Course Syllabus SS 112 Ethics

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West Visayas State University

Calinog Campus
Calinog, Iloilo

Outcomes-Based Education (OBE) Course Design/ Syllabus in SS112- Ethics

I. University Date Revised/Enhanced: August 9, 2020

Vision: WVSU as the center for educational excellence in the Visayas and the hub for Human Resource Development in the Asia-Pacific
Mission: WVSU is committed to provide holistic education geared towards sustainable growth and development.
Core Values: Scholarship Harmony Innovation Nurturance Excellence Service
Institutional Outcomes for Instruction: Ang taga - West
1. Is a creative and critical thinker
2. Is an effective and responsible communicator
3. Has uncompromising personal and professional ethical standards
4. Is technologically-skilled
5. Has teaming and collaborative skills
6. Is socially responsible and has strong national identity
7. Is globally employable
8. Is self-directed, competent, and accountable professional
9. Can utilize lifelong learning skills or personal development and excellence in
professional practice

II. College/ Campus

Goal: WVSUCC- A premier tertiary institution for optimum human development and community advancement to uplift the quality of
Instruction: Uphold quality standards and ensure academic excellence
Research: Conduct researches relevant to societal issues and concerns
Extension: Extend extension services and present practical solutions to individual and community problems

This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University. Likewise, the designer(s) of
the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.
Production: Apply new techniques, introduce advanced technology and enhance entrepreneurial expertise
College/Campus Outcomes:
1. Board Passer ready in all programs with licensure exams.
2. Locally and globally competitive graduates who are highly employable in line with field of specialization: hardworking, committed,
well- trained, competent in various endeavors, value laden, responsible, innovative, oriented, resourceful, goal-oriented, team-player,
benevolent, patriotic, articulate, disciplined.
3. National/ International certificate holders (Information Technology, Industrial Technology, and Agricultural Graduates)
III. Program/Degree : Across WVSU Programs
IV. General Education Outcomes: Based on CMO 20, Series 2013
Intellectual Competencies
a. higher level of comprehension (textual, visual)
b. proficient and effective communication (writing, speaking, and use of new technologies)
c. understanding of basic concepts across the domains of knowledge
d. critical, analytical, and creative thinking
e. application of different analytical modes (quantitative, artistic, and scientific, textual and visual, experimental,
observation, etc.) in tackling problems methodically
Personal and Civic Responsibilities
a. appreciation of the human condition
b. capacity to personally interpret the human experience
c. ability to view the contemporary world from both Philippine and global perspectives
d. self-assuredness in knowing and being Filipino
e. capacity to reflect critically on shared concerns and think of innovative, creative solutions guided by ethical
f. ability to reflect on moral norms/imperatives as they affect individuals and society
g. ability to appreciate and contribute to artistic beauty
h. understanding and respect for human rights
i. ability to contribute personally and meaningfully to the country’s development
Practical Skills
a. working effectively in a group

This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University. Likewise, the designer(s) of
the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.
b. application of computing and information technology to assist and facilitate research
c. ability to negotiate the world of technology responsibly
d. problem-solving (including real-world problems)
e. basic work-related skills and knowledge

V. Tuning Asia – South East (TA-SE) Outcomes

1. Ability to work collaboratively and effectively in diverse contexts
2. Ability to use information and communication technology purposefully and responsibly
3. Ability to uphold professional, moral and ethical values
4. Ability to demonstrate responsibility and accountability towards the society and environment
5. Ability to communicate clearly and effectively
6. Ability to think critically, reflectively and innovatively
7. Ability to understand, value, and respect diversity and multiculturalism
8. Ability to carry out lifelong learning and continuous professional development
9. Demonstrate problem solving abilities
10. Ability to initiate, plan, organize, implement and evaluate course actions
11. Ability to conduct research
12. Ability to demonstrate leadership attributes
13. Ability to apply knowledge into practice

VI. Course No. and Course Title: SS112- Ethics

 Prerequisites: None

VII. School Year/Semester Offered: AY 2019-2020, 1st Semester

VIII. Course Description:

Ethics deals with principles of ethical behavior in modern society at the level of the person, society and in interaction with the
environment and other shared resources (CMO 23 s. 2013). Morality pertains to the standards of right and wrong that an individual originally
picks up from the community. The course discusses the contexts and principles of ethical behavior in modern society at the level of individual
society, and in interaction with the environment and other shared resources. The courses also teaches students to make moral decisions by
using dominant moral frameworks and by applying a seven-step moral reasoning model to analyze and solve moral dilemma. The course is
organized according to three (3) main elements of moral experience: (a) agent, including context- cultural, communal, and environmental; (b)
the act, and (c) reason, or framework (for the act).

This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University. Likewise, the designer(s) of
the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.
IX. Course Credit/Unit: 3 units

X. Course Outcomes: At the end of the semester the students must have:
1. Differentiated between moral and non-moral problems;
2. Described and explained the nature, elements and the influence of culture to moral development and moral experience as it
happens in different levels of human existence and solve moral dilemmas;
3. Used ethical frameworks or principles to analyze moral experiences;
4. Developed sensitivity to the common good so as to make sound ethical judgments based on principles, facts, and the
stakeholders affected; and,
5. Understood and internalized the principles of ethical behavior in modern society at the level of the person, society, and in
interaction with the environment and other shared resources.

XI. Course Design Matrix

Desired Outcomes-Based Assessment

Learning Course Content/ Subject Textbooks/References Teaching and of Learning Resource Time
Outcomes Matter Learning (OBTL) Outcomes Material Table

At the end of Unit 0: 2013 University code Self-Introduction Oral Recitation Video IDs 3 hours
the course,
the students 0.1. WVSU Vision, Mission, 2011 WVSU Student Discussion Activity
must have: Core Values handbook Sheets

Internalized 0.1.1 Vision Bulletin of Information

demonstrated 0.1.2 Mission
the vision,
mission, core 0.1.3 Core Values
values of the
university and 0.2. The Calinog Campus

This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University. Likewise, the designer(s) of
the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.
institutional, 0.2.1 Campus Outcomes
, degree and 0.2.2 The Degree/ Program
course Outcome
0.2.3 The Course/Subject
the vision, 0.2.4 Institutional Outcomes
mission, core
values of the
university and
degree and

At the end of Unit 1: Key Concepts of Agapay, R. Lecture Paper and Electronic 6 Hours
the unit the Ethics Montemayor, F. (2004).
pencil test Projector
student must Ethics the Philosophy of Life . Brainstorming
have: 1.1. Definition The National Bookstore Discussion Laptop
Mandaluyong City. Small Group
Recitation Computer
Identified moral 1.2. Basic Concepts (p. 8-16, 40-45) Discussions
standards Book
1.2.a. Moral v. Non-Moral Pasco, M.O,Rodriguez, A.M, PowerPoint
Pen and
Understood the Standards & Suarez, V.F. (2018). Presentations
Ethics. C&E Publishing, Paper
difference of
1.2.b. What are Dilemmas Inc.839 EDSA South
moral standards and Moral Dilemmas? Triangle, Quezon City.
from other rules (p. 1-12).
of lives 1.2.c. Three Levels of Moral
Dilemmas (Individual, Rachels, James. “What is

This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University. Likewise, the designer(s) of
the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.
Defined moral Organizational, Systematic) Morality?” and “The
dilemma Challenge of Cultural
1.2.d. Foundations of Relativism.’ In The Elements
Understood the Morality: Freedom- of Moral Philosophy, 4th
responsibility for one’s act edition, 1-31. New York:
importance of
and to others McGraw-Hill College, 2004.
freedom in the
ability to make 1.2.e. Minimum
moral decisions requirements for morality:
Reason and Impartiality
Understood the
advantage of
owning moral
Suggested Readings:
(morality and Angeles, Antonette and
ethics) over Rowena Azada. “Medicine
merely abiding Prices, Control and the
by moral Pharmaceutical Industry.”
standards Monograph produced by the
Jose B. Fernandez, Jr.
Ethics Center and the
Ateneo Graduate School of
Value Focus: Business, 2011.
Awareness, Gensler, Harry J., Earl W.
Knowledge, Spurgin, and James C.
Discipline, Swindal. Ethics:
Teamwork, Self- Contemporary Readings.
Routledge, 2004.

At the end of Unit 2: Culture in Moral Rachels, James. “What is

the unit the Behavior Morality?” and “The Lecture Paper and Electronic 3 hours

This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University. Likewise, the designer(s) of
the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.
student must Challenge of Cultural pencil test Projector
have: 2.1. Culture and its role in Relativism.’ In The Elements Brainstorming
moral behavior of Moral Philosophy, 4th Discussion Laptop
Defined culture Computer
edition, 1-31. New York: Small group
2.2. What it cultural Recitation
McGraw-Hill College, 2004. discussions
Identified the relativism? Why is it not Book
components of tenable in ethics?
Film showing Pen and
2.3. Are there Asian and Paper
Understood how Filipino understanding of Powerpoint
culture shapes moral behavior: Strengths Presentations
moral behavior and weaknesses?

Understood why
culture should
not be the Suggested Readings:
determinant of Licuanan, Patricia Et Al. “A
values Moral Recovery Program:
Building People—Building
Identified Nation.” In Values in
Filipino Philippine Culture and
understanding Education: Philippine
of right and Philosophical Studies I,
wrong edited by Manuel B. Dy, Jr.,
31-48. Washington, D.C.:
Analyzed Filipino The Council for Research in
understanding Values and Philosophy,
of right and 1994.
Palma-Angeles, Antonette.
Understood why “Cultural Drivers of
there is Filipino Corruption in Business and
understanding Governance.” In Business
of right and Ethics in Asia: Issues and

This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University. Likewise, the designer(s) of
the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.
wrong Cases, edited by Oscar G.
Bulaong, Jr., Ike Danita
Dewi, and J. Sedfrey
Value Focus: Santiago, 20-36. Quezon
Curiosity, City: Ateneo de Manila
Awareness, University Press, 2014.
Kohlberg, Lawrence. Essays
on Moral Development. Vol.
Self-Reliance 1 of The Philosophy of
Moral Development: Moral
Stages and the Idea of
Justice. San Francisco:
Harper and Row, 1981.

Required Viewing:
A Clockwork Orange
(Movie). Directed by Stanley
Kubrick. Burbank, CA.
Warner Bros. 1971

At the end of Unit 3: The Moral Agent Rachels, James. “What is 7.5 Hours
the unit the Morality?” and “The
student must 3.1. The Moral Agent: Challenge of Cultural
Developing Virtue as a Relativism.’ In The
Habit Elements of Moral
Philosophy, 4th edition, 1-
Realized that 3.1.a. How is Moral 31. New York: McGraw-Hill
he/she is a Character Developed? College, 2004.
moral agent The circular relation of
acts that build character

This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University. Likewise, the designer(s) of
the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.
Understood how and acts that emanate
moral character from character
is developed
3.1.b. Moral
Defined moral development
a) The Stages of
Identified the Moral
stages of moral Development
b) How do we get
Understood the to the highest
relationship level conscience
between stages
based moral
of moral
and its influence
in making moral Suggested Readings:
decisions Licuanan, Patricia Et Al. “A
Moral Recovery Program:
Made moral Building People—Building
decisions on Nation.” In Values in
issues that are PhilippineCulture and
morally Education: Philippine
ambiguous Philosophical Studies I,
edited by Manuel B. Dy, Jr.,
Value Focus: 31-48. Washington, D.C.:
The Council for Research in
Values and Philosophy,
Palma-Angeles, Antonette.
“Cultural Drivers of
Corruption in Business and
Teamwork, Self-

This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University. Likewise, the designer(s) of
the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.
Reliance Governance.” In Business
Ethics in Asia: Issues and
Cases, edited by Oscar G.
Bulaong, Jr., Ike Danita
Dewi, and J. Sedfrey
Santiago, 20-36. Quezon
City: Ateneo de Manila
University Press, 2014.

Kohlberg, Lawrence. Essays

on Moral Development. Vol.
1 of The Philosophy of
Moral Development: Moral
Stages and the Idea of
Justice. San Francisco:
Harper and Row, 1981.

Required Viewing:
A Clockwork Orange
(Movie). Directed by Stanley
Kubrick. Burbank, CA.
Warner Bros. 1971

At the end of Unit 4: The Act Rae, Scott B, and Kenman L. Lecture 6 hours
the unit the 4.1. Feelings and moral Wong. “A Model for Decision Brainstorming Paper and Electronic
student must decision making Making.” In Beyond Small group pencil test Projector
have: Integrity: A Judeo-Christian discussions
Approach to Christian Ethics. Laptop

This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University. Likewise, the designer(s) of
the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.
4.1.a. Feelings as Grand Rapids, MI: Powerpoint Discussion Computer
Identified the instinctive and Zondervan, 2004. Presentations Recitation Book
role of feelings / trained response to Film showing
Werhane, Patricia H. Moral Pen and
emotions in moral dilemmas
Imagination and
moral decisions Paper
Management Decision
a) Why they can be Making. New York: Oxford
Understood why obstacles to University Press, 1999.
feelings/ making the right
influence moral
b) How they can
decisions help in making
the right
Identified decisions
of over-reliance 4.2. Reason and Impartiality
on feelings/ as Minimum
emotions Requirements for
Understood and
internalized how 4.2.a. Reason and
to make Impartiality defined
reasoned and
impartial 4.2.b. The 7-Step Moral
decisions Reasoning Model

Understood why 4.3. Moral Courage

reason is not
enough in 4.3.a. Why the will is as
carrying out important as reason
moral decisions

This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University. Likewise, the designer(s) of
the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.
4.3.b. Developing the will
Applied the 7-
Step Moral Suggested Readings:
Reasoning Que, Nemesio S., S.J.
Model to Moral “Notes on Moral
scenarios Deliberation.” Introduction
to course notes for PH 104:
Foundations of Moral
Developed Value, Ateneo de Manila
moral courage University, n.d.

Value Focus:
Teamwork, Self-


At the end of Unit 5: Frameworks and Aristotle. Nicomachean Lecture Paper and Electronic 9 hours
the unit the Principles Behind our Ethics. Translated by Martin Brainstorming pencil test Projector
student must Moral Disposition Part 1- Oswald. Indianapolis: Bobbs- Small group
Virtue Ethics, Natural Merrill Educational Discussion Laptop
have: discussions
Law, and the Categorical Publishing, 1983. Recitation Computer
Field Survey
Identified the Aquinas, Thomas. “On Law, Survey Report Book
overarching 5.1. Aristotle: Virtue Ethics Eternal Law, and Natural
frameworks that a) Telos Law.” Summa Theologiae. Survey Map Pen and
dictate the way Vol 28, edited by Thomas Paper
people make b) Virtue as Habit Gilby, 5-97. New York: Black

This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University. Likewise, the designer(s) of
the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.
individual moral Friars/McGraw Hill, 1966.
c) Happiness as Kant, Immanuel. Grounding
Virtue for the Metaphysics of
Understood the Morals, with On a Supposed
nature of the 5.2. St. Thomas Aquinas: Right to Lie Because
Natural Law ofPhilanthropic Concerns.
a) The Natural and Third edition. Translated by
frameworks that its Tenets James W. Ellington.
dictate the way Indianapolis: Hackett
people make b) Happiness as Publishing Co., 1993.
individual moral constitutive of moral
decisions and cardinal virtues Montemayor, F. (2004).
Ethics the Philosophy of Life .
5.3. Kant and Rights The National Bookstore
Applied the Theorists Mandaluyong City.
overarching (p. 88-92)
frameworks that 5.3.a. Kant
a) Good Will Pasco, M.O,Rodriguez, A.M,
dictate the way
b) Categorical & Suarez, V.F. (2018).
people make Imperative Ethics. C&E Publishing,
individual moral Inc.839 EDSA South
decisions 5.3.b. Different Kinds of Triangle, Quezon City.
Rights: (p. 24-44, 59-68).

Formulated a) Legal
one’s own
framework in b) Moral
making a moral
Suggested Readings:
Barbaza, Remmon E.
Value Focus: “Duterte and Being
Open- Human.” Philippine Daily

This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University. Likewise, the designer(s) of
the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.
Curiosity; Inquirer, July 28, 2016.
Understanding;; 6010/duterte-and-being-
Moral human. (Accessed 4
Awareness and October 2016.)
Consciousness Franklin, James C. "Shame
on You: The Impact of
Human Rights Criticism on
Political Repression in Latin
America." International
Studies Quarterly 52, no. 1
(2008): 187-211.

At the end of Unit 6: Frameworks and Mill, John Stuart. Lecture Paper and Electronic 7.5 hours
the unit the Principles Behind our Utilitarianism. 2nd edition. Brainstorming pencil test Projector
student must Moral Disposition Part 2- Edited, with an introduction
Small group
have: Utilitarianism and by George Sher. Discussion Laptop
Justice as Fairness Indianapolis: Hackett Recitation Computer
Identified the Publishing Co., 2001. Field Survey
overarching 6.1. Utilitarianism Survey Report Book
frameworks that Pasco, M.O,Rodriguez, A.M,
dictate the way 6.1.a. Origins and & Suarez, V.F. (2018). Survey Map Pen and
people make Nature of the Theory Ethics. C&E Publishing, Paper
individual moral Inc.839 EDSA South
decisions 6.1.b. Business’ Triangle, Quezon City.
fascination with (p. 69-87).
Understood the
nature of the 6.1.c. Jeremy Rawls, John. “A Theory of
overarching Bentham’s Utilitarianism Justice.” In Reason at Work:
frameworks that Introductory Readings in

This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University. Likewise, the designer(s) of
the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.
dictate the way 6..1.d. John Stuart Mill’s Philosophy. Edited by
people make Utilitarianism Stephen M. Cahn and George
individual moral Sher, 262-76. Forth Worth,
6.2. Justice as Fairness: TX: Harcourt Brace College
Promoting the Common Publishers, 1996.”
Applied the
6.2.a. The Nature of
the Theory
frameworks that
dictate the way
people make 6.2.b. Distributive
individual moral Justice
a) Egalitarian

Formulated b) Capitalist
one’s own
framework in c) Socialist
making a moral
c.1) The state
decision and citizens:
Value Focus: to each other
mindedness; Suggested Readings:
Curiosity; Barbaza, Remmon E.
Awareness; “Duterte and Being
Understanding;; Human.” Philippine Daily
Moral Inquirer, July 28, 2016.
Awareness and
Self- 6010/duterte-and-being-
Consciousness human. (Accessed 4
October 2016.)

This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University. Likewise, the designer(s) of
the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.
Franklin, James C. "Shame
on You: The Impact of
Human Rights Criticism on
Political Repression in Latin
America." International
Studies Quarterly 52, no. 1
(2008): 187-211.

At the end of Unit 7: Ethics through Rachels, James. “The Projectors 3 hours
the unit the thick and thin, Challenge of Cultural Reporting Paper and
Relativism.’ In The Elements pencil test
student must and Ethics and Laptop
of Moral Philosophy, 4th Discussion
have: Religion Computer
edition, 1-31. New York: Discussion
McGraw-Hill College, 2004. Lecture
Identified the 7.1. The Challenges of Books
challenges to Pluralism and Small Group
ethical behavior Fundamentalism: Pen and
in today’s world The Search for Discussion Paper

This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University. Likewise, the designer(s) of
the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.
Universal Values
Developed one’s
own viewpoint 7.1.a. Globalization and
as to the search pluralism: New
for universal challenges in ethics
7.1.b. Challenges of
Created a Filennials
response to an
increasingly 7.1.c. The Religious
pluralist and Response: The Role of
individualist religion in Ethics
globalized world
Suggested Readings:

Value Focus:
Friedman, Thomas. The
Open- Nexus and the Olive Tree:
mindedness; Understanding
Curiosity; Globalization, 1st Edition.
Awareness; New York: Anchor Books,
Understanding;; 2000.
Reyes, Ramon C. “Relation
Awareness; Self-
Between Ethics and
Consciousness; Religious Belief.” In The
Social Moral Dimension: Essays in
Consciousness, Honor of Ramon Castillo
and Creativity Reyes. Edited by Nemesio
S. Que, S.J., Oscar G.
Bulaong, Jr., and Michael
Ner E. Mariano, 107-12.
Quezon City, PH: Office of
Research and Publications,

This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University. Likewise, the designer(s) of
the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.
Ateneo de Manila
University, 2003.

Campbell, W. Keith. “The

Narcissism Epidemic.”
Interview by Steve Paikin.
The Agenda with Steve
Paikin, July 31, 2013.

At the end of Unit 8- Ethics in Rachels, James. “The Projectors 6 hours

the unit the Information Challenge of Cultural Reporting Paper and
Relativism.’ In The Elements pencil test
student must Technology Laptop
of Moral Philosophy, 4th Discussion
have: Computer
edition, 1-31. New York: Discussion
8.1. Ethics in Computer Lecture
McGraw-Hill College, 2004.
Identified ethical Usage Books
practices and Small Group
8.2. Ethics in Cyberspace
moral decisions Pen and
applicable to Discussion Paper
8.2.a. Social Media Ethics
Technology and 8.2.b. Contents Ethics
the worldwide
web 8.2.c. Use Ethics

8.3. Cybercrime
Understood and
internalized Suggested Readings:
ethical rules in Friedman, Thomas. The
the use of Nexus and the Olive Tree:
computers Understanding

This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University. Likewise, the designer(s) of
the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.
Globalization, 1st Edition.
Defined New York: Anchor Books,
cybercrime 2000.

Reyes, Ramon C. “Relation

Identified the Between Ethics and
different forms Religious Belief.” In The
of cybercrime Moral Dimension: Essays in
Honor of Ramon Castillo
Value Focus: Reyes. Edited by Nemesio
Open- S. Que, S.J., Oscar G.
Bulaong, Jr., and Michael
Ner E. Mariano, 107-12.
Curiosity, Quezon City, PH: Office of
Understanding, Research and Publications,
Compassion, Ateneo de Manila
Self-Awareness, University, 2003.
Campbell, W. Keith. “The
Narcissism Epidemic.”
Interview by Steve Paikin.
The Agenda with Steve
Paikin, July 31, 2013.


Note: This syllabus is flexible and may include additional topics and activities deemed necessary by the teacher and students.

XII. Criteria for Grading

Period Exams Quiz Outputs Class Standing Total

This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University. Likewise, the designer(s) of
the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.
Midterm Period 30 % 20% 20% 30% 100%
Final Period 30 % 20% 20% 30% 100%

XIII. Other Requirement

XIV. Course Mapping
A. Course Outcomes in relation to Program Outcomes and TASE (Tuning Asia South East) Competences

Course Outcomes Degree/Program Outcomes TASE Generic Competences

A B C D E … 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1.) Differentiated between

√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
moral and non-moral
2.) Described and
explained the nature,
elements and the
influence of culture to
moral development and √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
moral experience as it
happens in different
levels of human
existence and solve
moral dilemmas
3.) Used ethical
frameworks or √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
principles to analyse
moral experiences
4.) Developed sensitivity to √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
the common good so as
to make sound ethical
judgments based on

This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University. Likewise, the designer(s) of
the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.
principles, facts, and
the stakeholders
5) Understood and
internalized the
principles of ethical
behavior in modern
society at the level of √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
the person, society, and
in interaction with the
environment and other
shared resources

B. Course Outcomes in relation with Teaching Learning Activities and Assessment Strategies

Course Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Assessment Strategies

1. Film showing
2. Gallery Walk
1. Oral recitation
3. Classroom discussion
2. Objective Short Quiz
1.) Differentiated between moral and non- 4. Lecture
3. Objective Essay
moral problems 5. Debate
Short Quiz
6. Internet Questing
4. Examination
7. Case Analysis
8. Contrasting documents
2.) Described and explained the nature, 1.) Film showing 1. Oral recitation
elements and the influence of culture to 2.) Gallery Walk 2. Objective Short Quiz
moral development and moral experience 3.) Classroom discussion 3. Objective Essay
as it happens in different levels of human 4.) Lecture Short Quiz
existence and solve moral dilemmas 5.) Debate 4. Examination
6.) Internet Questing

This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University. Likewise, the designer(s) of
the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.
7.) Case Analysis
8.) Moot Court
9.) Model UN
1.) Film showing
2.) Role-Playing
1. Oral recitation
3.) Classroom discussion
2. Objective Short Quiz
3.) Used ethical frameworks or principles to 4.) Lecture
3. Objective Essay
analyse moral experiences 5.) Debate
Short Quiz
6.) Internet Questing
4. Examination
7.) Contrasting Documents

1.) Film showing

2.) Classroom discussion 1.  Oral recitation
4.) Developed sensitivity to the common good
3.) Lecture 2. Objective Short Quiz
so as to make sound ethical judgments
4.) Classroom Chaos Informal 3. Objective Essay
based on principles, facts, and the
Debate Short Quiz
stakeholders affected
5.) Internet Questing 4. Examination
6.) Case Analysis
1.) Film showing
2.) Model UN
5.) Understood and internalized the principles 1. Oral recitation
3.) Classroom Discussion
of ethical behavior in modern society at the 2. Objective Short Quiz
4.) Lecture
level of the person, society, and in 3. Objective Essay
5.) Small Group Discussion and
interaction with the environment and other Short Quiz
shared resources 4. Examination
6.) Internet Questing
7.) Contrasting Documents

Course Facilitators

Reviewed by: RECEL T. CABRAL

This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University. Likewise, the designer(s) of
the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.
Chairperson, Social Science Department

Recommending Approval: ANDY JOSE A. CASABUENA, Ph.D.

Dean, College of Education


Dean of Instruction

This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University. Likewise, the designer(s) of
the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.

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