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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 08 Issue: 06 | June 2021 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Smart Soil Monitoring System

Vikas Ahirrao1, Nishant Joshi2, Suyash Gadhave3, Bhushan Karanjkar4
1-4Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Maratha Vidya Prasarak Samaj’s, KBT College of
Engineering, Nashik, Maharashtra, India- 423713
Abstract: Soil monitoring can be used in a greenhouse to consumption of water, excess dose of water to the soil can
detect the water content of the soil. This kind of system is make soil saline, which increases the salinity of soil which
really helpful for farmers to get the exact amount of water harms the higher crop yield. In cultivating grapes if the
present in the soil. The main advantage of this project is that quantity of the water given to the crop is exceeded, then it
this is a low-cost soil moisture measurement project. will contents of grapes inappropriate amount, so this system
helps farmers to realize them when there is a need for
The efficient irrigation management practices on the circulation of water. The proposed system measures the
monitoring of the soil moisture in the soil provide a great moisture contents and temperature too. And pH of soil while
benefit for the appropriate amount of water applied to the cultivating grapes plays a significant role, many a time
field. It helps in problems related to the growing of crops in because of inappropriate pH farmers are not able to export
which irrigation is required at an irregular interval. It also grapes to help them we combine the moisture and pH in one
helps in monitoring the soil moisture in sports turfs. system.
Parameters getting monitored are- Soil temperature,
moisture/humidity, and soil pH.

Key Words: Soil Moisture/humidity, soil temperature,

soil pH.


In this project for measurement of soil moisture and

temperature, we used an SHT10 sensor manufactured by
Sensiron Company which is a surface mountable humidity

SHT10 sensor:- This sensor is excellently reliable and

having long term stability, sensors are seamlessly coupled to 1.2 Circuit Description
a 14-bit-analog-to-digital converter and a serial interface
circuit sensor is manufactured by a unique method known as 1.2.1. SHT 10:- The sensor is essentially just a Sensirion
CMOSens technology in which the Product is characterized SHT-10 with the 4 data/power wires brought out so any
by a fusion of sensor element and signal conditioning SHT-1X code for a microcontroller will work. The sensor
electronic components on single silicon CMOS works with 3.3 or 5V logic. The 1-meter long cable has
(Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) chip. It four wires. Humidity readings have 4.5% accuracy, the
measures both soil moisture and temperature, the capacitive temperature is 0.5°C accuracy. For interfacing, a
sensor element is used for measuring relative humidity, microcontroller is required. The sensor is not washed
while the temperature is measured by a band-gap sensor. after reflow and is rehydrated according to datasheet
requirements. This sensor having weatherproof metal
PH Sensor:-To measure a pH of soil analog pH sensor it is housing, but it allows air to pass through it to measure the
used which works on 5v supply with an accuracy of +/- 0.1 humidity of outside air, this results in superior signal
pH its operating temperature is about 0-60 degree Celsius. quality, a fast response time, and insensitivity to external
disturbances (EMC).

1.1 Proposed System

In the proposed system soil moisture sensor is measuring

moisture at a particular area where the sensor is inserted, it
can give a soil temperature at the same time and this is
connected to Node MCU and all these values are shown on
display. The need for this system is to optimize the

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1826
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 06 | June 2021 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

+16dBm for 802.11n transmission by use of digital

calibration to improve the linearity of the power

Figure 1. SHT10 (Soil Moisture & Temperature sensor)

Figure 3. NodeMCU (ESP8266)
1.2.2. NodeMCU (ESP 8266):- NodeMCU is an open-
source IOT based system that uses Lua-based firmware 1.2.3. MQTT Protocol: - MQTT stands for Message
especially characterized for ESP 8266 Wi-Fi in the build Queuing Telemetry Transport, it is a lightweight messaging
model. It has a 32 bit 10 Silica processor it also contains protocol developed by IBM. This protocol runs on TCP/IP
antenna switches RF balun standard digital peripheral nonetheless any network protocol that provides ordered,
interfaces, power amplifier, power management modules, lossless, bi-directional connections can support MQTT.
and different filters this all circuit included in a small Generally, it is used for data exchange between constrained
package so it defines its compactness. faster response devices and applications related to servers, for sending high
than other Arduino also having 16 general purpose volumes of sensor messages to the cloud platform and
analog and digital input & output pins with 64KB analytics platform MQTT is widely used. It is a machine-to-
SRAM,4MB ROM. It also consists of with external SPI flash machine protocol. In our system we used this protocol to
port (SD1, CMD, SD0, and CLK). Works on a 3.3v-5v supply send the moisture sensor data to the cloud platform so that
powered by a USB port. NodeMCU has a micro USB jack farmers can access it any time y simply click on the app, it
for data and power purposes with an I to C interface in it. reduces efforts of mounting display and related circuitry. We
Apart from this NodeMCU has a full TCP/IP stack and it monitor that data on the mobile application, and any device
works like a microcontroller rather than this it consumes that can access the internet.
it has low power consumption with a combination of
several technologies. Node MCU having 3 different power- We access that data on thing speak application by using
saving modes for long-term working i.e., Active mode, MQTT protocol are as follows:
Sleep mode & Deep-sleep mode. ESP 8266 Has a wide
operating range. Apart from this ESP8266 Wi-Fi module It shows soil moisture, soil temperature in the form of a
is a self-contained SOC with TCP/IP protocol stack that graph which shows current reading and previous reading as
gives any microcontroller access to your Wi-Fi network well. By using this type of system we stored near about
with radio consist of a 2.4 GHz receiver, 2.4GHz 72000 values of moisture and temperature using MQTT
transmitter, high-speed clock generator, and crystal (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) protocol. In case the
oscillator it also includes real-time clock bias and sensors wire is misplaced it shows sudden pea in reading so
regulator with power management system 2.4 GHz by observing the graph we can understand that there is a
receiver down-converts the radio frequency signal to connection problem between the sensor and ESP8266
quadrature baseband signals and converts them to the
digital domain with 2 high-resolution analog to digital
converters, And also The 2.4GHz transmitter up-converts
the quadrature baseband signals to 2.4GHz, and drives the
antenna with a high powered CMOS power amplifier.
+19.5dBm average power for 802.11b transmission and

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1827
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 06 | June 2021 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Figure 5. Field mounted system


By developing this proposed system, the result of this soil

moisture measurement can be applied in the real world. By
using this project the desired situation can be forecasted in
farming as well as an irrigation system. Using this model
students can handshake with real-life application and they
can understand the working of moisture sensor, LCD display
with Arduino.

Students are going to know the actual control behind the

process and this project help in compensating the gap
between theory and practical.

Figure 4. Soil temperature and moisture graph using With all respect and gratitude, we would like to thank all
ThingSpeak people who have helped us directly or indirectly for the
completion of this project.
2. Soil Monitoring System: - We developed a system which
monitors Soil moisture, temperature, and soil pH We express our hearty gratitude towards the project guide
simultaneously it gives reading on display and also shows a for guiding us to understand the work conceptually and also
graph of previous data plus current data it gets updated after for his constant encouragement to complete this project
every 30 minutes. The system we have developed is given work on the Smart Soil Monitoring system.
below which is its initial stages.
We also express our thanks to, Head of the Department of
Instrumentation and Control Engineering for providing them
the necessary information and required resources.

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1828
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 06 | June 2021 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

With a deep sense of gratitude, we thank our Principal and

Management of the NDMVPs KBTCOE for providing all
necessary facilities and their constant encouragement and


[1] M. Saleh, I. H. Elhajj, D. Asmar, I. Bashour, and S. Kidess,

Experimental evaluation of low-cost resistive soil
moisture sensors,” 2016 IEEE Int. Multidiscip. Conf. Eng.
Technol. IMCET 2016, pp. 179–184, 2016




© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1829

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