Financial Performance of Nepalese Insurance Companies: Sumitpradhan@uniglobe -
Financial Performance of Nepalese Insurance Companies: Sumitpradhan@uniglobe -
Financial Performance of Nepalese Insurance Companies: Sumitpradhan@uniglobe -
Received: May 9, 2021 Nepalese Journal of Insurance and Social Security, Year 2021, Volume
Revised: Nov. 15, 2021 4, Issue 1, Page 100-111.
Accepted: Dec. 18, 2021 DOI:
This study examines the financial performance of Nepalese insurance companies. The dependent variables are
return on assets and earnings per share while independent variables include insurance premium, firm size,
current ratio and solvency ratio. Twenty-one insurance companies among them 8 are life insurance and 13 are
non-life insurance companies with 105 observations for the period of 2070/71 to 2074/75, were selected for
this study. The data were collected from insurance and financial statistics published by Beema Samiti and annual
reports of the selected Nepalese insurance companies. The correlation coefficient and regression models were
estimated to test the significance and importance of liquidity management on financial performance of Nepalese
insurance companies.
The results shows that insurance premium has positive impact on return on assets and earning per share. It
means that increase in insurance premium leads to increase in return on assets and earnings per share. Likewise,
firm size has positive impact on return on assets and earning per share. It indicates that increase in firm size
leads to increase return on assets and earnings per share. Similarly, current ratio has negative impact on return
on assets. It means that increase in current ratio leads to decrease in return on assets. Likewise, solvency ratio
has negative impact on return on assets. It indicates that increase in solvency ratio leads to decrease in return
on assets. Similarly, current ratio have positive impact on return on assets. It means that increase in current ratio
leads to increase in earnings per share. Likewise, solvency ratio has positive impact on earnings per share. It
indicates that higher solvency ratio, higher would be the earnings per share. The study also concludes that
insurance premium followed by current ratio and firm size is the most influencing factor that explains liquidity
management and financial performance of Nepalese insurance companies.
Keywords: Liquidity management, firm performance, return on assets, earnings per share, insurance
premium, firm size, current ratio and solvency ratio.
The liquidity management duty is to determine the needs for funds to meet financial obligation and
ensure the availability of cash or collateral to fulfill those needs as at when due, this is done by coordinating
the various sources of funds available to the institution under normal and stressed condition (Chen and Wong,
2004). Niresh (2012) explained that the banking liquidity management is simply to meet financial commitment
whether it is withdrawing from a current from a current account or interbank deposit or a maturing issues of
commercial paper.
Insurance liquidity means an insurance having money where they need it particularly to satisfy the
withdrawal needs of the customers (Wasiuzzaman and Tarmizi, 2010). Liquidity management is very important
Uniglobe College, Pokhara University, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Uniglobe College, Pokhara University, Kathmandu, Nepal.
The journal is an official publication of Nepal Insurance and Risk Management Association. © NIRMA 2021
NJISS Volume 4 Issue 1 ISSN: 2565-4942 (Print) 2738-9693 (Online)
for every organization that means to pay current obligations on business, the payment obligation includes
operating and financial q that are short term how ever increasing in long term debt (Saleem and Reheman,
2011). The business has adequate liquid assets in the direction to meet payment programs by compare the
cash and near cash among payment obligations on the other side. If the coverage of current liabilities by cash
and near cash is insufficient, it indicates that business might find difficulties in meeting immediate financial
liabilities (Olagunju et al., 2011).
Managing liquidity risk is to insure the insurance companies own liquidity so that the company can
continue to serve its function (Vossen and Ness, 2010). The assessment of the liquidity management in relation
to performance becomes imperative as a result of insurance market review in 2009. Theoretical studies and
empirical evidence have shown that countries with better developed financial system enjoy faster and more
stable long-run growth of which insurance companies contribute (Biet, 2003).
Bouwknegt and Pelsser (2002) opined that at establishing the liquidity risk and its effect of financial
performance of listed insurance companies. The study also found that operational, market and credit risks has
negative effect on the financial performance of these companies. Profitability and liquidity are effective
indicators of the corporate health and performance of not only insurance companies, but all profit-oriented
Ventures. The cash assets generally consist of receivables from customers and inventories of complete goods
and unprocessed materials (Bhunia, 2012). Liquidity plays a crucial role in successful operation of a banking
and insurance business. Every stakeholder is interested in the liquidity position of an insurance company. Thus,
banking and insurance firms should safeguard that it does not hurt from lack of or excess liquidity to cover up
its short term obligations (Kurawa and Abubakar, 2014). Likewise, Gonga and Sasaka (2017) found that
liquidity had an insignificantly positive impact on firm’s financial performance.
Molyneux and Thornton (1992); Goddard et al. (2004) found a diverse evidence of a negative
relationship between the two variables for European banks in late 1980’s and mid-1990’s respectively.
According to Adebayo et al. (2011), there is significant relationship between liquidity and profitability.
According to Mathuva (2009), there is positive relationship between profitability and liquidity of insurance
company in Kenya. Similarly, Bagchi (2013) found that there is a negative relationship between the measures
of liquidity management and firms’ profitability. Bank’s liquidity is positively related to profitability and
negatively related to the size of the bank and interest margin (Vodova, 2013). Al-Tamini and Obeidat (2013);
Lartey et al. (2013) revealed that there is positive relationship between liquidity management and profitability.
Likewise, Ericsson and Renault (2005) developed a structural bond valuation model simultaneously capture
liquidity and credit risk. The model implies that renegotiation in financial distress is influenced by the illiquidity
of the market for distressed debt.
Ramzam and Zafar (2014) revealed statistically positive and significant relationship of assets base or
size of the bank with liquidity risk in the estimated hypothetical model. Likewise, Berger and Goldberg (2004)
argued that there is positive relationship between bank size and profitability. Profitability is more likely to
improve emulating industry best practice in terms of technology and management structure than by increasing
the size. Similarly, Demirguc-Kunt(1998) found that foreign insurance and banks have more profitability than
domestic banks in developing countries while in developed countries. Same as, Chirwa (2003) examined that
there is a negative relationship between profitability and capital adequacy ratio and gearing ratio. Likewise,
Chen et al. (2010) showed that bank size, liquidity and interest income have positive effect on the bank’s
profitability, but credit risk and loans have a negative effect on the banks’ profitability.
In the context of Nepal, stability of insurance sector helps to maintain stability in the economy (Baral,
2005). Likewise, Joshi (2004) found that the liquidity and insurance companies are positively related to
insurance profitability. Same as, Maharjan (2007) revealed that the capital adequacy and liquidity is positively
associated with the insurance profitability. Likewise, Shrestha (2012) found positive and significant association
between liquidity and profitability of banks of Nepal. Similarly, Pradhan and Shrestha (2016) revealed negative
relationship between quick ratio and profitability measured in terms of return on equity. Likewise, Poudel
(2012) found an inverse impact on banks’ financial performance; however the default rate is the most
predicator of bank and financial institutions performance. Same as, Jha (2012) showed that the liquidity
position has negative impact on financial performance.
The major purpose of study is to examine the financial performance of Nepalese insurance
companies. More specifically, it determines the relationship of current ratio, gross premium, firm size and
solvency ratio on return on assets and earnings per share of Nepalese insurance companies.
The study is based on secondary data. The necessary secondary data are collected from Annual
financial statements Insurance Companies and Annual reports of the selected Nepalese insurance companies.
The data have been collected for the period of 2070/71 to 2074/75, leading to a total of 105 observations. This
study is based on descriptive and causal comparative research designs. Table: 1 shows the number of
insurance companies selected for the study along with study period and the number of observations.
Table 1: Number of insurance companies selected for the study along with study period and the number of
The Model
The study assumes that the insurance performance depends upon different variables. The dependent
variables selected for the study are earning per share and return on assets. Similarly, the selected independent
variables are firm size, current ratio, solvency ratio and insurance premium. To explain the influence of the
independent variables on the dependent variables, multiple regression analysis was used. Therefore, the
following model equation is designed to test the hypothesis.
Performance = f (firm size, current ratio, solvency ratio and insurance premium).
More specifically, the given model has been segmented into following models;
ROA= β0 + β 1 FS +β 2 CR +β 3 SOL +β 4 IP +e
EPS= β0 + β 1 FS +β 2 CR +β 3 SOL +β 4 IP +e
In the above model, the dependent variable is the earning per share indicated by the earning
available to equity holder to number of share.
ROA = Return on assets, defined as the profit after tax to average assets, in percentage.
EPS= Earnings per share, defined as the earning available to equity holder to number of share.
FS= Firm size, defined as the total size of assets.
CR= Current ratio, define as current assets divided by current liabilities.
SOL= Solvency ratio, defined as the company’s ability to meet its debt obligations
IP= Insurance Premium, defined as total premium collected.
The following section describes the independent variables used in this study along with hypotheses.
Current ratio
Current ratio indicates the bank’s market liquidity and measures the ability of bank to meet the short
term obligation. It is calculated by dividing current assets by current liabilities (Bhunia, 2012). There is positive
and statistically significant association between current ratio and bank profitability (Ismail, 2016). There is a
positive relationship between the firm’s profitability and liquidity levels as measured by current ratio
(Ajanthan, 2013). According to Muda et al. (2013), there is positive relationship between the liquid ratio and
profitability of the firm. Similarly, Godwin and Moses (2015) indicated that the liquidity management indicator
i.e. liquid assets to total asset ratio have positive impact on the bank profitability. Same as, Bourke (1989)
found positive and significant relationship between liquidity risk and profitability. Based on it, this study
develops the following hypothesis:
H1: There is a positive relationship between current ratio and financial performance.
Firm size
Size refers to bank size that is considered as total assets. Larger company has larger market share and
market power in respect of customers and volume of investment (Berger and Goldberg, 1997). Likewise,
Niresh (2012) concluded that firm size has positive impact on performance of firm. Similarly, Butt and Hasan
(2009) determined a positive and significant relationship between firm size and financial performance.
According to Sufain et al. (2009), there is a positive impact of firm size on performance. Similarly, the effect of
bank size on profitability is found to be positive (Simrlock, 1985). Firms’ size has a strong positive affiliation
with profitability (Bagchi, 2013). Based on it, this study develops the following hypothesis:
H2: There is a positive relationship between firm size and financial performance.
Insurance premium
Premium is the amount of money that an individual or a business must pay for an insurance policy
(Chaudhari and Kiran, 2011). Likewise, Burca and Batrinca (2014) found that there is positive influence of
premium on the return on assets. According to Kaya (2015), profitability of non-life insurance companies is
statistically and positively related to the premium collected. Similarly, Jibran et al. (2016) found that there is
positive relationship between premium and profitability. Same as, Suheyli (2015) found that premium has a
positive and statistically significant relationship with profitability. Likewise, Lire (2016) revealed a positive
relationship between premium and profitability. Based on it, this study develops the following hypothesis:
H3: There is a positive relationship between insurance premium and financial performance.
Solvency ratio
Solvency ratio is the ability of a company to meet its long term fixed expenses and to accomplish long
term expansion growth. A solvency ratio greater than 20% is considered financially healthy. The higher ratio
better equipped a company is to pay off its debts and survive in the long term (Bawa, 2013). According to
Gulati and Jain (2011), there is positive and significant relationship of solvency ratio and financial performance.
Similarly, Chaudhary and Kiran (2011) observed a positive relationship of solvency with financial performance
of insurance companies. Likewise, Khidmat and Rehman (2014) showed that the solvency ratio has positive
and highly significant impact on the financial performance of firms. Same as, Obudho (2014) established that
solvency risk was positively affect the financial performance of insurance companies in Kenya. Based on it, this
study develops the following hypothesis:
H4: There is a positive relationship between the solvency ratio and financial performance.
105observations for the period 2070/71 to 2074/75. Table 2 presents the descriptive statistics of selected
dependent and independent variables during the period 2070/71 to 2074/75.
Table 2: Descriptive statistics for selected Nepalese insurance companies
Correlation analysis
Having indicated the descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficients are computed and the
results are presented in Table 3. This table shows the Pearson correlation coefficients among different
dependent variables and independent variables. Dependent variables are ROA (return on assets as net income
divided by total assets) and EPS (earning per share as net income after tax is divided a total number of
shareholders) and independent variables are IP (insurance premium specified as premium collected), FS (firm
size specified as total assets of firm), CR (Current ratio specified as current assets divided by current liabilities)
and SOL (Solvency ratio specified as total equity divided by total liabilities.
Table 3 shows that there is positive relationship between insurance premium and earning per share. It
indicated that higher the insurance premium, higher would be the earning per share. Similarly, firm size is
negatively related to with earning per share. It indicates that increase in firm size leads to decrease in earnings
per share. Likewise, current ratio is positively correlated to earning per share. It indicates that increase in
current ratio leads to increase in earnings per share. Similarly, solvency ratio is positively related to earning per
share. It indicates that higher the solvency ratio, higher would be the earnings per share.
The positive relationship between insurance premium and return on assets also observed. It indicated
that higher the insurance premium, higher would be the return on assets. Similarly, firm size is negatively
related to with return on assets. It indicates that increase in firm size leads to decrease in return on assets.
Likewise, current ratio is negatively correlated to return on assets. It indicates that increase in current ratio
leads to decrease in return on assets. Similarly, the solvency ratio is negatively related to earnings per share. It
indicates that higher the solvency ratio, the lower would be the return on assets.
Regression analysis
Having indicated the Pearson correlation coefficient, the regression analysis has been carried out and
the results are presented on table 4. More specifically, it shows the regression results of insurance premium,
firm size, current ratio and solvency ratio in the financial performance of Nepalese insurance companies.
Table 4: Estimated regression results of insurance premium, firm size, current ratio, and solvency ratio on
return on assets
The results are based on panel data of 21 insurance companies with 105 observation for the period of
2070/71 to 2074/75 by using regression model. The model is EPS= α + β 1 LEV + β 2 FS + β 3 CR + β 4 SOL + β 5 IP
+e where EPS(earning per share as net income after tax is divided total number of shareholders) is the
dependent variable and independent variable are IP (insurance premium specified as natural logarithm of
premium collected), FS (firm size specified as natural logarithm of total assets of firm), CR (Current ratio
specified as current assets divided by current liabilities) and SOL (Solvency ratio specified as total equity
divided by total liabilities) . Table 4 shows that beta coefficients for insurance premium are positive with return
on assets. It indicates that insurance premium has positive impact on return on assets. This finding is
consistent with the findings Kaya (2015). Likewise, the beta coefficients for firm size are positive with return on
assets. It indicates that firm size has positive impact on return on assets. This finding is similar to Butt and
Hassan (2009). Likewise, the beta coefficients for current ratio are negative with return on assets. It indicates
that current ratio has positive impact on return on assets. This finding is consistent with the findings Bourke
(1989). Similarly, the beta coefficients for solvency ratio are negative with return on assets. It indicates that
solvency ratio has negative impact on return on assets. This finding is similar to the finding of Obudho (2014).
Table 5: Estimated regression results of insurance premium, firm size, current ratio, and solvency ratio on
earning per share
Table 4 shows that beta coefficients for insurance premium are positive with earning per share. It
indicates that insurance premium has positive impact on earnings per share. This finding is consistent with the
findings Lire (2016). Likewise, the beta coefficients for firm size are positive with earning per share. It indicates
that firm size has positive impact on earnings per share. This finding is similar to Simrlock (1985). Likewise, the
beta coefficients for current ratio are positive with earning per share. It indicates that current ratio has positive
impact on earnings per share. This finding is consistent with the findings Bourke (1989). Similarly, the beta
coefficients for solvency ratio are positive with earning per share. It indicates that solvency ratio has positive
impact on earnings per share. This finding is similar to the finding of Gulati and Jain (2011).
The issue of liquidity management is receiving serious attention all over the world especially with the
current financial situations and the state of the world economy. Some of the striking corporate goals include
the need to maximize profit maintaining high level of liquidity in order to guarantee safety. Many study like;
Olagunji et al., (2011) and Kurawa and Abubakar (2014) have established that profitability and liquidity
management need purposeful attention from adequate financial intermediation. Liquidity is the statistically
significant predictor of firms’ profitability. Every stakeholder has interest in the liquidity situation of insurance
company. So, insurance firm should ensure that it does not suffer from lack of or excess liquidity to cover up its
short-term obligations. This study attempts to examine the financial performance of Nepalese insurance
companies. The study is based on secondary data of 21 insurance companies of 105 respondents.
The study shows that insurance premium, firm size, current ratio and solvency ratio have positive
impact on earnings per share. Likewise, insurance premium, firm size have positive impact with return on
assets. However, current ratio, and solvency ratio have negative impact with return on assets. The study
concludes that higher the insurance premium and current ratio leads to higher would be the financial
performance. The study also concludes that insurance premium followed by current ratio and firm size is the
most influencing factors that explains the financial performance of Nepalese insurance companies.
The authors would like to thank Branch Managers of various insurance companies for providing the additional
information which are hard to find in the annual report and different publications.
Declaration of conflicting interests
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
This research received no grant from any funding agency.
Author contributions
Conceptualization: Pradhan. Methodology: Pradhan. Software: Dahal. Validation: Dahal. Formal Analysis:
Pradhan; Dahal. Investigation: Dahal. Data Curation: Dahal. Writing – Original Draft: Dahal. Writing – Review &
Editing: Dahal. Visualization: Pradhan. Supervision: Pradhan.
Ethical statement
This research did not require ethical approval as it does not involve any human or animal experiment.
Data availability statement
Data will be available upon reasonable request from the corresponding author.
ORCID information
Sumit pradhan, ORCID: 0000-0002-9435-2490
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