L-1 T-1, Name, 2020-2021
L-1 T-1, Name, 2020-2021
L-1 T-1, Name, 2020-2021
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
I. (a) Describe the IMO intact stability criteria for a ship. (12)
(b) What is the importance of inclining experiment for a ship? Briefly describe the
procedure of conducting the inclining experiment. (13)
(c) A mass of 6 tonne is moved transversely through a distance of 14 m on a ship of 4300
tonne displacement, when the deflection of an II m pendulum is found to be 120 mm.
The transverse distance is 7.25 m above the keel. Determine the height of the centre of
gravity above the keel. (10)
2. (a) A cargo carrier has displacement of 35000 tonnes and KG 9 m. Construct the statical
stability curve for the following GZ values: (20)
Heel (degrees) 5 10 IS 20 30 45 60 75 90
GZ (m) 0.12 0.43 0.87 1.32 2.0 2.39 1.91 0.71 -0.60
3. (a) Define centre of flotation, statical stability and metacentric height. (6)
(b) Derive the expression for righting lever of a wall-sided vessel. (20)
(c) A wall-sided vessel has GM of 5 m and BM = 10 m. Determine the value of righting
lever at 5°,10° and 15°. (9)
Contd P/2
NAME 117
4. (a) A ship of 9900 tonnes displacement has KM = 7.3 m and KG = 6.4 m. She has yet to
load two 50 tonnes lifts with her own gear and the first lift is to be placed on deck on the
inshore side (KG 9 m and C.G. 6 m out from the centre line). When the derrick plumbs
the quay, its head is 15 m above the keel and 12 m out of the centre line. Calculate the
maximum list during the operation. (15)
(b) A ship has a displacement of 3000 tonnes. On the vessel, there is a rectangular double
bottom tank having length 15 m long and 8 m wide. This tank is partially filled with
ballast water of density 1025 kg/m . If the GMT without free surface effect is 0.18 m,
calculate the virtual loss in GMT and the final GMT when double bottom has: (20)
(i) No divisional bulkhead is fitted
(ii) One transverse bulkhead is fitted at midlength
(iii) One longitudinal bulkhead is fitted on the centre line
(iv) Two longitudinal bulkhead are fitted giving three equal divisions.
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
5. (a) Determine the error involved in calculating the moment of inertia using Simpson's
First Rule about the base of the area under the curve y = 6 + 4x - x between the limits
x = 0 and x = 2. (20)
(b) The half-breadths in meter of the midship section of a ship at waterlines spaced 4
meter apart are: (15)
Waterline 0 I 2 3 4
Half-breadths 6.40 10.90 12.80 13.60 14.20
Find the area between Nos. 3 and 4 waterlines and the height of the centroid of this layer
above the base.
6. (a) A ship 520 ft long, whose displacement in salt water is 12,350 tons, floats at a
waterline whose half ordinates at evenly-spaced sections starting from the after
perpendicular are: (27)
3.40, 15.70,25.70,31.0,32.50,32.60,29.80,22.20, 11.50 and 0.0 ft.
Find where a weight of 250 tons should be placed in order that the draught on the after
perpendicular should remain unchanged.
The height of the center of gravity above the center of buoyancy may be taken as 12 ft;
and in calculating the properties of the waterplane, the appendage abaft the after
perpendicular may be neglected.
(b) Find the relationship between the vertical prismatic coefficient, the midship section
coefficient and the block coefficient. (8)
Contd P13
NAME 117
7. (a) What is the difference between heel and list of a ship? (5)
(b) A vessel of constant rectangular cross-section is 150 ft long, 35 ft beam and floats on
an even-keel draught of 6 ft. A compartment 50 ft long amidships is bilged. Find the
effect of this on the initial stability using the lost-buoyancy and added weight methods of
Area 380 855 1240 1615 1930 2290 2350 2320 2260 2040 1430 1015 600 245 0
Determine the length and position of the flooded compartment for this condition
assuming a permeability of 70 percent.
1. (a) Explain with reference to the context any one of the following: (8)
(i) "Oh! My poor Matilda! Mine were false. They were not worth over five hundred
(ii) "There lay a young man, fast asleep - sleeping so soundly, so deeply, that he was far,
far away from them both."
(b) Answer anyone of the following: (10)
(i) What is the meaning of life, happiness and success? Discuss based on your
understanding of the story "The Bet" by Anton Chekhov.
(ii) Analyse the character of Laura Sheridan in the story "The Garden Party". How is she
different from the other members of her family?
(c) Answer any three of the following: (12)
(i) What kind of life was Mathilda forced to lead in order to payoff the debt?
(ii) Why did Laura say "Forgive my hat" to the body of Mr. Scott in "The Garden Party"?
(iii) Why did Mrs. Forestier fail to recognize Mathilda?
(iv) Why did the banker argue that death penalty was more moral and humane than life
(v) Why Laura wanted to stop the garden-party when she heard about the accident?
2. (a) Recast and correct any ten of the following sentences: (20)
(i) It is I who is to make the call.
(ii) She is used to get up early in the morning.
(iii) I swim better than he.
(iv) Neither of the roads lead to the railway station.
(v) We couldn't decide on where to go for dinner, so we ended eating at home.
(vi) Could you describe out IT manager the problem?
(vii) Of the three, tea, coffee and cocoa, the latter is his favourite.
(viii) Ten new members have been enrolled, and seven resigned.
(ix) We regret informing you that your application has been denied.
(x) Due to the weather, the flight is late.
(xi) She made the boy to do the whole work
(xii) We have less candidates for this position than we expected.
Contd " P/2
HUM 111
3. (a) Give the meanings of any ten of the following words: (10)
Captive, Eradicate, Impromptu, Pessimist, Agitate, Obsolete, Shabby, Chasm, Moron,
Vendor, Reconcile, Forbearance.
(b) Make sentences with any ten of the following words. (10)
Get across, Tum down, Vigilance, Supersede, Mumble, Lullaby, Impartial, Dubious,
Concurrence, Avarice, Lay aside, Strain.
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE questions including Q. NO.5.
5. Read the following text carefully and answer the questions that follow: (30)
The art of academic writing is not easy to master. It is a formal skill, which, reqUIres
precision and accuracy, and is perfected by continuous and dedicated practice. Academic
writing is the skilful exposition and explanation of an argument, which the writer has
carefully researched and developed over a sustained period of time. It is a time-consuming
activity and demands patience and perseverance. But the joy of reading and sharing with
others, one's succinctly composed piece of argument, is incomparable.
Before beginning to write, the writer must ask himself or herself a few question-
why am I writing? What is it that I intend to share with other? What purpose will my writing
serve? Have I read enough about the topic or theme about which I am going to write? If one
is hesitant to answer even one of the aforementioned questions, one better not write at all?
Because academic writing is a serious activity - it makes one part of a shared community of
readers and writers who wish to disseminate and learn from well-argued pieces of writing.
Contd P/3
HUM 111
Contd ... Q. NO.5
The structure of an argumentative essay should take the form of - introduction, Body
and the conclusion. The introduction should function as the work which draws the reader in
and holds his attention, the body should include cogent and coherently linked paragraphs and
the conclusion should re-state the argument and offer a substantial ending to the piece.
(i) What do you mean by academic writing?
(ii) Why is reading an important part of writing?
(iii) Select an appropriate title for the text.
(iv) Why should one work oneself the question mentioned in the second passage?
(v) What are the components of the structures of an argumentation essay?
(vi) Write down the meaning of the following words used in the text:
Precision, Succinctly, Disseminate, hook, cogent.
6. (a) Suppose you are Pavel. Recently you have received a parcel containing some course book
for your study. But after receiving the parcel you found some unnecessary book those you do
not need, Now, write a complaint letter to the library you ordered for those books. (10)
(b) Write phonetic transcription for the following words: (Any five) (10)
7. (a) Write a dialogue between two maritime engineers about innovations in maritime
Sub: PHY 113 (Structure of Matter, Electricity, Magnetism and Modern Physics)
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE questions.
2. (a) Briefly explain the results of photoelectric effect from quantum point of view. (8)
(b) How does X-ray photon losses its energy during passing through the matter?
Show that the wavelength of a photon scattered by an electron
is..1.'= le + lee (1- cos rp), where the symbols have their usual meaning. (17)
(c) X-rays of wavelength 10 pm are scattered from a target electron. Find the
wavelength of X-rays scattered through 45°, Maximum wavelength presents in the
scattered X-rays and the maximum kinetic energy of the recoil electron. (10)
T = 1.44Ty,. (2+2+10+3)
4. (a) Why the interatomic or intermolecular bonds exist in solid? Distinguish between
primary and secondary bonds. (10)
Contd P/2
Contd ... Q. N0.lf
(b) Distinguish between lattice energy and cohesive energy of an ionic crystal. Draw
a typical unit cell of KCl crystal. Find out an expression for lattice energy of KCl
crystal. (18)
(c) Briefly explain the type of bond would be expected for each of the following
materials: (i) Calcium fluoride (CaF2), (ii) Cadmium telluride (CdTe), and (iii)
Tungsten (W). (7)
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE questions.
5. (a) Distinguish between crystalline and amorphous solids from the crystallographic
point of view. (7)
(b) Give a brief definition of a unit cell. Draw typical unit cells for various space
lattices in cubic and hexagonal close-packed crystal systems and hence calculate
number of atoms per unit cell for each of them. Establish the relationship between
atomic radius and lattice constant for cubic crystal structure. (20)
(c) Mention the lattice parameters of hexagonal crystal system. Calculate cia ratio for
6. (a) Briefly describe the crystal structures of CsCI and NaC! with neat sketches. Derive
expressions for pacing factor for these structures in terms of atomic radii of Na, Cs
that metal. Calculate the number of atoms per sq. mm area in the (200) plane. (5)
7. (a) Explain the similarities and dissimilarities between Coulomb's law and
gravitational law. (5)
(b) Consider a charged plastic rod of length L with a total amount of charge Q is lying
along the X-axis with its centre at the origin. Calculate the electric field at a point
which is at a distance y from the centre of the rod on the Y-axis. (18)
(c) What are the factors upon which the capacity of a capacitor depends on? Derive
Contd P/3
voltage, I is the length of the strip, B is the magnetic field, e is the charge of electron,
and i is the current flowing through the strip. (15)
(c) Explain the microsopc view of Ohm's law and hence show that the resistivity of
I. (a) How does the variation in atomic size across a transition series contrast with the
change across the main-group elements of the same period? Why? (10)
(b) What is the crystal field splitting energy? How does it arise for an octahedral field
2. (a) Distinguish between an absorption spectrum and an emission spectrum. With which
3. (a) The VSEPR model was developed before any xenon compounds had been prepared.
Thus, these compounds provided an excellent test of the model's predictive power.
What would you have predicted for the shapes ofXeF2, XeF4 and XeF6? (12)
(b) Predict the shape, state hybridization of the central atom, and give the ideal bond
angle(s) and any expected deviatins for: (i) AIF63-(ii) IF4+ (12)
Contd P/2
CHEM 117
Contd ... Q. No.3
(c) Use an MO diagram and the bond order you obtain from it to answer the followings
4. (a) How are the Arrhenius and BreJnsted-Lowry acid-base definitions different? How
are they similar? Name two Bronsted-Lowery bases that are not Arrhenius bases. Can
acid, HIO, is the weakest. What two factors govern this difference in acid strength? (8)
(d) What are hard and soft acids and bases? Explain with examples. On the basis of
HSAB principle, why HgS is insoluble and Hg(OH)2 is soluble in dil. HCI? (10)
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
5. (a) Define order of reaction. Explain how you can determine the order of reaction by
such a reaction the higher the initial concentration, the smaller is the value of half-life. (15)
(c) A second order reaction in which the initial concentration of both the reactants are
the same is 25% complete in 600s. How long will it take for the reaction to go to 75%
completion? (10)
6. (a) State the law of mass action. How can you use this law to express the equilibrium
CHEM 117
7. (a) What is osmotic pressure? Equimolar aqueous solutions of glucose and sodium
Use the expression to determine the molar mass of the solute. (15)
(c) 0.440 g of a substance dissolved in 22.2g of benzene lowered the freezing point of
benzene by 0.567 0c. Calculate the molar mass of the substance (given that for
8. (a) What is standard hydrogen electrode? What are the roles of platinum used In
I. (a) Draw a graph of the function j(x) as defined below. Also test the continuity and
~ ~:~S2
x> 2
(b) If y = sin[ln(x' + 2x+ I)]' show that (x + 1)' Yn+' + (2n + lXx + IlYn+1 + (n' + 4)Yn = o. (10)
(c) If 40 square feet of metal sheet is to be used in the construction of an open tank
with a square base, find the dimensions of the tank in order that its capacity is the
largest possible. (10)
. -I
. X-Sin X
2. (a) Evaluate: I 1m ---- (10)
X40 sin x 3
(b) Verify mean value theorem for the function j(x) = (x -I )(x - 2 )(x - 3) in the
interval [0,4] and hence find all possible values of'C' in the theorem, where C E [0, 4]. (10)
(c) Obtain the first three terms in the expansion of In(l+tanx) in powers of 'x'. (15)
3. (a) Show that the normal at any point on the curve (15)
X = a(cos8+8sinG)
y = a(sinG-Gcos8)
is at a constant distance from the origin.
au au
(b) If u(x,y)=ln (x--; + /) x+y"O show that x - +y- =2 and hence eval uate
x+y ax Oy
, a'u a'u, a'u
x -+2xy--+ y -. (20)
ax' axOy Oy'
4. (a) Show that the locus of the centre of curvature of the parabola y' = 4ax IS
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE questions.
(a) J dx . (12)
(I + x )~(I + 2x - x' )
(b)JJ97dx. (12)
(c) J~(I + x)' dx. (11)
6. (a) Obtain a reduction formula for Jtann x dx and hence evaluate Jtan' x dx . (12)
(c) Find the area enclosed by the Cardioid r = a(I + cos e) and the circle r = ~ a . (15)
8. (a) Find the volume and the surface area of the paraboloid of the revolution formed by
revolving the parabola y' = 4ax about the x-axis and bounded by the section x = 4. (20)
(b) Find the arc length of the curve x =.!. (y' + 2~ from y = 0 to Y = I. (15)