Financial Dependency and Macro

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Volume 46 | Number 3 | December 2017, 469-487

DOI 10.21588/dns/2017.46.3.004 Special Issue

Financial Dependency and Macroeconomic

Analysis of Banking and Insurance Companies in
ASEAN-5 Countries

Deby Rieva Frameswari | Universitas Indonesia

Novita Ikasari* | Universitas Indonesia
Umanto | Universitas Indonesia

Regional co-operations increase economic dependencies amongst their member countries.

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) entered into a free trade agreement
more than two decades ago and recently formed an economic community. It is crucial to
understand if the escalated partnership will have an impact on each country’s financial
sector. This research is aimed at analyzing dependency amongst the five original ASEAN
members and the effect of macroeconomics on financial fragility, which is proxied by their
banking and insurance sectors. To analyze the dependence of banking and insurance
companies in ASEAN-5 countries, this research used a quantitative approach, a distance-
to-default model, and cross-sectional analysis applied to the data while analysis of
macroeconomic effects used simple regression. The research findings show that dependency
of financial sectors amongst the countries does not exist, with Singapore’s banking and
insurance sectors as the most prone to default. In general, the banking sector has a greater
tendency toward financial fragility compared to the insurance sector. Macroeconomic
variables influencing the financial fragility of the companies are influenced by variables
such as GDP, LR, and PER for banks and IP and UE variables for insurance companies. It
is necessary to conduct further research on the ASEAN Economy Community to analyze
the financial fragility of all ASEAN member countries.

Keywords: ASEAN, distance-to-default, financial fragility, international finance,

macroeconomic variables

Corresponding Author
470 DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIETY, Vol. 46 No. 3, December 2017

The 2007 global economic crisis caused by the bursting of the subprime
mortgage bubble had a massive impact on economies across the world. The
aggravating condition of major financial institutions in America, Europe, and
Japan affected the economy in Southeast Asia, including those of ASEAN
(Association of Southeast Asia Nations) members. The impact was shown in
plummeted stock prices. Overall stock market returns declined from 39.24%
in 2007 to -47.58% in 2008 (MSCI 2016). Another impact of the crisis was
the depreciation of the currency exchange rate towards the US dollar with
currencies depreciated on average by 5.07% (Kho 2013). The most severe
effect came in the form of falling gross domestic product (GDP) value and
increasing inflation that led to economic instability (Pracoyo and
Kunawangsih 2006).
The impact of the 2008-2009 crisis is closely linked to the financial
sector’s experience pressures from the crisis impacts such as credit risk and
default risk, leading to possible financial fragility (Bernoth and Pick 2011).
One of the important institutional concerns of such impacts is on the
financial institutions that support the national economy, especially in the case
of developing countries. Members of ASEAN are developing countries whose
finances are supported by the banking system (Asian Development Bank
2013). The Morgan Stanley Capital International Index (MSCI) at 2016
showed that financial sector plays a dominant role in supporting the national
economies of ASEAN members compares to other sectors. This indicates that
the financial sector refers to banking and insurance companies, with
insurance companies becoming one of the institutions that needs to be
considered as the cause of financial fragility (Harada 2010). Other
countries can learn from this phenomenon, especially the ASEAN-5
countries, which are Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and
Financial fragility in the banking and insurance sectors can be measured
with a distance-to-default model developed by Crosbie and Bohn (2003). The
model is designed to measure default possibility of a company using stock
returns, leverage, and volatility. It is considered an efficient model to measure
default risk compared to equity price-based models (Vassalou and Xing 2004)
and in contrast to other risk models, such as the financial distress model
presented by Altman (1968). The difference between the two models is that
the Altman Z-score model uses financial ratios to measure financial risk
Financial Dependency and Macroeconomic Analysis of ASEAN-5 471

potential that in turn leads to bankruptcy prediction. On the other hand, the
Crosbie and Bohn model does not only use financial ratios, but also includes
market-based indicators for risk measurement (Cihak). Therefore, the
distance-to-default model is commonly used and relevant for the practice of
financial stability analysis (Bernoth and Pick 2011).
Banking and insurance sectors operate within acceptable risk. These
risks are influenced by macroeconomic variables. Macroeconomic variables
that could affect the performance of companies, in particular those operating
in banking and insurance sectors, are, among others, GDP, inflation rates,
unemployment rates, credit levels, and interest rates (Bernoth and Pick 2011).
These variables also pose risks to businesses, especially in cases where
businesses show instability. Therefore, macroeconomic variables warrant
future risks.
The impact of macroeconomic variables on a company’s fragility has
been evidenced by previous studies (Van-der Zwet and Swank 2000). One
study showed that changes in currencies and interest rates affect economic
growth and inflation, which then leads to financial fragility. Similarly,
research conducted by Bruneau et al. (2012) found that macroeconomic
variables such as changes in exchange rates could lead to the emergence of
financial fragility and potential bankruptcy in the banking and insurance
sectors. From the results of research conducted by these researchers, the
influence of macroeconomic variables on financial fragility is evident. Using
ASEAN-5 countries, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and
Thailand, this research is aimed at analyzing potential financial fragility
within period 2006 to 2015 using distance-to-default models in the banking
and insurance sectors and analyzing the effects of macroeconomics on
financial fragility in the ASEAN-5 nations. The research contributes to the
scarce number of studies related to regional financial fragility in the
Southeast Asia region.
The condition of banking in ASEAN-5 can be shown by two indicators,
NPL (Non-Performing Loan) and CAR (Capital Adequancy Ratio). NPL is
used to measure asset quality and CAR is used to measure capital risk
(Cornett et al. 2005). According to World Bank Data (2016), the average
ASEAN-5 NPL increased from 1.75% in 2013 to 1.87% in 2015, while the
CAR average increased from 9.7% in 2013 to 10.61% in 2015.
The condition of insurance companies in ASEAN-5 has two indicators:
claims paid and premium growth ratios. The claims paid indicator is able to
show the company’s liability in bearing the losses experienced such that it can
affect the profitability of the company. A higher claimes paid rate will reduce
472 DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIETY, Vol. 46 No. 3, December 2017

the company profit. The company’s performance condition is also compared

to the premium rate. The premium growth ratio is able to show the stability
of the company’s premiums so that the decrease of the premium rate can
show the level of risks, especially risk of default (Zweifel and Eisen 2012).
Based on data at each financial institution in ASEAN-5, the average claims
paid rate increased from 56.62% in 2013 to 57.72% in 2015, while the
premium growth ratio also increased from 7.82% in 2013 to 11.8% in 2015.
Accordingly, the average performance of insurance companies in ASEAN-5 is
It is important to conduct research on ASEAN member countries based
on both of these conditions, especially for four ASEAN member countries:
Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. This is because
ASEAN is dominated by developing countries and the financial sector,
especially banks and insurance companies, is the sector that provides the
most funds to the country. Therefore, this research can contribute to risk
prevention in the future.
In the next section, we discuss the theoretical review. Section 3 describes
the research method used in this empirical study. Results are analyzed in
section 4. Finally, section 5 concludes the research.

Theoretical Review
Financial Fragility

The concept of financial fragility was coined by Fisher (1933), and discussed
by Davis (2001) in debt and financial fragility theory. The concept and theory
explains that an economy follows a cycle consisting of positive and negative
growth periods. With economic progress, debt and risk-taking activities
would increase. This causes asset bubbles that leads to negative growth and
causes financial losses to banks. It also indicates that fragility causes loss.
Krugman (2011) stated that financial fragility is a condition that occurs in the
financial system of a sector, especially in the banking sector, during financial
Many researchers have tried to explain the concept of financial fragility.
Allen and Gale (2004) explain the impact of financial fragility whereby it is
able to produce small stocks that have a significant impact. The significance
comes as it causes extrinsic uncertainty that leads to an increased price
volatility until financial crisis occurs. Similarly, Kindleberger (1978), cited by
Financial Dependency and Macroeconomic Analysis of ASEAN-5 473

Allen and Gale (2004), states that financial fragility becomes a rapid
occurrence in the financial system, especially in banks, as it causes by minor
events such as a decline in the price of securities. When the price of securities
decreases and decreases occur over a long term, it causes difficulty in
liquidating and affects the financial system. Lagunoff and Schreff (2001)
explain financial fragility in terms of macroeconomics, referring to the
fragility of the financial sector at the time of a large-scale financial crisis
caused by the occurrence of regular economic shocks.
Essentially, fragility of a nation’s financial system can lead to financial
crisis in two ways (Allen and Gale 2004). First, financial sector fragility
occurs because the basic macroeconomic conditions are weakening. This is
known as the fundamental equilibrium or business cycle view. Borrowers
avoid transaction cost posed by banks and look for financing from the capital
market. This creates a vicious cycle as it impacts the national economy (Van
Order 2006). Second, the sector’s fragility is caused by a vulnerable national
economy. This is known as the self-fulfilling or sunspot equilibrium view.
Diamond-Dybvig’s model (1983) explains that fragility occurs in the financial
system due to the inherent properties of the sector, especially the banking

Distance-to-Default Model

The risk incurred by companies is classified as a systematic risk, which means

that uncertainty is caused by external factors. One of the risks that arises
within the banking sector is credit risk. It is a potential risk that arises from
failure of meeting loan or interest payment obligations at maturity (Basyaib
2007). One model developed by Merton is the structural model, which is
derived from the Black-Scholes model. The model is recommended by KMV
Corporation and Moody’s (Crosbie and Bohn 2003) and known as distance-
to-default or default probability.
Distance-to-default is a market-based measurement of default risk
(Duan and Wang 2012). The measurement is based on the evaluation of
assets in the stock market by short-term book-values and diversification. This
provides information about the stock market, supervisory ratings, bond
spreads, and the national economy through statistical models (Arora et al.
2005). According to Gropp et al. (2006) and Chan-Lau et al. (2004), distance-
to-default is a good performance predictor of the financial sector, especially
banking. The model’s strength is its capability to measure default probability
through stock returns, leverage, and volatility. It is also an efficient indicator
474 DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIETY, Vol. 46 No. 3, December 2017

to measure default risk compared to equity price-based models (Vassalou and

Xing 2004). On the other hand, the Altman Z-score model for bankruptcy
(1968) is well established. This multivariate discriminant analysis uses five
financial ratios to predict a company’s bankruptcy potential. This research
uses the distance-to-default model as it is more frequently used and is
considered more relevant for the practice of the financial stability analysis
(Bernoth and Pick 2011).

Macroeconomic Variables

In this research, macroeconomic variables are used as suggested by Bernoth

and Pick (2011). These variables are considered to have predictive power and
could induce economic situations that result in financial fragility:

• Long
‌ Term Interest Rate: The rate of interest to be paid or returned to the
bondholders over the long term of ten years in each country.
• Industrial
‌ Production: The level of production or industrial output as
measured by the volume of production or the amount of output in the
given period in each country.
• Inflation:
‌ The rate of change in prices of goods and services within a
particular period as measured by the consumer price index.
• Domestic
‌ Credit: The rate of loan growth which the lender or creditor of
domestic state.
• Equity
‌ Return: Profitability ratios which, seen from the side of capital
(equity) of the company, are be able to measure a company’s ability to
generate profit from investments made by the shareholders of the
• Real
‌ Effective Exchange Rate (REER): The real exchange rate of one
country compared to another country.
• Unemployment
‌ Rate: The number of people who do not have jobs with
the total labor force in a given period.
• Gross
‌ Domestic Product (GDP): A measure that is used to view the
economic activity of a country that is able to describe the growth of the
economy based on production volume.
• Price
‌ to Earnings Ratio (P / E Ratio): Measurement of a company’s stock
price compared to the company’s revenue.
• Financial
‌ Openness: Measurement by comparison of the level of exports
and imports of products made by companies relative to the overall level of
exports and imports of manufactured products.
Financial Dependency and Macroeconomic Analysis of ASEAN-5 475

• KA
‌ - Open: A measurement of the level of openness of the capital
accounts in a country, often known as the Chinn-Ito Index.

Research Method
Analysis of Financial Dependency

In this study a quantitative approach using panel data is used. The research
sample consists of conventional commercial banks that have published
financial statements and are listed on the stock exchange in each of the
ASEAN-5 countries during the period 2006-2015. The research was conducted
specifically for the banking and insurance companies in ASEAN-5 countries
(Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand) for the reason
that ASEAN is dominated by developing countries. Therefore, the financial
sectors become a foundation for economic growth in these countries. In
addition, the study will be topped in the period 2006–2015 to produce
renewable results, and can be a step in early prevention for developing
countries at risk of default in the future. The data used is obtained from
financial statements available from the stock exchange in each ASEAN-5
To analyze the financial fragility in the financial sector in each member
state of ASEAN-5, the model of distance-to-default delivered by Crosbie and
Bohn (2003) is used as follows:

æV ö æ s 2 ö
lnçç t ÷÷÷ + ççr - v ÷÷÷(t )
è B ø èç 2ø
DD =
sv (t )

Vt : The total value of the company’s assets

B : The value of face value (debt upfront)
r : risk-free rate
Σv : volatility of Vt
τ : Time to maturity

After performing the calculation of distance-to-default, we can conduct a

cross-sectional dependence test. It shows the dependence of the banking and
insurance sectors throughout the regions or countries that are the object of
476 DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIETY, Vol. 46 No. 3, December 2017

this research. In this study we use the CCE estimator from Pesaran (2004). By
using the estimator, we are able to measure the likelihood of errors in the
dependent variables. The econometric model is:

Υi.T+h | T = α̂i dT + ρ̂i Υi.T + β̂i xi.T + γ̂i fˆT+h

α, ρ, β, γ : parameter factor

dT: vector of observed common factors
Υi.T : distance-to-default
xi.T : vector of individual specific regressors
fˆT+h : vector of unobserved common factors

If N is worth □ and T sufficiently large, the model explains that cross-

sectional dependence does not exist (Bernoth and Pick, 2011).

Analysis of Macroeconomic Effects

The research used several macroeconomic variables to explain that the

possibility of default risk would increase from outside the companies.
According to Carling, (2007), the macroeconomic variables are firmly
able to explain influence risk for a company, especially default risk. Relatively
speaking, the condition of macroeconomic variables describes the absolute
default risk better than internal information. So, the macroeconomic
variables are able to demonstrate the level of default risk for companies.
Therefore, to measure the effect of macroeconomic variables in calculating
distance-to-default through regression tests, OLS Regression was used as

Yt = α
‌ + β1LR + β2 IP + β3 INFL + β4 DC + β5 ER + β6 REER + β7 UE + β8
GDP + β9 PER + β11 IE + β12 KAOPEN

Empirical Analysis
Result of Financial Dependency Analysis

This research is conducted using secondary data obtained from the stock
exchanges of ASEAN-5 countries, among others, company financial
statements from 2006 to 2015, and other sources that have been described in
Financial Dependency and Macroeconomic Analysis of ASEAN-5 477

the previous section as macroeconomic indicator data. The research object is

divided into banks and insurance companies listed in the ASEAN-5 stock
exchanges during the research period. The research population examined 132
objects, which consisted of 87 banks and 45 insurance companies. However,
based on the research criteria, the research sample amounted to 88 objects,
comprised of 54 banks and 34 insurance companies. The different number of
research objects is due to the existence of sharia banks, incomplete financial
reports, and that fact that there were some companies not listed in the stock
exchange from 2006 until the research period.
First, the analysis aims to test the possibility of financial fragility in the
financial sector of each country based on historical data of the banks and
insurance companies. By using the distance-to-default model, the result
generated the distance between the company’s ability and the companies’
default or default risk. Results indicated the acquired distance from the D2D
companies towards zero point as the default point. Results of regional
comparisons are as illustrated in Figure 1 and Figure 2.
Figure 1 illustrates the comparative D2D results of the banking sector in
ASEAN-5 countries. The figure also summarizes the quarterly average D2D
of the banking sector in each country. Based on Figure 1, the quarterly D2D
points highly fluctuated. The average D2D value for the banks is 4.754176
points in Thailand, 5.032061 points in Indonesia, 5.423925 points in
Singapore, 5.687994 points in Philippines, and 6.021861 points in Malaysia.
However, Indonesia scored the maximum value during Q3-2015 period at




Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Singapura Thailand

Fig. 1.—Comparison
Fig.1-Comparison ofD2D
of Bank’s Bank’s D2D
in Each in Each Country


Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Singapura Thailand

Fig.1-Comparison of Bank’s D2D in
AND Country Vol. 46 No. 3, December 2017







Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Singapura Thailand

Fig. 2.—Comparison of Insurance’s D2D in Each Country

Fig.2-Comparison of Insurance’s D2D in Each Country

Figure 1 illustrated the D2D comparative results of banking sector in the ASEAN-5 countries.
7.377343 points, the highest point for Malaysia occurred in the Q4-2012
The figure also summarized average D2D of banking sector in each country quarterly. Based on Figure 1,
period at 7.751791 points, Thailand booked 7.3141 points in Q1-2013,
the quarter D2D points were highly fluctuated. Average D2D value for the banks is 4.754176 point in
Philippines’s highest point is 11.819788 in the Q1-2014 period, and Singapore
hit the highest point at 12.17108 points in the Q1-2007 period, or as
indicated by the line or default point. Furthermore, Singapore scored
2.902803 points in the Q3-2013 period, Thailand achieved 2.8104 points in
Q1-2010 period, Indonesia booked the minimum value in the Q2-2010
period at 3.387863 points Philippines scored 3.51665 points in Q2-2010, and
Malaysia recorded 3.644066 points in the Q1-2007 period, or as concluded by
the line or default point.
Figure 2 describes comparative levels of D2D of insurance companies in
ASEAN-5 countries. Comparisons were formulated based on the average
number of insurance companies in each country in Q1-2006 until Q4-2015.
The obtained average values are 16.08103 points for Indonesia, 14.31899
points for Singapore, 17.28267 points for Thailand, 17.98347 points for
Philippines, and 18.74776 points for Malaysia. Meanwhile, the maximum
D2D value for insurance companies obtained by Singapore was 49.43144
points in Q1-2012. Malaysia’s D2D value was 38.94535 points in the Q4-2012
period, Thailand‘s D2D value was 31.69222 points in the Q3-2007 period,
Philippines’s D2D value was 26.63392 points in Q2-2010, and Indonesia’s
D2D value was 26.46069 points in the Q3-2011 period. The minimum D2D
value for insurance companies with the level closest to the default point is
Singapore, which booked 2.026577 points in the Q4-2008 period, followed by
Financial Dependency and Macroeconomic Analysis of ASEAN-5 479

Cross Sectional Dependence Test Result
Region Industry Statistic CD
Bank -0.182964 0.8548
All Insurance 0.480103 0.6312
Bank and Insurance 0.411878 0.6804
Note.—The significant level at 5%

Thailand with 3.274485 points in the Q4-2011 period, Philippines with

5.80038 points in the Q3-2013, Indonesia with 9.416211 points in the
Q4-2015 period, and Malaysia with 10.23364 points in the Q1-2010 period.
After the D2D calculation for each country, the researcher found the
importance of conducting cross-sectional dependence test. The dependent
cross-sectional test shows either existence or absence of cross-sectional
dependence in each country as the research object. The cross-sectional
dependence test was done using Eviews 9 and Pesaran’s cross-sectional
dependence test, better known as Pesaran’s CD Test (2004). Results of the
cross-sectional dependence test are as the table 1.
Table 1 showed the result of the cross-sectional dependence test in four
ASEAN member countries. The cross-sectional dependence test applied D2D
average values obtained from the countries as the research objects. The result
indicated that the total CD value for banks, insurance, and banks and
insurance categories achieved a value higher than the statistical value of
-0.182964 < 0.8548 for banks, 0.480103 < 0.6312 for insurance, and 0.411878
< 0.6804 for a combination of both. In addition, the significant level of
Pesaran’s CD test is 5%. Therefore, the result of the calculated Pesaran’s CD
Test on the three categories is higher than the significant level. Thus, from
these results, the researchers concluded that the cross-sectional dependence
test showed neither a cross-sectional dependence (correlation) on the
residual variable nor dependence in each ASEAN-5 country.
Table 1 showed that the result of the cross-sectional dependence test for
combination bank and insurance was negative, whereas the result for banking
and insurance separately was positive. This is because the numbers of
banking and insurance companies in the four countries were not comparable.
However, it should be noted that the number of banking companies used in
this research is significantly more than the number of insurance companies
in ASEAN-5. Based on the data from each country, there were 69 banks in
480 DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIETY, Vol. 46 No. 3, December 2017

total and 34 insurance companies in ASEAN-5 during the period of 2006 –

2015. For this study, the sample used 41 banks and 28 insurance companies
that fit the criteria. This might skew the data although results are not affected
since direct comparison is not performed. The ASEAN-5 countries,
especially Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore, have less developed national
policies on insurance compared to those of developed countries such as the
US and countries in Europe (Setiawan 2013). This might create a barrier for
the insurance industry to be nurtured by ASEAN countries.
Results in Figure 1 and Figure 2 illustrate that both banks and insurance
companies show similar trends in default risk occurrence. The default risk
has a possibility of causing financial fragility in the company. However, each
company’s ability to maintain consistencies to prevent default risks are
different. The cause of the high D2D default points between banks and
insurance companies depends on the company’s assets, equity, liabilities,
volatility and effective interest rates. Debt-to-asset ratios demonstrated the
company’s ability to fulfill its obligations to the shareholders. Asset volatility
showed the level of price fluctuations in the company’s assets. Increasing asset
volatility indicated an asset had high price at particular period, and vice
versa. On the other hand, the risk-free rate showed the low-risk interest rate
where the risk-free rate is able to demonstrate level of benefits to be obtained.
This means that the higher free-rate comes with higher profits. Thus, it can
be also concluded that the results obtained using D2D in the form of points
indicated that a higher distance between the D2D point with a line level or
default point is zero. Next, the results also explained whether or not a
company is capable of dealing with the possible default risk. Accordingly, the
comparison between banking and insurance companies based on calculated
distance-to-default concluded that the performance of the insurance
companies is better than that of banks.
However, the cross-section did not exist if analyzed from the results
outlined for possible financial fragility in the financial sector with D2D
models in each ASEAN-5 country. Thus, the four countries have neither
relationship nor influence on one to another in the ASEAN. If one of the
companies in a country experiences decreasing performance, this condition
will not affect the companies in other countries. These results are different
from previous studies where Bernoth and Pick (2011) found a cross-sectional
dependence in each regional sector. Location or region of the research
covered the US, European countries, Canada and several other developed
countries. The research is also related to regional economic integration
conducted by the countries. ASEAN had successfully initiated cooperation in
Financial Dependency and Macroeconomic Analysis of ASEAN-5 481

the economic sector through economic integration, especially in trade via

AFTA (ASEAN Free Trade Area), which was established in 1992. Different
conditions in the four countries led to some difficulties in the implementation
of economic integration, for example, the different inflation rate in each
country (Bank Indonesia, 2008). When Indonesia experienced an economic
crisis due to high-level inflation, the crisis did not affect other ASEAN
countries. However, the condition still triggered increasing product prices,
leading to both more expensive exports and imports in every country.
Furthermore, the condition reduced trade profits. It also decreased
competitiveness of local companies. Meanwhile, integration in the region
remained weak.
In this research, currency conversion to USD was not performed. All
financial data were expressed in their own currency. The reason for not
converting these numbers to a common currency such as US dollar is to
avoid the conversion effect. ASEAN itself does not have one common
currency, regardless of the positive impact of having one currency within the
region. The condition is one reason to implement a currency union. A
currency union would able to increase currency stability in each country in
ASEAN especially ASEAN-5 (Kusuma et al. 2013). Mundel (1961) as cited by
Kusuma et al. (2013) stated that currency integration is beneficial in
generating economic growth among its members by way of economics of
scale. Countries that have fluctuating or deteriorating economic conditions
could benefit from developing trade and economic relationships with more
stable economies using the same currency. Ogawa and Himizu (2006)
proposed four indicators for ASEAN should the members choose to integrate
their currencies, namely trading volume, which is based on export and
import activities in each country, GDP nominal, a GDP rate based on
purchasing power parity (PPP), and international reserves as a comparison of
financial aspects. Provided the different value of the abovementioned
indicators for each ASEAN-5 country, the need to implement one common
currency remains a challenge.

Result of Macroeconomic Effects Analysis

The analysis aims to examine the relationship between dependent and

independent variables. The dependent variable applied in the regression
analysis covered results of the previous distance-to-default test. Meanwhile,
the independent variable included macroeconomic indicators such as LR, IP,
I N F L , D C , E R , R E E R , E U, G DP, P E R , I E , an d KAOP E N . T h e
482 DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIETY, Vol. 46 No. 3, December 2017

macroeconomic factors regression analysis was based on the country’s data

individually as the research object. The data panel with OLS Regression was
applied as the regression data. However, there were two variables with high
correlation that influenced results of the regression model results as seen in
the KAOPEN and IE variables. Therefore, these two variables were
eliminated. The results of regression model test are as the table 2.
In table 2 above, the bank’s regression test on D2D macroeconomic
factors indicated that of the nine macroeconomic factors functioning as
independent variables, three independent variables had significant values.
These variables included GDP (gross domestic product) with a coefficient of
0.253407 and a significance was below 1%, IP (industrial production) with a
coefficient of -0,06587 and significance below 10%, and PER (price earnings
ratio) with a coefficient of 0.114667 and significance below 5%. These
different results also occurred in the insurance companies where two
variables had significant value in D2D_INSURANCE value. The ER (equity
return) variable had a coefficient of -0.027381, or a significance level below
5%, and the IP variable had a coefficient of 0.212976 at a significance level
below 10%.
Based on these results, different impacts occurred between macro-
economic factors as independent variables and distance-to-default points as
dependent variables for the banks and insurance companies. If compared
with previous studies, the value per variable showed positive results in LR,
EU, and the GDP variables while the IP, ER, and REER variables indicated

Goodness of Fit Test Result
Bank Insurance
Coefficient Prob. Coefficient Prob.
C 2.911876 0.0193 23.20399 0.0059
DC -0.000815 0.9606 -0.122995 0.2278
ER -0.003588 0.2170 -0.027381 0.0456
GDP 0.253407 0.0039 -0.533702 0.2282
INFL -1.73E-05 0.9909 -0.007495 0.4508
IP -0.06587 0.0683 0.212976 0.0648
LR 0.093763 0.1839 -0.285812 0.4109
REER -0.025254 0.3329 0.088338 0.6131
UE -0.095627 0.6880 0.371370 0.8158
PER 0.114667 0.0153 -0.119517 0.6204
Financial Dependency and Macroeconomic Analysis of ASEAN-5 483

negative results for the second sector. Although the research indicated a
positive relation in GDP, LR, and PER for banks and in IP and UE for
insurance companies, the negative relation occurred in INFL, DC and REER
for both sectors. Thus, it can be concluded that this research is different from
previous studies.
There are several assumptions which lead to different results between
this research and other previous studies. The previous research indicated a
significant correlation between banks and insurance companies with
macroeconomic factors as possibly connected to distance-to-default financial
fragility. The conclusion summarized that significant macroeconomic factors
are more prevalent in the banking sector. However, the insurance company
only has one influential macroeconomic factor on the D2D level. Based on
this comparison, according to the research conducted by Yaldiz and Bazzana
(2010) and Ruiz-Porras (2008), the studies explained that financial fragility is
related to a company’s internal competition and stability. Accordingly,
financial fragility may occur due to the financial condition of the company.
Analysis of the research is also supported by the previous study, “Rough
Sets and The Role of Monetar y Policy in The Financial Stability
(Macroeconomic Problem) and The Prediction of Insolvency in Insurance
Sector (Microeconomic Problem)” in 1981–1990 by Sanchis et al. (2007). The
research was conducted using two different approaches to analyze two
research objects: banking with a macro-economic approach and insurance
companies with a micro-economic approach. The different approaches were
applied due to the different conditions experienced in the two sectors where
it was not possible to draw a single conclusion. The banks central to the
financial sector functioned to maintain financial stability and were
influenced by macroeconomic factors, while the insurance companies were
part of modern economy with a less significant role, affecting occurrences of
Research conducted by Sanchis, on banks and insurance companies
applied the Rough Sets Theory. The results indicated that significant
dependence happened in stabilizing the banks during the financial situation
in the 1981–1999 period triggered by monetary policy and the possibility of
insurance company bankruptcy caused by micro-economic factors. In
insurance companies invparticular, bankruptcy occurred due to micro-
economic factors such as liquidity, profitability, and solvency issues. The
liquidity issue in the insurance companies occurred when the company had
to liquidate its assets due to inversion of productive activity as an implication
of advance premium payments prior to the claim. In addition, the
484 DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIETY, Vol. 46 No. 3, December 2017

profitability issue occurred due to the difference between cash flow with the
revenue that caused many insurance companies to manipulate their financial
statements. The last issue was solvency, aconsideration of risk exposure to
real financial support to guarantee the financial viability of the insurance
companies. Therefore, the answer to the second hypothesis is the possibility
of financial fragility caused by macroeconomic factors function as predictors
of distance-to-default in the banking sector and insurance companies.

The level of fragility in the financial sector in each country of the ASEAN-5
(Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand) during 2006 to
2015 is independent and not related. The banking sector of each of the
country has a tendency to be exposed to higher default risk compared to the
insurance sector. This implies that banking is a more risk-sensitive industry.
ASEAN-5 is better advised to nurture their insurance sector to provide a
stronger fundamental financial system. Other than that, the financial fragility
of companies is influenced by macroeconomic such as GDP, LR, and PER
variables for bank and IP and UE variables for insurance companies. The
result of the macroeconomic analysis showed that macroeconomic variables
exerted a stronger influence on the banks than on insurance companies. So,
in light of the ASEAN Economic Community, these countries should
consider strengthening their banking sectors since the integration of the
financial system will take place in 2020. For further research, we will extend
the research to all ASEAN members.

(Submitted: November 20, 2017; Accepted: December 15, 2017)

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DEBY RIEVA FRAMESWARI earned her bachelor’s degree from Department of

Administrative Science, majoring Business Administration Science, Faculty of Social
and Politic Science of University of Indonesia in 2017. At the majoring, she selected
financial concentration and research interest on banking and insurance companies
about financial dependency and the effect of macroeconomic in ASEAN-4 countries
(Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand). Address: 2nd Floor, Dr. Mr. Prajudi
Atmosudirjo Building (M Building), Administrative Science Faculty, University of
Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia. [Email:]

NOVITA IKASARI is faculty member of Business Administration Department at

Faculty of Administrative Science Universitas Indonesia. She received her bachelor
Financial Dependency and Macroeconomic Analysis of ASEAN-5 487

degree in Business Administration from Universitas Indonesia, a Master of

Commerce from University of Sydney and PhD from Curtin University. She has been
teaching related units for more than 20 years, during which time she developed her
interests on microfinance and entrepreneurship. Her research interests include
microfinance institution governance, microcredit and its social impact, and
entrepreneurship. Her doctorate research contributes to the application of data
mining in business context and a better provision of financing for Indonesian small
enterprises. Her publications are related to this subject, with the most recent in
comparative study on SME access to financing for Indonesia and Thailand. She
currently serves as the Head of Centre for Governance, Policy and Business Studies
within the Faculty and Vice-Chair for Academics for the Indonesian Association for
Business Administration. Address: 2nd Floor, Dr. Mr. Prajudi Atmosudirjo Building
(M Building), Administrative Science Faculty, University of Indonesia, Depok,
Indonesia. [Email:]

UMANTO is a faculty member of Business Administration Department at Faculty of

Administrative Science Universitas Indonesia. He received his bachelor degree in
Business Administration from Universitas Indonesia, a Master and Doctor degree
from Universitas Indonesia. He has been teaching finance units for more than 10
years, during which time he developed his interests on banking, corporate
governance and statistics. His research interests include rural banks governance,
micro-financing and its related issues. His recent publications are related to banking
governance. He is currently serves as the Manager for Student Administration at the
Faculty of Administrative Science. Address: 2nd Floor, Dr. Mr. Prajudi Atmosudirjo
Building (M Building), Administrative Science Faculty, University of Indonesia,
Depok, Indonesia. [Email:]
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