANSI/ AWWA C104/A21.4 (the warranty will be voided on any non-CEM-RES drills used on A-C pipe). Cutting grease is mandatory on all CEM-RES drills
except when tapping AC pipe.
Note: Mueller recommended cutting grease is available in pints (88366).

WARNING: Use on A-C pipe, which contains a known carcinogen, requires appropriate protective equipment and procedures be employed.
Shaded area indicates change Rev. 7-18

A-3 Combined Drills and Taps with replaceable carbide tipped drill–AWWA taper thread

Size and class of pipe

to be tapped
Material of pipe Drill Thread size Drill and
to be tapped length of stop tap comp. Tap and shank
Size Class Drill and rollpin
with rollpin
A-C† 150 Reg. 1" 680672 580780 680676 502581
6"-14" 200

See bottom of page 1.12 for footnote †

A-3 Combined Shell Cutters and Taps for PVC–AWWA taper thread
When using these tools on any PVC, the specific instructions and
recommendations of the pipe manufacturer must be followed. Because of
the many types of plastic sold, Mueller Co. assumes no responsibility for
performance of any threaded connection in plastic pipe.

Optional coupon
removal tool

Material of pipe to Max. pipe Thread size Shell cutter and Optional coupon
be tapped wall thickness of stop tap complete removal tool
Tap and shank Shell cutter

Cast iron O.D. PVC

1.125" 1" 581503 507578 682645 581637
(AWWA C900)

A-3 Combined Shell Cutters and Taps

Size and class

of pipe to be Shell cutter and tap components parts
Type of inlet Thread Shell
Material of tapped
thread on size of cutter and
pipe to be
corporation stop or tap
stop or plug plug complete Combined
Shell Ret. Drift
Size Class shank and Pilot dril
cutter screw pin

AWWA Taper Cast iron & All 1-1/2" 580740 502395 502394 53906 33509 63264
Thead Ductile iron All 2" 83525 53949 53627 53906 33509 63264
All*** 1-1/2" 88739 37351 37354 37801 37802 63264
Ductile iron 6"-48" All*** 2" 88740 37352 37355 37356 33510 63264
All*** 2-1/2" 681502 681501 40907 37356 33509 63264

See bottom of page 1.12 for footnotes *, **,and ***

Note: Mueller recommended cutting grease is available in pints (88366).

WARNING: Use on A-C pipe, which contains a known carcinogen, requires appropriate protective equipment and procedures be employed.
Rev. 11-18 Shaded area indicates changes

Most Mueller Inserting Tools are available with an E-Z Release feature. This feature allows the drilling and tapping machine to
disengage the corporation stop without backing the corporation stop out of the main. E-Z Release Inserting Tools consist of two
parts (a shank and a nut) which are joined by a coarse acme thread. When the machine disengages the corporation stop, the
two parts of the inserting tool separate at the acme thread. The part of the inserting tool left attached to the corporation stop is
easily removed once the tapping machine is removed from the main.

A-3 Inserting tools for corporation stops

Inserting Tool SIze
Tool Corporation stop outlet
1" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 2"
Copper flare connection 680601 680602 88640 88641
Nut CTS Mueller 110® Conductive Compression Connection 680601 683136 680421 680422
CTS Pack Joint 680601 - 680421 680422
Inside thread
CTS Mueller Grip 680601 - 680421 680422
CTS Q Line 680601 - - -
Shank IPS PE Mueller 110® Conductive Compression Connection 680689 - - -
IPS Grip 680602 - - -
Inserting Tool PEP Pack joint 680602 - 680422 -
PVC Pack joint 680602 - - -
Plug Mueller coupling thread 680612 - - -
I.P. copper flare connection 680604**** - - -
M.I.P. thread 680596 680597 83065 83066
Outside thread Outside thread-Mueller Screw Plug thread 680655 58482 58843 58484
Outside thread-F.I.P. thread 680632 61212 61213 61214
Kitec CTS 680601 - - -

****Outlet thread is one size larger than tubing

Inserting tool
for corp stops

A-3 Extracting tools for corporation stops

Shank Extracting Tool SIze
Corporation stop outlet
1" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 2"
Copper flare connection 680624** 83185 83186 83187
Nut CTS Mueller 110® Conductive Compression Connection* 680624** - 581765 68423
CTS Pack Joint Connection* 680624** - 581765 68423
CTS Mueller Grip 680624 - - -
Inside thread IPS PE Mueller 110® Conductive Compression Connection*** 680690 - - -
Mueller coupling thread 680617 - - -
I.P. copper flare connection 680627 - - -
Shank M.I.P. thread 680620 680621 83179 83180
Outside thread-Mueller Screw Plug thread 680636 83170 83171 83172
Outside thread-F.I.P. thread 680639 - - -

* For type “K” copper service tubing or plastic tubing having the same O.D. (PE or PB).
*** For PE plastic pipe, meeting specifications ASTM D-2239 (SDR-7) 160 psi.

Outside thread

A-3 Inserting and Extracting tools of H-10034 and H-10037 plugs

Inserting and Extracting tool Tool Size
1" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 2" 2-1/2"
Inserting tool for H-10034 plug 680644 680645 680645 680645 -
Plug Inserting tool for H-10037 plug 680644 680644 680645 680645 680645
Extracting tool for H-10034 plug 680641 680642 680642 680642 -
Extracting tool for H-10037 plug 680641 680641 680642 680642 -
Inserting tool Extracting tool for plugs
for plugs Outside thread
Shaded area indicates change Rev. 5-16

Mueller® A-3 Machine Saddles

Mueller A-3 Machine Saddles*

Kind and type of pipe***
Pipe O.D. range**
A-C Saddle Part Number
Cast iron, ductile iron, cast iron O.D. PCV Steel
in. mm Class 100 Class 150
6.56-7.13 167.0-181.0 6" - - - 75908
6.94-7.50 176.0-191.0 - 6" 6" 6" 46704
8.00-8.63 203.0-219.0 - 8" - - 45384
8.88-9.38 226.0-238.0 8" - - - 75909
9.19-9.63 233.0-245.0 - - 8" 8" 43293
10.13-11.25 257.0-286.0 10" 10" 10" - 75910
11.88-13.50 302.0-342.0 12" - - 10" 40236
13.38-14.00 340.0-356.0 - 14" 12" - 43364
14.13-16.25 359.0-413.0 14" 16" 14" 12" 75911
16.00-18.75 406.0-476.0 16" 18" 16" 14" 40238
18.13-22.75 461.578.0 18"/20" 20" - 16" 40240
22.50-27.50 572.0-699.0 24" 24" - - 40241
27.75-35.00 654.0-889.0 30" 30" - - 75912
34.00-58.00 864.0-1470.0 36"/42"/48" 36" - - 75914

* Use pipe O.D. range as a guide to select saddles for pipe not listed in chart.
** These saddles are suitable for pipe meeting the following specifications:
- Centrifugally cast pipe, classes 50-250 ANSI/AWWA C106/A21.6; ANSI/AWWA C108/A21.8; Federal specification WW-P-421.
- Pit cast pipe, classes 50-250 ANSI/AWWA C102/A21.2.
- A-C pipe, classes 100 and 150 ASTM C296, AWWA C400.
- Ductile iron pipe, classes 50-56 ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51.
- Steel pipe, schedule 40 ASTM B36.10.
- Cast iron O.D. PVC plastic pipe AWWA C900.

WARNING: Use on A-C pipe, which contains a known carcinogen, requires appropriate protective equipment and procedures be employed.
Rev. 4-91 Shaded area indicates changes

Power clevis
Catalog Number: H-10802 - The power clevis is used when making taps in
mains having pressure over 90 psig (620 kPa). By its use, the boring bar can
be forced down and a connection made against pressures as high as 250 psig
(1725 kPa/17.25 bar). The power clevis also permits controlled withdrawal of the
boring bar to prevent damage to the tool threads and shock to machine.

By-pass clean out tap

Part Number: 500529 - Used to retap, clean out and remove chips or foreign
matter in the threaded portion of the A-3 machine by-pass.

Corporation stop wrench

Part Number: H-10048 - Used to operate 3/4" and 1" corporation stops.

Web belt
Part Number: 88693—-for pipe O.D. up to 12"
Part Number: 89119—-for pipe O.D. up to 16"
Part Number: 580874—-for pipe O.D. up to 36"
Replaces round or flat link chains to protect wrapped, coated, or plastic pipes.

Flat link extension chain with bolts and nuts

Part Number: 82314—-2'-4" (.7m) extension chain increases 16" (406mm)
chain to fit 16"-24" pipe.
Part Number: 81028—-5'-4" (1.6m) extension chain increases 16" (406mm)
chain to fit 16"-36" pipe.
Part Number: 81029—-8'-2" (2.5m) extension chain increases 16" (406mm)
chain to fit 16"-48" pipe.

Chain spreader
Part Number: 40321
Used when tapping pipe smaller than 6".
Shaded area indicates change Rev. 8-04

Item Number Part Number Part Name

1 86391 Handle extension
2 85308 Ratchet handle (complete)
3 88366 Cutting grease
4 90322 Allen wrench
5 40028 Chain nut wrench
6 40205 Chisel
7 75409 Wrench
8 46029 Boring bar nut
9 40004 Ratchet dog
10 40137 Ratchet wheel
11 40007 Spring
12 40006 Spring pin
13 502027 Roll pin
14 502025 Pivot arm
15 502026 Pivot arm spring
16 40211 Chain hook nut
17 40212 Chain hook washer
18 502029 Lock nut
19 502028 Operating screw
20 40213 Chain yoke
21 89099 Chain hook
22 48130 Friction collar roll pin
23 503149 Feed sleeve
24 85318 Chain for 6"-16" mains
25 41435 Oil plug
26 45374 Feed sleeve O-ring
27 98430 Set screw
28 58849 Handwheel nut
29 58519 Handwheel
30 40193 Stem packing nut
31 58461 Stem packing washer
32 40194 Valve stem
33 503147 Valve body
34 40189 Cap gasket
35 42042 Seat washer
36 40049 Seat nut washer
37 40043 Hand knob
38 40044 Hand knob screw
39 40048 Seat nut
40 40045 Stem
41 40047 Screw
42 40195 Gate arm
43 40203 Gate screw washer
44 580967 Boring bar assembly
45 62501 Tool retaining screw
46 40200 Seat washer screw
47 40197 Gate washer
48 40198 Seat washer
49 40196 Gate
50 40013 Stem set screw
51 40202 Gate-to-arm screw
52 40023 Yoke retaining pin
53 40229 Small saddle gasket
54 40230 Large saddle gasket
55 58093 Cylinder
56 56694 Retaining pin
57 40015 Drift pin
58 503148 Cap
59 40020 Handle
60 501273 Boring bar wiper ring
61 51458 Boring bar O-ring
62 580610 Friction collar
63 580898 Feed yoke
64 50133 Washer
65 79745 Retaining screw Mueller A-3 Repair Kit - See page 1.18
66 500851 Detent
67 59810 Detent spring
68 40139 Stud Operating instruction manual (Form #8541) & page 1.13
69 305006 Detent screw
70 40138 Bolt * NOTE: These illustrations are for parts identification only. DO NOT use these illustrations
71 80111 Handle bar for assembly or disassembly of machine. MUELLER CO. offers a machine repair service.
72 46255 Nut * Contact MUELLER® Customer Service Center for details.
*Order both parts when replacing either one.

TO ORDER SPECIFY QUANTITY, PART NUMBER AND PART NAME (include catalog number and model number of machine)
Rev. 4-17 Shaded area indicates changes

Mueller A-3 Machine Repair Kit - 681843

Part Number Description
45374 1 - Feed Sleeve O-ring
40189 1 - Cap Gasket
42042 1 - Seat Washer
40049 1 - Seat Nut Washer
58461 1 - Stem Packing Washer
40198 1 - Seat Washer
501273 1 - Boring Bar Wiper Ring
51458 2 - Boring Bar O-ring
62501 1- Tool Retaining Screw
40229 1 - Small Saddle Gasket
40230 1 - Large Saddle Gasket
88366 1 - Cutting Grease
& TAPPING MACHINE (39380) 1.19
Shaded area indicates change Rev. 12-18

Mueller “J” Machine - for drilling and tapping operations in

dry or open mains - 1/2" to 2" inclusive
❏ Catalog number “J”
❏ Hand operation
❏ Designed for use on dry or open mains
❏ Used to drill and tap 1/2" to 2" holes
❏ Use on cast iron or ductile iron pipe • cement lined cast iron or ductile
iron pipe
• A-C pipe • steel pipe

Item Sizes Operation Method

Corporation Stops - - 1/2" - 3/4" 1" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 2"
Drill and tap main Hand
Pipe Plug - - 1/2" - 3/4" 1" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 2"

Equipment furnished with each machine

❏ Wooden storage chest (not shown)
❏ Ratchet handle
❏ Round link chain with eyebolt and nut
❏ Chain hook and nut
❏ Chain straps
❏ Double end box wrench for tightening chain hook nuts and feed screw guide set screw
❏ Cutting grease
❏ Instruction manual (Form #8549)
❏ Tool adapter ( Part #683158)

Equipment to be selected
❏ Combined drills and taps – page 1.20

"J" Machine
Total shipping weight 64 lbs. (29 kg)
Machine only weight 39 lbs. (18 kg)

WARNING: Use on A-C pipe, which contains a known carcinogen, requires appropriate protective equipment and procedures be employed.
Rev. 11-18 Shaded area indicates changes

Mueller® Combined Drills and Taps

Mueller Combined Drills and Taps are designed and manufactured to perfectly match the
corresponding stop or plug thread to assure a pressure tight seal. To further assure these tools are
of the highest quality, Mueller Combined Drills and Taps are tested by making an actual tap in a cast
iron plate, and the resulting thread is gaged. Each Mueller Combined Drill and Tap is subjected to a
hardness test to assure material integrity.
NOTE: MUELLER CO. offers a reconditioning service for MUELLER made combined drills and taps, combined shell cutters and taps, and
shell cutters. Contact MUELLER Customer Service Center for details.

“J” Machine Combined Drills and Taps (CEM-RES® tools marked † in chart are designed for use on A-C and
cement-lined iron pipe. Warranty will be voided on any other tool used on these types of pipe.)

Type of Inlet Size and class of

thread on Material of pipe pipe to be tapped Drill
corporation to be tapped length
stop or plug Size Class 1/2" 5/8" 3/4" 1" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 2"
4"-30" 250*
All cast iron 4"-40" D**
4"-48" 250"
All All***
All ductile iron 680537† 680538 680539† 680540† 37793† 37794† 44135†
AWWA 4"-54" All*** - Adapter will not be - Adapter will not be - Adapter will not be
used on this tool used on this tool used on this tool

Taper Thread 3"-24" 100

A-C 3"-16" 150
3"-14" 200

Steel 4"-24" Sch. 40 680545 680546 680547 680548 79337 79338 79339
- Adapter will not be - Adapter will not be - Adapter will not be
used on this tool used on this tool used on this tool
4"-30" 250*
All cast iron 4"-40" D**
4"-48" 250"
4"-54" All***
All ductile iron 680572† 680573† 680574† 681492† 681493† 681494†
AWWA I.P. All All***
3"-24" 100 -
A-C 3"-16" 150
3"-14" 200

Steel 4"-24" Sch. 40 680569 680570 680571 37285 37286 37287

- Adapter will not be - Adapter will not be - Adapter will not be
used on this tool used on this tool used on this tool

* Centrifugally cast and pit cast iron pipe, classes 50 through 250 meeting the following specifications: ANSI/AWWA C102/A21.2; ANSI/AWWA C106/A21.6; ANSI/
AWWA C108/A21.8; Federal specification WW-P-421 and pit cast iron pipe, classes A and B.
** Maximum size of pit cast iron pipe, classes C and D.
*** Ductile iron pipe, classes 50 through 56 meeting specifications
ANSI/AWWA C51/A21.51.
† These tools, marked CEM-RES®, have been developed for use on A-C pipe meeting specifications ASTM C296 and AWWA C400 and for cement-lined pipe meeting
specifications ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4. Cutting grease is supplied with and use is mandatory on all CEM-RES tools except when tapping A-C pipe.

Note: Mueller recommended cutting grease is available in pints (88366).

WARNING: Use on A-C pipe, which contains a known carcinogen, requires appropriate protective equipment and procedures be employed.
Shaded area indicates change Rev. 11-18

Corporation stop wrench

Part Number: H-10048 - Used to operate 3/4" and 1" corporation stops.

Flat link extension chain with bolts and nuts

Part Number: 80000—-4' (1.2m) extension chain increases 12" (305mm) chain
to fit 12"-24" pipe.
Part Number: 80001—-6' (1.8m) extension chain increases 12" (305mm) chain
to fit 12"-36" pipe.
Part Number: 87673—-10'-0" (3.0m) extension chain increases 12" (305mm)
chain to fit 12"-48" pipe.

Chain spreader
Part Number: 40321 - Used when tapping pipe 3" or smaller pipe.

J Machine CD&T Adapter

Part Number: 683158
- Used with 1/2"-1" CRXT
Rev. 9-18 Shaded area indicates changes

Item Part
Part Name
No. Number

1 85324 Feed screw complete

2 51733 Nut
3 51732 Wheel
4 51731 Screw
5 62938 Pin
6 62887 Point
7 40349 Bushing nut
8 40318 Set screw
9 40319 Guide key
10 40007 Spring
11 40006 Spring pin
12 40004 Ratchet dog
13 40137 Ratchet wheel
14 40023 Key retaining pin
15 58155 Pin
16 58152 Standard
17 40026 Chain nut
18 40311 Chain strap
19 85325 Chain hook with nut
20 40310 Base
21 88366 Cutting grease
22 40316 Double end box wrench
23 87206 Chain assembly
24 85303 Ratchet handle complete
25 40139 Stud
26 40138 Bolt*
27 80109 Handlebar
28 46255 Nut*
29 40348 Feed screw bushing
30 58153 Feed screw guide
31 683158 Machine Adapter for 1/2", 3/4" & 1" CDxT

*Order both parts when replacing either one.

NOTE: These illustrations are for parts identification only. DO NOT use these illustrations for assembly or disassembly of machine. MUELLER CO. offers a machine
repair service. Contact MUELLER® Customer Service Center for details.

TO ORDER SPECIFY QUANTITY, PART NUMBER AND PART NAME (include catalog number and model number of machine)
Shaded area indicates change Rev. 6-16

Mueller “H-W” Combined Drills and Taps

Mueller Combined Drills and Taps are designed and manufactured to perfectly match the corresponding stop
or plug thread to assure a pressure tight seal. To further assure these tools are of the highest quality, Mueller
Combined Drills and Taps are tested by making an actual tap in a cast iron plate, and the resulting thread is
gaged. Each Mueller Combined Drill and Tap is subjected to a hardness test to assure material integrity.
NOTE: Mueller Co. offers a reconditioning service for Mueller made combined drills and taps, combined shell cutters and taps, and shell cutters.
Contact Mueller Customer Service Center for details.

“H-W” Machine Combined Drills and Taps (CEM-RES® tools marked† in chart are designed for use on A-C and cement-
lined iron pipe. Warranty will be voided on any other tool used on these types of pipe.)

Material of Size and class of

Type of inlet thread on Drill Size of inlet thread on corporation stop or plug
pipe to be pipe to be tapped
corporation stop or plug Length
Size Class 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 5/8" 3/4" 1" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 2"
4"-30" 250*
All cast iron 4"-20" D**
4"-48" 250*
All ductile iron All*** - 37639† 37505† 37255† 37792† 37793† 37794† 44135†
AWWA Taper Thead All
3"-24" 100
A-C 3"-16" 150
3"-14" 200
Steel 4"-24" Sch. 40 Regular - 37500 37180 79337 79338 79339
4"-30" 250*
All cast iron 4"-20" D**
4"-48" 250*
All ductile iron 4"-54" All*** 78767† 37638† 37485† 37394† 37880† 37881† 37882†
AWWA I.P. Thread 75490 -
3"-24" 100
A-C 3"-16" 150
3"-14" 200
Steel 4"-24" Sch. 40 63694 37282 37283 37284 37285 37286 37287

* Centrifugally cast and pit cast iron pipe, classes 50 through 250 meeting the following specifications: ANSI/AWWA C102/A21.2; ANSI/AWWA C106/21.6; ANSI/AWWA
C108/A21.8; Federal specification WW-P-421 and pit cast iron pipe, classes A and B.
** Maximum size of pit cast iron pipe, classes C and D.
***Ductile iron pipe, classes 50 through 56 meeting specifications ANSI/AWWA C51/A21.51.
†These tools, marked CEM-RES®, have been developed for use on A-C pipe meeting specifications ASTM C296 and AWWA C400 and for cement-lined pipe meeting
specifications ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4. Cutting grease mandatory on all CEM-RES tools except when tapping A-C pipe.

Mueller® “H-W” Machine equipment for special uses Corporation stop wrench
CATALOG NUMBER: H-10048—-Used to operate 3/4" and 1" corporation stops.

Round link extension chains

4'-0" (1.2m) extension chain increases 12"(305mm) chain to fit 12"-24" pipe.
6'-0" (1.8m) extension chain increases 12"(305mm) chain to fit 12"-36" pipe.
10'-0" (3.0m) extension chain increases 12"(305mm) chain to fit 12"-48" pipe.

Chain spreader
PART NUMBER: 40321—-Used when tapping 3" or smaller pipe.

Note: Mueller recommended cutting grease is available in pints (88366).

WARNING: Use on A-C pipe, which contains a known carcinogen, requires appropriate protective equipment and procedures be employed.
Rev. 2-18 Shaded area indicates changes

Item Part
Part Name
No. Number

1 85324 Feed screw complete

2 51733 Nut
3 51732 Wheel
4 51731 Screw
5 62938 Pin
6 62887 Point
7 40349 Bushing nut
8 58155 Pin
9 58159 Standard
10 40007 Spring
11 40006 Spring pin
12 40004 Ratchet dog
13 40137 Ratchet wheel
14 40023 Key retaining pin
15 40319 Guide key
16 40318 Set screw
17 58224 Tool guide
18 40026 Chain nut
19 40311 Chain strap
20 85325 Chain hook with nut
21 40310 Base
22 88366 Cutting grease
23 40316 Double end box wrench
24 87206 Chain assembly
25 85303 Ratchet handle complete
26 40351 Swinging yoke
27 40139 Stud
28 40138 Bolt*
29 80109 Handlebar
30 46255 Nut*
31 40348 Feed screw bushing
32 58156 Feed screw guide

*Order both parts when replacing either one.



NOTE: These illustrations are for parts identification only. DO NOT use these illustrations for assembly or disassembly of machine. MUELLER CO. offers a machine
repair service. Contact MUELLER® Customer Service Center for details.

TO ORDER SPECIFY QUANTITY, PART NUMBER AND PART NAME (include catalog number and model number of machine)
Shaded area indicates change Rev. 10-16

H-603 Electric Power Operator

❏ Catalog number H-603
❏ Mounts directly to B-100/B-101, A-3 and E-5/D-5 machines
without special adapters
❏ Can be set to automatically advance boring bar while drilling
❏ 35 RPM maximum free speed
❏ Reversible 3/4 horsepower electric motor
❏ Ground fault interrupter complies with NEC article 305-6(a)
and OSHA article 1926.404bii
❏ Circuit breaker with manual reset
❏ Power supply required: 1200 watts minimum at 110 -
H-603 electric power operator
120 volts A.C. or D.C., 10 amps minimum capacity
❏ Total shipping weight 41 lbs. (19 kg)
❏ Machine only weight 35 lbs. (16 kg)
❏ Shipped in a sturdy wooden storage chest

H-604 Air Power Operator

❏ Catalog number H-604
❏ Mounts directly to B-100/B-101, A-3 and E-5/D-5 machines
without special adapters
❏ Can be set to automatically advance boring bar while drilling
❏ Reversible air motor-can withdraw tool under power
❏ Constant feed lubricator (shipped loose)
❏ 35 RPM maximum free speed H-604 air power operator
❏ Air supply: 55 cubic feet of free air per minute at 90 psig
❏ Total shipping weight 42 lbs. (19 kg)
❏ Machine only weight 37 lbs. (17 kg)
❏ Shipped in a sturdy wooden storage chest

H-704 Hydraulic Power Operator

❏ Catalog number H-704
❏ Use with E-5™, EH-5™, D-5™ or DH-5™ drilling machines
❏ Use with B-101™ and A-3™ drilling and tapping machines
❏ Reversible operation
❏ Removable handle for efficient storage
❏ Preset safety relief valve prevents over-torque conditions
❏ Flow Range — 7 to 9 gpm (27-34 lpm)
❏ Motor Speed — 33 rpm at 8 gpm (30 lpm)
❏ Maximum Pressure (continuous) — 2000 psig (138 bar)
H-704 hydraulic power operator
❏ Maximum Pressure (intermittent) — 2750 psig (190 bar)
❏ Total Shipping Weight — 73 lbs (33 kg)
❏ Machine Only Weight — 52 lbs (24 kg)
Rev. 8-13 Shaded area indicates changes

NOTE: These illustrations are for parts identification only. DO NOT use these illustrations for assembly or disassembly of machine. MUELLER CO. offers a machine
repair service. Contact MUELLER® Customer Service Center for details.

TO ORDER SPECIFY,QUANTITY, PART NUMBER AND PART NAME (include catalog number and model number of power operator)

Item Part Item Part Item Part

Part Name Part Name Part Name
No. Number No. Number No. Number
1 83990 Cover complete 26 305539 Key 56* 508583 Handle assmebly
1a 501383 Cover 27 501407 Drive arm-left 57 508548 Reversing switch
Feed yoke drive shaft bear-
1b 501385 28 501408 Drive arm-right 58* 505070 Trigger switch
1c 501384 Gear and shaft bearing 29 501393 Spring 59 508584 Handle cover
2 83989 Body complete 30 501400 Hinge shaft 60* 505071 Pawl-interlocking
2a 501383 Body 31 501144 Hinge shaft pin 61* 505068 Ring-clinch
2b 501986 Alignment pins (2) 32 500702 Stop pin 62 505066 Fillister head screw (2)
2c 501381 Gear and shaft bearing 33 501415 Eyebolt 63* 502568 Cord set
2d 501382 Thrust bearing 34 501412 Eyebolt shaft 64* 505066 Fillister head screw (2)
Feed yoke drive shaft Reversing switch mounting screw
3 83987 35 501394 Washer 65 508550
complete (2)
4 40850 Shaft and gear 36 94341 Wing nut 66* 505064 Self tapping pan head screw (2)
5 40852 Large shaft gear 37 92741 Motor clamp 67* 505024 Fillister head screw-phillips
6 98223 Key 38 41435 Oil level plug 68 508549 Reversing switch bracket
8 501402 Washer 39 97763 Socket head set screw 69 508581 Reversing switch washer
Motor holding cap screws
10 40851 Main shaft gear 40* 305103 70 502570 Motor assmebly
11 505373 Worm wheel 41 508585 Name plate 71 505006 Cap-brush holder
12 501403 Worm 42 90377 Cotter pin 72 505080 Brush holder
13 501395 Spacer (2) 44 501401 Flat washer 73 505005 Brush-motor
14 501406 Thrust bearing (2) 45 501397 Drive shaft nut 74 508586 Spindle-tool
15 501404 Worm shaft 46 45374 O-ring 75 505296 Inspection hole cap
16 305537 Worm shaft key 47 501396 Cover cap 76* 52661 Round head drive screw (2)
17 501416 Worm shaft oil seal 48 301149 Cover cap screws (4) 77 52661 Round head drive screw (2)
18 501398 Thrust plug cap 49 89784 Drive shaft complete 78 508569 Reversing switch mounting screw
19 305535 Square key 49a 501387 Drive shaft bearing 79 311834 Ground fault interuptor
20 501391 Rim gasket 49b 505372 Drive shaft 80 538128 Circuit breaker housing
Motor mount and handle
21 305105 Rim cap screws (8) 50* 505375 81 313032 Pan head screws (2)
22 40855 Feed yoke drive shaft seal 51 505376 Name plate 82 313033 Circuit breaker
23 302846 Drive shaft seal 52* 305852 Flat head screw-phillips (4) 311793 Wooden crate
Indicates all parts furnished with
24 501989 Coupler 53 505067 Flat head screw (2) * 581262
25 40849 Feed tube gear 55 508582 Reversing switch lock nut - - -
Shaded area indicates change Rev. 8-04

NOTE: These illustrations are for parts identification only. DO NOT use these illustrations for assembly or disassembly of machine. MUELLER CO. offers a machine
repair service. Contact MUELLER® Customer Service Center for details.

TO ORDER SPECIFY QUANTITY, PART NUMBER AND PART NAME (include catalog number and model number of power operator).

Item Part Item Part Item Part

Part Name Part Name Part Name
No. Number No. Number No. Number

1 83990 Cover sub-assembly 20 501391 Body gasket 44 501401 Flat washer

1a 501383 Cover 21 305105 Cap screws - socket head (8) 45 501397 Drive shaft nut
1b 501385 Drive shaft feed yoke bearing 22 40855 Feed yoke drive shaft seal 46 45374 O-ring
1c 501384 Pinion shaft cover bearing 23 302846 Drive shaft seal 47 501396 Cover cap
2 83989 Body sub-assembly 24 501989 Coupler 48 301149 Cover cap screws - socket hd. (4)
2a 501380 Body 25 40849 Feed tube gear 49 89784 Drive shaft sub
2b 501986 Alignment pins (2) 26 305539 Key 49a 501387 Drive shaft bearing
2c 501381 Pinion shaft body bearing 27 501407 Drive arm - left 49b 505372 Drive shaft
2d 501382 Drive shaft bearing 28 501408 Drive arm - right 50 502571 See NOTE 1
3 83987 Drive shaft feed yoke assembly 29 501393 Spring - drive arm 51 502572 Ing-R adapter handle
4 40850 Pinion gear and shaft 30 501400 Hinge shaft 52 502573 Ing-R throttle valve body
5 40852 Large shaft gear 31 501144 Hinge shaft pin (roll pin) 53 505081 Motor manufacturing screws (4)
6 98223 Woodruff key 32 500702 Stop pin (roll pin) 54 505294 Throttle connector
8 501402 Washer 33 501415 Eye bolt 55 501261 Spindle
10 40851 Boring bar gear 34 501412 Eye bolt shaft (roll pin) 56 505383 Vanes (5) (not shown)
11* 505373 Worm wheel 35 501394 Washer - wing nut 57 505384 Cylinder (not shown)
12 501403 Worm 36 94341 Wing nut 58 506723 Back head gasket
13 501395 Spacers (2) 37 92741 Motor clamp socket cap screw 59 507196 Motor housing
14 501406 Worm shaft bearings (2) 38 41435 Oil lever plugs - allen (2) 61 311322 Muffler
15 501404 Worm shaft 30 97763 Plug-lock allen set screw 62 311321 Street elbow
16 305537 Worm shaft key 40 307609 Motor holding cap screws (4) 63 VSM-620 Air motor reversing lever
17 501416 Worm shaft oil seal 41 505457 Name plate 64 311816 Constant feed oiler assembly
18 501398 Thrust plug 42 90377 Cotter pin - - -
19 305535 Square key 43 301150 Motor handle cap screws (2) - - -
NOTE: 1 INGERSOLL-RAND 22-K Special Air Motor.
Rev. 5-16 Shaded area indicates changes

www.muellercompany.com • moreinfo@muellercompany.com

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