Exploring Sound Worksheet - Liam Carter
Exploring Sound Worksheet - Liam Carter
Exploring Sound Worksheet - Liam Carter
*Remember to use CMD+K to add links to the definition text you put in the boxes below*
You are required to complete the tasks on this sheet and place the content in your Weebly Research section calling it EXPLORING
SOUND. You will be required to answer a series of questions in order to pass. They are in RED on this document. You can answer
these questions using examples from TV, film, animation or gaming but will need to provide links so make sure you can do this
when choosing them!
Wherever you use a quote from any other source, please say where you got it from or it could result in a PLAGIARISM mark
which would automatically fail the unit.
An existing definition of both diegetic and non-diegetic sound. Say where you got them from.
Rewrite each definition in your own words to show you understand what they mean.
Provide an example of each of these. This could be a Youtube link (timecoded please!) with a very short description.
An existing definition of both soundtrack music and score music. Say where you got them from.
Rewrite each definition in your own words to show you understand what they mean.
Provide an example of each of these. This could be a Youtube link (timecoded please!) with a very short description.
Task 6/6: Handling noise and other unwanted sounds (usually WIND)
You are required to give…
Existing definitions of handling noise, distortion/clipping and gain as they relate to audio recording, microphone use,
etc. Say where you got them from.
Rewrite the definitions in your own words to show you understand what they mean.
Name Existing Definition with link Example with link
nding of
Handling My https://www.youtube.com/watch?
noise any undesired noise that comes from a understa v=S-02vlAQHsM
cable or microphone when being moved nding of
or handled. - Handling
https://service.shure.com/s/article/handling- sound is
noise-of-microphones? picked up
ne while
g that https://www.youtube.com/watch?
isn’t v=RrR4eHl2pVs
Distortion is the changing of the
picked up
appearance or sound of something in a by the
way that makes it seem strange or mic
unclear properly.