SLPP Question Paper-O&M1

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Category: Technician


1. The plant operating parameter (pressure and temp.) of SLPP units at 125 MW are –

a) 125 kg/cm2 540 deg C (b) 132 kg/cm2, 540 deg C (c) 135 kg/cm2 & 540 C
d) 120 kg/cm2 540 C.

2. The steaming capacity of steam generator at 100% MCR is

a) 380 t/h b) 390 t/h c) 400 t/h d) 410 t/h

3. The number of cyclones provided in one steam generator at SLPP are

a) 4 b) 2 c) 3 d) 1

4. Station heat rate of SLPP is in the range of

a) 2800 - 3000 (b) 1900-2100 (c) 2200 – 2400 (d) 2500 – 2700

5. Sulphur capture efficiency in CFBC Boiler is more than

a) 70% b) 80% c) 90% (d) 99%

6. Decrease in Unit Heat Rate indicates

a) Increase in efficiency b) Decrease in efficiency c)both d) No change

7. Unit of specific lignite consumption is

a) kCal / kg (b) kg/kWh c) kg/kCal d) kWh / kg

8. Condition monitoring mainly helps in assessing the condition of

a) Rotary equipment (b) Stationary equipment (c) both (d) none

9. In vibration measurement following parameter is generally recorded for knowing

the level of vibration.

a) acceleration & velocity (b) acceleration and displacement (c) displacement

and velocity (d) none.

10. Vibration measurement helps in doing

a) Predictive maintenance (b) preventive maintenance (c) shutdown

maintenance (d) break down maintenance.

11. The unbalanced mass of rotating equipment generally characterised at

(a) 1 x RPM (b) 2 x RPM (c) 3 x RPM (d) 4 x RPM

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12. The same mass shall give higher vibration with

a) High speed machine (b) low speed machine (c) no difference

(d) marginal difference.

13. The horizontal component of vibration measurement indicates

a) misalignment b) bearing looseness c) unbalance d) bolt looseness

14. The phase angle helps in locating the reference during vibration measurement for

a) magnitude b) direction c) both d) none

15. Nos. of FBHEs in one boiler are

a) 2 b) 4 c) 6 d) 8

16. The combustor temperature in CFBC is

a) below 800 deg C b) between 800 – 900 c) above 900 deg C

d) 1200 deg C

17. Average consumption of lignite at full load of both units of SLPP is

a) 3000 t/day (b) 4000 t/day (c) 5000 t/day (d) 6000 t/day.

18. The Axial component of vibration measurement indicates

a) misalignment b) bearing looseness c) unbalanced d) bolt looseness

19. The plant load factor of SLPP in the Financial year 2003-04 is more than

a) 75% b) 70% c) 80% d) 90%

20. Metal spray coating is applied in CFBC Boiler at SLPP in

a) Combustor b) FBHE c) backpass d) APH

21. Steam Turbine provided at SLPP is

a) one cylinder b) two cylinders c) three cylinders d)four cylinders

22. The special feature of the turbine at SLPP is

a) Combined HP - IP cylinder b) Combined IP - LP cylinder c) combined HP -

LP cylinder d) none

23. Total number of bearing in main turbine is

a) 4 b) 6 c) 8 d) 10

24. The alarm limit of vibration for main turbine bearings (1,2,3) are

a) 5 mm/s b) 7 mm/s c) 9 mm/s d) 11 mm/s

25. The alarm limit of vibration for turbine bearings (4,5,6) are

a) 12 mm/s b) 14 mm/s c) 16 mm/s d) 18 mm/s

26. The generator at SLPP is cooled by

a) Air b) Hydrogen c) water d) None

27. Auxiliary Cooling water (ACW) system at SLPP is using

a) DM Water b) Filtered water c) clarified water d) Raw water.

28. The bed materials used for boiler is

a) Bottom ash b) Fly ash c) Both d) None

29. The lime is being used as additive in combustor to control

a) Sox b) Nox c) SPM d) None

30. No. of Pumps at Raw Water pump house at Bodhan are

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5

31. The plant auxiliary power consumption at SLPP is the range of

a) 8 – 10% b) 10-12% c) 12-14% d) 6-8%

32. The switchyard voltage level for transmission of power to GEB is

a) 132 KV b) 220 KV c) 400 KV d) 800 KV

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33. PA fan vibration Alarm limit is around

a. 4 mm/s b. 5 mm/s c. 7 mm/s d. 9 mm./s

34. The average specific oil consumption at SLPP is

a) below 5 ml / kWh b) above 5 ml / kWh c) below 3.5 ml / kWh

d) above 3.5 ml / kWh

35. The Air provided below combustor for fluidisation is

a) Primary air b) secondary air c) Both d) None.

1 B 2 B 3 B 4 D 5 C
6 A 7 B 8 A 9 C 10 A
11 A 12 A 13 B 14 B 15 B
16 B 17 C 18 A 19 A 20 A
21 B 22 A 23 B 24 B 25 A
26 A 27 A 28 A 29 A 30 B
31 B 32 B 33 D 34 C 35 A
Category: Executive

1. Coal / Lignite thermal power plant operates on the concept of –

a) Carnot cycle b) Jauls – Brayton cycle c) Rankine cycle d) Dual cycle

2. Latent heat addition at 221.2 bar and 374.15 deg C is

a) 591.9 b) 1004.0 c) 1319.7 d) 0

3. Sensible heat addition increases

a) with increase in pressure b) decrease in pressure c) both d) none

4. No. of superheating stages in CFBC Boilers at SLPP are

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 1

5. Super heat addition increases with increase in pressure

a) True (b) false (c) not always true (d) none

6. Reheat cycle improves cycle

a) Efficiency b) Work done c) Both (d) None

7. No. of feed heater installed at SLPP

a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 d) 6

8. Unit heat rate is expressed in

a) KCal / kwh (b) kg/kWh c) kg/kCal d) kWh / kg

9. Super heater temperature control is achieved through

a) attemperation (b) Fuel feed control c) solid circulation through cyclone d)

10. In super critical boiler, latent heat in Kcal / kg.

a) 54 deg. (b) 100 (c) 0 (d) 860.

11. Maximum heat distribution as per location arrangement

a) Combustor b) FBHE c) Backpass d) APH

12. FBHE 2 comprises

a) SH 2A b) SH 2B c) SH 1 d) SH3

13. Design condensor vaccum in mbar for SLPP units is

a) 79.8 b) 93.5 c) 100.5 d) 106.6

14. The COC maintained in CW water system at SLPP

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5

15. Reheater coils is placed in

a) FBHE 1 b) FBHE - 2 c) FBHE - 3 d)FBHE - 4

16. Heat rate of Unit at SLPP is between

a) 2500 – 2600 b) 2700 – 2800 c) 2900 – 3000 d) 2300 – 2400

17. CFBC combustor is supported
a) top b) bottom c) both d) none

18. Combustor temperature in CFBC combustor is

a) less than PF furnace b) morethan PF c) equal to PF d) none

19. The maximum temperature in CFBC boiler occurs

a) Combustor lower b) combustor middle c) combustor d) backpass inlet

20. Air heater tube lower portion is replaced with

a) Stainless steel b) mild steel c) carbon steel d) Carton steel

21. oxygen percentage measured by Orsat apparatus indicate

a) on wet basis b) on dry basis c) both d) none

22. specific lignite consumption unit is

a) kCal / kg hr (b) kg/kWhr c) kWh/kg d) kg hr / Kcal

23. Specific lignite consumption (kg/kWhr) at SLPP is

a) 0.9 - 1 b) 1-2 c) 1.5 - 2 d) morethan 2

24. No. of stages in HP turbine

a) 21 b) 23 c)25 d)27

25. Ca/S molar ratio for optimum absorption of sulphur by calcium is achieved at
normal CFB combustion temperature

a) 1.5 - 2.0 b) 2.0 – 2.5 c) 2.5 - 3.0 d) 3.0 - 3.5

26. Sulphar capture in the combustor is generally

a) more than 80% b) more than 85% c) more than 90% d)100%

27. the maximum losses in the boiler due to

a) dry flue gas b) moisture c) unburnt d) radiation and unaccounted losses.

28. Average daily coal consumption 100% MCR is about

a) 3000 tonnes b)4000 tons c) 5000 tons d) 6000 tons

29. Auxiliary power consumption for financial year 2003 – 04

a) 9 – 10% b) 10 –11% c) 11-12% d) more than 12%

30. CW blow down of station is around

a) 50 m 3/hr b ) 100 m 3/hr c) 150 m 3/hr d) 200 m 3/hr

31. SLPP boilers has problem of Back sifting of bed material from

a) combustor b) Backpass c) FBHEs d) Ash coolers

32. The cyclone in CFBC boilers at SLPP.

a) water cooled b) steam cooled c) refractory lined d) none

33. The extraction for HP heater 6 is taken from

a) HP turbine b) cold reheat line c) IP turbine d) none

34. Limestone milling at SLPP is done in

a) tube mills b) ball race mills c) bowl mills d) none

35. Hydrazine is added in feed water

a) to increase PH b) to decrease PH c) to remove oxygen d) to add oxygen

36. Lignite sizing for the mined lignite to CFBC combustor is done

a) one stage b) two stages c) three stages d) four stages

37. Lignite being fed into the CFBC combustor is

a) – 10 mm b) – 20 mm c) – 50mm d) – 10 mm size

38 Amount of ash generation during a day is about

a) 500 Tons b) 700 Tons c) 1000 Tons d) 5000 Tons

39 At SLPP Bottom ash to fly ash ratio is about

a) 30:70 b) 20:80 c) 10:90 d) 50:50

40 Dry fog dust suppression system is installed on

a) primary crusher b) Lime crusher c) outside stock area d) inside stock
41 The unbalanced mass of rotating equipment generally characterised at

(a) 1 x RPM (b) 2 x RPM (c) 3 x RPM (d) 4 x RPM

42 Condition monitoring mainly helps in assessing the condition of

a) Rotary equipment (b) Stationary equipment (c) both (d) none

In vibration measurement following parameter is generally recorded for knowing the

level of vibration.

a) acceleration & velocity (b) acceleration and displacement (c) displacement

and velocity (d) none.

Vibration measurement helps in doing

a) Predictive maintenance (b) preventive maintenance (c) shutdown

maintenance (d) break down maintenance.

The same mass shall give higher vibration with

a) High speed machine (b) low speed machine (c) no difference

(d) marginal difference.

The horizontal component of vibration measurement indicates

a) misalignment b) bearing looseness c) unbalance d) bolt looseness

The phase angle helps in locating the reference during vibration measurement for

a) magnitude b) direction c) both d) none

43 Bodhan pumps rated capacity is

a) 800 Cu.Mtr/Hr b) 1200 Cu.Mtr/Hr c) 1000 Cu.Mtr/Hr
d) 1500

44 Raw water pumps rated capacity is

a) 800 Cu.Mtr/Hr b) 1200 Cu.Mtr/Hr c) 1000 Cu.Mtr/Hr
d) 1500

1 C 2 D 3 B 4 A 5 A
6 A 7 D 8 A 9 A 10 C
11 C 12 B 13 D 14 D 15 A
16 A 17 C 18 A 19 D 20 D
21 A 22 B 23 A 24 C 25 A
26 C 27 A 28 C 29 C 30 B
31 A 32 C 33 B 34 A 35 C
36 C 37 A 38 A 39 A 40 A
41 A 42 A 43 C 44 B 45 A
46 B 47 B 48 A 49 B 50

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