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Vernier Callipers Prac 1

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Government Polytecnic, Jamnagar.

Practicals in Physics
Dr. U M Joshi
Lecturer in Physics
Practical - 1
Title : Linear Dimension by Vernier calipers

Aim : To measure the linear dimension by

vernier calipers and calculate the volume.

L.C = Value of smallest division on main scale

Total number of division on vernier scale
Courtesy:Toppers learning
Theory of vernier callipers
 Vernier callipers was invented by french
scientist P. vernier for precise linear

It can measure 100th part of 1 milimeter.

It can measure length, diameter, thickness,

depth etc. precisely.
Least count
It is the minimum value that can be measure
from any instrument very precisely .
It means that the L.C is the degree of accuracy
of that instrument.
L.C = Value of smallest division on main scale
Total number of division on vernier scale

Least count = 1/50=0.02mm

Error in vernier callipers

Zero error : If two jaws of vernier

touches together & if the 0 of main
scale matches with 0 of main scale
than error is said to be zero error
Figure of zero error
coutesy : youtube
 Positive error : If two jaws of vernier
touches together & if the 0 of vernier
scale remains on right hand side with 0
of main scale than error is said to be zero
Positive error in vernier callipers
Courtesy : https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fvernierscaliper.com%2Fzero-errors-in-vernier-calipers-
 Negative error : If two jaws of vernier
touches together & if the 0 of vernier
scale remains on left hand side with 0 of
main scale than error is said to be zero
Negtive error in vernier callipers
Couirtesy :https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fvernierscaliper.com%2Fzero-errors-in-vernier-calipers-adjustment-techniques-

Measurement of errors
courtesy: Exel@physics
Link of videos for working of vernier

(1) https://youtu.be/fnp4HvDltUI
(2) https://youtu.be/ZF66XvQwcD8
(3) https://youtu.be/xgQYvEELbfc
(4) https://youtu.be/qhc_vyp2Ths
Image which show how to take reading
by vernier callipers
Vernier callipers measurement link
• https://youtu.be/SQae73zfknQ
Experiment no :1 A

 Aim: To determine diameter of the hollow


a) Vernier callipers
b) Hollow cylinder
 Procedure :
1 Determine the least count of the vernier calipers.

2 Determine the zero error of the vernier and note

down in the observation table.

3 Hold the cylinder In jaws A and C and note down

the reading on main scale and vernier scale

4 Take three reading and calculate the average value

and corrected value.
 Observation table
L.C = x = length of main scale division
total no. of divisions on the vernier scale
= 1/50
= 0.02 mm
Zero error of vernier + = 0.00
so, correction C = + 0.00
Observation table
Dimensi No. of Main Vernier scale obs Value of Average Correcte
on of obs. scale dimensi vale D’ d value
object obs. Coincident it‘ value
on D=D’±C
A mm Mark B=N×x D=A+B
Diameter 1 12 30 0.60 12.60 12.58 12.58±0.0
of 0=12.58
2 12 29 0.58 12.58 mm
3 12 28 0.56 12.56
Experiment no :1 B

 Aim: To measure the volume of a rectangular block

by measuring its length, breadth and thickness.

a) Vernier callipers
b) Rectangular block
 Procedure :

1 Hold the block between the jaws A and C of the

vernier calipers measure its length ,breadth and
thickness and record it by taking the observation.

2 Take three observation.

3 Find the average value and corrected value.

4 Calculate the volume V of rectangular block

Link of virtual physics lab
• http://www.olabs.edu.in/?sub=1&brch=5&si
Dimensi Obs. No Main Vernier scale obs. Total Average Correcte
on of scale Coincident Its value dimensi value d value
object Amm mark N B=N×x on A+B mm mm
length 1 49 15 0.30 49.30 49.25 49.25
2 48 37 0.74 48.74
3 49 5 0.10 49.10
Breadth 1 29 15 0.30 29.30 29.24 29.24
2 29 21 0.42 29.42
3 28 50 1.00 29.00
Thikness 1 5 20 0.40 5.40 5.60 5.60

2 5 25 0.50 5.50
3 5 45 0.90 5.90
 Calculation :

 Volume of rectangular block by vernier calipers :

V=Length x Breadth X Thickness
=49.25 x 29.24 x 5.60 = 8064.392 mm3
= 8.0640cm3
Experiment no :1 C
Aim: To determine the volume of a
metal of a hollow metallic cylinder
external surface area

a) Vernier callipers
b) Hollow cylinder
 Procedure :

1 Measurement of external diameter is done in

Exp. 1A
2 To measure the internal diameter of this
cylinder, insert the upper jaws of the vernier
calipers in the hollow cylinder.
3 Pull the jaws apart, as far as possible and
measure the internal diameter.
4 Measure the length of cylinder.


1 External diameter d1= 12.58

2 Internal diameter d2 = 10.36
3 length of the cylinder l= 50.00
Calculation :
1 volume of cylinder V= Π × { (d1)2-(d2)2) × l
= 3.14×( 158.25-107.32)×50
= 1999.0 mm3
= 1.99 cm3
2 Area of external surface of cylinder A = Π × d × l
= 3.14 x 12.58 x50
= 1975
= 19.75 cm2
 We can measure the linear dimensions
like length, breadth, thickness, internal
and external diameter of cylinder
precisely with the help of vernier
1 Define least count.
Ans: The smallest measurement that can be
observed by the instruments is defined as
least count .
2 How can you say that there is an error in the
vernier ?
Ans :Bring the lower jaws A and c in contact with
each other , if the zero mark of the vernier does
not coincide with the zero mark of the main scale
the vernier calipers is said to have zero error.
3 When the error considered to be positive or negative ?
Ans: Bring the two jaws A and C in contact with each other. If
the zero mark of the vernier scale stand to the right of the
zero mark of the main scale the zero error to said to be
positive. If the zero mark of the vernier scale stands to the
left of the zero mark of the main scale the zero error is said to
be negative

4 what modification should done in order to increase the

least count of vernier ?
Ans: (1) length of the main scale should be as minimum as
possible (2) The no. of division on the vernier scale should be
4 What modification should done in order to increase the
least count of vernier ?

Ans: (1) length of the main scale should be as minimum as

possible (2) The no. of division on the vernier scale should
be increased

5 There 50 divisions on the vernier scale of microscope. one

centimeter of its main scale is divided in to 20 divisions. If
50 division of vernier are equal to 49 division of main
scale, calculate the least count of the vernier

Ans: L.C.= 1 /50 = 0.02 mm

6 Calculate the least count in the following cases:

(1) 25 division of vernier scale are equivalent of 24 division of of the

main scale. The smallest division on the main scale is 1 mm
Ans: L. C. =1MSD- 1 VSD
= 1mm- 0.96mm (1VSD=24/25=0.96mm)
= 0.04 mm

(2) There is a circular scale.30 division of its vernier scale are equivalent
to 29 divisions of the main scale. Value of smallest division on the
main scale is 10 /2 calculate the least count

Ans: L.C. = 10 /2 = 10 /60 = 1 min

7 Draw neat sketch of vernier callipers.
Ans: Draw the figure of page no. 6 here.

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