DLL Politics Q1 Week 5
DLL Politics Q1 Week 5
DLL Politics Q1 Week 5
The learners shall be able to clearly identify a specific political phenomenon and how it can be studied.
B. Performance Standards
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting (5 minutes) (3 minutes) (5 minutes)
the new lesson
Review: Ask the following. Review: Ask the following. Review: SONA (State
What is a nation? or Nation, Arrange!
What is power? What is a state?
How should one What is a nation-state? Let the students categorize each
exercise his/her concept written in meta-cards if it
power? falls under the concept of nation or
Who have powers in the state.
Ask the following:
Most Possible Responses: What is the difference
People, between a nation and
Government state? (Students may give
words/phrases as answers.
(Such responses are These can be organized in
important springboards to a Venn diagram on the
connect the concept of board).
power to the next topic on How are these two concepts
the definition of state and related?
B. Establishing a purpose for the (8 minutes) (15 minutes) (5 minutes)
Class Activity: „Made‟ of the Group Work: Word Play (The teacher ensures the
Philippines connection between the review
Let the students present their and this portion of the lesson.
acrostics. Each of the 5 groups will For example the teacher may
Ask: What makes up the Philippines be given 3 minutes to present. find relating one of the criteria in
as a country? considering a state which is
international recognition, which
Most Possible responses: somehow be made later as an
Territory entry concept about every
People country’s immersion in the
Leaders global arena such as the
Filipinos essence of the activity below.)
Sea Dyad: SHOPares
Students will guess each term based Have each group justify the Illustrate or identify scenarios how
on 3 pictures shown to them. Philippines as a nation and as a globalization works in Philippine
state using the T- diagram. context in terms of:
Religious; and
Possible Statements: Ask: What does the following Each group conceives a consensual
State and Nation diagram tell about our topic? definition of globalization based on
are concepts their understanding. Have these
pertaining to a written on manila papers and posted
country. on the board.
State is political while nation is
cultural. (Each group gives its approval
and disapproval of another
group’s definition.)
I. Evaluating learning (5 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes)
Individual Work: Give a short Class Activity: Have the class Individual Work: Explain the
quiz (5-item True or False) about go back to the KWL Chart and concept of globalization.
the concepts discussed. complete the
A nation is political in “Learn” column.
A nation is a community of
A state is cultural in nature.
A state relates with the
concept of Ask: What makes a state? How is
government. nation different or related with the
A nation is bounded by concept of state?
a common interest.
Answer Key:
J. Additional activities for application Agreed Group Work: Word Play Optional Research Work: Identify Optional Individual Work: Can I
or remediation countries, which are not yet live without China?
The class is divided into 5 groups. recognized as “states”. Learn about
Each group will prepare acrostics their status specifically on how it Challenge the learners to answer the
of the terms: nation and state. affects the lives of their people. following question: Can I live
without China?
1st 2 groups- NATION
2nd 2 2 groups-STATE The students have to list all things
Last group-NATION- made in China in their house and
STATE be able to refrain from using them
for a week. The students have to
(The teacher reminds the journal their experiences and be
students that the acrostics able to write a final reaction about
should connect to the concepts their experience.
of Nation and a State.)
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials
did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?
Prepared by: Checked by:
Name: Date:
Section: Teacher:
I.Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. Choose the letter of your answers from the box. All answers should be in capital letters. No erasures.
1. Is the exercise of power, the science of government, the making of collective decisions, the allocations of scarce resources and the practice of
deception and manipulation.
2. This term was conceived in 1796 by French Philosopher Destutt de Tracy to refer to new science that endeavored to uncover origins of conscious
thought and ideas.
3. It is the belief in the supreme importance of the individual over any social group or collective body.
4. Is a movement that stands for outmoded, repressive social and political conditions rejecting democracy, repudiates constitutionalism and stresses
that all values arise from the state against which individual has no rights.
5. Is an ideology focusing on the idea that environment is endangered and must be preserved through regulation and lifestyle changes.
6. Is the term generally used to describe the formal institutions through which a group of people is ruled or governed.
7. It refers to those whom the state is obliged to protect and provide services.
8. An ideology that is based on the belief that government and laws are not necessary.
9. A central tenet of socialism that is the belief in the capacity of human beings for collective action.
10. An ideology that stands in opposition to capitalism and proposes an alternative which is more humane and equitable.
III . Classify the following Ideologies with their Perspectives stated on each item by writing A for Anarchism, S for Socialism, L for Liberalism, C for
Conservatism and F for Fascism.
11. As the state is inherently evil and oppressive, all states have the same essential character.
12. This ideology has contrasting views of the state.
13. It rejects the state outright, believing it to an unnecessary evil.
14. Sees the state as a neutral arbiter among competing interests and groups in society, a vital guarantee of social order.
15. Links the state to the need to provide authority and discipline ad to protect society from chaos and disorder, hence their traditional preference
for a strong state.
16. An ideology that sees the state as a supreme ethical ideal, reflecting the undifferentiated interests of the national community, hence their belief
in totalitarianism.
17. This kind of ideology links the state to the need to provide authority and discipline and to protect society from chaos and disorder.
18. An ideology that saw the state more as a vessel that contains, or tool that serves, the race or nation.
19. Regard the state as an embodiment of the common good and thus approve of interventionism in either its social-democratic or state
collectivist form.
20. This ideology stressed the link between the state and the class system, seeing it either as an instrument of class rule or as a means of
ameliorating class tensions.
20-25 – How does political ideology shape the condition of the political community? Is the current state of the Philippines reflective of the role of
political ideology in shaping the way of life of Filipinos? Explain your answers?