Matriks Sandingan ALt Source Povidone K 30
Matriks Sandingan ALt Source Povidone K 30
Matriks Sandingan ALt Source Povidone K 30
A Positive Positive Positive Pengujian dengan raman Pengujian dengan raman
B Positive An orange-yellow precipitate A pink colour is produced. -spektroskopi. -spektroskopi.
3 Positive is
A formed.
pale blue precipitate is - - -
Positive formed.
A deep red color is produced A red colour is produced.◊ - -
Keterangan :
*General chapter
**Pemilihan syarat didasarkan pada jumlah bahan baku yang digunakan pada produk jadi, yaitu sebesar 0,005 g dalam tiap gram produk jadi. Dari nilai tersebut didapatkan kemungkinan nilai ALT dan AKK yang
dibawa bahan baku adalah 5 cfu/g dan 0,5 cfu/g bila menggunakan syarat USP. Nilai tersebut memenuhi spesifikasi produk jadi sehingga digunakan syarat berdasarkan USP.
Hasil uji mengacu dari hasil CoA Manufakture
Kesimpulan : ≤ 5 ppm
Spesifikasi in house tidak melakukan pengujian identifikasi KLT dan komposisi Bacitracine.
Spesifikasi Mikrobiologi Sesuai dengan USP NF 2021 untuk ALT AKK dan CoA untuk identifikasi Staphylococcus aureus
dan Pseudomonas aeruginosa dengan menimbang persyaratan produk jadi (USP NF 2021).
Pengujian yang akan dilakukan mengacu ke spesifikasi inhouse metode Pr-S3.1-05-SP-A.31/00, sesuai dengan FI VI.
Nama : Yusticio D.S. Nama : Kelvina Gemilang Nama : Ferry Endra T.N. Nama : Meti Christina
Tanggal : Tanggal : Tanggal : Tanggal :
Identifikasi B Larutan uji 20 mg/mL of Povidone Dissolve 2.5 g in carbon dioxide-free water R and dilute to 25 mL with the same solvent. Add the
Prosedur To 10 mL of the Sample solution, add 20 mL of 1 to 1 mL of solution S1 (see Tests) add 0.2 mL of
N hydrochloric acid VS and 5 mL of potassium dimethylaminobenzaldehyde solution R1 and 0.1
dichromate TS. mL of
sulfuric acid R. A pink colour is produced.
pH 50 mg/mL in water
Viscosity as K Larutan uji 5 g/100 mL air 5 g/100 mL air
Larutan A Transfer 8.3 g of potassium pyrophosphate to a
500-mL volumetric flask and dissolve in 400 mL
Aldehydes as of water. Adjust, if necessary, with 1 N
acetaldehyde hydrochloric acid VS to a pH of 9.0, and dilute
with water to volume.
Metode KLT
Adsorbent 0.25-mm layer of dimethylsilanized
chromatographic silica gel with fluorescent
Volume uji 10 µL
Diluent Methanol and water (2:1)
Penampak bercak UV 365 nm
Impurity A Metode HPLC
Detektor UV 235 nm
Kolom 4.6-mm × 15-cm; 5-µm packing L1
Suhu kolom 40°C
Laju alir 1.0 mL/min
Volum injeksi 20 µL
Fase gerak Water and acetonitrile (90:10)
Larutan SST Transfer 10 mg of vinylpyrrolidinone and 500 mg
of vinyl acetate to a 100-mL volumetric flask, and
dissolve in and dilute with methanol to volume.
Transfer 1.0 mL of this solution to a 100-mL
volumetric flask, and dilute with Mobile phase to
Kadar air
Sisa pijar
Formic acid Metode HPLC
Detektor UV 210 nm
Suhu kolom 40°C
Laju alir 1,0 mL/min
Volum injeksi 50 µL
Fase gerak Diluted perchloric acid (1 in 700)
Larutan standar 10 µg/mL of formic acid in water
Larutan stok uji 20 mg/mL of Povidone in water
Larutan uji Transfer a suspension of strongly acidic ion-
exchange resin (use the hydrogen form of ion-
exchange resin) in water to a column of about 8
mm in inside diameter to give a packing depth of
about 20 mm in length. Keep the strongly acidic
ion-exchange resin layer constantly immersed in
water. Pour 5 mL of water and adjust the flow rate
so that water drops at a rate of about 1 mL/min.
When the level of the water is near the top of the
strongly acidic ion-exchange resin layer, introduce
100 mL of the Sample stock solution into the
column. Disregard the first 2 mL of the eluate,
then collect 1.5 mL of the solution, and use this as
the Sample solution.
Weigh 1g Sample accurately and place in a
Kjeldahl flask. Add 5 g of a powdered mixture of
33 g of potassium sulfate, 1 g of cupric sulfate,
and 1 g of titanium dioxide. Wash down any
adhering sample from the neck of the flask with a
small amount of water. Add 7 mL of sulfuric acid
allowing it to flow down the inside wall of the
flask. Heat the flask gradually until the solution
has a clear, yellow-green color and the inside wall
of the flask is free from any carbonized material
and then heat for an additional 45 min. After
cooling, cautiously add 20 mL of water, and
connect the flask to the distillation apparatus
previously washed by passing steam through it.
To the absorption flask add 30 mL of a solution of
boric acid (1 in 25), 3 drops of bromocresol
Kadar nitrogen green-methyl red TS, and sufficient water to
immerse the lower end of the condenser tube. Add
30 mL of a solution of sodium hydroxide (2 in 5)
through the funnel, rinse the funnel cautiously
with 10 mL of water, immediately close the clamp
attached to the rubber tube, and then start the
distillation with steam to obtain 80–100 mL of the
distillate. Remove the absorption flask from the
lower end of the condenser tube, rinsing the end
part with a small quantity of water, and titrate the
distillate with 0.025 mol/L sulfuric acid VS until
the color of the solution changes from green
through pale grayish blue to pale grayish red-
purple. Perform a blank determination in the same
manner, and make any necessary correction.
Kesimpulan :
Nama : Yusticio D.S. Nama : Kelvina Gemilang Nama : Ferry Endra T.N.
Tanggal : Tanggal : Tanggal :
In House
Pr-S3.1-05-SP-K.01/03 Spesifikasi yang diajukan Justifikasi
Referensi : USP 42
nd dilute to 25 mL with the same solvent. Add the substance to be examined to the water in small portions, stirring using a magnetic stirrer
Nama : Meti Christina
Tanggal :