Saep 20
Saep 20
Saep 20
1 Scope .................................................................. 2
2 References .......................................................... 2
3 Definitions and Abbreviations .............................. 4
4 Instructions .......................................................... 7
5 Responsibilities .................................................. 20
6 Records ............................................................. 22
Revision Summary ................................................... 23
1 Scope
This SAEP outlines the minimum requirements for establishing and revising Equipment
Inspection Schedules (EISs). This SAEP covers:
1.1 The inspection and testing requirements for Static, Mobile and miscellaneous
pressure containing equipment.
1.2 The inspection requirements for Community and Operation Support Facilities,
as outlined in SAEP-309.
This procedure does not cover requirements for Preventive Maintenance (PM) programs
for rotating, electrical, instrumentation, and digital equipment.
2 References
The procedures covered by this document shall comply with the latest edition of the
references listed below, unless otherwise noted:
3.1 Definitions
I-T&I Interval: The “I-T&I” interval is the initial interval between new or
rebuilt equipment commissioning and the first T&I overhaul.
Parallel Equipment: Equipment units of identical construction that see the same
process fluid conditions (i.e., if the flow branches out equally and is thereby
shared proportionately by each unit) are referred to as parallel equipment.
Riser: That part of a submarine pipeline that is situated between the connecting
flange at the seabed nearest to the platform and the first flange above water level.
Splash Zone: Area of a structure that is frequently wetted due to waves and
tidal variations.
Static Equipment: Equipment that is not designed with rotating parts to propel
process fluids, but rather is designed to contain, process, transport, and control
fluids. Examples are columns, drums, vessels, boilers, heat exchangers,
furnaces, flares, reactors, regenerators, tanks, scraper traps, piping, etc.
Submarine Pipelines: All lines used for the transportation of fluids and/or
gases, installed on or below the sea bed between an offshore facility and the
demarcation point onshore or another offshore facility.
T&I Interval: The T&I interval is the time between scheduled T&I equipment
downtimes. “Month” is the unit of time used for “intervals” in this document.
The T&I interval will start upon completion of the T&I Acceptance Report per
GI-0002.600 (Plant/Unit Acceptance after T&I Shutdown).
3.2 Abbreviations
AST Atmospheric Storage Tanks
CML Condition Monitoring Locations
EIS Equipment Inspection Schedule
GI General Instruction
ID Inspection Department
IEU Inspection Engineering Unit (of the Inspection Department)
ITSD Inspection Department Technical Support Division
NDT Nondestructive Testing
OE Operational Excellence
OIU Operation Inspection Unit
OSI On-Stream Inspection
ROV Remotely Operated Vehicles
RBI Risk-Based Inspection
SAEP Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure
SAES Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard
SAIP Saudi Aramco Inspection Procedure
4 Instructions
4.1 General
4.1.1 The EIS for new projects shall be submitted for final approval 90 days
prior to mechanical completion. The approved EIS shall be included in
the Inspection records along with the project documentation and
uploaded in SAIF.
4.1.3 All EIS revision requests in SAIF must display each equipment together
with its associated inspection intervals (i.e., External, OSI and internal).
Instructions for completing EIS forms are given in the Attachment I.
4.1.4 A Saudi Aramco Drawing Number shall be assigned to each EIS Form.
Refer to SAEP-334.
4.1.5 The approved EIS shall be also uploaded into Saudi Aramco I-Plant
4.2.1 EIS shall be prepared for internal, external, and On-Stream inspection of
static equipment using the required SAIF template.
4.2.2 EIS shall include external inspection requirements for all equipment
inside the plant area.
4.2.3 EIS for the inspection of General Equipment used in the community and
operation support facilities shall be prepared as per SAEP-309
4.3.1 The EIS form in SAIF shall identify the equipment by type, number and
name as required by SAIF. A separate EIS series, identified by a single
drawing number, shall be developed for each plant.
4.3.2 Equipment shall be grouped in each EIS series according to type such as
4.3.3 Equipment shall be listed in numerical order for each group in the EIS
Equipment Column.
4.3.5 Equipment in parallel service shall be identified in the EIS and be cross-
referenced to its parallel counterparts.
4.3.6 SAIF shall be used to generate and update EIS per the requirements of
this procedure.
4.4.2 I-T&I intervals shall be assigned to all newly commissioned and rebuilt
equipment including storage tanks. The interval shall be of a sufficient
duration to determine the next operating interval. It is required to check
internal coating condition, any unforeseen problems and to determine
subsequent T&I intervals. I-T&I interval for the storage tanks may be
combined with the first regular T&I.
I-T&I for the cavern tanks shall have the interval as per 01-SAIP-06.
4.4.3 I-T&I may be extended for the process equipment with catalyst or
desiccant material life longer than the I-T&I (i.e., where the removal
Maximum permissible I-T&I and T&I intervals shall be based on equipment and
service conditions or operating experience. I-T&I and T&I intervals shall be
determined by applying the following factors:
The T&I interval shall be no more than one half of the calculated
remaining equipment life or ten (10) years, whichever is less.
However, the maximum inspection interval for specific equipment is
listed in Table II.
Table I shows the maximum Initial T&I (I-T&I) and subsequent T&I
intervals for Standard and New Technology equipment. Both I-T&I and
subsequent T&I intervals shall be based on the expected corrosion rates
4.5.4 Materials
The internal Inspection findings during T&I provide the accurate basis
for determining the new T&I interval. Also, the operational and repair
history of equipment, under similar process conditions, should be
reviewed to determine new T&I interval.
When one plant has parallel equipment (e.g., process trains, exchanger
banks with identical design, service, and operating conditions) where an
initial internal inspection (I-T&I) has been performed on all equipment
as outlined in this SAEP and SAIF; then, the following adjustments may
be considered to T&I schedules:
a) During initial inspection, if the internal condition (e.g., corrosion
and erosion patterns and locations) is found similar on all parallel
equipment, a different train or piece of equipment shall be selected
for inspection in subsequent T&I. For parallel or similar equipment,
Inspection results of one will be considered representative of all.
b) Select for inspection the equipment having experienced the most
severe service or the most service time since the last internal
c) A extension request shall be submitted for all parallel equipment not
opened for T&I. A process flow diagram shall be attached to each
extension request to show how the equipment is parallel.
d) No parallel equipment units shall be allowed to skip more than two
scheduled T&Is.
Commentary Note:
All the external inspection (i.e., mechanical, electrical, civil, subsea, offshore
equipment inspections, etc.) shall be conducted as per the requirements of the
relevant procedures and the results shall be entered in the SAIF system.
Plants classified as onshore and have sweet water wash down can utilize
a 24-month external civil inspection interval.
Initial underwater inspection survey shall be made for all subsea assets
within the 12-24 months after the date of commissioning the offshore
An inspection plan shall be established for all the static equipment and pressure-
relieving devices. A brief description of required inspection techniques shall be
entered into inspection plan for each equipment. In addition, applicable company
The original EIS shall be approved by the proponent Department Manager or his
designee after review and concurrence by the proponent operations organization
and the Manager of Inspection Department or his designee. This SAEP,
Inspection document “Schedule Q”, and SAEP-122 provide guidelines for EIS
approval and distribution process.
The approved EIS shall be transmitted to the SAO Proponent via the Project
Record Distribution System (checklist). This information is required no later
than 30 days prior to the mechanical completion phase of the plant or facility.
A copy of each approved EIS shall be provided to the Inspection Technical
Support Division (ITSD) of the Inspection Department.
T&I extension requests (other than parallel equipment) can be processed any
number of times until the next T&I cycle provided the asset meets all integrity
requirements and valid justification is available. For parallel equipment,
extension limits shall follow 4.5.7 (d).
4.11.1 General
EIS extension or revision requests, with attached documents that justify the
proposed revision, shall be submitted for the concurrence or approval to the
responsible individuals or their designees in the order given in Appendix D3.2.
5 Responsibilities
5.2 Operations/Proponent
h) Maintain files for the original EIS's, EIS revisions, and EIS
i) Monitor compliance with the approved EIS's and issue monthly
non-compliance report to the plant management.
j) Prepare the annual T&I summary report and upload in the SAIF
k) Thoroughly review discretionary T&I extensions as per the criteria
given in 4.10.2.
Review and concur all proposed EIS extension requests according to this SAEP.
Unacceptable requests shall be returned to the initiator with recommended
changes or reasons for rejection.
6 Records
Records shall be established, protected, segregated, labeled, and maintained, for each
major equipment, either physically or electronically. Any data available online,
e.g., iPlant, SAIF is excluded from this requirement. All records shall be retained in
compliance with Saudi Aramco Records Retention Manual. The records should be
categorized in following sections:
6.1 Equipment
6.2 Piping
This file/folder shall contain information for on plot piping including hydrotest
reports, external inspection reports, repair reports, NDT reports, any survey, etc.
6.3 Pipelines
This file/folder shall contain information such as; cathodic protection, coating,
external inspections, repairs, NDT, surveys, etc.
6.4 Shutdowns
This file/folder shall contain documentation relating to shutdowns, (i.e., pre and
post T&I report, work scope, plant surveys, active worksheet, cathodic
protection, civil, coating, and any miscellaneous inspection data relating to
6.5 General
This file shall contain general letters, plant survey, waivers, active worksheet,
electrical/plumbing/civil inspection reports, plant inspection index data, codes
and standards and miscellaneous inspection data where no file category exists.
Revision Summary
7 September 2011 Major revision.
4 February 2016 Minor revision to address recommendations from the “Fire Investigation Report of Al-Jebel
Complex at Udhailiyah Camp”.
30 May 2016 Minor revision to add in-Service Inspection Requirements and intervals of Subsea Assets.
8 September 2016 Major revision to align the process with SAIF program, optimize I-T&I and T&I intervals,
enhance documentation requirements, and clarify approval process.
2 July 2017 Major revision to address SAIF requirements in this procedure and address the acoustic
emission requirement for tank bottom inspection.
1 August 2019 Editorial revision to add the title of SAER-7676 in the references section.
Appendix A
EIS Revision/Extension Processing Procedure
A-1. Instructions
The objective of this appendix is to guide the proponents to prepare requirements for
processing EIS, EIS revision/extension. This includes the submittal of listed documents
and completing check list in the attachment Appendix C to ensure the proponent has
provided all requirements. Requests without complete documents shall be rejected.
A-2.1 EIS-Initial and Revision: Fill in the EIS form in SAIF as per instructions given
in Attachment I.
A-2.2 EIS-Extension: Fill in the form in SAIF for the EIS extension request. Fill in
both the contact details and the cost sections. Include the reason for extension
and valid justification for the request.
A-3. Responsibility
A-3.1 The completed request shall be routed as per the signatory sequence.
A-3.2 The proponent shall forward the request with a covering letter including contact
details of proponent’s primary contact person (address and telephone number).
A-3.3 The proponent shall forward a copy of the approved documents to Inspection
Engineering Unit Supervisor.
Commentary Note:
The requested information shall be provided within 5 working days from the date
of request.
Appendix B
Equipment EIS Review Summary Sheet
Inspection Comments
of Revision Inspection Damage
Equipment Findings /NDT on the EIS
or Extension dates Mechanism
methods Review
in Months
D-050-Slug Condition
Catcher Drum Coating damage acceptable
Service date: / mechanical for Revision.
2004 Minor coating damage UT
1977 while cleaning.
Service: Re-coated
T&I Interval
Des. Coating damage
Press/Temp: / mechanical
2001 Minor coating damage UT
230 psig/200F while cleaning.
Corrosion rate: Re-coated
3.4 mpy
Remaining Life:
1996 Good UT None
Appendix C
EIS Extension Request
List of Documents and Requirements Checklist
Plant Name: ________________________ Equipment #: _____________________________
Case 1 (Discretionary T&I)
1. T&I Supervisor
2. Inspection Unit Supervisor
3. Operations Engineering Supervisor
4. Engineering Superintendent
5. Operations Superintendent
6. Manager (Operations)
Case 2 (T&I Extension Approval with OSPAS)
1. Inspection Unit Supervisor
2. Engineering Superintendent
3. Operations Foreman
4. Operations Superintendent
5. OSPAS Division Head
6. OSPAS Manager
1. IEU/EIS Coordinator
2. Inspection Engineering Unit Supervisor
3. Operations Inspection Division - Superintendent
4. Area Loss Prevention Supervisor
5. Loss Prevention Superintendent
6. Manager (Inspection Department)
7. Manager (Operations)
Case 3 (T&I Extension Approval without OSPAS)
8. Inspection Unit Supervisor
9. Engineering Superintendent
10. Operations Foreman
11. Operations Superintendent
12. IEU/EIS Coordinator
13. Inspection Engineering Unit Supervisor
14. Operations Inspection Division - Superintendent
15. Area Loss Prevention Supervisor
16. Loss Prevention Superintendent
17. Manager (Inspection Department)
18. Manager (Operations)
Case 4 (T&I Extension Approval with OSPAS after Tolerance)
1. Inspection Unit Supervisor
2. Engineering Superintendent
3. Operations Foreman
4. Operations Superintendent
5. OSPAS Division Head
6. OSPAS Manager
7. IEU/EIS Coordinator
8. Inspection Engineering Unit Supervisor
9. Operations Inspection Division - Superintendent
10. Manager (Inspection Department)
11. Area Loss Prevention Supervisor
12. Loss Prevention Superintendent
13. Manager (Operations)
14. Admin Area Head
Case 5 (T&I Extension Approval without OSPAS after Tolerance)
1. Inspection Unit Supervisor
2. Engineering Superintendent
3. Operations Foreman
4. Operations Superintendent
19. IEU/EIS Coordinator
20. Inspection Engineering Unit Supervisor
21. Operations Inspection Division - Superintendent
22. Area Loss Prevention Supervisor
23. Loss Prevention Superintendent
24. Manager (Inspection Department)
25. Manager (Operations)
5. Admin Area Head
Attachment I
Instructions for Completing EIS Form in SAIF
Instructions for filling in the EIS Form in SAIF as per this procedure.
IA. Equipment
This column shall list the letter designating equipment type, equipment number, and
description (e.g., C-101, Contactor); this listing shall be in accordance with this SAEP
and each Plant Master Equipment List.
This column shall contain brief inspection procedures, inspection techniques and a
reference to applicable codes, standards and procedures.