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OPx 4
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You are lucky you lived! A close friend of mine just died
of aortic dissection a few months ago at age 33. He
was a former heavy drinker but had been sober for over
5 years and seemingly turned his life around was very
athletic. He went to the er with similar symptoms but
had gotten over covid a month prior so they just told
him it was probably long covid making him feel bad and
sent him on his way and he died at home 3 days later.
They found it on the autopsy.
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https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/11c1qmy/wcgw_necking_a_whole_liquor_bottle/ 2/3
26/02/2023, 12:23 WCGW necking a whole liquor bottle : Whatcouldgowrong
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https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/11c1qmy/wcgw_necking_a_whole_liquor_bottle/ 3/3