Traumatic Scar Tissue Management (054-104)
Traumatic Scar Tissue Management (054-104)
Traumatic Scar Tissue Management (054-104)
We are not just treating scars; we are treating people with scars
Pamela Fitch BA, RMT
In the developed world alone, a total of 100 million people develop scars
each year as a result of 55 million elective operations and 25 million
operations after trauma (Sund 2000). Current statistics estimate that over
50% of postsurgical patients will experience scar-related complications
(Diamond 2012).
Millions of people worldwide are afflicted with non-fatal burn injuries.
Although mortality and morbidity from burns have diminished significantly
over the past several decades, these statistics do not reflect the overall
impact on the burn survivor and how well they carry on with their life and
manage post-burn deformities, contractures and other disabilities that
collectively present with aesthetic and functional considerations (Goel &
Shrivastava 2010).
The prevalence of occurrence, complications and sequelae associated with
problematic scars, of varying etiology, present important clinical, economic
and social considerations.
The occurrence of excessive scarring has been documented for centuries,
dating back to the Smith papyrus around 1700 BC (Berman & Bieley 1995).
The documented use of manual techniques in the treatment of wounds can
be traced back to the 1550s; Paré, a French surgeon, administered massage
to relieve joint stiffness and improve wound healing following surgery. It
has also been documented that during the World Wars, military nurses and,
sometimes, doctors provided massage as a component of scar treatment as a
result of unplanned events and planned trauma (surgery).
Nowadays it is common to see massage noted in medical literature, as part
of the recommended postsurgical care for scars, as a means to improve
wound healing outcomes (e.g. better scar aesthetics and more pliant, less
restrictive scars). However, ironically in the present day, specific protocols
for the management of scars typically do not include massage therapy (MT)
and specific referrals and patient accessibility to MT lag, presenting a
paradoxical conundrum for the profession and those who could benefit from
the treatment.
In part this lag falls to the responsibility of the MT profession itself.
According to Cho and colleagues (2014):
Evolution is Fundamental
Health care is an ever-evolving environment. As healthcare providers
within the field of manual therapy, we are continually learning new
discoveries about the body’s response to trauma, injury, healing and touch.
Newer technologies that aid imaging (e.g. high definition real-time
ultrasound and endoscopy) and advances in research have been instrumental
in expanding our understanding of important clinical considerations and in
supporting the development of evidence-based practice guidelines.
Additionally, the higher levels of educational preparation currently
available to MT practitioners aid in the ability to find, critically evaluate
and utilize best available evidence.
Evidence-based practice (EBP) emerges from evidence-based medicine
(EBM), which Sackett et al. (1996) define as integrating client values with
clinical expertise and the best available research evidence. Best research
evidence encompasses best available clinical, client-centered research that
examines the accuracy, safety, efficacy and cost effectiveness of diagnostic
and assessment procedures, prognostic markers and therapeutic
interventions. Clinical expertise encompasses the therapist’s ability to use
clinical skills and past experience to both identify each client’s unique
health status and the potential risks and benefits of the proposed
interventions. Client values speak to the individual’s unique preferences,
goals and expectations within the therapeutic relationship (Andrade 2013).
Evidence for massage is information on massage practice that researchers
and therapists collect in a systematic manner (Sackett et al. 2000). In
practice it is desirable to be as evidence-based as possible, and be evidence
informed when definitive evidence does not exist (Fritz 2013).
Haraldsson (2006) states:
A Reasonable Nexus
Precise etiologic factors driving excessive/abnormal scar formation remain
somewhat elusive, with the exception of tissue trauma, further complicated
by factors such as excessive or prolonged inflammation and excessive
wound tension mediated by fibroblasts/myofibroblasts.
By better understanding the wound healing process (physiological and
pathophysiological), what our hands can effect (e.g. anxiety, pain,
inflammation and tissue tension) and how our hands can induce desired
outcomes (mechanisms of action), we can better devise strategies for
improved delivery of care and achieve improved and more reliable clinical
Although it is widely accepted within health care that massaging a scar
improves outcomes, there is a paucity of well-designed clinical trials to
establish a solid evidence base for achieving productive results. And so, this
book is written with the objective of establishing a reasonable nexus
between available sound-science and achieving consistent clinical
outcomes. In such this nexus, coupled with the authors’ extensive clinical
experience, will help shape guidelines for working with scar tissue and
people with scars.
When properly developed, communicated and implemented, guidelines
improve the quality of care that is provided and patient outcomes.
Guidelines are intended to support the healthcare professional’s critical
thinking skills and judgment in each case.
In addition to guiding safer, more effective and consistent outcomes, the
authors can only dare to dream that these guidelines will also support better
constructed MT research methodology and designs, ultimately leading to
the inclusion of MT professionals in mainstream interprofessional
Traumatic scars can occur as a result of accidents, acts of violence and other
catastrophic events (e.g. disease, burn accident and surgery).
Over the last several decades, advancements in medical technology have led
to improved surgical techniques and emergency care (Blakeney & Creson
2002). Simply put, more people are surviving injuries that would have been
fatal 20 or 30 years ago, and an increase in survival rate means an increased
need for professionals skilled in treating people with scars. Working
successfully with traumatic scars requires expert navigation, not only of the
physicality of the scar material but also inclusive of the whole clinical
presentation. This book will provide the information needed to help guide
the development of that expertise.
Given the complexity of traumatic scars, where such presentations and/or
appropriate treatment fall outside of the MT profession’s scope of practice,
suggestions will be provided for appropriate referral resources to support
the patient’s best possible biopsychosocial outcomes.
It is the authors’ intention that the end product will comprehensively cover
both the physiological/physical and empathetic elements of MT and in
doing so honour both the art and science of the work. Like interprofessional
collaboration, integration of art and science are essential for excellence in
contemporary healthcare and achieving the best possible patient-focused
outcomes for people with scars.
Overview of Chapters
Individual chapters will cover normal/abnormal scar formation; the role of
various systems in wound healing; the impact of pathophysiological scars
and associated sequelae; the biochemical and emotional impact of trauma;
communication skills (including interprofessional communication);
assessment and treatment protocols; client/therapist self care and shared
experiences from therapists and people with scars.
In order to assist with research translation, throughout this book
pathophysiological and clinical considerations will be interspersed as Boxes
where it makes sense to do so.
Andrade CK (2013) Outcome-based massage: putting evidence into practice. 3rd edn Baltimore Md:
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
APA (2015) American Psychological Society. Available at:
[Accessed 16 February 2015].
Berman B, Bieley HC (1995) Keloids. Journal of American Academy of Dermatology 33: 117–23.
Blakeney P, Creson D (2002) Psychological and physical trauma: treating the whole person.
Available at:
[Accessed 10 December 2014].
Bordoni B, Zanier E (2014) Skin, fascias, and scars: symptoms and systemic connections. Journal of
Multidisciplinary Healthcare 7: 11–24.
Bouffard NA, Cutroneo KR, Badger GJ et al (2008) Tissue stretch decreases soluble TGF-β and type
I procollagen in mouse subcutaneous connective tissue: evidence from ex vivo and in vivo models.
Journal of Cellular Physiology 214: 389–395.
Cho YS, Jeon JH, Hong A et al (2014) The effect of burn rehabilitation massage therapy on
hypertrophic scar after burn: a randomized controlled trial. Burns 40(8): 1513–20.
Diamond M (2012) Scars and adhesions panel. Third International Fascia Research Congress,
Farlex (2012) Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing. © Farlex 2012.
Fritz S (2013) Mosby’s Fundamentals of therapeutic massage, 5th edn. St Louis, Elsevier, p 45.
Goel A, Shrivastava P (2010) Post-burn scars and scar contractures. Indian Journal of Plastic
Surgery: official publication of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India 43(Suppl): S63.
Haraldsson BG (2006) The ABCs of EBPs. How to have an evidence-based practice. Massage
Therapy Canada. Available at:[Accessed
7 December 2014].
Lewit K, Olsanska S (2004) Clinical importance of active scars: abnormal scars as a cause of
myofascial pain. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 27(6): 399–402.
Mennell JB (1920) Physical treatment by movement, manipulation and massage, 2nd edn.
Philadelphia: Blakiston.
Sackett DL, Rosenberg W, Gray JA et al (1996) Evidence based medicine: what it is and what it isn’t.
BMJ 312(7023): 71–72.
Sackett DL, Strauss SE, Scott Richardson W et al (2000) Evidence-based medicine: how to practice
and teach EBM, 2nd edn. New York, Churchill Livingstone.
Sund B (2000) New developments in wound care. London, PJB Publications.
Valouchová P, Lewit K (2012) In: Schleip R, Findley T, Chaitow L, Huijing P (eds) Fascia the
tensional network of the human body. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, p 343.
Table 2.1
The extracellular matrix (ECM)
Clinical Consideration
Pathophysiological Consideration
Ground substance
Ground substance (GS), the amorphous gel-like component of the ECM, is
an important metabolic interface that fills the space between cells and fibers.
GS influences tissue development and cellular migration, proliferation,
shape and metabolic functions.
Constituents within the GS (e.g. GAGs and PGs) perform a variety of
functions that can influence tissue development and cellular migration,
proliferation, shape and metabolic functions (Van den Berg 2012). One
important feature of these constituents is their ability to attract and bind
water, which factors significantly into fascia’s viscoelastic properties and in
lubrication, thereby reducing friction between moving or sliding fibers,
tissues and layers.
Water plays an important role in viscoelasticity and lubrication. Water also
serves as a transport system and solvent. Up to 80% of the human body is
water (in bound and unbound states).
Pathophysiological Consideration
Pathophysiological Consideration
This hydrophilic, viscous lubricant is found throughout fascia, skin and
neural tissue. Hyaluronan (HA) is involved in a variety of physiological and
mechanical functions such as wound healing, lubrication, cellular signaling,
maintaining osmotic balance and tissue hydration (Liao et al. 2005, Matteini
et al. 2009).
HA helps reduce the impact of compressive forces in synovial-joint related
tissues and improves slide/glide between various structural proteins and
layers of adjacent tissue (e.g. between various layers of fascia and between
muscle fibers) (McCombe et al. 2001, Stecco et al. 2011). HA and the
sliding mechanism will be covered in greater detail later in this chapter.
Clinical Consideration
It is suggested that alterations in HA amount and organization may
play a role in tissue changes (e.g. tissue softening and improved
slide/glide) following fascial manipulations (Evanko & Wight 1999).
Clinical Consideration
HA and its fragments may play crucial roles in the skin wound-healing
process by modulating the expression of fibroblast genes involved in
remodeling and repair of ECM (David-Raoudi et al. 2008).
Collectively the ECM defines the shape and form of our cells. It provides a
framework to which the cells can adhere, move about in and communicate
through. The ECM creates a medium by which appropriate balance can be
maintained between porosity, hydration and ionic environment, thus
allowing nutrients and metabolites to diffuse freely into and out of our cells.
The ECM acts as an immune barrier. It is also a repository for metabolites
and toxins, and for storing fat.
The ECM plays an important role in wound healing and repair. It serves as a
repository for signaling molecules and mediates signals from other cells to
promote cell proliferation and differentiation.
The ECM is responsive to mechanical strain and tensional loading (tissue
deformation). Mechanical forces exert influence on the tissue structural
elements (microfilaments) and the molecular composition of the ECM
(Benjamin & Ralphs 1998, Milz et al. 2005). Strain type, degree, direction
and duration can influence ECM composition and impact fibroblast
functions that guide healing and adaptation responses (Purslow 2002, Ingber
2003, Standley & Meltzer 2008, Stecco et al. 2009, Blechschmidt & Gasser
2012). The clinical relevance of this feature of the ECM will be noted
throughout this book.
One of the mechanisms by which cells sense changes in mechanical
strain/tensional load is via specialized (matrix adhered) transmembrane
receptors (integrins). Integrins play a role in defining cellular shape,
mobility, regulating the cell cycle and mediating cell-to-cell and cell-to-
ECM signals. Via integrins, mechanical stimulus can evoke a biochemical
response, which, in turn, can trigger a variety of cellular responses and
activities. Conversion of mechanical stimulus into biochemical response is
called mechanotransduction. The integrin–mechanotransduction
communication system works much faster than neurally transmitted signals,
allowing cells to make rapid and flexible responses. In addition to evoking
biochemical responses, the internal to external and cell-to-cell linkage
mechanism provides the means by which the organism can sense and
respond to mechanical demand or forces placed upon it – monitoring and
regulating ‘enough tension’ to ensure the shape and integrity of any given
cell and the entire musculoskeletal/myofascial system.
Figure 2.1
Layers and components of skin.
Skin Structure and Function
In order to better understand the formation of scar tissue, we need to look at
the marvelous organ that is our skin.
Along with the glands, hair and nails, skin makes up the integumentary
system. On average, skin constitutes 10% of human body mass. Skin acts as
a barrier to the outside world and plays an important role in homeostasis.
The skin, our outer layer of protection, is susceptible to infections, injuries,
growths, rashes, cysts, boils, discoloration, burns, adhesions and scars.
Skin Histology
The skin comprises:
• Epithelium
• Connective tissue (CT).
There are three basic types of epithelial tissue: squamous, cuboidal and
columnar – arranged in either a one-layer (simple) or multilayer (stratified)
configuration. Epithelium forms many glands and lines the cavities and
surfaces of structures throughout the body (e.g. the epidermis consists of
stratified squamous keratinizing epithelium) (Marieb et al. 2012).
Considered a system, CT consists of several different types of cells (e.g.
fibroblasts and adipocytes), protein fibers (elastin and collagen) surrounded
by the gelatinous ECM (Schleip et al. 2012a, Andrade 2013).
CT is a continuous bodywide system that plays a well-identified role in
integrating the functions of diverse cell types within each tissue it invests
(e.g. skeletal muscle, tendon, bone, viscera (Langevin 2006)). CT is highly
variable in its presentation. Various terms are used to describe CT typology,
for example:
• Dense and loose are used to describe how dense, tightly or spread out the
fibers are packaged within an array of tissue
• Regular, irregular, unidirectional, multidirectional, parallel ordered and
woven are used to describe fiber orientation and configuration within a
particular sheet, layer or area of tissue (Terminologia Histologica 2008).
Clinical Consideration
As CT is intimately associated with other tissues and organs it may
influence the normal or pathological processes in a wide variety of
organ systems (Findley et al. 2012).
As thin as a sheet of paper, the epidermis is the tough, outermost layer of the
skin. Most of the cells in the epidermis are keratinocytes, which constitute
the first immune barrier, acting essentially as sentinels. Keratinocytes
produce the structural protein keratin, which supports the skin’s ability to
protect the rest of the body. Other cells include melanocytes and immune
cells (e.g. Langerhans and T-lymphocytes) (Adameyko et al. 2009, Sidgwick
& Bayat 2012, Bordoni & Zanier 2014).
The outermost portion of the epidermis is pretty much waterproof and helps
to keep most bacteria, viruses and other foreign substances from entering the
body. The epidermis, working in concert with the other skin layers, also
protects our internal organs, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels against
The dermis is made up of layers of fibrous and elastic fibers (collagen and
elastin). Collagen supports and stabilizes while elastin allows for stretch and
absorbs tensile forces – collagen and elastin will be covered in greater detail
further on in this chapter.
The dermis is often described as the workhorse of the skin because it
contains lymph vessels, nerve endings, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, hair
follicles, and blood vessels.
Nerve endings in skin sense pain, touch, pressure and temperature and relay
information to the brain (Kiernan & Rajakumar 2013, Bordoni & Zanier
2014). Mechanoreceptors in skin provide information on posture, positioning
and movement (Macefield 2005, Bordoni & Zanier 2014, Mouchnino &
Blouin 2013). As with all systems of the body, nerve receptors in skin and
fascia can evoke sympathetic nervous system (SNS) responses that can
impact each other and all the other systems.
The sweat glands produce sweat in response to heat and stress. Sweat is
composed mainly of water and salt. When sweat evaporates, it helps to cool
the body. There are specialized sweat glands in the armpits and the genital
region that secrete a thick, oily sweat that produces body odor when the
sweat is digested by the skin bacteria.
The sebaceous glands secrete oil called sebum into hair follicles. Sebum
keeps the skin moist and pliable and helps create a barrier against foreign
The hair follicles produce various types of hair found throughout the body.
Hair contributes to a person’s appearance, helps regulate body temperature,
provides protection from injury and enhances sensation. At the base of each
hair follicle are sensory nerve fibers that wrap around the hair bulb. Moving
or bending the hair stimulates the nerve endings, which allow a person to
feel their hair has been moved. A portion of the follicle also contains stem
cells capable of regenerating a damaged epidermis.
Clinical Consideration
Pathophysiological Consideration
The viscoelastic nature of fascia can only be observed in hydrated
tissue, which underscores the importance of adequate hydration and the
potential pathophysiological consequences of dehydration.
Clinical Consideration
Pain referral patterns associated with myofascial trigger points will
sometimes distribute along the myokinetic or myofascial chain
associated with the involved muscle.
Fascia comprises:
• ECM (covered previously)
• Cells
• Fibrous proteins.
The most prominent cellular components of fascia include:
• Mast cells and macrophages
• Adipocytes
• Fibroblasts.
Mast cells and macrophages play a role in wound repair and immune
Adipocytes play a role in heat preservation, storage, protection from
physical trauma and also serve as a ‘spacer’ separating adjacent layers of
fascia (Stecco et al. 2008).
Fibroblasts, the predominant cell type, are highly adaptable and noted for
their ability to:
– remodel in response to mechanical strain
– produce biochemical responses, and
– differentiate into various cell types (e.g. myofibroblasts) (Eagen et al.
2007, Mammoto & Ingber 2009, Stecco et al. 2009, Meltzer et al.
Fibroblasts synthesize the components of the ECM and play a significant
role in soft-tissue remodeling.
Clinical Consideration
Changes in fibroblast shape and subsequently function occurs in
response to a variety of signals, including mechanically applied tension
or strain (Eagen et al. 2007, Mammoto & Ingber 2009, Stecco et al.
2009, Meltzer et al. 2009). This feature of fibroblasts enables fascia to
alter its fiber configuration in response to mechanical demands or
stress placed upon it (e.g. movement, exercise, posture, work-related
activities). Additionally, this provides a plausible explanation for the
mechanism by which fascial specific therapies (e.g. structural
integration/Rolfing, myofascial massage and acupuncture) produce
therapeutic results (Langevin et al. 2004).
Clinical Consideration
Clinical Consideration
Clinical Consideration
Transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGF-β1) is known to stimulate
collagen synthesis and proliferation. Collagen is the predominant fiber
found in fascia and the predominant type of fiber laid-down during
soft-tissue repair/remodeling – more on this in Chapter 5.
MFBs can contract in a smooth muscle-like manner providing fascia with
contractile capabilities independent of muscle contraction (Spector 2002,
Schleip et al. 2005, Schleip et al. 2006).
MFB contraction plays a major role in wound healing/remodeling,
pathological fascial contractures and fibrosis (e.g. Dupuytren disease, plantar
fibromatosis, frozen shoulder, ChLBP and abnormal scar formation)
(Gabbiani 2003, Langevin et al. 2009). Therefore higher than normal
concentrations of MFBs are typically present in injured or traumatized
Clinical Consideration
It is suggested that MFBs also play a role in issues associated with decreased
myofascial tension or hypermobility (e.g. peri-partum pelvic pain due to
pelvic instability, sacroiliac joint force closure dysfunction or back pain due
to spinal segmental instability) (Schleip et al. 2012).
MFBs are also present in normal healthy fascia implying a valid –
homeostatic –functional purpose (Wilson & Dahners 1988, Murray &
Spector 1999, Ralphs et al. 2002). For example, MFBs provide fascia with
the ability to remodel itself in response to normal daily movement and
activity demands (adaptation). Recall from page 12: fibrocollagenous tissue
morphology is shaped by tensional loading. Demand (mechanical/tensile
forces) invokes MFB proliferation and therefore (normally) higher
concentrations of MFBs are typically present in dense presentations of fascia
commonly subjected to higher tensional demands (e.g. those that play a
significant role in stability and support, fascia lata, plantar, crural and
thoroacolumbar fascia, perimysium).
Biomechanically, interactions between MFBs and the ECM contribute to
whole body mobility and tensional integrity or biotensegrity (Schleip et al.
2005, Guimberteau 2007, Ingber 2008, Levin & Martin 2012).
Fibrous Proteins
Fascia is constructed from two predominant fiber types:
• Collagen
• Elastin.
Collagen is the most abundant fiber type found throughout fascia. Various
types of collagen occur in the human body (Type I is the most predominant)
(Gelse et al. 2003, Gartner & Hiatt 2007, Gordon & Hahn 2010, Ross &
Pawlina 2011, Kumka & Bonar 2012).
Collagen cross-linking, a chemical bond between adjacent collagen fibers,
plays a significant role in tissue integrity. Physiological linkage augments
mechanical stability, however excessive (pathological) cross-links can
interfere with slide potential and contribute to mobility restrictions.
Conversely, insufficient or unstable bonds can result in diminished tissue
Collagen provides tensile strength, guards against over extension and can
‘store and release’ energy (can store and release an equal amount of energy
while stretching only 100th the amount of elastin) (Zorn 2011). This is often
referred to as catapult or rebound effect. Collagen fibers are somewhat firm
yet pliant and able to yield to force (e.g. they can bend, twist and lengthen).
Collagen’s elastic-stiffening potential (viscoelastic property) is considered to
be one of its defining features (Zorn & Hodeck 2011). Normal healthy
collagen fibers display a distinctive ‘wavy/crimped’ formation which factors
into normal healthy functioning (e.g. force transmission and energy
Adequate hydration is vital to collagen health and functioning. Dehydration
has been identified as an initiator of inflammatory response in collagen and
once present, inflammatory mediators can contribute to tension held in
collagenous tissues (e.g. skin and fascia). As previously noted, dehydration
also decreases the fluid-bulk of GS which can result in pathological collagen
cross linking, diminished lubrication and reduced tensile strength.
Type I collagen is the fiber type typically laiddown during tissue remodeling.
Under healthy normal circumstances, collagen turnover (reconstruction
phase of healing) lasts from 300 to 500 days, meaning it takes that length of
time for collagen to fully mature – an important consideration in post-trauma
recovery and rehabilitation (van den Berg 2010).
Kumka and Bonar (2012) note that if function changes (e.g. increased
mechanical strain, insufficient mechanical strain or prolonged
immobilization), pro-collagen in the fibroblasts will change types (e.g.,
collagen type I into collagen type III), or undifferentiated cell types may
adapt towards a more functionally appropriate lineage (e.g. chondrocyte)
(Benjamin & Ralphs, 1998, Bank et al. 1999, Jarvinen et al. 2002, Milz et al.
2005, Mammoto & Ingber 2009). Therefore, a tissue that is exposed to
unusual demand may remodel into a form or presentation that is atypical to
its fundamental nature.
Clinical Consideration
Elastin, which are stretchy, rubber-like fibers, vary in prevalence and amount
throughout skin and fascia depending upon functional demand. Elastin fibers
tend to branch, creating a net-like architecture (Van den Berg 2012). When
placed under tensional force, these fibers lengthen and when the force is
removed they enable tissue to return to its normal, resting length. When
dehydrated, elastin becomes brittle but when well hydrated it is elastic and
flexible. Elastin fibers can be stretched up to 150% their resting length
without causing any injury (20 to 30 times more than collagen can
withstand) and like collagen can store or release energy. When placed under
sustained stretch-demand, elastin has been shown to lose some of its recoil
Within the tissues of the locomotor system, collagen and elastin are often
Layer Classification
Willard (2012a) suggests four primary categories: superficial/panniculus
(loose), deep/axial (investing), meningeal and visceral (Swanson 2013).
Only the superficial and axial layers will be covered in more detail – as the
techniques covered in subsequent chapter predominantly target the
superficial and deep fascial layers. The meningeal layer will be covered (in
some detail) in Chapter 4, the visceral layer will not be covered in much
detail in this book. For more information on visceral work please see the
recommended references and reading suggestions provided at the end of the
Clinical Consideration
Superficial and deep layers of the thoracolumbar fascia may be a
source of nociceptive input in low back pain (Yahia et al. 1992, Bednar
et al. 1995, Taguchi et al. 2009, Tesarz et al. 2011).
Figure 2.3
Fascial membranes and rentinacula cutis fibers. Cross-section from the skin to musculature,
showing fascial membranes and retinacula cutis fibers (RCF). (Adapted from Stecco et al.
Clinical Consideration
When thickened, as a result of injury or trauma, these vertical septa can
restrict and impact function. Any undue ‘tugging’ of bound tissue (e.g.
during ‘normal’ movement) can lead to hypersensitization and
consequent pain (Stecco 2004, 2009, Muscolino 2012).
Functional Classification
According to Kumka and Bonar (2012), the functional properties of fascia
are reliant on the composition of the ECM, specific cells and filaments,
including but not limited to the ratio of collagen types.
Kumka and Bonar (2012) suggest four primary functional categories:
linking; fascicular; compression; and separating (see Table 2.2).
Linking fascia is sub-divided into dynamic and passive components:
• Dynamic fascia can contract autonomously (embedded with MFBs) and
plays a role in locomotion, force transmission and biotensegrity.
• Passive fascia displays noci and proprioceptive capabilities and can only
transmit forces when it is stretched/loaded.
• Linking fascias play a primary role in augmenting bodywide functional
and perceptive continuity.
Table 2.2
Summary of fascia’s functional classifications and roles
Fascicular fascia augments continuity and force transmission, provides
proprioceptive feedback and protection of nerve, blood vascular and lymph
Clinical Consideration
Perimysium plays a significant role in force transmission. Perimysium
is commonly thicker in postural muscles, tends to display a higher
concentration of MFBs and can adapt more readily to changes in
mechanical tension. The driving force behind long-term, sustained
contracture and pronounced muscular ‘stiffness’ could be explained in
part by the presence of MFBs in fascia – in particular in the
perimysium. Surgical reconstruction processes (e.g. distraction
osteogenesis, psoas lengthening) are frequently accompanied by
increased muscle stiffness, shown to correlate with a significant
increase in perimysial thickness – a response to the (sudden) increased
tissue stretch (Schleip et al. 2005, Huijing 2007).
Clinical Consideration
Compression fascia forms a pressurized compartment to augment vascular
function (e.g. venous return) and enhances proprioception, muscular
efficiency and coordination.
Separating fascia provides structural support, helps absorb shock, limits the
spread of infection and reduces friction and augments movement between
articulating structures and surfaces. The loose well-hydrated sliding layers
also fall into this category.
Clinical Consideration
Fascia supports and functions in tandem with our skin and all of our
soft and hard tissues. Therefore it is reasonable to suppose that some
degree of fascial involvement may be seen in conjunction with any
functional loss and pain associated with scarring – as well as the milieu
of compensatory musculoskeletal disorders that often accompany burns
and problematic scars (e.g. cumulative trauma/overuse syndromes,
chronic low back pain (ChLBP) and/or dysfunction and compression
syndromes). In the field of MT we commonly encounter fascial
changes associated with acute injury and trauma, chronic strain
(physical or emotional), immobilization and the spectrum of
subsequent sequelae (e.g. adhesions, fibrosis, myofascial trigger points,
diminished gliding within the sliding layers, neural and circulatory
Clinical Consideration
According to Lewit and Olsanska (2004), scars may contribute to the
formation of myofascial trigger points in adjacent tissues along with
the potential for pain in other regions (e.g. low back pain associated
with appendectomy).
As the impact of a scar can reach far beyond its physical borders, in addition
to the degree or depth of the scar – from a MT perspective – it is also
important to consider how a scar in one region of the body can impact
functioning in distant (seemingly unrelated) tissues or areas.
According to Bordoni and Zanier (2014):
Adameyko I, Lallemend F, Aquino JB et al (2009) Schwann cell precursors from nerve innervation are
a cellular origin of melanocytes in skin. Cell 139(2): 366–379.
Andrade C-K (2013) Outcome-based massage: putting evidence into practice, 3rd edn. Baltimore:
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
Bank R, TeKoppele J, Oostingh G, Hazleman B, Riley G (1999) Lysylhydroxylation and non-
reducible crosslinking of human supraspinatus tendon collagen: changes with age and in chronic
rotator cuff tendinitis. Annals of the Rheumatic Disease 58: 35–41.
Barnes MF (1997) The basic science of myofascial release: morphologic change in connective tissue.
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 1: 231–238.
Bednar DA, Orr FW, Simon GT (1995) Observations on the pathomorphology of the thoracolumbar
fascia in chronic mechanical back pain: A microscopic study. Spine 20(10): 1161–1164.
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Resources and Further Reading
Barral Institute:
Charter Society of Physiotherapy:
Upledger Institute:
The lymphatic system is a lesser known yet important system of the body that
chugs along, quietly assisting the blood vascular and immune systems. In brief,
it is a low pressure, pump-less system that transports lymphatic fluid (lymph).
Lymph is formed in the digestive system and is taken up by the specialized
lymph vessels known as lacteals (Choi et al. 2012). When functioning
normally, it is the squeeze–release action of the skeletal muscles and the
changes in pressure during breathing that pushes or ‘milks’ the lymph toward
its destination (Marieb 2003).
While the blood vascular system has been studied extensively, the lymphatic
system has had little scientific and medical attention, likely due to its elusive
morphology and mysterious pathophysiology. Over the past decade a number of
new studies have begun to change the misconception that the lymphatic system
is secondary to the more essential blood vascular system and, indeed,
substantiate the view that the lymphatic system is an integral and equal partner
in supporting homeostasis, immunity, and wound healing (Choi et al. 2012).
Utilizing the information that is currently available, the aim of this chapter is to
provide a solid understanding of the lymphatic system. Particular relevance to
this book is the lymphatic system’s role in creating a favorable environment for
wound healing and healthy scar formation and the consequences associated
with impaired lymphatic function (Marieb 2003).
Discovery of the Lymphatic System
The lymphatic system has been documented since early recorded history:
• Hippocrates (460–377 BC) talked about vessels containing ‘white blood’
• Aristotle (384–322 BC) described vessels containing a ‘colorless fluid’, or
‘white blood’
• The French anatomist Marie Sappey (1810– 1890) used subcutaneous
mercury injections to graphically represent the anatomy of the lymphatic
Hippocrates spoke of white blood cells, introduced the term chyle and defined a
lymphatic temperament (Chikly 2002). Chyle – a milky-colored fluid – consists
of lymph, emulsified fats and free fatty acids.
In 1627 Gasparo Aselli discovered lymphatic vessels, calling them lacteae
venae, or milky veins. In 1652 Thomas Bartholin, a Danish physician and
anatomist, called the vessels vasa lymphatica and is credited with giving the
lymphatic system its name.
Early comprehensive study of the intricate and complex lymphatic system
began at the beginning of the twentieth century but slowed significantly
because of the lack of specific lymphatic markers, and the histogenetic origin of
lymphatic vessels remains a controversial issue (Oliver & Detmar 2002).
The most accepted understanding of the development of the lymphatic system
was put forth by Dr Florence Sabin in the early twentieth century (Sabin 1902,
Sabin 1904). Sabin injected ink into the lymphatic system of pig embryos and
cataloged the results. Sabin concluded that isolated primitive lymph sacs
originate from endothelial cells that bud from the veins during early
development. It was proposed that the two jugular lymph sacs developed in the
junction of the subclavian and anterior cardinal veins by endothelial budding
from the anterior cardinal veins (Sabin 1902, Sabin 1904). According to Sabin,
the remaining lymph sacs originate from the mesonephric vein and those in the
dorsomedial edge of the Wolffian bodies in the junction of the subclavian and
anterior cardinal veins. Sabin’s early findings have been validated through more
recent research (Wilting et al. 2003).
Hematic System
The heart, blood vessels and blood constitute the main components of this
closed-loop system with the heart as its central pump.
The part of the hematic system that delivers blood to and from the lungs is
known as the pulmonary circulation, and the flow of blood throughout the rest
of the body is administered by the systemic circulation. The hematic system
plays an integral role in the removal of waste products associated with
metabolism and the transportation of gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide),
chemical substances (e.g. hormones, nutrients, salts), and cells that defend the
body. Additionally, this system helps regulate the body’s fluid and electrolyte
balance, pH and body temperature, and helps protect the body from infection
and loss of blood by the action of clotting.
As noted in Chapter 2, the hematic system plays an important role in wound
repair and healing. In the early stages of wound healing angiogenesis, the
formation of capillary-sized microvessels ensure the delivery of blood-borne
cells, nutrients and oxygen to areas undergoing remodeling.
Immune System
The immune system is a collection of cells (e.g. mast cells, macrophages,
neutrophils), tissues and organs (e.g. skin, bloodstream, lymph nodes, thymus,
spleen, mucosal tissue) with the skin constituting the first ‘line-of-defense’.
All immune cells originate from precursors in the bone marrow and develop
through a series of changes that occur in various tissues and organs.
Immune response protects the body against pathogens that could threaten the
organism’s viability. As noted in Chapter 2, the immune system plays an
important role in wound repair/healing.
When the interstitial fluid enters the lymphatic system, it is termed lymph.
Lymph is generally clear and transparent, or milky in appearance when
emulsified fats are present (chyle) (Zuther 2011). Before returning to the blood
vascular system, lymph travels through a successive number of lymph nodes,
which filter out impurities.
Lymphatic vessels contain more valves and more frequent anastomoses than
blood circulatory vessels, thereby reducing back flow and creating an
extensive, connected network of tubes (Marieb 2003, Macdonald et al. 2008).
The smaller, thin-walled lymph capillaries are slightly larger than those seen in
the blood vascular system. Unlike the tightly joined endothelial cells lining
blood vascular capillaries, lymph capillary endothelial cells loosely overlap,
augmenting porosity thereby facilitating the collection of larger molecules.
Afferent lymphatic vessels: carry unfiltered lymph into the nodes, where
waste products and some of the fluid is filtered out.
Efferent lymphatic vessels: carry the filtered lymph out of the node to
continue its return to the circulatory system.
Lymph Nodes
The lymph node (see Fig. 3.2) is part of the many types of lymphoid organs in
the body. There are between 600 and 700 lymph nodes present in the average
human body. It is the role of these nodes to filter the lymph before it can be
returned to the circulatory system. Although these nodes can increase or
decrease in size throughout life, any nodes that have been damaged or
destroyed do not regenerate.
Lymph nodes contain macrophages that destroy bacteria, viruses and other
substances before the lymph is returned to the blood vascular system (Marieb