Elllo Level 2
Elllo Level 2
Elllo Level 2
1) Who wakes up at 6?
a) He does.
b) She does.
c) They both do.
a) He does.
Beg #1 - Simple Present Tense - Tell me about your day? b) She does.
Sarah and John talk about their morning routines. c) They both do.
Sarah: John, tell me about your day. What 3) She gets up at what time?
time do you wake-up?
When I get up early, I like to get ready for the day, take a shower 4) Who usually eats breakfast?
and have breakfast. But other days, I don't like getting up early.
Maybe I'll sleep in until 10:00 or 11:00.
a) He does.
Sarah: Wow. b) She does.
c) They both do.
John: Yeah. I like sleeping in late. Right Word! Fill the blanks
So sometimes, I wake up at 11:00. with the words below.
On those days, if I know I won't 5) Who usually has a different lunch every day?
wake up until 11:00, I'll take a and | but | so | or
shower the night before, before I if | when | because a) He does.
go to bed. How about you, Sarah? b) She does.
When do you usually wake up? c) They both do.
Sarah: Well, I like everyday to be the same. So I wake up
everyday at 8 o'clock.
John: 8:00. Grammar Forms
Sarah: 8:00. And I always do the same thing. First, I make coffee
right away. Then I wake up my kids and we have breakfast WH-Questions
together at about 8:30.
John: Really? When do you eat breakfast?
Who do you talk to every day?
Sarah: Yes. We usually have something easy like bread and Where do you buy your groceries?
yogurt and fruit.
Yes / No Questions
John: I like to have coffee every morning whether I wake up at
6:00 or at 10:00. I'm still going to have coffee. But I often skip Do you study English every day?
breakfast. Do you always eat breakfast everyday? Do you usually go to bed early?
Do you sometimes watch TV late at night?
Sarah: Yes. If I don't eat breakfast, I'm so hungry. What about
lunch? What time do you have lunch?
Positive Statements
John: Lunch is the same everyday for me. I always eat lunch at
12:30 PM. So whenever I wake up, I do some things and then I I exercise every day.
always have lunch at 12:30 PM, just half past noon. And I always I often go to the movies alone.
have a simple lunch. Maybe some soup or spaghetti or a I never cook dinner for myself.
sandwich. Something light, and it's always at half past noon.
What time do you eat lunch? Negative Statements
Sarah: That's interesting. I have breakfast at the same time
everyday but lunch is always at a different time. I don't live near here.
I don't have a car.
John: Really? I don't use a credit card.
Sarah: Yes. But it's always easy lunch like you. Maybe crackers http://elllo.org/english/level2/
and cheese or a sandwich or a baked potato.
John: I see.
a) He skips it.
b) It is always the same.
c) It varies.
a) for friends
b) for two hours
Beg #2 - Times and Days - When do you eat dinner? c) for just one person
John and Sarah talk about food and daily routines.
3) How often does he start work early?
John: How about you? Do you have a different work time Days of the Week
Monday | on Monday
Sarah: Well, right now, I'm on maternity leave. So I stay home Tuesday | on Tuesday
and take care of my new baby. Wednesday | on Wednesday
Thursday | on Thursday
John: Oh, congratulations. Friday | on Friday
Saturday | on Saturday
Sarah: Thank you. I try to work at home a little bit everyday Sunday | on Sunday
though. If the kids are sleeping or they're playing quietly, I try to
do some work. Maybe around 2 o'clock, I can usually get some Parts of the Day
work done because the kids are sleeping.
John: Oh, if you don't start getting some work done until 2 morning | in the morning
o'clock in the afternoon, you must be very busy every morning. noon | at noon
afternoon | in the afternoon
Sarah: Yeah. I usually go to the grocery store. Sometimes I evening | in the evening
take the kids to the park around 10:00 in the morning. I often do night | at night
the laundry or wash the dishes, and then as soon as the dishes
are washed, it's time to make lunch. So I'm busy all day.
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John: I see. So that's why your lunch time can change so much.
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Sarah: Yeah. Smartphone OK
John: Oh, it sounds like a busy day. http://elllo.org/english/level2/
a) Just herself
b) Her family
c) Her roommate
a) Never
b) Most nights
c) On the weekend
Hana: Well, I always , so I normally go and eat out during the I usually drive to work.
weekend with my friends or family. We normally watch TV at home.
(1) I’m really busy during the week Sometimes / Occasionally | 10% - 40% frequency
week / the / busy / during / really / I'm I sometimes drive my mom to work.
They sometimes come over for dinner.
(2) I normally go and eat out during the weekend
I / out / the / and / during / go / normally / eat / weekend Rarely / Seldom | 0% - 10% frequency
(3) and I don’t have time to cook Most people rarely wear a tuxedo.
She rarely uses any social media.
have / cook / and / to / don't / I / time
Never | 0% frequency
(4) I often cook with my roommate
cook / my / often / roommate / with / I I never drink beer at work.
Most people never leave their country.
(5) I always just get something at the shop
a) At lunch
b) On the way home
c) On the weekend
a) Just him
Daniel: So do you ever buy take-away? b) Just her
c) Both of them
Hana: No, I never. Normally when I go out to
eat, I like to sit and enjoy my food. 4) What is true about his place?
How about you?
Hana Daniel a) Two people live there.
Daniel: Well, that's really nice. Of course, I b) It is not that big.
do like to sit and enjoy my food, but I have to admit that c) It has a no kitchen
occasionally I have to buy take-away, especially when I'm
coming late from work, and I'm driving. I'm so hungry that, most
of the time, I don't really make it home, so I have to buy
something on my way, and that's a shame, so that's the way it Grammar Forms
(1) I like to sit and enjoy my food. What do you love to eat? What do you love
food / enjoy / sit / like / I / to / and / my I love eating vegetables.
I love to watch old movies.
(2) I never have my friends over for dinner.
want + infinitive
dinner / I / for / my / never / over / have / friends
What do you want to do?
(3) occasionally I have to buy take-away I want to see a movie.
I don't want to stay home.
I / buy / occasionally / to / take-away / have
a) not much
b) lots
c) nothing
a) lakes
John: So Sarah, what can you tell me about b) mountains
your hometown? c) forests
John: Good. Is there much to do at night? Bob and Mary are coworkers. They're very nice.
Joe and Al left. They're not here anymore.
Sarah: Well, maybe, maybe not. There's not many things to do at
night. There aren't any nightclubs. There aren't many bars. So Their = some people's items
actually, maybe there isn't much night life.
John: That's okay. It sounds like a nice place to have a family. That is my house. This is their house.
Where are the kids? Are these their toys?
Sarah: Yeah. It is. It's a great place to have a family. There's lots
of good schools and libraries.
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a) businesses
b) gas stations
c) parks
a) go shopping
b) exercise
c) take a drive
a) friends
b) family
c) girlfriend
(4) I'm not going to do anything 1. I'm not going to work tomorrow.
2. I'm not going to help you.
not / anything / do / I'm / to / going 3. I'm not going to do that.
a) go shopping
b) exercise
c) take a drive
a) friends
b) family
c) girlfriend
Beg #08 - Weekend Plans - Talking about the future
Daniel talks with Hana about his weekend plans.
3) On Sunday he is going to _____.
Daniel: I'm fine thanks. So tell me, do you 4) He is going to have lunch with his _____.
have any plans for the weekend?
Hana Daniel
Hana: Yes, I heard it's going to be a really a) coach
nice day on Saturday, so I'm planning to go to the beach with b) family
my friends. The beach is three hours away so we are going to go c) friends
by car, and we are planning to have a barbecue, and I'm very
5) Later he is going to ______.
Hana: In the evening we're going to have fireworks, so it's going
to be very beautiful. a) play soccer
b) take a drive
Daniel: So, are you going to stay over at the beach? c) see a movie
Hana: No, we're going to come back so we'll be home quite late.
Daniel: So then what are you going to do on Sunday?
Grammar Patterns - Future Reference
Hana: I think I'll be sleeping all morning and probably in the
afternoon I'm going to study because I have a maths exam on
Monday. (be) going to + verb
Daniel: Oh, well, that's a shame. Well, I think I'm going to wish
you good luck on your exam. What are you going to do tonight?
I'm going to stay home.
Hana: Have fun at the beach. I'm not going to go out.
have / for / do / any / the / you / plans / weekend Do you have plans for the weekend?
I have a test on Monday.
(4) it's going to be a really nice day on Saturday I don't have any plans yet.
going / a / day / it's / be / nice / Satruday / day / to / really Listen Online at elllo.org!
(5) I have a maths exam on Monday. Check Answers
a / I / on / have / maths / Monday / exam Smartphone OK
a) mother
b) father
c) brother
a) older brother
b) younger brother
c) father
a) four
b) five
c) six
a) good at sports
b) funny
Beg #10 - Simple Present - 3rd Person Singular c) studious
John talks about his family their personalities.
Yeah. My younger brother is really fun. 4) His days knows a lot about _____ .
It's great to spend time with him. For Word Puzzle
example, we usually play video games Compete the text with a) history
together. He likes to play racing the words below:
b) music
games or sports games, and also, we c) animals
play card games or just watching TV. has
He's so funny. raises
doesn't 5) His mother is really into _____.
No matter what we're doing, he tells
jokes and I love listening to him tell loves
jokes about whatever we're doing at enjoys a) movies
the time. And he's so cheerful and tries b) books
bright. He's always open to new knows c) cooking
people and new ideas. So I really like sounds
spending time with him. He makes me makes
feel cheerful too when we talk tells
together. Grammar Patterns
Sarah: That's great. How about your older brother?
John: Well, my older brother, he's a really good guy. He's not so WH-Questions
entertaining like my younger brother but he's very smart. He's
really serious. He likes to study and read. For example, he likes When does he get up?
reading the Greek philosophers. He likes reading about Plato and Where does he work?
Socrates. And he's always talking about philosophy. I like that Who does she know?
stuff, too. I think it's interesting but he's not very funny.
Yes / No Questions
Sarah: I see. How about your dad?
John: My dad. Let's see, what can I say about my dad's Does he work with you?
personality? He's a hard worker. He's very devoted to everything Does she have any children?
he tries. He was raised on a farm so he knows a lot about Does he play futsal with you?
animals. And now, he has a farm as a hobby. My dad raises
horses and chickens. He loves animals and he has so many Positive Statements
animals but he doesn't think of them as farm animals, they're his
pets and he loves them. He plays with us sometimes.
She has three children.
He spends everyday outside where no matter what the weather, She knows a lot of people.
because he has to take care of his family, which is all of his
animals. And he's a really smart guy. Maybe a bit serious at
times. His sense of humor is maybe like you can imagine from an Negative Statements
old man.
He doesn't know anybody.
Sarah: I see. How about your mother? What's she like? He doesn't have any children.
She doesn't work in an office.
John: My mother loves to read horror novels.
a) studying
b) resting
c) shopping
a) watching TV
b) shopping
c) studying
Yes / No Questions
Conversation Puzzle
Are you working?
Compete the text with the phrases below: Is she coming?
Are they helping you?
He is getting some food.
Nobody has really come yet. Short Response
And how about Marcus and Emily?
No one has really contacted me yet.
around ten people maybe. Yes, sad but true
Who else is coming? Yes, as a matter of fact
I don't see him around. Yes, kind of
They are playing.
I hope so.
Where are they?
Where is she?
and she is going to come later. Listen Online at elllo.org!
He is preparing for the BBQ.
I came as fast as I could. Check Answers
Smartphone OK
a) cooking dinner
b) shopping
c) dancing
a) working
b) sleeping
c) golfing
a) Sleeping
b) Playing soccer
c) Working
a) Playing soccer
b) Riding the train
c) Shopping
a) He was working
Grammar Gaps b) His phone was dead
c) He was sleeping
In the sentences below use the correct verb
tense to complete the sentences.
4) What happened as he was leaving the train?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Sort of
a) Yes
b) No
c) A litte bit
a) Yes
Conversation Jumble b) No
c) Sort of
Put the conversation together using the
words below each line.
4) What did he do today?
Sarah: Hey, Adam. Have you done the
things I've asked you to do yet? Sarah Adam a) Watch TV
b) Study
Adam: What did you ask me to do? c) Sleep
do / did / today / you / what Have you done what I asked you to do?
Have you finished yet?
Adam: I was sleeping mostly. Have you even started?
Yes, I have.
No, I haven't.
Not yet.
Beg #15 Wedding Plans 3) Has she tried on her dress yet?
Meg talks about the things she needs to do for her wedding.
a) Yes, but just once
b) Yes, many times
Todd: So, Meg, you're getting married soon. c) No, not yet
How are things going?
Meg: Things are going pretty well. We have 4) What has she not done yet?
a lot of planning to do.
Todd: I bet. So have you hired a band yet? a) Order the flowers
Meg Todd b) Book the hall
Meg: No, we haven't hired a band yet. My c) Send out the invitations
brother has some friends who were in a band. So he's going to
ask them.
Todd: Cool. And have you gotten the caterer for the wedding? Grammar Forms
Meg: Yes, we have gotten a caterer because the food is very
important. So we ordered it in advance.
Todd: Oh, what kind of food? Right Word! Fill the blanks
with the words below. Who have hired to play music?
Meg: We're going to have What caterer have you chosen?
traditional American food. tried | shown |ordered Why have not ordered the flowers?
bought | booked | sent
Todd: Oh, nice. Nice. So have you Affirmative
bought a dress yet?
Meg: Yes, of course, I have bought a dress. That's the most I have ordered the flowers already.
important part. So last week I picked up my new dress. My mother has booked the church.
The invitations have just arrived.
Todd: Have you tried it on yet?
Meg: Yes, I've tried it on many times already.
We have not ordered the flowers yet.
Todd: Okay. Cool. Have you shown it to your groom-to-be? We still have not paid the bill.
I have not seen her in her dress yet.
Meg: No. I haven't shown it to my groom-to be because it has to
be a surprise on the wedding day.
Yes / No Questions
Todd: Oh, that's right. So have you ordered the flowers?
Have you ordered the food?
Meg: No, not yet. I haven't ordered the flowers because I'm Have you selected a band for the wedding?
waiting for some special flowers from the florist. So still waiting. Have you tried on the ring?
Todd: And have you sent out the invitations? Short Response
Meg: Yes. We have sent out the invitations. We sent them out
maybe a month ago. Yes, we have.
No, we haven't.
Todd: Oh, cool. So then I assume you have booked the hall. Not yet.
a) very tall
b) not tall, not short
c) very short
Meg: Oh, what does your niece look like? Are they older?
Is he tall?
Todd: Okay. So she's in her 20's. She's very thin, and she has Does he have a mustache?
long blond hair. And yeah, she's quite energetic, so you'll
probably see her running around. So I have a feeling she's Short Response
going to be the one looking for you.
Meg: Okay, great. Then I'll look for your niece. Yes, they are, but not too old.
Yes, he is very tall.
Todd: Okay, great. I really appreciate this. No he does not.
Meg: No problem.
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a) Meg
b) Todd
c) His girlfriend
a) Todd does
b) His girlfriend does
Beg #17 Fit Girlfriend c) Both of them
Todd talks about the lifestyle habits of his girlfriend.
3) Who eats five meals a day?
Meg: Hey, Todd. I was talking to your
girlfriend and she looks really fit.
a) Meg
Todd: Yeah. She's very fit. It's kind of a b) Todd
problem actually. c) His girlfriend
Meg: Maybe you should also try to be healthy because it sounds Negative
like a good idea.
Todd: Yeah, maybe. I'll give it a try. She doesn't eat sugar.
But the thing is, you know, she – She doesn't drink coffee.
there's one other issue. She eats She doesn't like fast food.
five small meals a day, so never
eats big meals. So we can't go to a Yes / No Questions
restaurant and stuff like that. So it's
just really hard to adjust. I mean, I Does she cook?
love a big breakfast, you know. She Does she eat fish?
never eats a big breakfast. She Does she exercise every day?
always eats these small little meals,
so yeah.
a) The train
b) The plane
c) The ferry
a) a casino
b) a karaoke pub
Beg #18 Off to Osaka c) a big sleeping area
Todd help Meg find the fastest and cheapest way to Osaka.
3) What leaves every hour?
Meg: Hey, Todd, I want to go to Osaka.
What's the best way?
a) The plane and ferry
Todd: The best way, you know, it kind of b) The bus and train
depends on your time and your cost, and c) The bus and ferry
your comfort. The easiest might be the ferry.
So the ferry leaves everyday at 7 Extensions 4) Why does she not want to take the bus?
o'clock. And it goes overnight and Write the correct extension
it arrives in Osaka at I think 6 for the blank spaces? a) It is not exciting
o'clock in the morning. So it's a b) It takes too long
nice trip. You're on the boat. You -e c) It is too crowded
could kind of have dinner on the -s
boat. You go to sleep and then you -es
wake up, and then you're there. Ø (no change
And it costs about $70. needed) Simple Present - 3rd Person Singular - Schedules
Meg: Sounds pretty good.
Todd: Yeah. It's good. Yeah. But you sleep in a big area with Questions
other people. So it's like a shared sleeping area.
What airline flies to Osaka?
Meg: Right. What are some other ways? When does the train leave?
Where does this bus go?
Todd: Well, if you have lots of How much does it cost?
money, you can take the train. The
train is convenient because it Affirmative
leaves every hour from the
downtown station and it takes
about four hours, three and a half Japan Air flies to Osaka.
hours. You have to transfer the train The train leaves at noon.
once. But it leaves every hour. It The bus goes to the main station.
costs a little bit. It costs, you know, It costs three dollars.
about 300 bucks. But it's an
enjoyable ride and, you know, Negative
you're never stuck in traffic.
Osaka Air does not fly there.
Meg: So ferry, train; what else? The train does not leave until noon.
This bus does not go downtown.
Todd: You can take a plane. There are two flights. One flight It does not cost much.
leaves early in the morning, another flight leaves in the
afternoon. And that's probably the fastest because if you fly
there, it only takes one hour. But it takes 30 minutes to get to the Yes / No Questions
airport. It's outside of town. And then you have to get there an
hour early for your flight and check in your bags and stuff. So it Does this bus go there?
still takes door-to-door probably 45 hours. And also flights, they Does the train stops downtown?
can be cheap, but they're about 100 bucks. Does this plane fly daily?
Does it cost much?
Meg: Oh, okay. Are there any other ways?
Todd: There's one other way. The cheapest way is actually going Listen Online at elllo.org!
by bus. The good thing is, you know, the busses leave every
hour. But you must take a bus to Fukuoka and then transfer in Check Answers
Fukuoka. And it takes a long time. It takes about eight hours to Get Bonus Material
get there. But it only costs about 50 bucks. And there are some
busses that go overnight. http://elllo.org/english/beginner/
Meg: That sounds pretty good. Well, I like to save money but the
bus sounds a little boring. So maybe I'd rather sleep on the ferry.
a) Yes, it does.
b) No, it does not.
c) He does not say.
a) Yes, it is.
b) No, it is not.
c) He does not say.
Sarah: I know. I think it's L.A. 1. The city has a nice park.
2. The downtown has many tall buildings.
Todd: Yes, Los Angeles. Ping-pong. 3. The streets have lots of trees.
4. It has great weather.
Sarah: Yay.
Describing Things - Nouns - (has / have) Negative
Todd: Well, you got it. Okay.
Next city. This city has 1. The city does not have a nice park.
different seasons. It is cold 2. The downtown doesn't have many tall buildings.
in winter, a little bit, and it is 3. The streets do not have lots of trees.
usually warm in summer. It 4. It does not get much snow.
has lots of fog and it never
has snow.
Describing Things - It
Sarah: Hmm.
1. It has lots of fog. (place)
John: Umm. 2. It is a good watch. (thing)
3. It was a fun party. (event)
Todd: It rains sometimes 4. It's a cute alien. (animal-creature)
and it has a big famous 5. It is gettng late! (time)
Todd: Ping-pong.
John: Good job.
Todd: Okay. So one more city. Can you guess the city? Okay. So http://elllo.org/english/beginner/
this city has four seasons, so it has snow, it has rain, it has
beautiful colors in the fall, lots of leaves and it has old historical
Sarah: Hmm.
a) Yes, it is.
b) No, it is not.
c) He does not say.
a) Aliens
b) Monsters
c) Ghosts
Sarah: I know. It's Transformers. So, are you coming to the party?
So, this is my house.
John: Oh, is that right? So, it was a nice party.
So, let me tell you a story!
Todd: Yes, Transformers. Ping-pong.
Sarah: Yay.
Grammar Challenge
Todd: Okay. So now, I'm going to go way back. Way back. So
this is a movie, also about an alien. And this alien is very kind
and the alien is very shy and the alien meets a boy.
and • but • so • also
John: Oh, I know it.
1. I was thirsty, I got some water.
Todd: And they become friends.
2. She feels tired, I have lots of
John: Do they ride a bicycle? energy.
3. This is nice. It is on sale .
Todd: They do ride a bicycle.
4. You can take the train, it is really
John: It's ET. slow.
Todd: That's right. Ping-pong.
5. My friend is beautiful, she is very
John: Yes! 6. We are early, we still have time.
Sarah: Good job.
Writing Challenge: Write 100 words describing a movie you liked or disliked. Use at least 8 conjunctions.
a) Spanish
b) Japanese
c) Thai
a) Spanish
b) Japanese
c) Thai
Yeah. And you, what languages do you speak? 1. What languages can you speak?
2. I need help. Who can I talk to?
Sarah: Well, I speak English, of course. And I speak Spanish and 3. When can you get here?
Japanese. 4. Where can I wash my clothes?
a) one
b) two
c) three
a) School
b) Work
c) Movies
Sarah: And how about the other one? I have two computers.
You have a nice house.
Todd: Oh, the other computer. The other computer is old. It's also They often eat sushi for lunch.
a MacBook Pro, and it's seven years old. We shop online for most of your food.
Todd: Well, I use cloud computing, so I use Dropbox. So 1. Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
Dropbox shares everything. So all computers are linked and they 2. Yes, you do. / No, you don't.
share all the files. So it's no problem. 3. Yes, they do. / No, they don't.
4. We, we do. / No, we don't.
Sarah: How about phones? How many do you have? 5. Yes, sort of. / No, not really.
Todd: So I create websites and so I need to check how websites Listen Online at elllo.org!
look on different phones. So every time I make a website, I check
it on the Nokia phone. I check it on the Samsung phone. I check Check Answers
on the iPhone. So I make sure the website works on all Get Bonus Material
Sarah: Does the website often have problems with one phone or
a different phone?
Todd: Usually not. Usually, everything is okay. But sometimes,
media files like audio files or video files do not work on the
phones. So sometimes, I have to change things. But usually, it
Sarah: Ah.
Todd: How about you? How many computers do you have?
Sarah: Well, at home, we have one laptop. And it's kind of big, so
I don't usually take it out with me. And then we have a personal
computer, and we also have a tablet, an iPad.
Todd: Oh yeah.
Sarah: And I don't use the iPad very much. It's usually used by
my daughter. She's two, and she loves to play games on the
Todd: Right.
Sarah: So it's an expensive toy.
Todd: So your daughter likes the iPad, you like the laptop.
a) Pick him up
b) Pick him off
c) Pick on him
Greg: Yeah, they thought I was crazy. Past Tense Irregular | No Change
hit | hit
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hurt | hurt
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I did not see him.
We didn't tell anyone.
a) Very thin
b) Very heavy
c) Neither
a) She is a nurse
Ruth: So, Akane, tell me about your family. b) She is a teacher
Who do you get on well with in your family? c) She is a hairstylist
Akane: Well, I think I get along the best with 4) What does her mother enjoy doing?
my mother, I would say. Akane Ruth
a) Akane
b) Howard
a) Akane
b) Howard
a) Akane
Winter Vacation b) Howard
Akane and Howard talk about their winter
vacations. Fill in the blanks for each 4) Who ate new types of food?
paragraph with the words in the box on the
side of the paragraph. Some words can be
used more than once. Akane Howard a) Akane
b) Howard
Akane's Vacation
Last year, I went to Portugal just after Word Puzzle #1
Christmas. And I stayed there until… Grammar Forms
well, just after New Year's this year. In Compete the text with
Portugal, I met up with one of my the words below:
friends from Toronto. He had family Questions
that lived in Portugal, because his met
family was originally from Portugal. had
stayed What did you do for vacation?
So, they were kind enough to let me lived Where did you go?
stay with them. I didn’t know any was Who did you meet?
Portuguese, except for some simple got
words like “hello”, and “thank you”. I went Affirmative
learned some simple words through thought
an audio CD, before I went there. And were
learned I took a trip to Italy.
the people that I stayed with didn’t I went to Rome.
know very much English either. met
I met my friends.
However, we got along surprisingly
They were surprised that I was able to eat some of their exotic
foods. They made some delicious meals every single day, like I didn't buy anything.
octopus, tripe and rabbit. It is quite exotic, but I thought it was We did not go anywhere.
quite good. They also made some excellent desserts, like crème We didn't meet anyone.
caramel, and a rich sponge cake that they call Paon d’lo.
Yes / No Questions
Howard's Vacation
OK, now I'll talk about my winter Word Puzzle #2 Do you buy anything?
Did you go anywhere?
vacation. This winter vacation I spent Did you meet anyone?
two weeks in my hometown which is Compete the text with
Daytona Beach, Florida. It was the words below:
wonderful. The weather was warm Short Response
every day. It was sunny every day and called
the temperature was almost 80 was Yeah, a few things.
degrees. read No, it was too hot.
spent Yeah, some nice people
I visited my mother and I spent every got
morning having a nice leisurely cup of saw
coffee and reading the newspaper and visited
after that I got my bicycle out and and came Listen Online at elllo.org!
rode down to the beach and enjoyed rode
enjoyed Check Answers
the sun and the surf, and came back Smartphone OK
home and read a book and went to had
bed early. http://elllo.org/english/level2/
I had a wonderful time. I saw a couple of new movies, when I
was home in Florida. I saw The Aviator and also an interesting
movie called Spanglish, which I hope you all can see because
it's an interesting movie about English and the Spanish.