Operation Questions

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Short answer type questions

(Mention the points only)

1. What are the advantages of a circulating fluidized bed boiler over a conventional pulverized
fuel boiler?

2. Mention the factors which are in the hands of the operating personnel which can improve the
efficiency of the unit?

3. What actions will you take if you find that turbine lube oil moisture is having an increasing

4. What actions will you take in case of tripping of both FBHE empty chamber blowers?

5. How will you come to know that the bed material in the combustor has got coarse? What
action is to be taken in this case?

6. What are the conditions associated with Boiler Protection – 1 related to HP Bypass?
Answers to Short questions
Question 1:
 Fuel flexibility
 Efficient sulphur removal
 Low NOx emmission
 Smaller furnace cross-section
 Low combustor temperature (lower than ash fusion temp.)

Question 2:
 Maintaining rated main steam pressure
 Maintaining rated SH temperature
 Maintaining rated HRH temperature
 Maintaining rated condenser vacuum
 Keeping heaters in service
 Maintaining rated flue gas outlet temperature

Question 3:
 Continuous operation of Centrifuge.
 Reduce gland steam temperature

Question 4:
 Reduce load to 30%
 Close seal pot to FBHE spiess valves
 Stop FBHE bundle chamber blowers

Question 5:
 For a constant Dp without grate if SUB level pressure and upper Dp are decreasing, it is an
indication of coarsening.
 Operate only the combustor spiess valve and not the FBHE – 2 spiess valve

Question 6:
 HPBP closed and turbine trip and MS pressure > 45 kg/cm2.
 HPBP closed and turbine trip and MS temperature > 450 deg C.
Objective type questions
Tick (Ö) the correct answer:

1. In case of pressurisation of cyclone outlet

(a) PA flow should be increased.
(b) PA flow should be decreased.
(c) SA flow should be increased.
(d) SA flow should be decreased.

2. In case of ‘Load on speed’ control of turbine, load may be varied by changing

(a) Load reference
(b) Speed reference
(c) Either of the above two
(d) Load limiter

3. HP Bypass trip at downstream temperature hi-hi takes place at

(a) Temp. > 400 deg C with no time delay.
(b) Temp. > 380 deg C with 10 sec. time delay.
(c) Temp. > 380 deg C with no time delay.
(d) Temp. > 370 deg C with 10 sec. time delay.

4. FBHE – 1 bundle chamber blower trips at

(a) Air flow < 1.5 kg/sec.
(b) Speed low protection
(c) HRH temperature> 550 deg C
(d) All of the above.

5. Generator winding temperature hi-hi tripping is provided at

(a) winding temperature > 115 deg C
(b) winding temperature > 120 deg C
(c) winding temperature > 125 deg C
(d) no tripping is provided.

6. Production capacity of one stream of DM Plant is

(a) 50 T/hr.
(b) 54 T/hr.
(c) 60 T /hr.
(d) 64 T/hr.

7. At SLPP, the cycle of concentration of circulating water is normally maintained at

(a) 4.0
(b) 4.5
(c) 5.0
(d) 6.0
8. The permissible limit for NOx, SOx and SPM are respectively
(a) 100 ppm., 100 ppm., 150 mg/Nm3
(b) 100 ppm., 50 ppm., 100 mg/Nm3
(c) 50 ppm., 100 ppm., 150 mg/Nm3
(d) 50 ppm., 50 ppm., 100 mg/Nm3

9. DG set takes start in auto by sensing

(a) USS bus No-Volt
(b) NE bus No-Volt
(c) DG bus No-Volt
(d) None of the above

10. Turbine trips on fire protection at MOT level

(a) 440 mm from top
(b) 490 mm from top
(c) 540 mm from top
(d) None of the above

11. If the gland steam supply temperature crosses the upper or lower limit
(a) Gland steam supply valve operation is blocked
(b) Gland steam dump valves operation is blocked
(c) Both valves operation is blocked
(d) Both valves remain operative

12. LP Bypass trip at condenser vacuum low is set at

(a) 0.7 kg/cm2 abs.
(b) 0.5 kg/cm2 abs.
(c) 0.4 kg/cm2 abs.
(d) None of the above

13. If seal pot blower – 1 trips and standby blower does not come in service
(a) Both S.A. fans will trip
(b) P.A. fan – 1 will trip
(c) Both P.A. fans will trip
(d) None of the above

14. The MVA rating of 125 MW SLPP generator is

(a) 140 MVA
(b) 147 MVA
(c) 154 MVA
(d) 157 MVA
15. As per the PPA between GIPCL and GEB, the guaranteed power offtake during rainy season
from SLPP is
(a) 70%
(b) 80%
(c) 85%
(d) 75%
16. The highest daily PLF achieved by any unit of SLPP is
(a) 100.03%
(b) 103.33%
(c) 101.57%
(d) 105.80%

17. Which of the following parameters is a calculated value

(a) Combustor differential pressure with grate
(b) Combustor differential pressure without grate
(c) SUB level pressure
(d) Combustor upper differential pressure

18. When turbine is running at full load, unloading of turbine starts at

(a) 3071 rpm
(b) 3084 rpm
(c) 3090 rpm
(d) 3060 rpm

19. Milling capacity of each limestone mill is

(a) 25 T/hr
(b) 30 T/hr
(c) 35 T/hr
(d) 45 T/hr

20. Maximum achievable thermal load of boiler on oil firing is

(a) 160 MW
(b) 175 MW
(c) 184 MW
(d) 200 MW

21. When the unit is running on CMC mode, the load gradient on turbine console
(a) gets off
(b) remains on but becomes inactive
(c) remains on and active
(d) takes a default value of 15 MW/min.

22. Excitation system of 125 MW SLPP generator is

(a) Static excitation system
(b) High frequency brushless excitation system
(c) Dynamic excitation system
(d) None of the above

23. By year 2010, GIPCL plans to become a

(a) 2010 MW company
(b) 2005 MW company
(c) 1000+ MW company
(d) 800+ MW company
24. Max. allowed water intake at Bodhan river water pump house is
(a) 5.0 MGD
(b) 5.5 MGD
(c) 6.0 MGD
(d) 4.5 MGD

25. Black out condition in a unit is sensed by

(a) Both USS bus no-volt
(b) Both 6.6 kV bus no-volt
(c) Both 6.6 kV bus under voltage
(d) NE bus dead

26. The speed of lignite ALF changes from slow to fast mode at lignite conveyor speed of
(a) 50%
(b) 55%
(c) 60%
(d) 65%
27. Slow changeover of supply to 6.6 kV unit bus from UAT to ST takes place if fast
change over does not take place for
(a) 1 sec.
(b) 1.5 sec.
(c) 2 sec
(d) None of the above

28. Generator reverse power protection acts at

(a) 0.5% of rated power
(b) 0.25% of rated power
(c) 1.0% of rated power
(d) 2.5% of rated power

29. ASLD stands for

(a) Automatic steam leakage device
(b) Accoustic steam leak detector
(c) Accoustic sound level detector
(d) Auxilliary steam loss detector

30. Boiler protection – 1 on drum level low-low acts at drum level

(a) –254 mm
(b) –284 mm
(c) –305 mm
(d) –325 mm

31. Main steam line safety valve’s design set pressure is

(a) 138 kg/cm2
(b) 140 kg/cm2
(c) 142 kg/cm2
(d) 136 kg/cm2
32. Hydrazine dosing provision is made at
(a) Condensate discharge header
(b) BFP suction header
(c) Boiler fill pump discharge header
(d) All of the above

33. For boiler purging, minimum total air flow should be

(a) 113 kg/sec for 11 minutes
(b) 113 kg/sec for 7 minutes
(c) 90 kg/sec for 18 minutes
(d) 90 kg/sec for 20 minutes

34. Turbine trip on generator FJB/RJB relative shaft vibration hi-hi is set at
(a) 160 microns
(b) 190 microns
(c) 240 microns
(d) 350 microns

35. Jacking oil pump takes auto start at

(a) 110 rpm
(b) 410 rpm
(c) 610 rpm
(d) 510 rpm
36. During black-out operation, auxiliary steam is supplied by
(a) Aux. PRDS 100% line
(b) Aux. PRDS 10% line
(c) Both Aux. PRDS 10% and 100% lines
(d) Cold Reheat line

37. Recommended main steam parameters for hot rolling of turbine are
(a) Pressure: 35-40 kg/cm2 and temp.: 380-4000C
(b) Pressure: 35-40 kg/cm2 and temp.: >4800C
(c) Pressure: 75-80 kg/cm2 and temp.: 380-4000C
(d) Pressure: 75-80 kg/cm2 and temp.: >4800C

38. Coarsening of bed material in combustor is indicated by

(a) decrease in SUB level pressure and upper ∆p for constant ∆p without grate
(b) increase in SUB level pressure and upper ∆p for constant ∆p without grate
(c) decrease in SUB level pressure and increase in upper ∆p for constant ∆p without
(d) increase in SUB level pressure and decrease in upper ∆p for constant ∆p without

39. Rating of UAT of 125 MW SLPP unit is

(a) 16 MVA
(b) 17 MVA
(c) 18 MVA
(d) 19 MVA
40. The construction of APH in SLPP units is of
(a) plate type
(b) tubular type
(c) regenerative type
(d) None of the above

41. Ideal temperature difference between water and steam in the boiler drum is
(a) 00C
(b) -50C
(c) 50C
(d) 100C

42. Boiler Feed Pump trips at suction – discharge differential temperature of

(a) 100C
(b) 150C
(c) 200C
(d) 50C
Answers to objective type questions

1. B 2. A
3. B 4. D
5. D 6. B
7. C 8. C
9. C 10. B
11. A 12. C
13. C 14. B
15. A 16. C
17. B 18. B
19. C 20. C
21. A 22. B
23. A 24.
25. B 26. C
27. C 28. A
29. B 30. C
31. B 32. D
33. A 34. C
35. D 36. A
37. D 38. A
39. C 40. B
41. A 42. B

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