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USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template | Spr2023 | Name: Grace Davis

Grade Level Being Taught: 5 Subject/Content: ELA Group Size: ~25 Date of Lesson: 1/2/23

Part 1: Lesson Content

Title of Lesson context clues

Meeting your students’ needs as How does this lesson connect to the interests and cultural backgrounds of your students?
people and as learners. Learning how to use context clues can help students learn to read overall, which many of them recognize as a
(supervisors) useful skill to have. In addition, the words that they can learn from this activity and the examples that they
are in are relevant to their lives either because they will be funny examples, or they could be words that they
would want to use or are otherwise related to them.
How does this lesson connect to/reflect the local community?
The community that the school has is very positive and focused on growth. Students are expected to continue
to grow in their reading and learning how to use context clues can really help them out with that.
What Standards (national or state) ELA.5.V.1.3 Use context clues, figurative language, word relationships, reference materials, and/or
relate to this lesson? background knowledge to determine the meaning of multiple-meaning and unknown words and phrases,
(You should include ALL applicable appropriate to grade level.
standards.) ELA.5.F.1.3Use knowledge of grade-appropriate phonics and word-analysis skills to decode words.
a. Apply knowledge of all letter-sound correspondences, syllabication patterns, and morphology to read
and write unfamiliar single-syllable and multisyllabic words in and out of context.
Understanding the standards over Trace the standard to the previous grade level. What have students already learned or been exposed to
time related to this standard?
(CPALMS/instructional planning ELA.4.V.1.3 Use context clues, figurative language, word relationships, reference materials, and/or
course) background knowledge to determine the meaning of multiple-meaning and unknown words and phrases,
appropriate to grade level.
ELA.4.F.1.3 Use knowledge of grade-level phonics and word-analysis skills to decode words.
a. Apply knowledge of all letter-sound correspondences, syllabication patterns, and morphology to read
and write unfamiliar single-syllable and multisyllabic words in and out of context.
Trace the standard to the next grade level. What will students learn next related to this standard?
ELA.6.V.1.3 Apply knowledge of context clues, figurative language, word relationships, reference materials,
and/or background knowledge to determine the connotative and denotative meaning of words and phrases,
appropriate to grade level.
What misconceptions might Students may get caught up in not knowing the word and might automatically just ask for the definition to be
students have about this content? given to them. Some students may get caught up over the decoding aspect and wouldn't even get to finding
(Talk to your CT) context clues. Students may forget the meanings of prefixes and suffixes. Students may understand how to
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template | Spr2023 | Name: Grace Davis

Grade Level Being Taught: 5 Subject/Content: ELA Group Size: ~25 Date of Lesson: 1/2/23

figure out the meaning of a word, but they might be confused by the different ways that they can figure it out
and selecting the correct one.
Objectives- What students will know Students will be able to accurately use context clues to figure out the meanings of unknown words.
or be able to do after the instruction
– the learning outcomes
Content (WHAT students are
learning- look to the standard)
Action (HOW students will show it-
there might be clues in the standard)
Measure (HOW WELL they need to
do it)
Level(s) of Thinking Using Bloom’s Taxonomy or Webb’s Depth of Knowledge, which level(s) of thinking is/are called for in the
standard? Analyze
Which level(s) of thinking is/are called for in your objective? Analyze
Why did you choose this level(s) of thinking?
I chose analyze as the level of thinking because students will need to analyze a sentence or a few sentences to
try to figure out the meaning of a word. Sometimes, the meaning of the word will be pretty easy to find, but
other times it is not. Students need to look through And pick out foods that will help them find the meaning
of a word.
Assessment Plan- How will you Describe your assessment plan:
know students have mastered your As I go through the PowerPoint, I will ask students to race their hands to share out their answers. In addition, I
objectives? will walk around the room as they are working on it to see what they are saying and if they are understanding
what I'm trying to teach them. At the very end, I will give the students a short printout with a few examples
that are like the ones that they will have already completed but they will be on their own for it.
How does it align with your objective?
Students will need to use context clues to figure out the meanings of words, so it directly aligns with my
Is your assessment formative or summative? Why did you make that assessment decision?
The assessment is formative because it is performance based and students will be able to receive feedback on
it. I will also be able to collect a lot of data to see where students mess up and which students need help in
particular areas period since there are different strategies that are taught to students in the PowerPoint, it

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template | Spr2023 | Name: Grace Davis

Grade Level Being Taught: 5 Subject/Content: ELA Group Size: ~25 Date of Lesson: 1/2/23

will also be easy to see which strategy the students have mastered and which ones the students might need
more help on. It can also reveal data about which strategies I was able to teach the best.
Assessment Scoring/Rubric 5 4 3 2 1
What are the criteria for how you will Correct word 5/5 4/5 3/5 2/5 1/5
assess student learning/student meaning
work? If you’re using a rubric, include Correct strategy 5/5 4/5 3/5 2/5 1/5
your rubric here. identified
I will grade students based on this rubric which is quite simple. In addition I will collect data on which strategy
students are getting wrong to see if there is any correlation. It is also possible that the students will get the
correct word meaning but identify the strategy incorrectly.
Part 2: Lesson Implementation
Management & Environment ● How will you arrange yourself and the students (location in the classroom, seating)?
(integrated throughout your step- I will be at the front of the class, either at the computer to change the slides while standing up, or
by-step plan): having my CT changed the slides and I will stand at the front of the room next to the board. Students
will be at their desk.
● What processes & procedures will you use? How and when will you communicate those to
Students will get out whatever they need to write this in, whether it is there are notebook or a blank
piece of paper. I will let students know what they need to get out When they need to get it out.
● What expectations will you have for the students? How and when will you communicate those to
Students will need to complete their work quietly. They will need to raise their hand if they need
anything or to answer questions, they should not come up to me. Students will need to be quiet when
working. I will remind students at the beginning of the lesson and remind them as needed after that.
● What strategies will you use if students do not meet your expectations? Are there specific students
who require a more extensive management plan? What will that consist of?
I will remind the whole class first and compliment individual students or tables. I might also quietly
go up to students and remind them that they need to be on task or stop talking so I'm not calling
them out in front of everybody. There are no students with extensive behavior management plans
currently, but there is a new student so we aren't completely sure if he will need one in the future.
● What will students do if they complete the task quickly?
Students can take out a book and read Or work on i-ready.
Materials  PowerPoint on projector
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template | Spr2023 | Name: Grace Davis

Grade Level Being Taught: 5 Subject/Content: ELA Group Size: ~25 Date of Lesson: 1/2/23

(What materials will you use? Why  Blank pieces of paper/Notebooks

did you choose these materials?  Pencils
Include any resources you used. This  Worksheet for assessment
can also include people!) I chose these materials because it is everything students will need to complete this lesson.
Differentiating Instruction (adapting How will you differentiate instruction in this lesson? Circle those that apply:
instruction to meet the needs of
individual students or groups of Process Product Content Readiness Interest Learner Profile
Describe what/how you will differentiate:
 I will have Spanish speaking students work together so that they are able to understand what is
happening. Preferably, I will have a student who speaks both Spanish and English work with a student
who only speaks Spanish so that they can translate and help understand the content regardless of
 There is a video as a part of this lesson which can be very engaging for students.
 In general, I will help students who need help and make sure they are all doing their work.
Which specific students will benefit, and why?
ELs and students with special needs will benefit in particular. I have planned specifically for ELs so that they
can understand the content and how to figure out new words so they will benefit. Students with special needs
will benefit from the extra monitoring and help if needed. There are a few students with special needs, but
they tend to not need extra help besides helping them decide how to get the work done since sometimes all
they need is someone to help them plan or break the task into smaller pieces.
How will you adapt this lesson to meet the needs of individual students or groups of students? (content?
materials? level of support? pace? etc.). Make connections to your classroom asset profile.
In addition, I can slow down if students need it and allow some students to work on their own well other
students work at the pace that I set. Some students will need a higher level of support than others, especially
students in Tier 2 and 3 interventions.
Accommodations What accommodations will you make for students who are English Language Learners? (Refer to your ESOL
(What students need specific Strategies checklist and list specific strategies)
accommodation? List individual ● Entering: while my CT is trying to help ELs learn English by translating less often and allowing more
students (initials), and then explain collaboration, I will allow these students to speak in Spanish with a partner to help understand the
the accommodation(s) you will content but they are allowed to write their answer in Spanish.
implement for these unique ● Emerging: These students will also be allowed to speak in Spanish and write in Spanish, English is
learners.) preferred and it might be beneficial for them to write their answer in both English and Spanish with
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template | Spr2023 | Name: Grace Davis

Grade Level Being Taught: 5 Subject/Content: ELA Group Size: ~25 Date of Lesson: 1/2/23

the help of somebody who can translate for them.

● Developing: Students will be expected to write their answer in English, but if they need to add more
content in Spanish to help complete their thought, they should.
● Expanding: Students should speak and write in English.
What accommodations will you make for students who have an IEP or 504 plan?
There are no students with 504 plans, but there are some students with IEP's. For the most part, these
students do not need a ton of accommodations, however if I find it necessary they will be allowed to work
with a partner which is very helpful for some of them. Walking around the classroom and providing any
assistance is another way that I can help during the independent phase of gradual release. This is helpful to all
students, but it can be particularly helpful for students that are receiving ESE services.
What accommodations will you make for students identified as gifted and have an EP (education plan)?
There are some gifted students, but since this activity is relatively short and my CT does not usually provide
extra steps for gifted students I will not be. If I were to have an activity specifically for gifted students, I would
have an activity where they would write their own problems using some more complex so tabularly that was
not used in this activity. They could then use the problems that they create to then quiz each other period I
just don't think there is enough time for this, and since it is it supposed to take too long, I don't think I could
fit into this lesson. Many of the students, even the gifted students need extra assistance with using context
clues to figure out the meetings of unknown words.
References (Planning of instruction https://www.celt.iastate.edu/instructional-strategies/effective-teaching-practices/revised-blooms-taxonomy/
should be guided by research- Hillsborough resources (I do not have access)
informed approaches. Acknowledge PowerPoint presentation (not linked here)
references used to inspire lesson
Step-by-Step Plan
(What exactly do you plan to do in 1. What is the content area for this lesson? ELA
teaching this lesson? Be thorough. 2. What is the expected lesson structure for a lesson taught within this content area? In other words,
Act as if you needed a substitute to what lesson structure is appropriate for teaching within this content area? (5Es; guided/gradual
carry out the lesson for you.)
release/etc.) Gradual release, whole group
3. Step-by-step plan:
Where applicable, be sure to address
the following: Time Action Steps
◻ What Higher Order Thinking 12:30 I will ask students to take out a sheet of paper/their notebooks. I will explain the instructions and
(H.O.T.) questions will you ask? remind students to raise their hand if they'd like to answer or needed to get up, and not come up

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template | Spr2023 | Name: Grace Davis

Grade Level Being Taught: 5 Subject/Content: ELA Group Size: ~25 Date of Lesson: 1/2/23

◻ How will materials be to me. “Today we will be talking about ways that we can figure out words by using the text
distributed? around it. This is a skill that will help you throughout your life and on tests.”
◻ Who will work together in groups 12:32 I will pull up the PowerPoint and read the second slide and give examples as I go along. It
and how will you determine the shouldn't take me too long to do this slide because everything gets further explanations in the
grouping? following slides.
◻ How will students transition 12:33 I will go over the third slide, which goes into depth about looking inside the word. I will go over
between activities? the example that slide has, which is part of the I do portion of the gradual release model.
◻ What will you as the teacher do? 12:35 I will go over slide four and talk about looking outside the word and go over the different types of
◻ What will you as the teacher say? context clues. Again, there are following slides that go more into depth about each type.
◻ What will the students do? 12:37 I will then play a Khan Academy video.
◻ What student data will be 12:41 For slides six through ten I will define what each type of clue is, and then I will go over the
collected during each phase? example. “The first/second/next/last type of clue is…. This is when we…. Here is an example of
◻ What are the other adults in the what this will look like…”
room doing? How are they 12:46 For slides 11 to 15, students will do each practice problem, either with partners or with help from
supporting students’ learning? me. This is a part of gradual release in the we do stage. They will record their problems in their
notebooks/sheet of paper. “Here is a sentence and we don’t know the word… I am going to read
this sentence, and then look around the word to see what gives us clues. Does anyone have any
ideas on what this word means? How do you know/what strategy did you use?”
12:56 I will go over slides 16 and 17, which are reminders. I will go over the objective again to make sure
students understand. I will leave up the last slide on the board to help students remember the
process of figuring out new words.
12:57 I will leave the last slide up on the board, which has the assessment/on your own portion of the
lesson. I will have a student pass out blank sheets of paper that they will be working on and then
students will begin on their own or in partners if necessary. I will ask students to number their
paper one through 5. I will have a list of sentences up on the board and on the piece of paper
students will write the meaning of the word and how they found the meaning. Students who will
be partners are ELs. I will walk around the classroom and make sure students are on task, not
talking, and help them if they need help. “Make sure to write your names on your papers and
then number one through five. All you need to write is the definition of the word and what
strategy you use to find it out. I have the strategies listed up on the side so you can see them.”
1:10- I will check to see if students are done and add time if necessary. I will then have students turn it
1:15 in if they are done and read a book or work on i-ready when they are finished. I will have students
turn it into me at the end.
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template | Spr2023 | Name: Grace Davis

Grade Level Being Taught: 5 Subject/Content: ELA Group Size: ~25 Date of Lesson: 1/2/23

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