DLL-Creative Writing-Q1-W1

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DAILY LESSON Teacher: JADE JIREH DELIGHT P. MONTERO Learning Area: Creative Writing
LOG Teaching Dates and Time: February 13-17, 2023 (WEEK 1) Quarter: 2nd QUARTER


A. Content Standards The learners have an The learners have an The learners have an The learners have an The learners have an
understanding of imagery, understanding of imagery, understanding of imagery, understanding of imagery, understanding of imagery,
diction, figures of speech, diction, figures of speech, diction, figures of speech, diction, figures of speech, diction, figures of speech,
and variations on language. and variations on language. and variations on language. and variations on language. and variations on language.
B. Performance The learners shall be able to The learners shall be able to The learners shall be able to The learners shall be able to The learners shall be able to
Standards produce short paragraphs or produce short paragraphs or produce short paragraphs or produce short paragraphs or produce short paragraphs or
vignettes using imagery, vignettes using imagery, vignettes using imagery, vignettes using imagery, vignettes using imagery,
diction, figures of speech, diction, figures of speech, diction, figures of speech, diction, figures of speech, diction, figures of speech,
and specific experiences. and specific experiences. and specific experiences. and specific experiences. and specific experiences.
C. Learning Use imagery, diction, figures Use imagery, diction, figures Use imagery, diction, figures Use imagery, diction, figures Use imagery, diction, figures
Competencies/ of speech, and specific of speech, and specific of speech, and specific of speech, and specific of speech, and specific
Objectives experiences to evoke experiences to evoke experiences to evoke experiences to evoke experiences to evoke
meaningful responses from meaningful responses from meaningful responses from meaningful responses from meaningful responses from
readers. readers. readers. readers. readers.
*Identify imagery, diction, and *Distinguish the type of *Use figures of speech in a *Choose appropriate diction (Interactive Collaborative
figures of speech in a text. imagery that appeals to the sentence to evoke meaningful in different communication Learning)
reader’s senses. responses. contexts.
Write the LC code for
HUMSS_CW/MP11/12-Ia-b-4 HUMSS_CW/MP11/12-Ia-b-4 HUMSS_CW/MP11/12-Ia-b-4 HUMSS_CW/MP11/12-Ia-b-4 HUMSS_CW/MP11/12-Ia-b-4
II. CONTENT Using Imagery, Diction, Using Imagery, Diction, Using Imagery, Diction, Using Imagery, Diction, Using Imagery, Diction,
(Subject Matter) Figures of Speech, and Figures of Speech, and Figures of Speech, and Figures of Speech, and Figures of Speech, and
Specific Experiences Specific Experiences Specific Experiences Specific Experiences Specific Experiences
III. Learning Resources
A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide Pages
2.Learner’s Materials
3.Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials MELCS (unpacked), Modules, MELCS (unpacked), Modules, MELCS (unpacked), Modules, MELCS (unpacked), Modules,
from Learning MELCS (unpacked), Modules, LAS) LAS) LAS) LAS)
Resources (LR) Portal) LAS)
B. Other Learning Laptop, Internet Laptop, Internet Laptop, Internet Laptop, Internet Laptop, Internet
ELICIT: Greetings Greetings Greetings Greetings Greetings
A. Reviewing Previous Setting of classroom Setting of classroom Setting of classroom Setting of classroom Setting of classroom
Lessons/Checking of standards standards standards standards standards
Assignment Introduction Assignment/Review: Assignment/Review: Assignment/Review: Assignment/Review:
What are the literary devices Who wants to share his/her Who wants to share his/her
we discussed yesterday? May short vignette or scene using vignette using at least three
I hear your examples? at least two types of imagery? kinds of figure of speech?
ENGAGE: Present the learning objective Present the learning objective Present the learning objective Present the learning objective Present the learning objective
B. Establishing purpose of the day. of the day. of the day. of the day. of the day.
for the Lesson Welcome to wonders of
writing that will nurture your
creativity and self-expression.
EXPLORE: Word Pool Listen & Look Listen & Look Diction Dare
C. Presenting Read the word pool and recall Listen to the song and look for Listen to the song and look for By group, write a short
examples /instances of familiar words you learned the use of imagery in the the use of figure of speech in dialogue which uses the type
the new lessons from the 21st Century lyrics. the lyrics. of diction assigned to your
Literature. group.
EXPLAIN: Look around you; do you love Listen & List Listen & List What are the words or
D. Discussing new the things found in your Did you spot the use of Did you spot the use of figure phrases that you used to
concepts and practicing surroundings? imagery in the song? By pair, of speech in the song? By pair, show the type of diction?
new skills #1. listen to it again and list the listen to it again and list the
imagery used in the lyrics. figure of speech used in the
E. Discussing new I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud Listen & Learn Listen & Learn Describe the context or
Open Time:
concepts & practicing Read poem below is about Present your listed imagery. Present your list. setting of your dialogue
Interactive Collaborative
and concern to new daffodils which have Which among the types of Which among the kinds of wherein it is appropriate to
skills #2 resemblance to two lovers imagery does each lines figure of speech does each use that type or diction.
and lily flowers. belong? lines belong?
Learning Activity Sheets
ELABORATE: Are there some lines in the Why do songwriters use Why do songwriters use figure What are the types of diction?
F. Developing Mastery poems that evoke your imagery in their lyrics? How of speech in their lyrics? How When is it appropriate to use
(Leads to Formative senses? Are the figures of does it improve the song? does it improve the song? each type? How do you use
Assessment) speech present also in the What would the listeners feel What would the listeners feel the right diction in different
poem? while listening it? while listening it? setting?
G. Finding Practical What do you think are the In your day to day dealings, In your day to day dealings, Cite scenarios or experiences
Applications of concepts experiences of the writer in do you use imagery? When do do you use figure of speech? wherein inappropriate diction
and skills in daily living writing the poem? Do you you use it? When do you use it? were used?
have similar experience about
H. Making Why do writers use these Is imagery important in Is figure of speech important Why is it important to be keen
Generalizations & literary devices? writing? Why? in writing? Why? in using diction in your
Abstractions about the writing?
EVALUATE: Identify imagery, diction, and Distinguish the type of Use figures of speech in a Choose appropriate diction in Answer the summative test.
I. Evaluating Learning figures of speech in the given imagery that appeals to the sentence to evoke meaningful different communication
excerpts. senses in the given sentences. responses. contexts described in the
EXTEND: Write your own examples of Compose a short vignette or Continue your short vignette Rewrite your vignette using Rest and spend time with your
J. Additional activities each literary device we scene using at least two types or scene using at least three appropriate diction. family and friends.
for application or discussed. (4 examples in all) of imagery. kinds of figure of speech.

VI. Reflection
A.No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
requires additional
acts.for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who caught up
with the lessons
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal/supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovations or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with other

Prepared by: Checked by: Monitored by:

JADE JIREH DELIGHT P. MONTERO DANIEL N. PANOLINO, MAED-ELM _________________________________________________

Teacher II School Head

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